how otm on smart phone is adding value to retailers and shippers


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How OTM on SmartPhone is Adding Value toRetailers and Shippers

By: Srinivas Rao Durbha & Nikhil GuptaITC Infotech



Key Business ChallengesKey Business ChallengesNeed of the HourNeed of the HourOTM Mobile App FeaturesOTM Mobile App FeaturesEnabling OTM on Smart PhoneEnabling OTM on Smart PhoneUse Cases for Shipper, Retailer, Carrier and DriverUse Cases for Shipper, Retailer, Carrier and Driverm-Smartm-SmartBenefits and Value addition for Retailers and ShippersBenefits and Value addition for Retailers and ShippersChallengesChallengesFuture RoadmapFuture Roadmap

Business Snapshot







Modern Trade

Modern Trade

InstitutionalSales Institutional




Distributor Retailer



Carriers Nodes(DC/WH)



Key Challenges


• Real Time Visibility

• Manual Interventions in Execution

• Collaboration with Multiple Stakeholders

• Providing Real time visibility to Customers

• Control In Execution

Need of the Hour


• A Solution that :

• Provides real time visibility

• Can be operated at any time of the day with ease

• Can be extended to multiple stakeholders while ensuring data security

• Provides critical alerts that can be accessed anywhere, anytime




Smart Phone

OTM Mobile App Use Cases


• I want to review and accept/declinetenders that have been offered to me.

• I want to update and view the status ofshipments that I have accepted.

• I want to view the status of mycustomer’s shipments.

Carrier/Driver Customer Service Executive

OTM Mobile App Features


Carrier/Driver Home Screen with Tendered, Accepted, Rejected ShipmentCounts with Exceptions (eg: Delayed Shipments) and Favorites.

Tendered Shipment Screen with Stop Information and Shipment Details(Equipment, Weight, Volume, Cost).

Tender Acceptance/Rejection Confirmation Popup.

Map View for Stop Information, View Appointment Details.

Add Event, Capture PoD with Signature and /or Photograph.

OTM on Smart Phone - Android


OTM on Smart Phone - iOS


Enabling OTM on Smart Phone


Login to OTM 6.4.1with Admin User

Step 1

Add Mobile App RESTand Common InterfaceLayer Access Control Listto User Role

Step 2

Install App on yourSmart Phone

Step 3

Use yourcredentials to login to the MobileApp

Step 4

Shipper/Planner Use Cases


Can I monitor keyoperational KPIs and addevents from my Phone?

Can I monitor keyoperational KPIs and addevents from my Phone?How Can I Track and

Trace my Shipments,Trucks and

Customer Orders

How Can I Track andTrace my Shipments,

Trucks andCustomer Orders

How can I extend my OTMon Mobile to my Customers& Carriers for better service

and collaboration?

How can I extend my OTMon Mobile to my Customers& Carriers for better service

and collaboration?

Can I reduce manualentry and

dependency forcapturing Key Events?

Can I reduce manualentry and

dependency forcapturing Key Events?

Customers/Retailers Use Cases


Can I get ETA ofmy Order to plan


Can I get ETA ofmy Order to plan

accordingly?Can I get Truck and

Driver Details toensure security andsmooth Check In at

my facility?

Can I get Truck andDriver Details to

ensure security andsmooth Check In at

my facility?

Can I track myOrders withoutlogin in to my


Can I track myOrders withoutlogin in to my


Carrier Use Cases


Can I View, Approve andReject Transportation

Requests using a mobileapp ?

Can I View, Approve andReject Transportation

Requests using a mobileapp ?Can I Add various

Events, captureProof of Delivery

using mobile phone?

Can I Add variousEvents, capture

Proof of Deliveryusing mobile phone?

I need to Assign Jobsto drivers, and

collaborate well withshippers.

I need to Assign Jobsto drivers, and

collaborate well withshippers.

Driver Use Cases


Can I view Delivery Pointsand Order details to be

delivered ?

Can I view Delivery Pointsand Order details to be

delivered ?Can I get route plan

and drivingdirections on my

mobile for my trip?

Can I get route planand driving

directions on mymobile for my trip?

I need visibility onmy next assignmentbefore completion

of current trip.

I need visibility onmy next assignmentbefore completion

of current trip.

I need quick andsimple data

entry points.

I need quick andsimple data

entry points.



Customizable Mobile App on ITC Infotech’s App Store, compatible with OTM 6.3 & Above

Cloud Compatible, uses innovative, data secure & performance friendly design

Enabled with Automated Event Addition using Geofencing. Uses Smart Phone as GPS Device.

Customer Login for Tracking their order status and ETA, Capturing e-PoD.

Driver Login for Event Addition and checking current and Upcoming Assignments.

Planner login with Key KPIs on dashboard, adding events, tracking orders and shipments.

Service Provider Login for Tendering, Event Addition, Capture PoD.

m-Smart – for Shippers


View and Track Shipments and customer Orders.

Add Tracking Events.

Automated Events Addition using Geofencing.

Customizable Dashboard for Operational KPIs.

View Assigned Truck, Driver details, ETA at Pickup location as entered by carrier.

View Planned Route and ETA/ATA and ETD/ATD on Map.

m-Smart – for Retailers (Customers)


View and Track Orders.

Receive updated ETA based on real time event updates in OTM/OTM App.

View Assigned Truck, Driver details carrying your orders.

Enter Proof of Delivery (PoD).

PoD Validation and Confirmation using OTP (One Time Password)

View and Track orders on Map.

m-Smart – for Carriers


View Transportation Requests.

Accept or Reject the Transportation Request (Tender).

Add assigned Truck, Driver details to shipments.

Add Various Real Time Events.

Capture Proof of Delivery (PoD).

Assign Vehicle and Driver to Shipment, Jobs to Drivers.

m-Smart – for Drivers


View Delivery Points and Order Details for given trip.

Get Planned route and Driving Directions on Map.

Add Various Real Time Events through easy to use screen.

Capture Proof of Delivery (PoD) from Customer.

View Current and Next Assignment (Trip) Details.

m-Smart - Screens


Planner DashboardUser Login Shipments View Planned Route withETA/ETD and ATA/ATD

m-Smart - Screens


Shipment Details Add Events Capture PoDView Orders

Benefits & Value Addition forRetailers & Shippers


Reduced Dependency to get real time events

Enhanced Collaboration with various stakeholders in business ecosystem.

Error Free, Automated Real Time Events Entry

Effective Track and Trace of Shipments/Orders anywhere, anytime.

Efficient Exception Handling with alerts for Critical Events.

Challenges with OTM on SmartPhone


User Adoption

Not Everyone in Every Geography has a Smart Phone

Still Needs Manual Intervention

Dependency on Network Coverage

Future Roadmap


• Assessment of adding events through app in offline mode. Data transfer toserver based on mobile network/Wi Fi availability.

• Integrate OTM Fleet Workbench with m-Smart to get real time fleet & drivervisibility.

• Provide In Fleet and In Container visibility and proactive alerts for exceptionsthrough IoT integrated to m-smart.



Srinivas leads the Supply ChainApplications Practice at ITC Infotech. Hehas 19 years of Experience in consulting& enterprise application services inSupply Chain Management & Logisticsdomain.

Associated with OTM for more than adecade, Srinivas has a proven trackrecord of building Supply Chainapplications business, competencydevelopment, delivering on-demandenterprise solutions and in managingcomplex multi-dimensional engagementsdelivering intricate solutions.

Srinivas Durbha Nikhil Leads the Solutions and Presalesfor SCE practice at ITC Infotech. He hasstrong experience of 8+ years onOTM/GTM as Solution Architect andFunctional Lead across variousGreenfield Implementations in US,Middle East and India.

Nikhil has published 4 internationalpapers on OTM/GTM. He is acomputer Engineer and MBA (GoldMedalist) from the Centre forDevelopment of Advanced Computing,India and was awarded a NationalLevel prize for innovation.

Nikhil Gupta

Practice Head – SCE

[email protected]

+91 988 678 5950

Solutions Lead - SCE

[email protected]

+91 809 500 0537