how do artists use social media?

S Why Do Artists Use Social Media? By Bob Mackenzie

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Page 1: How do artists use social media?


Why Do Artists Use Social Media?

By Bob Mackenzie

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The Audience

As you can see from the graph below, there is a total of 1.79 billion Facebook users worldwide (according to Statista). If you are a band the main goal is to increase the amount of people who listen to your music, so it would only be logical to join a platform in which millions of people can support you. When bands are on social media their fans share posts etc, meaning that more people discover your music, increasing the total number of fans. Besides, these are just the stats for Facebook, if a band is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc, then their number of fans could potentially increase dramatically.

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The Connection

Being on a social media site is another way for the bands to connect with their fans. This makes the band more likeable and encourages more fans to follow as it’s a way to keep update with what the band are up to. Artists can respond directly to fans and give supports a more personal insight in to their lives.

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Further Positives

Not only can artists use their social media platforms to interact, but they can also use ‘post boosters’ to promote their brand and marketing campaigns. Musicians often sponsor their own posts, paying an amount of money to increase the reach of the post (increasing the amount of people who see your post). This expands the amount of people in your audience and encourages bands to sign up to social media.

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How do bands use social media?

Pretty much all bands use social media the same way, just with their own writing style. The most common topics when posting are to do with their gigs, music releases, photographs or just general funny things about the band members. Bands tweet or post a Facebook post almost everyday, keeping their fans fully updated.

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How We Used Social Media

As we were aiming for a professional looking band, we used our social media just like indie rock bands do – promoting gigs and news about our music.

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Does Social Media Link Our Products Together?

Our social media absolutely links everything together, we have used the platforms to display all 3 products, used the band logo as our profile picture, and used a band image for the background of our page. If a fan was to visit our social media pages they would instantly be able to see the themes of our brand identity – it also gives us a platform in which we could promote our brand identity too.