how my shoes were stolen: revised draft

EXT. JETTY, LAKE - DAY A young man, MAXWELL (MAX), early 20's, fairly rugged and unshaven for a few days, stands on the edge of a jetty in his underwear. He deletes PHOTOS from his mobile phone apart from one - AN IMAGE OF A GIRL (of a similar age to himself) HAPPILY POSING OUTSIDE THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF A UNIVERSITY. He contemplates the photo for a moment - it stirs unhappy thoughts/memories. MAXWELL Thanks for nothing! He DELETES it too. He opens his NOTES APP and begins to type - although we do not see what he is typing. Once he has finished he places the phone on top of his SHOES which are stacked on a NEATLY FOLDED PILE OF CLOTHES. He checks around him - for once there is nobody about. He seems disappointed that this is the case. He crouches down and unzips a pocket in a LARGE BACKPACK situated behind him. He takes out A HALF-EMPTY BOTTLE OF WHISKEY. As he does so, we see that the main compartment is filled with INDUSTRIAL PEBBLES. He zips up the backpack and hoists it onto his back. He takes a glug of the whiskey, and grimaces as he's hit by the aftertaste.

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How My Shoes Were Stolen: Revised Draft


A young man, MAXWELL (MAX), early 20's, fairly rugged and unshaven for a few days, stands on the edge of a jetty in his underwear.

He deletes PHOTOS from his mobile phone apart from one - AN IMAGE OF A GIRL (of a similar age to himself) HAPPILY POSING OUTSIDE THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF A UNIVERSITY.

He contemplates the photo for a moment - it stirs unhappy thoughts/memories.

MAXWELL Thanks for nothing!

He DELETES it too.

He opens his NOTES APP and begins to type - although we do not see what he is typing.

Once he has finished he places the phone on top of his SHOES which are stacked on a NEATLY FOLDED PILE OF CLOTHES.

He checks around him - for once there is nobody about. He seems disappointed that this is the case.

He crouches down and unzips a pocket in a LARGE BACKPACK situated behind him.

He takes out A HALF-EMPTY BOTTLE OF WHISKEY. As he does so, we see that the main compartment is filled with INDUSTRIAL PEBBLES.

He zips up the backpack and hoists it onto his back.

He takes a glug of the whiskey, and grimaces as he's hit by the aftertaste.

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He shuffles to the very edge of the jetty, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

He sways slightly for a moment, and then opens his eyes and steps backwards. He tries to rally himself.

MAXWELL Come on, Max. You can do it!

But he can't, so he sits down and stares at the water.



MAXWELL dangles his feet over the edge of the jetty and waves his arms back and forth in an attempt to throw himself off.

A STONE scudss past him and bounces across the river's surface.

MAXWELL What the...?

He turns and sees a WOMAN at a distance. She waves and smiles at him. She is SANDRA, early 20's, wearing a hoodie, and she is taking PHOTOS of him with an OLD POLAROID CAMERA.

Feeling vulnerable, MAX attempts to cover his modesty with his hands.

MAXWELL Hey, stop that!

SANDRA laughs, takes out a CIGARETTE from a SIDE BAG and lights it.

SANDRA That's an odd way to fish. Using yourself as bait.

She takes a drag.

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SANDRA Do you do this often?

MAX turns his attention back to the water.

MAXWELL This is a first, thank you.

SANDRA You know doing that...

She circles her finger in the air.

SANDRA ...Won't make people happy or sad.

She looks in both directions, and places her hand against her mouth.

SANDRA They won't admit it, but they'll think of you as selfish and cowardly.

She takes another drag on her cigarette.

MAX is confused and angered by her remarks. This is not what he was expecting. He turns to face her again.

MAXWELL How do you know? And why should this concern you, anyway?

SANDRA stands her ground and laughs. This agitates MAX further.

MAXWELL Will you please go away!

She snaps another PHOTO of him.

MAXWELL And will you stop doing that!

SANDRA moves a little closer.

SANDRA This is a public right of way. If you don't want people watching, go and find somewhere more private.

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MAX's heckles are up - why is he getting aggro when he wants sympathy.

MAXWELL OK, stay then. For Christ's sake, if only the last one had I wouldn't be doing this now. (beat) Enjoy the spectacle...But, please...No more interruptions.

He presses his index finger to his lips, and then aggressively removes it.

SANDRA Wouldn't exactly be a good person if I ignored this, would I.

She places both hands above her head and spreads them out, as if imagining the headline.

SANDRA I can see the headlines now - 'Woman watches local man drown.'

MAX tuts - she's still talking!

SANDRA Then both of us would be considered selfish!

MAX rounds on suddenly rounds on her.

MAXWELL Enough of this selfish shit! (beat) It's my life, and it's up to me what I do with it.

She nods.


MAXWELL If I want to take a dive and lie on the bottom of this lake, then I will.

SANDRA chuckles and takes another drag.

SANDRA You sure about that?

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MAX shoots her a determined look.

MAXWELL Yes, I'm sure. I came here with every intention of dancing with angels. And I know that there's one waiting for me as we speak.

SANDRA snaps another PHOTO.

SANDRA Go on, then!

MAX turns and shuffles back to the edge of the jetty.

He closes his eyes and prepares himself...But he just can't do it!

SANDRA (O.S.) Still here!

He opens his eyes and rounds on her.

MAXWELL Look, I can't do this with you watching me.

SANDRA laughs.

SANDRA Why not? What difference does it make? If you're determined to do it...


SANDRA ...But you can't...

She's right - MAX is furious. He puts his hands over his ears.

SANDRA ...Because you're scared...

MAX lowers his hands and turns to face her.

SANDRA ...You're as far from taking your

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life as I am...From...!

She comes a little closer.

SANDRA ...I mean, who would fold their clothes so neatly if they...

MAXWELL You know what, screw you!

SANDRA smiles.

SANDRA That's the spirit! Let it all out.

He almost manages a smile.

MAXWELL I hate it when I'm wrong.

She snaps this. He doesn't protest or object.

SANDRA Don't we all. I'm Sandra, by the way.

MAX sits in a more relaxed fashion and pushes his fingers through his hair.

MAXWELL Maxwell...Aggghhh! I feel so stupid...So naive...

He picks up his phone, taps the NOTES APP and reads back what he had written.

MAXWELL ..You have driven me to this...It's all your fault...

He hits the delete button and the WORDS DISAPPEAR.

A STONE scuds across the water.

MAX turns, but Sandra is no longer there.

He is confused by this. He stands and goes looking for her.

At the other end of the jetty he finds a Polaroid - IT'S OF

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HIM SMILING - and contains the CAPTION: "Phew - that was close! P.T.O."

He does so - to find written: "Here's a little game for you. If you find your shoes, you'll find me! S."

He chuckles and wipes his nose on his arm.

He's about to retrieve his clothes, when he see one of his shoes a little further along the bank.

He goes over and picks it up.He Looks around.


A little further ahead he spots the other shoe.

As he moves towards it, he becomes aware of a SMALL SHRINE made up of DYING FLOWERS and FADING CARDS - all addressed to SANDRA. At the centre is a POLAROID of SANDRA smiling, dressed in her hoodie and clutching her camera.

Slowly, realisation dawns on Max.