how data quality impacts the entire lead lifecycle

Session sponsored by #LLCseries How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead Lifecycle

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Demand Gen Report's Lead LifeCycle Series presented by ReachForce #LLCSeries


Page 1: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

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How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead Lifecycle !!

Page 2: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle


Questions / ON24 Logistics !

•  Download  this  white  paper.  •  View  our  podcast.  •  Take  our  assessment  •  …  

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Follow  this  webinar  on  Twi>er  

#LLCseries    Demand  Gen  Report:   @DG_Report  

ReachForce:   @ReachForce  

David  Raab:   @draab  

Page 4: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle


Lead LifeCycle Series Prize Box!

Register,  a>end  and  tweet  the  Lead  LifeCycle  Series  sessions  using  the  #LLCseries  hashtag  to  be  entered  into  the  Prize  Box  giveaway!  The  more  sessions  you  a>end  and  tweet,  the  higher  

the  chance  at  winning  one  of  these  awesome  prizes!    

See  the  full  contest  details  and  rules  at:  h>p://­‐rules.html  

Page 5: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle


About Demand Gen Report!


•  Launched  in  2007  to  track  best  pracQces  in  lead  generaQon  

•  Newsle>er  has  grown  to  more  than  28,000  readers  

•  We  also  offer  a  menu  of  research  and  best  pracQces  reports    

•  New  audio/video  podcasts  at  

Page 6: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle



David  Raab,  Principal,  

Raab  Associates    

Andrew  Gaffney,    Editor,  

Demand  Gen  Report      

Page 7: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

How  Data  Quality  Impacts  the  EnOre  Lead  Lifecycle  

David  M.  Raab  Raab  Associates  July  23,  2014  

Page 8: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

“Everybody  talks  about  data  quality  but  few  people  do  anything  about  it.”  

-­‐  Not  Mark  Twain  

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Things  that  


   Things  we  can  


Things  worth  doing  

Page 10: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

1.   Accuracy  

2.   Completeness  

3.   Consistency  

4.   etc.  

Data  Quality  Components  

Page 11: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

Things  That  Ma>er:  Data  Quality  


•  ProspecQng:  audience  profiles  •  Lead  acquisiQon:  offer  targeQng,  form  auto-­‐fill  •  Lead  nurture:  offer  targeQng,  lead  scoring,  deliverability,  progressive  profiling  •  Sales:  lead  rouQng,  lead  acceptance,  sales  producQvity    •  Post-­‐Sales:  success  management,  offer  selecQon  

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Things  We  Can  Change:  Data  Quality  

•  Accuracy:  dedupe,  reference  data,  real  Qme  validaQon,  periodic  refresh    

•  Completeness:  progressive  profiling,  external  enrichment  

•  Consistency:  standardizaQon  

•  Etc.:  reporQng,  stewardship,  dashboards  

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One  More  Hurdle  

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Data  Quality  Impact  on  Revenue  

*  “The  Impact  of  Bad  Data  on  Demand  CreaQon”  Sirius  Decisions,  2012  

Following  data  quality  best  pracQces  generates  a  66%  increase  in  revenue  *  

•  Poor  targeQng  •  Bad  lead  rouQng  •  Compensate  w/  volume  

Improve  data  on  entry      

25%*  •  Poor  quality  handed  to  sales  •  Different  data  between  MAP  

and  CRM  Accurate  leads  provided    to  sales  



•  Sales  has  to  fill  in  gaps  w/  their  own  research  

•  Valuable  sales  Qme  is  eaten  up  and  sales  doesn’t  get  to  all  leads  

Sales  has  rich  info  to    engage  and  qualify      

•  Poor  alignment  of  contact  and    acQvity  between  MAP  and  CRM  

•  Sales  and  markeQng  not  on  same  page  with  late  stage  contact  of  account  

Single  version  of  the    truth  –  sales  &  mktg  

Poor  Data  Hygiene   Best  PracQces  

Page 15: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

ROI  CalculaQon  Before   AQer   Change  

Leads   100,000   100,000  

Close  Rate   5%   6.3%   +25%  

Margin/Sale   $1,000   $1,000  

=  Margin   $5,000,000   $6,250,000   $1,250,000  

Waste  /  Lead   $1.00   $0.00  

=  Waste   $(100,000)   0   $100,000  

Quality  Cost/Lead   0   $10.00  

=  Quality  Cost   0   $(1,000,000)   $(1,000,000)  

=  Net  Margin   $4,900,000   $5,250,000   $350,000  

ROI     35%  

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Summary 1. Data quality matters 2. Data quality can be

improved 3. ROI is high

Next step is yours

Page 17: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle


ü  Fuels  data-­‐driven  markeQng  ü  Combines  data  unificaQon,  conQnuous  data  quality  management,  data  

enrichment,  and  data  analyQcs    ü  Unified,  cleansed  customer  lifecycle  data  provides  360  degree  view  ü  Enables  rich,  complex  segmentaQon  ü  Solves  tough  markeQng  a>ribuQon  problems  ü  Feeds  strategic  markeQng  iniQaQves,  including  personalizaQon  and  


1.  SmartForms™  2.  cDQM  (Con2nuous  Data  Quality  Manager)  

Page 18: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

Short  Form    for  higher  conversions  

Data  Required    for  nurture,  score,  route,  target,  


Marketo  Case  Study:­‐studies/landing-­‐page-­‐opQmizaQon/  

Page 19: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

(Continuous Data Quality Manager)

Cloud-­‐Based  ConQnuous  Data  

Quality  Management  &  Data  Enrichment  

ü  Data  StandardizaQon  ü  Data  NormalizaQon  ü  Contact  de-­‐duplicaQon  ü  Data  Append  (compleQon)  ü  Email  validaQon  ü  Phone  number  validaQon  ü  Address  cerQficaQon  ü  360  customer  view  ü  Complex  segmentaQon  ü  Campaign  a>ribuQon  

Page 20: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle

GET  IT  AT:  

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Q&A // Panelists!MODERATOR:    

David  Raab,  Principal,  

Raab  Associates    

Andrew  Gaffney,    Editor,  

Demand  Gen  Report      

Page 22: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle


Lead LifeCycle Series Prize Box!

Register,  a>end  and  tweet  the  Lead  LifeCycle  Series  sessions  using  the  #LLCseries  hashtag  to  be  entered  into  the  Prize  Box  giveaway!  The  more  sessions  you  a>end  and  tweet,  the  higher  

the  chance  at  winning  one  of  these  awesome  prizes!    

See  the  full  contest  details  and  rules  at:  h>p://­‐rules.html  

Page 23: How Data Quality Impacts The Entire Lead LifeCycle


Thanks for attending this session!!

Make  sure  to  a>end  the  next  session  in  the  Lead  LifeCycle  Series:  
