how do consumers process and evaluate prices?

Consumer’s Price Evaluation Ankeita Mall S.G.S.I.T.S.

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Consumer’s Price Evaluation

Ankeita MallS.G.S.I.T.S.

How do Consumer’s Process and evaluate Price?

Consumer’s Interpret Price from

1. Prior purchasing experience

3. Informal Communication

• Friends• Family• Colleagues

4. Online Resources

Purchase decisions are based on how consumer’s perceive prices

Blue Denims are priced differently and each purchased by consumer’s with different phychology

Are sold for Rs500 on streets

Symbolize Convenienceand Durability

Mid Segment Brands Retail at Rs1000

Signifies Fashion, Fit and Finish

Premium Brand’s sell at about Rs2500

Sells Craftmanshipand Lifestyle

Top Brands like Armani sells it for Rs10,000 and even more

It sells Exclusivityand Status

3 Key Topics that Define Consumer’s Perception of Prices

1. Reference Prices

Comparing observed price to a reference price

Price-Quality Interference

Using Price as Indicator of Quality

Price Endings

Prices ending with odd numbers makes the offer attractive

RECAP• Ways in which customer interpret price1. Prior purchasing experience2. Advertisements 3. Informal Communication4. Online resources

• Differentiated Pricing example• Keypoints Defining Consumers Price Perception1. Reference Prices2. Price-Quality Interference 3. Price Endings

Created by ANKEITA MALL, S.G.S.I.T.S. , during an internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknow.