how did the slave trade work?

How did the slave trade work?

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How did the slave trade work?. By the end of the next two lessons you will be able to…. Explain what the slave trade was and how it operated . Explain who benefitted from the slave trade. In pairs read through the sources you will be given. Highlight the following in different colours. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: How did the slave trade work?

How did the slave

trade work?

Page 2: How did the slave trade work?

By the end of the next two lessons you will be able to…

• Explain what the slave trade was and how it operated.

• Explain who benefitted from the slave trade.

Page 3: How did the slave trade work?

In pairs read through the sources you will be given. Highlight

the following in different colours....

Page 4: How did the slave trade work?

•What is being purchased

•What is being sold•Anything that is done to the slaves

Page 5: How did the slave trade work?

How did the slave trade work?All of these are from the same document – The Journal of a British Slaving ship

commanded by Peter Blake, working between the Coast of Africa from May to August 1675

I made my way ? log with leeway allowed W 43 ? Distance 59 Myles ye Sun neare ye Zenith so that I could have no observation wind this 24 hours from ye S. to ye ESE & from ye NNW to ye ENE with much thunder & lightning & raine this day I put all my slaves out of Irons from noon ye 16th to noon ye (today)

this day have had severall cannoes aboard towhom I sold severall goods for gold & slavesthis 24 hours & I have had ye winde from theWNW to ye WSW littell winde

This morning I heiled my ship to porte & made my starboard bulge as loe as I could work & then righted her againe this day I had severall Cannoes aboard of which I tooke but littell gold & bought 3 slaves this 24 houres I have had ye wind (Various directions) a moderate brease

Page 6: How did the slave trade work?

May 1676 day Att Anchor in Kerlye Bay

Tuesday 23 this day Mr Gascoyne came on board & ordered mee to prepare the slaves for sayle on thursday this day arrived here a fly boat from Learpoole being beatched(?) off the coast of Virginia these 24 houres the wind Att E & E by N a ffresh Gale


24 this day Mr Gascoyne came on boord & delivered me my commission Negroes Alsoe this day ? Slaves being shaved I gave them fresh water to Wash & palme oyle & Tobacco and Pipes Wind these 24 houres from ESE to ENE a moderate Gale

ThursdayMade saile of ? Slaves Severall ArrivedCapt. Parkstone Sayled Brother Seaman


this day about 8 of the Clock Mr Steel and Mr Gascoyne came on board to sell ? Slaves & att 10 of the Clock Capt. Leaman in the providente from Old Callibar came to Anchor in the Road & this Afternoon the hart of Bristoll from the Cape Diward (?)came to Anchor here Also this day the Annirita (?) Capt. Roger Parkstone Sett Saile out ofthis Road bound for London this day wee sould 163 slaves These 24 houres I have had the wind Att E & att E & by N.

FrydayEdw. WorshippDeserted theShipp.


This morning about 9 of the Clock MrSteel & Mr Gascoyne came aboord to sell ?Slaves this day the Dover dogger Sett Saylefor Spikses Also this day wee sould 70 SlavesThis 24 hours I had ye Wind att ESE & attE a ffresh Gaile.

Page 7: How did the slave trade work?




This day I went on boord with a Planter to sell him some of our(?) refuse slaves but hee didnot Like them & ? went on shoar and Gave MrSteed an Acct. of this Morning Capt. Recordin the John and Alexander from Old CallabarCame to Anchor in this Road The Wind these24 houres from ye ENE to the ESEmoderate Gaile



this Afternoon Mr Man & myself came onboord & Sould 5 of ye refuse slaves this dayMr Simons Commander of a Small Pinckarrived here from London these 24 houresI have had the Wind att E & att ESEa moderate Gaile

Page 8: How did the slave trade work?

You will be given the Day Book of the ship

‘Africa’. Read through the

information and answer the questions.

Page 9: How did the slave trade work?

HomeworkResearch then draw and label a map of the Transatlantic Trade Triangle.

Page 10: How did the slave trade work?



How important were Africans to the slave trade?