how can we study the evolution of animal minds? · 43" deeper understanding of how animal...

1 How can we study the evolution of animal minds? 1 Maxime Cauchoix 12* , Alexis Chaine 3 2 3 Maxime Cauchoix, 1 Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada 4 2 Institute for Advanced study in Toulouse, Toulouse, France 5 Alexis S. Chaine, 3 Station for Experimental Ecology in Moulis, CNRS, Moulis, France 6 7 Correspondence: 8 Dr. Maxime Cauchoix 9 Institute for Advanced study in Toulouse 10 21 allée de Brienne 11 31015 Toulouse Cedex 6 12 France 13 [email protected] 14 15 not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was this version posted September 1, 2015. . doi: bioRxiv preprint

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Page 1: How can we study the evolution of animal minds? · 43" deeper understanding of how animal minds work, but we know very little about the evolution of 44" or ecological pressures that


How can we study the evolution of animal minds? 1  

Maxime Cauchoix12* , Alexis Chaine3 2  


Maxime Cauchoix, 1Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada 4  2 Institute for Advanced study in Toulouse, Toulouse, France 5  

Alexis S. Chaine, 3 Station for Experimental Ecology in Moulis, CNRS, Moulis, France 6  


Correspondence: 8  

Dr. Maxime Cauchoix 9  

Institute for Advanced study in Toulouse 10  

21 allée de Brienne 11  

31015 Toulouse Cedex 6 12  

France 13  

[email protected] 14  


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Abstract 17  

During the last 50 years, comparative cognition and neurosciences have improved our 18  

understanding of animal minds while evolutionary ecology has revealed how selection acts on 19  

traits through evolutionary time. We describe how this evolutionary approach can be used to 20  

understand the evolution of animal cognition. We recount how comparative and fitness methods 21  

have been used to understand the evolution of cognition and outline how these methods could be 22  

extended to gain new insights into cognitive evolution. The fitness approach, in particular, offers 23  

unprecedented opportunities to study the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for variation in 24  

cognition within species and could allow us to investigate both proximate (ie: neural and 25  

developmental) and ultimate (ie: ecological and evolutionary) underpinnings of animal cognition 26  

together. Our goal in this review is to build a bridge between cognitive neuroscientist and 27  

evolutionary biologists, illustrate how their research could be complementary, and encourage 28  

evolutionary ecologists to include explicit attention to cognitive processes in their studies of 29  

behaviour. We believe that in doing so, we can break new ground in our understanding of the 30  

evolution of cognition as well as gain a much better understanding of animal behaviour. 31  



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Introduction 35  

Niko Tinbergen (Tinbergen, 1963) proposed that biologists should try to understand animal 36  

behaviours in the light of two different and complimentary perspectives: the proximate and 37  

ultimate (see Bateson and Laland, 2013; Laland et al., 2011 for recent updates). While both 38  

approaches have been employed in the study of animal cognition, most studies have done so 39  

independently with little integration across fields. After some promising, integrative studies in 40  

the 1980s and 1990s (see Kamil, 1998 for a review), the last decades have seen the establishment 41  

of entirely independent lines of research with only a few notable exceptions. We now have a 42  

deeper understanding of how animal minds work, but we know very little about the evolution of 43  

or ecological pressures that shape cognition. Consequently, we know very little about what role 44  

cognition, a collection of highly plastic and flexible traits, plays in adaptation and biological 45  

evolution. We believe the time is ripe for evolutionary ecology studies to explicitly integrate 46  

cognition to generate a much stronger understanding of how the mind evolves. 47  


Proximate studies focus on the mechanisms underlying given behaviours and the developmental 49  

biology of key structures. What stimuli trigger behaviours? How do neurons in the brain encode 50  

stimuli and transform them into behaviour? What is the ontogeny of behaviour? In other words, 51  

the proximate approach tries to understand how animal minds work. The current view for 52  

cognitive neuroscientists is that the animal mind emerges from brain activity as the neural 53  

machinery encodes, manipulates, stores and recalls information, which is together called 54  

‘cognition’. Cognition emerges when the brain transforms information into mental constructs or 55  

representations (Barsalou, 2014). For cognitive scientists, cognition is a synonym of ‘mind’, 56  

which, operationally, is divided in various cognitive functions, each function being implied in a 57  

specific step of information processing (see also Figure 1). Perception (i.e. vision, olfaction, 58  

audition, gustation and somesthesia) all contribute to the process by which mental 59  

representations are built from environmental stimulation. Learning is the ability to associate 60  

previously unrelated mental representations. Memory is the ability to store mental 61  

representations either for a small amount of time (short term memory), a large amount of time 62  

(long term memory) or in relation to a particular on-going task (working memory). Attention is 63  

the mechanism allowing an individual to focus on only some mental representations among 64  

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many. Decision-making is the process enabling an individual to compare mental representations 65  

and choose the most appropriate given the environmental context. Finally, executive functions 66  

(reasoning, problem solving, flexibility, categorization etc…) enable an individual to perform 67  

operations and manipulations of mental representations. Cognition is also sometimes divided 68  

according to the nature of the representation; one can for instance talk about spatial or social 69  

cognition. 70  


The association between studies in psychology and neurosciences along with the advent of 72  

powerful new neuroimaging technics (e.g. In vivo electrophysiology, Magnetic Resonance 73  

Imaging (MRI), Positron emission Tomography (PET), optogenetic etc.) has lead us to better 74  

understand how behaviours and decisions are linked to neural structures and neural activity in 75  

several animal species including humans. Despite this in depth understanding, much less 76  

progress has been made in understanding the evolutionary processes that have lead to the 77  

patterns of cognition that we see. 78  


Ultimate approaches focus on the evolutionary history of behaviours or traits and the selective 80  

pressures that favour the evolution of those traits. Those using this approach have focused on 81  

behaviours with only a few rare studies examining cognition per se (e.g. Bond and Kamil, 2002, 82  

2006; Lyon, 2003; Théry and Casas, 2002). Evolutionary biologists and behavioural ecologists 83  

have been primarily interested in the ecology and evolution of behaviour without examining the 84  

cognitive mechanisms underlying these behaviours. What ecological or social contexts are 85  

responsible for the evolution of a specific behaviour? What role does evolutionary history 86  

(inheritance from a common ancestor) play in the evolution of that trait? What are the costs and 87  

benefits of behaviours and what do they imply for selection on the animal’s life history strategy? 88  

To answer these questions behavioural ecologists have adopted the Neo-Darwinian theoretical 89  

framework and developed tools and models to understand the extreme variability of behaviours 90  

within and among species. However, this approach focuses on the aggregate outcome of 91  

cognition and action (i.e. the behaviour) and has usually considered the animal mind as a black 92  

box (Giraldeau, 2004). Indeed, much of behavioral or evolutionary ecology theory is based on 93  

strategic decision-making. While in some cases these strategic decisions reflect physiological 94  

trade-offs, many more cases reflect decisions made probably on the basis of processing external 95  

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information gathered by an individual. Attention in such studies is placed on the quality of 96  

information and the outcome of a decision, but there is little understanding of how information is 97  

processed and how cognitive abilities enhance or constrain decisions based on the available 98  

information (Rowe, 1999, 2013). For example, social behavior, individual recognition, mate 99  

choice, parental care, dispersal, foraging, and predator avoidance nearly always rely on gathering 100  

external information. How well an individual gathers that information, how well it remembers 101  

that information, and how it integrates different sources of information all depend on cognitive 102  

capacities. To illustrate this notion (Figure 1) we can imagine a female who must choose the best 103  

mate among males that each display a number of ornaments linked to various qualities (e.g. good 104  

genes, parental care, nest defense, etc…). How does a female integrate the information provided 105  

in each of the male’s sexual signals with information about the external ecological environment 106  

(e.g. are there many nest predators)? As the female comparison shops for the best male, how 107  

many of the males can she remember? If she chooses to return to the second male she saw, will 108  

she remember where he is and will she recognize him? This example illustrates just some of the 109  

cognitive processes related to one behavior that would have fundamental consequences for 110  

sexual selection theory. Many other behaviors and life history strategies will similarly depend on 111  

cognitive capacities and actual measurement of cognitive abilities has the potential to 112  

fundamentally alter our views of behavior. 113  


Understanding the evolutionary and ecological significance of cognition has been a major 115  

challenge in biology as highlighted in several recent books (Dukas and Ratcliffe, 2009; Heyes 116  

and Huber, 2000; Shettleworth, 2010) and review articles (Boogert et al., 2011; Dukas, 2004, 117  

2008; Healy and Braithwaite, 2000; Kamil, 1998; MacLean et al., 2012; Pravosudov and 118  

Smulders, 2010; Real, 1993; Thornton et al., 2012) and has led to a new field of research called 119  

cognitive ecology. We argue that two factors will help to significantly advance our understanding 120  

of animal cognition: 1) proximate and ultimate studies should develop lines of research that 121  

allow direct integration of the two fields and 2) that evolutionary studies begin to apply their 122  

research methods to cognition per se along with the behaviours that result from cognitive 123  

processes. In doing so, we will gain a better understanding of how cognitive systems evolve and 124  

how cognitive structures and function relate to the problems they evolved to solve. 125  


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In this review, we focus more on the contribution that evolutionary biology can offer cognitive 127  

research since much less work has been done in this domain. Despite this bias towards what 128  

evolutionary biologists could contribute (i.e. what we know less about), we also highlight new 129  

contributions that cognitive neuroscientists could make to better integrate proximate and ultimate 130  

understandings of cognition. In the first section, we review past work testing popular hypotheses 131  

for cognitive evolution using comparative methods and highlight future directions to exploit 132  

using these methods. We then illustrate how measuring selection on cognition within a species 133  

provides a great opportunity to better understand the evolution of cognition and create direct 134  

links with proximate studies of cognition (e.g. neurosciences, cognitive-psychology). We finish 135  

by presenting two lines of research as case studies—food hoarding and brood parasitism—that, 136  

in our view, have best integrated ecological challenges, natural behaviour and underlying 137  

cognitive adaptation and which could serve as examples for future cognitive ecology research. 138  


Phylogenetic comparative studies of cognitive evolution 140  

Current tests of factors that influence the evolution of the brain have largely relied on 141  

comparative methods. The phylogenetic comparative approach (Felsenstein, 1985, 2008; 142  

Felsenstein and Felenstein, 2004; Grafen, 1989; Harvey and Pagel, 1991; Ridley and Grafen, 143  

1996) allows us to ask questions about how the evolution of a trait occurs through comparison of 144  

extant species (although fossil evidence can be incorporated) while taking into account shared 145  

ancestry estimated from a phylogeny. We can then ask questions such as what factors (e.g. social 146  

or ecological) are associated with the evolution of a trait (e.g. brain size), if that trait evolves 147  

directionally, how much common ancestry constrains evolution, and how the evolution of a trait 148  

influences speciation rates. 149  


The three major hypotheses of neurocognitive evolution that have been proposed focus on 151  

identifying primary factors that have driven differences in brain size and cognitive function 152  

across species. The first set of hypotheses suggest that cognition has evolved due to the value of 153  

ecological intelligence; the ability to find and extract food (Byrne, 1997; Parker and Gibson, 154  

1977), manage high spatiotemporal variation in food resources (Sol et al., 2005), or manage and 155  

defend large territories (Clutton-Brock and Harvey, 1980). The second set of hypotheses propose 156  

that cognition has evolved primarily due to its value in social intelligence; the ability to negotiate 157  

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and succeed through dominance in large groups (Dunbar, 1998; Whiten and Byrne, 1988) or 158  

alternatively the ability to manage positive relationships and social partnerships (Dunbar and 159  

Shultz, 2007, 2010; Emery et al., 2007). The third hypothesis, recently proposed to reconcile 160  

ecological and social drivers, suggests that cognition evolved to buffer individuals against 161  

environmental challenges by producing appropriate behavioural responses in new socio-162  

ecological contexts (Allman and Hasenstaub, 1999; Deaner et al., 2003; Sol, 2009). 163  

Each of these hypotheses has been tested using comparative methods and each has found some 164  

support. For example, brain size depends on diet in mammals (Eisenberg and Wilson, 1978; 165  

Gittleman, 1986; Harvey et al., 1980; MacLean et al., 2014) suggesting a role of ecology. 166  

Likewise, brain size and neocortex size are related to social group size (Barton and Dunbar, 167  

1997; Dunbar, 1998; Dunbar and Bever, 1998; Gittleman, 1986; Marino, 1996) and other metrics 168  

of social group structure in mammals (reviewed in Dunbar and Shultz, 2007) suggesting that 169  

social drivers are also important to the evolution of the brain and cognition. Interestingly, 170  

comparison of ecological and social factors in ungulates, showed that relative brain size is 171  

influenced by social and ecological factors while relative neocortex size is only influenced by 172  

sociality (Shultz and Dunbar, 2006). Finally, species with larger brains have been shown to 173  

survive better in novel environments (Sol et al., 2005, 2007, 2008) in support to the cognitive 174  

buffer hypothesis (Sol, 2009).  175  

Comparative studies focused on brain size have also been largely criticised (Healy and Rowe, 176  

2007; Lihoreau et al., 2012; Roth et al., 2010a). The high cognitive capacity of small-brained 177  

invertebrates, such as bees and ants, suggests that high cognitive capabilities do not require large 178  

overall brain size (Chittka and Niven, 2009). Measurements of brain size or brain structure 179  

volumes are too coarse grained given that current neuroscience methods enable us to study fine 180  

scale brain organisation and function (Healy and Rowe, 2007; Roth et al., 2010a). For instance, 181  

cognitive neurosciences have revealed different brain networks and mechanism associated with 182  

different cognitive abilities. Thus, instead of studying whole brain or neocortex size, comparative 183  

studies should focus on neural circuits and functioning that are known to be involved in the 184  

cognitive mechanism of interest when possible (Lihoreau et al., 2012). 185  


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Efforts to address the problem that brain size may not be the same as cognitive abilities have 187  

been made along two lines of comparative research: (i) spontaneous records of cognition-based 188  

behaviours (e.g. innovation) in the wild and (ii) comparative psychology experiments in the lab. 189  

The first line of research, also called ‘taxonomical counts of cognition in the wild’ (reviewed in 190  

Lefebvre, 2011), enables the study of large samples of “spontaneous” behaviour occurring in the 191  

selective environment or at least a natural or semi-natural habitat. This approach has confirmed 192  

that relative brain size increases with increased tool use and frequency of innovation in birds 193  

(Lefebvre et al., 1997, 2004) and primates (Lefebvre et al., 2004; Reader and Laland, 2002), 194  

social learning in primates (Reader and Laland, 2002), or deception in primates (Byrne, 2004). 195  


Taking the second approach, a few studies have begun comparing specific cognitive tasks among 197  

a small number of related species that differ in social or ecological conditions. One of the most 198  

advanced research programs of this kind, has been conduced on North American corvids (Balda 199  

and Kamil, 2002; Balda et al., 1996; Kamil, 1998) using a large number of cognitive tests run in 200  

the lab. Corvid species that rely heavily on food storing in the wild, such as Clark’s Nutcrakers 201  

(Nucifraga columbiana), typically outperform other corvids in tasks requiring spatial cognition 202  

(Olson et al., 1995); on the other hand, corvid species that are highly social, such as Pinyon Jays 203  

(Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus), are better in cognition tasks mimicking social challenges such as 204  

those designed to evaluate social learning, behavioural flexibility or transitive inference (Bond et 205  

al., 2003, 2007, 2010; Templeton et al., 1999). Studies in primates have similarly addressed how 206  

social structure is related to the evolution of cognitive abilities. Comparing species that differ in 207  

their degree of sociality, Amici et al. (2008) have shown that species with fission-fusion social 208  

organisation outperform species with very stable social groups in cognitive tasks requiring 209  

inhibitory control and/or flexibility. Very recently, one of the most accomplished studies 210  

merging phylogenetic and experimental cognition methods draws a slightly different picture 211  

(MacLean et al., 2014). MacLean and his 57 collaborators realized the feat of gathering cognitive 212  

performances of 36 animal species (from birds to rodents to apes) in two problem solving tasks 213  

measuring self-control. Their results suggest that the major proximate mechanism underlying the 214  

evolution of self control is the absolute brain volume rather than residual brain volume corrected 215  

for body mass. They also report a significant relationship between cognitive performance and 216  

dietary breadth but not social organization in primates. Thus, this massive comparative cognition 217  

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study challenges both the proxy of cognition (relative brain size) and the hypothesis (social brain 218  

hypothesis) tested in many brain comparative studies and illustrates the danger of over 219  

interpreting comparative cognition studies. Continued efforts to link specific cognitive functions 220  

to their ecological and social settings present a promising avenue to understand the evolution of 221  

cognition while recognizing that different cognitive abilities may evolve under different 222  

environmental contexts. 223  


A number of new directions using the comparative method have still not been sufficiently 225  

exploited. First and foremost, analyses should begin to compare specific regions of the brain or 226  

brain function rather than coarse measures of brain size. The increasing ease of using new 227  

technology (e.g. MRI, PET) to measure brain structures, connectivity, and function that are 228  

frequently measured in cognitive neurosciences could provide another link between the evolution 229  

of cognitive processes and ecological or social factors that influence cognition. Second, only a 230  

small range of questions using comparative methods have been addressed (see MacLean et al., 231  

2012 for a review). For example, comparative methods can be used to examine the sequence of 232  

events in coevolution such that we could ask if the increase of a cognitive ability generally 233  

precedes or succeeds specific social or ecological changes. Likewise, we could examine the 234  

relative rates of evolution during the increase or decrease of a particular cognitive ability. Finally, 235  

we can ask how shifts in cognition are associated with the speciation process itself (e.g. 236  

Nicolakakis et al., 2003). Does the evolution of increased cognitive ability facilitate speciation? 237  


Intraspecific selection on neurocognitive traits: the fitness approach 239  

Measuring contemporary selection has proved a powerful approach to understanding the 240  

evolution of traits and this method could be readily applied to the evolution of cognition. The 241  

basic premise of this ‘fitness’ approach follows Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859) which 242  

suggests that short term selection is the primary cause of evolutionary change and speciation. 243  

Therefore a careful examination of selection can help us understand how a trait evolves. 244  

Selection can come from a number of origins which largely fall under natural selection, which 245  

includes the effects of abiotic influences and interspecific interactions on survival and 246  

reproduction (Darwin, 1859; and modern synthesis in Huxley, 1942), or social selection (Lyon 247  

and Montgomerie, 2012; West-Eberhard, 1983), which includes selection due to intraspecific 248  

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social interactions including the effects of mating behaviour (i.e. sexual selection, Darwin, 1871) 249  

and kin cooperation (i.e. kin selection, Hamilton, 1964) among other intraspecific interactions. 250  

There are two distinct advantages to the fitness method relative to the comparative method for 251  

studying neurocognitive evolution. The first advantage is that studies of selection measure fitness 252  

costs and benefits of specific traits which can provide a close match with measurements of 253  

cognitive abilities and brain mechanisms currently studied in animal cognition and neurosciences 254  

(Figure 2). Thus the fitness approach provides opportunities to integrate our proximate 255  

understanding of cognition with new findings on the ultimate causes of cognitive evolution. The 256  

second advantage is that examination of selection ideally includes identification of the agent of 257  

selection or the specific social or ecological challenges that favour a specific trait. Adopting this 258  

approach helps us acknowledge that there may be multiple factors that select for a given 259  

cognitive ability and that each species will require only a subset of all cognitive skills given their 260  

environment. 261  


To show that animal cognition evolves under direct natural or social selection requires that the 263  

three necessary conditions for selection and evolution that Darwin (1859, 1871) outlined apply to 264  

cognitive abilities (Dukas, 2004). Traits, or in this case cognitive abilities, will evolve if (1) there 265  

is variability in cognition between individuals, (2) that this variability in cognitive ability is 266  

heritable, and (3) that this variation is related to variance in fitness (survival, reproductive 267  

success) under specific environmental conditions. Few studies have tackled these questions 268  

specifically, but evidence from the literature supports the notion that cognition should evolve 269  

under selection making the fitness approach fruitful. 270  


(1) Variation in neurocognitive ability 272  

Inter-individual variability in animal cognition studies is rarely reported, yet without variation, 273  

cognition can not evolve. Studies in animal cognition generally focus on a small number of 274  

individuals because of the time involved in training and testing subjects and this small sample 275  

size precludes useful estimates of variation in cognitive abilities. However, a recent meta-276  

analysis of variation in individual performances at three common cognitive tasks for different 277  

species revealed very high inter-individual variability (Thornton and Lukas, 2012). Individual 278  

performances varied almost continuously from 25-100% success at a task in tests for species 279  

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with the largest sample sizes. Some of this variation is influenced by age, sex, developmental 280  

conditions, or previous experience, so determining the extent of variation due to additive genes 281  

rather than plasticity will require large sample sizes at single cognitive tasks. 282  


Despite little direct evidence, there are a number of indirect measures of cognitive variability that 284  

further support the notion that intraspecific variation in cognitive abilities should be widespread. 285  

A growing number of recent studies focus on intraspecific variation in brain size including both 286  

within and among population variation (for a review see Gonda et al., 2013). This variation is 287  

also apparent in humans where inter-individual variation in brain structure and function has often 288  

been considered “noise” until recently (Kanai and Rees, 2011). Perhaps the best evidence of 289  

inter-individual cognitive variation comes from research on “general intelligence” in humans, 290  

which has been extensively documented through the use of intelligence or ‘IQ’ tests and shows 291  

high variation among individuals (Deary et al., 2010). Recent work has sought to tie variation 292  

between IQ in humans to its neural substrate (Deary et al., 2010; Penke et al., 2012). 293  


(2) Heritability of neurocognitive abilities 295  

Heritability of traits is difficult to measure since many non-genetic effects (common environment, 296  

parental care, maternal effects, etc…) contribute to resemblance between parents and offspring. 297  

For example, twin studies show that brain structure or function (e.g. face recognition) is heritable 298  

in humans (Peper et al., 2007; Wilmer et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2010), yet non-genetic effects that 299  

occur in utero can not be excluded (but see Trzaskowski et al., 2013). One of the most powerful 300  

approaches to demonstrate that heritability of cognitive traits exists is through artificial selection 301  

experiments where species show phenotypic changes in response to researcher imposed selection 302  

criteria. Mery and Kawecki have shown that associative learning abilities for choice of 303  

oviposition substrate can be inherited in Drosophila melanogaster (see Kawecki, 2010 for a 304  

review; Mery and Kawecki, 2002, 2003, 2005). Marked differences in learning and memory 305  

were shown between high learning and low learning selected Drosophila populations over 15 306  

generations. Artificial selection of brain size in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) also suggests 307  

heritability of brain size (Kotrschal et al., 2013a) with a divergence in relative brain size of 9% 308  

between lines selected for large vs. small size over just two generations. Interestingly, large-309  

brained females outperformed small-brained females in a numerical learning test, which also 310  

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provides evidence for an association between increased brain size and higher cognition. These 311  

results should be treated cautiously since disentangling true heritability from plasticity would 312  

require more than 2 generations and a relaxation of selection to see if brain size differences 313  

persist (see Healy and Rowe, 2013; Kotrschal et al., 2013b). Finally, the use of genome wide 314  

association has recently been used to demonstrate a genetic basis of human general intelligence 315  

and cognition. This approach has shown that a substantial proportion (between 40 and 66%) of 316  

individual differences in human general intelligence is linked to genetic variation (Davies et al., 317  

2011; Benyamin et al., 2013; but see Chabris et al., 2012; Deary et al., 2012; Plomin et al., 2013). 318  


(3) The fitness benefits of cognition 320  

Selection on cognitive abilities will occur if there are fitness benefits to particular cognitive 321  

phenotypes under a given set of environmental conditions. Addressing this question is 322  

challenging because it requires both an estimate of cognitive performance or brain 323  

structure/activity of a large number of individuals as well as fitness estimates, such as 324  

reproductive success or survival, for the same individuals. Most cognitive tests are run under 325  

laboratory conditions to control confounding effects on cognition and yet the best estimates of 326  

fitness benefits should be measured in the wild where the importance of a specific cognitive 327  

ability will also depend on the environmental context. Fitness measured in artificial selection 328  

experiments on cognition or brain size have reported costs and benefits of improved cognitive 329  

abilities in insects (Dukas, 2008; Kawecki, 2010) or increased brain size in fishes (Kotrschal et 330  

al., 2013a), but the value of these traits in nature are unknown. In humans, general intelligence is 331  

correlated with school achievement, job performance, health, and survival (Deary et al., 2010), 332  

but not necessarily actual fitness (i.e. number of lifetime offspring that reproduce). 333  


Two very recent studies have finally succeeded in measuring fitness consequences of problem-335  

solving abilities in wild populations of great tits (Parus major) (Cauchard et al., 2012; Cole et al., 336  

2012). Cole et al. (2012) took birds into short term captivity to perform an innovation task to get 337  

food. Birds who solved the task had larger clutch sizes, but tended to desert their nest more often 338  

if disturbed (Cole et al. 2012). Cauchard et al. (2013) conducted cognitive tests in the wild, 339  

where birds had to remove an obstacle that blocked access to their nestbox. Those who could 340  

solve the puzzle had higher survival of offspring to fledging. Both studies found individual 341  

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variation in cognitive performance of birds (solvers vs. non solvers), so selection should act on 342  

problem solving abilities. Fitness costs of higher cognition (e.g. higher desertion rates; Cole et al. 343  

2012), could produce a trade-off that helps maintain variation in cognitive abilities among 344  

individuals. These results are very promising, and should be diversified to a much broader range 345  

of cognitive abilities and expanded to measures of brain structure or function (Figure 2). 346  

Furthermore, following pioneering research linking food hoarding behaviour and spatial memory 347  

(see Pravosudov and Roth II, 2013 for a review, and see Case Study 1 below), understanding 348  

why cognition evolves will also require us to directly link cognitive performance (e.g. memory) 349  

to ecological challenges that the animals face in their natural environment (e.g. finding a food 350  

store). This last point is critical because if there are correlations among different cognitive 351  

abilities then measurement of selection (i.e. higher fitness) on one ability could be due to 352  

correlational selection on a different cognitive trait that is the actual target of selection. 353  


Case Studies 355  

As detailed above, there is now some evidence for selection of cognitive abilities in wild animals, 356  

including humans. The next challenge for cognitive ecology is to identify which cognitive 357  

functions are critical for a species in their natural environment. While for most species we are 358  

still at the point of forming hypotheses on which cognitive abilities are critical (as we did for 359  

mate choice in Figure 1), there are a few studies that have moved well beyond this stage. Here 360  

we present two lines of research as examples of successfully linking natural behaviour, cognitive 361  

function and ecological agents of selection. 362  


(1) The evolutionary ecology of spatial memory 364  

Food hoarding animals rely on food caching and later retrieval of caches to survive winter and 365  

should have evolved excellent spatial memory abilities and associated neural structures (i.e. 366  

hippocampus). Based on this simple ecology-driven hypothesis, a flourishing literature on the 367  

cognitive ecology of food storing has emerged over the last thirty years. This work has 368  

successfully combined proximate and ultimate understandings of spatial cognition and serves as 369  

an example for future studies of the evolutionary ecology of cognition (see Brodin, 2010 for an 370  

historical review). 371  

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The first studies of the evolutionary and ecological significance of spatial memory employed the 372  

comparative framework, with the prediction that scatter food hoarding species should surpass 373  

non-hoarding species in spatial memory tasks and should have a relatively bigger hippocampus. 374  

However, results from these early studies were equivocal and difficult to interpret. The 375  

superiority of spatial capabilities in hoarding species was not always clear (reviewed in Healy et 376  

al., 2009). Furthermore, and more concerning, the comparative approach suffers from a number 377  

of confounding factors, such as morphological differences between species, that could never 378  

clearly be separated from performance in cognitive tasks (but see (Kamil, 1998) for methods). 379  


Problems with comparative analyses have been very elegantly solved by focusing on intra-381  

specific variation in a number of landmark studies comparing populations exposed to different 382  

ecological contexts. In one of the earliest of such studies, Pravosudov and Clayton (2002) 383  

demonstrated that black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla) living in harsh winter climates 384  

(i.e. Alaska) cache more food, have higher spatial memory capabilities, and have a larger 385  

hippocampus that contains more neurones than individuals of the same species in populations 386  

from milder climates (i.e. Colorado). While the appearance of adaptation is clear, such 387  

differences could reflect either local adaptation shaped by natural selection or result from 388  

plasticity in brain structure and behaviour generated from the local environment. The persistence 389  

of among population differences in brain structure and caching behaviour in common garden 390  

experiments, during which 10 days-old chicks from these different populations were hand-raised 391  

in identical environmental conditions, strongly argues for a role of natural selection in shaping 392  

local adaptation for spatial memory, neural density, and neurogenesis in the hippocampus (Roth 393  

et al., 2010b, 2012). 394  


Recent analyses using this within species comparative approach in this and other species have 396  

further pushed our understanding of the links between cognition and evolutionary ecology and 397  

between proximate and ultimate understandings of cognitive evolution. Research in mountain 398  

chickadees (Poecile gambeli) along an altitudinal gradient has shown similar patterns of 399  

differentiation in food storage, spatial memory, and hippocampal characteristics as with 400  

contrasted populations in the black-capped chickadee (Freas et al., 2013). Other studies have 401  

extended this work on spatial memory differences across populations in caching behaviour to 402  

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differences between behavioural strategies within a population (LaDage et al., 2013). In side-403  

blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana), males adopt one of three different mating strategies that rely 404  

to different degrees on spatial memory for territory defence and the distribution of available 405  

females across territories. Accordingly, characteristics of the dorsal cortex and hippocampus 406  

show differences among genetically determined alternative male strategies within a population 407  

(Ladage et al., 2009; LaDage et al., 2013). Work on hippocampal size contrasts among 408  

populations has recently been extended by fine scale studies of neural structure (Roth et al., 409  

2010a, 2012) and differential gene expression (Pravosudov et al., 2013) within the hippocampus 410  

among contrasted populations of birds. The next step should be to measure the influence of 411  

spatial cognition and the underlying hippocampal structures or function on fitness in these 412  

contrasted environments. 413  


(2) Cognitive mechanisms of host-parasite arm races in brood parasites 415  

Avian brood parasites lay their eggs in the nest of other individuals from the same or different 416  

species to avoids the costs of parental care but imposes a cost on the host (reviewed in Davies, 417  

2011). These reciprocal selection pressures have often led to an arms race of detection and 418  

mimicry in egg appearance – a true cognitive battleground. Studies of avian brood parasitism 419  

provide measures of selection on cognitive traits (recognition, rejection, deception), clear 420  

identification of the agent of selection, examination of how cognition influences the 421  

coevolutionary arms race, and neural traits associated with host-parasite life history. 422  


Studies of avian brood parasitism have done an outstanding job of quantifying the fitness costs 424  

and benefits to each player of the host-parasite arms race—often linked to recognition of 425  

parasites (Davies, 2011; Lyon and Eadie, 2008). A parasite’s fitness is so intricately tied to 426  

acceptance by hosts that they must adapt to new host defences either by identifying and changing 427  

to a new host or surpassing host defences. Hosts, on the other hand, pay a cost of parasitism, but 428  

the evolution of new defences (often a cognitive ability) must be balanced against the frequency 429  

of parasitism and the costs of producing better defences (Davies and Brooke, 1988, 1989a, 430  

1989b; Lotem, 1993; Lotem et al., 1995; Rothstein, 1982). Costs of new defences include 431  

developing the cognitive or morphological structures for new defences as well as the added risk 432  

of expressing those defences (e.g. rejecting own eggs), and these costs influence the evolution of 433  

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recognition abilities. Plasticity in host recognition reveals the importance that making an 434  

incorrect choice can have for the evolution of egg rejection. For example, some common cuckoo 435  

hosts avoid rejecting their own eggs (recognition error) when parasites are not present by only 436  

increasing rejection rates when adult cuckoos are seen in the vicinity of the nest (Davies and 437  

Brooke 1988). In South American coots, intraspecific parasitism leads to egg rejection, but an 438  

interspecific parasite , the blackheaded duck, that imposes no parental care costs is only rejected 439  

when ecological conditions render incubation more costly (Lyon and Eadie, 2004). Globally, 440  

studies of avian brood parasites have provided an excellent understanding of the selective 441  

environment generated by host-parasite interactions that influences the evolution of recognition 442  

and rejection of eggs. 443  


Mimicry-recognition-rejection arms races reveal the link between cognitive abilities and the 445  

evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite systems. Arms races in avian brood parasites related to 446  

egg mimicry push host recognition systems to identify parasites while avoiding recognition 447  

errors (Davies and Brooke, 1988; Rothstein, 1982). The accuracy of identifying a mimetic egg 448  

depends on visual discrimination abilities and recent studies have begun to specifically integrate 449  

this process using ‘visual modelling’–information on cone sensitivity and objective measures of 450  

egg colour patterns–to understand rejection behaviour, or the lack thereof, in some species 451  

(Cassey et al., 2008; Spottiswoode and Stevens, 2010). Recent findings show that visual 452  

detection of parasites can improve by integrating multiple sources of information (Spottiswoode 453  

and Stevens 2010). Egg cues (de la Colina et al., 2012; Langmore et al., 2009; Spottiswoode and 454  

Stevens, 2010; Svennungsen and Holen, 2010), external cues of parasite presence (Davies and 455  

Brooke, 1988), or counting the number of eggs laid (Lyon, 2003) have all been shown as means 456  

to improve the decision to reject parasite eggs. Use of multiple and disparate cues to improve the 457  

accuracy of rejection behaviour would require executive functions to weigh these different 458  

criteria in a rejection decision and future research could examine this cognitive ability. Not all 459  

host species reject eggs or chicks, which implies that physiological or cognitive limitations may 460  

also influence the detection of a parasitic egg (Davies and Brooke, 1988; Lotem, 1993; Lotem et 461  

al., 1995; Rodríguez-Gironés and Lotem, 1999; Rothstein, 1982). 462  


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An understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying rejection have also played an 464  

important role in understanding why despite close visual mimicry in eggs, nestlings are rarely 465  

mimetic. One hypothesis is that unlike egg recognition where comparisons between multiple host 466  

eggs and a single parasitic egg makes discrimination possible, having only a single parasite chick 467  

in the nest (e.g. common cuckoos) could have severe long term fitness costs if birds learn the 468  

appearance of their chicks (Lotem, 1993). Indeed, learning does seem to play a role in 469  

identification and discrimination of eggs (Rothstein, 1974, 1978; Strausberger and Rothstein, 470  

2009) and possibly chicks (Colombelli-Négrel et al., 2012; Shizuka and Lyon, 2010). A possible 471  

solution in some species, such as the North American coot, might be to use extra cues such as 472  

hatch order and soft rejection (e.g. lower feeding) to help identify parasitic chicks while reducing 473  

the risk of mis-imprinting (Shizuka and Lyon, 2010, 2011). These models and empirical results 474  

show that the cognitive mechanisms underlying how a species is able to recognize its eggs and 475  

chicks plays an important role in the evolution of the host-parasite arms race. 476  


Finally, a few studies have also begun to investigate the link between neurophysiology and the 478  

ecology of brood parasites. Initial studies focused primarily on whole brain size or hippocampus 479  

size in brood parasites and their non-parasitic relatives since each species should face different 480  

ecological imperatives. Generally, whole brain size tends to be smaller in brood-parasites than 481  

their closest relatives (Corfield et al., 2013; Iwaniuk, 2004; Overington, 2011), which could be 482  

linked to less complex cognitive function needed in the absence of parental care in brood 483  

parasites (Boerner and Krüger, 2008). Hippocampus size, however, varies predictably with the 484  

need for excellent spatial memory in brood parasites. Brood parasites have an enlarged 485  

hippocampus in the breeding season (Clayton et al., 1997), the sex that searches for nests tends 486  

to have a larger hippocampus than the other sex (Reboreda et al., 1996; Sherry et al., 1993), and 487  

brood parasites have a relatively larger hippocampus than closely related non-parasites (Corfield 488  

et al., 2013; Reboreda et al., 1996). Furthermore, recent analysis has uncovered a specific region 489  

of the hippocampus that is enlarged in parasitic species relative to others (Nair-Roberts et al., 490  

2006), suggesting brain regions may have evolved to manage the specific needs of brood 491  

parasites relative to other spatial memory. These studies provide a rare example of direct linkage 492  

between ecology and neurophysiology on a well understood fitness landscape. An exciting next 493  

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step in such systems could be to examine variation in neural structure with variation in the ability 494  

of different hosts – either across or within a species – to reject parasitic eggs or chicks. 495  


The above studies provide some of the best examples of how discrimination ability links with 497  

cognitive decision making under natural ecological conditions. While many of these host-498  

parasite studies have not specifically been framed in terms of cognitive ecology, the focus on 499  

discrimination, recognition, learning, and decision making are all clearly linked to cognition and 500  

could further link to both specific cognitive abilities studied in other organisms and to 501  

neurophysiological studies. Together with the strong understanding of the fitness costs and 502  

benefits of host-parasite coevolution, these systems provide an excellent opportunity to link 503  

cognition, neurophysiology, and evolutionary biology. 504  


Conclusion 506  

We have highlighted two ways to investigate the evolution of cognitive processes in animals: the 507  

comparative approach focuses on evolutionary history while the fitness approach examines 508  

contemporary selection. Much of our knowledge on the evolution of cognition comes from the 509  

comparative approach and the full application of recently developed phylogenetic tools should 510  

allow for interesting new results in this line of research. However, since cognition presents all 511  

the characteristics of traits under selection (variation, heritability and fitness benefits), we believe 512  

that taking the fitness approach to cognitive function will allow us to better explore the 513  

evolutionary mechanisms that shape animal minds. Furthermore, the fitness approach more 514  

easily allows us to integrate proximate and ultimate factors underlying animal cognition in a 515  

single study, as suggested fifty years ago by Tinbergen (Tinbergen, 1963). 516  


4- Future directions 518  

The integration of evolutionary biology with cognitive sciences provides a very promising 519  

avenue of research that could revolutionize our understanding of animal mind. Here we 520  

highlighted how methods and new research questions in evolutionary biology could contribute to 521  

our current understanding of the proximate basis of cognition. We believe the (unranked) top 522  

priorities for the future are: 523  

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1) Identify cognitive functions that are crucial for species currently studied by evolutionary 524  

ecologists and behavioural ecologists. 525  

2) What are the fitness consequences of cognitive performance in the wild and what are the 526  

ecological contexts under which that ability is favoured? 527  

3) Are cognitive performance and/or neurocognitive processes consistent across different 528  

environments for a given species? Are they consistent for a given individual if we can measure 529  

cognitive abilities in the wild? 530  

4) Can we create more ecologically relevant cognitive performance tasks that help link cognitive 531  

abilities or brain structure to specific ecological challenges? 532  

5) What environmental or social factors are associated with the evolution of specific cognitive 533  

abilities or neural structures across species and what role do these abilities play in the speciation 534  

process? 535  

6) Are different cognitive abilities related to each other (i.e. positive correlation or trade-off)? Is 536  

there compelling evidence for general intelligence in non-human animals? 537  

7) Problem solving is the one “cognitive” task that has been related to fitness in wild animals. 538  

However the cognitive mechanisms underlying this task remain unclear (Healy, 2012; Rowe and 539  

Healy, 2014; Thornton et al., 2014). What are the fitness benefits of other well characterized 540  

cognitive capacities such as visual cognition or associative learning? 541  

8) What are the implications of cognitive performance for theory in evolutionary ecology and 542  

conversely what does an ecological perspective on cognition tell us about neurocognitive 543  

development? 544  


Acknowledgments 546  

This work has been supported by a Fyssen postdoctoral fellowship. 547  


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Figure captions 846  



Figure 1: Mate choice and cognitive capacities that could hypothetically play a role 849  

In bi-parental breeding songbirds, choosing an appropriate mate according to available male 850  

stock, previous breeding experience and actual environmental conditions is a behaviour that will 851  

have drastic fitness consequences for any female and that is likely to rely on the interplay 852  

between various cognitive functions. Recognition of ornaments linked to different male qualities 853  

(e.g. good genes, parental care, nest defense, etc.) uses perception (visual and auditory) to detect 854  

male signals and categorization to group and identify male quality according to their ornaments 855  

(1). The use of previous breeding experience relies on past learning linking male ornaments and 856  

reproductive success from previous experiences (2). Mate choice itself, integrates all information 857  

available to the female including current ecology, mate options, and past experience supposedly 858  

through decision-making mechanisms (3). Finding the chosen mate, once the decision has been 859  

taken, probably relies on spatial memory to relocate the territory defended by the chosen male 860  

and endogenous attention to detect the chosen male from among the background of other males 861  

and environmental features (4). 862  



Figure 2: How to study brain and cognition selection? 865  

Ideal evolutionary ecology studies of cognition should integrate socio-ecological (left panel, 1), 866  

neurocognitive (middle panel, 2) and fitness (right panel, 3) variables. Such an approach seeks to 867  

truly merge behavioural and evolutionary (green background) and cognitive neuroscience 868  

(yellow background) methods. As examples: 869  

1) Socio-ecological contexts of selection could correspond to natural gradients in sociality 870  

(ie: Population density, gregariousness), habitat quality (ie: level of fragmentation, 871  

urbanization) and/or distribution of resources (ie: harshness of the environment). 872  

Experimental manipulations of ecological factors, such as variation in food 873  

supplementation or reintroduction in a novel environment, are of particular interest to 874  

isolate ecological causes of selection. 875  

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2) Cognitive abilities can be measured in the wild using foraging tasks. This approach has 876  

been successfully adapted to measure perception, problem solving, learning, behavioural 877  

flexibility and spatial cognition. Such methods rely on individual identification usually 878  

mediated by visual tags (i.e. colour rings) or passive integrated transponders (PIT) tags. 879  

However, some cognitive functions are difficult to measure in the wild and one may want 880  

to have a better control on motivational state and environmental parameters. Short-term 881  

period of captivity seems appropriate in such a framework and potentially enable us to 882  

use up-to-date psychophysics protocols and equipment developed in comparative 883  

cognition labs. Development of embedded cameras or microphones has the potentials to 884  

reveal spontaneous cognitive capabilities like tool use, social cognition or vocal 885  

communication. Likewise, neurologgers or transmitters enable us to measure brain 886  

activity (electroencephalogram, single unit activity) in free ranging wild animals. Spatial 887  

and whole brain measurement could also be assessed using MRI or PET devices through 888  

short term scanning protocol. 889  

3) The fitness benefit is traditionally assessed through evaluation of reproductive success or 890  

a measure of survival. Behaviour associated with reproductive success (i.e. mating, 891  

parental care) can also be used as proxies of fitness. 892  





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