how has life changed for black americans?

Black Americans Snapshot: 50 years of progress for Undergraduate students 1964 234,000 2011 2.6 million (latest figures) [Fifty years ago], it was virtually unheard of for African-American students to attend most state or private colleges in the U.S. Students of color [now have the option to] attend whatever university they wish, and that significant change is a template for the change in this country. — Everette Freeman , EdD, president of the Community College of Denver and a member of the University of Phoenix board of directors Business owners 1972 187,602 (earliest figures) 2007 1.9 million (latest figures) Senior executives 1964 0 Fortune 500 CEOs 2013 6 Fortune 500 CEOs (about 800 senior executive positions) The number [of African-American- owned businesses] grew about 60 percent from 2002 to 2007, [but] 1.8 million of those businesses have no employees. They aren’t mom and pop — they are mom or pop. The fastest-growing segment of all business entrepreneurs is black women, “who are doing better in general than overall African- American business owners.” — Ron Busby , MBA, president and CEO of U.S. Black Chambers Inc. College graduates (those who earned at least a bachelor’s degree) 1964 365,000 2011 5.1 million (latest figures) Living below the poverty line Median income 1966 41.8% (earliest figures) 2011 27.6% (latest figures) 1964 $24,332 (in 2011 dollars) 2011 $40,495 (latest figures) The next 50 years need to be about economic empowerment. MLK and others laid out the blueprint, and if you listen to MLK’s last [sermon], he talked about that. But this next generation of leaders and individuals need to execute it. — Ron Busby , MBA, president and CEO of U.S. Black Chambers Inc. With restrictive voting laws loosened, African-Americans started to find success in elective politics, beginning in 1966, when Edward Brooke became the first black person elected to the U.S. Senate. One year later, Carl Stokes made history when he was elected mayor of Cleveland, the first black mayor of a major U.S. city. And in 2008, Barack Obama became the first black U.S. president. Elected officials 1970 1,469 2011 10,500 (latest figures) (earliest figures) U.S. black population 1964 20.7 million 2012 44.5 million (latest figures — 14.2 percent of the total population) The U.S. Census Bureau collected demographic statistics for a special report coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. The Census’s Survey of Business Owners collects data every five years, and started in 1972. The first year poverty statistics that were available after passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was 1966. Data on elected officials are collected by The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a nonprofit think tank. Designer: Naureen Saira | Writer: Elliot Smith | January 17, 2014

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Here's a look at how life has changed for black Americans by the numbers, based on U.S. Census special report, studies and news stories.


Page 1: How has life changed for black Americans?

Black AmericansSnapshot: 50 years of progress for

Undergraduate students




112.6 million

(latest �gures)

[Fifty years ago], it was virtually unheard of for African-American students to attend most state or private colleges in the U.S. Students of color [now havethe option to] attend whatever university they wish, and that signi�cantchange is a template for the change in this country.

“— Everette Freeman, EdD, president of the Community College of Denver and a member of theUniversity of Phoenix board of directors

Business owners



(earliest �gures)


071.9 million

(latest �gures)

Senior executives


640 Fortune

500 CEOs 20

136 Fortune

500 CEOs(about 800 senior executive positions)

“ The number [of African-American- owned businesses] grew about 60 percent from 2002 to 2007, [but]1.8 million of those businesses have no employees. They aren’t mom and pop — they are mom or pop.

The fastest-growing segment of all business entrepreneurs is black women, “who are doing better in general than overall African-American business owners.”

— Ron Busby, MBA, president and CEO of U.S. Black Chambers Inc.

College graduates (those who earned at least a bachelor’s degree)




115.1 million

(latest �gures)

Living below the poverty line Median income



(earliest �gures)



(latest �gures)



(in 2011 dollars)



(latest �gures)

“ The next 50 years need to be about economic empowerment. MLK and others laid out the blueprint, and if you listen to MLK’s last [sermon], he talked about that. But this next generation of leaders and individuals need to execute it.

— Ron Busby, MBA, president and CEO of U.S. Black Chambers Inc.

With restrictive voting laws loosened, African-Americans started to �ndsuccess in elective politics, beginning in 1966, when Edward Brooke became the �rst black person elected to the U.S. Senate. One year later, Carl Stokes made history when he was elected mayor of Cleveland, the �rst black mayor of a major U.S. city. And in 2008, Barack Obama became the �rst black U.S. president.

Elected o�cials





(latest �gures)(earliest �gures)

U.S. black population


6420.7 million


1244.5 million

(latest �gures — 14.2 percent of thetotal population)

The U.S. Census Bureau collected demographic statistics for a special report coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. The Census’s Survey of Business Owners collects data every �ve years, and started in 1972. The �rst year poverty statistics that were available after passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was 1966. Data on elected o�cials are collected by The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a nonpro�t think tank.

Designer: Naureen Saira | Writer: Elliot Smith | January 17, 2014