how to become a successful affiliate manager

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How To Become a Successful Affiliate Manager

The THREE things you must drill in your head over and over to have a successful Affiliate Program:Research Recruit & Train

By: Garrett Robins

Pay per Performance

I realize some of you may be thinking to yourselves that you cant afford to pay out commissions.

Well Iwant to set you straight you cant afford not to.

Remember that you will only pay out when a sale has been made. So you only give me $100 when I get someone to give you $200. A smart entrepreneur would not spend all their time trying to sell their products alone. Instead, that time is better invested when spent getting others to sell their product for them. (Keep in mind that its only after the product has sold that you will have to pay your affiliates.)

SO lets get right in to the meat of this presentation. I am going to give you a broad overview of how this works. I will go into some depth on each of these three topics but the next articles will be specifically on each one.

Researching your Affiliates

When Researching for potential affiliates there are a few tools that I like to have installed on my computer.Some are free some and have a cost to them. The ones that I pay for are not essential to your success but they do cut the research time down by about 90 percent.

Researching your Affiliates

The Alexa Toolbar

This nifty little tool lets you see information related to the site you are looking at including: Name of the Owner Email Address Physical Address Phone Number Other Sites Created by the Owner Other Site Related to that Site

Researching your Affiliates
The Alexa Toolbar

It looks something like this:

The Google Toolbar

This toolbar will show the PR (page Rank) of the site. If you can get higher ranked sites to promote for you that is great but it is best to focus on the threes, fours and fives.This is all Im going to tell you about the Google toolbar right now. Hopefully you know a lot about this already. If you dont, you can download going to this link:

Researching your Affiliates
Google Toolbar

So why would you want all this information? Well, you cant build a relationship with anyone if you dont communicate with them. By using this tool you can visit a site in your niche or a site that would be a good fit for your product and mine out the useful information. Then you can throw it on a excel sheet so its ready for you when you move on to the recruiting stage.Then when it comes time to do the calls and emails I can keep track of my conversations and my new Affiliates.

Researching your Affiliates
Google Toolbar

SEO Elite

The other tool that really helps out is paid software SEO Elite. tool will cut your research time by about 90 percent. If used the right way, it will pull out sites related to the keywords you type in and export the list to an Excel sheet for you. At that point you can sort through the list of what is most relevant to you and get ready to make the phone calls.

Researching your Affiliates
SEO Elite

Like I said in the beginning, Im not going to go into this too much in this presentation. I would rather save it and give it to you next month after you have had the time to get a list a potential Affiliates.But let me go over some basics of what you need to know so you can prepare: How to craft you offer? What affiliate tracking software should you use? What percentage of the sale are you going to give out? Should you reach them by phone or email? What are the right and wrong things to say? Should you mail them a package so they can see the product? What tools are you going to provide for them to promote with?

Recruiting your Affiliates

Now that you have all your affiliates ready and willing to sell your product, you need to take the time to train them to reach their full potential.Look at it this way. You wouldnt hire a salesman in the offline world and just send him out without training on how to sell better. You also wouldnt stop encouraging him and let him just lie around the office playing paper football. So why would you leave your online salesman hanging?Here are a few ways we train our affiliate that have been successful: Tele-Seminars (Get on the Monday morning bust out calls at.) Seminars ( Courses (Affiliate Bootcamp) Newsletters ( get your affiliates to sign up for the Affiliator) Webinars Blogs

Training your Affiliates

The goal is to connect with them and deliver powerful content that, in returns, makes you more money.And remember to post all this training on an easily accessible site so new affiliates can catch up on the material. I dont sit and listen to training at my computer and Im sure you dont either so make it available in MP3 format so its ready to download to their I-Pods or music players. Remember make it as easy as you can for them to consume and apply.

Training your Affiliates

The goal is to connect with them and deliver powerful content that, in return, makes you more money.And remember to post all this training on an easily accessible site so new affiliates can catch up on the material. I dont sit and listen to training at my computer and Im sure you dont either so make it available in MP3 format so its ready to download to their I-Pods or music players. Remember make it as easy as you can for them to consume and apply.

About the author: Garrett Robins works as the affiliate manager for

Training your Affiliates