how to become your own banker green2

HOW TO BECOME YOUR OWN BANKER Recover The Payments, Interest & Finance Charges You Otherwise Pay To Banks & Finance Companies!

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Post on 29-Jun-2015



Economy & Finance

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Recover The Payments, Interest & Finance Charges You Otherwise

Pay To Banks & Finance Companies!

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You Can Use This Little-KnownBut Proven, and Time-Tested Strategy To...

Recapture the interest and profits you now pay to banks and finance companies! 

Finance a car, house, credit card debt or college education—yourself! 

Wake up at the beginning of each and every year with more wealth than you had the year before! 

Create a tax-free stream of income for life!  Eliminate banks and finance companies from your

life and gain control over your money!  Win the financial freedom game!  You can benefit from this strategy even if you

typically pay cash for major purchases!  

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When You Send A Payment To A Bank Or Financial Institution, Do You Ever See That

Money Again?

Here's How To Recapture Those Dollars By Becoming Your Own Banker, Plus...

Get triple compounded interest on the money you recaptureUse it to grow wealth without riskEliminate banks & finance companies from your lifeGain control of your moneyCreate a tax-free income stream for your retirement

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The Easiest Place For Most People To Start Becoming Their Own Banker Is By Self-

Financing Their Own Car... 

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a "magic bullet"—I can't show you how to finance your own car starting tomorrow, because... 

If you want to become your own banker, there's going to be a "start-up" or "capitalization" phase, just as there is when you start up any new business 

However, you can become your own banker for your car in just a few years...and once you do, you'll never have to throw money away leasing or financing a car for the rest of your life!

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To Understand How This Works, It Helps To Look At The Different Ways People

Typically Purchase A Car...

The 3 Wrong Ways and 1 Right Way to Purchase A $25,000 Car...

To keep this illustration as simple as possible and to compare apples to apples, we are making these assumptions: 1.  We are not factoring in any down-payment 2.  We are not factoring in any trade-in value a car may have 3.  We are not factoring in inflation4. We are assuming you will buy a $25,000 car every four years, from age 40 until you turn 805. We assume a conservative historical interest rate on your car loan or lease of

7.5%.  (Do you remember it wasn't long ago that car loan interest rates were higher?  In 1997, it was 7.99%, in 1994, it was 8.5%1, in 1991, it was 11%2) 6. We calculated the "lost opportunity cost" (LOC)—which is what you would have earned by investing the interest you gave to the finance company, by assuming

you could get a 5% return (long-term) on that money, had you put it into a savings account

instead 7. You pay taxes on the income you earn in a taxable savings account at a rate

equal to your combined Federal and State income tax brackets 

1 USA Today2 Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine

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Option 1:  Lease The Car











Your monthly payment is $416.00 of which $57.56 is interest (current interest rate on leasing is 7.50%) You do this for 40 years, leasing a new car every 4 years.Total Cash Outlay = (-$199,680) LOC [Lost Opportunity Cost]= (-$60,208)(i.e. the lost earnings on the interest you paidto the Finance Co. or Bank) Your total cost = (-$259,888) 

Other Drawbacks of Leasing:You have no equity and you get nothing back at the end of each lease! You typically pay a large down payment. Lease company may make you pay extra for depreciation, wear and tear, or high mileage.

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Option 2:  Bank Loan

Your monthly payment is $604, of which $84 is interest—you do this for 40 years (financing a new car every 4 years) 

Total Cash Outlay = (-$289,920)  LOC = (-$87,489)  Your total cost = (-$377,409)  You get nothing back from the bank or finance company at the

end of the loan!







Lost Opp.Cost


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Option 3:  Pay Cash For Your Car














You take $25,000 out of your savings account every 4 years to pay cash for your car & you do this for 40 years (10 cars total).Remember—you finance everything you buy—you either pay interest to a bank or finance company OR you give up the interest you could have earned on your money had you invested it, instead of paying cash for a depreciating asset .Total Cash Outlay = (-$250,000)  LOC = (-$544,797) Your total Cost = (-$794,797) If you are disciplined enough to make monthly payments into a savings account to accumulate $25,000 over 4 years to pay cash for your next car, your LOC will be less, however, you'll pay income taxes on the growth of that money in a taxable savings  account or money market fund

Those Are The 3 Most Common Choices...But There's a Fourth, And Very Intriguing Option...

Harness The Incredible Power Of A Strategy That Has Been Around For Over 200 Years, But Which Very Few People Or Financial Advisors Know Or Understand...AND ... Here's How It Works...

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Option 4:  The ONLY Way! Become Your Own Banker

Your monthly payment is $604/month for 40 years, the same as you would pay if you took out a bank loan.

When you start a business, whether it be a finance company or any other kind of business, isn't there always a "start-up" or "capitalization" phase?  Of course there is.  And since you're building up your own "bank" or finance company, there's a capitalization phase necessary to do that.  In this case, it's going to take a 5-year start-up period. 

After the fifth year, there's enough in your account to withdraw $25,000 and pay cash for your car.  Then you start making your $604/month payment to your own "bank", instead of to the finance company.

This is a commitment you must make to yourself—to make the same payment directly to your own "bank," just as any outside banker or lender would have required.  Remember, there's no such thing as a "magic bullet"—this is what it takes... this is a strategy for practical people willing to make a change in how they manage their finances.

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Here's What Happens When You Finance Your Own Car...







GrowthOver 40Years

TotalCashOutlay--but goesinto yourown"bank"

Your Total Cash Outlay over 40 years is $289,920 (the same as if you financed your car through an outside finance company), however it's all going into your own "bank" instead of someone else's (which is why it's listed in the "positive" column) and... It grows to a Total Value of $461,139 in your Plan in 40* years and... It grows with triple compounded interest, the "Eighth Wonder of the World," because... First, you earn money on the principal you pay inSecond, you're earning money on the interest you would have paid to a finance institutionThird, you're earning interest on that interest! Because you had a "capitalization phase" of 5 years to start your own "bank", you're getting the use of 9 cars over 40 years, instead of 10 cars in the previous examples .* Based on current interest rates and assumptions and individual contracts and withdrawal features

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Isn't This A Small Price To Pay For Recapturing All Of The Interest You Would Have Otherwise Given To A Finance Company, Never To See It


Now think about much did those 9 cars really cost you?

They really cost you NOTHING, since you recaptured every penny  in your own "Bank" and then some!

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A Chart On The Four Ways To Purchase A $25,000 Car










LossOver 40Years

GrowthOver 40Years

Option 1       Option 2      Option 3                Option 4   Lease        Bank Loan      Cash             Become Your Own Banker

(-$259,888)     (-$377,409)  (-$794,797)        +$461,139

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The financial difference to you between financing a car through a bank and financing it yourself is: $838,548!

[i.e. from a negative -$377,409 cash outlay through a Bank loan, to a $461,139 POSITIVE GAINto you when doing it through YOUR OWN BANK!]

And that’s just for one car! After 5 Years, You'll Never Have To Go To A Bank or Finance Company Again To Finance Your Car, And...............

You'll be recapturing every cent you would have paid to them! The money you recapture will grow steadily in your Plan and you can borrow your equity in the Plan whenever and however you want, tax-free, and/or you can take it as a tax-free stream of income! If you purchase a car or other item through a bank or finance company, and an unforeseen event cuts off your income and you can't make your monthly payments, what happens?  They'll come and repossess your car, foreclose on your home, send the collection agencies after you, ruin your credit rating... and in general make your life unpleasant. However, when you use your own "bank" to finance purchases, and your income stops for a few months, you can simply skip some payments or pay less for a while—it gives you flexibility and peace of mind and control over your own money. 

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There Are Still More & Additional Benefits of Becoming Your Own Banker... 

1. Even if finance companies are still offering low interest rate loans, you'll come out ahead by taking the rebate instead and financing your car yourself. 2.  Unlike a taxable savings account, you have access to the gains on your money anytime you want—tax-free! 3.  You can take it as a tax-free stream of income at retirement, and—unlike a  pension plan—there are no government limits on how much or how little you can take each year and no early withdrawal penalties! 4.  You don't have to wait until you retire to get your hands on your money! 5.  You had the use of 9 cars over those 40 years and still increased your wealth by $461,139! 6.  Imagine what happens if you do this with 2 cars instead of one! 

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This Concept Can Also Be Used For... 

Your mortgage

Credit card debt

Funding college education for your kids or grandkids

Other small or large purchases you would typically finance

An equity line of credit you can use to finance things you want to buy, or for an emergency... with the interest you would normally pay to a financial institution going into your own pocket instead

  AND ... Business owners with C-Corporations

Using this Concept, you can purchase the equipment yourself and then lease it to your corporation...and get the interest deduction and depreciation...and you'll recapture all the interest you were paying to the finance company!  

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You Have A Very Important Choice To

Make...1. You can continue to give that money to banks, finance or leasing companies, never to see it again, or... 2. You can pay cash and give up all the interest you would have made on your money had you invested it instead...

             OR.....................................   3. You can put all that interest into your own pocket (via your Own "BANK") and never have to go to an outside source for financing ever again! 

Be honest now, and think about it ... which of the above options makes the most sense to you?