how does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Post on 19-Jan-2017




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Page 1: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media

product represent

particular social groups?

Page 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Dominant Representation

Our dominant representation within our coming of age

opening sequence is clearly typical high school students, we

show this visibly through the school location in our


We have also represented 2 different social groups in “Geek

vs chic”, our choice of title presents the 2 stereotypical

personalities we have shown in our opening sequence. We

have a generic popular high school girl, who is very

confident and social and to contrast this we show a shy,

nerdy girl who spends her time reading books.

Mise-en-scene in our opening sequence

plays a particular part in

presenting the 2 contrasting

personalities .

Page 3: How does your media product represent particular social groups?


In “Geek vs chic” we have presented particular demographics.

We have shown the age group of teenagers, around 16 years

old. Also, in our sequence there is 2 main characters that

are both girls, we haven’t represented both genders, just

the one.

As one of the characters is mixed white-black Caribbean and

the other is white British, we have presented 2 different

ethnicities in our opening sequence. I think this is great to

show as coming of age films can be about acceptance and

equality, and this film genre always has a range of

characters that are different ethnicities, genders,

sexualities ect.

Different social class’ is an element of demographics we

haven’t shown as clearly in our opening sequence, it isn’t

generic of coming of age films to show differences between

social class’.

Page 4: How does your media product represent particular social groups?


We have clearly stereotyped within our opening sequence as it is

a generic convention of coming of age films to do so. One of the

main characters is the stereotype of the popular and confident

girl in school, that knows everything about everyone and has

many friends. She is obsessed with social media, going out

shopping and isn’t too bothered about her grades in school..

We show the stereotype of a ‘Girly girl’ through briana’s

voluminous hair and sunglasses. She also has girly mannerisms

in the opening sequence such as constantly flipping her hair.

We have clearly presented the complete opposite to this in our

opening sequence, the other main character is a shy girl that

doesn’t have many friends, likes to keep to herself and always

does her school work and loves to read books. We have shown

the stereotype of a ‘Geek’ by having Steph wear glasses and

always having a book in her hand.

Page 5: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Contrasting Characters

Girly girl

Geeky girl

We use location of the

shopping centre to further

represent this character’s

personality. This girl wears

sunglasses but our geeky girl

wears reading glasses.

We go from a shopping

centre, to a school location

to show the geeky girl’s

favourite place to be. We use

generic acting codes of a

confident girl vs a shy girl..

Page 6: How does your media product represent particular social groups?


Cher – ‘Clueless’

Gabby & Mae – ‘How to

build a better boy’’

Our main girly character

could be compared to the

character ‘Cher’ in the

coming of age film ‘clueless’.

They both love shopping and

have loads of friends. Also,

they both show stereotypical

girly characteristics.

We have clearly stereotyped

the geeky girl through steph’s

character. She can be

compared to gabby & mae in the

Disney film ‘How to build a

better boy’. They both carry

folders and wear glasses like

nerdy girls are stereotypically

know to do.