how to build a chicken coop!

So you have decided to raise chickens and now you need to build a chicken coop? You have made a great decision and will soon be on your way to reaping the benefits of raising chickens; not only do they produce healthier than "store bought" eggs, the make great pets. It is important, however, to make sure you build your chickens a good home.

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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Page 1: How To Build a Chicken Coop!

So you have decided to raise chickens and now you need to build a chicken coop?

You have made a great decision and will soon be on your way to reaping the

benefits of raising chickens; not only do they produce healthier than "store

bought" eggs, the make great pets. It is important, however, to make sure you

build your chickens a good home.

Page 2: How To Build a Chicken Coop!

After all the coop you build for them will be where they lay their eggs and a vital

protector from anything that may threaten your chickens.

Building a chicken coop is much better than purchasing one already prefabricated.

Not only will building your own allow you to personalize it with your unique style,

you can build it to fit your brood of chickens perfectly, you can ensure quality of

the craftsmanship and you will save a lot of money!

There are some very critical errors that people make when they build their coops.

Follow these 5 helpful hints, so that you avoid the errors that people often make

and build a strong backyard chicken coop.

Critical Error #1: Not planning.

The worst error made is not planning ahead of time. It is very important to

consider how many chickens will live in your coop? The size of the chickens is also

very important.

You also need to think about how many nests you want to have in your coop and

how big they will be. How will the chickens be fed? Where will you place their

food and water? Where will your coop be placed? If it is a shady area be sure to

make room for more windows to let in sun light.

Do you have enough room for a chicken run to allow easy access into and out of

the coop? So there are a lot of questions to answer before you even begin to buy

materials and draw up plans.

You need to not only build a stable structure but also keep your chickens happy

and safe. Planning properly will prevent a lot of problems in the future.

Critical Error #2: Not sketching out your design on paper.

It is a big mistake to simply go with a vision you have in mind. Very closely related

to the planning aspect is making sure you have a clear design for your coop. Draw

plans for both the inside and the outside.

It doesn't matter if you are not a professional, it is just important to have

direction when you are building. Be sure to also sketch and plan the various

Page 3: How To Build a Chicken Coop!

angles of your coop. The sides, bottom and top. If you are a novice carpenter and

it is your first time building a backyard chicken coop, keep it simple.

As your flock of chickens grows and you learn more about how chicken behave

and what works for your space, you can always go back and redesign and improve

your coop.

Critical Error #3: Not gathering the right materials.

Stay organized. Before you begin construction on your chicken coop, gather all of

the materials you will need. this will save you time, energy and the frustration. Of

course the amount of materials you will need will vary with your design.

However, most coops will require: wood, chicken wire or fence wire, insulation,

nails, screws, saws, various tools and a hammer.

Critical Error #4: Not Choosing the proper place for your coop.

Selecting the wrong place to build your chicken coop is a big error that people

make. Chickens need space and it is essential that you put the coop in an area

that is spacious and where there is enough space around the coop for you

chickens to run and roam freely.

Remember that the chickens need a lot of space to run but you also need to be

able to have enough room to move around the coop to clean it and care for the

chickens. It is not a good idea to build a coop where you do not have easy access

around its perimeter.

Also, it is important that your chickens have enough sun light and enough shade.

Most importantly, build your chicken coop away from bushes and brush where

rodents or snakes may live or seek shelter. You do not want any unexpected

guests in your coop.

Critical Error #5: Not being patient.

Like anything else, building a chicken coop can be a challenge. Do not become

frustrated or impatient. You have planned correctly, sketched a design, gathered

the right materials and chosen a perfect spot to build your chicken coop. It will

Page 4: How To Build a Chicken Coop!

take time to build the coop and you may run into little issues along the way. Do

not worry just enjoy building a home for your flock of friends.

There you have it relevant and useful tips on how to build your chicken coop.

There are a lot of free resources out there where you can get plans and tips on

building your chicken coop and how to keep your chickens happy and keep them

producing many healthy eggs for you.

I highly recommend this downloadable product. It gives great tips, tricks and

designs on how to build different styles of chicken coops.

You can even get plans and experienced backyard and rural chicken farmers share

their expertise.

Just “CLICK” on the image below to see for yourself!
