how do you treat my son jesus?

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  • 7/27/2019 How Do You Treat My Son Jesus?


    How Do You

    TreatMy Son Jesus?

    by Frances Hunter

    Charles and Francis Hunter are gifted writers

    who have gone on to be with Jesus,

    the One they loved so much.

    Joan Hunter is their daughter, and she can bereached at

    !ublished originally by

  • 7/27/2019 How Do You Treat My Son Jesus?


    Table f C ntents1

    .The Devil Wants Your Mind 5


    Theres Power In The Name Of esus !2


    #im$le %s %& '& ( )*


    (rossin+ Over ,2


    -ow Do You Treat M #on esus 11/

    #0ri$ture uotations are taen from3 (ha$ter 1 and 24 "he#uthori$ed %ing James &ersion 678 unless otherwise indi0ated.

    (ha$ter " and !4 "he 'ew %ing James &ersion& 91/*/&1/,:& 1/,2& 1/," ; Thomas Nelson& In0.& Nashville& Tennessee&unless otherwise noted.

  • 7/27/2019 How Do You Treat My Son Jesus?


    (ha$ter 54 "he (iving )ible& Para$hrased T$anded =dition %m$.8& 91/,* ; the ?ondervan(or$oration and the

  • 7/27/2019 How Do You Treat My Son Jesus?



    @ran0es -unter sas& AWe $a too mu0h attention to thedevil instead of 0on0entratin+ on Bod.

    AThe devil wants our mind& ;ut we a0tuall $ossessthe mind of (hrist.

    ACead how the devil atta0s ou&

    A then +o to the ne>t 0ha$ter and read how esus$rote0ts ou&

    A then +o to the ne>t 0ha$ter and find out that

    (hristianit is as sim$le as %& '& (E

    A then dis0over in the ne>t 0ha$ter what 0rossin+over in our life will do for ouE

    A and then the final wra$Fu$ 0ha$ter $ier0es our

    heart with the uestion Bod said to as ou& G

    -ow do ou treat m son esusH

    This ;oo will 0hallen+e and ;less ou from the firstword to the last. It is for ;elievers oun+ and oldJ

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  • 7/27/2019 How Do You Treat My Son Jesus?


    Chapter One

    The DevilWants Your Mind

    Bod wants our mind.The devil wants our mind.Whos +oin+ to winH That de$ends on ou& and what

    ou $ut in our mindJOne of the fastest o$eratin+ 0om$uters in the world

    toda ;elon+s to the devilJ

    Theres nothin+ he lies ;etter than to use our mind asa 0om$uter and $un0h es to $ut into our mind all indsof thin+s that arent trueJ

    The devil has the +reatest +ri$ on the minds of $eo$letoda than ever in the histor of the world.

    Praise Bod& this means were ra0in+ towards eternitand the devil nows that hes main+ his last standJ

    Man $eo$le dont even now who the devil reall is.

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    2. % ver wi0ed $erson. -e even +ives a s0ri$ture to;a0 this u$.8 A-ave I not 0hosen ou twelve& and one of

    ou is a devilH ohn )3*: 678.". %n +reat evil.!. % $erson who is s$ri+htl& mis0hievous& ener+eti0&

    et0.5. %n unlu0 unha$$ $ersonE as& the $oor devil has

    had a hard time.). %nthin+ diffi0ult& a thin+ hard to o$erate or 0ontrol&

    et0.We;ster des0ri;ed him ver well& didnt heH#atan& also nown as alt himself a;ove Bod& he wasthrown out of heaven lie a ;olt of li+htnin+.

    A-ow art thou fallen from heaven& : alt m throne a;ove the starsof Bod3 Twill sit also u$on the mount of the 0on+re+ation&in the sides of the north3 Twill as0end a;ove the hei+hts ofthe 0loudsE I will ;e lie the most -i+h Isaiah 1!312F1!8.

    -e wanted to ;e more than Bod.-e wanted to ;e on eual footin+ with Bod& and

    ;e0ause of this& Bod threw him out of heaven.#atan then 0aused the fall of man. When he 0aused the

    fall of man as told in the ;oo of Benesis& #atan re+ainedrulershi$ over the earth& and too awa the dominion that

    Bod had +iven %dam.The onl wa that ea0h one of us 0an tae awa his

    $ower is ; the $ower of the -ol #$irit and throu+h theWord of Bod. We 0an resist #atan and all his 0ohorts whi0hrun around under the name of. Demons will have to flee.

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    Bod $rovided a wa of es0a$e for all of us& ;ut thedevil is never +oin+ to +ive u$ fi+htin+ until Bod sto$s him

    forever.Do ou now who #atan is& and what his 0hara0ter is&

    and what his Ko; isHTHE DEVIL IS THE FATHER OF LIES!ohn ,3!!

    sas& AYe are of our father the devil& and the lusts of ourfather e will do. -e was a murderer from the ;e+innin+&and a;ode not in the truth& ;e0ause there I# NO TCLT- IN-IM. When he s$eaeth a lie& he s$eaeth of his own3for HE IS A LIAR& and the father of it. This was esuss$eain+& and tellin+ us who the devil reall is.

    -E IS A DEVOURER!I Peter 53, sas& A'e so;er& ;e vi+ilantE ;e0ause our

    adversar the devil& as a roarin+ lion& waleth a;out&

    seein+ whom he ma devour.Did it ever dawn on ou that #atan was the first sinnerH

    -e diso;eed Bod and was thrown out of heaven& and his$ur$ose is to mae L# diso;e Bod.

    -e wanted to satisf his own desires and he $ut his own$ersonal desires a;ove Bods& and this has ;een his $ur$oseever sin0e. To mae us want OLC desires more than thedesires of Bod.

    HE IS A THIEF!ohn 1:31: sas3 AThe thief 0omethnot& ;ut for to steal& and to ill& and to destroE and thatse>a0tl what the devil wants to do.

    -e wants to steal our $ea0e of mind.-e wants to ill our desire for the thin+s of Bod& and

    to destro our eternal life ; de0eivin+ ou a;out thethin+s of this world.


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    the wilderness. The devil alwas tem$ts our MIND whenwere havin+ a wilderness e>$erien0e.

    esus had fasted for fort das and ni+hts and washun+r& and then the tem$ter 0ame to him and said& AIf thou

    ;e the #on of Bod& 0ommand that these stones ;e made;read Matt. !3"8.

    -e tem$ted him in the area where -e was the weaestat the time 4 in his stoma0hJ Im sure that esus was Kustlie all of us would ;e after !: das of fastin+ 4 -e was

    Kust $lain hun+rJThe devil new that esus had the $ower to do

    anthin+& so he tem$ted -im to turn the stones into ;read inorder for -im to have somethin+ to eat.

    Praise Bod& esus new how to resist the devil ;e0ause-e said those wonderful words& AIt is written& Man shall not

    live ; ;read alone& ;ut ; ever word that $ro0eedeth outof the mouth of Bod Matt. !3!8.

    Ma;e ou thin the tem$tin+ ended ri+ht there& ;ut thedevil new how to 0ontinue the tem$tin+& ;e0ause Kust ;the asso0iation of words& there was $ro;a;l in esus mindthe thou+ht of a ;eautiful& hot loaf of ;read with the to$0rust a +olden ;rown. Mentall there was $ro;a;l some

    ;utter meltin+ on a sli0e of that ;read. It 0ould have ;een soreal that esus 0ould have $hsi0all wanted a ;ite of that

    ;eautiful ;read& ;ut -e didnt weaen& and neither shouldouJ

    The devil wants our mind& ;e0ause he nows if he 0an0ontrol our mind he 0ontrols ou& ;e0ause all of our

    fun0tions 0ome out of our mind.Cidin+ on a $lane re0entl I saw a national ma+aine

    with a $i0ture of a ;rain on it divided into man se0tions&and in ea0h of these se+ments was listed some ind of mind0ontrol. =#P& o+a& est& trans0endental meditation& and

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    man others I had never heard of ;efore. These are alldesi+ned to Ao$en u$ our mind to our $otential and who

    ou are.I read for Kust a few minutes and felt the most satani0

    $resen0e in the world& ;e0ause that is e>a0tl what the devilis trin+ to do ri+ht now& 0ontrol our minds.

    I want ou to thin of somethin+ sim$le Kust to showou how man of our fun0tions are 0aused ; what ourmind re+isters.

    Did ou ever wat0h a ;un0h of 0hildren +lued to a T7setH The minute the 0ommer0ials 0ome on and I ;elievethere +eared to rea0h 0hildrens minds8& u$ 0omes a0horus of AMomm& ;u me a #li0FaFTri0. I want one ofthoseJ I want one of thoseJ Thats the most funFto in theworld todaJ I want oneJ I want oneJ

    Pro;a;l somethin+ that would re+ister even morevividl in our mind is this& AMomm& +et some 0erealthats flavored with ele$hant ears. Momm& I want someele$hant ear 0erealJ Momm& the man said m ears would+row to ;e ;i+ lie an ele$hants ears if I would Kust eatsome ele$hant ear 0ereal. Bo +et some ri+ht now&MommJ

    Mother nows there not +oin+ to lie ele$hant ears&;ut their minds have ;een so im$ressed with 0ommer0ialsthe ;e0ome little monsters until the +et the ind of 0erealthat is mentioned on T7. The dont rest until the +et a0ertain ;rand of 0ereal.

    No wonder the 0ereal manufa0turers s$end a lot of time

    on T7 advertisin+. The now if the 0an +et a 0hildsima+ination or mind8 a;out a 0ertain 0ereal that theirmother is a sureFfire 0ustomer for that 0ereal.

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    The devil uses everthin+ he 0an T-IN6 of noti0e heuses -I# mind to +et YOLC#8 so that he 0an hold men in

    su;Ke0tion to him and ee$ them from turnin+ to Bod.We are seein+ toda one of the +reatest moves of Bod

    sin0e esus waled on this earth& and whenever thisha$$ens& the devil reall +ets ;usier than ever ;efore.

    Never have we seen su0h a hun+erin+ for the Word ofBod& and et the minute $eo$le ;e+in readin+ the Word ofBod& the devil 0omes and tries to taeawa that whi0h has

    ;een sown.The devil tries to +et ou throu+h our mind& even

    when oure readin+ the Word of Bod.I am a$$alled at the num;er of $eo$le who sa& AWill

    ou $ra that I 0an +et interested in the 'i;leH Then thewill +o on to sa& AI used to have a tremendous hun+erin+&

    ;ut now I fall aslee$ when I read it. Or ma;e the willhave trou;le with their mind wanderin+ when the tr to0on0entrate on the Word of Bod.

    The devil does su0h a +ood Ko; of foolin+ our mindsthat we often dont realie who our enem is. 6enneth(o$eland in his ;oo "he "rouble *a+er sas somethin+whi0h reall made me lau+h. -e said& AI went to a ;ullfi+htwhen we were in Me>i0o and there was onl one thin+ thatim$ressed me3 The ;ull did not now who his enem was.

    A-e thou+ht his enem was that red 0a$e. I remem;erthinin+& GIf he ever realies the sour0e of his trou;le& thatmatador doesnt stand a 0han0eJ

    AThe (hristian toda needs a fresh revelation of his true

    sour0e of Power and #u$$l& and also his true sour0e oftrou;le.

    Did it ever dawn on ou that we all have the same$ro;lemH Man times we dont realie who or what theC=%< $ro;lem is.

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    Wat0h how the devil $uts fear in our lives. One of his;i++est tools is fear& ;ut ;efore we +o an further& I want

    ou to memorie a verse of s0ri$ture with me& will ouHII Timoth 13*3 A@or Bod hath not +iven us the s$irit of

    fearE ;ut of $ower& and of love& and of a sound mind.#a it a+ain and a+ain and a+ain& until it is im$rinted on

    our mind and heart ; the -ol #$irit& so that ou neednot ever ;e afraid a+ain. 6ee$ on sain+ it over and overand over until ou are 0onvin0ed that Bod has not +ivenou a s$irit of fear& so that whenever an ind of fear0omes in ou 0an throw that s0ri$ture at #atan and he willhave to run from ou as fast as he 0an.

    Wat0h the ta0ti0s #atan uses when he wants to 0ontrolour mind3

    #I(6N=## The other ni+ht we had ever woman

    stand who had a fear of 0an0er. You would have ;eenamaed at the num;er who live in dail fear of 0an0er.

    Bods Word sas& A'eloved& I wish a;ove %

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    the $resen0e of the 0e$t that -e +ave#atan $ermission to do whatever he wanted to with o;e>0e$t to tae his life.

    The devil too the $la+ues that we have ;een deliveredof& and threw them at o;& and o; had horri;le sores overhis entire ;od. Nothin+ 0ould hel$ him e>0e$t thesu$ernatural $ower of BodJ

    One of the most widel used wea$ons of the devil issi0ness& ;e0ause he 0an 0reate dou;t and un;elief in Bods

    $eo$le when he throws si0ness at them.o; is a ;eautiful e>am$le of faith in Bod. -e e$t

    lovin+ Bod re+ardless of the 0ir0umstan0es and in the endhe was ;lessed far more than he would have ever dreamed.

    We need to remem;er that its the devil who threw thesi0ness at o;& and he is still doin+ the same thin+ toda.Whenever the devil starts to throw si0ness at ou& +ivehim the healin+ s0ri$tures in the 'i;le& and he wont staaround lon+.

    Ce0entl& I woe u$ in the middle of the ni+ht& and mthroat felt lie nives sti0in+ in it. M nose startedrunnin+& and as I rolled over to +et a 6leene>& Iinstin0tivel said& AOh& no ou dont& devil. I dont wantour +ar;a+e. Tae it and leave it on someone elsesdoorste$& ;e0ause Im not +oin+ to tae itJ

    The ne>t mornin+ m throat was 0onsidera;l ;etter&;ut the devil was $ersistent& and ever ni+ht he tried to

    throw the same sm$toms on me& and ever ni+ht Id sathe same thin+ ;a0 at him. Then Id +ive him a verse ofs0ri$ture su0h as& A-e sent his word and healed themPsalm 1:*32:8& or A'less the

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    not all his ;enefitsE Who for+iveth all thine iniuitiesE whohealeth %

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    over that ou 0ould not see her head a;ove the seats&horri;l 0ri$$led.

    (harles laid hands on her& and neither of us remem;erwhat he $raed& ;ut she fell ;a0wards under the $ower ofBod& and when she did& she s0reamed 4 not from fear& ;utfrom faithJ

    #he 6N=W that esus had tou0hed her.#he 6N=W that she was healedJ#he 6N=W that when she stood u$& the hun0h on her

    ;a0 would ;e +oneJ#he stood u$& and for the first time in her entire life& she

    0ould loo $eo$le in the fa0e. %s esus had 0ared for thewoman in the 'i;le& so he 0ared for this woman in thetwentieth 0entur. -er reKoi0in+ and her $raises 0ould ;eheard ; everone $resent& and her Ko new no ;ounds.

    There were& however& $eo$le in the town who didnt;elieve in healin+. One of them was the $astor of her0hur0h. 'e0ause of the +reat thin+s that ha$$ened durin+our meetin+ there& her $astor $rea0hed the followin+#unda mornin+ on W-Y -=%

  • 7/27/2019 How Do You Treat My Son Jesus?


    You ma sa& AWell& I dont ;elieve in the su$ernatural.Ive never ;een to a 0hur0h where I saw anthin+

    su$ernatural.Cemem;er that the whole 'i;le is su$ernatural.If ou ;elieve in Bod& then ou have to ;elieve in a

    su$ernatural ;ein+.If ou ;elieve in esus (hrist& ou have to ;elieve in a

    su$ernatural ;ein+. Its the devil who sas to ou& ADont;elieve in the su$ernatural& ;e0ause our @%IT- is asu$ernatural thin+& and he wants to destro that.

    The devil reall tries to rea0h us throu+h our finan0es.@or ears the devil fooled thousands of (hristians into

    thinin+ it was s$iritual to ;e $oor. %none who had ansi+n of $ros$erit was o;viousl not ver s$iritual.

    Then a revolution arose 4 $eo$le ;e+an to read what

    the Word of Bod has to sa a;out $ros$erit& and realiedthat the devil had his wa lon+ enou+h& and the ;e+an to

    ;rin+ $ros$erit into e>isten0e.I re0eived an advan0e review 0o$ of the New

    International 'i;le& and in thum;in+ throu+h it dis0overedan inter$retation of a verse whi0h 0an reall s$ea to thehearts of all those who ;elieve in the $ros$erit of Bod.#ometimes we wonder how Bod is +oin+ to $erform afinan0ial mira0le for us& and we for+et that all thin+s are

    $ossi;le with Bod.

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    -alleluKahJ When I read that& I 0alled (harles who wasat the offi0e& and said& A-one& raise our hands u$ in the

    air to mae a funnel of ourself and then lets ;oth tell Bodwe re0eive the sinners mone for the +os$elJ

    Isnt it e>0itin+ to $ut our hands u$ in the air and;elieve Bod for the wealth that some sinner has ;een+atherin+ and storin+ u$ Kust for ouJ Wh dont ou dothat ri+ht nowH8 You 0an ;elieve that the minute ou dothat& the devil will ;e ri+ht in there tellin+ ou that it Kustdoesnt wor that waJ

    The devil $ro;a;l atta0s the finan0ial area of our lifeas mu0h as an other area ;e0ause he $uts fear in our heartas to whether or not well have enou+h mone to +et ; on.

    'eloved& the Bod we serve is a su$ernatural Bod and-e 0an su$$l mone from sour0es that ou havent

    thou+ht of et.If we 0onfess our fears& the will rule us& ;e0ause if ou

    0onfess somethin+ with our mouth& it rea0ts u$on ourheart or our s$irit. The Word ;e0omes real onl as we0onfess its realit. When we 0onfess the Word of Bod& -ewat0hes over it to mae it +ood.

    Cev. 12311 sas& A%nd the over0ame him ; the ;loodof the lam;& and ; the word of their testimon.

    If I 0ontinuall 0onfess la0& I ;elieve in la0& and m0onfession surel ;e0omes a realit.

    There is no end to the thin+s the devil will tr to0onvin0e ou of. -e will tr to 0onvin0e ou that ou are infinan0ial ;onda+e and that there is no wa out. Bive him a

    s0ri$ture to feed on that tals a;out Bods $ros$erit andsee what ha$$ens to himJ

    The devil loves to see ou WOCCYJ-e +ets into our innermost thou+hts and we ;e+in to

    worr a;out +ettin+ old& we worr a;out our 0ar +ettin+

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    old& we worr a;out our air 0onditioner +ettin+ old& weworr a;out our ina;ilit to +et a Ko;& we worr a;out our

    0hildren.Did ou now that Bod 0an su$ernaturall ee$ that

    house of ours in +ood re$air& or su$ernaturall $rovideenou+h mone to have it fi>edH %nd that the same thin+a$$lies to all the rest of those worriesH

    Where does worr 0ome fromH It 0omes from ourmindJ It doesnt 0ome from our nee. It doesnt 0omefrom our stoma0h& it 0omes CIB-T @COM YOLCMIND.

    hats e>a0tl wh the devil atta0s our mindJ$resses this so ;eautifull in the

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    ou and our mind will ;e+in to 0on0entrate on our$ro;lems instead of the solution. -e enKos twistin+ our

    mind 0om$letel out of fo0us so that ou 0ant even thinstrai+ht.

    %s an $s0hiatrist toda the reason for most $eo$leseein+ hel$. Its de$ression& ;e0ause theve let the devil0ontrol their thou+hts and mind.

    There was a time when I mi+ht not have thou+htlainess was of the devil& ;ut I do toda. Wat0h how thedevil will attem$t to 0ontrol our mind.

    -ell tell ou that oure too tired to do the thin+s oushould and that ou need to rest.

    If our mind is tired and our mind is la& or if ouhave de$ression& remem;er that a lar+e $art of this 0omesfrom a mind #atan 0ontrols.

    -ow do ou +et over thatH Bet out and do somethin+for esusJ

    There is nothin+ that will lift our s$irits as hi+h as+oin+ out and talin+ to someone a;out esus and tellin+them what -e has done in our life.

    When m mind is full of ideas for a ;oo& I am soloaded with ener+ that I 0an +et ; with Kust a few hoursslee$. %s a matter of fa0t& when I am writin+ a ;oo(harles has real diffi0ult +ettin+ me to ;ed ;e0ause I wantto sta u$ all ni+ht writin+J

    -ow man $eo$le do ou now who slee$ an e>0essiveamount Kust ;e0ause the dont have anthin+ to o00u$their mindsH

    We need to ee$ our minds a0tive and alert.Ive had fa;ulous fun writin+ this ;oo ;e0ause Ive

    ;een readin+ all the 0ommentaries on the devil& $lus0he0in+ the di0tionaries and everthin+ I 0an +et mhands on to find out a;out the devils tri0s and his lies and

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    de0eits. Then I +ot so e>0ited I wanted to sta u$ allni+ht to find out more a;out the armor of Bod to $ut on to

    withstand the wiles of the devil. -alleluKahJ. . . and never+ot tired.

    %nother area where the devil is havin+ a ;all toda is inthe area of lust. Yes& lustJ =ven (hristians are havin+

    $ro;lems in this area. The devil has so man thin+s toattra0t and $ervert our minds that a (hristian reall has to

    ;e on +uard all the time.%s we were 0han+in+ $lanes in the %tlanta air$ort

    re0entl& we sto$$ed ; the ;oo and ma+aine ra0 to seeif an of our ;oos were there.

    I was amaed at the titles of some of the ;oosE titles sosu++estive the werent even su++estiveJ

    The Kust 0ame out and told ou e>a0tl what raw&

    se>ual& sensual fa0ts were on the inside. The su;Ke0ts whi0hsome devilF0ontrolled mind had $ut in ;oos was almostim$ossi;le for a (hristian mind to 0om$rehend.

    M ;lood ran 0old as I thou+ht a;out some of thesema+aines fallin+ into the hands of inno0ent oun+ $eo$leto $ervert their minds. #u;Ke0ts that lead to $erverted se> tomae them sound a$$ealin+ lie AThe os of 'ein+-omose>ual. Aoin the (rowd& Birls& .Bods Word sas& AIt is the thou+htFlife that $ollutes. @orfrom within& out of mens hearts& 0ome evil thou+hts of

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    lust& theft& murder& adulter& wantin+ what ;elon+s toothers& wi0edness& de0eit& lewdness& env& slander& $ride&

    and all other foll. %ll these vile thin+s 0ome from withinEthe are what $ollute ou and mae ou unfit for BodMar *32:F2" T

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    A@inall& ;rethren& whatsoever thin+s are true&whatsoever thin+s are honest& whatsoever thin+s are Kust&

    whatsoever thin+s are $ure& whatsoever thin+s are lovel&whatsoever thin+s are of +ood re$ortE if there ;e an virtue&and if there ;e an $raise& thin on these thin+s Phil. !3,8.

    BO##IP is a favorite tool of the devil.=ntire lives have ;een destroed ; +ossi$.Bossi$ +oes from our ears to our mind to our

    mouth& and the devil wants to 0ontrol all three. -e wants to0ontrol what +oes into our ears so that he will 0ontrolwhat 0omes out of our mouth.

    We have heard thin+s re$eated as a;solute truth whenthere wasnt a tra0e of truth& ;ut the devil tem$tedsome;od to +ossi$. Whole 0hur0hes have ;een ruined ;+ossi$.

    I will never for+et when I was a ;rand new (hristian&this was one of the areas where Bod reall dealt with me&

    ;e0ause I have to admit I reall did lie to +ossi$. I $raisethe $e0tin+ a ;a; and she wasnt marriedJ

    The first thin+ I did was to run to the $astor and sa&ADo ou now& I heard that soFandFso is e>$e0tin+ a ;a;H-e almost elled at me& ADont ou ever sa that a+ainJDont ou ever thin a;out it& and dont ou ever re$eat ita+ain whether it is true or notJ

    I never had anthin+ affe0t me as for0efull as that did&;e0ause in m heart I reall thou+ht I was +oin+ to share

    somethin+ with the $astor that he didnt now and sin0ethis 0on0erned someone in our 0hur0h& I new he would ;ea;le to +ive them some tremendous hel$.

    The devil had so 0om$letel fooled me that the deviltold me to re$eat this +ossi$ to the $astorJ

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    I have never for+otten this and I never willJ(ON@L#ION is another tri0 of the devil& ;e0ause he

    is the author of it.One of his +reatest a;ilities is to 0onfuse $eo$le where

    the 'i;le is 0on0erned. -e doesnt have to worr a;out thewinner of an ar+ument a;out do0trine& ;e0ause NO'ODYwins a 0onfusion fi+ht.

    I loo at the 0onfusion toda amon+ denominations 4AWe dont want to s$ea to ou ;e0ause ou s$ea inton+ues.

    AWe dont want anthin+ to do with ou ;e0ause oudont ;elieve in ;a$tism ; immersion.

    AWe dont want anthin+ to do with ou ;e0ause wedont ;elieve in ;ein+ ;orn a+ain.

    When we re0eived the ;a$tism with the -ol #$irit& the

    devil 0ame in and said& AYoull +et thrown out of our0hur0h. Youll lose all our s$eain+ datesJ No;od will

    ;u our ;oos an moreJThe devil threw all inds of statements lie that at us.One of his most fiendish tri0s is to tr to 0onvin0e ou

    that oure Kust main+ u$ our $raer lan+ua+e.-e tries to tell ou that it isnt +enuine and it isnt real.We see this ha$$en over and over a+ain as $eo$le 0ome

    forward to re0eive the ;a$tism with the -ol #$irit.The re0eive& the ;e+in to $raise Bod in a ;rand new

    ton+ue& and the first thin+ the devil sas is& AThats YOL&ou are doin+ that& ou are Kust main+ u$ little sounds.You dont feel anthin+. -e a0tuall 0onvin0es $eo$le

    that the 'i;le sas& AYe shall re0eive an emotionale>$erien0e when the -ol Bhost 0omes u$on ou. TheWord of Bod never mentions feelin+ in 0onKun0tion withthe ;a$tism. It mentions A$ower instead.

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    Then someone 0omes to ou and starts $rea0hin+ thatton+ues went out with the a$ostles& that it is the devil who

    +ives ton+ues& and ou ;e+in to wonder if ou reallre0eived the ;a$tism or if ou were de0eivedJ

    %fter we re0eived the ;a$tism& we re0eived letters fromnonF#$irit filled $eo$le offerin+ to tell us whether or notour ton+ues were of the devil.

    The devil often uses (hristians to 0onfuse other(hristians.

    I remem;er wonderin+ if I should send a 0assette withm ;eautiful $raer lan+ua+e on it& and then I remem;eredwhat it sas in

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    One of the easiest was to let #atan tra$ ou is to thinouve +ot to +o alon+ with the 0rowd.

    Too often we are influen0ed ; our $eers.% $eer to a oun+ $erson is some;od who +oes to the

    same s0hool& and some;od who is reall in the Ain 0rowdwhere the wish the were.

    %s we +et older& it ma ;e the nei+h;or ne>t door& itma ;e some;od we wor with& it ma ;e our hus;ands

    ;oss& it ma ;e an other individual we want to im$ress.Man times we do not fl the ;anner of esus (hrist

    Kust ;e0ause its easier to ;ow to the $ressures of #atan.% ver +ood e>am$le of this o00urred when we were in

    New ?ealand.We were eatin+ in the dinin+ room of a ver ele+ant

    hotel Kust $rior to +oin+ to a meetin+. We were in a hurr&

    ;e0ause there was onl a short time ;etween the o$enin+ ofthe restaurant and the startin+ s0hedule of our meetin+. Thewaiter ased us what ind of a 0o0tail we wanted to drin&and we all said& AWater.

    We sat waitin+ for uite a while& and as we did& I waslooin+ around and noti0ed a ver $e0uliar thin+.

    The onl $eo$le in the restaurant who were notdrinin+ or smoin+ were the four of us sittin+ at a ta;le&'o; and oan and (harles and I.

    We all stood out lie a sore thum;& and I said to(harles& AI reall feel out of $la0e ;e0ause ever;od isdrinin+.

    Youn+ $eo$le mi+ht ;e influen0ed and want to +o

    alon+ with the 0rowd& ;ut I felt lie I was sittin+ in a den ofiniuit. We had no 0hoi0e of where we were eatin+&

    ;e0ause we didnt have a 0ar and there wasnt an$la0e elsewhere we 0ould +o to eat e>0e$t at the hotel where we werestain+.

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    (harles looed at me and said& A-one& Were not outof $la0e& T-=YC= T-= ON=# T-%T %C= OLT O@


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    The devil wants ou ne+ative 4 he wants ou to;elieve the Word of Bod wont wor for ou and so he +ets

    in there with those ne+ative attitudes.DOL'T and LN'=

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    A I 0onse0rate mself to meet our need for +rowth intruth and holiness ohn 1*31, T

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    inheritan0e as a (hristian. That is what su;mittin+ourselves to Bod is.

    Where does this ha$$enH It all ha$$ens in our MIND.You have to ;elieve that ou want to follow Bod.You have to ;elieve that Bod is who -e sas -e is.You have to ;elieve that esus (hrist died on a 0ross for

    our sins.You have to ;elieve when ou ;e0ame a (hristian that

    those sins were for+iven. Thats su;mittin+ ourselves toBod.

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    I dont need the news$a$er to tell me whats +oin+ toha$$en. I alread now& ;e0ause Ive read the Word of

    Bod& and its all BOOD& BOOD& BOODJWhen I was a oun+ +irl& m sister and I went to a

    fortuneteller to find out a;out the future. I remem;er asin+if I would mae the honor roll so0iet. The fortunetellerdidnt even now what I was talin+ a;out& ;ut as sheuestioned me& and I told her all a;out it& and how hard Istudied in s0hool& and what +ood +rades I made& she looedinto the 0rstal ;all and said& AYes& ou will mae thehonor roll so0iet.

    It didnt tae mu0h sense for her to fi+ure out that a +irlwho made e>0ellent +rades in s0hool was ;ound to ;e onthe honor roll so0ietJ 'ut I swallowed it hoo& line andsiner& and ;elieved it was trueJ I did mae the honor roll

    so0iet& ;ut not ;e0ause of the fortunetellerJI have often ased oun+ $eo$le who have ;lown their

    minds on dru+s how the ever +ot started& and almostwithout e>0e$tion& their answer is the same& AI wanted to ;e

    $art of the 0rowdJ I didnt thin it 0ould ever hurt me. Ididnt thin Id ever ;e hooedJ

    The devil maes it seem so sim$le that no one wouldever +et hooed on the first tr& ;ut I remem;er a littleteena+er who was ;rou+ht to m house man ears a+o.

    #he was annoed with her mother and dad ;e0ause thewouldnt let her date a 0ertain ;o& so she de0ided to A+eteven with themJ #ome of her Afriends at s0hool told herto tae an

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    s0ream until the finall had to +ive her a shot to uiet herdown.

    Da after da& this same tormentin+ from the devil0ontinued& until the ;rou+ht her over to m house.

    I remem;er looin+ at this $atheti0 +irl who had soinno0entl ;een tra$$ed into the devils lair.

    #he a00e$ted esus as her #avior and en shall fall with them& and the oun+Q ;ullo0swith the old and mi+htQ ;ullsE and their land shall ;edrun and soaed with ;lood& and their dust made ri0h with

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    fatness. @or the

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    tendonitis& +ot into the Word of Bod and thin+s ;e+an toha$$en.

    We went over to her a$artment one ni+ht and I washorrified to dis0over she had owls all over everthin+. #hemust have had over three hundred owls de0oratin+ herentire a$artment. You 0ouldnt turn an dire0tion withoutrunnin+ into a ;un0h of owlsJ

    We didnt sa anthin+& ;ut after we +ot out& I said to(harles& ADid ou +et the same feelin+ I did in thereH -esaid& AI sure didJ

    We didnt sa anthin+ to her& ;ut $raed that Bodwould reveal the truth to her. We didnt have to wait lon+&

    ;e0ause one da she dro$$ed ; and said& ADo ou thintheres anthin+ wron+ with owlsH We ased her wh shesaid that& and she said she had ;een studin+ the Word of

    Bod& and it seemed to her that Bod was tellin+ her thatowls had no $la0e in her life.

    #he went home that afternoon& too a hammer and;roe five of the owls. #ome of them were terrifi0alle>$ensive& 0ostin+ as mu0h as R"::.::& ;ut $raise Bod& shewanted to ;e a woman of Bod& and not someone tormented

    ; the devil.

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    %t one time we had an oil $aintin+ in our dinin+ room. I;ou+ht it ;e0ause it mat0hed the ellow on our walls& ;ut

    didnt reall loo at the $aintin+. =ven thou+h it was aflower& it +ave me an evil or odd feelin+ ever time I went

    ; it.We heard a man tal a;out the Athin+s in our house

    one ni+ht& and I said to (harles& ADo ou reall lie that$i0ture in our dinin+ room& or does it +ive ou the G0ree$slie it +ives meH (harles said he didnt lie it either& sowhen we +ot home that ni+ht& (harles too a ;i+ ;ut0hernife and said& AIn the name of esus& devil& +et out of ourhouseJ Then he sli0ed the $i0ture into four $ie0es& andtoo it out and threw it in the +ar;a+e 0anJ %s I said

    $reviousl& AWhen it dou;t& throw it outJ and thatse>a0tl what we didJ

    The devil will tell ou that ou 0ant uit smoin+;e0ause ouve tried. Cemem;er that with (hrist ou 0ando %

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    shall have their $art in the lae whi0h ;urneth with fire and;rimstone3 whi0h is the se0ond death Cev. 2 13,8.

    The devil will tell ou there are lots of was to heaven4 Kust live a +ood life. esus said& AI am the wa& the truth&and the life3 no man 0ometh unto the @ather& ;ut ; meohn 1!3)8.

    -ow do we defeat the devilH Memorie the s0ri$tureBod has +iven us in

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    them on0e a+ain on the One who +ave -is life for oursalvation and deliveran0eJ

    We need to literall $ut our hands to our ;rains& andtae out those thou+hts and desires whi0h are not +odl&and ;rin+ ever thou+ht into 0a$tivit.

    You sa ou 0ant do itH Yes& ou 0anJ#ear0h the s0ri$tures until ou find the ones that reall

    fit our needs.

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    Wh are ou eual to %NYT-INBH 'e0ause (hristinfuses inner stren+th into ou. The word Ainfuse means to

    fillE im;ueE ins$ireE to $our into. #o ou are Afilled with(hrist& ou are A$oured into (hrist and -e is $oured intoouE ou are ins$ired ; (hrist& therefore ou are eual toanthin+.

    #uare our shoulders ;a0 and 0har+e ri+ht after theenem.

    Dont let him ;a0 ou into a 0ornerJFACTS OR GOSSIP?

    The devil wants our mind so ;adl& he will use anand all the tri0s he 0an find to +et ou to stra awa fromwhat Bod wants. Bossi$ is a real tool of the devil himselfJ

    It 0an +et ou in trou;le whether ou are on the +ivin+

    or the re0eivin+ end. =a0h is euall dan+erousJ% $astor who had listened and ;elieved tale;earers

    0ame to our -ealin+ =>$losion in

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    AI re0eived a 0all from an em$loee of -unterMinistries and he said& GThis is -unter Ministries.

    AI immediatel thou+ht& G%hhhaJA-e 0ontinued& GWe would lie to now if ou are

    +oin+ to ;e involved in the -ealin+ =>$losion.AI must sa at first I was ver a;ru$t and uite 0urt and

    short $olite& ;ut a;ru$t. #uddenl he said to me& GWell&0ould I send the videos to ou @OC @C==H You 0ouldreview them and then 0all me and tell me what ou thin.

    AWhen I heard& G@OC @C== I said& AWell& oa. -esent them& @C== O@ (-%CB=& so I ;e+an to wat0h themwith a $ad and a $en0il in m hand so I 0ould sa& A%h& ha&ah ha& thats not ri+htE this is not ri+ht.

    AI sat there and wat0hed all fourteen hours and I said&G

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    A-ere I am on the 0eilin+ and suddenl I dis0overed Iwas +oin+ Ghmmmmm and felt that m faith was leain+

    out m toes. Nevertheless the #$irit of Bod said& GBo downthere. #he told me where the hos$ital was& so I told Bod Iwould +o e>0e$t I had to $lu+ u$ m feet so that all mfaith didnt lea out.

    AI was su$er 0har+ed with faith after seein+ the fourteenhours of video& so I waled into the hos$ital& ;ut 0ouldntsee him ;e0ause he was in emer+en0. The whole familand I then went u$ to I(L where the had taen him to die.The had not even taen the ;ullet out of his ;rain. Thewhole famil was wee$in+ and wailin+& and I told themthat I was the $astor the had 0alled.

    AWe went into I(L I dont now if ouve ever seenanone who has attem$ted to tae their life in this manner.

    The ;o had taen a rifle& $ut it in his mouth and $ulled thetri++er. %s I stood there and looed at this oun+ man& Isaw somethin+ that was unre0o+nia;le as a human ;ein+.-is head was swelled u$. -is ees were lie $in+ $on+

    ;alls. -e was entirel ;la0 and ;lue. -e was ;leedin+from the ees& ;leedin+ from the ears& ;leedin+ from themouth and ;leedin+ from the nose.

    AI looed at him and de0ided that I had ;etter ee$ mtoes $lu++ed u$ ;e0ause faith was runnin+ out. %s I0ontinued to loo at him& I thou+ht& G

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    AThe mother said to me& G-es in a 0oma& and he 0anthear ou.

    AI said& GYes& he 0an hear ou. That is wh whensomeone 0omes to visit a 0omatose $erson in the hos$italthe should never tell anone how ;ad the loo& ;e0ausethere fi+htin+ inside and ou have to +et them to 0ontinuefi+htin+ while oure fi+htin+.

    AI said& GDavid sa this& A o0lo0. Youre +oin+to have +ood news for me& do ou hear meH BOOD N=W#at si> o0lo0. (all me.

    AI $raed ver sim$l& ;e0ause I remem;ered the ta$esand I had read the ;oo. I ;ound the s$irit of sui0ide& selfFdestru0tion and selfFmurder in the name of esus. I 0ast it

    forth and 0ommanded healin+ to 0ome. I didnt now thedama+e. Bod didnt tell me& so I Kust 0ommanded healin+ to0ome& in the name of esus.

    A%t si> o0lo0 that ni+ht& I +ot a 0all. The ;osmother was on the tele$hone& 0rin+& ;ut this time it was a

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    different 0r. G-es awae. -es u$. -es talin+. -enows me. -e nows ever;od. -alleluKahJ -alleluKahJ

    A@rom that da& the ;ells went off in that hos$ital. Thetoo him down to o$erate and remove the ;ullet from his

    ;rain.AWhen I laid m hands on him and 0ast out s$irits& he

    was i0e 0old from the feet u$ to the trun& whi0h was theonl warm $art. -e was din+. -e was +oin+. -e was+oin+ out. I have $raed for $eo$le and thats how ou diesometimes. You +et 0older& 0older& 0older& 0older and theonl thin+ warm is our head and our ne0 and then that+ets 0old and ou die. This ;o was +oin+.

    ABod healed his head. Bod healed everthin+J -eswalin+& talin+& walin+& talin+ and movin+ around. -eis a;solutel a testimon of a mira0le that onl Bod 0an do&

    ;e0ause I listened with m heart rather than m head ofresistan0e. I than Bod for the sim$li0it that I saw 0omin+forth from those videos. I than Bod for our ;rother andsister who ee$ sain+& GIf (harles and

    @ran0es 0an do it& YOL 0an do it too.AYou see& if we mae it 0om$li0ated or if I loo lie a

    ;i+ stuffed shirt and I am the onl one who nows what Imdoin+& ou will never attem$t anthin+. Bod sas& G6ee$ itsim$le. 6ee$ it sim$le.

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    dreams. %nd on M menservants and on M maidservants Iwill $our out M #$irit in those dasE %nd the shall

    $ro$hes %0ts 231*F1, N678.AI have another stor that is Kust ;u;;lin+ over in me.

    The ne>t #unda an Italian man who 0ould hardl s$ea=n+lish waled in m 0hur0h. This is the wee after I haveseen the ta$es& seen the ;o healed& and I am still adnamo. I am still a dnamo toda and Im not 0han+in+.Im not +oin+ ;a0.

    ADevil ou ;etter wat0h out now. -alleluKah& this is it.Blor to Bod& Im i0in+ in the +ates. -alleluKahJ %menJBlorJ

    AWhH 'e0ause these ta$es are so anointed. Not;e0ause of (harles and @ran0es& ;ut ;e0ause of the ta$es.

    A-is whole famil was there& so I ased them what was

    wron+. -is dau+hter said& G-es loaded with 0an0er.Tumors all over. Theres nothin+ the 0an do.

    AWith that $re0ious ;oldness that Bod +ives ou& I said&GBods +oin+ to heal this man. I ;ound the s$irit of 0an0er&0ast that dirt thin+ out in the name of esus. I re;ued and0ursed that si0ness and illness to its roots in

    the name of the amination& and he is a;solutel healed.

    AI than ou

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    s$eas throu+h (hristians. These two stories would maesome $eo$le ha$$ for a lifetime if it ha$$ened to them& ;ut

    thin of how these are +oin+ to multi$l in his lifeJ%nd loo at what he 0ould have missedJ

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    Chapter TwThere s wer inThe !a"e f Jesus


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    Peo$le who formerl were an hourFonF#unda(hristians have entered into an e>0itin+ momentF;F

    moment wal with a livin+ esus.#0ales are fallin+ from the s$iritual ees of the

    (hristian world and the are wain+ u$ to a new realit;e0ause the are dis0overin+ the $ower in that wonderfuland maKesti0 name of esusJ

    What did the name of esus do for #aulH When %naniaso;eed Bod& and Aentered into the houseE and $uttin+ hishands on him said& 'rother #aul& the

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    or the $ower in that nameJ Man $eo$le use the namealmost irreverentl ;e0ause we do not ;elieve and a00e$t

    the $ower& and wonder& and +lor that lies in that namea;ove all namesJ

    The words AIn esus name 0an o$en the su$ernaturalworld to us if we will ;ut ;elieve that -is name will dowhat the Word of Bod sas it willJ

    The words will never have $ower& however& until we0an honestl ;elieve that the are true and that thesu$ernatural will ha$$en when we use those words.

    The are not to ;e used Kust to 0lose a $raer& ;ut to;elieve for the su$ernatural intervention of Bod in the 2:th

    (entur& ri+ht now& TOD%YJ%0ts 1)31)F1, ;rin+s a realiation of the a0tual $ower

    in the name of esus3 A%nd it 0ame to $ass& as we went to

    $raer& a 0ertain damsel $ossessed with a s$irit ofdivination met us& whi0h ;rou+ht her masters mu0h +ain ;soothsain+3 The same followed Paul and us& and 0ried&sain+& These men are the servants of the most hi+h Bod&whi0h shew unto us the wa of salvation. %nd this did sheman das. 'ut Paul& ;ein+ +rieved& turned and said to thes$irit& I 0ommand thee in the name of esus (hrist to 0omeout of her. %nd he 0ame out the same hour.

    The thin+ thats e>0itin+ to me a;out this $arti0ular$assa+e of s0ri$ture is the fa0t that Paul did not ar+ue andwrestle with a s$irit all ni+ht lon+& nor tal to the +irl& ;uthe taled dire0tl to the s$irit& and at that mi+ht and

    $owerful name of esus& the s$irit 0ame out immediatelJ

    -alleluKahJThat same $ower to 0ast out s$irits ;elon+s to us toda

    throu+h the name of esusJ esus said in

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    nothin+ shall ; an means hurt ou. In the wonderfulname of esus we have $ower over all of the tri0s of the

    devil& if we will Kust ;elieve and remem;er to use it.We have seen all inds of s$irits in0ludin+ s$irits of

    sui0ide 0ome rushin+ out at the name of esusJ Peo$le areset 0om$letel free who have ;een tormented ; the devilfor earsJ

    We were in northern Illinois holdin+ a series ofmeetin+s& and a friend of ours who had re0eived the

    ;a$tism under our ministr wanted to ;rin+ some nonF0harismati0 friends to the meetin+s. The had heard a;outthe wild !*Pente0ostals& and the even wilder (harismati0s&

    ;ut ;e0ause she $romised them that our meetin+s werealwas under 0ontrol& the 0onsented to 0ome.

    The were afraid to 0ome near the front& ;e0ause the

    still werent sure what was +oin+ to ha$$en& and so thede0ided on a $la0e on the ver ;a0 row. -ow well weremem;er feelin+s Kust lie that& not nowin+ what theAunnown would do.

    %;out halfwa throu+h the meetin+ I +ot a word ofnowled+e a;out a s$irit of sui0ide& so I sto$$ed& andimmediatel said& AIn esus name& ou s$irit of sui0ide0ome outJ Thats all I said& and I +ot the sur$rise of mlife& and so did a lot of other $eo$leJ

    Three s$irits 0ame s0reamin+ out with ;loodF0urdlin+ells so loud that m hair stood on end and so did(harles8. There is tremendous $ower in the name of esus.

    Talin+ to the three $eo$le later& ea0h had ;een

    0onvin0ed that sui0ide was the onl wa out& and et at thename of esus ea0h s$irit had to leave& and all three $ersons

    ;elieved in the name of esusJNot all s$irits s0ream& $raise BodJ That was a ver

    unusual ni+ht& ;e0ause the timid nonF0harismati0s on the

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    ;a0 row were sittin+ ri+ht ne>t to one of the $eo$le withthe s$irit of sui0ide. The reall +ot an initiation into the

    $ower of that nameJesus new who -e wasJ =verthin+ -e said was

    s$oen with +reat authorit and $ower.-e made the most outstandin+ statements of an $erson

    who ever lived on earth. -e said& AI am the li+ht of theworld3 he that followeth me shall not wal in darness& ;utshall have the li+ht of life ohn ,3128. -e didnt shrivelu$ and hide ;ehind a tree& a ;ush or even a $ul$it. %s amatter of fa0t& I dont thin he even had a mi0ro$hone. -e

    Kust o$ened his mouth& and the world heardJ-e said& AI am the wa& the truth& and the life3 no man

    0ometh unto the @ather& ;ut ; me ohn 1!3)8.-e new there was salvation in no other.

    -e new ;eond a shadow of dou;t that -e was theonl wa& the onl truth and the onl life.

    -e also new that it was im$ossi;le for anone to 0ometo the @ather e>0e$t in -is name& and -e 0learl and ;oldlstated it for the world to hearJ

    -e even went on to sa& A7eril& veril& I sa unto ou&-e that ;elieveth on me& the wors that I do shall he doalsoE and +reater wors than these shall he doE ;e0ause I +ounto m @ather. %nd whatsoever e shall as in m name&that will I do& that the @ather ma ;e +lorified in the #on. Ife shall as an thin+ in m name& I will do itJ ohn1!312F1!8.

    -e said that all in0lusive word Awhatsoever e shall

    as in m name& and -e meant itJ -e +ave us $ermission touse -is name so that it would +lorif -is @atherJ Not foran $ersonal +lor for us& ;ut for the +lor of Bod& the@atherJ -alleluKahJ8

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    The $romises -e made are almost im$ossi;le for thehuman mind to understand& ;ut -e said& AIf e 0ontinue in

    m word& then are e m dis0i$les indeedE %nd e shallnow the truth& and the truth shall mae ou free ohn

    ,3"1&"28.%ll we have to do is 0ontinue in everthin+ -e said& and

    we shall ;e freeJ @reedom from everthin+ was $romised; this $owerful man who stated -is $osition 0learl. We0an have freedom from fear& freedom from $overt&freedom from si0ness& freedom from the fear of death&freedom from miser. The list +oes on and on. -e $romisedus this freedom& ;ut nowin+ that man who would tr toa$$ro$riate it would ;e wea& -e +ave us a $ower& the

    $ower of the -ol #$irit with whi0h to do it& and the use ofthat $ower lies in -is nameJ

    In the same wa esus new who -e was& we need tonow the $ower of -is nameJ

    We need to stand as ;oldl and $ro0laim mira0les ofsalvation& ;a$tism& healin+ and deliveran0e to the worldwith all the authorit -e used& ;e0ause in -is name -e+ave this to usJ -e not onl +ave us this $rivile+e& -e also0ommanded us to use it in Mar 1).

    esus said& AYe have not 0hosen me& ;ut I have 0hosenou& and ordained ou& that e should +o and ;rin+ forthfruit& and that our fruit should remain3 that whatsoever eshall as of the @ather in m name& he ma +ive it to ouohn 1531)8.

    If ou owned the name that was a;ove ever other

    name& the name at whi0h ever nee should ;ow& of thin+sin heaven& and thin+s in earth& and thin+s under the earthEand that ever ton+ue should 0onfess that same name as

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    would sim$l ;elieve on that nameH. . .to anone whowould dare to 0onfess his sins and as esus to 0ome into

    his heartH %nd et -e did& -e +ave ou and me that namewhi0h has POW=C over everthin+ in the entire worldJ

    Id have a diffi0ult time +eneratin+ enou+h 0onfiden0eto $ut that $ower into earthl ;ein+s& and et esus newwhat -is resurre0tion $ower inside of a $erson& and thatname u$on their li$s& would do.

    It 0ould mae a ti+er out of the tiniest mouseJThe name of esus ;rou+ht forth some of the +reatest

    mira0les in the 'i;le& and is still doin+ the same thin+toda.

    Peter and ohn were walin+ ; the tem$le one dawhen the saw the lame man sittin+ there. AThen Peter saidilver and +old have I noneE ;ut su0h as I have +ive I thee3

    In the name of esus (hrist of Naareth rise u$ and wal%0ts "3)8. %nd the man waledJ

    Peter had no more natural $ower than ou or I have& ;uthe used the su$ernatural name that was availa;le to him.-e used the name of esusJ I have a feelin+ that when hes$oe it& he didnt s$ea it softl and uietl& as thou+h hedidnt mean it.

    -e s$oe it with +reat authorit ;e0ause that name is to;e revered a;ove all other names& and is never to ;e used ina halfFhearted manner.

    'ells went off 4 din+& din+& din+.We were in #asatoon& #asat0hewan& (anada for a

    sevenFmeetin+ seminar when we saw e>a0tl the same

    thin+ ha$$en in the 2:th

    0entur.When we saw Beor+ina Morin for the first time in a

    wheel0hair& we ased her wh she was in that 0hair. #hehad ;een shot in the s$ine seventeen ears ;efore& and had

    ;een $araled from the ne0 down ever sin0e. The onl

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    $la0es ;elow her ne0 she had an mo;ilit at all were inthe fin+ers of her left hand. The rest of her ;od was

    $araled. %fter talin+ with her ;riefl& we said& A#ilverand +old have I none& ;ut su0h as I have& I +ive unto thee3

    In the name of esus (hrist of Naareth& rise u$ andwalJ

    %nd she didntJ#he 0ame to the ne>t meetin+& and a+ain we waled

    over to her and said& A#ilver and +old have I none& ;ut su0has I have& I +ive unto thee3 In the name of esus (hrist of

    Naareth& rise u$ and walJ%nd she didntJThe third meetin+& I said e>a0tl the same thin+& and

    she didntJThe fourth& fifth and si>th meetin+& the same words

    were re$eated& and nothin+ ha$$ened.Then 0ame the seventh and final meetin+J We waled

    over to her and I said e>a0tl the same words I had$reviousl& A#ilver and +old have I none& ;ut su0h as Ihave& I +ive unto thee3 In the name of esus (hrist of

    Naareth& rise u$ and walJ%ND #-= DIDJ#eventeen ears of $aralsis were 0om$letel +oneJ

    @eelin+ returned to her entire ;od. $lainin+ the mira0le of the 0ri$$led man to the

    reli+ious ruler& Peter stated& ANeither is there salvation inan other3 for there is none other name under heaven +ivenamon+ men& where; we must ;e saved %0ts !3128.

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    With that one statement whi0h was stated with a;solutefaith in the name of esus (hrist& Peter eliminated ever

    other reli+ion in the entire world& ;e0ause it is in this namethat we are savedJ -alleluKahJ

    This is one of the most $owerful testimonies in theentire New Testament 0on0ernin+ the name of esus. Thewere $rea0hin+ the Word that throu+h esus there wasresurre0tion from the dead.

    %ll their $rea0hin+ was done in -is nameJust the mere mention of the name of esus u$set the

    #addu0ees so mu0h that the a;solutel for;id them tos$ea at all or tea0h in the name of esus. The 0ould tea0hand $rea0h and s$ea what the thou+ht& ;ut the werewarned not to s$ea in the name of esus. The $riests& the0a$tain of the tem$le& and the #addu0ees feared the name

    of esus.The o;viousl didnt fear the man esus when -e

    waled on this earth& ;ut after -is death the feared thename so mu0h that the didnt even want it whis$ered& letalone shouted in $u;li0 $la0es.

    'e0ause of the $ower in the name of esus& Peter andohn said the 0ouldnt sto$& and +reat $ower fell u$on thea$ostles as the witnessed of the resurre0tion of the

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    0ommanded them not to s$ea in the name of esus& thenthe let them +o. . .and ;e0ause of the $ower in that name

    of esus& the 0ontinued $rea0hin+ and tea0hin+ esus(hrist. -alleluKahJ

    The name of esus s$oen with ;elief maes the sinnernervous. -e 0ant stand it& ;e0ause he feels the $ower0ontained in those five little letters. Blor to BodJ

    I had ;een sharin+ with a friend a;out what esus haddone in m life& and was sain+& Aesus did this& and esusdid thatJ when suddenl she interru$ted me and said& AIlie to listen to whats ha$$enin+ to ou and I love to heara;out the mira0les& ;ut will ou sto$ usin+ the name ofesusJ It maes me so nervous I 0ant stand stillJ It madeher nervous ;e0ause she did not wal in the $ower of thatnameJ

    Theres $ower in the name of esus& re+ardless of whooure talin+ to& or what oure talin+ a;out& as lon+ asoure talin+ in -is nameJ

    If ou want to sto$ a sinner ri+ht in his tra0s when ouhear him usin+ the name of esus in vain& loo around andsa& AWhere is -eH Where is esusH Youll ;e sur$rised atwhat ha$$ens.

    %fter all& if the sinner is +oin+ to use the name of esus$rofanel& we should demand eual time to use it in thewa it was intendedJ

    Does the sinner now that there is $ower in that name&even thou+h its not availa;le to him at the momentH Isthere anthin+ that will mae a (hristian shudder more

    than to hear the name of his ;eloved #avior taen;las$hemousl on the li$s of the sinnerH %lmost an otherword whi0h 0omes in the 0ate+or of swearin+ does nothave the im$a0t of the name of esusJ That is wh thesinner& in his vilest& an+riest moments taes the most

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    $owerful name in all the world u$on his li$s& ;e0ause evenhe realies that name has $owerJ

    The name of esus 0an ;rin+ safet in times of dan+er.Our dau+hter& oan& and I were drivin+ down the freewaone da and as we 0ame down the offFram$ onto the feederstreet& the ;raes went out on the 0ar. #in0e the offFram$was downhill& the 0ar was a00eleratin+. It was a rain da&the streets were sli0& and oan s0reamed& APra& Mother&the ;raes are outJ

    Instantl we ;oth too that name a;ove all names onour li$s& AesusJ oan swun+ left under the freewa toavoid the traffi0& and there loomed ri+ht in front of us a ;i+tru0 haulin+ Kun.

    We re$eated the name of esus a+ain& and the tru0mira0ulousl and su$ernaturall $ulled over in the ri+htF

    hand lane and we whi$$ed to the left a+ain and 0ame to ahaltJ

    No one had hit usE we had hit no one. %nd we now;eond a shadow of dou;t& that we were safe ;e0ause of thename of esusJ -alleluKahJ

    I remem;er one time when we had a series of meetin+sin a 0it. Our final meetin+ was on #aturda ni+ht& and thes$onsorin+ or+aniation had for+otten to ;rin+ alon+ a0he0 to e>0han+e for the 0ash in the offerin+. We said wewould tae the 0ash ;a0 to our room& and then tae ithome on the $lane the ne>t daJ We never do that ;e0auseof the dan+er& ;ut this ni+ht without a sin+le thou+ht a;outthe dan+er& we too the 0ash with us and drove off.

    The auditorium was 0lose to the hotel& and the 0ou$ledrivin+ us dro$$ed us off at the ;a0 of the ;uildin+

    ;e0ause of the diffi0ult of +ettin+ to the front with theoneF wa streets.

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    %s we started to wal towards the ;a0 door& three mena$$eared out of nowhere& one standin+ ;etween us and the

    door& one standin+ at the door& and one inside the door. Onehad a ;i+ metal Aafro 0om; whi0h he was runF flin+ hisfin+ers over. We 0ould hear his fin+ernails on the shar$metal $oints.

    The devil was rearin+ his u+l headJWe felt a demoni0 $resen0e. -owever& Bod reall

    $rote0ted us& ;e0ause we never 0han+ed ste$s& hesitated& oreven $aused. 'oth of us instantl whis$ered the name ofesus as (harles sueeed m arm& and we saw a mira0leha$$en ri+ht in front of our eesJ

    The first $erson ;owed in front of us& the se0ond oneo$ened the door& and the third one who had the ;i+ metal0om;& o$ened the se0ond door whi0h $ut us safel inside

    the hotel. A%t the name of esus& ever nee shall ;owJWe 0alml waled inside to the stairwa leadin+ to the

    lo;;& and the minute we turned the 0orner& we ;othinstantl ranJ

    There had ;een no s$oen 0ommuni0ation ;etween thetwo of us& ;ut we had ;oth felt the same sinister demoni0

    $ower. We had ;oth taen the name of =#L# on our li$s&and we ;oth ran to the elevator as fast as we 0ouldJ

    Praise Bod for that name that is a;ove ever name& thename that even $rote0ts us from a00identsJ

    I love what esus said in Matthew 2,31,& A%ll $ower is+iven unto me in heaven and in earth. -e had no dou;twhatsoever as to -is ualifi0ations and a;ilities& and et -e

    willin+l $assed this on to us.In Mar 1)31*F1, -e sas& A%nd these si+ns shall

    follow them that ;elieveE In m name shall the 0ast outdevilsE the shall s$ea with new ton+uesE The shall taeu$ ser$entsE and if the drin an deadl thin+& it shall not

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    hurt themE the shall la hands on the si0& and T-=Y#-%i0o& for a seminarwhen a tin +irl named 'elinda was ;rou+ht in durin+ thelun0h time ;rea. #he had 0ontra0ted a virus whi0h wasdestroin+ her mus0les& and she was shrivelin+ u$ anddin+ a slow death.

    % friend had 0alled her $arents and told them a;out ourservi0es& and the ;rou+ht 'elinda. -ow we $raised Bodwe hadnt +one to lun0h.

    'efore we $raed& 'elinda looed u$ and said& AIve+ot faith in BodJ We $raed and told her to +et u$ andwal in the name of esusJ

    #he shot out of the wheel0hair lie she was a ro0et& ;ut0rum$led to the floor ;e0ause her little le+s did not holdher.

    'ut we new that she had ;een healedJ(harles $i0ed her u$& and set her on her feet a+ain& and

    said& AIn esus nameJThis time she didnt fall downJ #he waled& and

    waled& and waledJ #he new that the $ower in the nameof esus had healed herJ

    esus& how we than ou for +ivin+ us the ri+ht and theauthorit to use our name whi0h ;rin+s healin+ anddeliveran0e.

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    It was a dou;le thrill for us in %l;uuerue. 'o;;& thewife of a (hristian ;oostore owner had 0ome to a meetin+

    with an in0ura;le disease five ears $reviousl. #he was on0rut0hes with her le+s dan+lin+ lie the didnt have an

    ;ones in them. The looed lie the le+s on a ru;;er doll.#he was the first one at that earlier meetin+& and sat

    ri+ht in the middle of the front row. When she 0ame in& shesaid& AI ;elieve when ou $ra for me& Ill ;e healedJWhile we were main+ $re$arations for the meetin+& shee$t sain+ e>0itedl& AToni+hts m ni+ht to ;e healedJ

    Durin+ the meetin+ she 0ame u$ on 0rut0hes& and whenwe $raed in esus name& she fell under the $ower.

    We dont alwas remem;er the details ;ut she told uslater that I threw her. (rut0hes a0ross the room and said&AYoull never need them a+ainJ

    %ll I remem;er is that she looed $atheti0 on the floor&stru++lin+ to +et u$ with those le+s of ru;;er& ;ut I e$twhis$erin+ over and over a+ain the name AesusJ @inall&she made it u$& and althou+h she was walin+& she didntloo lie she was healed. 'ut we loo not with the naturalees& ;ut with the ees of faith.

    %t the meetin+ where tin 'elinda was healed& 'o;;ie0ame to tell us of her healin+ five ears ;efore. #he said&AThe onl thin+ I havent ;een a;le to do is dan0e& so(harles said& A(ome on& lets dan0e ;efore the

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    Ive seen $eo$le who were eatin+ some su$er deli0iousdinner& relish the taste u$on their li$s and ton+ueE I feel

    e>a0tl that same wa a;out the name of esusJ It should ;eheld on our li$s& savored and relished until we 0anunderstand and now the love and $ower that is in thatnameJ

    When we sold the first ;uildin+ whi0h housed -unterMinistries& we were +oin+ to ;e out of town when the0ontra0t was to ;e si+ned. We si+ned $a$ers +ivin+ the

    $ower of attorne to a mem;er of our firm& so that he 0ouldsi+n for us in this $arti0ular transa0tion.

    ' assi+nin+ this $ower to him& we +ave him the$rivile+e to use our name as thou+h we had a0tuall ;eenthere and si+ned the $a$ers ourselves.

    This is e>a0tl what esus did for us when -e said we

    0ould use -is name to do even +reater wors than -e didwhile -e was on this earth.

    #ometimes we fail to realie the a;solute authorit ofesus that ;elon+s to us as ;ornFa+ain #$iritFfilled

    ;elieversJ -e +ave us the $rivile+e and $ower that -e hadwhen -e waled on this earth to do mira0les.

    We dont have to see -im.We dont have to feel -im.We dont have to tou0h -im.We Kust have to ;elieve what -e saidJ Thats all. ust

    tae the name of esus& and then +o and do the thin+s -etold us to do& with the authorit and $ower that Cetold us touseJ

    We didnt have to ;e there with the em$loee to whomwe +ave the $ower of attorne.

    We didnt have to si+n the $a$ers in advan0e.-e didnt have to see us.T-=C=# POW=C IN T-= N%M= O@ =#L# )1

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    -e didnt have to feel us.-e didnt have to tou0h us.

    -e Kust ;elieved that the authorit we had +iven himwould wor& and it didJ

    'eloved& if we would Kust ;elieve that whatever esussas we 0an do& we 0an doJ

    esus ;e0ame Bod in the flesh when -e 0ame to earth&and the $ower of Bods -ol #$irit that ena;led -im to domira0les was +iven to us in -is nameJ

    Pee at the /th 0ha$ter of %0ts a+ain& will ouH The

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    vessel unto me& to ;ear m name ;efore the Bentiles& andin+s& and the 0hildren of Israel3

    That is e>a0tl what Bod has done for us.We are 0hosen vessels to ;ear the name of esus to all

    the world.We thin ;e0ause were not missionaries to %fri0a or

    (hina that we are not 0hosen vessels& ;ut we %C= 0hosento ;ear the name of esus to our famil& to our nei+h;ors& toour storeee$ers& and to all whom the -ol #$irit sends ourwa.

    One ni+ht I was uestionin+ Bod as to wh -e hadntsaved me ;efore I was !/.

    I ima+ine Paul sometime in his life wondered wh hewasnt saved earlier too& and Im sure that Bods answer tome was the same as Pauls. Possi;l worded a little

    differentl& ;ut with the same meanin+& ;e0ause -e said3AYou are a 0hosen vessel and I have trained ou tounderstand the $ro;lems of sin& and to ;ear the name ofesus to $eo$le lie ourself& who have ;een involved in0hur0hianit instead of (hristianitJ

    Thats e>a0tl the $eo$le Bod has 0hosen me to tella;out the name of esus. . .the ones who are sufferin+ underthe same ;onda+e I had for earsE the ;onda+e ofreli+iositJ

    These are $eo$le who now all a;out i0e 0ream so0ials&0hur0h su$$ers& ladies teas and rumma+e sales& ;ut do notnow a;out the wonder and the $ower in the ;eautifulname of esusJ Peo$le who live an entire lifetime in the

    shadows of defeat ;e0ause the have not learned the $owerof the name of esusJ

    Power to ;e healedJPower to ;e deliveredJPower to ;e set free from $overtJ

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    Power to live a;ove sinJPower to live in vi0torJ

    We 0an ;elieve in a $artial esus& or we 0an ;elieve in atotal esusJ ohn 1312 sas& A'ut as man as re0eived him&to them +ave he $ower to ;e0ome the sons of Bod& even tothem that ;elieve on his name.

    It is im$ossi;le to ;e saved without ;elievin+ on thename of esus. This $art is not diffi0ult to ;elieve& ;e0auseever ;ornFa+ain ;eliever ;elieves in the name of esus forsalvation& ;ut sometimes we have diffi0ult in other areas.

    The name of esus will ;rin+ healin+JThe name of esus will ;rin+ deliveran0eJThe name of esus will ;rin+ $ros$eritJThe name of esus will ;rin+ vi0torJ

    Not the name (hristE not the name ehovahE not the


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    In ohn 1!31! -e told us that if we ased an thin+ in-is name he would do it.

    % little later on -e said that -is @ather would send the(omforter in -is name& who would tea0h us all thin+s.

    The $ower of the (hristian life was sent to earth in thename of esus.

    In no other name 0an the $ower of the (hristian life ;ere0eived.

    Over and over -e said to as in -is name& and it would;e doneJ

    One of the most thrillin+ stories I have ever heard0on0erns the tremendous $ower that lies in the name ofesus. % oun+ man named Bar Wood was illed in anautomo;ile a00ident. -e went to heaven and was havin+ awonderful time with the first $erson he met who was a

    friend of his. -is friend had ;een de0a$itated several ears;efore& and it was a Ko to tal to him. The were strollin+throu+h the wonders of heaven& and Bar was enKoin+ever sin+le minute of it when his friend said to him& AYou0ant sta here.

    Bar said& AWhH I dont want to leave.'ut his friend said& AYouve +ot to& ;e0ause shes usin+

    that name.Then he added& A

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    The =verlastin+ @ather& The Prin0e of Pea0eJ -is name isall in all and over all& e>0e$t Bod -imselfJ

    AWorth is the

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    The ne>t mornin+ I 0ame out of the To;a00o 7alle Innwhat a name for the motel the $ut us in8 and the to;a00o

    $lants were flourishin+& so on0e a+ain I $raed& AIn esusname& wither them& wither them& wither them& @ather.

    The ne>t mornin+ the $lants were still flourishin+& so I$raed the same $raer a+ain& AIn the name of esus&@ather& wither those to;a00o $lants& wither those to;a00o

    $lantsJWhen we left town three das later& the $lants were still

    thrivin+& ;ut a;out two wees after we +ot home& were0eived several letters whi0h said& ADid ou hear a;out thetornado whi0h swe$t throu+h this area& u$rootin+ all theto;a00o $lants& and now the are lin+ out in the sun&witherin+ awaJ

    -alleluKahJ Theres $ower in the name of esusJ

    #$e0ial note3 We immediatel ased Bod to re$la0e theto;a00o 0ro$s with an even more $rofita;le 0ro$ so thefarmers wouldnt lose outJ8 We heard re0entl that a lar+ewarehouse had ;een ;uilt on this $ro$ertJ

    One mornin+ when (harles was shavin+ in the;athroom& he ;ent over to $i0 somethin+ u$ from thefloor& and hit his head on the tile sin.

    The ;low was so terrifi0 he sta++ered and feltmomentaril that he was +oin+ to ;la0 out& ;ut hewhis$ered the name& A=#L#& and instantl all $aindisa$$eared and he didnt even have a mar on his head toindi0ate what had ha$$enedJ

    Theres $ower in the name of esusJ

    The ;oo of (olossians is one of m favorites in the'i;le& and the third 0ha$ter is loaded with +ems andinstru0tions a;out livin+ the (hristian life in vi0torJ


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    its8 ri0hness& as ou tea0h and admonish and train oneanother in all insi+ht and intelli+en0e and wisdom in

    s$iritual thin+s& and sin+8 $salms and hmns and s$iritualson+s& main+ melod to Bod with -is8 +ra0e in ourhearts. %nd whatever ou do 4 no matter what it is 4 inword or deed& do everthin+ in the name of the

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    Bod and (hrist esusJ =ver time we +ossi$& 0om$lain or0riti0ie& we are +lorifin+ the devil instead of esusJ

    #ome of the most 0orru$t 0ommuni0ations Ive everheard 0omes from the mouths of (hristians. Not ;e0ausethere usin+ what the world 0alls Afoul lan+ua+e& ;ut

    ;e0ause there usin+ lan+ua+e that is in dire0t o$$ositionto what the Word of Bod sasJ

    In ;ase;all& a Afoul ;all is one that is not inside the;orders of the +ame.

    In (hristianit& a Afoul senten0e is one that is notinside the ;orders of the Word of Bod.

    What fun it would ;e for all of us to re0ord everthin+we sa durin+ a da and then line it u$ a00ordin+ to theWord of Bod and Kud+e our hits and foul ;alls for that daJ

    When the da 0omes that we are aware of how mu0h

    our dail 0onversation does not line u$ with the Word ofBod& that will ;e the da of +reat vi0torJ

    What would ha$$en if at the end of ever senten0edurin+ a twentFfour hour $eriod we added the words& AInesus nameJ What would our 0onversation sound lieJ

    AI dont have enou+h mone to $a m ;ills 4 inesus nameJ

    AIm si0 4 in esus nameJAIm lonel 4 in esus nameJAIve +ot ;ad ha;its 4 in esus nameJ#ounds terri;le& doesnt itH %nd do ou now whH

    'e0ause ever senten0e is in dire0t o$$osition to what theWord of Bod sasJ

    The Word of Bod sas& A'eloved& I wish a;ove allthin+s that thou maest $ros$er and ;e in health& even asth soul $ros$ereth III ohn 28.

    The Word sas& A-imself too our infirmities& and ;areour si0nesses Matt. ,31*8.

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    The Word of Bod sas& A%nd now I am 0omin+ to ou.I have told them man thin+s while I was with them so

    T-%T T-=Y WOL

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    -is name u$on our li$s is the entran0e to the a;undantlife on this earth.

    -is name u$on our li$s is the entran0e to eternal life inheavenJ

    Put it on our li$s ri+ht now& #a with me3 =#L#J=#L#J =#L#J

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    Chapter Three

    Si"ple as #$ %& C

    I love ;ein+ a (hristian ;e0ause it is so 0om$letelun0om$li0atedJ When I was a sinner I had to wor hard all

    the time trin+ to have fun and e>0itement in m life. Nowits all 0han+ed ;e0ause of what esus did in m lifeJ

    esus never made anthin+ diffi0ult for us. -e made itall ver sim$le and eas. I looed u$ the word Asim$le inthe di0tionar and +ot a ;i+ sur$rise ;e0ause it has a;out asman definitions as an word Ive ever seen.

    -ere are some of the thin+s Mr. We;ster sas the wordAsim$le means3 ANot 0om$ounded or 0om$le>E not0om$li0ated or involvedE eas to doE without +uile orde0eitE un$retendin+ and natural.

    Thin of all those words in relation to esus. The alla$$l. -e said& GM oe is eas and M ;urden is li+htMatt. 113":8.

    The entire se0ret of (hristianit 0an ;e summed u$ intwo little senten0es.

    Do what Bod tells ou to do.Suit doin+ what Bod tells ou not to doJ. . .and ouve

    +ot it madeJ Thats all there is to the (hristian life& and Bod+ives us su0h a sim$le and easFtoFunderstand ;lue$rint

    that we should never ;e over0ome ; an $ro;lems.esus said some interestin+ thin+s in the ;oo of

    Cevelation 0on0ernin+ who -e is. -e said& AI am the %l$haand the Ome+a& the 'e+innin+ and the =nd&. . . who is andwho was and who is to 0ome& the %lmi+ht Cev. 13,8.

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    -e re$eated -imself a+ain in Cev. 1311& AI am the%l$ha and the Ome+a& the @irst and the

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    What shall we ;elieveH =verthin+ the Word sas.Praise Bod we dont have to s$end time dis$rovin+ or

    dis$utin+ the Word. Its true& and it worsJYou 0ouldnt +o $ast the letter A' without main+

    some referen0e to the word A;lessin+ ;e0ause the sim$le(hristian life is full of ;lessin+s.

    Were ;lessed 0omin+ in& were ;lessed +oin+ out&were ;lessed in the 0it and were ;lessed in the field.

    Were the head and not the tail& were a;ove and not;eneathJ

    'lessin+s and ;lessin+s are oursJBod 0ommands -is ;lessin+s to 0ome u$on us and

    overtae us& so when we Kust do what -e sas& were full tooverflowin+ with the ;lessin+s of BodJ

    CALLED4 We are 0alled u$on to ;e dis0i$leswe are 0alled to ;e saints& we are

    0alled of (hrist& we are 0alled a00ordin+ to -is $ur$ose&we are 0alled to ;e friendsJ

    Bod is 0allin+ -is $eo$le to rise a;ove 0ir0umstan0esand 0all into ;ein+ those thin+s that ;e not as thou+h theareJ #ee Comans !31*8.

    A( means 0leansed ; the ;lood of esus. AIf we0onfess our sins& -e is faithful and Kust to for+ive us oursins and to 0leanse us from all unri+hteousness I ohn13/8. %nd when were 0leansed& that means were not +uiltan lon+er& our sins are washed awa& and were walin+ invi0tor. We 0an loo #atan& the old a00user& in the ee nowand sa& ANot +uiltJ -alleluKahJ

    DECIDE4 AYou shall also de0ide and de0ree athin+ and it shall ;e esta;lished for

    ou& and the li+ht of Bods favorQ shall shine u$onour was o; 2232, %m$8. You 0an de0ide in our own

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    mind and set into motion a desire of Bods will and see it0ome to $ass.

    Bod is so +ood to us ;e0ause -e never taes awa ourri+ht to 0hoose& so we 0an mae our de0isions a;outfollowin+ -im or the devil.

    We dont have to tae the devils 0hoi0es& we haveBods.

    This is the da of de0isionJ

    EXCELLENT4 =verthin+ we do is e>0ellent;e0ause we are 0reated in the ima+e ofBod& and -is e>0ellen0 is mentioned throu+hout theWord& A: 0ellent ones& in whom is all m deli+ht APs. 1)3"8.We are the e>0ellent ones& and we are the ver deli+ht

    of BodJ =a0h and ever 0hild of Bod is 0alled to e>0el 4not to ;e medio0re& ;ut to e>0el throu+h Bods $ower.

    APraise -im for -is mi+ht a0tsE Praise -im a00ordin+to -is e>0ellent +reatnessJ Ps. 15:328. Blor to Bod& we

    are ;lessed and $rivile+ed to $raise -im for his e>0ellent+reatnessJ

    A0ellent thin+s& %nd fromthe o$enin+ of m li$s will 0ome ri+ht thin+sE Pr. ,3)8.We hear e>0ellent thin+s from -im& so who wants to listento the devilH

    A#in+ to the 0ellent thin+sE

    This is nown in all the earth Isaiah 12358. We even +et tolift our s$irits ; sin+in+ a;out all the wonderful ande>0ellent thin+s he has doneJ

    FIRE4 esus ;a$tied us with fire so that we would;e ;lain+ for the in+dom of Bod.

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    ohn said& AI indeed ;a$tie ou with water untore$entan0e& ;ut -e who is 0omin+ after me is mi+htier than

    I& whose sandals I am not worth to 0arr. -e will ;a$tieou with the -ol #$irit and fire Matt. "3118.

    @ire ;urns out the 0arnal nature.Turn u$ the flameJ

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    Bod and dis0over all the ri+hts& $rivile+es and ;lessin+sthat are ours.

    =verthin+ we have is invested in somethin+& and the;est A;lue 0hi$ sto0 in the world is the investment of ourlives in esusJ

    'est +uaranteed returns in the entire worldJ

    JOY4 o is 0onta+ious.(hristianit is 0onta+ious& ;ut onl if its full of KoJ

    esus 0ame that we mi+ht have Ko to the fullest e>tentso that our 0u$ would a0tuall run over.

    The Ko of the 0eedin+l +reat Ko Kust lie the wise

    men did when the saw the starJ=nter into the Ko of the

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    minute ou do this& -e will ;e+in to su$$l all of ourneeds a00ordin+ to -is ri0hes in +lor ; (hrist esusJ

    -eaven isnt ;anru$t& and never will ;e& so ;elievethat our needs are met CIB-T NOWJ

    OVERCOMERS4 AYet in all these thin+s weare more than 0onuerors throu+h -im

    who loved us Com. ,3"*8.We are not defeated.

    We are not losers.We are vi0torious ;e0ause Bod doesnt mae $rovision

    for failure. -e onl deals with su00ess.We are not over0ome& we are over0omers who alwas

    winJesus said& AIn the world ou will have tri;ulationE ;ut

    ;e of +ood 0heer& I have over0ome the world ohn 1)3""8.

    'e0ause esus lives in us& we& too& have over0ome theworldJ

    In the world to 0ome& we shall eat from the Tree of

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    We 0ouldnt $ass over the letter AP withoutmentionin+ the word A$raise. Bod inha;its the $raises of

    -is $eo$le& and when we +ive -im the fruit of our li$s in$raise& the ;lessin+s of Bod will flow our waJ


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    -ow ;eautiful when we have that desire to serve the

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    esus (hrist. Therefore& m ;eloved ;rethren& ;e firmsteadfast8& immova;le& alwas a;oundin+ in the wor of

    the 0ellin+& doin+more than enou+h8 in the servi0e of the

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    UNKNOWN4 In mathemati0s& A is alwas theunnown fa0tor& ;ut $raise Bod& we dont have to have anunnowns in our lives ;e0ause we 0an find the answer toall the $ro;lems wra$$ed u$ neatl in a ;oo 0alled the'i;leJ

    We tae the Aunnown out ; lettin+ Bod mae-imself Anown to us& and then our $athwa is eas

    ;e0ause it is wellFli+hted ; esus who is the li+ht of the

    worldJYOUTH 4 #ta Youn+J A'less the

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    =nthusiasm a00ordin+ to Mr. We;ster is Ains$iredE;elief in s$e0ial revelations of the -ol #$irit. Boin+ a

    little further& the word ins$ired means Ato ;reathe& to inFfuse as life8 ; ;reathin+E to influen0e& move or +uide ;divine or su$ernatural ins$iration. =nthusiasm is from theBree word Aenteos whi0h means ABod within. Nowonder we 0an have eal when we have Bod within. Nowonder we 0an ;e enthusiasti0 all the time ;e0ause we haveesus livin+ inside of us.

    We need to let the Word of Bod $revail in our lives sothat we will s$ea the Word& and the Word onl& at alltimes.

    %ll were doin+ when we s$ea the Word of Bod isa+reein+ with Bod.

    Were not s$eain+ somethin+ new.

    -es alread s$oen itJIf Bod said it first& we will see -is +lor when we sa

    what -e saidJ@rom % to ? we need to s$ea the Word. -eres a

    su++estion for ou. #ele0t an verse ou desire in the 'i;le&and ;e+in to tae it for our ver own life. It has to +et intoour heart ;efore it 0an 0han+e our life and our thinin+&

    ;ut ee$ trin+& and see what ha$$ens.Dont listen to dou;t and un;elief.Dont listen to the devilJ

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    Peo$le who $redi0t and s$ea& a00idents to themselvesin their 0ars& will have a00idents in their 0arsJ

    Peo$le who $redi0t si0ness a;out themselves will havesi0nessJ

    Peo$le who $redi0t $overt will have $overt& ;ut thosewho s$ea the Word of Bod are +oin+ to have $ros$erit&health and ;lessin+s& ;e0ause thats what Bod $romises usJ

    You 0ant listen to dou;t and un;elief in one ear andfaith in the other& ;e0ause the two are lie oil and water 4the Kust dont mi>. No matter how hard ou tr& ou 0anFnot mi> dou;t and un;elief with faith. Its an in0om$ati;le0om;ination& so ou have to +o with one or the other& andwe lie to +o with faithJ

    =verthin+ from % to ? is full of faith and ;elief.

    ACT4 doesnt +o with ina0tivit. We need to dothin+s for the

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    Chapter Four

    Crossin' Over

    % 0omforta;le little ni0he 0an ;e a si+n that werereall Ain the +roove& or it 0an also ;e a si+n that were in

    a ;i+ rutJ %nd the unfortunate $art of a 0omforta;le& 0o&sometimes lu>urious little ni0he is that we want to stathere forever and ever and ever and ever and everJ

    weve ;uilt around ourselves.

    This $art of the ;oo is ;uilt around a $assa+e in the'i;le whi0h has to do with 0rossin+ over or +ettin+ out ofthe $la0e oure in. Oftentimes& we arent even aware of thefa0t were in a rut& and ma;e oure not in a rut& ;ut ouneed to 0ross over into another area of (hristianit whereou 0ould e>$erien0e a lot more of the a;undan0e that Bodhas $romised us.

    Over and over $eo$le as the same uestion a;out+oin+ ;eond where the are now.

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    I remem;er the da I +ot saved. I had no idea of what;ein+ Asaved meant.

    I had no idea of what Bod meant. If I had realied whatBod was +oin+ to 0all me to do& I $ro;a;l would neverhave a00e$ted esus that daJ

    I smelled of +in ;e0ause I loved martinis and I smelledof 0i+arettes ;e0ause I was smoin+ five $a0a+es a daJ IfI had realied then that m A$re0ious 0i+arettes were+oin+ down the drain& and m Ainvi+oratin+& e>hilaratin+&ener+iin+ martinis were a thin+ of the $ast whi0h would0ome a;out so ui0l& I $ro;a;l would have run as fast asI 0ould have out of the 0hur0hJ

    'ut there was a tu++in+ at m heart. %n irresisti;lefor0e whi0h e$t drawin+ me in the o$$osite dire0tion ofm flesh. There was a voi0e whi0h e$t sain+& A(ross

    over. (ross over& @ran0es& from a life of sin into a life ofa;undan0e with esus.

    The sinner has no idea of what the (hristian wal is alla;out& or even remotel what it is lie& so that de0ision is a+ar+antuan ste$ into an unnown realm& similar to what Imi+ht feel toda if I de0ided I was +oin+ to ;e0ome anastronaut. I dont $ersonall now anone who is anastronaut& some have ;een su00essful& ;ut some have failed.-ow would I fit into that 0ate+orH

    =ven thou+h I didnt now where I was +oin+ on thats$e0ial da& or with that s$e0ial de0ision& and witha;solutel no nowled+e of what the (hristian life was alla;out& I 0rossed over to the other side.

    When ou are willin+ to 0ross over to the other sidewith esus there are alwas mira0les on the other side.

    When ou +et to the $oint that ou 0an thin ;eondwhere ou are now& ou will ;e+in to wal in thesu$ernatural. Too man $eo$le do not thin ;eond where

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    the are at the $resent time so we need to lift u$ our ees tosee ;eond our todas vision.

    AIve ;een an usher here for thirtFfive earsJI thin thats +reat. I admire our sti0a;ilit ;e0ause I

    thin that is one of the most wonderful ualities in thewhole world. 'ut here is a thou+ht to 0onsider. Did it everdawn on ou that Bod mi+ht have wanted ou to +o ;eond

    ;ein+ an usherH There are man 0hur0h Ko;s I 0ould havesaid as well as Ausher ;ut 0ould it ;e that we miss Bods

    ;est ;e0ause we sometimes are not willin+ to 0ross overand ;e a #unda #0hool tea0her& or fun0tion in some otherwaH Or $ossi;l even somethin+ outside the 0hur0h wallsHOh& that would ;e too darin+J #ometimes we +et in ourlittle 0omforta;le nest whi0h. is either airF 0onditioned tothe ri+ht tem$erature or heated to the ri+ht tem$erature&

    de$endin+ on whatever 0limate ou live in& and we +et so0omforta;le& 0o and se0ure and the surroundin+s are sofamiliar that were afraid to 0ross over to hear what esus issain+.

    In the fourth 0ha$ter of Mar& it tells how esus had;een tea0hin+ ; the sea and the multitude ;e0ame so +reatin num;ers that -e +ot into a ;oat and sat in it on the seaEand the entire multitude was on the land fa0in+ the sea. -ewas tea0hin+ them with $ara;les& A'ut when -e was alone&those around -im with the twelve ased -im a;out the

    $ara;le.. .and with man su0h $ara;les -e s$oe the wordto them as the were a;le to hear it.

    When evenin+ had 0ome& esus said to them& G

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    alon+ in the ;oat as -e was. %nd other little ;oats werealso with -im.

    Its alwas interestin+ to note what ha$$ens to the ;ulof the $eo$le when there is an o$$ortunit to 0ross overinto the unnown.

    The sta ;ehindJ#ome of the $eo$le went& ;ut it 0ould not have ;een

    ver man ;e0ause -e was in a ;oat and there were otherAlittle ;oats with -im& so there 0ould not have ;een tooman $eo$le who were willin+ to dro$ everthin+ and +owith -im. (rossin+ over means looin+ ;eond where ouare ri+ht now& ;ut it alwas means leavin+ ;ehind what ounow a;out& and looin+ into a future that ou 0ant seeand now a;solutel nothin+ a;outJ

    Thats what (hristianit is all a;outJ

    'efore we start the Kourne with esus& lets see whostaed ;ehind and wh the did.

    Mrs. (ho0olate (hi$ (ooie was one of the ni0est$ersons ou 0ould ever ho$e to meet. #he had her ownlu>urious airF0onditioned tent and airF0onditioned 0ameland her hus;and had Kust ;ou+ht her a new mi0rowaveoven. #he had all the ni0eties and ne0essities of life& and

    ;elon+ed to the Adesert 0lu; instead of todas 0ountr0lu;. #he ran around with her own little 0liue and had awonderful life surrounded ; her famil and friends. #hedid Ani0e thin+s for everone and was nown for herindness and +enerosit.

    When esus said& A(ome on& lets 0ross over to the

    other side& she said& AI would reall love to& ;ut I Kust0ant. Im +oin+ to sur$rise everone at the 0hur0h dinnertoni+ht with m new re0i$e for 0ho0olate 0hi$ 0ooies. Itsa sur$rise re0i$e. I Kust +ot it off the new T7 0hannel and

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    0an hardl wait to tr it. Ci+ht now the most im$ortantthin+ in m life is to amae everone with this re0i$e.

    #he 0ontinued rattlin+ on& AIt is Kust fa;ulous ;e0ause itnot onl has $e0ans in it& it also has walnuts with a dou;ledose of 0ho0olate. The 0hi$s are not 0hi$s there reallGhuns& so I now everone is Kust +oin+ to love them andIll have to du$li0ate the re0i$e on s0rolls for everone& so I

    Kust 0ant +o. I reall a$$re0iate our asin+ me& ;ut I nowou will understand& wont ou& that we have to nowwhere to $ut our $riorities.

    #he further e>$lained that ;e0ause of the new airF0onditionin+ in her tent it was so 0omforta;le she Kust hatedto +et out of the house and she new there wouldnt ;eanthin+ lie that on the other side& so& +ra0iousl& shestaed at home.

    There were lots of others who staed home& too. The$ro;a;l all had +ood e>0uses& ;ut did the miss Bods;estH

    Mrs. (ho0olate (hi$ (ooie looed out the window ofher fa;ulous tent and saw a +reat windstorm out over thesea of Balilee. The waves were hi+h and she si+hed with+enuine 0on0ern. AThat storm is ;i+ enou+h and stron+enou+h and vi0ious enou+h to sin all those little ;oats that0rossed over with esus. I Kust feel that somehow the areall drowned ; now. I new I was smart stain+ at home tomae 0ho0olate 0hi$ 0ooies and not +oin+ out there.

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    #hall we listen to the real version of what ha$$enedHThe 'i;le tells us& A%nd a +reat windstorm arose& and the

    waves ;eat into the ;oat& so that it was alread fillin+. 'ut-e was in the stern& aslee$ on a $illow. %nd the awoe-im and said to -im& GTea0her& do You not 0are t