how does advertising influence us?


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Post on 13-Feb-2016




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How does advertising influence us?. Juliette Defoux Magali Orban Group F. 1. The different types of advertising. Informative & persuasive advertising. Arouse and hold interest. Capture attention. Provoke the desire. Make you Buy. 1. The different types of advertising. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: How  does advertising  influence us?
Page 2: How  does advertising  influence us?

How does advertising influence us?

Juliette DefouxMagali OrbanGroup F

Page 3: How  does advertising  influence us?

1. The different types of advertising

Informative & persuasive advertising

Capture attention

Arouse and hold interest

Provoke the desire

Make you Buy

Page 4: How  does advertising  influence us?
Page 5: How  does advertising  influence us?

1. The different types of advertising

Mechanistic advertising

- Our economic behavior ≠ rational & conscious BUT PASSIVE !

- Pavlov and the behaviorism Aim = create an automatic Stimulus = the advertising signal !

Page 6: How  does advertising  influence us?

1. The different types of advertising

Mechanistic advertising

Page 7: How  does advertising  influence us?

1. The different types of advertising

Projective & Integrative advertising

Page 8: How  does advertising  influence us?

1. The different types of advertising

Suggestive advertising

- Psychological approach to the individual Freudian theory

- Advertisements of connotation SENSES

Influences the unconscious

Page 9: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising

Different types of media

Page 10: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising


Page 11: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising

Flag – waving or patriotism

Page 12: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising

Name – callingDIRECT

Page 13: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising

Name – callingINDIRECT

Page 14: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising

Plain folks

Page 15: How  does advertising  influence us?


2. The different techniques of advertising

Page 16: How  does advertising  influence us?

The scientific evidence

2. The different techniques of advertising

Page 17: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising

Snob appeal

Page 18: How  does advertising  influence us?

2. The different techniques of advertising

Glittering generalities

Page 19: How  does advertising  influence us?

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

Consumer’s psychology

Conformity - Consumer considered more and more

as merchandise- The Hegel’s theory of desire

Page 20: How  does advertising  influence us?

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

Consumer’s psychology

Conformity : Asch paradigm

Page 21: How  does advertising  influence us?

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model)

Central route

• Direct route of persuasion

• High involvement• Facts & logic• Depends on the

quality of the argument

• Fear

Peripherical route

• Indirect route of persuasion

• Low involvement• Emotions & feeling• Superficial cues • Message =

unimportant & ignored

Page 22: How  does advertising  influence us?

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing


- Person’s brain responds to advertising messages

- To better mesure a consumer’s preference

Products & services more effectively

Page 23: How  does advertising  influence us?

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

Pepsi vs Coke : it’s all in the head

Page 24: How  does advertising  influence us?

Pepsi vs Coke : it’s all in the head

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

Page 25: How  does advertising  influence us?


What do you think about the influence of advertising on people?

Do you think that because of advertising we risk to become sheeps ?

According to you what are responsabilities of advertising in our lifestyle?