
Web Hosting for Beg inners: Some Common Terms and Definitions http:// uk

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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• If you’ve ever wondered what most of the terms related to web hosting mean, then here is a list of definitions that should make things a little clearer. It can be a complicated business finding a web hosting service that meets your needs and doing the right amount of research beforehand can increase your chances of developing a successful and profitable partnership.

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IP Address:• This is different from your web address and stands

for Internet Protocol. It’s a unique sequence of numbers that identifies your location – essentially when someone types in your url, it goes to this address. You need a dedicated IP address if you are going to take orders and have financial transactions on your site.

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Server:• This is the central computer that manages your

website, sending all your information to other computers. This is where your host operates from.

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Shared Hosting:• This is when your site is hosted with everyone else on a

centralised server and everyone shares the resources. It’s usually the cheapest option but has limitations.

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Dedicated Hosting:• This is where you have a dedicated server for your

website and is the more expensive but flexible option, ideally suited to popular ecommerce sites.

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VPS Hosting: Somewhere in between shared and dedicated, this provides a virtual space on a server that acts more like a dedicated server.

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