how to blend public and private clouds for best business results

0 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU Human Centric Innovation Fujitsu Forum 2014 19th – 20th November

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Speakers: Mr. Georg Houben (Fujitsu) Mr. Harald Bernreuther (Fujitsu)


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Human CentricInnovation

Fujitsu Forum2014

19th – 20th November

Page 2: How to blend public and private clouds for best business results

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How to blend public and private clouds for best business results

Harald BernreutherDirector Global Infrastructure Solutions

Service Platform Business

Business Development Manager

Private Cloud Infrastructures

Service Platform Business

Georg Houben

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Market Update

Sourcing models are getting clearer (Private / Hybrid & Managed / Hosted)

Automated infrastructures for virtualization (Software-defined / Hyper-converged)

Software technology is getting more standardized (VMware and OpenStack)

Portfolio Outlook: Follow demand

VMware and OpenStack; Software-defined and pre-packaged

Common technology for Private and Public delivery; Connectors to AWS and the like

Cloud Service Management & Integration

Customer Case: UK Government

Private Hosted delivery model

Fujitsu responsible for design and operations

Standard building blocks & reference architecture

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Key Messages

Private cloud is the most popular choice for organizations adopting Infrastructure as a Service

Private cloud may not meet all of your organization's needs

Being able to achieve the best mix is key

This session will explain the Fujitsu Private Cloud offerings and how to combine these with trusted public or private hosted cloud services to get the best mix for your business

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Private Cloud Progress

Analyst Predictions on Private Cloud (Gartner)

Source: Gartner Webinar - Private Cloud Computing and The Future of Infrastructure, Tom Bittman, July 8, 2014

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The Transformation

“The majority of privateand community cloudservices will evolve tohybrid services by 2017”

Analyst Predictions on Private Cloud (Gartner)

Source: Gartner Webinar - Private Cloud Computing and The Future of Infrastructure, Tom Bittman, July 8, 2014

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Portfolio Structure: Following a SW-defined paradigm

Consulting, Design, Integration and Operation Services

Future Openstack and VMware-based offerings

FUJITSU OpenStack Services

FUJITSU Dynamic Infrastructures for VMWare vCloud Suite

Integrated System Appliance for VMware EVO:Rail™

Infrastructure SystemsReference Architectures

Integrated SystemsPre-packaged delivery, Lifecycle Support

Private Cloud




Private Cloud



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Future Openstack and VMware-based offerings


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Private Cloud Portfolio - Outlook

OpenStack VMware

Degree of SW-defined Low-High High Low-High High

Infrastructure HW & SW Infrastructure RA Integrated System (*) Infrastructure RA Integrated System (*)

Cloud Service Mgmt. SW Fujitsu Catalog Manager (CTMG) VMware vCloud Suite (**)

Consulting Cloud Business Reference Architecture & Customer Solution Lifecycle Management

Design, Integration & Customization Services


Operation Service Optional

Infrastructure RA: Reference Architecture based on standard components

Integrated System: Defined and partially pre-installed /pre-configured System

*Future offerings currently under evaluation

** CTMG for RA available

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Catalog Manager - Cloud Service Broker



Administration Portal


Price modeling


Department A

ID managementUser Portal

IT Department

Fujitsu Catalog Manager

Department B

Department C


Microsoft Azure

Amazon Web Services

Select optimal cloud services for end user

Aggregate cloud services together for provision safe services

Solid coalition with Fujitsu Cloud Platform for IaaS management

SaaS Provider



Private Cloud Platform

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Hybrid IT -> Complete End-to-End View

Aggregating cloud services together for unified provisioning and reporting

Integrating cloud and non-cloud services

Managing the end to end service delivery in a consistent way across all services

Aggregate, integrate and

manage cloud / non-cloud systems

Service Delivery

FUJITSU Cloud Integration Platfrom


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Delivering savings of up to 70% in the first year

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Offering Choice in IaaS Delivery

Fujitsu EnterprisePrivate Cloud

Fujitsu Cloud IaaSPrivate Hosted

Fujitsu Cloud IaaSTrusted Public S5

Service Location Customer or Fujitsu DC Fujitsu DCs Fujitsu DCs

Access Reserved On-demand / Reserved On-demand

Compute Dedicated Shared or dedicated Shared

Workloads Virtual and native Virtual and native Virtual

Storage Dedicated - Tiered Shared - Tiered Shared - Standard

Network Dedicated Shared Shared

Scalability Procurement According to agreements On demand

Availability Implementation dependant Up to 99.99% 99.95%

Support Implementation dependant 24x7x365 24x7x365

Service Catalog Customer defined Fujitsu defined (customizable) Fujitsu defined (standard)

Payment Capex or lease purchase Pay as you use - Hourly or monthly metering, monthly billing

Managed Services Range of options from supporting O/S through application to full system support

Provided on the platforms that are also available to you!

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Project Example: Fujitsu FAST

Flexible, Agile, Serviceable and Transparent ICT delivery

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The Customer

UK Government

Long period of “Austerity”

Reduce real spending - € 15 bn by 2016

General election – May 2015


Reduce fraud, error and debt

Transparency/ open book

Public service Innovation

Government property reduction

The direct customer GDS …

Non Ministerial Department with annually

€ 640 bn Revenue per year

5 m businesses

45 m customers

Handles 70% of all government transactions

ICT Strategy

No contract greater than € 130m and > 2 years

No automatic contract extensions

Mutual exclusive integrator/provider role

Digital by default

Greater competition – SMEs Cloud

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The customer

demanded private IaaS & PaaScommodity service

wanted market equivalent pricing and functionality

insisted it accommodate new and existing capabilities

wanted it now!

The Challenge

The Fujitsu response

Market cloud within an existing private environment

Analyse the market, adjust existing commercial models and contracts

Designed flexibility to deliver NIST + resource only containers

Delivered from concept to consumption within 8 months

Fujitsu provides full Infrastructure managed service for 4500 physical servers hosted in 5 data centres and handles 85000 end user devices, 2M paper notifications and 750000 calls per year

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Completion slow but…

Rigorous design & assurance processes

Supplier supported risk

Comprehensive business level service

Size for specific capacity

Integrated control

The Paradigm Shift

Rapid completion with…


Customer autonomy & greater risk

Commodity pricing

No direct business service interest

Size: unpredictable & transitory

Indifferent to process







Easy to handle, adapts and scalesaccording tobusiness needs!


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FAST IaaS: Overview


Running on Fujitsu hardware including vShape appliance, DMZ Portal Servers, VMware vCloud suite -> DIvCloud

Fully supported and managed infrastructure

Portal characteristics:

Secure access: Single Sign on/RBAC

Straddles physical security

Authorization workflow

User selectable predefined blueprints

User payload features: provision, configure and destroy ability

PaaS characteristics:

Prebuilt hardened payloads

Types: Windows R2, SUSE, RedHat

Selection of support (managed or unmanaged)

IaaS characteristics:

Used defined, flexible compute, memory, storage resources

Accommodate department builds plus compatible legacy builds

Being used to support existing platform for transformation

Fully contended while being fully "performant”

Billing & Charges:

Auto registration and charging of VMs

Flexible cost and pricing constructs

Utilisation billing – pay for only what is consumed

Monitoring, capacity and performance mgmt.

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Status of Public and Private Cloud @ Fujitsu

IaaS - 88% overall increase in capacity in FY13 – 4 x new and 3 x expanded Data Centers

Trusted Public Cloud – 77% planned increase in capacity in FY14

Private Hosted IaaS – 8 new countries plan to deploy with 3 Data Centers expanding

Private cloud – new solutions planned around Fujitsu, VMware and OpenStack solutions

39% growth in FY13

~ 5,000Organizations use our cloud

as of end of March 2014

$2.5 BGlobal Revenue


cloud employees


25Cloud Data


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Fujitsu can do Cloud

Time is right for Private Cloud

Hybrid will be the next step

Fujitsu Portfolio is defined along-side customerdemand

Fujitsu has a consistent approach across all Cloud delivery models

Customers can grow with Fujitsu solutionswithout technology breaks

References prove Fujitsu to be the right partnerfor your Cloud journey

Let´s get in touch and discuss how Fujitsu can help realize your cloud strategy

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Private Cloud Infrastructures on Fujitsu Forum 2014

Expert Talks

D1: Private Cloud IaaS On-premise: What technology stack fits best to my requirements?

D2: What is the right cloud approach for you?

D22: What can you expect from OpenStack as part of Fujitsu’s cloud strategy?

D23: Your easy ramp-up to OpenStack Cloud

Demo Center – FUJITSU Cloud IaaS

Visit us on booths S11-S15


Expert TalksDemo Center

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