how to blitz grade 1 theory

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  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory


    B Octe Arch t`e But`cr

    Febr V`ecry stufeot,

    Icojrbtulbtmcos! ]cu `bve gust fcoe t`e very nest t`moj acr ycur t`ecry efuibtmco - ycuve ncuj`t t`ms ncck.@cw tc Nlmtz! V`ecry Jrbfe 2 icotbmos hcre moacrhbtmco, hcre revmsmco bof hcre wcrks`eets t`bo boy ct`er t`ecrytext ncck.

    Coe ca t`e nest aebtures ms t`e ilebrest bof ebsmest seitmco co husmi octbtmco ever wrmtteo. Mt bssuhes ycuve oeverbitublly seeo husmi neacre. Ma ycu blrebfy kocw `cw tc rebf husmi, ycu wmll amof t`ms seitmco YUTE^ EBY]!!! Z`mzzt`rcuj` mt bof mhpress bll ycur armeofs.

    Blt`cuj` husmi t`ecry bpplmes tc bll mostruheots, oct gust pmboc, mt ms t`e pmboc keyncbrf t`bt ms hcst `elpaul mofehcostrbtmoj iertbmo t`mojs ycu oeef tc lebro, sui` bs sehmtcoes bof biimfeotbls. V`e rebsco acr t`ms ms t`bt t`epmboc keyncbrf ms b vmsubl pbttero. Ma ycu bre lebromoj tc plby bo mostruheot ct`er t`bo pmboc, ycull amof pleotyca pmboc keyncbrf fmbjrbhs mo t`e ncck tc `elp ycu uoferstbof sche ca t`e icoiepts hcre ebsmly.

    Yc, `bve auo bof eogcy wcrkmoj t`rcuj` t`ms ncck. Every tmhe ycu see t`ms mico mt hebos t`ere bre hcre

    prbitmie exbhples ycu ibo fcwolcbf arch t`e NlmtzNccks wensmte. Jc tc www.nlmtznccks.ich.bu tc fcwolcbf A^EEhbousirmpt, albs`ibrfs, wcrks`eets bof hcre!

    @bppy V`ecry-moj,


    MYNO -0::4-9->

    Amrst efmtmco punlms`ef >44 ny B & Y Icbtes Tty Ltf

    T.C. Ncx 54 Hbrcunrb OYZ >495Icpyrmj`t Ybhbot`b Icbtes >441

    >44 efmtmco

    V`ms punlmibtmco ms exilufef arch t`e BHICY Yi`ccls' Lmieoie BjreeheotBll rmj`ts reservef. V`ms punlmibtmco hby oct ne reprcfuief, stcref mo b retrmevbl systeh, cr trboshmttef, mo boy acrh cr ny boy

    hebos, eleitrcomi, hei`bomibl, p`ctcicpymoj, reicrfmoj cr ct`erwmse, wmt`cut t`e prmcr perhmssmco ca t`e punlms`ers.

    Mt tbkes hcre t`bo bo but`cr bof b punlms`er tc prcfuie b ncck - mt tbkes eocrhcus suppcrt arch armeofs bof

    abhmly. V`bok ycu tc everycoe w`c `bs `elpef he co t`e NlmtzNccks gcuroey, nut hcst ca bll tc Bofrew, V`chbsbof Icurtoey... wmt`cut ycu t`ree, t`ere wculf smhply ne oc nccks.

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Vbnle ca Icoteots

    B Lmttle Nmt Bncut ^`yt`h .................................................................................................................9

    Motrc tc Tmti` ........................................................................................................................................6

    Ileas, Octes, bof Ytehs .....................................................................................................................:

    Lejer Lmoes ...........................................................................................................................................>

    ^evmsmco ca Ytuaa Yc Abr ..................................................................................................................9

    Y`brps, Albts bof Obturbls ..............................................................................................................6

    Obhmoj bof Frbwmoj Octes ..............................................................................................................0

    Vcoes, Yehmtcoes bof t`e Hbgcr Yible ....................................................................................... >>

    Yible Fejree Ouhners ....................................................................................................................>6

    Vmoy Vest .......................................................................................................................................... >0

    Yibles wmt` Biimfeotbls/Yible Zcrks`eets .............................................................................. >=

    Vmhef Vest .......................................................................................................................................... 95

    Obhmoj t`e Key/Hcre co Yible Fejrees .................................................................................... 91

    Motervbls ..........................................................................................................................................64

    ^evmsmco ca @ebps ca V`mojs ...........................................................................................................69

    Vcomi Vrmbfs ........................................................................................................................................ 66Qery Mhpcrtbot ^evmsmco Vest ....................................................................................................... 61

    Vmhe bof ^`yt`h ............................................................................................................................... 60

    V`e Bobirusms ......................................................................................................................................5

    Jrcupmoj ..........................................................................................................................................59

    Ichpletmoj t`e Nbr ............................................................................................................................ 55

    Boct`er Vest co Ytuaa ....................................................................................................................50

    Aclk Ycojs .......................................................................................................................................... 14

    Vrbospcsmtmco .......................................................................................................................................1

    Zcrf Yebri` ...................................................................................................................................... 15

    Verhs bof Ymjos ................................................................................................................................ 11

    Vmhef Vest MM .................................................................................................................................... 10

    Hcre Bncut Ymjos .............................................................................................................................. 1=

    Amobl ^evmsmco Vest .............................................................................................................................:

    Hbf Hultmple I`cmie .........................................................................................................................:>

    Vest Tbper... scrt ca .........................................................................................................................:5

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    B Lmttle Nmt Bncut ^`yt`h

    @ere ms b tmoy motrcfuitmco tc t`e fmaaereot wbys husmi octes bre wrmtteo. V`e s`bpe ca

    b octe feterhmoes mts leojt`, cr ouhner ca nebts. @ebps hcre bncut t`ms lbter co... plus

    ycu ibo vmsmt www.nlmtznccks.ich.bu acr exielleot r`yt`h jbhes sui` bs Nebt Nmojc!

    Octe Obhe Ouhner ca Nebts Yehmnreve 6 Fcttef Hmomh 9 Hmomh >

    Ircti`et Rubver

    8 Vwc qubvers gcmoef + 8 8 Acur qubvers gcmoef + + + 8 >

    Mo husmi t`ere bre blsc syhncls tc s`cw leojt`s ca smleoie. V`ese bre ibllef ^EYVY.

    ^est Obhe Ouhner ca Nebts

    Z`cle nbr rest/Yehmnreve rest Fepeofs co tmhe smjobture*

    Hmomh rest > Ircti`et rest

    Rubver rest @ere ms b r`yt`h qumz. Bff up t`e nebts!

    . 8 SSSS 5. 8 SSSS>. 8 SSSS 1. 8 SSSS9.





    6. 8 SSSS 0. 8 SSSS

    *Yee pbje 60 acr moac co tmhe smjobtures

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Motrcfuitmco tc Tmti` Octbtmco

    Bs well bs r`yt`h, husmi `bs pmti` - scuofs t`bt bre `mj`, hmffle cr lcw. Tmti` ms s`cwo

    co sets ca 5 lmoes, ibllef b stbaa cr stbve. Zell reaer tc mt nct` wbys t`rcuj`cut t`ms

    ncck. @ere bre sche sehmnreves co b stbve7

    Octmie `cw sche ca t`e octes bre co t`e lmoes,

    (t`bt ms, t`e lmoe jces t`rcuj` t`e hmffle ca t`e octe)

    bof sche bre mo t`e spbies netweeo t`e lmoes.

    Tmboc husmi ms bitublly wrmtteo co twc stbves nrbiketef tcjet`er, ibllef b jrbof stbve7

    Frbw sche sehmnreves co t`e jrbof stbve bncve. Tut sche mo t`e trenle, sche mo t`e

    nbss, sche co t`e lmoes bof sche mo t`e spbies! (c` febr t`bt bitublly oebrly r`yhes)

    Vrenle ilea, usef acr octbtmoj `mj`-pmti`ef octes

    Nbss ilea, usef acr octbtmoj lcw-pmti`ef octes




    99 9

    9 99 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9

    9 99 9 9

    FMF ]CU KOCZ... V`e `mj`er t`e pcsmtmco ca

    b octe co t`e stbve, t`e `mj`er mt wmll scuof!

    V`ere bre 5 lmoes mo bstbve. V`e ncttch lmoems t`e amrst lmoe

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    V`e Ytcry ca Hmffle I

    Coie upco b tmhe, husmi usef tc ne wrmtteo co lmoes, lmke t`ms7

    V`e octe obhef I lmvef co t`e lmoe rmj`t mo t`e hmffle. Mt wbs ibllef Hmffle I.

    Hboy pecple acuof mt very icoausmoj lcckmoj bt lmoes bll t`e tmhe, bof acuof mt eveo

    hcre icoausmoj trymoj tc amof Hmffle I. V`eo coe fby, schencfy ibhe up wmt` t`e mfeb

    ca tbkmoj cut t`e hmffle lmoe, lebvmoj > sets ca 5 lmoes.

    V`ms wbs hui` ebsmer tc lcck bt! V`eo lcck w`bt `bppeoef7

    Mt wbs feimfef t`bt Hmffle I wculf oeef mts cwo s`crt lmoe, ibllef b lejer lmoe. Hmffle

    I ms blwbys wrmtteo ilcse tc emt`er nbss cr trenle, oever alcbtmoj mo netweeo.

    Ocw t`e lmoeacr Hmffle Ims movmsmnle!

    Hmffle Ilmves `ere

    9 9

    V`e twc sets ca lmoes were hcvef eveo aurt`er

    bpbrt; t`e tcp set wbs jmveo b trenle ilea bof

    t`e ncttch set b nbss ilea, lebvmoj spbie acr

    Hmffle I mo netweeo. Bof sc t`e jrbof stbve

    wbs ncro!

    V`ese octes bre nct`Hmffle Is - t`ey scuof

    exbitly t`e sbhe!

    Jrbof stbve

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Yche mostruheots, lmke t`e alute, bre `mj`-pmti`ef, w`mi` hebos t`ey hcstly plby octes

    bncve Hmffle I. V`ese mostruheots coly oeef b trenle ilea tc s`cw t`emr octes7

    Ct`er mostruheots, lmke t`e trchncoe, bre lcw-pmti`ef, w`mi` hebos t`ey hcstly plby

    octes nelcw Hmffle I. V`ese mostruheots coly b oeef nbss ilea tc s`cw t`emr octes7

    B pmboc `bs t`e lbrjest rboje ca scuofs ca boy husmibl mostruheot, sc mt oeefs b jrbof

    stbve tc s`cw bll t`e octes. ]cu wmll octmie t`bt t`e obhes ca t`e octes bre t`e sbhe

    bs t`e amrst seveo letters ca t`e blp`bnet, repebtef cver bof cver bjbmo7

    9 9

    Hmffle I

    Hmffle I

    I9 F9 E9 A9 J9 B9 N9 I9 F9 E9 A9 J9A












    9 Hmffle I

    A J B N I F E A J B N I F E A J B N I F E A J

    ABIV7 V`e pmboc keyncbrf `bs eveo hcre keys t`bo t`ms, nut weve ruo cut ca rcch co t`e

    jrbof stbve! Extrehely `mj` cr extrehely lcw octes bre wrmtteo usmoj lejer lmoes. (see p.2>)

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Frbwmoj Vrenle bof Nbss Ileas

    Vrenle ilea stbrts co t`e lmoe w`ere J lmves , t`eo wmofs brcuof lmke t`ms

    . V`eo mt jces up bof hbkes b lccp bncve t`e stbaa bof bs mt iches

    fcwo mt moterseits co t`e 6t` lmoe . (Qery mhpcrtbot!)

    Vrbie t`ese trenle ileas bof t`eo frbw sche ca ycur cwo.

    V`e nbss ilea stbrts co t`e lmoe w`ere A lmves , t`eo iurls brcuof lmke b

    nbikwbrfs i , stcppmoj gust neacre t`e ncttch lmoe. V`eo twc fcts bre bffef

    emt`er smfe ca t`e acurt` lmoe . (Blsc very mhpcrtbot!)

    Vrbie bof frbw sche nbss ileas `ere.

    @E^EY B V@CUJ@V... V`e trenle ilea usef tc ne ibllef t`e J ilea

    bof t`e nbss ilea usef tc ne ibllef t`e A ilea. Ibo ycu amjure cut w`y3

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Vrenle Ilea Octes

    ]cu ibo wcrk cut t`e obhes ca bll t`e octes mo t`e trenle arch J. Amll mo t`e rest!

    Rumik Rumz7@cw hboy bre obhef A3 SSS Z`mi` A ms co b lmoe, t`e lcwer A cr t`e `mj`er A3 SSSSSS

    Obhe 6 fmaaereot octes ycu ibo see t`bt lmve mo spbies. SSS SSS SSS SSS

    V`ere bre > octes obhef E, t`e lcwer E ms co b SSSSSS, t`e `mj`er E ms mo b SSSSSSS.

    V`ere bre > octes obhef F, t`e lcwer F ms mo b SSSSSS, t`e `mj`er F ms co b SSSSSSS.

    (T.Y. Ma t`e octe ms smttmoj bncve cr `bojmoj nelcw t`e stbve, mts stmll mo b spbie)

    Ibo ycu obhe t`ese octes3 (Zmt`cut peekmoj bt t`e tcp ca t`e pbje333)


    Bof ocw, ibo ycu wrmte t`ese octes3 Frbw b oew trenle ilea mo every nbr!

    A co b lmoe J mo b spbie B mo b spbie F co b lmoe

    J co b lmoe I co b lmoe E mo b spbie F mo b spbie

    9 9 9A



    9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Nbss Ilea Octes

    Ymhmlbrly, ycu ibo wcrk cut t`e obhes ca bll t`e nbss octes arch A co t`e acurt` lmoe...

    Obhe t`ese octes. (^ehehner t`bt A lmves co t`e acurt` lmoe - ycu ibo wcrk cut bll t`e ct`er octes arch t`ere!)


    Bof ocw, frbw b nbss ilea mo ebi` oew nbr bof wrmte t`e acllcwmoj octes7

    B mo b spbie F co b lmoe B co b lmoe I mo b spbie

    N mo b spbie A co b lmoe J co b lmoe E mo b spbie

    9 9 9 9 9 9E



    9 9 9 9

    9 9 99

    9 9 9 9 9


    Frbw Hmffle I acr trenle ilea `ere7

    Frbw Hmffle I acr nbss ilea `ere7

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Frbwmoj Octes wmt` Ytehs

    Yc abr weve coly neeo usmoj sehmnreves () tc frbw octes co stbves. Ocw were jcmoj tcuse ct`er octe vblues, w`mi` `bve stehs ( ) bof schetmhes tbmls tcc ()

    B steh ibo jc up () co t`e rmj`t smfe ca t`e octe, cr fcwo () co t`e leat smfe. V`efmreitmco ca t`e steh fepeofs co w`ere t`e octe smts.

    O OO

    O OO

    O O

    Octes BNCQE t`e

    hmffle lmoe ca t`e

    stbaa `bve t`emr

    stehs jcmoj FCZO.

    Octes NELCZ t`e 9rf

    lmoe (w`mi` ms t`e hmffle

    lmoe) ca t`e stbaa `bve

    t`emr stehs jcmoj UT.

    Octes smttmoj rmj`t

    CO t`e hmffle lmoe ibo

    emt`er jc up cr fcwo -

    ycu ibo i`ccse!

    V`e stehs jc co t`ermj`t, lmke t`e letter f.

    V`e stehs jc co t`eleat, lmke t`e letter p.

    @bofy @mot7 Ytehs s`culf blwbys rebi` tc t`e oext octe ca t`e sbhe letter obhe, e.j.

    ms tcc s`crt nut ms gust rmj`t!

    V`e oext E lmves `ere

    ^ehehner f acr fcjsbof p acr puppmes!

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory


    . Hbke t`ese octe `ebfs motc hmomhs ny bffmoj stehs mo t`e icrreit fmreitmco.

    ^ehehner f acr fcjs bof p acr puppmes!

    >. Ocw bff b fct tc ebi` octe tc hbke bll t`e hmomhs bncve motc fcttef hmomhs.

    (Ma t`e octe ms co b lmoe, frbw t`e fct mo t`e spbie gust bncve, ct`erwmse we wcot see mt!)

    9. Hbke t`ese octe `ebfs motc ircti`ets. ]cull oeef tc iclcur t`eh mo BOF bff stehs!

    6. Hbke t`e acllcwmoj motc qubvers ny bffmoj b steh bof b tbml ( B+ cr B ). V`etbml blwbys jces acrwbrfs (tc t`e rmj`t) eveo ma t`e steh ms jcmoj fcwo.

    5. Vwc qubvers ibo ne gcmoef tcjet`er ny b nebh, e.j. B B cr BB

    Nct` stehs HUYV jc mo t`e sbhe fmreitmco. Acr pbmrs ca octes w`ere coe steh wculf

    jc up bof t`e ct`er fcwo, e.j. BB

    , t`e octe aurt`est arch t`e hmffle lmoe

    wmos, lmke t`ms7 BB !

    Hbke t`ese octe `ebfs motc pbmrs ca qubvers. Frbw t`e stehs amrst, t`eo bff nebhs.

    O OO






    OO O



    BB B B

    B BB



    B BB B





  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Lejer Lmoes

    @ere bre sche trenle octes co lejer lmoes. Bll ca t`ese bre reaerref tc bs octes bncve

    cr nelcw t`e stbaa. (V`e octes mo jrey bre oct lejer lmoe octes, nut t`ey bre blsc reaerref tc bs F nelcw t`e stbaa eti.)

    Bof ocw `ere bre t`e nbss octes t`bt lmve bncve cr nelcw t`e stbaa7

    Z`eo frbwmoj lejer lmoes, keep t`eh spbief t`e sbhe fmstboie bpbrt bs t`e stbaa lmoes.

    Frbw t`e lmoe cr lmoes amrst, t`eo frbw t`e octe! Vrbie t`ese t`eo frbw ycur cwo...

    Lejer lmoes bre hmombture stbaa lmoes usef tc s`cw

    very `mj` cr very lcw octes. Mo Jrbfe we coly use

    up tc twc lejer lmoes bncve cr nelcw t`e stbve, nutt`eres bitublly oc lmhmt tc `cw hboy ycu ibo use!


























    Zcw! Z`bt octems V@BV333

    Octes t`bt `boj arch lejer lmoes lcck lmke t`ms

    OCV t`ms - oc s`ce oeefef!

    Octes t`bt smt co lejer lmoes lcck lmke t`ms

    OCV t`ms - oc `bt oeefef!

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory


  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Y`brps, Albts bof Obturbls (b.k.b. Biimfeotbls)

    Y`brp (), albt () bof obturbl () smjos bre kocwo bs biimfeotbls. V`ey bre usef tci`boje t`e pmti` ca b octe. Ebi` ca t`ese smjos wmll i`boje t`e pmti` ny coe sehmtcoe.

    B sehmtcoe ms t`e fmstboie netweeo b octe bof mts oebrest oemj`ncur.

    Bo biimfeotbl neacre b octe wmll i`boje t`e wby mt scuofs7

    Tlby sche octes wmt` biimfeotbls co ycur mostruheot. Octmie `cw F scuofs t`e sbhebs E, J scuofs t`e sbhe bs B, eti. Fcot acrjet tc try E - mt scuofs t`e sbhe bs A!@cw bncut N3 Bof w`bt bncut I3 Octes `bve hcre t`bo coe obhe... gust lmke ycu fc!

    Co b pmboc keyncbrf, t`e sehmtcoesbre very ebsy tc see. V`e brrcws s`cwt`e steps ny sehmtcoes. I tc I ms bsehmtcoe. E tc A ms blsc b sehmtcoe.Yee ma ycu ibo amll mo t`e rest ca t`eobhes bof brrcws!

    8 SSSSSSSSS smjo 8 octe scuofs coe sehmtcoe SSSSSSSSSS

    8 SSSSSSSSS smjo 8 octe scuofs coe sehmtcoe SSSSSSSSSS 8 SSSSSSSSS smjo 8 iboiels cut b SSSSSSS cr b SSSSSSS smjoRumik Rumz7

    9 9 9J s`brp scuofs coesehmtcoe `mj`er t`bo J.

    J obturbl ms t`e sbhebs J - b obturbl smjo

    iboiels cut b s`brp

    cr albt smjo.

    J albt scuofs coesehmtcoe lcwer t`bo J.

    FMF ]CU KOCZ... Biimfeotbls bre blwbys wrmtteo NEAC^E t`e octe3

    Yc eveo t`cuj` we sby J-s`brp, we wrmte Y`brp-J!

    I F E A







  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Y`brps, albts bof obturbls ibo ne trmiky tc frbw. V`ey hust smt co exbitly t`e sbhe lmoe

    cr mo exbitly t`e sbhe spbie bs t`e octe, bof hust blsc ne gust t`e rmj`t smze.

    ^mj`t Zrcoj ^mj`t Zrcoj ^mj`t Zrcoj

    Y`brpsY`brps lcck lmke b ocuj`ts bof ircsses jrmf wmt` t`e lmoes bircss slcpmoj up.

    Octmie `cw t`e vertmibl lmoes bre qumte lcoj. V`e hmffle squbre ms t`e pbrt t`bt hust

    lmoe up wmt` t`e octe. (Yee bncve)

    Vrbie bof frbw sche s`brps oext tc t`ese octes. (^ehehner, biimfeotbls blwbys jc co t`e LEAV ca t`e octe)

    AlbtsAlbts lcck lmke b lcwer ibse n t`bt ms pcmoty bt t`e ncttch.

    V`e rcuof pbrt ca t`e albt hust lmoe up wmt` t`e octe. (Yee bncve)

    Vrbie bof frbw sche albts `ere7

    Jc tc www.nlmtznccks.ich.bu bof fcwolcbf sche A^EE hbousirmpt tcprbitmse frbwmoj octes wmt` s`brps bof albts!


    J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

    J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    ObturblsV`ese bre t`e trmikmest tc frbw. Mhbjmoe frbwmoj bo upper ibse L acllcwef

    ny boct`er coe upsmfe fcwo . V`e lmoes bircss slcpe up gust b lmttle nmt! Mt

    hust acrh b squbre w`erever t`e octe ms smttmoj (see prevmcus pbje).

    Vrbie bof frbw sche obturbl smjos `ere7

    Bff t`e icrreit biimfeotbl tc t`ese octes. (^ehehner, t`e smjo jces NEAC^E t`e octe!)

    A s`brp E obturbl F albt J s`brp

    A albt F s`brp B obturbl I albt

    J albt N s`brp J obturbl I obturbl

    9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9

    J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Biimfeotbls co Lejer Lmoes

    Ychetmhes ycu bre bskef tc wrmte b octe co b lejer lmoe (t`bt ms, bncve cr nelcw t`e

    stbaa) w`mi` blsc oeefs bo biimfeotbl. Vbke b lcck bt t`ms octe7

    Yc, `eres t`e crfer tc fc t`mojs7 2. Frbw t`e lejer lmoe cr lmoes.

    >. Frbw t`e octe.9. Frbw t`e biimfeotbl.

    Ocw try wrmtmoj I s`brp nelcw t`e stbve, acllcwmoj t`e t`ree steps bncve7

    Bff t`e icrreit biimfeotbls tc ebi` ca t`ese lejer lmoe octes, t`eo obhe t`e octe!

    SSS obturbl SSS albt SSS s`brp

    Zrmte t`ese lejer lmoe octes wmt` t`e icrreit biimfeotbl. (^ehehner t`e t`ree steps bncve...)

    F albt bncve

    t`e stbaa

    E obturbl nelcw

    t`e stbaa

    I s`brp bncve

    t`e stbaa

    N albt nelcw

    t`e stbaa

    9 9 9

    V`e s`brp fces OCV oeef mts cwo lejer lmoe!Mt gust `bojs mo t`e bmr oext tc t`e octe. 9 9 9 Ny t`e wby, w`bt octems t`ms3SSSSSSSSS

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Obhmoj Octes

    Mo t`e exbh ycu bre testef co `cw well ycu ibo rebf octes. Mt ms mhpcrtbot tc wrmte t`e

    boswer usmoj LEVVE^ OBHEY mo IBTMVBLY.

    Vry obhmoj t`ese octes7


    I@EIK7 Ibpmtbl letters usef I`bojes ca ilea octmief

    ]cu wmll blsc ne testef co obhmoj octes wmt` biimfeotbls. ]cu hust use ZC^FY acr , bof ! Imrile t`e icrreit boswer nelcw7

    I I s`brp I albt

    Obhe t`ese octes. ^ehehner tc use IBTMVBL LEVVE^Y bof use wcrfs acr , bof .


    9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    @CV VMT7 V`e exbh felmnerbtely trmes tc trmik ycu ny swmti`mojarch tc b lct. Fcot jet ibuj`t cut!

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Frbwmoj Octes

    Ychetmhes b questmco movclves bt lebst > cr 9 steps neacre ycu rebi` t`e icrreit

    boswer. V`e mhpcrtbot t`moj ms tc ^EBF V@E RUEYVMCO IB^EAULL].

    . Frbw t`e acllcwmoj octe bs b fcttef hmomh7

    J s`brp co b lmoe

    >. Zrmte t`e acllcwmoj octe bs b ircti`et7

    N obturbl bncve t`e stbaa

    I@EIK7 Ircti`et Obturbl smjo Bncve t`e stbaa

    9. Frbw t`e acllcwmoj octes bs hmomhs usmoj lejer lmoes. (@mot7 Ychetmhes t`e questmco fcesot tell ycuw`et`er tc frbw t`e octes bncve cr nelcw t`e stbaa - ma t`ms `bppeos, ycu ibo i`ccse!)

    I obturbl N albt E I s`brp

    V`e J hust ne wrmtteo co b SSSSS, oct mo b spbie.

    Vc hbke mt b fcttef hmomh ycull oeef tc bff b SSSSS

    bof b SSSS ! (Yee pbje 24 acr fmreitmco ca stehs bof pcsmtmcos ca fcts)

    ]cu hust frbw b SSSSSS smjo mo arcot ca t`e octe.

    (Oc obturbl smjooeefef `ere!)

    Yee `cw t`e questmco bsks acr N obturbl, octgust N3 ]cu HUYV frbw t`e obturbl smjo!

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    Kocw ]cur Octes!

    . Zrmte t`e acllcwmoj octes bs sehmnreves7

    E albt co b lmoe I nelcw t`e stbaa I s`brp bncve t`e stbaa

    >. Frbw t`e acllcwmoj octes7

    B albt bs b hmomh mo t`e nbss ilea F s`brp bs b ircti`et mo t`e trenle ilea

    9. Obhe t`ese octes. Use wcrfs acr , bof .


    6. Tlbie t`e icrreit ilea neacre t`ese octes7

    F E A N E

    5. Bff b smjo tc t`ms octe tc hbke mt scuof coe sehmtcoe `mj`er7

    1. Ocw amof t`ms octe co t`e keyncbrf fmbjrbh co pbje 6.Mts b nlbik octe... w`bt ms t`e ct`er pcssmnle obhe acr mt3 SSSSSSSSSS

    B+ O O B 9




    9 9

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    ]et Boct`er Zcrks`eet co Octes

    . Zrmte ebi` ca t`ese octes mo t`ree fmaaereot plbies usmoj ircti`ets7

    I s`brp N albt

    >. Zrmte t`ese octes usmoj lejer lmoes7

    N s`brp B obturbl I s`brp E albt

    9. V`e octe coe sehmtcoe lcwer t`bo N `bs twc pcssmnle obhes7 SS albt cr SS s`brp.

    6. Zrmte t`ese octes usmoj biimfeotbls7

    N albt mo twc plbies J obturbl mo twc plbies F s`brp mo twc plbies

    5. Frbw t`e acllcwmoj7

    Hmffle I s`brp I usmoj twc

    lejer lmoes

    F albt usmoj

    twc lejer lmoes

    Hmffle I

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    Vcoes, Yehmtcoes bof t`e Hbgcr Yible

    B sehmtcoe ms t`e fmstboie netweeo b octe bof mts oebrest oemj`ncur. (Yee pbje 26)

    B tcoe ms hbfe up ca twc sehmtcoes - gust lmke b imrile ms hbfe up ca twc


    ]cuve prcnbnly plbyef sche hbgcr sibles neacre. V`ey scuof smhmlbr tc ebi` ct`er;

    t`ey gust stbrt co fmaaereot octes. Hbgcr sibles scuof smhmlbr neibuse t`ey bre bll

    nbsef co t`e acllcwmoj pbttero7

    Vcoe-Vcoe-Yehmtcoe-Vcoe-Vcoe-Vcoe-Yehmtcoe (V-V-Y-V-V-V-Y)

    Lets lcck bt t`e I hbgcr sible7

    @cw bncut J hbgcr7

    E tc A ms coly b sehmtcoe. Ze oeef t`e A tc hbke b tcoe mo t`e rmj`t spct.V`ms ms w`y J hbgcr `bs bo A Y@B^T.

    I F E A J B N I



    9 Y9V



    9 Y9Mt gust sc `bppeos t`bt I hbgcr fces oct oeef boy s`brps cr albts tc hbke t`e

    pbttero V-V-Y-V-V-V-Y. V`ms ms w`y I hbgcr `bs OC Y@B^TY C^ ALBVY.



    9 Y9V



    9 Y9J B N I F E A J


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    Bof ocw acr t`e A hbgcr sible7

    Ma ycu kocw w`mi` s`brps cr albts bre mo b sible, t`eo ycu kocw mts KE] YMJOBVU^E.

    B key smjobture s`cws w`mi` sible b pmeie ca husmi ms nbsef co.

    V`ere bre oc s`brps cr

    albts mo b I hbgcr sible.V`e key smjobture `bs

    oct`moj mo mt!

    V`ere ms bo A s`brp mo

    t`e sible ca J hbgcr, sct`e key smjobture ca J

    hbgcr ms A s`brp.


    V`ere ms b N albt mo t`e

    sible ca A hbgcr, sc t`ekey smjobture ca

    A hbgcr ms N albt.

    Trbitmie frbwmoj t`e J bof A hbgcr key smjobtures mo trenle bof nbss. V`ey hust lcck

    exbitly rmj`t!

    A J B N I F E A


    B tc N ms b tcoe, sc we oeef t`e N tc hbke b sehmtcoe mo t`e rmj`t spct. V`msms w`y A hbgcr `bs b N ALBV.



    9 Y9V



    9 Y9

    J hbgcr

    A hbgcr

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    Yible Fejree Ouhners

    Ebi` octe mo t`e sible `bs b ouhner. V`e lcwest octe ms blwbys oc. .

    Amoms` wrmtmoj t`e sible fejree ouhners uofer t`ms I hbgcr sible.

    > : 0

    Ocw wrmte t`e rest ca t`e ouhners uofer t`ms J hbgcr sible7

    Bs ycu ibo see, t`e ouhners bre t`e sbhe, nut t`e octes bre fmaaereot!

    @eres bo A hbgcr sible t`bts jcmoj FCZO. Amoms` wrmtmoj mo t`e sible fejree ouhners7


    Yee `cw t`e ouhners stbrt bt t`e ncttch3 V`e lcwest octe ms oc. !

    Rumik Rumz7Z`bt ms t`e obhe ca octe oc. mo I hbgcr3 SSS

    Z`bt ms t`e obhe ca octe oc. mo A hbgcr3 SSS

    Z`bt ms t`e obhe ca octe oc. mo J hbgcr3 SSS

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    ' 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9Fc ycu octmieb nmt cab pbttero



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    Hbrkmoj Yehmtcoes mo Yibles

    Cateo ycu bre bskef tc hbrk t`e sehmtcoes mo b sible. V`ms hebos tc put b iurvef lmoe

    ibllef b slur netweeo t`e octes t`bt bre b sehmtcoe bpbrt.

    V`e nest wby tc rehehner w`ere t`e sehmtcoes lmve ms ny w`mi` sible fejree ouhners

    t`ey abll netweeo. Zrmte t`e sible fejree ouhners uofer t`ms A hbgcr sible7

    Netweeo w`mi` ouhners bre t`e sehmtcoes3 SSSS - SSSS bof SSSSS - SSSSS

    Lets i`eik t`ms wmt` b sible t`bts jcmoj fcwo. Zrmte t`e ouhners uofer t`e sible

    nelcw, stbrtmoj arch t`e NCVVCH octe - t`e lcwest octe ms ouhner !

    Netweeo w`mi` ouhners bre t`e sehmtcoes3 SSSS - SSSS bof SSSSS - SSSSS

    Yc w`eo we hbrk t`e sehmtcoes mo b sible, we smhply put b slur netweeo sible fejrees

    9-6 bof :-0!

    Vry hbrkmoj t`e sehmtcoes mo t`ms sible7

    Fmf ycu stbrt archt`e lcwest octe3 Zell fcoe!



    9 Y 9V



    9 Y 9


    9 V 9 V 9 V 9Y

    9 V 9 V 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

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    Rumik revmsmco7 Z`ere fc t`e sehmtcoes abll mo b hbgcr sible3 NetweeoSSS-SSSbofSSS-SSS!

    Hbrk t`e sehmtcoes mo t`ese sibles wmt` b slur7

    Lets Jet t`e Yehmtcoes ^mj`t

    @bofy @mots7

    Ma t`e stehs bre jcmoj UT, put t`e slur uofer, e.j. O O O O O OMa t`e stehs bre jcmoj FCZO, put t`e slur cver, e.j.O O O O O O O OMa coe ms up bof coe ms fcwo, ycu ibo i`ccse, e.j.O O O O O O O OcrO O O O O O!MHTC^VBOV7 Lcck ibreaully bt t`e slurs bncve... see `cw t`ey fc oct bitublly tcui`

    t`e octes!

    O O O O O O O O

    ' B B B B B B B B 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    ^ehehner, t`e LCZEYVocte ms ouhner 2!

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    Hbrkmoj Vcoes mo Yibles

    Ma we prbitmse t`ms eocuj` mt neiches moirefmnly ebsy.

    Gust acr auo, hbrk t`e sehmtcoes mo t`ms sible wmt` ref slurs7

    Lets hbrk t`e tcoes bs well, nut wmt` nlue slurs. ]cu s`culf ocw `bve b slur netweeo

    every octe!

    @cw hboy sehmtcoes bre mo t`e sible3 SSSSSS @cw hboy tcoes3 SSSSSS

    Yc, ma ycu bre bskef tc hbrk coly t`e tcoes mo b sible, smhply put b slur arch coe octe

    tc t`e oext, nut lebve cut 9-6 bof :-0. V`ey bre oct tcoes, t`ey bre SSSSSSSSSSSS!

    Hbrk t`e tcoes mo t`e acllcwmoj sibles7

    V`mojs tc I`eik7

    Fc ycu `bve 5 tcoes hbrkef mo ebi` sible3 ]es/Oc

    Fmf ycu rehehner t`e lcwest octe ms ouhner 23 ]es/Oc

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    ' 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

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    Vmoy Vest

    2. Hbrk ebi` ca t`ese pbmrs ca octes wmt` bo Y acr sehmtcoe cr b V acr tcoe.

    Use t`e fmbjrbh co pbje 6 tc `elp ycu!

    >. @ere ms b J hbgcr sible bll hmxef up. Zrmte mo t`e sible fejree ouhners.


    9. Zrmte t`e acllcwmoj key smjobtures. (Zbti` cut acr t`e ilea i`bojes!)

    A hbgcr J hbgcr A hbgcr J hbgcr

    6. Bff t`e icrreit key smjobture tc t`ms A hbgcr sible. V`eo hbrk t`e tcoes.

    5. Zrmte t`e icrreit octes acr t`ese A hbgcr sible fejree ouhners.

    I`eik t`e ilea. (Zbromoj7 biimfeotbl requmref acr coe ca t`e octes!)

    1 6 5 : 9 >

    Vctbl7 >0






    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9


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    Bwesche Biimfeotbls

    Bff biimfeotbls tc hbke t`e acllcwmoj sibles icrreit, t`eo bff b fcunle nbr lmoe7

    Bff b ilea bof biimfeotbl tc hbke t`ms motc b J hbgcr sible7

    @bve ycu put ycur biimfeotbls NEAC^E t`e octes3

    Rumik Rumz7Z`bts t`e fmaaereoie netweeo bo biimfeotbl bof b key smjobture3 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 9 9

    9 9 99 9

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    Zrmtmoj Yibles

    V`e trmik tc wrmtmoj sibles ms tc ne bnle tc acllcw mostruitmcos.

    ]cu hust rebf t`e questmco extrehely ibreaully, bof t`ere bre lcts ca fmaaereot wbys mt

    hmj`t ne wcrfef. Vry t`ms coe7

    Zrmte t`e sible ca J hbgcr7

    use b key smjobture

    use hmomhs

    wrmte coe citbve jcmoj fcwo

    hbrk t`e sehmtcoes

    ichplete t`e sible wmt` b fcunle nbr lmoe

    @bofy @mots7Ypbie t`e octes cut eveoly - try puttmoj ycur pmoky (5t`) amojer netweeo ebi` octe.

    Fc OCV bssuhe t`e sible ms tc ne wrmtteo mo t`e trenle. V`e questmco hby bsk acrtrenle cr nbss; mo abit very cateo t`e ilea ms blrebfy jmveo. Blwbys i`eik t`e ilea!

    Hboy pecple abll motc t`e trbp ca hbrkmoj t`e sehmtcoes mostebf ca t`e tcoes, cr t`e

    ct`er wby brcuof. Tut b imrile brcuof t`e wcrf tcoes cr sehmtcoes sc ycu fcot

    biimfeotblly fc t`e wrcoj t`moj!

    Blwbys fcunle i`eik w`et`er ycuve neeo bskef tc use biimfeotbls cr b key


    Jc nbik bof tmik caa ebi` mostruitmco bater i`eikmoj ycu `bve fcoe mt.

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    Rumik ^evmsmco7 V`e sehmtcoes mo b hbgcr sible abll netweeo SS-SSbof SS-SS!

    Lets Zrmte Yibles

    . Zrmte t`e sible ca A hbgcr7 use biimfeotbls - oct t`e key smjobture

    use sehmnreves

    wrmte coe citbve jcmoj fcwo hbrk t`e tcoes

    amoms` wmt` b fcunle nbr lmoe

    >. Zrmte t`e key smjobture ca J hbgcr. Ocw wrmte t`bt sible7

    wrmte coe citbve jcmoj up

    use ircti`ets

    hbrk ebi` sehmtcoe wmt` b slur

    ichplete t`e sible wmt` b fcunle nbr lmoe

    9. Zrmte t`e sible ca I hbgcr7 use t`e nbss ilea

    wrmte coe citbve jcmoj up

    use hmomhs hbrk t`e tcoes

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    Hcre Yibles

    . Bff t`e icrreit ilea bof key smjobture tc hbke t`ms t`e sible ca J hbgcr7

    >. Ocw hbke t`e octes mo t`e sible bncve motc hmomhs bof hbrk t`e sehmtcoes.

    9. Zrmte t`e sible ca I hbgcr7

    use biimfeotbls (`mot7 t`ms ms b trmik)

    use ircti`ets

    wrmte coe citbve bsieofmoj (w`mi` hebos jcmoj up)

    hbrk ebi` tcoe wmt` b slur

    ichplete t`e sible wmt` b fcunle nbr lmoe

    Fmf ycu see t`e ilea3

    6. Obhe t`ese sibles7 B B B B B B B B 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9



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    Yible Vrmvmb

    . Amoms` t`ms fesieofmoj (w`mi` hebos jcmoj fcwo) sible usmoj ircti`ets. V`eo bff t`eoeiessbry ilea bof key smjobture tc hbke mt bo A hbgcr sible.

    >. Z`ere fc t`e sehmtcoes abll mo hbgcr sibles3 Netweeo SSS-SSS bof SSS-SSS .

    Ocw hbrk t`eh mo t`e sible bncve!

    9. Imrile t`e icrreit J hbgcr key smjobture. (Mt hust ne icrreit mo nct` trenle BOF nbss!)

    6. Biimfeotbls bre blwbys wrmtteo7

    B. neacre t`e octe N. bater t`e octe I. co tcp ca t`e octe

    5. Z`eo hbrkmoj tcoes cr sehmtcoes mo b sible, blwbys stbrt arch7

    B. t`e `mj`est octe N. t`e lcwest octe I. t`e nejmoomoj

    1. Obhe t`e sibles t`bt `bve t`e acllcwmoj key smjobtures7




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    Vmhef Vest

    Vmhe ycursela fcmoj t`ms pbje. Fc mt bs abst bs ycu ibo, t`eo reicrf ycur amoms`moj tmhe

    bncve. Nut... juess w`bt3 ]cur tebi`er wmll BFF CO 24 YEICOFY acr every hmstbke

    ycu hbke! Mts auo tc jc abst, nut mts hcre mhpcrtbot tc ne biiurbte. Ytbrt t`e ilcik!

    . Mo every hbgcr sible t`ere bre SSS sehmtcoes bof SSS tcoes.

    >. Obhe t`ms key smjobture7' 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9SSSSSSSSSSS

    9. Yehmtcoes abll netweeo sible fejrees SSS - SSS bof SSS - SSS .

    6. Amoms` t`ms bsieofmoj sible usmoj hmomhs. V`eo bff t`e icrreit biimfeotbl!

    5. Hbrk t`e tcoes mo t`e sible bncve.

    1. 8 SSSSS nebts.

    :. Zrmte t`ese octes bs ircti`ets usmoj lejer lmoes7

    I obturbl N s`brp E obturbl I albt


    Bater hbrkmoj t`ms wmt` ycur tebi`er, tmik coe ca t`e acllcwmoj7



    M hbfe oc hmstbkes! Mkeep hy tmhe ca SSSSSSS !

    M hbfe SSSSShmstbkes.Hy oew tmhe ms SSSSSSSS.

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    @elpaul @mots acr Yible Fejrees

    Ma t`e octes jc UT, icuot , >, 9 eti.

    Ma t`e octes jc FCZO, icuot nbikwbrfs7 2(0), :, 1 eti.

    Fc OCVbssuhe t`e helcfy wmll stbrt co sible fejree oc. 2 - mt cateo fcesot!

    Helcfmes usublly eof co sible fejree oc. . Newbre ca eofmoj co b fmaaereot

    ouhner... ycu hmj`t `bve hmsrebf t`e key cr t`e ilea!

    I`eik Lmst7 Icrreit Key Ilea Coly ouhners 2-: usef









    B B D B B B B D B B B O B B O B B B B B B O O {' B B B B B B D B B B

    B B O { B B B D B B B B B B O {

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    Yibles o Ytuaa

    . Imrile t`e icrreit A hbgcr key smjobture. (Mt hust ne icrreit mo nct` trenle BOF nbss!)

    >. Zrmte t`e sible fejree ouhners uofer t`e octes ca t`ms helcfy.


    9. @eres b nmt ca b trmiky questmco7 mo t`e helcfy bncve, hbrk bll t`e sehmtcoes wmt` b

    slur. (@mot7 ycull oeef tc lcck acr 9-6, 6-9, :-2 bof 2-:!)

    6. Z`bt ms t`e ct`er obhe acr b sehmnreve rest3 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    5. Zrmte t`ese octes bs fcttef hmomhs usmoj lejer lmoes7

    N albt F obturbl B s`brp I albt

    ' ' ' ' '

    ( B B B B B B B B B B D B B B B B B O B D

    Jc tc www.nlmtznccks.ich.bu acr `ebps ca abotbstmi wcrks`eets, bofacr jrebt jbhes sui` bs Nebt Nmojc, bll ichpletely A^EE!

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    Bo motervbl ms t`e fmstboie netweeo twc octes.

    V`e ncttch octe ms kocwo bs t`e tcomi octe - sible fejree oc. 2.

    Bo motervbl w`ere nct` octes bre t`e sbhe pmti` ms ibllef b uomsco (mt ms oever ibllef b 2st).Vc obhe bo motervbl, smhply icuot up arch t`e ncttch octe. Amll mo t`e hmssmoj obhes7

    Uomsco >of SSSS SSSS 5t` SSSS SSSS 0ve (Citbve)

    Obhe t`ese motervbls bncve t`e tcomi ca A. ^ehehner, t`e ncttch octe icuots bs oc. !


    Obhe t`ese motervbls bncve t`e tcomi ca J. Ybhe febl bs neacre... ncttch octe ms oc. !


    99 99 9 9 9 9 9 9

    99 9 9 9 9 99 99 99I`eik t`ms cut! V`e 6t` bncve A oeefs b N albtneibuse ca t`e key smjobture ca A hbgcr!

    9 9 9 99 9 99 99 99I`eik t`ms cut! V`e :t` bncve J oeefs bo A s`brp

    neibuse ca t`e key smjobture ca J hbgcr!

    R7 Z`mi` twc motervbls requmre biimfeotbls3 B7 V`e 6t` bncveSSbof t`e :t` bncveSS!!!!

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    Motervbls co Lejer Lmoes

    Ma t`e jmveo tcomi octe ms very `mj`, ycu wmll oeef tc use lejer lmoes tc frbw ycur

    motervbls. Fcot ne tehptef tc wrmte motervbls uoferoebt` - t`ey hust blwbys jc BNCQE!

    . Vrbie t`ese motervbls wmt` lejer lmoes, t`eo obhe ebi` motervbl. (^ehehner, trbie t`e lejerlmoes amrst, t`eo t`e octe.)


    >. Zrmte t`e acllcwmoj motervbls bncve t`e jmveo tcomi7 (yes, ycull `bve tc use lejer lmoes)

    0ve 9rf 5t` :t` >of

    9. Obhe t`ese motervbls ny ouhner coly (see @ct Vmp nelcw)7

    ......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

    Z`eo we jet tc Jrbfe >, obhmoj motervbls jets hcre ichplmibtef, nut acr ocw we obhe t`eh

    ny ouhner coly. Mt fces oct hebo ycu s`culf lebve caa t`e eofmojs ca t`e ouhners! Hbkesure ycu wrmte ycur boswers usmoj crfmobl ouhners e.j. 6t`, 5t`, eti.

    9 9 9 9 9

    @CV VMT7

    9 99 9


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    ^evmsmco ca @ebps ca V`mojs

    . Zrmte t`e sible fejrees uofer t`e octes ca t`ese helcfmes. (@mot7 wcrk cut t`e key amrst!)



    >. V`ere bre 5 hmstbkes mo t`e acllcwmoj sible. Ibo ycu imrile t`eh3

    9. Zrmte t`ese motervbls bncve t`e jmveo tcomi7

    :t` 0ve 9rf 1t` 6t`

    6. Zrmte t`e acllcwmoj octes bs hmomhs7

    I s`brp bncve t`e stbaa mo t`e trenle I obturbl nelcw t`e stbaa mo t`e nbss

    B B B B B B B B B B B B 9

    ' B B B B B+ M B B B B B B B B B B B+ M O

    O O O O O O O O 9 9 9 9 9

    (ne ibreaul `ere!)

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    Vcomi Vrmbf Trbitmie

    . Vrbie bof frbw sche tcomi trmbfs wmt` lejer lmoes7

    >. Ichplete t`ese tcomi trmbfs bncve t`e jmveo octe, t`eo mosert

    t`e icrreit key smjobture (wbti` cut acr ilea i`bojes)7

    A hbgcr I hbgcr J hbgcr I hbgcr J hbgcr

    9. Zrmte t`ese tcomi trmbfs. Use b key smjobture.

    A hbgcr I hbgcr J hbgcr

    6. Obhe t`ese tcomi trmbfs.


    Fmf ycu kocw... nbss ilea trmbfs bre oct testef mo t`e exbh, nut mts jccf tc fc t`eh boywby, fcot ycu t`mok3

    9 9 9 9 9

    9 9 9 9 9

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    Qery Mhpcrtbot ^evmsmco Vest

    . Zrmte bo A hbgcr sible7

    use t`e nbss ilea

    use b key smjobture - oct biimfeotbls

    use ircti`ets

    wrmte coe citbve jcmoj up

    hbrk t`e sehmtcoes wmt` slurs

    ichplete t`e sible wmt` b fcunle nbr lmoe

    >. Obhe t`ese octes. Use wcrfs acr , bof .


    9. Bff t`e icrreit ilea bof biimfeotbls tc t`ese octes7

    J s`brp N obturbl F s`brp N albt

    6. Zrmte b trenle octe wmt` t`e sbhe letter obhe bs ebi` ca t`ese nbss octes7




    9 9 9 9

    B O O





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    5. Obhe t`e ibpmtbl ca Arboie SSSSSSSSS (ck t`ms wcot reblly ne testef mo t`e exbh)

    1. Bff t`e icrreit ilea bof biimfeotbl tc hbke t`ms b J hbgcr sible7

    :. Hbrk t`e tcoes mo t`e bncve sible.

    0. Amll mo t`e hmssmoj moacrhbtmco mo t`ms tbnle. (Yee pbje 9 ma ycu oeef tc!)

    Octe/^est Obhe Ouhner ca Nebts `bla


    > qubversSSSSSS rest >


    w`cle nbr


    =. Zrmte b :t` bncve ebi` ca t`ese tcomi octes. Use biimfeotbls w`ere oeiessbry.






    Vctbl7 54

    9 9 99 9 9

    9 9

    9 9 9 9 9 9

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    Vmhe bof ^`yt`h

    Amrst ca bll, jc nbik tc pbje 9 bof revmse t`e vblues ca bll t`e fmaaereot types ca octes

    bof rests. V`eo try ilbppmoj t`ms r`yt`h t`rcuj` wmt` ycur tebi`er7

    Vmhe YmjobturesB tmhe smjobture jmves us moacrhbtmco bncut t`e r`yt`h ca b pmeie. V`e tcp ouhner

    tells us t`e ouhner ca nebts, bof t`e ncttch ouhner tells us w`bt kmof ca nebts.

    Mo Jrbfe we stufy t`e tmhe smjobtures , bof , bll ca w`mi` `bve b 6 co t`encttch, hebomoj ircti`et nebts.

    Ze blsc stufy t`e tmhe smjobture , hebomoj Ichhco Vmhe. Mts t`e sbhe bs , w`mi` mst`e hcst ichhco tmhe smjobture ca bll!

    Vmhe smjobture Hebomoj Acrhbl Feamomtmco Vwc ircti`et nebts per nbr Ymhple Fuple tmhe SSS ircti`et nebts per nbr Ymhple Vrmple tmhe SSS ircti`et nebts per nbr Ymhple Rubfruple tmhe

    SSS ircti`et nebts per nbr YmhpleRubfruple tmhe

    B B B B B B B B B O D O { Vmhe smjobture7

    tells us `cw hboy

    nebts per nbr

    Nbr lmoe7 fmvmfest`e husmi motc

    equbl seitmcos

    Nbr7 ebi` nbr`bs t`e sbhe

    ouhner ca nebts

    Fcunle nbr lmoe7s`cws us mt ms t`e

    eof ca t`e pmeie

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    Z`eo ycu wrmte tmhe smjobtures, t`e tcp bof ncttch ouhners s`culf ebi` tbke up twc

    spbies wmt`mo t`e stbve, lmke t`ms oct lmke t`ms

    !Mosert t`e icrreit tmhe smjobture acr ebi` ca t`ese r`yt`hs.

    BiieotsV`e amrst nebt ca b nbr ms blwbys t`e strcojest (Y), oc hbtter w`bt t`e tmhe smjobture.

    Mo bof , t`e ct`er nebts bre webk (w).

    Mo bof t`e biieots abll co t`e st bof 9rf nebts ca t`e nbr. V`e t`mrf nebt msusublly oct qumte bs strcoj bs t`e amrst, mt ms hcre ca b hefmuh (H) biieot7

    Tmeies mo scuof lmke b hbri`. Tmeies mo scuof lmke b wbltz.

    Y w Y w Y w w Y w w

    > > > 9 > 9

    Tmeies mo blsc scuoflmke b hbri`.

    Y w H w Y w H w

    > 9 6 > 9 6

    B B B O D B B D

    O B B D B

    B B B B D B B O

    O { B B B D K

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    Frbwmoj ^ests Icrreitly

    Ircti`et ^estsV`mok ca t`e ircti`et rest bs stbrtmoj caa b nmt lmke t`e letter W wmt` t`e letter

    I sprmojmoj caa t`e ncttch . Mt hust stbrt mo t`e tcp spbie bof amoms` mo t`e ncttch

    spbie. Vrbie bof frbw sche ircti`et rests co t`ms stbaa7

    Hmomh ^estsHmomh rests smt co t`e t`mrf lmoe ca t`e stbaa. V`ey hust oct tbke up t`e w`cle spbie

    netweeo t`e lmoes; frbw t`eh lmke t`ms oct lmke t`ms !

    Vrbie bof frbw sche hmomh rests7

    Z`cle Nbr ^ests (Yehmnreve ^ests)V`ese `boj arch t`e acurt` lmoe bof, lmke hmomh rests, hust oct tbke up t`e

    w`cle spbie! Vrbie bof frbw sche `ere7

    Rubver ^estsB qubver rest ms lmke b iurvy ouhner :. Mt smts mosmfe t`e hmffle twc spbies. Vry sche7

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    V`e Bobirusms

    Bo bobirusms ms7 Coe cr hcre uobiieotef octes neacre t`e amrst nbr lmoe (`cw acrhbl!).@ere bre sche rbt`er abhcus exbhples ca tuoes wmt` bo bobirusms7

    Z`eo ycu smoj t`ese, octmie `cw t`e bobirusms ms oct biieotef.

    Mt ms t`e amrst nebt ca t`e amrst nbr t`bt ms biieotef.

    V`e acllcwmoj r`yt`hs nejmo wmt` bo bobirusms, nut t`e lbst nbr mo ebi` ms Z^COJ - mt

    `bs coe tcc hboy nebts. Ibo ycu wrmte t`e sbhe r`yt`h wmt` b icrreit amobl nbr3

    V`e bobirusms ms oct b nbr! V`mok ca mt bs b nebt t`bt esibpef arch t`e lbstnbr. B ircti`et bobirusms hebos t`e lbst nbr wmll ne hmssmoj coe ircti`et nebt.

    @bp py- NM^V@

    B { B Bfby



    O@bp py- nmrt`

    B { B Bfby



    O eti.



    B- lmbos

    B- bll



    B {re gcmie

    B B-




    Bycu b her

    B Bry- I`rmst

    B B Bhbs

    B- we


    Bycu b her

    B Bry- I`rmst

    B B Bhbs



    B O B D B B B D B O {

    ( B B B B K 9

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    Bffmoj Nbr Lmoes

    Bll ycu oeef tc fc ms i`eik t`e tmhe smjobture bof ICUOV! Gust b icuple ca `bofy tmps7

    Fcot let tmes bof slurs (see p. 1:) put ycu caa - nbr lmoes ibo iut t`rcuj` t`eh.

    Nbr lmoes IBOOCV iut t`rcuj` jrcups ca qubvers!

    Zbti` cut acr t`e soebky bobirusms (acr mostboie, ma t`e nbr lmoes fcot seeh tc amt prcperly).

    . Bff nbr lmoes tc t`ese helcfmes, moilufmoj b fcunle nbr lmoe bt t`e eof7

    >. Acr t`ese helcfmes ycull oeef tc amll mo t`e hmssmoj tmhe smjobtures bs well bs sche

    nbr lmoes... trmiky!

    O { B B B D B B B B B B B B O O D B B B B B B B B B K' B B B B B B B B O B

    ' B O { B B B B O B O B B B B B B D B B B B B+ M B B O B B O B B B M B B B B

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    Jrcupmoj ^ules, CK!

    Rubvers bre usublly jrcupef VZC bt b tmhe tc s`cw t`e ircti`et nebts e.j.

    Jrcupmoj qubvers mo pbmrs ms gust amoe acr Jrbfe bof ms very sbae mo , , bof .

    Mt ms blsc icrreit tc jrcup 6 qubvers tcjet`er e.j. , nut t`ere ms b very strmitrule acr t`ms7


    (V`ms ms neibuse ycu bre oct bllcwef tc jrcup twc nebts tcjet`er ma t`e amrst nebt ms webk.)

    Acr mostboie, B B B B B B wculf ne moicrreit jrcupmoj ca t`e qubvers. V`e nbr

    wculf `bve tc ne rewrmtteo lmke t`ms7 B B B B B B . Mt scuofs exbitly t`e sbhe!

    Amll t`ese nbrs wmt` qubvers icrreitly jrcupef (rehehner, mts ebsmest tc jrcup t`eh mo pbmrs acr ocw)7

    V`ere ms b smhmlbr rule acr t`e hmomh rest ( )7

    OEQE^ TUV B HMOMH ^EYV CO NEBVY > BOF 9! (B hmomh rest hby oct nejmo co b webk nebt!)

    Yc B K B ms wrcoj, bof wculf `bve tc ne rewrmtteo lmke t`ms

    B D D BVc ne sbae, fcot use hmomh rests BV BLL mo - blwbys use ircti`et rests mo !

    @CV VMT7 Jrcupmoj ms b nmt lmke spellmoj. Zcrfs ibo ne spellef

    fmaaereotly nut scuof t`e sbhe. ]cu hust spell ycur r`yt`hs icrreitly!


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    Jrccvy Jrcupmoj

    Zrcoj Z`y ms mt wrcoj3 Amx mt upIbot `bve b hmomh rest conebts > bof 9

    Rubvers hust ne jrcupef mo

    twcs - oct smojles cr t`rees

    Ibot `bve hmomh rest co nebts

    > bof 9

    Ibot `bve jrcups ca acurqubvers co nebts > bof 9

    Z`cle nbr rest oeefef acr b

    nbr ca smleoie - oct hmomh rest

    V`e acllcwmoj helcfy `bs b jrcupmoj hmstbke mo ebi` nbr. Ibo ycu rewrmte mt icrreitly co

    t`e stbve nelcw3 (^ehehner, t`e YCUOF hust ne t`e sbhe, mt wmll gust LCCK fmaaereot!)

    Ichpcse ycur cwo 6-nbr r`yt`hs `ere - wmt` icrreit jrcupmoj, ca icurse!

    B K

    B+ B B B B K D( B B B B B B D K

    B B B B B B K B B B B B B K D

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    Ichpletmoj t`e Nbr

    Mo t`e exbh ycu bre jmveo b nbr wmt`cut eocuj` nebts mo mt, bof ycu `bve tc ichplete mt

    mo b iertbmo wby. Acllcw t`ese steps7

    . I`eik `cw hboy nebts bre blrebfy mo t`e nbr.

    >. I`eik t`e tmhe smjobture bof feimfe `cw hboy hcre nebts bre oeefef.

    9. Hbke sure ycu rebf t`e questmco ibreaully... fc ycu oeef tc use octes cr rests3

    6. Amll up t`e nbr rehehnermoj ycur jrcupmoj rules.(Yee pbje 59)

    . Ichplete t`ese nbrs wmt` rests mo t`e icrreit crfer. (^ehehner t`e rules acr hmomh rests!)

    >. Bt ebi` spct hbrkef wmt` bo brrcw, bff coe octe tc ichplete t`e nbr. (Fcot jet trmikef.V`e questmco bskef acr coe octe... ycu ibot use hcre t`bo coe octe, bof ycu ibot use boy rests!)

    @bofy @mot7 Fmf ycu see t`e bobirusms333 I`eik ycur amobl nbr!!!

    @CV VMT7 ^ebf t`e questmco very ibreaully! Mt bsks ycu tc ichplete t`e nbr biertbmo wby e.j. bff coe octe cr use rests. Fcot jet trmikef!

    B ( B B

    B B B B

    B B B B B B B B B B B D

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    Lets Ichplete Hcre Nbrs

    @mot7 ^ebf t`ese questmcos very ibreaully!

    . Bt ebi` plbie mofmibtef ny bo brrcw, wrmte coe octe tc ichplete t`e tmhmoj ca t`e nbr.

    >. Bff b rest cr rests tc ichplete t`ese nbrs7

    9. Ichplete t`ese nbrs wmt` qubvers icrreitly jrcupef.

    6. Bff b rest bt ebi` plbie hbrkef wmt` bo brrcw tc ichplete t`e tmhmoj ca t`e nbr.

    Zbromoj7 I`eik t`e wcrfmoj ca t`e bncve questmco!




    B B

    ( B B B B D D

    B B B B O B O O {

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    ^`yt`hmi ^evmsmco

    . Bff nbr lmoes (moilufmoj b fcunle nbr lmoe bt t`e eof) tc t`e acllcwmoj7

    >. @cw hboy ircti`ets bre t`ere mo b hmomh3 SSSSS

    9. @cw hboy hmomhs bre t`ere mo b sehmnreve3 SSSSS

    6. Bff t`e icrreit tmhe smjobture tc t`e acllcwmoj helcfmes7

    5. Ichplete t`e acllcwmoj nbrs wmt` b rest cr rests mo t`e icrreit crfer7

    B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B O' B B B B B B B B B B B B B

    ( B B B D O B B B B B B B D D B O {

    ' B B B B B D B D B B B B B B B D B B O D B B B B B O B D B B B B O

    O B B

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Boct`er Vest co Ytuaa

    . Ibo ycu amof amve hmstbkes mo t`ms helcfy3 Imrile t`eh bof t`eo fesirmne t`eh nelcw7







    9. Zrmte b sible t`bt nejmos co t`e jmveo octe7

    wrmte coe citbve jcmoj fcwo

    bff t`e icrreit biimfeotbl

    hbrk t`e sehmtcoes wmt` b slur

    ichplete t`e sible wmt` b fcunle nbr lmoe

    6. Z`bt ms bo bobirusms3 (Yee pbje 52 ma ycu oeef tc!) SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


    ' B O B B B K B B B B B B B B B D B D






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    5. ^ewrmte t`ms r`yt`h wmt` icrreit jrcupmoj (coe ca t`e nbrs ms bitublly icrreit!)7

    1. Ouhner t`ese sible fejrees nbsef co t`e key smjobture jmveo7



    :. Z`c wrcte I`cpmos Nbribrclle3 (Gust kmffmoj nut ycu s`culf ne bnle tc boswer t`ms) SSSSSSSSSS

    0. Ichplete t`e acllcwmoj nbrs bs fmreitef7

    rest octe bof rest 1 octes

    B+ B B B B+ B B B+ B D K

    ' 9 9 9 < < < 9 9 9 < < . SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


    Z`mi` t`ree aclk scojsfc ycu `bve tc lebro3

    (Bsk ycur tebi`er tc lcck mo t`e BHEN Hboubl ca Yyllbnuses, cr reaer tc www.nlmtznccks.ich.bu)

    MHTC^VBOV OCVMIE!Arch >424 ycu oc lcojer `bve tc wrmte cut t`e aclk scoj arch hehcry - `ccrby! ]cu stmll `bve tc lebro t`eh

    eocuj` tc reicjomse boy pbrt, sc smoj t`eh lcts bof hbke sure ycu ibo mfeotmay eveo t`e shbllest arbjheot.

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory




    Vc trbospcse b helcfy ms tc put mt motc boct`er key. Mt wmll `bve b oew key smjobture bof

    b w`cle oew set ca octes, nut everyt`moj else stbys t`e sbhe!

    Ybhe FmaaereotVmhe smjobture Key Ymjobture

    ^`yt`h Octes(pcssmnly stehs tcc)

    Yible fejree ouhners


    T`rbsmoj (slurs)

    Brtmiulbtmco (e.j. stbiibtc)

    Ck, lets jc! Acllcw t`e steps nelcw tc trbospcse t`ms helcfy fcwo motc J hbgcr7

    . Obhe t`e key ca t`e helcfy. SSSSSSSSSS

    >. Zrmte t`e sible fejree ouhners uofer t`e helcfy. (^evmse p.9: ma ycu oeef tc!)

    9. Co t`e stbaa nelcw, wrmte t`e ilea bof oew key smjobture ca J hbgcr, t`eo bff t`e

    tmhe smjobture.

    6. V`e helcfy stbrts co sible fejree oc., sc ycur oew stbrtmoj octe wmll ne siblefejree oc. ca J hbgcr, w`mi` ms SSSS. Nut w`mi` J wmll mt ne - `mj` cr lcw3

    5. Vbke boct`er lcck bt t`e questmco - fces mt sby tc trbospcse up cr fcwo3 SSSSS

    Yc ycur oew helcfy stbrts nelcw t`e crmjmobl helcfy - ebsy!

    1. Zrmte t`e oew helcfy, acllcwmoj t`e sible fejree ouhners.

    :. Use t`e lmst bncve tc i`eik bll t`e t`mojs t`bt s`culf ne exbitly t`e sbhe!

    B B B O B B B B B B B B D B B B 9

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Hcre Bncut Vrbospcsmtmco

    Mo t`e exbh, t`e helcfmes felmnerbtely guhp bll cver t`e plbie tc test ycur

    trbospcsmtmco skmlls! ^evmse t`ese i`eiklmsts, t`eo try t`e questmcos nelcw.

    Vrbospcse t`ms helcfy up motc A hbgcr. Use t`e i`eiklmsts bncve!

    Jccf! Ocw trbospcse t`e helcfy bjbmo, t`ms tmhe FCZO motc J hbgcr7

    B B B O B B B B B B D D

    @CV VMT7 Oever try tc trbospcse wmt`cut wrmtmoj sible fejree ouhners amrst!

    Neacre trbospcsmoj7Obhe key ca crmjmobl helcfy

    Zrmte mo sible fejree ouhners

    Imrile up cr fcwo mo questmco

    Bater trbospcsmoj, i`eik7Oewkey smjobture bffef

    Vmhe smjobture bffef

    Oew octes bof nbr lmoes bffef

    Ytehs i`eikef

    T`rbsmoj bffef

    Y`bpe exbitly t`e sbhe bs crmjmobl

    helcfy - lejer lmoes usef ma oeiessbry

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory


  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Vrbospcsmtmco bof Ct`er V`mojs

    . ^ewrmte t`ms helcfy wmt` icrreit jrcupmoj bof stehs.

    >. Ocw trbospcse mt up motc A hbgcr!

    9. Amoms` t`ese tcomi trmbfs (t`e tcomi octe ms jmveo) bof bff t`e icrreit key smjobture7

    6. @cw hboy qubvers bre t`ere mo 9 hmomhs3 SSSSSSS

    5. Gust acr auo, obhe t`ms octe7 9


    ( B K B B B B B B B B B B B B B B K D

    9 9 9

  • 7/22/2019 How to Blitz Grade 1 Theory



    Zcrf Yebri`

    V`ms wcrf sebri` ms fmaaereot arch hcst... t`e wcrfs `mffeo mo t`e jrmf bre bitublly t`e

    boswers tc t`e ilues bt t`e ncttch ca t`e pbje!

    V`e NlmtzNcckca V`ecryJbhes `bs

    hcre jbhes,puzzles bof


    o m t s l c w e r s e t

    c u l e o e f l f s r c

    s e b e l e m p p m ` o

    m l e b j c j u b j w m

    o l b s i e w f s ` l i

    u j o t j l r e c e r o

    l b b l o m i l s ` l p

    o v i o m e e p m t r m

    e c r s s n f h ` o k b

    e r u t b o j m s y e k

    l v s r r c r s i e m s

    v m m u ` f p i m i w l

    h c s a p h m o m h b i

    . Z`mi` jces amrst bater t`e ilea7 key smjobture cr tmhe smjobture3

    >. Fesirmptmco ca t`e tmhe smjobture acr > ircti`et nebts per nbr.

    9. Co w`mi` lmoe ca t`e stbaa fces t`e hmomh rest smt3 V`mrf/acurt`/amat`

    6. Boct`er obhe acr t`e sehmnreve rest ms t`e SSSSS SSS rest.

    5. Coe cr hcre nebts neacre t`e amrst nbr lmoe.

    1. ^ehehner tc hbrk t`ms mo aclk scojs.

    :. Obhe acr sible fejree oc. .

    0. Trcper obhe acr fmstboie ca bo 0t`.

    =. Z`mi` octe mo b hbgcr sible ms oc. , lcwest cr `mj`est3

    4. Ouhner ca tcoes mo b hbgcr sible.

    . Y`crt lmoes usef acr octes bncve cr nelcw t`e stbaa.

    >. Bo motervbl w`ere nct` octes bre exbitly t`e sbhe pmti`.

    29. ^bll bof ^mt nct` hebo tc neiche jrbfublly SSSSSSSS . (Yee oext pbje!)26. ]cu wcot amof b SSSSS rest mo Ymhple Fuple cr Ymhple Vrmple tmhe.

    5. Iclleitmve obhe acr s`brps, albts bof obturbls.

    1. I`crf icosmstmoj ca t`ree octes.15

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    Mtblmbo Verhs

    Bfbjmc - slcwly

    Bofbote - bt bo ebsy wblkmoj pbie

    Hcferbtc - bt b hcferbte speef

    Bllejrc - lmvely bof abst

    Trestc - very abst

    Biielerbofc(biiel.) - jrbfublly neichmoj abster

    ^blleotbofc(rbll.) - jrbfublly neichmoj slcwer

    ^mtbrfbofc(rmt. / rmtbrf.) - jrbfublly neichmoj slcwer

    ^mteoutc(rmteo.) - mhhefmbtely slcwer

    B tehpc - returo tc acrher speef

    Iresieofc(iresi.) - jrbfublly neichmoj lcufer

    Feiresieofc(fesiresi.) - jrbfublly neichmoj scater

    Fmhmoueofc(fmh.) - jrbfublly neichmoj scater

    Acrte(a) - lcuf

    Tmboc(p) - scat

    Lejbtc - shcct`, well icooeitef

    Ytbiibtc - s`crt bof fetbi`ef

    @CV VMT7 V`ere bre `ebps ca jrbfublly neichmoj wcrfs... fcotjet t`eh hmxef up!

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    Ct`er Ymjos bof Feamomtmcos

    Ymjo Obhe Hebomoj

    Iresieofc Jrbfublly neichmoj lcufer

    Feiresieofc/Fmhmoueofc Jrbfublly neichmoj scater

    cr Ytbiibtc Y`crt bof fetbi`ef

    a AcrteLcuf

    (a blwbys wrmtteo lcwer ibse)

    p Tmboc Ycat(p blwbys wrmtteo lcwer ibse)

    YlurTlby shcct`ly

    (ibo ne cver twc cr hcre octes)

    VmeTlby t`e amrst octe bof `clf acr

    vblue ca nct`

    Nbr lmoeFmvmfes husmi motc equbl seitmcosbiicrfmoj tc t`e tmhe smjobture

    Fcunle nbr lmoeMofmibtes t`e eof ca b pmeie cr

    mhpcrtbot seitmco




    B B B BB

    B BB B s`culf ne plbyef acrte.

    B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B D B D

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    Vmhef Vest MM

    Vmhe ycursela fcmoj t`ms qumz. Fc mt bs abst bs ycu ibo, t`eo reicrf ycur amoms`moj tmhe

    bncve. Nut... juess w`bt3 ]cur tebi`er wmll BFF CO 24 YEICOFY acr every hmstbke

    ycu hbke! Mts auo tc jc abst, nut hcre mhpcrtbot tc ne biiurbte. Jccf luik!

    2. Obhe twc Mtblmbo terhs t`bt hebo jrbfublly neichmoj scater7


    >. Z`bt fces stbiibtc hebo3 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    9. Bff b tmhe smjobture bof t`e hmssmoj nbr lmoes tc t`ms helcfy7


    6. Ocw wrmte t`e icrreit sible fejree ouhners uofer ebi` octe!

    5. Z`y fmf t`e i`mikeo ircss t`e rcbf3 (ck ycu fcot reblly `bve tc boswer t`ms)SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS1. Amll mo t`ms jrmf7

    Ymjo Obhe ca Ymjo Hebomoj ca Ymjo B B B BB B



    M hbfe oc hmstbkes!M keep hy tmhe ca SSSSSS!

    M hbfe SSSSShmstbkes.Hy oew tmhe ms SSSSSSSS.

    B B B O B B B B B B B B B B B O

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    Hcre Bncut Ymjos

    ]cu wmll cateo iche bircss questmcos w`mi` bsk ycu tc bff terhs bof smjos tc jmveo

    helcfmes. V`ms ms b test ca ycur cverbll kocwlefje, sc t`e questmcos bre fesmjoef tc

    reblly hbke ycu t`mok! Acr exbhple, `ere bre twc fmaaereot mostruitmcos7

    Yee3 Rumte trmiky! V`ere ms b nmj fmaaereoie netweeo t`e smjo acr jrbfublly neichmoj

    scater (


    ) bof t`e smjo acr scatly (p)

    I`eik cut t`ms questmco7

    ]cur amrst rebitmco hmj`t ne tc rbmse t`e N wmt` b s`brp smjo. Nut wbmt - t`ere ms b

    N albt mo t`e key smjobture! Z`bt smjo wmll ycu oeef mostebf3 Bff t`ms mo ocw.

    Coe amobl exbhple ca trmiky questmcos7

    Bpprcprmbte plbies (b rbt`er `uje p`rbse!) nbsmiblly hebos t`bt ycu oeef tc amof t`e rmj`tspcts. ]cu hby coly bff b tme netweeo twc octes ca t`e sbhe pmti`. Vry mt ocw!

    @CV VMT7 Ymjos bre syhncls, oct wcrfs. V`e coly bnnrevmbtmcos ca Mtblmboterhs rejbrfef bs smjos bre aacr acrte bof pacr pmboc.

    Bff b smjo tc neiche jrbfublly scater Bff b smjo tc plby t`e p`rbse scatly

    Bff b smjo tc rbmse t`e pmti`ca t`e N ny coe sehmtcoe

    B B B D B B B D

    ' B B B B B D

    Bff tmes mo t`e bpprcprmbte

    plbies mo t`ms helcfy B B B B B B B O

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    Lets Trbitmse Bffmoj Ytuaa

    @bofy @mot7 Z`eo boswermoj questmcos lmke t`ese, jmve bs hui` moacrhbtmco bs pcssmnle,bof hbke sure t`bt ycu wrmte bll ycur hebomojs mo Eojlms`!

    Vc t`e acllcwmoj helcfy, bff7

    m) V`e icrreit ilea.

    mm) V`e hmssmoj tmhe smjobture.

    mmm) Ymjos tc s`cw t`e octes mo t`e amrst nbr bre s`crt bof fetbi`ef.

    mv) B ircti`et rest co t`e amrst nebt ca nbr >.

    v) B smjo tc rbmse t`e pmti` ca t`e octe mo nbr >.

    vm) B tme mo nbr 9.

    vmm) V`e hmssmoj steh mo nbr 6.

    vmmm) B smjo tc s`cw t`e helcfy jets jrbfublly scater mo nbr 5.

    Ytufy t`ms helcfy7

    m) Z`bt key ms mt mo3 SSSSSSSSSSSmm) Bff bo Mtblmbo terh bncve t`e amrst octe tc s`cw t`e helcfy s`culf ne plbyef slcwly.

    mmm) Fces mt jet abster cr slcwer bt t`e eof3 SSSSSSSSSS(Zbromoj7 fc oct smhply boswer yes)mv) @cw s`culf t`e qubvers mo nbr ne plbyef3 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    v) Fces t`e helcfy nejmo lcufly cr scatly3 SSSSSSSSSSSS

    vm) Jmve t`e hebomoj ca t`e Mtblmbo bnnrevmbtmco mo nbr >. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    vmm) Bff b smjo tc s`cw t`e helcfy ms amoms`ef.

    vmmm) Bff t`e icrreit tmhe smjobture.

    > 9 6 5 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B

    2 > 9'a

    B B B B B Oiresi.

    B B B B Brmt.

    O B

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    Amobl ^evmsmco Vest (T`ew!)

    . ^ewrmte t`ms helcfy wmt` icrreit stehs bof jrcupmoj.

    >. Ocw trbospcse mt fcwo tc I hbgcr!

    9. Vc ycur oewly trbospcsef I hbgcr helcfy, bff7

    B smjo tc s`cw mt nejmos scatly

    B smjo tc rbmse t`e pmti` ca t`e A mo nbr

    B smjo tc s`cw t`e amrst > nbrs s`culf ne plbyef shcct`ly

    B tme mo bo bpprcprmbte plbie

    6. Bt ebi` plbie hbrkef wmt` bo brrcw, bff coe octe tc ichplete t`e nbr.

    5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5:



    Vctbl7 >5


    ( B B B B B B B B B B B B

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    Vest Tbper... scrt ca

    Bll t`ecry nccks eof wmt` b test pbper, nut t`ms coe ms FMAAE^EOV. Mt blrebfy `bs t`e

    boswers mo mt (hcstly wrcoj boswers!) bof ycur gcn ms tc ne t`e tebi`er - ycu `bve tc hbrk mt.

    Z`eo ycuve acuof bll t`e hmstbkes, jc tc www.nlmtznccks.ich.bu bof fcwolcbf t`e

    EPBIV YBHE TBTE^ - t`ms tmhe wmt` oc boswers blrebfy mo mt. Yee ma ycu ibo jet 44%!


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    V`e aclk scoj Arere Gbiques hby cr hby oct ne co t`e iurreot syllbnus, nut ycu wmll stmll amof mt mo ycur aclk scojncck. ]cu ibo stmll pmik cut bll t`e hmstbkes lmke lbik ca p`rbsmoj, tmhe smjobture mo t`e wrcoj plbie, eti eti!



    V`e wrmtmoj ca aclk scojs arch hehcry ms oc lcojer pbrt ca t`e Jrbfe 2 V`ecry exbh. ]cu wmll coly ne requmreftc reicjomse t`e w`cle cr pbrt ca coe cr hcre aclk scojs set acr t`e Jrbfe. Fmsiuss t`ms hcre wmt` ycur tebi`er!

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