hosting types in wordpress and woocommerce

I want my eShop! But what is this “hosting” thing?

Upload: frank-maounis

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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I want my eShop!But what is this “hosting” thing?

I am Frank MaounisCo-Founder of Enartia [email protected]

Ecommerce Usage (World)

Ecommerce Usage (Greece)

What are the WooCommerce pains

• You just added WooCommerce plugin to your WordPress and now is slow.

• Don’t worry. This is a very common problem and is due to the way WordPress manages all eCommerce functions

• Google says that a 100-400ms slower site reflects to User Experience (UX) so on sales as well

SQL Options• A dedicated cluster: the most expensive but by design

the more availability (in theory 99.999% uptime)

• A mysql replica: not so expensive, but less uptime (about 99.9%)

• A single mysql: the cheapest, but worst uptime (95-99%)

• NOTE: The uptime numbers are related to the mysql service aliveness/availability, issues like disks are full, potential corruptions or others can affect any of three solutions and make availability to go down

Type of Hosting is important

• The problem is that product pages are coming directly from the DB(classic MySQL server speed bottleneck)

• So hosting a WooCommerce on different infrastructure is seriously impacting your eShop

Scale is not about SKUs or revenue

• When working on sites that need to support high volumes of traffic, like on a Cyber Monday, SKU count won’t help you

• Also revenue is not a metric because also incomplete sales also have a performance cost that needs to be considered

The metric of scale

• The most effective way to measure how well a WooCommerce store will scale is to use “Add to Cart” events or ATCPM

• 200 ATCPM for about $100k / month revenue

• 2.000 ATCPM for about $1MM / month revenue

To host/scale you need expertise in

• Payments gateways

• PCI compliance

• Network redundancy

• Hardware for a failover

• MultiDC deployments

• CDNs

• Load Balancers

• Varnish/Redis cache

Types of hosting

1. Are you a geek dev? Try it locally with Docker!

• How: Download Docker Toolbox and choose your image

• Cost: Free (Yes! but not for public sites)

• Pros: Quick at your laptop

• Cons: You have to be a dev

2. Do you have time and need a solution at the cost of a coffee?

• How: Using a Shared Hosting solution

• Cost: Usually starts around 3-10 euro / month

• Pros: The cheapest way to get online

• Cons: You need time to install WordPress and WooCommerce. You manage everything. Based on shared resources (not suggested for eShops with traffic)

2. Do you have time and need a solution at the cost of a coffee?

2. Do you have time and need a solution at the cost of a coffee?

2. Do you have time and need a solution at the cost of a coffee?

3. Do you care about your time and you have a bigger eShop?• How: Using a managed Wordpress Solution

(suggested for agencies and devs)

• Cost: Usually starts around 15 - 25 euro / month

• Pros: Multiple installs, Managed updates, backups, security and performance (CDN, caching / database optimisation / PHP workers etc)

• Cons: You still need to add and configure WooCommerce via the Wizard

4. Your eShop is making money. You don’t want to spend time on infrastructure?

• How: Using a managed WooCommerce Solution

• Cost: Usually starts around 25 - 100 euro / month

• Pros: Optimised WooCommerce, 1-click demo content, marketing and payment gateways ready, shipment tools ready, SSL, CDN, Caching

• Cons: High price




Before you choose a hosting solution please

• Understand that eShop hosting is different than common hosting

• Your customer makes MONEY (don’t go cheap on him)

• Your customer PAYS MONEY to vendors like Skroutz, AdWords, Facebook

• Your customer PAYS MONEY to affiliates

Do your homework

• Understand your (or your customer’s) needs

• Understand WooCommerce and it’s pains

• Do proactive load testing

• Plan for a failure with your hoster (warm backups, cold deployments, hot infra)

Identify quick Enterprise Customers

• High quantity of data (or products) - independently on traffic

• High quantity of traffic - independently on quantity of data (or products)

Make your Hoster be your Partner not a


