how effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

Written by Jonas Mondua. Q2

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

Written by Jonas Mondua. Q2

Page 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

As part of our coursework, students were permitted to create an

original film poster and review alongside their main product, as part of post-production. This not only tests ones creativity but enhances understanding of their chosen genre as well as the codes and conventions that are recognised with it.Adobe Photoshop CS6 allowed students to manipulate original images, and carefully selected texts and fonts in order to create a meaningful, and persuasive poster and review. Again, this section of the entire course reveals whether or not the rationale behind the chosen genre and narrative is understood alongside its codes and conventions.

Page 3: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

The whole idea of completing a film poster and review is for promotional purposes. In our position, as an independent production company, promoting our final product will most definitely prove to be difficult. This is due to the lack of professional resources, companies and money that we are simply unable to afford.

The most challenging aspect is not found in producing a creative film poster, as we have easy access to Adobe Photoshop CS6, where the manipulation of images and fonts are supported by professional layouts and tools to create an aesthetically pleasing poster. The challenging aspect all comes down to distribution. How is our niche going to be notified of the film poster, let alone the short film itself.

Page 4: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

My initial intention for my review was to first draw the readers’ attention to the image. It’s a rather peculiar shot that raises a number of questions such as, “what is she looking at?” and “why is she in a white room?”.

As a result, the readers would hopefully feel pressured into reading the review. Again, like most reviews that tackle the same genre of a ‘drama’ the layout of the text has been stripped to its bear minimum. This is a way of allowing the reader to be emotionally drawn into the content of the review and not its presentation.

It goes without saying that presentation plays a vital part in the long run, however that can only attract your potential readers for a short amount of time.

Page 5: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

Bold image: Identifies the genre and main protagonist.

Clear vital information: Conveys the necessary details that aids the audience a bit about the narrative.

The ultimate decider:Informs the reader if the product is worthy for them to see.

The 5 W’s:This section includes the run down of the main people who were involved as well as when the readers can see it.

Ins and Outs: Consists of any extra content that could not only educate the reader on the product but to also persuade.

Page 6: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

Creating the film poster to my short film was a demanding process. One that had me uncertain of what image that I should place as the enticer, but still hold all the connections relevant to my film.

For me, this image that I took with a canon 5D Mark 2, not only conveyed the genre of a drama, but also speaks clearly of the narrative- which is what all potential audiences are generally looking for.

Again, like most drama posters, very little is given away. My layout follows the same intentions that I had for my review. I only wanted the bare essential to be published- intriguing the audience into wanting to find out more.

Page 7: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

“Trustworthy”Responses:Indication of what to expect.

Bold Title: An insight into the narrative.

Restrictions: Limits are set according to the BBFC in relation to the genre and content shown.

Cast: Many film lovers tend to watch certain movies because their favourite actor/actress is starring in it.

Bold Image:Identifies the genre and gives insight into the narrative.Responses:

An instant reaction to the final product.

Relevant Information:Includes names of those who played a key role and it also reveals the release date.

Page 8: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?
Page 9: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

The main colours used within both my poster and review were:

Black WhiteLight



Grey•These four colours, in which two are primary colours, formed the basis of my artistic vision for my ancillary. • On either end we have the two extremes- black and white. This foreshadows a conflict or problem that will occur within the plot of the final product. • In-between the two extremes we again have both extremes of the colour grey. Intentionally, this was done to balance out the overall visuals of the ancillary, so that the poster and review do not come out bleak and tediously dull. •The most important factor is that these colours ultimately set the tone and mood of the short film before the potential audience have seen a second of it. Therefore, it prepares them subconsciously.

Page 10: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

Poster Title

Review Title

Evidently, the fonts used here are both the same, however the presentation of both of them differ. My intentions weren’t to add as many random fonts as I could but solely tostay true to the genre and narrative and to reflect that through my chosen fonts.

Page 11: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

Official Website:

Official Facebook Page:Official Twitter Page:

These websites were added onto the final copy of my film poster. It invites potential consumers to find out more about what went into pre production, production and post production- via videos, images and journals.

Furthermore, it allows my production company to sell related merchandises on our website, therefore we will be making a larger profit overall.

Page 12: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

Ultimately, every step taken in creating both the film poster and film review was decided alongside my vision of the final product. I ensured that every possible connotation was consistently imbedded within the film review and poster- with a persistent link to the short film.