how social media is leaving behind traditional resumes?

How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

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Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Page 1: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

How Social Media Is Leaving Behind

Traditional Resumes?

Page 2: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

Nobody can say that traditional resumes still rock the boat.

The advent of social media has almost completely eradicated

the use of traditional resumes.

In spite of the fact that the traditional technique for drafting a

paper based resume was effectively utilized for quite a while,

social channels have predominated their presence and worth.

Page 3: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

The two essential viewpoints that have had a gigantic effect on

the resume are Social Media and the Traditional Typed Resume.

You can undoubtedly say that the social media has had the

most fatal impact. It is truly reasonable as well.

Page 4: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

Why would anyone in this digitally inclined globe want stale,

lifeless and limiting documents?

Page 5: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

Recruiting is inclined

towards social


Social is full of rich


Applicant tracking

systems and their



Page 6: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

Recruiting Is Inclined Towards

Social Channels

Page 7: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

Everywhere across continents, social networking is very

favoured by organizations and as well as individuals for the

process of recruiting.

This situation is likewise comparable in India.

This is the reason why staffing services in India are utilizing

social networking sites such LinkedIn for their recruiting needs.

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This implies that you just can't envision how huge the social

media is going to wind up sooner rather than later regarding


Traditional resumes are for the most part made in Word

Documents or PDF groups.

However, these are static report which require up gradation

consistently to stay in a state of harmony with changing

workplaces and increment in skills of people.

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Further, this record is constrained as far as utilization.

The candidates are not given freedom of boasting about their

talents and achievement.

The social media interestingly gives this to applicants; hence

having the edge over traditional patterns.

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Social Is Full Of Rich Insights

Page 11: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

When you consider a social profile for any individual, the

richness in terms of insights that enlistment firms increase is

very enormous.

With organizations exceedingly utilizing recruitment process

outsourcing providers, these organizations that are utilizing

social profiles as a base to screening candidates have further

expanded the popularity of this medium.

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These profiles add the extra effect along with all the features

present in a traditional resume.

This permits the recruiters to investigate and analyse the

applicants and forward their profiles to companies.

This guarantees that the recruiters spot the right candidate

and the companies on their end don't need to stress much

over eligibility.

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Applicant Tracking Systems And

Their Ubiquity

Page 14: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

Applicant tracking systems are nothing but software monsters

created to deal with heaps of resumes.

However, with advancements in technology and social

networking, organizations are disposing of these behemoths

and embracing imaginative strategies to screen individuals with

less endeavours.

Organizations alongside staffing services in India are utilizing

direct social networking profiles as instead of relying on tracking

systems and traditional resumes.

Page 15: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

With the whole world going social over the web, recruitment all

in all too has adjusted to this change.

Recruitment process outsourcing firms are inherently set

advanced to spare time alongside with efforts that may have

been required with respect to screening possibility to locate the

right candidates.

Page 16: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

The traditional resume can be said to be dying its own death.

Hopefuls, recruitment agencies and organizations searching for

representatives; all are relying upon the social media and the

traditional resume has taken a secondary lounge.

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Page 18: How Social Media Is Leaving Behind Traditional Resumes?

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