house financial reform hr4173

IIB 111TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION H. R. 4173 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES J  ANUARY 20, 2010 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs AN ACT To provide for financial regulatory reform, to protect con- sumers and investors, to enhance Federal understanding of insurance issues, to regulate the over-the-counter de- rivatives markets, and for other purposes.  Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 1 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 2 Ve rDat e Nov 24 20 08 04:1 3 J an 21 , 2 010 Jkt 0892 00 PO 0000 0 Fr m 0 00 01 Fmt 6 65 2 Sf mt 62 01 E: \BIL LS\H41 73.RFS H417 3    S    M    A    R    T    I    N    E    Z   o   n    D    S    K    H    9    S    0    Y    B    1    P    R    O    D   w    i    t    h    B    I    L    L    S

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  • 8/9/2019 House Financial Reform HR4173





    JANUARY 20, 2010

    Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and

    Urban Affairs

    AN ACT

    To provide for financial regulatory reform, to protect con-

    sumers and investors, to enhance Federal understanding

    of insurance issues, to regulate the over-the-counter de-

    rivatives markets, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-1

    tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,2

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    HR 4173 RFS


    This Act may be cited as the Wall Street Reform2

    and Consumer Protection Act of 2009.3


    The table of contents for this Act is as follows:5

    Sec. 1. Short title.

    Sec. 2. Table of contents.


    Sec. 1000. Short title; definitions.

    Sec. 1000A. Restrictions on the Federal Reserve System pending audit report.

    Subtitle AThe Financial Services Oversight Council

    Sec. 1001. Financial Services Oversight Council established.

    Sec. 1002. Resolution of disputes among Federal financial regulatory agencies.

    Sec. 1003. Technical and professional advisory committees.

    Sec. 1004. Financial Services Oversight Council meetings and council govern-


    Sec. 1005. Council staff and funding.

    Sec. 1006. Reports to the Congress.

    Sec. 1007. Applicability of certain Federal laws.

    Sec. 1008. Oversight by GAO.

    Subtitle BPrudential Regulation of Companies and Activities for Financial

    Stability Purposes

    Sec. 1100. Federal Reserve Board authority that of agent acting on behalf of


    Sec. 1101. Council and Board authority to obtain information.

    Sec. 1102. Council prudential regulation recommendations to Federal financial

    regulatory agencies; agency authority.

    Sec. 1103. Subjecting financial companies to stricter prudential standards for

    financial stability purposes.

    Sec. 1104. Stricter prudential standards for certain financial holding companies

    for financial stability purposes.

    Sec. 1105. Mitigation of systemic risk.

    Sec. 1106. Subjecting activities or practices to stricter prudential standards for

    financial stability purposes.

    Sec. 1107. Stricter regulation of activities and practices for financial stability


    Sec. 1108. Effect of rescission of identification.

    Sec. 1109. Emergency financial stabilization.

    Sec. 1110. Additional related amendments.

    Sec. 1111. Corporation may receive warrants when paying or risking taxpayer


    Sec. 1112. Examinations and enforcement actions for insurance and resolutions


    Sec. 1113. Study of the effects of size and complexity of financial institutions

    on capital market efficiency and economic growth.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 1114. Exercise of Federal Reserve authority.

    Sec. 1115. Stress tests.

    Sec. 1116. Contingent Capital.

    Sec. 1117. Restriction on proprietary trading by designated financial holding


    Sec. 1118. Rule of construction.

    Sec. 1119. Antitrust savings clause.

    Subtitle CImprovements to Supervision and Regulation of Federal

    Depository Institutions

    Sec. 1201. Definitions.

    Sec. 1202. Amendments to the Home Owners Loan Act relating to transfer of


    Sec. 1203. Amendments to the revised statutes.

    Sec. 1204. Power and duties transferred.

    Sec. 1205. Transfer date.

    Sec. 1206. Expiration of term of comptroller.

    Sec. 1207. Office of Thrift Supervision abolished.

    Sec. 1208. Savings provisions.

    Sec. 1209. Regulations and orders.

    Sec. 1210. Coordination of transition activities.

    Sec. 1211. Interim responsibilities of office of the comptroller of the currency

    and office of thrift supervision.

    Sec. 1212. Employees transferred.

    Sec. 1213. Property transferred.

    Sec. 1214. Funds transferred.

    Sec. 1215. Disposition of affairs.

    Sec. 1216. Continuation of services.

    Sec. 1217. Contracting and leasing authority.

    Sec. 1218. Treatment of savings and loan holding companies.

    Sec. 1219. Practices of certain mutual thrift holding companies preserved.

    Sec. 1220. Implementation plan and reports.Sec. 1221. Composition of board of directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance


    Sec. 1222. Amendments to section 3.

    Sec. 1223. Amendments to section 7.

    Sec. 1224. Amendments to section 8.

    Sec. 1225. Amendments to section 11.

    Sec. 1226. Amendments to section 13.

    Sec. 1227. Amendments to section 18.

    Sec. 1228. Amendments to section 28.

    Sec. 1229. Amendments to the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act of


    Sec. 1230. Amendments to the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956.

    Sec. 1231. Amendments to the Bank Protection Act of 1968.Sec. 1232. Amendments to the Bank Service Company Act.

    Sec. 1233. Amendments to the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.

    Sec. 1234. Amendments to the Depository Institution Management Interlocks


    Sec. 1235. Amendments to the Emergency Homeowners Relief Act.

    Sec. 1236. Amendments to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

    Sec. 1237. Amendments to the Federal Credit Union Act.

    Sec. 1238. Amendments to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination

    Council Act of 1978.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 1239. Amendments to the Federal Home Loan Bank Act.

    Sec. 1240. Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act.

    Sec. 1241. Amendments to the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and

    Enforcement Act of 1989.

    Sec. 1242. Amendments to the Housing Act of 1948.

    Sec. 1243. Amendments to the Housing and Community Development Act of

    1992 and the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safetyand Soundness Act of 1992.

    Sec. 1244. Amendment to the Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act of 1983.

    Sec. 1245. Amendments to the National Housing Act.

    Sec. 1246. Amendments to the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978.

    Sec. 1247. Amendments to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Con-

    trol Act of 1985.

    Sec. 1248. Amendments to the Crime Control Act of 1990.

    Sec. 1249. Amendment to the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973.

    Sec. 1250. Amendment to the Investment Company Act of 1940.

    Sec. 1251. Amendment to the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Act.

    Sec. 1252. Amendments to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

    Sec. 1253. Amendments to title 18, United States Code.

    Sec. 1254. Amendments to title 31, United States Code.Sec. 1255. Requirement for Countercyclical Capital Requirements.

    Sec. 1256. Transfer of authority to the Board with respect to savings and loan

    holding companies.

    Sec. 1257. Effective date.

    Subtitle DFurther Improvements to the Regulation of Bank Holding

    Companies and Depository Institutions

    Sec. 1301. Treatment of industrial loan companies, savings associations, and

    certain other companies under the bank holding company act.

    Sec. 1302. Registration of certain companies as bank holding companies.

    Sec. 1303. Reports and examinations of bank holding companies; regulation of

    functionally regulated subsidiaries.Sec. 1304. Requirements for financial holding companies to remain well capital-

    ized and well managed.

    Sec. 1305. Standards for interstate acquisitions.

    Sec. 1306. Enhancing existing restrictions on bank transactions with affiliates.

    Sec. 1307. Eliminating exceptions for transactions with financial subsidiaries.

    Sec. 1308. Lending limits applicable to credit exposure on derivative trans-

    actions, repurchase agreements, reverse repurchase agree-

    ments, and securities lending and borrowing transactions.

    Sec. 1309. Restriction on conversions of troubled banks and thrifts.

    Sec. 1310. Lending limits to insiders.

    Sec. 1311. Limitations on purchases of assets from insiders.

    Sec. 1312. Rules regarding capital levels of bank holding companies.

    Sec. 1313. Enhancements to factors to be considered in certain acquisitions.Sec. 1314. Elimination of elective investment bank holding company frame-


    Sec. 1315. Examination fees for large bank holding companies.

    Sec. 1316. Mutual national banks and Federal mutual bank holding companies


    Sec. 1317. Nationwide Deposit Cap for Interstate Acquisitions.

    Sec. 1318. De novo branching into states.

    Subtitle EImprovements to the Federal Deposit Insurance Fund

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 1401. Accounting for actual risk to the Deposit Insurance Fund.

    Sec. 1402. Creating a risk-focused assessment base.

    Sec. 1403. Elimination of procyclical assessments.

    Sec. 1404. Enhanced access to information for deposit insurance purposes.

    Sec. 1405. Transition reserve ratio requirements to reflect new assessment


    Subtitle FImprovements to the Asset-Backed Securitization Process

    Sec. 1501. Short title.

    Sec. 1502. Credit risk retention.

    Sec. 1503. Periodic and other reporting under the Securities Exchange Act of

    1934 for asset-backed securities.

    Sec. 1504. Representations and warranties in asset-backed offerings.

    Sec. 1505. Exempted transactions under the Securities Act of 1933.

    Sec. 1506. Study on the macroeconomic effects of risk retention requirements.

    Subtitle GEnhanced Dissolution Authority

    Sec. 1601. Short title; Purpose.

    Sec. 1602. Definitions.Sec. 1603. Systemic risk determination.

    Sec. 1604. Dissolution; stabilization.

    Sec. 1605. Judicial review.

    Sec. 1606. Directors not liable for acquiescing in appointment of receiver.

    Sec. 1607. Termination and exclusion of other actions.

    Sec. 1608. Rulemaking.

    Sec. 1609. Powers and duties of corporation.

    Sec. 1610. Clarification of prohibition regarding concealment of assets from re-

    ceiver or liquidating agent.

    Sec. 1611. Office of Dissolution.

    Sec. 1612. Miscellaneous provisions.

    Sec. 1613. Amendment to Federal Deposit Insurance Act.

    Sec. 1614. Application of executive compensation limitations.

    Sec. 1615. Study on the effect of safe harbor provisions in insolvency cases.

    Sec. 1616. Treasury study.

    Sec. 1617. Priority of claims in federal deposit insurance act.

    Subtitle HAdditional Improvements for Financial Crisis Management

    Sec. 1701. Additional improvements for financial crisis management.

    Sec. 1702. Certain restrictions related to foreign currency swap authority.

    Sec. 1703. Additional oversight of financial regulatory system.

    Subtitle IMiscellaneous

    Sec. 1801. Inclusion of minorities and women; Diversity in agency workforce.

    Sec. 1802. Federal Housing Finance Agency advisory role in FIEC.

    Subtitle JInternational Policy Coordination

    Sec. 1901. International policy coordination.

    Subtitle KInternational Financial Provisions

    Sec. 1951. Access to United States financial market by foreign institutions.

    Sec. 1952. Reducing TARP funds to offset costs.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Subtitle LSecurities Holding Companies

    Sec. 1961. Securities holding companies.



    Sec. 2001. Short title.Sec. 2002. Shareholder vote on executive compensation disclosures.

    Sec. 2003. Compensation committee independence.

    Sec. 2004. Enhanced compensation structure reporting to reduce perverse in-




    Sec. 3001. Short title.

    Sec. 3002. Review of regulatory authority.

    Sec. 3003. International harmonization.

    Sec. 3004. Prohibition against government assistance.

    Sec. 3005. Studies.Sec. 3006. Recommendations for changes to insolvency laws.

    Sec. 3007. Abusive swaps.

    Sec. 3008. Authority to prohibit participation in swap activities.

    Sec. 3009. Memorandum.

    Subtitle ARegulation of Swap Markets

    Sec. 3101. Definitions.

    Sec. 3102. Jurisdiction.

    Sec. 3103. Clearing and execution transparency.

    Sec. 3104. Public reporting of aggregate swap data.

    Sec. 3105. Swap repositories.

    Sec. 3106. Reporting and recordkeeping.

    Sec. 3107. Registration and regulation of swap dealers and major swap partici-


    Sec. 3108. Conflicts of interest.

    Sec. 3109. Swap execution facilities.

    Sec. 3110. Derivatives transaction execution facilities and exempt boards of


    Sec. 3111. Designated contract markets.

    Sec. 3112. Margin.

    Sec. 3113. Position limits.

    Sec. 3114. Enhanced authority over registered entities.

    Sec. 3115. Foreign boards of trade.

    Sec. 3116. Legal certainty for swaps.

    Sec. 3117. FDICIA amendments.Sec. 3118. Enforcement authority.

    Sec. 3119. Enforcement.

    Sec. 3120. Retail commodity transactions.

    Sec. 3121. Large swap trader reporting.

    Sec. 3122. Segregation of assets held as collateral in swap transactions.

    Sec. 3123. Other authority.

    Sec. 3124. Antitrust.

    Sec. 3125. Review of prior actions.

    Sec. 3126. Expedited process.

    Sec. 3127. Effective date.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Subtitle BRegulation of Security-Based Swap Markets

    Sec. 3201. Definitions under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

    Sec. 3202. Repeal of prohibition on regulation of security-based swaps.

    Sec. 3203. Amendments to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

    Sec. 3204. Registration and regulation of swap dealers and major swap partici-


    Sec. 3205. Reporting and recordkeeping.

    Sec. 3206. State gaming and bucket shop laws.

    Sec. 3207. Amendments to the Securities Act of 1933; treatment of security-

    based swaps.

    Sec. 3208. Other authority.

    Sec. 3209. Jurisdiction.

    Sec. 3210. Effective date.

    Subtitle CImproved Financial and Commodity Markets Oversight and


    Sec. 3301. Elevation of certain Inspectors General to appointment pursuant to

    section 3 of the Inspector General Act of 1978.

    Sec. 3302. Continuation of provisions relating to personnel.Sec. 3303. Corrective responses by heads of certain establishments to defi-

    ciencies identified by Inspectors General.

    Sec. 3304. Effective date; transition rule.

    Sec. 3305. Authority of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to define

    commercial risk, operating risk, and balance sheet risk.

    Sec. 3306. Conflicts of interest in clearing organizations.

    Sec. 3307. Definitions of major swap participant and major security-based

    swap participant.


    Sec. 4001. Short title.

    Sec. 4002. Definitions.

    Subtitle AEstablishment of the Agency

    Sec. 4101. Establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

    Sec. 4102. Director.

    Sec. 4103. Establishment and composition of the commission.

    Sec. 4104. Consumer Financial Protection Oversight Board.

    Sec. 4105. Executive and administrative powers.

    Sec. 4106. Administration.

    Sec. 4107. Consumer Advisory Board.

    Sec. 4108. Coordination.

    Sec. 4109. Reports to the Congress.

    Sec. 4110. GAO small business studies.Sec. 4111. Funding; fees and assessments; penalties and fines.

    Sec. 4112. Amendments relating to other administrative provisions.

    Sec. 4113. Oversight by GAO.

    Sec. 4114. Effective date.

    Subtitle BGeneral Powers of the Director and Agency

    Sec. 4201. Mandate and objectives.

    Sec. 4202. Authorities.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 4203. Examination and enforcement for small banks, thrifts, and credit


    Sec. 4204. Simultaneous and coordinated supervisory action.

    Sec. 4205. Limitations on authority of agency and director.

    Sec. 4206. Collection of information; confidentiality regulations.

    Sec. 4207. Monitoring; assessments of significant regulations; reports.

    Sec. 4208. Authority to restrict mandatory predispute arbitration.Sec. 4209. Registration and supervision of nondepository covered persons.

    Sec. 4210. Effective date.

    Subtitle CSpecific Authorities

    Sec. 4301. Prohibiting unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices.

    Sec. 4302. Disclosures.

    Sec. 4303. Sales practices.

    Sec. 4304. Pilot disclosures.

    Sec. 4305. Adopting operational standards to deter unfair, deceptive, or abusive


    Sec. 4306. Duties.

    Sec. 4307. Consumer rights to access information.

    Sec. 4308. Prohibited acts.

    Sec. 4309. Treatment of remittance transfers.

    Sec. 4310. Effective date.

    Sec. 4311. No authority to require the offering of financial products or services.

    Sec. 4312. Appraisal independence requirements.

    Sec. 4313. Overdraft protection notice requirements.

    Sec. 4314. Review, report, and program with respect to exchange facilitators.

    Sec. 4315. Regulation of person-to-person lending.

    Sec. 4316. Treatment of reverse mortgages.

    Subtitle DPreservation of State Law

    Sec. 4401. Relation to State law.

    Sec. 4402. Preservation of enforcement powers of States.

    Sec. 4403. Preservation of existing contracts.

    Sec. 4404. State law preemption standards for national banks and subsidiaries


    Sec. 4405. Visitorial standards.

    Sec. 4406. Clarification of law applicable to nondepository institution subsidi-


    Sec. 4407. State law preemption standards for Federal savings associations and

    subsidiaries clarified.

    Sec. 4408. Visitorial standards.

    Sec. 4409. Clarification of law applicable to nondepository institution subsidi-


    Sec. 4410. Effective date.

    Subtitle EEnforcement Powers

    Sec. 4501. Definitions.

    Sec. 4502. Investigations and administrative discovery.

    Sec. 4503. Hearings and adjudication proceedings.

    Sec. 4504. Litigation authority.

    Sec. 4505. Relief available.

    Sec. 4506. Referrals for criminal proceedings.

    Sec. 4507. Employee protection.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 4508. No private right of action.

    Sec. 4509. Effective date.

    Subtitle FTransfer of Functions and Personnel; Transitional Provisions

    Sec. 4601. Transfer of certain functions.

    Sec. 4602. Designated transfer date.

    Sec. 4603. Savings provisions.Sec. 4604. Transfer of certain personnel.

    Sec. 4605. Incidental transfers.

    Sec. 4606. Interim authority of the Secretary.

    Subtitle GRegulatory Improvements

    Sec. 4701. Collection of deposit account data.

    Sec. 4702. Small business data collection.

    Sec. 4703. Annual financial autopsy.

    Sec. 4704. Reporting of mortgage data by State.

    Subtitle HConforming Amendments

    Sec. 4801. Amendments to the Inspector General Act of 1978.

    Sec. 4802. Amendments to the Privacy Act of 1974.

    Sec. 4803. Amendments to the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act of


    Sec. 4804. Amendments to the Consumer Credit Protection Act.

    Sec. 4805. Amendments to the Expedited Funds Availability Act.

    Sec. 4806. Amendments to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.

    Sec. 4807. Amendments to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

    Sec. 4808. Amendments to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975.

    Sec. 4809. Amendments to division D of the Omnibus Appropriations Act,


    Sec. 4810. Amendments to the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998.

    Sec. 4811. Amendments to the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974.Sec. 4812. Amendments to the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978.

    Sec. 4813. Amendments to the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Li-

    censing Act of 2008.

    Sec. 4814. Amendments to the Truth in Savings Act.

    Sec. 4815. Amendments to the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud Abuse and

    Prevention Act.

    Sec. 4816. Membership in Financial Literacy and Education Commission.

    Sec. 4817. Effective date.

    Sec. 4818. Amendments to Truth in Lending Act.

    Subtitle IImprovements to the Federal Trade Commission Act

    Sec. 4901. Amendments to the Federal Trade Commission Act.

    Subtitle JMiscellaneous

    Sec. 4951. Requirements for State-licensed loan originators.


    Subtitle APrivate Fund Investment Advisers Registration Act

    Sec. 5001. Short title.

    Sec. 5002. Definitions.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 5003. Elimination of private adviser exemption; Limited exemption for for-

    eign private fund advisers; Limited intrastate exemption.

    Sec. 5004. Collection of data.

    Sec. 5005. Elimination of disclosure provision.

    Sec. 5006. Exemption of and reporting by venture capital fund advisers.

    Sec. 5007. Exemption of and reporting by certain private fund advisers.

    Sec. 5008. Clarification of rulemaking authority.Sec. 5009. GAO study.

    Sec. 5010. Effective date; Transition period.

    Sec. 5011. Qualified client standard.

    Subtitle BAccountability and Transparency in Rating Agencies Act

    Sec. 6001. Short title.

    Sec. 6002. Enhanced regulation of nationally recognized statistical rating orga-


    Sec. 6003. Standards for private actions.

    Sec. 6004. Issuer disclosure of preliminary ratings.

    Sec. 6005. Change to designation.

    Sec. 6006. Timeline for regulations.

    Sec. 6007. Elimination of exemption from fair disclosure rule.

    Sec. 6008. Advisory Board.

    Sec. 6009. Removal of statutory references to credit ratings.

    Sec. 6010. Review of reliance on ratings.

    Sec. 6011. Publication of rating histories on the EDGAR system.

    Sec. 6012. Effect of Rule 436(g).

    Sec. 6013. Studies.

    Subtitle CInvestor Protection Act

    Sec. 7001. Short title.


    Sec. 7101. Investor Advisory Committee established.

    Sec. 7102. Clarification of the Commissions authority to engage in consumer


    Sec. 7103. Establishment of a fiduciary duty for brokers, dealers, and invest-

    ment advisers, and harmonization of regulation.

    Sec. 7104. Commission study and rulemaking on disclosure to retail customers

    before purchase of products or services.

    Sec. 7105. Beneficial ownership and short-swing profit reporting.

    Sec. 7106. Revision to recordkeeping rules.

    Sec. 7107. Study on enhancing investment adviser examinations.

    Sec. 7108. GAO study of financial planning.


    Sec. 7201. Authority to restrict mandatory pre-dispute arbitration.

    Sec. 7202. Comptroller General study to review securities arbitration system.

    Sec. 7203. Whistleblower protection.

    Sec. 7204. Conforming amendments for whistleblower protection.

    Sec. 7205. Implementation and transition provisions for whistleblower protec-


    Sec. 7206. Collateral bars.

    Sec. 7207. Aiding and abetting authority under the Securities Act and the In-

    vestment Company Act.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 7208. Authority to impose penalties for aiding and abetting violations of

    the Investment Advisers Act.

    Sec. 7209. Deadline for completing examinations, inspections and enforcement


    Sec. 7210. Nationwide service of subpoenas.

    Sec. 7211. Authority to impose civil penalties in cease and desist proceedings.

    Sec. 7212. Formerly associated persons.Sec. 7213. Sharing privileged information with other authorities.

    Sec. 7214. Expanded access to grand jury information.

    Sec. 7215. Aiding and abetting standard of knowledge satisfied by recklessness.

    Sec. 7216. Extraterritorial jurisdiction of the antifraud provisions of the Fed-

    eral securities laws.

    Sec. 7217. Fidelity bonding.

    Sec. 7218. Enhanced SEC authority to conduct surveillance and risk assess-


    Sec. 7219. Investment company examinations.

    Sec. 7220. Control person liability under the Securities Exchange Act.

    Sec. 7221. Enhanced application of anti-fraud provisions.

    Sec. 7222. SEC authority to issue rules on proxy access.


    Sec. 7301. Authorization of appropriations.

    Sec. 7302. Investment adviser regulation funding.

    Sec. 7303. Amendments to section 31 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

    Sec. 7304. Commission organizational study and reform.

    Sec. 7305. Capital Markets Safety Board.

    Sec. 7306. Report on implementation of post-Madoff reforms.

    Sec. 7307. Joint Advisory Committee.


    Sec. 7401. Regulation of securities lending.

    Sec. 7402. Lost and stolen securities.

    Sec. 7403. Fingerprinting.

    Sec. 7404. Equal treatment of self-regulatory organization rules.

    Sec. 7405. Clarification that section 205 of the Investment Advisers Act of

    1940 does not apply to State-registered advisers.

    Sec. 7406. Conforming amendments for the repeal of the Public Utility Holding

    Company Act of 1935.

    Sec. 7407. Promoting transparency in financial reporting.

    Sec. 7408. Unlawful margin lending.

    Sec. 7409. Protecting confidentiality of materials submitted to the Commission.

    Sec. 7410. Technical corrections.

    Sec. 7411. Municipal securities.

    Sec. 7412. Interested person definition.

    Sec. 7413. Rulemaking authority to protect redeeming investors.

    Sec. 7414. Study on SEC revolving door.

    Sec. 7415. Study on internal control evaluation and reporting cost burdens on

    smaller issuers.

    Sec. 7416. Analysis of rule regarding smaller reporting companies.

    Sec. 7417. Financial Reporting Forum.

    Sec. 7418. Investment advisers subject to State authorities.

    Sec. 7419. Custodial requirements.

    Sec. 7420. Ombudsman.

    Sec. 7421. Notice to missing security holders.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 7422. Short sale reforms.

    Sec. 7423. Streamlining of SEC filing procedures.


    Sec. 7501. Increasing the minimum assessment paid by SIPC members.

    Sec. 7502. Increasing the borrowing limit on treasury loans.

    Sec. 7503. Increasing the cash limit of protection.Sec. 7504. SIPC as trustee in SIPA liquidation proceedings.

    Sec. 7505. Insiders ineligible for SIPC advances.

    Sec. 7506. Eligibility for direct payment procedure.

    Sec. 7507. Increasing the fine for prohibited acts under SIPA.

    Sec. 7508. Penalty for misrepresentation of SIPC membership or protection.

    Sec. 7509. Futures held in a portfolio margin securities account protection.

    Sec. 7510. Study and report on the feasibility of risk-based assessments for

    SIPC members.


    Sec. 7601. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board oversight of auditors

    of brokers and dealers.Sec. 7602. Foreign regulatory information sharing.

    Sec. 7603. Expansion of audit information to be produced and exchanged with

    foreign counterparts.

    Sec. 7604. Conforming amendment related to registration.

    Sec. 7605. Fair fund amendments.

    Sec. 7606. Exemption for nonaccelerated filers.

    Sec. 7607. Whistleblower protection against retaliation by a subsidiary of an


    Sec. 7608. Congressional access to information.

    Sec. 7609. Creation of ombudsman for the PCAOB.

    Sec. 7610. Auditing Oversight Board.


    Sec. 7701. Findings.

    Sec. 7702. Definitions.

    Sec. 7703. Grants to States for enhanced protection of seniors from being mis-

    led by false designations.

    Sec. 7704. Applications.

    Sec. 7705. Length of participation.

    Sec. 7706. Authorization of appropriations.


    Sec. 7801. Municipal financial adviser registration requirement.

    Sec. 7802. Conforming amendments.

    Sec. 7803. Effective dates.


    Sec. 8001. Short title.

    Sec. 8002. Federal Insurance Office established.

    Sec. 8003. Report on global reinsurance market.

    Sec. 8004. Study on modernization and improvement of insurance regulation in

    the United States.

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    Sec. 8005. Sense of Congress regarding simplified mortgage contract sum-




    Sec. 9000. Short title; designation as enumerated consumer law.

    Subtitle AResidential Mortgage Loan Origination Standards

    Sec. 9001. Definitions.

    Sec. 9002. Residential mortgage loan origination.

    Sec. 9003. Prohibition on steering incentives.

    Sec. 9004. Liability.

    Sec. 9005. Regulations.

    Sec. 9006. Study of shared appreciation mortgages.

    Subtitle BMinimum Standards For Mortgages

    Sec. 9101. Ability to repay.

    Sec. 9102. Net tangible benefit for refinancing of residential mortgage loans.

    Sec. 9103. Safe harbor and rebuttable presumption.

    Sec. 9104. Liability.

    Sec. 9105. Defense to foreclosure.

    Sec. 9106. Additional standards and requirements.

    Sec. 9107. Rule of construction.

    Sec. 9108. Effect on State laws.

    Sec. 9109. Regulations.

    Sec. 9110. Amendments to civil liability provisions.

    Sec. 9111. Lender rights in the context of borrower deception.

    Sec. 9112. Six-month notice required before reset of hybrid adjustable rate


    Sec. 9113. Required disclosures.

    Sec. 9114. Disclosures required in monthly statements for residential mortgageloans.

    Sec. 9115. Legal assistance for foreclosure-related issues.

    Sec. 9116. Effective date.

    Sec. 9117. Report by the GAO.

    Sec. 9118. State Attorney General enforcement authority.

    Subtitle CHigh-Cost Mortgages

    Sec. 9201. Definitions relating to high-cost mortgages.

    Sec. 9202. Amendments to existing requirements for certain mortgages.

    Sec. 9203. Additional requirements for certain mortgages.

    Sec. 9204. Regulations.

    Sec. 9205. Effective date.

    Subtitle DOffice of Housing Counseling

    Sec. 9301. Short title.

    Sec. 9302. Establishment of Office of Housing Counseling.

    Sec. 9303. Counseling procedures.

    Sec. 9304. Grants for housing counseling assistance.

    Sec. 9305. Requirements to use HUD-certified counselors under HUD pro-


    Sec. 9306. Study of defaults and foreclosures.

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 9307. Default and foreclosure database.

    Sec. 9308. Definitions for counseling-related programs.

    Sec. 9309. Accountability and transparency for grant recipients.

    Sec. 9310. Updating and simplification of mortgage information booklet.

    Sec. 9311. Home inspection counseling.

    Sec. 9312. Warnings to homeowners of foreclosure rescue scams.

    Subtitle EMortgage Servicing

    Sec. 9401. Escrow and impound accounts relating to certain consumer credit


    Sec. 9402. Disclosure notice required for consumers who waive escrow services.

    Sec. 9403. Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 amendments.

    Sec. 9404. Truth in Lending Act amendments.

    Sec. 9405. Escrows included in repayment analysis.

    Subtitle FAppraisal Activities

    Sec. 9501. Property appraisal requirements.

    Sec. 9502. Unfair and deceptive practices and acts relating to certain consumer

    credit transactions.Sec. 9503. Amendments relating to Appraisal Subcommittee of FIEC, Ap-

    praiser Independence Monitoring, Approved Appraiser Edu-

    cation, Appraisal Management Companies, Appraiser Com-

    plaint Hotline, Automated Valuation Models, and Broker Price


    Sec. 9504. Study required on improvements in appraisal process and compli-

    ance programs.

    Sec. 9505. Equal Credit Opportunity Act amendment.

    Sec. 9506. Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 amendment relating

    to certain appraisal fees.

    Subtitle GSense of Congress Regarding the Importance of Government

    Sponsored Enterprises Reform

    Sec. 9601. Sense of Congress regarding the importance of Government-spon-

    sored enterprises reform to enhance the protection, limitation,

    and regulation of the terms of residential mortgage credit.

    Subtitle HReports and Data Collection

    Sec. 9701. GAO study report on government efforts to combat mortgage fore-

    closure rescue scams and loan modification fraud.

    Sec. 9702. Reporting of mortgage data by State.

    Subtitle IMultifamily Mortgage Resolution

    Sec. 9801. Multifamily mortgage resolution program.

    Subtitle JStudy of Effect of Drywall Presence on Foreclosures

    Sec. 9901. Study of effect of drywall presence on foreclosures.

    Subtitle KHome Affordable Modification Program

    Sec. 9911. Home Affordable Modification Program guidelines.

    Subtitle LMaking Home Affordable Program

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    HR 4173 RFS

    Sec. 9921. Public availability of information.



    Sec. 10001. Emergency mortgage relief.

    Sec. 10002. Additional assistance for Neighborhood Stabilization Program.


    Sec. 10051. Short title.

    Sec. 10052. Effective date.

    Subtitle ANonadmitted Insurance

    Sec. 10101. Reporting, payment, and allocation of premium taxes.

    Sec. 10102. Regulation of nonadmitted insurance by insureds home state.

    Sec. 10103. Participation in national producer database.

    Sec. 10104. Uniform standards for surplus lines eligibility.

    Sec. 10105. Streamlined application for commercial purchasers.

    Sec. 10106. GAO study of nonadmitted insurance market.

    Sec. 10107. Definitions.

    Subtitle BReinsurance

    Sec. 10201. Regulation of credit for reinsurance and reinsurance agreements.

    Sec. 10202. Regulation of reinsurer solvency.

    Sec. 10203. Definitions.

    Subtitle CRule of Construction

    Sec. 10301. Rule of construction.

    Sec. 10302. Severability.


    Sec. 11001. Interest-bearing transaction accounts authorized.




    (a) SHORT TITLE.This title may be cited as the4

    Financial Stability Improvement Act of 2009.5

    (b) DEFINITIONS.For purposes of this title, the fol-6

    lowing definitions shall apply:7

    (1) The term Board means the Board of8

    Governors of the Federal Reserve System.9

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    (2) The term Council means the Financial1

    Services Oversight Council established under section2


    (3) The term Federal financial regulatory4

    agency means any agency that has a voting mem-5

    ber of the Council as set forth in section 1001(b)(1).6

    (4) The term financial company means a7

    company or other entity8

    (A) that is9

    (i) incorporated or organized under10

    the laws of the United States or any State,11

    territory, or possession of the United12

    States, the District of Columbia, Common-13

    wealth of Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of14

    Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Amer-15

    ican Samoa, or the United States Virgin16

    Islands; or17

    (ii) a company incorporated in or or-18

    ganized in a country other than the United19

    States that has significant operations in20

    the United States (hereafter in this title21

    referred to as a foreign financial parent)22

    after through23

    (I) a Federal or State branch or24

    agency of a foreign bank as such25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    terms are defined in the International1

    Banking Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 31012

    et seq.); or3

    (II) a United States affiliate or4

    other United States operating entity;5

    (B) that is, in whole or in part, directly or6

    indirectly, engaged in financial activities; and7

    (C) that is not a Farm Credit System in-8

    stitution chartered under and subject to the9

    provisions of the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as10

    amended (12 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.).11


    STRICTER STANDARDS.The term financial holding13

    company subject to stricter standards means14

    (A) a financial company that has been sub-15

    jected to stricter prudential standards under16

    subtitle B; or17

    (B) in the case of a financial company de-18

    scribed in subparagraph (A) that is required to19

    establish an intermediate holding company20

    under section 6 of the Bank Holding Company21

    Act, the section 6 holding company through22

    which the financial company is required to con-23

    duct its financial activities.24

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    (6) The term primary financial regulatory1

    agency means the following:2

    (A) The Comptroller of the Currency, with3

    respect to any national bank, any Federal4

    branch or Federal agency of a foreign bank,5

    and, after the date on which the functions of6

    the Office of Thrift Supervision and the Direc-7

    tor of the Office of Thrift Supervision are8

    transferred under subtitle C, a Federal savings9


    (B) The Board, with respect to11

    (i) any State member bank;12

    (ii) any bank holding company and13

    any subsidiary of such company (as such14

    terms are defined in the Bank Holding15

    Company Act), other than a subsidiary16

    that is described in any other subpara-17

    graph of this paragraph to the extent that18

    the subsidiary is engaged in an activity de-19

    scribed in such subparagraph;20

    (iii) any financial holding company21

    subject to stricter standards and any sub-22

    sidiary (as such term is defined in the23

    Bank Holding Company Act) of such com-24

    pany, other than a subsidiary that is de-25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    scribed in any other subparagraph of this1

    paragraph to the extent that the subsidiary2

    is engaged in an activity described in such3


    (iv) after the date on which the func-5

    tions of the Office of Thrift Supervision6

    are transferred under subtitle C, any sav-7

    ings and loan holding company (as defined8

    in section 10(a)(1)(D) of the Home Own-9

    ers Loan Act) and any subsidiary (as such10

    term is defined in the Bank Holding Com-11

    pany Act of 1956) of such company, other12

    than a subsidiary that is described in any13

    other subparagraph of this paragraph, to14

    the extent that the subsidiary is engaged15

    in an activity described in such subpara-16


    (v) any organization organized and18

    operated under section 25 or 25A of the19

    Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 601 et20

    seq. or 611 et seq.); and21

    (vi) any foreign bank or company that22

    is treated as a bank holding company23

    under subsection (a) of section 8 of the24

    International Banking Act of 1978 and25

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    any subsidiary (other than a bank or other1

    subsidiary that is described in any other2

    subparagraph of this paragraph) of any3

    such foreign bank or company.4

    (C) The Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-5

    poration, with respect to any State nonmember6

    bank, any insured State branch of a foreign7

    bank (as such terms are defined in section 3 of8

    the Federal Deposit Insurance Act), and, after9

    the date on which the functions of the Office of10

    Thrift Supervision are transferred under sub-11

    title C, any State savings association.12

    (D) The National Credit Union Adminis-13

    tration, with respect to any insured credit union14

    under the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C.15

    1751 et seq.).16

    (E) The Securities and Exchange Commis-17

    sion, with respect to18

    (i) any broker or dealer registered19

    with the Securities and Exchange Commis-20

    sion under the Securities Exchange Act of21

    1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.);22

    (ii) any investment company reg-23

    istered with the Securities and Exchange24

    Commission under the Investment Com-25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    pany Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a1 et1


    (iii) any investment adviser registered3

    with the Securities and Exchange Commis-4

    sion under the Investment Advisers Act of5

    1940 (15 U.S.C. 80b1 et seq.) with re-6

    spect to the investment advisory activities7

    of such company and activities incidental8

    to such advisory activities;9

    (iv) any clearing agency (as defined in10

    section 3(a)(23) of the Securities Ex-11

    change Act of 1934);12

    (v) a securities-based swap execution13

    facility that is registered with the Securi-14

    ties and Exchange Commission under the15

    Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (1516

    U.S.C. 78a et seq.);17

    (vi) any exchange registered as a na-18

    tional securities exchange with the Securi-19

    ties and Exchange Commission under the20

    Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (1521

    U.S.C. 78a et seq.);22

    (vii) any credit rating agency reg-23

    istered with the Securities and Exchange24

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    Commission under the Securities Exchange1

    Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.);2

    (viii) any securities information proc-3

    essor registered with the Securities and4

    Exchange Commission under the Securities5

    Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a et6

    seq.); and7

    (ix) any transfer agent registered with8

    the Securities and Exchange Commission9

    under the Securities Exchange Act of 193410

    (15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.).11

    (F) The Commodity Futures Trading12

    Commission, with respect to13

    (i) any futures commission merchant,14

    any commodity trading adviser, any retail15

    foreign exchange dealer, and any com-16

    modity pool operator registered with the17

    Commodity Futures Trading Commission18

    under the Commodity Exchange Act (719

    U.S.C. 1 et seq.) with respect to the com-20

    modities activities of such entity and ac-21

    tivities incidental to such commodities ac-22

    tivities; and23

    (ii) any derivatives clearing organiza-24

    tion, designated contract market, or swap25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    execution facility (as defined in the Com-1

    modity Exchange Act).2

    (G) The Federal Housing Finance Agency3

    with respect to the Federal National Mortgage4

    Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage5

    Corporation, and the Federal home loan banks.6

    (H) The State insurance authority of the7

    State in which an insurance company is domi-8

    ciled, with respect to the insurance activities9

    and activities incidental to such insurance ac-10

    tivities of an insurance company that is subject11

    to supervision by the State insurance authority12

    under State insurance law.13

    (I) The Office of Thrift Supervision, with14

    respect to any Federal savings association,15

    State savings association, or savings and loan16

    holding company, until the date on which the17

    functions of the Office of Thrift Supervision are18

    transferred under subtitle C.19


    (A) AFFILIATE.The term affiliate has21

    the meaning given such term in section 2(k) of22

    the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956.23


    MEMBER BANK.The terms State member25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    bank and State nonmember bank have the1

    same meanings as in subsections (d)(2) and2

    (e)(2), respectively, of section 3 of the Federal3

    Deposit Insurance Act.4



    (a) IN GENERAL.Notwithstanding any other provi-7

    sion of law, the Comptroller General of the United States8

    shall perform an audit of all actions taken by the Board9

    of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Fed-10

    eral reserve banks during the current economic crisis pur-11

    suant to the authority granted under section 13(c) of the12

    Federal Reserve Act. Such audit shall be completed as ex-13

    peditiously as possible, but no later than 2 years, after14

    the date of the enactment of the Financial Stability Im-15

    provement Act of 2009.16

    (b) REPORT.17

    (1) REQUIRED.Not later than the end of the18

    90-day period beginning on the date the audit re-19

    ferred to in subsection (a) is completed, the Comp-20

    troller General of the United States shall submit a21

    report to the Congress, and make such report avail-22

    able to the public.23

    (2) CONTENTS.The report under paragraph24

    (1) shall include a detailed description of the find-25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    ings and conclusion of the Comptroller General with1

    respect to the audit that is the subject of the report,2

    together with such recommendations for legislative3

    or administrative action as the Comptroller General4

    may determine to be appropriate.5

    Subtitle AThe Financial Services6

    Oversight Council7



    (a) ESTABLISHMENT.Immediately upon enactment10

    of this title, there is established a Financial Services Over-11

    sight Council.12

    (b) MEMBERSHIP.The Council shall consist of the13


    (1) VOTING MEMBERS.Voting members, who15

    shall each have one vote on the Council, as follows:16

    (A) The Secretary of the Treasury, who17

    shall serve as the Chairman of the Council.18

    (B) The Chairman of the Board of Gov-19

    ernors of the Federal Reserve System.20

    (C) The Comptroller of the Currency.21

    (D) The Director of the Office of Thrift22

    Supervision, until the functions of the Director23

    of the Office of Thrift Supervision are trans-24

    ferred pursuant to subtitle C.25

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    (E) The Chairman of the Securities and1

    Exchange Commission.2

    (F) The Chairman of the Commodity Fu-3

    tures Trading Commission.4

    (G) The Chairperson of the Federal De-5

    posit Insurance Corporation.6

    (H) The Director of the Federal Housing7

    Finance Agency.8

    (I) The Chairman of the National Credit9

    Union Administration.10

    (J) The head of the Consumer Financial11

    Protection Agency.12

    (2) NONVOTING MEMBERS.Nonvoting mem-13

    bers, who shall serve in an advisory capacity and14

    shall not be excluded from any of the Councils pro-15

    ceedings, meetings, discussions, and deliberations:16

    (A) The Director of the Federal Insurance17


    (B) A State insurance commissioner, to be19

    designated by a selection process determined by20

    the State insurance commissioners, provided21

    that the term for which a State insurance com-22

    missioner may serve shall last no more than the23

    2-year period beginning on the date that the24

    commissioner is selected.25

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    (C) A State banking supervisor, to be des-1

    ignated by a selection process determined by2

    the State bank supervisors, provided that the3

    term for which a State banking supervisor may4

    serve shall last no more than the 2-year period5

    beginning on the date that the supervisor is se-6


    (D) A State securities commissioner (or an8

    officer performing like functions), to be des-9

    ignated by a selection process determined by10

    such State securities commissioners, provided11

    that the term for which a State securities com-12

    missioner may serve shall last no more than the13

    2-year period beginning on the date that the14

    commissioner is selected.15

    (c) DUTIES.The Council shall have the following16


    (1) To advise the Congress on financial domes-18

    tic and international regulatory developments, in-19

    cluding insurance and accounting developments, and20

    make recommendations that will enhance the integ-21

    rity, efficiency, competitiveness, and stability of the22

    United States financial markets.23

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    (2) To monitor the financial services market-1

    place to identify potential threats to the stability of2

    the United States financial system.3

    (3) To identify potential threats to the stability4

    of the United States financial system that do not5

    arise out of the financial services marketplace.6

    (4) To develop strategies (and conduct exercises7

    in furtherance of those strategies) to prepare for po-8

    tential threats identified under paragraphs (2) and9

    (3). In doing so, the Council shall collaborate with10

    participants in the financial sector, financial sector11

    coordinating councils, and any other parties the12

    Council determines to be appropriate.13

    (5) To subject financial companies and financial14

    activities to stricter prudential standards in order to15

    promote financial stability and mitigate systemic16

    risk in accordance with subtitle B.17

    (6) To issue formal recommendations that a18

    Council member agency adopt stricter prudential19

    standards for firms it regulates to mitigate systemic20

    risk in accordance with subtitle B of this title.21

    (7) To monitor international regulatory develop-22

    ments, including both insurance and accounting de-23

    velopments, and to identify those developments that24

    may conflict with the policies of the United States25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    or place United States financial services firms or1

    United States financial markets at a competitive dis-2


    (8) To facilitate information sharing and co-4

    ordination among the members of the Council re-5

    garding financial services policy development,6

    rulemakings, examinations, reporting requirements,7

    and enforcement actions.8

    (9) To provide a forum for discussion and anal-9

    ysis of emerging market developments and financial10

    regulatory issues among its members.11

    (10) At the request of an agency that is a12

    Council member, to resolve a jurisdictional dispute13

    between that agency and another agency that is a14

    Council member in accordance with section 1002.15

    (11) To review and submit comments to the Se-16

    curities and Exchange Commission and any stand-17

    ards setting body with respect to an existing or pro-18

    posed accounting principle, standard, or procedure.19




    Council shall resolve a dispute among 2 or more Federal23

    financial regulatory agencies if24

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    (1) a Federal financial regulatory agency has a1

    dispute with another Federal financial regulatory2

    agency about the agencies respective jurisdiction3

    over a particular financial company or financial ac-4

    tivity or product (excluding matters for which a dis-5

    pute mechanism specifically has been provided under6

    section 4204 or title III);7

    (2) the disputing agencies cannot, after a dem-8

    onstrated good faith effort, resolve the dispute9

    among themselves; and10

    (3) any of the Federal financial regulatory11

    agencies involved in the dispute12

    (A) provides all other disputants prior no-13

    tice of its intent to request dispute resolution14

    by the Council; and15

    (B) requests in writing, no earlier than 1416

    days after providing the notice described in17

    paragraph (A), that the Council resolve the dis-18


    (b) COUNCIL DECISION.The Council shall decide20

    the dispute21

    (1) within a reasonable time after receiving the22

    dispute resolution request;23

    (2) after consideration of relevant information24

    provided by each party to the dispute; and25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    (3) by agreeing with 1 of the disputants regard-1

    ing the entirety of the matter or by determining a2

    compromise position.3

    (c) FORM AND BINDING EFFECT.A Council deci-4

    sion under this section shall be in writing and include an5

    explanation and shall be binding on all Federal financial6

    regulatory agencies that are parties to the dispute.7



    The Council is authorized to appoint10

    (1) subsidiary working groups composed of11

    Council members and their staff, Council staff, or a12

    combination; and13

    (2) such temporary special advisory, technical,14

    or professional committees as may be useful in car-15

    rying out its functions, which may be composed of16

    Council members and their staff, other persons, or17

    a combination.18



    (a) MEETINGS.The Council shall meet as fre-21

    quently as the Chairman deems necessary, but not less22

    than quarterly.23

    (b) VOTING.Unless otherwise provided, the Council24

    shall make all decisions the Council is required or author-25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    ized to make by a majority of the total voting membership1

    of the Council under section 1001(b)(1).2



    retary of the Treasury shall and all other voting members5

    of the Council may, with the approval of the Council6

    (1) detail permanent staff from the Department7

    of the Treasury to provide the Council (and any8

    temporary special advisory, technical, or professional9

    committees appointed by the Council) with profes-10

    sional and expert support; and11

    (2) provide such other services and facilities12

    necessary for the performance of the Councils func-13

    tions and fulfillment of the duties and mission of the14



    tion to the assistance prescribed in subsection (a), depart-17

    ments and agencies of the United States may, with the18

    approval of the Council19

    (1) detail department or agency staff on a tem-20

    porary basis to provide additional support to the21

    Council (and any special advisory, technical, or pro-22

    fessional committees appointed by the Council); and23

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    (2) provide such services, and facilities as the1

    other departments or agencies may determine advis-2



    (1) STATUS.Staff detailed to the Council by5

    the Secretary of the Treasury and other United6

    States departments or agencies shall7

    (A) report to and be subject to oversight8

    by the Council during their assignment to the9

    Council; and10

    (B) be compensated by the department of11

    agency from which the staff was detailed.12

    (2) FUNDING.The administrative expense of13

    the Council shall be paid by the departments and14

    agencies represented by voting members of the15

    Council on an equal basis.16


    (a) IN GENERAL.Semiannually the Council shall18

    submit a report to the Committee on Ways and Means,19

    the Committee on Agriculture, and the Committee on Fi-20

    nancial Services of the House of Representatives and the21

    Committee on Finance, the Committee on Agriculture,22

    and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-23

    fairs of the Senate, and the Comptroller General of the24

    United States that25

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    (1) describes significant financial and regu-1

    latory developments, including insurance and ac-2

    counting regulations and standards, and assesses the3

    impact of those developments on the stability of the4

    financial system;5

    (2) recommends actions that will improve finan-6

    cial stability;7

    (3) details the size, scale, scope, concentration,8

    activities, and interconnectedness of the 50 largest9

    financial institutions, by total assets, in the United10


    (4) describes strategies developed by the Coun-12

    cil to respond to potential threats to the stability of13

    the United States financial system and the outcome14

    of exercises conducted in furtherance of those strate-15


    (5) describes the nature and scope of any com-17

    pany or activities identified under subtitle B and18

    steps taken to address them; and19

    (6) describes any dispute resolutions under-20

    taken under section 1002 and the result of such res-21



    Not later than 120 days after receiving the report required24

    by subsection (a), the Comptroller General of the United25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    States shall submit an evaluation of such report to the1

    Committee on Ways and Means, the Committee on Agri-2

    culture, and the Committee on Financial Services of the3

    House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance,4

    the Committee on Agriculture, and the Committee on5

    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.6


    COUNCIL.At the time each report is submitted under8

    subsection (a), each voting member of the Council shall9

    (1) if such member believes that the Council,10

    the Government, and the private sector are taking11

    all reasonable steps to ensure financial stability and12

    to prevent systemic risk that would negatively affect13

    the economy, submit a signed statement to the Com-14

    mittee on Ways and Means, the Committee on Agri-15

    culture, and the Committee on Financial Services of16

    the House of Representatives and the Committee on17

    Finance, the Committee on Agriculture, and the18

    Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs19

    of the Senate stating such belief; or20

    (2) if such member does not believe that all rea-21

    sonable steps described under paragraph (1) are22

    being taken, submit a signed statement to the Com-23

    mittee on Ways and Means, the Committee on Agri-24

    culture, and the Committee on Financial Services of25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    the House of Representatives and the Committee on1

    Finance, the Committee on Agriculture, and the2

    Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs3

    of the Senate stating what actions such member be-4

    lieves need to be taken in order to ensure that all5

    reasonable steps described under paragraph (1) are6



    of the Council shall appear before the Committee on Fi-9

    nancial Services of the House of Representatives and the10

    Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of11

    the Senate at a semi-annual hearing, after the report is12

    submitted under subsection (a)13

    (1) to discuss the efforts, activities, objectives,14

    and plans of the Council; and15

    (2) to discuss and answer questions concerning16

    such report.17



    (1) STUDY REQUIRED.The Council shall con-20

    duct a study of the effects that regulations and21

    standards of the Consumer Financial Protection22

    Agency will have on all covered persons (as such23

    term is defined in section 4002(9)), including non-24

    depository institution covered persons. The Director25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency shall1

    take the findings of the study into account when2

    issuing regulations.3


    study shall include an evaluation and assessment of5

    the appropriateness of using APR as a true meas-6

    ure of the value of all nonbank products.7

    (3) SUBMISSION.Not later than 240 days8

    after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Di-9

    rector of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency10

    shall submit the study to Congress and include any11

    recommendations the Director may have for changes12

    in law and regulations to improve consumer protec-13

    tions and maintain access to credit.14


    (a) The Federal Advisory Committee Act shall not16

    apply to the Financial Services Oversight Council, or any17

    special advisory, technical, or professional committees ap-18

    pointed by the Council (except that, if an advisory, tech-19

    nical, or professional committee has one or more members20

    who are not employees of or affiliated with the United21

    States government, the Council shall publish a list of the22

    names of the members of such committee).23

    (b) The Council shall not be deemed an agency for24

    purposes of any State or Federal law.25

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    (a) AUTHORITY TO AUDIT.The Comptroller Gen-2

    eral of the United States may audit the activities and fi-3

    nancial transactions of4

    (1) the Council; and5

    (2) any person or entity acting on behalf of or6

    under the authority of the Council, to the extent7

    such activities and financial transactions relate to8

    such persons or entitys work for the Council.9


    (1) IN GENERAL.Notwithstanding any other11

    provision of law, the Comptroller General of the12

    United States shall have access, upon request and at13

    such reasonable time and in such reasonable form as14

    the Comptroller General may request, to15

    (A) any records or other information under16

    the control of or used by the Council;17

    (B) any records or other information under18

    the control of a person or entity acting on be-19

    half of or under the authority of the Council, to20

    the extent such records or other information is21

    relevant to an audit under subsection (a); and22

    (C) the officers, directors, employees, fi-23

    nancial advisors, staff, working groups, and24

    agents and representatives of the Council (as25

    related to the agents or representatives activi-26

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    HR 4173 RFS

    ties on behalf of the Council) at such reasonable1

    times as the Comptroller General may request.2


    under paragraph (1) includes access to4

    (A) information provided to the Council by5

    its voting and nonvoting members under section6

    1101; and7

    (B) the identity of each financial holding8

    company subject to stricter standards.9

    (3) COPIES.Comptroller General may make10

    and retain copies of such books, accounts, and other11

    records access to which is granted under this provi-12

    sion as the Comptroller General considers appro-13


    (c) PERIODIC EVALUATIONS.The Comptroller Gen-15

    eral of the United States shall periodically evaluate the16

    processes and activities of the Council and the extent to17

    which the Council is fulfilling its duties under this title.18

    The Comptroller General shall submit to the Committee19

    on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and20

    the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs21

    of the Senate a report on the results of each such evalua-22


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    HR 4173 RFS

    Subtitle BPrudential Regulation1

    of Companies and Activities for2

    Financial Stability Purposes3



    For purposes of this subtitle, the Board of Governors6

    of the Federal Reserve System shall act in the capacity7

    of agent for the Council, acting on behalf of the Council.8



    (a) IN GENERAL.The Council and the Board are11

    authorized to receive, and may request the production of,12

    any data or information from members of the Council, as13


    (1) to monitor the financial services market-15

    place to identify potential threats to the stability of16

    the United States financial system;17

    (2) to identify global trends and developments18

    that could pose systemic risks to the stability of the19

    economy of the United States or other economies; or20

    (3) to otherwise carry out any of the provisions21

    of this title, including to ascertain a primary finan-22

    cial regulatory agencys implementation of rec-23

    ommended prudential standards under this subtitle.24

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    standing any provision of law, any voting or nonvoting2

    member of the Council is authorized to provide informa-3

    tion to the Council, and the members of the Council shall4

    maintain the confidentiality of such information.5


    (1) IN GENERAL.The Council or the Board7

    may require the submission of periodic and other re-8

    ports from any financial company solely for the pur-9

    pose of assessing the extent to which a financial ac-10

    tivity or financial market in which the financial com-11

    pany participates, or the company itself, poses a12

    threat to financial stability.13


    requiring the submission of reports from financial15

    companies that are regulated by the primary finan-16

    cial regulatory agencies, the Council or the Board17

    shall coordinate with such agencies and shall, when-18

    ever possible, rely on information already being col-19

    lected by such agencies.20


    FOREIGN FINANCIAL PARENTS.Before requiring22

    the submission of reports from a company that is a23

    foreign financial parent, the Council or the Board24

    shall, to the extent appropriate, coordinate with any25

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    HR 4173 RFS

    appropriate foreign regulator of such company and1

    any appropriate multilateral organization and, when-2

    ever possible, rely on information already being col-3

    lected by such foreign regulator or multilateral orga-4

    nizational with English translation.5


    TIES.The Council or the Board, as appropriate, may7

    consult with Federal and State agencies and other entities8

    (including the Federal Insurance Office) to carry out any9

    of the provisions of this subtitle.10



    Chairman of the Council, in consultation with the13

    other members of the Council, may14

    (A) establish procedures to share data and15

    information collected by the Council under this16

    section with the members of the Council;17

    (B) develop an electronic process for shar-18

    ing all information collected by the Council with19

    the Chairman of the Board on a real-time basis;20

    (C) issue any regulations necessary to21

    carry out this subsection; and22

    (D) designate the format in which re-23

    quested data and information must be sub-24

    mitted to the Council, including any electronic,25

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    digital, or other format that facilitates the use1

    of such data by the Council in its analysis.2


    Federal financial regulator, State financial regu-4

    lator, United States financial company, foreign fi-5

    nancial company operating in the United States, fi-6

    nancial market utility, or other person shall not be7

    compelled to waive and shall not be deemed to have8

    waived any privilege otherwise applicable to any data9

    or information by transferring the data or informa-10

    tion to, or permitting that data or information to be11

    used by12

    (A) the Council;13

    (B) any Federal financial regulator or14

    State financial regulator, in any capacity; or15

    (C) any other agency of the Federal Gov-16

    ernment (as defined in section 6 of title 18,17

    United States Code).18

    (3) DISCLOSURE EXEMPTION.Any informa-19

    tion obtained by the Council under this section shall20

    be exempt from the disclosure requirements under21

    section 552 of title 5, United States Code.22


    MENTS.Under the supervision of the President,24

    and in a manner consistent with section 207 of the25

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    Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. 3927), the1

    Chairman of the Council, in consultation with the2

    other members of the Council, shall regularly consult3

    with the financial regulatory entities and other ap-4

    propriate organizations of foreign governments or5

    international organizations on matters relating to6

    systemic risk to the international financial system.7

    (5) REPORT.Not later than 6 months after8

    the date of the enactment of this title, the Chairman9

    of the Council shall report to the Financial Services10

    Committee of the House of Representatives and the11

    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee of12

    the Senate the opinion of the Council as to whether13

    setting up an electronic database as described in14

    paragraph (1)(B) would aid the Council in carrying15

    out this section.16





    (a) IN GENERAL.The Council is authorized to issue21

    formal recommendations, publicly or privately, that a Fed-22

    eral financial regulatory agency adopt stricter prudential23

    standards for firms it regulates to mitigate systemic risk.24

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    (1) A Federal financial regulatory agency spe-3

    cifically may, in response to a Council recommenda-4

    tion under this section or otherwise, impose, require5

    reports regarding, examine for compliance with, and6

    enforce stricter prudential standards and safeguards7

    for the firms it regulates to mitigate systemic risk.8

    This authority is in addition to and does not limit9

    any other authority of the Federal financial regu-10

    latory agencies. Compliance by an entity with ac-11

    tions taken by a Federal financial regulatory agency12

    under this section shall be enforceable in accordance13

    with the statutes governing the respective Federal fi-14

    nancial regulatory agencys jurisdiction over the en-15

    tity as if the agency action were taken under those16



    CIAL PARENTS.In applying standards under para-19

    graph (1) to any foreign financial parent, or to any20

    branch of, subsidiary of, or other operating entity21

    related to such foreign financial parent that operates22

    within the United States, the Federal financial regu-23

    latory agency shall24

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    (A) give due regard to the principles of na-1

    tional treatment and equality of competitive op-2

    portunity; and3

    (B) take into account the extent to which4

    the foreign financial parent is subject to com-5

    parable standards on a consolidated basis in the6

    home country of such foreign financial parent7

    that are administered by a comparable foreign8

    supervisory authority.9

    (c) AGENCY NOTICE TO COUNCIL.A Federal finan-10

    cial regulatory agency shall, within 60 days of receiving11

    a Council recommendation under this section, notify the12

    Council in writing regarding13

    (1) the actions the Federal financial regulatory14

    agency has taken in response to the Councils rec-15

    ommendation, additional actions contemplated, and16

    timetables therefore; or17

    (2) the reason the Federal financial regulatory18

    agency has failed to respond to the Councils re-19





    (a) IN GENERAL.The Council shall, in consultation24

    with the Board and any other primary financial regulatory25

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    agency that regulates the financial company or a sub-1

    sidiary of such company, and, in the case of a financial2

    holding company subject to stricter standards that is an3

    insurance company, the Federal Insurance Office, subject4

    a financial company to stricter prudential standards under5

    this subtitle if the Council determines that6

    (1) material financial distress at the company7

    could pose a threat to financial stability or the econ-8

    omy; or9

    (2) the nature, scope, size, scale, concentration,10

    and interconnectedness, or mix of the companys ac-11

    tivities could pose a threat to financial stability or12

    the economy.13

    (b) CRITERIA.In making a determination under14

    subsection (a), the Council shall consider the following cri-15


    (1) The extent of the companys leverage.17

    (2) The extent and nature of the companys off-18

    balance sheet exposures.19

    (3) The extent and nature of the companys20

    transactions and relationships with other financial21


    (4) The companys importance as a source of23

    credit for households, businesses, and State and24

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    local governments and as a source of liquidity for1

    the financial system.2

    (5) The companys importance as a source of3

    credit for low-income, minority, or underserved com-4

    munities and the impact the failure of such company5

    would have on the availability of credit in such com-6


    (6) The extent to which assets are simply man-8

    aged and not owned by the financial company and9

    the extent to which ownership of assets under man-10

    agement is diffuse.11

    (7) The nature, scope, and mix of the com-12

    panys activities.13

    (8) The degree to which the company is already14

    regulated by one or more Federal financial regu-15

    latory agencies or, in the case of a foreign financial16

    parent, the extent to which such foreign parent is17

    subject to prudential standards on a consolidated18

    basis in the home country of such financial parent19

    that are administered and enforced by a comparable20

    foreign supervisory authority.21

    (9) The amount and nature of the companys fi-22

    nancial assets.23

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    (10) The amount and nature of the companys1

    liabilities, including the degree of reliance on short-2

    term funding.3

    (11) Any other factors that the Council deems4


    (c) NOTIFICATION OF DECISION.The Board, in an6

    executive capacity on behalf of the Council, shall imme-7

    diately upon the Councils decision notify the financial8

    company by order, which shall be public, that the financial9

    company is subject to stricter prudential standards, as10

    prescribed by the Board in accordance with section 1104.11




    shall periodically submit a report to the Council con-15

    taining an assessment of whether each company sub-16

    jected to stricter prudential standards should con-17

    tinue to be subject to such standards.18

    (2) REVIEW AND RESCISSION.The Council19


    (A) review the assessment submitted pur-21

    suant to paragraph (1) and any information or22

    recommendation submitted by members of the23

    Council regarding whether a financial holding24

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    HR 4173 RFS

    company subject to stricter standards continues1

    to merit stricter prudential standards; and2

    (B) rescind the action subjecting a com-3

    pany to stricter prudential standards if the4

    Council determines that the company no longer5

    meets the conditions for being subjected to6

    stricter prudential standards in subsections (a)7

    and (b).8

    (e) APPEAL.9

    (1) ADMINISTRATIVE.The Council and the10

    Board, in an executive capacity on behalf of the11

    Council, shall establish a procedure through which a12

    financial company that has been subjected to stricter13

    prudential standards in accordance with this section14

    may appeal being subjected to stricter prudential15


    (2) JUDICIAL REVIEW.Any financial company17

    which has been subjected to stricter prudential18

    standards may seek judicial review by filing a peti-19

    tion for such review in the United States Court of20

    Appeals for the District of Columbia.21





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    ACT.A financial company subject to stricter1

    standards that does not own a bank (as defined2

    in section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act3

    of 1956) and that is not a foreign bank or com-4

    pany that is treated as a bank holding company5

    under section 8 of the International Banking6

    Act of 1978 shall be subject to section 4, sub-7

    sections (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of section8

    5, and section 8 of the Bank Holding Company9

    Act of 1956, and section 8 of the Federal De-10

    posit Insurance Act in the same manner and to11

    the same extent as if