how am i driving? november 2014 nwa pmi chapter meeting ketan pandya project manager, walmart...

How am I driving? November 2014 NWA PMI Chapter Meeting Ketan Pandya Project Manager, Walmart Stores, Inc.

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Page 1: How am I driving? November 2014 NWA PMI Chapter Meeting Ketan Pandya Project Manager, Walmart Stores, Inc

How am I driving?November 2014 NWA PMI Chapter Meeting

Ketan PandyaProject Manager, Walmart Stores, Inc.

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• Your Driving Skills vs. Your Professional Skills• Project Human Resource Mgmt and Project Success• What does success look like• A Holistic Approach to Human Intelligence

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How can I develop and manage my project team better?

PMBOKChapter 9.Project Human Resource Management


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So, is there a co-relation between how well I develop and

manage myself + my project team and my project’s success?

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Journey begins…

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Journey continues..

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And we become comfortable…

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we learn from our experiences..

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so, what does success look like?

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Who is this guy?

Tightrope walker Nik Wallenda, 35 breaks records with TWO death-defying wire walks between Chicago skyscrapers - one at a terrifying 19-degree incline and the second wearing a BLINDFOLD and navigating by ear

Sourced from

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So, what can PM’s learn from Nik?

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What are the ingredients of Nik’s success?







Personal Goals



What else?

Physical Strength

Mental Strength

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A Holistic Approach to Human Intelligence

Test my EQ

Test my IQ


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Key Take Away’s

• My Success = (My Physical Ability + My IQ + My Character) ^ My EQ Behavior/Attitude

• My IQ = My Cognitive ability + My Reasoning ability + My problem-solving ability

• My Cognitive Ability = My Memory + My Attention + My Speed

• My EQ = My Self-Awareness + My Self Management + My Social Awareness + My Relationship Management

• My Attitude = 1% Action + 99% Reaction(Response)Disclaimer: Above mentioned are not approved by any licensed professional. They are author’s observations.

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Difference between Winners & Losers

Winners LosersWinners are part of the solution Losers are part of the problem

Winners sees a solution to every problem Losers see a problem for every solution

Winners have a plan Losers have an excuse

Winners say, “It may be difficult but it is possible” Losers say, “It may be possible but it is too difficult.”

Winners say, I was wrong Losers say, It was not my fault

Winners say, “I must do something” Losers say, “Something must be done.”

Winners see the gain Losers see the pain

Winners see possibilities Losers see problems

Winners translate dreams into reality Losers translate reality into dreams

Winners empower Losers control

Winners are not afraid of losing Losers are afraid of winning

Winners make time Losers waste time

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Thank You for the Opportunity!!I hope you got some ideas, nuggets.

Ketan Pandya ([email protected])

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• Books:• Facilitation at a Glance!(Author: Ingrid Bens)

• As a Man Thinketh(Author: James Allen)

• Five Dysfunctions of a Team(Author: Patrick Lencioni)

• Crucial Conversations (Author: Patterson, Grenny, Mcmillan, Switzler)

• Managing Yourself (Harvard Business Review)

• Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (Author: Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves)

• Apps• Download Podcast Addict App on your Droid Phone

• Video• Why Good Leaders make you feel safe (Simon Sinek )

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Body Awareness Activity

• Praanayam Exercise (Deep breathing and Yoga reduces stress)


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Body AwareActivity

• Yoga Poses (Sun Salutation)


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Activity.. What would you do?

Situation Your Response1 A Stakeholder is late on a deliverable

2 A Stakeholder is late on past 3 deliverables

3 A Stakeholder didn’t speak up in a meeting (voice their concern)

4 A Stakeholder dominates in meetings

5 A Stakeholder does not respond to emails

6 A Stakeholder is not engaged in meetings

7 A Stakeholder makes an incorrect statement about you

8 A Stakeholder makes an incorrect statement about your team

9 A Stakeholder passes an in accurate judgment about your product

10 A Stakeholder criticizes your behavior in private

11 A Stakeholder throws you under the bus in a critical meetingReturn

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How does my response indicate my behavior?“Our behavior is a product of our decisions, not our conditions.”

Action (Stimulus) Reaction (Response)



Independent Will

You have the Freedom to choose

Sourced from : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – By Stephen R. Covey Return

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Okay, so connect the dots to my success..


My Behavior

My Actions

My Thoughts My Emotions













….. …..

My Feelings

ReturnSourced from Emotional Intelligence 2.0 – Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves

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So, where should I begin?

Self-Awareness Self-Awareness

Step 1: Understand the gift humans have that wild animals don’t. ie. The power to be self-aware of our own feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions.


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What is Emotional Intelligence?


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So, again, why should a PM care about EQ?


My Supervisor, Leadership


Key Stakeholders

(Decision Makers)

My Peers (Community)


My Subject matter Experts(Consultants)

My Clients,Customers(Bread n Butter)

Individuals don’t win.Teams do.

Because a PM interacts and gets work done through a large number of people, it is a non-negotiable for PM’s to be self-aware of their own contributions to the situations they are dealing with.

At the end of the day, a PM’s relationship with all parties determine their success.

360 degree growth is notpossible without being intentional about our ownfeelings, thoughts, actions and behaviors.


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“Me” in a Matrix Organization Today!


Business, Functional Organization“verticals”

SupportOrganizations.“horizontals”(eg. HR, Finance, Legal, Technology, Infrastructure)


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Objective is to achieve a balance between efficiency and effectiveness

Efficiency Effectiveness

ReturnDisclaimer: Above is the author’s thesis and is not proven by any industry standards.

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Objective is to achieve the highest level of productivity on the project team

The What

The How

Highest productivity occurs at the intersection of ‘the What’ and ‘the How’



ReturnDisclaimer: Above is the author’s thesis and is not proven by any industry standards.

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“First things First”

ReturnDisclaimer: Above is the author’s thesis and is not proven by any industry standards.

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People Problem

Dysfunctional Team






Poor Performer





Process Problem

Too much red tape

Analysis, Paralysis

No Discipline, Process

Playing bumper cars

Technology Problem

Environment Issues Self-Inflicted?

Inadequate infrastructure Self-Inflicted?

Procurement Delays Self-Inflicted?

My Approach

ReturnDisclaimer: Above is the author’s thesis and is not proven by any industry standards.

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How can I become more self-aware?

• Take Personality, Trait, Communication Style Self-Assessment • Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Test• DISC, • Birkman, • Crucial Conversations Talking style under stress,• Myers Briggs, • What animal am I, • Globesmart

• Download Self-Awareness Apps on Android• Cognitive Styles Test• Self-Esteem Blackboard Test• Chakra Doctor• My Chakra Meditation

• Read books on behavior management• What got you hear Won’t get you There


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What motivates behavior?


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Western Psychology v/s Eastern Psychology

Sourced from


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The 7 Chakras represent human needs and human health


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Activity (Test my IQ)

1. How could you give someone $63 using six bills? (you must use one or more of the following bills: $50, $10, $5, $2)

Answer: 1 $50 bill 1 $5 bill 4 $2 bills …………50 + 5 + 8 = 63

2. What word from group B belongs to group A and why? A) FRONT, SKI, MELON, FALLB) ROAD, TIRE, TOWER, CLIFF

Answer: Tower. Tower and all the words in group A can be preceeded by the word water.


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Activity (Test my IQ) ……. (contd)

Pick the piece that's missing from the diagram on the left

Correct Answer : C


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What constitutes a Person’s IQ?

• IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, generally describes a score on a test that rates the subject's cognitive ability as compared to the general population. • What is cognitive ability?

• reasoning ability, • problem-solving ability, • ability to perceive relationships between things and • ability to store and retrieve information.

• IQ tests measure in the following ways:• spatial ability: the ability to visualize manipulation of shapes• mathematical ability: the ability to solve problems and use logic• language ability: includes the ability to complete sentences or recognize words

when letters have been rearranged or removed.• memory ability: the ability to recall things


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IQ Scores ; What is yours?


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Can I improve my IQ?

Yes, there are apps for that.

• Mind Games Pro: • A collection of 30 brain exercising games.• Games are based on principles of cognitive psychology.• Helps you fight the effects of aging on your brain. • All games include your score history and graphs of your progress. • Standardized scale for your scores help you see where you need to focus. • Selects games for you to play in order to maximize your progress.


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Brain Training


Remembering patterns and locations

Associating names with faces

Keeping track of multiple pieces of

information in your head

Recalling sequences of objects and movements


Dividing your attention betn. Multiple tasks

and demands

Attending to key information within a

large area

Ignoring distractions

Quickly picking out patterns


Decision-making in time sensitive


Quickly recalling recent information

Reorienting yourself as perspectives change

Reacting quickly


Rapidly selecting words from your

mental vocabulary

Quickly adjusting to shifting rules

Inhibiting initial responses

Switching between tasks efficiently

Problem Solving

Using logical reasoning

Making quick and accurate estimations

Calculating figures in your head

Planning efficient routes

ReturnDiscover w

hat your brain can do

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More IQ Tests..

Answer A: 1 Answer B: 4 Answer C: 5 Return

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Book: Crucial Conversations

How to Stay Focused on What You Really Want 27

How to Notice When Safety is at Risk 45

How to Make It Safe to Talk about Almost Anything 65

How to Stay in Dialogue When You're Angry, Scared or Hurt 93

How to Speak Persuasively, Not Abrasively 119

How to Listen When Others Blow Up or Clam Up 141

How to turn Crucial Conversations into Action and Results 161

How to Turn Ideas into Habits 215

Book: What Got You Here, Won't Get You There

Winning too much 45

Adding too much value 48

Passing Judgment 50

Making destructive comments 53

Starting with "No", "But", or "However" 57

Telling the world how smart we are 59

Speaking when angry 62

Habit#8: Negativity or "Let me explain why that won't work." 65

Habit#9: Witholding information 68

Habit#10: Failing to give proper recognition 71

Habit#11: Claiming credit that we don't deserve 73

Habit#12: Making excuses 76

Habit#13: Clinging to the past 79

Habit#14: Playing favorites 81

Habit#15: Refusing to express regret 83

Habit#16: Not listening 86

Habit#17: Failing to express gratitude 88

Habit#18: Punishing the messenger 91

Habit#19: Passing the buck 93

Habit#20: An excessive need to be "me" 96

21st Habit: Goal Obsession 99

Book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Between Stimulus and Response 68

Proactivity Defined 70

Act or Be Acted Upon 76

Listening to our Language 78

Circle of Concern/Circle of Influence 81

Expanding the Circle of Influence 86