how ingredients influence unsaturated polyester properties


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Page 1: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties
Page 2: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

rhe chemistry or unsaturated poryesters 3 :"#;::i:';r:"#,["J,:X ;:::$3ffiL:r":1:'JL""1 "t

processins Affects poryester properties 4 3lli1i".?:flffij:t;t :H[t]i;l?l3i?3'"?.r,"

Table of Contentslntroduction

Evaluatin g Unsaturated Polyesters

Level of Unsaturation

Three lsomers of Phthalic Acid

Modification with Aliphatic Acids


Unsaturated Goreactants


A Summary of Trends

Health and Safety Information

On the cover: A Fisher-Hirschfelder-Taylor model of anisopolyester molecule illustrates the space filled by thecovalent bonds. This model represents a polyesterwith a 1 :1 ratio isophthalic acid to maleic anhydridecondensed with propylene glycol and crosslinkedwith three moles of styrene per mole of maleateunsaturation. Light blue represents oxygen, orange ishydrogen, and black is carbon. Study of the modelsprovides a useful intuitive feeling for the sterichindrances that may increase corrosion resistanceand for the changes in resin density,'flexibility andcrystallinity produced by various combinations ofpo lyeste r i ng red i ents.


lntroduction I

2 Fiber reinforced polyester composites have achieved 1

. fabricate. This makes isopolyesters the preferred" choice in gel coats, pipes and tanks, structuralg molding, and automotive appearance parts.

The remarkable versatility of fiber reinforced12 isopolyesters is largely derived from the almost

ro unlimited possibility for easy modification of the basic'! polymer structure. Major variables include selection of

20 glycols, the choice of unsaturated coreactant,proportions of these ingredients used, and processing.

23 As manufacturer and marketer of three basicchemicals for isopolyesters-isophtha I ic acid, ma leic26 anhydride, and siyrene monomer-Amoco Chemical

26 has actively.monitored trends and developments in theunsaturated polyester i ndustry.

27 This brochure outlines the information Amoco hascollected on the effect of ingredients on unsaturatedpolyester properties and performance. Most of thedata is from work conducted by Amoco laboratories.Some information comes from the laboratories ofaffiliated companies as well as from recognizedindustry and academic sources. This compilation isintended as a guide to available information. Amocowelcomes dialogue with manufacturers and users ofpolyesters about issues that this work may engender.

Page 3: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

The Ghemistry ofU nsatu rated PolyestersUnsaturated polyesters are the product of acondensation reaction between difunctional acids andalcohols one of which (generally the acid) contributesolefinic unsaturation. This polymer is dissolved instyrene or other monomeric material containing vinylunsaturation. With heat and,/or free radical initiation,the polyester and reactive diluent crosslink into asolid, non-melting network. The photos show asimplified model of the basic materials required toform a thermoset polyester.

With this picture in mind, the methods of varying thepolyester to tailor it to specific applicationrequirements are readily apparent. The principalpolyester variations effected by constituent changesare the frequency of crosslinking sites (crosslinkdensity), the degree of steric protection afforded tovulnerable functional groups and the rotationalfreedom within the polymer chains.

Additional effects on properties are produced bypolyester molecular size - a joint function of theratio of ingredients and processing variables - andby coreactant selection and concentration.

Even this brief overview of polyesters indicates thatseveral routes are usually available to achieve aparticular property. A goal of this brochure is tosuggest usef ul paths of investigation to resinformulators seeking cost effective resins to meetspecific end use requirements. While the particularemphasis will be on the role of ingredients inpolyesters based on isophthalic acid, many of thetrends observed in our laboratory can be extrapolatedto other types of unsaturated polyesters.

lllustrationl PolyesterReactants

F-=aAmoco Maleic Anhydride (MAN)

.WxAmoco lsophthalic Acid flpA)

lllustration 3 Cured lsopolyester - The same model as on the cover. Oxygen is light gray, hydrogen is dark gray, and carbon is btack. Theball and'stick diagrams omit hydrogen; black circles represent carbon and open circles are oxygen.

lllustration 2 Liquid Polyester With Styrene Monomer


Page 4: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties


Processing AffectsPolyester PropertiesThe brief description of processing included here isintended only as a basis for the discussion ofprocessing's influence on properties. A morecomplete review of Amoco's recommendations forunsaturated isopolyester processing is available inother publications.

Equipment for processing good quality unsaturatedpolyesters includes: a heated kettle with agitator,temperature measurement devices, reactant additionand sampling ports; an overhead system withefficient fractionating and total condensers; andapparatus for safely diluting the polyester withmonomer.

Good quality unsaturated polyesters are processed bya two stage reaction in which aromatic and saturatedacids are reacted with all the glycol until at least onefunctional group of all diacid has reacted. The resinmixture is then cooled, maleic anhydride added andprocessing continued to f inal properties asdetermined by test methods, such as acid number orviscosity, that reflect polymer size.

Esterifying the slower reacting acids with asubstantial glycol excess produces low molecularweight. hydroxyl terminated oligomers that react inthe second stage to more evenly distributeunsaturated f unctionality throughout the polymer.

The esterification reaction is accelerated by efficientlyremoving the water of reaction (hence the need foran efficient partial condenser), higher thanatmospheric pressure and/ or certain catalysts.

The polyester chain grows as acid and hydroxylgroups combine and release water. Unreacted acidand hydroxyl groups left in the reaction mixture canbe monitored by conventional wet chemicaltechniques to indicate the course of the reaction.

Figure 1 illustrates the growth of polymer size andincrease in viscosity as the available end groups areconsumed. Because virtually all isopolyesters areformulated with a hydroxyl excess, acid number iscommonly used to quickly indicate the remaininglevel of reactive material. Excessive residual carboxylfunctionality contributes to viscosity drift and greatervulnerability to chemical attack in end useapplications. Therefore. the preferred method forcontrolling polyester molecular weight is to adjustinitial hydroxyl excess, rather than prematurely endthe esterification reaction.

Figure 1 Molecular Weight lncreases AsEnd Groups Disappear

During Esterification

Mn byVapor PhaseOsmometry

TotalEnd Grouo 'Number ' 150


(60% NVM)in Styrene

Acid 50



Page 5: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties


Evaluating theUnsaturated PolyesterA variety of tests are available for determining theidentity and properties of polyester resins as solutionsand as cured solids. Tests used in process qualitycontrol must give quick, accurate results, beconvenient to perform, and be low in cost whenperformed frequently. Other tests are used to predictlong term performance in actual use.

Tests of the wet or uncured resin and knowledge of theresin formulation and ingredients can tell themolecular weight, level of unsaturation, probablethickening rate and cure response. Conventional testsof uncured resin and their implication for the resinformulator and user are shown in Table 1.

The focus of this brochure is on unsaturated resinsthemselves; however, in most applications the resinsare combined with fibrous reinforcement or fillers. Theuser of the final product is most concerned with theproperties of the composite which are affected by boththe resin and the reinforcement.

Certain properties are dominated by reinforcement andthe contribution of the cured resin is masked. Figure 2illustrates the correlation of cured resin and compositetensile elongation for most of the resins studied byAmoco Chemical. Untilthe sample is elongated about2.5 percent the tensile elongation of the composite isinfluenced by resin. Thereafter, it is determined by thestiffness of the reinforcement.

Other composite properties, such as flexural strength(stress perpendicular to the orientation of most of thereinforcement), are largely determined by the resin.Corrosion resistance is amont the properties that relateto the interaction between reinforcement and resin and

that is best determined by testing a laminate.

To most clearly focus on resin contribution to laminateperformance and avoid the scatter of test resultsinevitable with composite testing, most propertiesdiscussed in this brochure are based on testing of clearor unreinforced castings of resins. Laminate testing isused only for corrosion resistance and flexural fatigueevaluations that are functions of resin/reinforcementinteraction.

Figure 2 Reinforcement Masks ResinTensile Elongation PropertiesLaminate




2461020Clear Casting Tensile Elongation, %

Table I LaboratoryTests of Uncured Resin

Property Test method Predictive Significance

HydroxylnumberAcid numberAcid numberGel

Molecular weight

Molecular weight



Non volatilematerial.Viscosity

ASTM E222ASTM Dl639ASTM Dl639SPltestVapor phase osmometry

G e I pe rm eati o n ch ro m atog ra phy

I nf ra - red s pectro sco py

NMR spectroscopy


ASTM D1824, D2196, SPI test

Corrosion resistance and thickening rate, indirectlyindicates molecu lar weight,Same as hydroxyl number.Reactivity and demolding time.Number average MW, used to calibrate gelpermeation ch romatography.Number and weight average MW as well asdistribution.Can be run on styrenated resin and cured resin,qualitative test.Sample must be dry and monomer-free bothqualitative and quantitative.

Monomer content. With viscosity it indicatesmolecular weight.Handling and thixotropic properties Also indicatesmolecular weight.


Page 6: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

3lResin Properties are lntertwinedChange in one property usually causes a change insome other property. The properties most desired bythe end user are frequently inferred from severalmeasurable variables.

For example, toughness, a most desirable property, isoften defied as the area under the tensile stress/straincurve. Figure 3 depicts a hypothetical charting ofdestructive tensile stress of a clear resin casting. Thearea of the roughly triangular figure formed under thecurve is proportional to the toughness of the testedresin. This property will be affected by changes ineither ultimate tensile elongation or ultimate tensilestrength. lf each component of a multivariateproperty, such as toughness, changes slightly in thesame direction, the cumulative change is muchgreaterthan each individual change. For instance, a

Figure 3 Tensile Stress/Strain AreaDefines Toughness

lncreasing Strain

Data obtained by ASTM D638 using lnstron tester,

30 percent increase in both tensile elongation andtensile strength will result in a 70 percent increase intoughness.

Similarly, a difference in destructive stress testing oflaminates can reflect a more substantial difference innon-destructive, cyclic stress. Table ll shows that aclear cast isopolyester has 34 percent greater flexuralstrength than an orthopolyester. When reinforced, the

Figure 4

Strengthpsi MPa




Strengths Are Maximizedat lntermediate Flexibility




'610Tensile Elongation, %


ii, Flexural



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Table ll FlexuralStrenqth and Fatique TestinglsopolyesterResin

131 MPa19,000 psi

221MPa32,000 psi

80 MPa1 1,600 psi

98 MPa14,200 psi

201 MPa29,100 psi

66 MPa9,600 psi

Orthopolyester lso AdvantageResin Over Ortho

Clear cast flexural strength(ASTM D79O)

Laminate flexural strength(ASTM D7e0)

Flexural load sustainablefor 1 million cycles bylaminate(ASTM D671)



21% v

Page 7: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties


difference falls to 10 percent. However, when thelaminate is subjected to flexural fatigue load testing,the difference is again apparent. (For details of thetest and resin see Figure 22 on page 16.)

Flexibility, which underlies many physical propertiesof resins, is usually closely correlated with tensileelongation. Figures 4 through 6 show the relationshipbetween tensile elongation and flexural strength,tensile strength, stiffness (flexural and tensilemodulus), and heat deflection temperature forpolyesters studied in Amoco's laboratories. Thegraphs indicate relatively invariable relationships

Figure 5 Glear Gasting Stiffness Gorrelateswith Tensile ElongationTensile

Modulus106 psi MPa


Tensile Elongation, %

between some properties: heat deflection resistanceand high elongation are not compatible combinationsof properties in the same class of resin. On the otherhand, toughness can be increased in resins with lowflexibility by increasing tensile elongation, while invery flexible resins toughness will be improved byreducing elongation.

Table lll summarizes the physical tests andinstrumental analyses that indicate resincharacteristics and usefulness for variousapplications.

Figure 6 Heat Deflection Temperature Versus

Heat Deftecrion Clear Gasting Tensile ElongationTemperature


41020Tensile Elongation, %

Table lll Laboratory Tests of Cured Resins and LaminatesPropertv Test Method SisnificanceTensile strengthTensile elongation

Flexural modulus

Heat deflection temp.


Glass transition temp.





ASTM D2684 Dl653 (modified)

Th e rm a I g ravi metric a na lysi s

Determine required part thickness


Stiffness, required part thickness

Service temperature, warp tendency

Dual laminate construction

Electrical service tem peratu re-\

Page 8: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Determination of Corrosion Resistance

Even in applications not normally referred to ascorrosion resistant, the ability of reinforcedisopolyesters to resist conditions that would causedeterioration in other materials is a valued attribute.ln normal fabrication of corrosion resistant laminates,the surface is fiber free. Still, liquids may permeatepolyester to some extent, making the laminatevulnerable to attack of the resin, the glass fibers or thei nterface between them. Conseq uently, Amoco'spreference is for corrosion testing of completelaminates with edges protested from exposure. TablelV shows some common corrosion resistance testswhich are conducted in Amoco laboratories.

Most of Amoco's testing has been conducted onlaminates constructed and exposed in corrosivemedia by the procedures outlined in ASTM C581.Analysis of flexural properties and hardness at one,three, six and twelve months can be plotted onlog-log graphs to project ten year performance. Anexample of such projections is shown in Figure 7. lfthe best straight line through the one year dataindicates 50 percent or more retnetion of properties atten years, the laminate is considered acceptable forcommercial service in that media. Advantages of thistest method are that its acceleration is throughtwo-sided exposure, not heat which can distortresults. The test evaluates the resistance of the totallaminate and is reliable. ln Amoco's tests propertyretentions have been reproducible to within 5 percentfor flexural modulus and 10 percent for hardness andflexural strength,

Figure 7

Retention ofProperties

Loss of Propefties During One YearPredicts Long Term Resistance






20 T










lmmersion Time, Months


Table lV Gommon corrosion resistance testsPropertyStain corrosion

Pi pe stiff ness retention

Single-sided exposure


Test MethodASTM D3262

ASTM D2412

ASTM D4398


SignificanceMeasures properties of FRP pipe.

Conducted on stoppered pipe sections filled withchemical reagents.

Measures time to blistering for marine gel coatsand laminates.

Measures retention of flexural strength andhardness after one year. Compares resins onability to protect glass fibers.

Page 9: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

-\ Level of UnsaturationThe essential ingredient for an unsaturated polyesteris the carbon-carbon double bond or olef inicunsaturation that will subsequently crosslink with thereactive diluent. ln virtually all commercial resinsunsaturation is provided by maleic anhydride orfumaric acid. As shown by the molecular models,they are very similar in the esterified form, and theirdifferences are minor compared with the effect oftheir use level in the polyester (lllustration 4).

lllustration 4 Maleate Versus Fumarate Unsaturation

The ratio of maleic or f umaric unsaturation to thetotal ingredients of the polyester is the primarydeterminant of reactive double bond f requency in thepolymer. This frequency in turn determines theamount of crosslinking that can occur with a reactivediluent, such as styrene, and thus, stronglyinfluences cured resin properties.

An unsaturated polyester could be made with onlythe unsaturated acid or anhydride and a glycol oroxide. As saturated acid replaces unsaturated, thefrequency of double bonds in the polymer willdecrease causing an increase in flexibility asreflected by tensile elongation (Figure 8). The sametrend is displaced, but still true, for resins made withquite different glycols. Figure 9 shows the increasedtensile elongation associated with higher aromaticacid content in resins made with diethylene glycol.

Figure ITensile



Figure 9Tensile



Unsaturation Level AffectsTensile Elongation

1:2 1:1


Tensile Elongation lncreasesas Reactivity Drops



Propyleneglycol reslns

aI 45ok stvrene


Page 10: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Figure l0

Heat DeflectionTemperature


Heat deflection temperature, as expected, decreasesas crosslink density is reduced (Figure 10). However,as noted in the previous section, the effect of crosslinkdensity on flexural and tensile strengths depends onresin flexibility. A rigid propylene glycol polyester

becomes stronger and more flexible by increasing thearomatic acid content (Figure 11), while a very flexiblediethylene glycol polyester exhibits lower strength asit is made more flexible by increasing aromatic acidcontent. (Figure 12).

Figure 12 Strength of Flexible Resins Fallsat Lower Unsaturation


psi MPa


1 :1 2'.1 3:1 4:1 5: 1


lf the formulation of a polyester is known, the degreeof unsaturation can be readily calculated in moles perunit mass (mol/kg), Table V shows a samplecalculation for a polyester with two moles ofunsaturation in 968 grams of polyester or a degree ofunsaturation of 2.07 mol/kg.

Table V Example of Polyester Material BalanceReactant mol kq

Heat Reflection Fallsat Lower Unsaturation

Strength of Rigid Resins Risesat Lower Unsaturation

1:2 1:1


Amoco isophthalicacid

Amoco maleicanhydride

propylene glycolless water


u nsatu ration : 2.0/0,968 : 2.07 mol/kg




Figure l1










3.0 0.498

2.0 0.196

5.5 0.418- 8.0 -0.144





Page 11: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties


These polyester double bonds react with the doublebonds in styrene or other coreactant though afree-radical mechanism. This exothermic reaction isusually initiated by a peroxide or other free-radicalsource. Propagation time (a measure of the in-moldcure time) and peak exotherm as determined by theSPI gel test correlate well with the amount ofunsaturation in the polyester, if all other factors areconstant. Figures 13 and 14 illustrate these trends fora series of resins made with propylene glycol andcrosslinked with 45 percent styrene. Generally, higherpolyester unsaturation levels will rsult in faster cureand higher temperatures.

Figure l3 Unsaturation Level AffectsPropagation TimeReaction


Propyleneglycol resins

aI 45ok styrene

I1:4 1:2 1:1


Other Effects of Crosslink Densitylmpact resistance is positively associated withflexibility, Thus, decreasing unsaturation will increaseimpact resistance, reducing molded part damageduring fabrication and shipping.Resins with higher unsaturation levels can toleratemore inert filler because the crosslink density remainssufficiently high to provide good strength as the resinportion of compound volume is reduced,

The higher heat deflection temperatures of morehighly unsaturated resins allows service at highertemperatures.

Sources of UnsaturationWhile theoretically a great variety of unsaturateddifunctional acids and anhydrides could be used toprovide the required double bonds in the polyester,vi rtua I ly a I I com merci a I u nsatu rated polyestersincorporate maleic anhydride (cis configuration) orfumaric acid (trans configuration),

Maleic anhydride is usually less expensive thanfumaric acid. lt can be reaily melted and handled asa liquid. The anhydride form reacts faster than theacid and one less mole of esterification water isreleased du ring processing.

Maleic acid readily isomerizes to form fumaric acid.During esterification the maleate structure canrearrange into the fumarate configuration. The extentof isomerization is reported to be dependent on thetype of glycol used. Table Vl shows the amount ofisomerization observed.


propylene glycolneopentylglycolethylene glycoldiethylene glycol

From Curtis, et al., 19th Annual SPI RP/Cconference

The advantage of total trans configuration (fumaricacid) was reported to be typical of a more linear andcrystalline polymer: greater hardness, high moduli orstiffness, lower elongation, higher heat distortiontemperature, reduced gel and propagation times, andhigher exotherms. The trend of these differences is tomake the polyer more rigid.

tt2:1 4:1

Table Vl lsomerization of Maleic to Fumaric DuringPolyesterificationFigure 14



Unsaturation Level AffectsPeak Exotherm






tt1:2 1 :1







Page 12: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Three lsomers ofPhthalic AcidThere are three isomers of phthalic acid: orthophthalicacid (1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid), isophthalic acid(1,3-), and terephthalic acid (1,4-). Orthophthalic acid,the only one of the three that can form an anhydride, isnormally used in that form.

Each phthalic isomer has particular advantages andliabilities when used in polyester production. Researchby Amoco Chemical indicates that polyesters madefrom isohthalic acid (lPA) offers substantially betterproperties than equivalent formulations made withphthalic anhydride (PAN ).

The properties of terepolyesters are generally betterthan orthopolyesters and are often quite similar to thoseof isopolyesters. Terepolyesters generally have a higherheat deflection temperatures but offer less aromaticsolvent resistance and less UV stability.

lllustration 6 Cured Orthopolyester

vrlllustration 5 Cured lsopolyester

lllustration 7 Cured Terepolyester

Page 13: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties



Cost Differences

A resin manufacturer's cost analysis includes rawmaterial costs, processing costs and ancillary costsassociated with special handling of any product. Suchan analysis is an overly simple view of the real costand value of the user. Customer oriented cost analysismust include not only resin purchase price andfabrication costs, but life-cycle cost factors such asmaintenance, useful life before replacement andperformance in multiple environments. The manu-factuer producing high quality resins can offer thesavings of longer service life in more variedconditions.

The combination of better physical properties andsuperior corrosion resistance reported for isophthalicpolyesters in this section can be exploited in severalways:

o thinner laminates can match performance oflower quality resins at lower cost and lessweight;

. the safety margin for catastrophic stress can beincreased.

o useful product life can be extended;o maintenance costs can be reduced;o product defect incidence caused by nnanu-

facturing stresses can be reduced.

Differences in Material Handlingand Processing

The ortho isomer is normally used as the anhydridewhich reacts faster initially and releases one, ratherthan two, moles of esterification water. Phthalicanhydride can be melted, providing someconvenience for plants equipped to pump hot liquidsto storage and process units.

Terephthalic acid is the slowest reacting of the threephthalic acids. catalysts or pressure are required toesterify TA within a reasonable time period.

lsophthalic acid reacts more readily than TA, but itsinitial rate is slower than phthalic anhydride. Theesterification of isophthalic acid can be catalyzed toprovide reaction times approximating those ofanhydride esterification. A summary of typicalprocessing time with and without catalysts andpressure is shown in Table Vll.

Table Vll Processing Time Variation of lsomers ofPhthalic Acid

First Second Total Finalstage stage time viscosityhr hr hr at60 NVM

200'C peaktemp., no catalyst, no pressurePhthalic

anhydride 24.0 24.0 T

232'C peak, no cat., no pres.Phthalic

anhydride 5.5lsophthalic acid 9.0Terephthalic acid 48.7

232'C peak, no cat., w/pres.lsophthalic acid 4.5 10.0Terephthalic acid 14.0 10.0

9.5 15.0 T-U10.0 19,0 v9.5 58.2 V

14.5 V-W24.0 V

232'C peak, with cat.*, no pres.lsophthalic acid 4.3 1 1.0 15.3 U-VTerephthalic acid 8.5 7.5 16.0 V

Data are averages from many cooks of 1 :1 ratio aromatic acid andmaleic anhydri-de condensed with propylene glycol. Times willvarydepending on equipment.*Fascat 4100, hydrated monobutyltirr oxide, a product of M&TChemical, lnc.

The Kr reported in Table Vlllfor orthophthalic acid isnot indicative of the initial reaction rate of theanhydride. Note the significantly lower K2 of orthoversus iso. The practical implication of this low K2 is amuch slower reaction rate for the second acid groupof orthophthalic acid based polyesters, Consequently,it is much more difficult to obtain high polyestermolecular weight with phthalic anhydride than withthe sio or tere conformations. Efforts to pushorthopolyester to high molecular weight increase therisk of gelation and aggravate the sublimation rate ofphthalic anhydride. These efforts also negate theinherent advantages of ortho resins-fast reactiontimes and light color.

Table Vlll Properties of Phthalic Acids andAnhydrides

Solubility lonizationGonstantin Water in Waterat 20'C K1 K2

PAN 131

oPA 231tPA 348,5TA 300*


Data from Kirk-Othmer, Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,2nd ed.


io*to-, o6x1o-,33x'tr0-5 3.2x10-u31x10-5 1 .5x10-u




Page 14: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties


The sublimation tendency of phthalic anhydriderequires caution during processing and can indirectlyinfluence cured properties. Sublimed phthalicanhydride fumes are flammable and can causefractionator and condenser plugging. Condensedphthalic anhydride and low molecular weight phthalicesters can drip back into the resin kettle during finalstages of processing and after the reaction iscomplete. These low molecular weight materials haverelatively high water solubility, act as plasticizers ofthe cured resin and reduce corrosion resistance.

Because terephthalic acid requires catalysis foreff icient processing, the consequences of residualcatalyst in cured resin must be evaluated in end useapplications. Amoco's experience indicates thatcertain catalysts may be detrimental to corrosionresistance properties and unacceptable for foodcontact applications. TA resins cooked with catalystsgenerally have dark color and poor shelf life. Gelcharacteristics can also be affected.

Liquid Resin Properties

Equivalent formulations made with the differentphthalic isomers will have somewhat different liquidproperties resulting from the different target endproperties. Resins based on isophthalic or tere-phthalic acid will normally be processed to highermolecular weights and will show higher viscositiesand lower end group counts (acid numbers andhydroxyl nurnbers) than equivalent phthalic anhydrideformulations. To obtain proper solution viscosity forparticular end uses, such as spray application,somewhat more styrene dilution or relatively moreglycol may be required with IPA than with phthalicanhydride. Stopping the isopolyesterification reactionat a lower molecular weight (higher acid number) isgenerally not recommended as many of the curedresin advantages will be lost.

Terephthalic polyesters made with primary glycolssuch as neopentyl have poor solubility in styrenecompared with ortho and isopolyesters. Blends ofglycols and highly branched or cyclic glycols havebeen suggested to improve TA resin solubility.

Cured Resin Differences

The magnitude of the differences caused by thevarious phthalic isomers depends on the selectionand proportion of other ingredients in the polyester.High reactivity resins designed for SMQ applicationcontain only 10 to 15 percent aromatic acid in thecured polymer whereas the aromatic acid can be wellover 30 percent of some flexible resins.


Comparing equivalent formulations based on differentaromatic acids is complicated by the differencescaused by processing parameters. As indicated above,orthophthalic resins are rarely processed to the samemolecular weight as iso- and tere-based resins.Orthophthalic resins that are specially processed tothe molecular weight range easily attained withisophthalic acid are susceptible to premature gelationand may contain low molecular weight species.

To demonstrate the differences attributable solely tothe isomeric structure, most of the comparisonsreported here are with very high quality, laboratory-prepared orthophthalic resins that are unmatched bycommercial phthalic resins. The greater advantage ofcommercial iso resins over commercial orthophthalicpolyesters is evident in comparing the differencesshown in Figure 15 to Figures 16 and 17. Anisophthalic high reactivity resin prepared in Amoco'slaboratory showed about 5 to 10 percent higherphysical properties than a comparable orthophthalicpolyester made to the same standards. Tensiletoughness, a multivariate property, is more than 20percent better with the isopolyester. ln contrast, highreactivity commercial isopolyesters are at least twiceas tough as equivalent commercial orthopolyesters.

Figure l5 Toughness of Rigid LaboratoryHigh Reactivity Resins


psi MPa




Elongation, o/o









6riiitil$ti$$ffiffi0.0 1.0


Page 15: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties





Figure l6Tensile

Strengthpsi MPa

Figure l7Tensile

Strengthpsi MPa

Toughness of RigidCommercial High Reactivity Resins

1.0Elongation, o/o

Toughness of Resilient GommercialHigh Reactivity Resins

Formulations with a high ratio of aromatic tounsaturated acids amplify the difference IPA canmake. Figure 18 shows tensile stress,/strain datafrom a series of flexible resins made with diethyleneglycol. For these formulations, at equivalent ultimatetensile elongation, the iso resins have 65 to 75percent higher tensile strength.

Figure 18

TensileStrengthpsi MPa

Tensile Stress of FlexibilizedUnsaturated Polyesteru








Elongation, %



Page 16: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Figure 20Heat DeflectionTemperature


Heat Deflection Temperatureof 1:1 Polyesters

At a 1 :1 ratio of aromatic is unsaturated acids,isopolyesters offer 15 to 20 percent better strengths,ultimate elongation (Figure 19)and heat deflectiontemperatu re ( Figu re 20) tha n orthopolyesters.. Theisopolyesters are more than 40 percent tougher thanthe ortho resins.

lsopolyesters can endure substantially higher loadthan orthopolyesters in laminate flexural fatigue testsof medium reactivity resins (1 :1 and 3:2 ratios ofaromatic to unsaturated acids). This series of tests(Figure 22ltollow ASTM method D 671; non-destructive loads were applied cyclically until stressrelaxed to half of original. The orthopolyestersincluded a commercial resin whose fatigue resistancewas significantly lowerthan that of the laboratory-prepared resins.

Most physical properties of 1 :1 terephthalatepolyesters are not substantially different than 1 :1isopolyesters. The most dramatic differences are thehigher heat deflection temperature (Figure 20)andlower hardness (Figure 21 ) of the terephthalatepolyesters. lsopolyesters are about 15 percenttougher than equivalent terepolyesters (Figure 19).

Figure 19


psi MPa

Toughness of 1:1

Polyesters in Tensile Stress /Strain




Figure 21


Figure 22FlexuralStresspsi MPa











IPA TA PANAromatic acid

Hardness of 1:1 Polyesters45olo Styrene

TA PANAromatic acid

Flexural Fatigue of Laminates






Ortho \z'"\\ -':::


Page 17: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

lsopolyester Offer Balance of Properties

Many applications for unsaturated polyesters dependto some extent on the resistance of these resins toattack by environments that corrode metals. Resinswith equimolar ratios of unsaturated to aromaticacids generally exhibit the best balance of corrosionresistant properties.

The traditional preference for isopolyesters overorthophthalates for corrosion resistance is dramati-cally illustrated by the results of laminate immersionin representative media (Figures 23,24 and 25). Evenwhen a phthalic anhydride resin is processed in twostages to a very low acid number and high molecularweight (HMW), its ten-year projected properties dropto unacceptable levels. A lower molecular weight(LMW) orthopolyester processed to more typicalcommercial properties deteriorated to unacceptablelevels within the year of immersion.

Several factors may cause the lower resistance oforthopolyesters to attack by aqueous solutions. Asevident in the molecular models (lllustration 6),orthophthalate ester linkages are more visible, henceare more susceptible to attack than the ester linkagesof isopolyesters. The hydrolytic stability of ortho-polyesters is far inferior to that of isopolyesters asshown by clear castings after six days boiling waterimmersion (lllustration 8). A further vulnerability isthe possibility of free phthalic anhydride or lowmolecular weight phthalate esters that may drop intothe orthopolyester resin near the end of processing.

lllustration I

After six days in boiling water, orthopolyester (on left) has becomecloudy and opaque while isopolyester is still clear.

35o/o HCI at 4'9oC


llll12 36 60 120


25olo Ethanol at 71oC

Figure 23Retention ofProperties


/-\ 99









Figure 24Retention ofProperties










W .*,* ls??o,lyester







Months60 120

1 N NH4OH at 38oC


Figure 25Retention oiProperties










36 60


Page 18: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Figure 27

Retention ofProperties

Benzene at 23oC



Terepthalate Gorrosion Resistance

Amoco's immersion studies showed no advantage forterephthalate polyesters at temperatures up to 93'C(Figures 26,27, and 28). lsopolyesters demonstratedbetter resistance to dilute acids and bases thanterepolyesters. The TA resins failed in benzene whilethe iso resin softened, but maintained strength andmodulus.

Figure 26

Retention ofProperties


25% H2SO4 at93oC























tt36 60



Figure 28

Retention ofProperties

5olo NaOH at 23oC

tll36 60 120


912 18




Page 19: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Modification withAliphatic AcidsAliphatic acids, particularly adipic acid, can replacepart of the aromatic portion of an unsaturatedpolyester to offer higher tensile elongation withoutdrastically reducing heat distortion temperature.The aliphatic chain is more flexible than the aromaticring; thus the effects shown in Figures 29 and 30 arenot surprising. Adipic acid in the polyester backboneacts as a flexibilizer, lowering stiffness andincreasing elongation. Because crosslink density isessentially constant, the reduction in heat distortiontemperature is modest up to the 50 percentreplacement level. Above this level heat distortiontemperature drops rapidly.

Figure 29Moduli

106psi GPa

Adipic Acid Reduces Stiffness







Figure 30

10 20 30 40 50Mole % Adipic Acid (Substitution for IPA)

30% Styrene

Adipic Acid Substitutionlncreases Tensile Elongation




10 20 30 40Mole % Adipic Acid (Substitution for IPA)

30% Stvrene

The steric hindrance protecting the ester linkage ismuch lower with aliphatic acids than with isophthalicacid. Therefore. polyesters containing a substantialfraction of adipic acid suffer severe loss of corrosionresistance and hydrolytic stability.

The degree of property degradation is partiallydependent on glycol. Polyesters with about 20percent molar substitution of adipic acid forisophthalic acid that are condensed with a highly-branched glycol such as neopentyl glycol, offer agood balance of flexibility and toughness withacceptable corrosion resistance for many appli-cations. Adipic-modified polyesters made with etherglycols are readily susceptible to corrosion by manycommon media.

Figure 3/ Adipic Acid Substitution Slightly Decreases

Heat Defrection "eat Deflection Temperature






01020304QMole % Adipic Acid (Substitution for IPA)

30% Styrene


lllustration 9

Adipate (upper section) versus isophthalate structure.


Page 20: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

GlycolsAs partner in every ester linkage, glycols areimportant determinants of polyester properties.Amoco is not a manufacturer of glycols, therefore wehave looked primarily at glycols as coreactants withisophthalic acid and maleic anhydride withoutattempting to exhaustively investigate the full rangeof available materials. The trends described are bothwhat we have observed and what has been reportedby generally available trade and academic sources.

The effects of glycols are analogous to those ofacids: bulkier, more branched or cyclic glycols offermore ester protection and less rotational freedom;longer chains offer more flexibility; larger glycolsreduce unsaturation level modestly with associatedchanges of properties.

Types of GlycolsThe common glycols used in unsaturated polyestersynthesis can be classified as aliphatic, branched,and etheric. Typical examples of each type areethylene glycol, propylene glycol and diethyleneglycol. Each class of glycol has advantages andliabilities for unsaturated polyester application.Within each class increasing molecular weightcauses reduced polymer unsaturation level whichgenerally correlates with changes in resin properties.

Manufacturers considering any specific glycol shouldobtain f ull handling and safety information from theirglycol supplier. Many glycols require special storage,handling and processing precautions to avoiddegradation or excessive sublimation.

Characteristics of Aliphatic GlycolsStraight-chain glycols. such as ethylene glycol and1,4 butane diol, are not as commonly used asbranched or ether glycols. Ethylene glycol esters havepoor styrene solubility; 1,6 hexane diol is a solid atroom temperature and its initial reaction product withIPA is quite waxy. Higher molecular weight aliphaticglycols should impart flexibility comparable to that ofadipic and other aliphatic acids.

Branched GlycolsThe lowest molecular weight member of the class -propylene glycol - is the base point for most of thecomparisons in this brochure. The branched glycolstend to be low boiling (propylene glycol). easilysublimed (neopentyl glycol) or heat sensitive (1,3butane diol and trimethylpentanediol). Branchedglycols offer excellent protection to ester linkages andthus have outstanding corrosion resistance. Thependant methyl groups restrict rotation;, thereforecured resins based on branched glycols are morerigid than resins using aliphatic or ether glycols ofequivalent molecular size.


lllustration 1 O lsopolyester Made With Propylene Glycol

lllusttation I I lsopolyester Made With Neopentyl Glycol

Ether GlycolsThe common ether glycols combine the goodflexibility offered by longer aliphatics with styrenesolubility and useful resin viscosity. The most obviousdrawback to ether glycols is the lack of stericprotection given the ester linkages. Ether glycols aregenerally unacceptable for corrosion resistantapplications.



lllustration 1 2 lsopolyester Made With Diethylene Glycol

Page 21: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Other Hydroxyl SourcesA partial list of alternatives to glycols includesalcohols, oxides and polyhydric materials.

Alcohols are polyester chain terminators and act tolimit polymer growth. They cannot be the sole sourceof hydroxyl functionality in polyesters. lf introduced tothe reaction mixture before all dibasic acids arepartially reacted, alcohols can esterify with free acidto form non-reactive. plasticizing species.

Ethylene and propylene oxides can be substituted forthe equivalent glycols. When used with anhydrides,oxides esterify without producing water; the reactioncan be explosively exothermic and is often doneunder pressure in continuous reactors.

Polyols, such as trimethylolethane and pentaeryth-ritol, introduce branching to the basic polyesterchain. Caution must be exercised to avoid gelationduring processing with polyols and viscosity instyrene is generally higher than with comparablelinear polyesters.

The Effects of lncreasingGlycol Molecular Size

A Within a given class of glycol the effects on curingand cured resin properties relate well to the changein unsaturation level caused by varying glycolmolecular size. lf all else is constant, as glycol sizeincreases, the unsaturation level of the polymer isreduced; exotherm during cure drops (Figure 32) andpropagation time is extended (Figure 33). Curedresins based on larger glycols are less stiff (Figure34), have higher ultimate tensile elongations (Figure35) and lower heat deflection temperatures (Figure 36).

Figure 32



Glycol Effects on Peak Exotherm



Figure 33







Figure 34FlexuralModulus

103 psi GPa


Figure 35 Glycol Effects on Tensile Elongation



Glycol Eflects on Propagation Time

TMPD 11:45 A


lncreasing Glycol Molecular Size

Glycol Effects on Flexural Modulus





lncreasing Glycol Molecular Size

lncreasing Glycol Molecular Size


lncreasing Glycol Molecular Size

Page 22: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Figure 36

Heat DeflectionTemperature


Glycol Effects onHeat Deflection Temperature



Glycol Excesses During ProcessingSome glycol is volatilized and carried through thefractionation column with water evolved duringpolyesterification. The rate of loss depends on factorsincluding the efficiency of the fractionator, heat inputrates and the nature of the glycol. The sixth coiumnof Table lX reports the glycol excess typically used inpilot plant synthesis of unsaturated polyesters. Theseexcesses should be modified to match experiencewith particular reactors or to meet the requirementsof specif ic formulations.

lncreasing Glycol Molecular Size

Table lX A Synopsis of Glycol Considerations

Glycol Classif ication

Number ofPendant MolecularMethyls Weight

BoilingPoint, oC

Typical Processing andEquivalent Liquid Resin Effects on CuredExcess, % Effects Resin Properties

Ethyle ne

P ropylen e


B ra nched



204 0

Sublimes 213

14tr F

231 .9



o 62

-t6 10





causes incom Magnifies influences of acidspatibility withstyre n e

Good corrosion resislanceand structural properties.

heat sensitive

lmproves corrosion and weatherresista nce.

Excellent f lexibility, poorcorrosron resistance.

Compromise of f lexibility withcorrosion resistance.

heat sensitive Good corrosion resistance, embrittlesresin. Slow to f ully cure.

Excessive flexibility, poor corrosionresista nce.

1,3 Butylene Branched

Neopentyl Branched

D i ethylene Aliphatic Ether

Dipropylene Branched Ether

Trimethyl Bra nc hedpentanediol (TMPD)

Trrethylene Alipharic Ether









Page 23: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

U nsaturated CoreactantsThe most widely used reactive diluent for unsaturatedpolyesters is styrene. Styrene has low viscosity andhigh solvency, is widely available, and is low cost. ltsdrawbacks are flammability and potential healthhazards at high emissions. Some alternatives tostyrene are listed in Table X. Material safety datasheets (MSDS) should be obtained from suppliersbefore evaluating any reactive monomer.

Table X Crosslinking Solvents for Unsaturated PolyestersM.W. B.P.

ocDensity Unsat. Liquid prop. Cured 20'C mol/kg (styrene is the basis for comparisons)

t-Butylstyrene* 160

Chlorostyrenex 138.5













82 atSmm Hg




0.998 at60'c
























low viscosityhigh solvencygood reactivity

higher viscosityslightly shorter cure

higher viscosity

higher viscosityshorter cure

higher viscosityfaster cure

lower emissionslower exothermlonger cure

much higher viscositymuch longer cure

lower viscositylonger curelower exotherm

higher viscosityslightly longer,cooler cure

similarto hyroxethylacrylate

lower viscositylower exotherm

lower viicosity

high strengthhigh modulus

lower elongationslightly higher heatdeflection temp.less shrinkage

better weathering

good weatheringhigher heatdeflection temp.some flame retardancy

harderhigher HDT

lower physical prop,

higher heatdeflection temp.

lower strengthbetter weathering

better weatheringsofter, less stifflower shrinkage

better weathering,weaker, less stiffbetter clarity

better weatheringless odormore claritymore shrinkage


Diacetoneacryl- 169amide*

Acrylonitrile* 53


Hydroxypropyl 130acrylate*

Methyl acrylate*86

Methyl 100methacrylate*

70 at 0.956608mm Hg




*Generally used in combination with other coreactants

Awide range of vinyl compounds can be used alone or incombination to dissolve and crosslink polyester resins.Typical effects that can be obtained from coreactantmodifications i nclude viscosity control, lower exotherm,improved UV stability, lower emissions, higher elongation,different cure temperatures, and better optical clarity. The

best balance of cost and performance is frequently reportedwith blends of styrene with one or two other vinylcompou nds. Resi n formu lators i nvestigatin g any coreactantshould obtain and follow the manufacturer's precautionaryinformation.


Page 24: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

The dual f unction of coreactants is to dissolve thepolymer for ease of handling and application and tocrosslink the polyester chains to form a thermoset,solid plastic.

Most effects of increasing resin dilution on liquidresin properties are self-evident: easier handling andapplication, faster wetting of reinforcement and fillers,but increased emission of vapors from the solution.

The effects of styrene to polyester ratio on cured resinproperties are more complex. Sufficient coreactant isneeded to bridge the gap between unsaturation sitesof adjacent polyester chains during crosslinking. Toobtain good aging properties, all polyester unsatu-ration should react with monomer. Additionalmonomer will react with itself to form longer sidechains or bridges between the polyester chains.Excessive monomer self-polymerization will tend toforce cured resin properties more toward polystyrenethan polyester properties.

Amoco's investigations indicate that cured resinproperties are optimized within a fairly narrow rangeof polyester dilution with monomer. This range is specif icto the resin formulation, but with most commonformulations a strikingly consistent ratio of monomerto polyester unsaturation optimizes most properties.

The ratio of monomer to polyester unsaturation canbe determined by dividing the moles of monomerunsaturation per 1O0O g (9.6 for styrene) by themoles of maleic anhydride land/or other unsaturationcontributor) per 1O00 g of polyester a.nd multiplyingby the ratio of monomer to polyester in the final resinsolution.

moles monomer unsaturation,zl000 o Yo monomer; *


An example of calculating polyester unsaturationlevel is shown on page 10.

Because styrene has more unsaturation per unitweight than polyesters, more styrene in the resinsolution increases the total amount of unsaturation.Consequently the total exotherm is higher (Figure 37).Propagation time is longer (Figure 38) with morestyrene. The peak exotherm temperature drops atvery high styrene levels because heat is dissipatedduring the long propagation time.

StyreneContentAffects Peak Exother- VFigure 37



12345678Molar Ratio of Styrene to Polyester Unsaturation

Figure 38 Styrene Content Affects Propagation Time




123456189Molar Ratio of Styrene to Polyester Unsaturation


Page 25: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

Fully cured resin properties indicate a pattern ofdifference as styrene level is changed. With the samepolyester, higher styrene levels will tend to increasethe space between sites of crosslinking, thus thestiffness of the cured resin is reduced. Figure 39shows lower flexural and tensile moduli as morestyrene is introduced into the polyester. The curvesfor strengths and heat distortion temperature indicatethat these properties are maximized at anintermediate level of styrene.

This information indicates that polyesters should bereacted with sufficient styrene to obtain somewhatover three moles of monomer unsaturation for eachmole of polyester unsaturation. Styrene dilutionbeyond this point tends to cause polystyrene-likeproperties to dominate the cured polyester.

With very strong resins, such as the example used forFigures 3-7 to 41, the introduction of styrene abovethe 3.6 unsaturation ratio will tend to degradestrengths. However, with a very flexible resin such asthose reported in Figure 18, more styrene willstrengthen the resin because the flexible resin is notas strong as polystyrene. Tensile elongation of thisresin would, of course, be lower with more styrene.

The optimum level of styrene indicated byunsaturation ratio may differ f rom the level requiredfor easy handling of the liquid resin and thoroughwetting of reinforcement and fillers. Resinmanufacturers may be able to resolve suchdiscrepancies by caref ul polyester processing todifferent endpoints (see page 4), by reformulating todifferent polyester molecular weights or by usingblends of lower viscosity coreactants with styrene.

Figure 39 Styrene Gontent Affects Stiffness

Moduli106psi GPa


Figure 40

Strengthspsi MPa



123Molar Ratio of

Figure 41

Heat DeflectionTemperature


Styrene Content Affects Strengths

456789Styrene to Polyester Unsaturation

Styrene Content AffeetsHeat Def lection Temperature


;.,r, j ji:.:...i.,t:iri.:r:.r:,r-ril,...'.:r i,:,i::-r::i1i.rr)::i:ti,.1i:j::::;:iil._ ."'.''.r,.:,ri::::.:,:::iirl,l....:,,,,...,...

-r::: j.t: :::.;:i i::::ai.t::iri:''|r'i.: :::a ;:::!: iir_: i:rrr :i:.: "':t:.':.;


3.6 ''"'::i.ia.].:l:.:ri::.::r::,-:t ,,.,,....

r].],::,':,::lt,,t.::... Flexural '"'"iiii:::'i:j:j:..1:ii5. ;

. f :::j..:,::t;rjtrj:' .r:.,i,ar-:,1r:i:a..rjitr::.:r., -..r:il:: ::ltlr.:i:.:ti::t:tl.::.r't;1it...-


3.4 ":'l:i.t:.:Llii.,,::l:ii

-:',..:il:i:r:,tl':l:.::1:'.':-' :',..Tensile''':'::r'':::',.,..:":ri::::l:r:':-'











Molar Ratio of Styrene to


Polyester U nsaturation


Molar Ratio of Styrene

tttl5678to Polyester Unsaturation



Page 26: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties

G lossary

Aromatic acid Generally carboxyl {unclionalgroups on benzene ring. ln thisbulletin benzene dicarboxylicacids are lrequently termedaromatic acids.

BMC Bulk Molding Compound. A resin-ous mixture o{ short reinforce-ment libers, f illers, thermoplasticadditive and high reactivity resindesigned for compression molding

cis configuration Functional groups attached toolefinic unsaturalion located onthe same side of the bond axis.Also see trans conliguration.

Composite An aggregation ol dissimilarmaterials, especially combinations of glass liber and resin.

Corrosion resistance The ability ol a material to resistdegradalion by environmentallactors, especially the ability toresist softening or solvation byliqu ids.

Crosslink density A measure ot the {requency ofcrosslinking sites on thepolyester chains.

Cure time The time required in the SPI geltest to reach peak exotherm from65'C (150oF).

Elongation The maximum extensibility of amaterial without failure.

Ester Any compound containing theester functional groupt O

R-o-c- R'

Esterilication The chemical reaction oI acid oranhydride with alcohol, glycol oroxide that forms an ester.

Exotherm The heat released during chemi-cal reaction, such as duringolefinic and vinyl crosslinking.

Flexural latigue The loss of resistance to flexuralstress that occurs with repeated,nondestructive stress.

Flexural modulus

Flexural strength

Flexural stress

Gel co€t

Gel-coated laminate

Gel time



Ha rdness


Heat distortiontemperalure

IPAI so-



lsophtha late


The ratio ol flexural stress. todellection a measure of stillness.The tlexural stress sustainablewithout fracture.Stress applied perpendicular tothe plane of the test sample.

A surlace or appearance layer ofunreinforced resin, often con-taining pigmentation and thixo-tropic additives.A laminate fabricated with a gelcoat on one or both sides.

The time required for a resin tosolidily in the SPI gel test.

The phenomenon of resin solidi-fication through molecular growth.

Any compound containing twohydroxyl functional groups.

The resistance to penetration by themetal stylus oI a Barcol or similarhardness tester. Hardness is usedto follow the development of resincure

Heat distortion lemperalureThe lemperature at which asample coupon is deflected 1 0mils by 182O kPa (264 psi).

Abbreviation for isophthalic acidPrefix designating an isomericstructure especially the '1,3 sub-stitution on a benzene ring orsimple branching at the end ot astraight chain.Compounds with different geo-metry but identical chemicalformulas.Conversion of a compound fromone isomeric form to another.Monomeric or polymeric estersof isophthalic acid.

Polyesters based on isophthalicacid,

La m inate


Olefinic unsaturation


O rthophtha late

O rthopolyesler

PANPeak exotherm

Po lyeste ril icatio n


Polyterephtha late

Propagation time



Strai n


vComposite materials especiallysheet and tubes labricated ofthermoset plastic aenerally re-inforced with fibers.Abbreviation for maleica nhydrideReactive carbon-to-carbondouble bond.

A prefix designating 1,2 sub-stitution on an aromatic ring.

Monomeric or polymeric estersof phthalic anhydride.Polyesters based on phthalican hydrideAbbreviation for phthalic anhydrrdeThe highest temperature reachedduring cure in the SPI gel lest.Esterilication of difunctional car-boxyl and hydroxyl-containingmaterials producing a polyester.

Molecules with more than twohydroxyl f unctional groups.

Polyesters based on terephthalicacid; the term includes bolhsalurated polyesters, such asfibers, and unsaturated poly-esters.

The difterence between gel andcure time in the SPI gel test; ameasure ol in-mold set time.A measure of ihe amount ofreactive lunctional groups in amaterial; especially the amounlof maleic unsaturation in a liquidpolyester.

Sheet Molding Compound. Par-tially thickened, compressionmolding compound containingmedium-length reinforcement,

-'filler, and other additives.The physical de{ormalion of amaterial by applied torce.

The lorce applied to a material.

A Summary of TrendsTable Xl summarizes the information given in thisbrochure on how formulation variables affectproperties of unsaturated polyesters. The statements

in this table are necessarily general and assume onlyone variation at a time.

Table Xl How Formulation Variables Affect Properties of Unsaturated Polyesters

FormulationVariables Strengths

Moduli{Stiff ness)

"Flexibility"or TensileElongation Toughness Hardness

Source of unsaturationmaleic vs. f umaric

Level of unsaturalionNo effect Fumaric higherDepends on resin PositiveFlexibility correlation

Maleic higherNegative


Maleic higherDepends on

f lexibility

Fumaric higherPositivecorrelation

Types of nonolefinic acidslsophthalic Acid versus;Phthalic AnhydrideTerephthalic Acid

Adipic Acid

lso higherlso somewhal

h igherlso higher

lso higherNo trend ofdifference

Adipic higher

lso betterlso somewhat

h igherAdipic higher

No trend of differencelso higher

lso higher

Ortho higherlso usually

h igherlso higher

Type of GlycolStraight chain aliphatic glycolsBranched glycolsEther glycolsMolecular weight

Effect variesEffect variesEffect variesEffect varies

Generally higher

Negative lycorre lated

I ncreasedEffect variesI ncreasedPositivelycorre lated

Generally better

Generally betterPositivelycorre lated

H ig her

Generally no effect


Varies Can be optimized Can be optimized Generally no effectLevel of Coreactant Lower on kiolhsides of peak

Page 27: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties


Tensile modulus

Tensile strength

Tensile stress


Terephthal icpolyesterThermoplaslic

Thermoset resin

Tough ness

trans configuration

U nsaturatedpolyester

Vinyl compound

Abbreviation for terephthalicac id

Ratio of stress to strain duringtensile elongation; a measure ofstiffness.The greatest longitudinal stressthat can be survived withoutfracture.Force applied parallel to the planeor length oI a sample coupon.

Prefix denoting benzene ringsubstilution in the 1,4 posrtions.

Polyesters based on terephthalicacid.

Polymers that melt with heat andbecome solid when cooled.Polymers that irreversibly soliditythrough crosslinking whenheated.

Strength withour brittleness; de-fined by classical mechanics asthe area under tensile stress-strain curve.Functional groups attached lo aolefinic group and locateddiagonally across the bond axis.Also see cis.Polyester containing reactive ole-tinic unsaturation usually derivedtrom maleic anhydride.Compound containing carbon-to-carbon double bond as aterminal functional group, es-pecially styrene or other reactivedil uents

HeatDistortion CorrosionTemperature Resistance Shrinkage

Peak Exothermof Curing

Fumaric higher No effectPositive Optimizedcorrelation at 1 :1

No effectPositivecorre I at io n

Fumaric higherPositivecorre I at io n

lso higherTere higher

lso higher

lso betterlso better

lso better

No effectNo effect

No effeclNo effecl

Adipic greater Usually higher

LowerH ig herLowerN egativelycorre lated


va ries

No effectNo EffectNo EffectNegativelycorre lated

Can lower

Negativelycorre lated

Lower on bothsides of peak

Positivelycorrelatedfor manymedia

Positively Positivelycorrelation correlated

over normalra nge

Health and Safetylnformation


The product(s)described herein may requireprecautions in handling and use. Material safety DataSheets (MSDS)for Amoco products are availableupon request from your Amoco sales representativeor by writing the address shown on this brochure.Always consult the Material Safety Data Sheet forproducts you consider using.


Page 28: How Ingredients Influence Unsaturated Polyester Properties