how partner determination works

HOW PARTNER DETERMINATION WORKS Rohit Ranjan Series “How CRM Functionality Works” 12-05-2011

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SAP CRM Parter determination procedure


Page 1: How Partner Determination Works


Rohit Ranjan

Series “How CRM Functionality Works”


Page 2: How Partner Determination Works

Agenda Introduction – Partner Processing


Partner Processing in Context

Example of Partner Determination

Building Blocks

Partner Processing & BP Master Data

Partner Functions and BP Relationships

Steps to configure

System Demo

Q & A

Page 3: How Partner Determination Works


All transactions in CRM involve business partners & partnerprocessing allows you to work with them efficiently andconsistently.

Partner Processing:

Includes partner determination, the procedure with which system automatically finds and enters partners in transactions

Allows you to define partners with your company’s terminology

Lets you specify many aspects of how partners are handled in transactions

Lets you set how CRM and ECC exchange partner processing information

Means end users do not have to think about partner processing while working with transactions!

Page 4: How Partner Determination Works

Partner processing controls how the system works with business partners in transactions. It ensures the accuracy of partner data in transactions by applying rules you specify in customizing, and it makes users work easier by automatically entering certain partners and related information, like addresses.

One of the most important aspects of partner processing is partner determination, the system’s ability to automatically find and enter the partners involved in a transaction. In most transactions, the user manually enters one or more partners, and the system enters the others through partner determination. Various sources of information make partner determination possible; two of the most important are business partner master data and organizational data.

Partner functions are terms that describe the people and organizations with whom you do business, and who are therefore involved in transactions. For example, when you create an Activity, based on customizing settings, it automatically includes the partner functions activity partner, contact person, and person responsible. Partner functions are always assigned to partner function categories, which are hard-coded in the system.


Page 5: How Partner Determination Works

Partner determination procedures are sets of rules for how the system works with business partners during transaction processing. They bring together partner functions and access sequences, and include additional information.

The access sequence in CRM defines a search strategy that specifies the sources of data the system uses when it determines a partner and the order in which it uses these sources. It does not specify whether this partner is determined before or after other partners.


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Partner Processing in Context

Partner processing relies on several sources of data:

Business partner master data, including BP hierarchies Organizational data Preceding transactions, end user data, and other sources

And customizing settings for:

Partner functions and partner function categories Access sequences Partner determination procedures Transaction types Mapping tables to and from ECC

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An Example of Partner Determination

Page 8: How Partner Determination Works

Partner Functions:Are terms that you use to describe your business partnersAre assigned to partner determination proceduresCan be freely defined

Access Sequences:Are search strategies that list sources

of data for partner determination Are assigned to partner functionsCan be freely defined

Partner Determination Procedures:Lists which partner functions are mandatory and optional in transactions Are where access sequences are assigned to partner functionsAre assigned to transaction types

Partner Function Categories:Are hard-coded classificationsAre assigned to partner functionsOften correspond to business partner relationship categories

The Building Blocks

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How Building Blocks Work Together

Page 10: How Partner Determination Works

Analysis of the Example

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Partner Processing & BP Master Data

Business partner master data is an important source of information for partner processing.

The following slides show how partner processing:

Recognizes how partner functions and BP relationships correspond to each other (The partner function category corresponds to a relationship category).

Recognizes general relationships and sales area-specific relationships as different sources of information (There are two different sources available in access sequences: BP relationships, and BP relationships by sales area)

Can include BP hierarchies, or use them as sources of information (Hierarchies exist as both partner function categories and sources in access sequences.)

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Partner Functions and BP Relationships

Page 13: How Partner Determination Works

General Relationships and Sales Area Data

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Partner Processing and Organizational Data

Organizational data is also an important source of infromation for partner processing.

The following slides show how partner processing:

Uses the organizational model as a source of data. (You can enter organizational data as a source in access sequences)

Works with organizational determination rules (When you enter organizational data as the source, you must also enter a rule)

May require organizational data to be in the transaction already. (For example, if partners are determined based on the organizational unit, organizational determination must occur before partner determination)

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Partner Processing and Organizational


Page 16: How Partner Determination Works

Overview of Customizing

In Customizing for Partner Processing you:

Define Partner Functions

Define Access Sequences

Define Partner Determination Procedures Define how CRM and R/3 exchange partner processing


In Customizing for Transactions you:

Assign partner determination procedures to transaction types

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Customizing Steps

In Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing

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Define Partner Functions

1. Enter an alphanumeric key for the partner function

2. Enter a description. This description appears in the transaction header and on the partner tab page

3. Enter an abbreviation

4. Choose a partner function category. This hard coded category allows the system to identify and work with the new partner function

5. Specify whether this partner function applies to CRM or Enterprise Buyer

6. In most cases the system automatically enters the relationship category, based on the partner function category

1 2 3 4 5

In Customizing for partner processing, choose Define Partner Functions


Page 19: How Partner Determination Works

Define Access Sequences

1. Evaluate the existing access sequences. If possible, use one of them.

2. To create a new access sequence, use the wizard.

The wizard leads you step by step through the rest of the procedure.



In Customizing for partner processing, choose Define Access Sequences

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Define Access Sequences (cont.)

The wizard leads you through several screens where you can select the sources of data to include in the access sequence.

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Define Partner Determination Procedure

1. To define a new partner determination procedure, usethe Wizard.

2. The Wizard leads you step by step through the rest of the procedure.



In Customizing for partner processing, choose Define Partner Determination Procedure

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Define Partner Determination Procedure (cont.)

3. The wizard lists partner function categories that are required for the type of transaction you choose.

You enter partnerFunctions. They must correspond with the suggested categories.


4 4. You can enter new partner functions you defined earlier.

To make a partner functionmandatory, enter 1 as the minimum for how many times it occurs.

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Define Partner Determination Procedure (cont.)


5. Once the wizard is complete, open the new partner determination procedure and assign access sequences tothe partner functions.

If you created new access sequences earlier, they would be listed here.

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R/3 Mapping Tables

In Customizing for partner processing, choose Data Collection -> Distribution of Partner

Functions from R/3 into CRM and Distribution of Partner Functions from CRM into R/3.

1 Determine how partnerfunctions and partnerfunction categories in CRM and partner functions in ECC correspond with eachother.

You see the new partnerfunctions you defined in CRM.


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Customizing for TransactionsIn Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management ->

Transactions -> Maintain Transaction Types

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Maintain Transaction Types

1. Find the transaction type in which you want to use the new partner determination procedure. 1

2 2. Assign the new partner determination procedure to this transaction type.

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Create a Transaction

Create a transaction in CRM.

Choose the transaction type to which you assigned the new partner determination procedure.

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Partner Determination in the Transaction

The partner functions included are those you specified in the partner detemination procedure for this transaction.

Enter the sold-to party and press Return.

The system determines partners and enters them both in the header and on the Partner tab page.




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