hotel marketing: the digital revolution

the Revolution sessions welcome

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: Hotel Marketing: The Digital Revolution

the Revolutionsessionswelcome

Page 2: Hotel Marketing: The Digital Revolution

What’s fuelingthe Revolution?

1. Internet speed/ubiquity

2. Multiscreen consumers

3. Price transparency

4. eCommerce comfort

5. Hypertargeting

6. ROI tracking

7. Social media

8. CRM Tech

9. OTA effectiveness

10. Search dominance

Page 3: Hotel Marketing: The Digital Revolution

Dealing with internet speed/ubiquity

• 5 seconds: SOA, UVP/Story, Gravitas, Language

• Culture of now

• Big pipes = big experiences


Page 4: Hotel Marketing: The Digital Revolution

Dealing with multi-screen consumers• Responsive website design

• Dynamic content

• The explosion of tablet/mobile


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• Universal rate parity

• Image parity

$Managing Price Transparency


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Avoiding eCommerce Mistakes• Internal rate dissonance

• Test for frictionless dynamic booking

• 3 to 5 steps max

• Reservation Recovery

• Call center 5/60 ratio


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A revolutionin consumer targeting• An explosion of channels and behavioral data

• Model/append your current list

• Geography, behavioral, social


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New ROI Tracking changes everything

• Clicks are for kids... know real ROI

• Last touch is not the only touch

• Responsive media plans

• Real-time dashboards


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Harnessingthe power of Social Media• Consumers don't trust you

• 70% change their minds

• Monitor the conversation 

• Personify your brand

• Social accelerants


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The benefits of CRM• Personalized marketing drives sales/loyalty

• RFM at minimum

• Timely emails to relevant subsets


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OptimizingOTA impact• Important part of a balanced plan

• 70% direct bookers visit an OTA first

• Rate/Image parity

• Improve the 75/25 ratio

• Keep the tax dollars in the Caribbean


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Mastering search engines• Google natural search: 86% start here

• Google Places: Confirm your listing

• Google PPC: Optimize daily

• Google Hotel Finder: Be aware


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Be a revolutionary

1. Instantly gratify always-on consumers

2. Delight on multiple screens

3. Be religious about rate/image parity

4. Don't screw up the booking!

5. Don't spray and pray… Hypertarget!

6. Track real ROI

7. Leverage free reach of social

8. Get personal with CRM

9. Embrace OTAs… in balance

10. Invest in search