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An Overview of the New Features in ABAP

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An Overview of the New Features in ABAP

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© SAP AG 2006, SAP TechEd ’06 / CD200 / 2


Horst KellerKnowledge Architect, SAP AG

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Learning Objectives

As a result of this lecture, you will have an overview

of many of the new ABAP features available with SAP NetWeaver 04 and SAP NetWeaver 2004sof the new ABAP features coming with the follow-up release

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Regular Expressions (Regexes, REs) are more powerful than traditional SAP patterns (SEARCH txt FOR pat, IF txt CP pat)

Well understood– Developed by mathematician Kleene in the 1950s

Powerful– Highly focused special purpose language– Many common text processing tasks turn into

simple one-liners

Standardized and widely used– Made popular by Unix tools: grep, sed, awk, emacs– Built into some languages like Perl and Java;

add-on libraries available for many others– Early Unix de-facto standard formalized in PCRE and POSIX

ABAP supports POSIX regular expressions as of Release 7.00

Improved Text Processing With REs

Stephen C. KleeneImage © U. of Wisconsin

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Regular Expression Terminology

Regular expressions are built fromLiterals

Special operators (metacharacters)

Prepending \ turns operators into literals

REs match or represent sets of text stringsRE matches text if complete text is represented by RE

REs are commonly used for searching textText to be searched may contain one or more matchesUsually interested in left-most, longest match contained in text

a b c 1 2 3 ä à ß , / = …

. * + ? \ ^ $ ( ) [ ] { }



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Regular Expressions Quick Check

What is the main difference betweens file system wildcardslike *.jpg and regular expressions?

How are SAP patterns

written as regular expressions?

pat pat+ *pat p#*t

pat pat. .*pat p\*t

files: * = sequence of charactersREs: * = general repetition, requires specification

of what should be repeated;sequence of characters becomes .*

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Regex Reference Chart (1)

Name Operator MatchesLiterals a

\*literal characterturn special operator * into literal character *

Sets [abc][^abc][a-z]

any literal character listedany literal character NOT listedany literal character within range listed (can be combined with above)

Classes(to be used within sets)

[:alpha:][:digit:] [:xdigit:] [:alnum:] [:word:][:upper:] [:lower:][:space:] [:blank:][:punct:] [:graph:][:print:] [:cntrl:][:unicode:]

any letter, including non-latin alphabets any digit 0-9/hex digit 0-9A-F[:alpha:] plus [:digit:]/same plus '_' characterany uppercase/lowercase characterany whitespace character/blank or horizontal tabany punctuation/graphical characterany printable/control code characterany Unicode character above ASCII 255

Wildcard . any characterRepetitions r*


zero or more repetitions of rone of more repetitions of rexactly m repetitions of rat least m and at most n repetitions of roptional r, i.e., zero or one repetition of r

Alternatives r|s either r or s

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Regex Reference Chart (2)

Name Operator MatchesAbbreviations \n \t \a

\w \W \d \D\s \S\u \U\l \L

newline/tab/bell characterequivalent to [[:word:]] and [^[:word:]] equivalent to [[:digit:]] and [^[:digit:]]equivalent to [[:space:]] and [^[:space:]] equivalent to [[:upper:]] and [^[:upper:]]equivalent to [[:lower:]] and [^[:lower:]]

Quote \Q … \E interpret quoted sequence as literal characters

Anchors \A \z^ $\< \>\b\B

begin and end of buffer (i.e., text to search)begin and end of line (buffer separated into lines by \n chars)begin and end of wordeither begin or end of wordinside of a word, i.e., between two \w's

Back references ( )\1 \2 \3 …(?: )

group subexpression and save submatch into registermatches contents of n-th registergroup subexpression, but do not store in register

Look-ahead r(?=s)r(?!s)

matches r iff r is followed by smatches r iff r is NOT followed by s

Cuts (?>r) do not backtrack for left-most longest match once r has matched

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Searching for Matches with FIND

New addition REGEX to the FIND statement:

Detailed match information is available with RESULTS addition.

FIND returns left-most longest match within text.


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Replacing Matches with REPLACE

New addition REGEX to the REPLACE statement:

Search works exactly as in FIND.


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Grouping and Submatches

Parentheses structure complex expressionsDefine scope of operators

Store submatches for later reference– Submatches easily available with FIND additions– Groups numbered left-to-right, can be nested– No upper limit on number of groups– Can refer to submatches within pattern and replacement

Non-registering parentheses (?:…) do not store submatch

– Increased performance over ( )

tick*tock* (tick)*(tock)* (ticktock)*



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Example: Match-Based Replacements

The replacement string can refer to submatches of match being replaced

$0 contains complete match$1,$2, ... contain submatches


DATA: html TYPE string,repl TYPE string,regx TYPE string.

html = `<title>This is the <i>Title</i></title>`.

repl = `i`.CONCATENATE repl '(?![^<>]*>)' INTO regx.


<title>Th<b>i</b>s <b>i</b>s the <i>T<b>i</b>tle</i></title>

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Classes for Regular Expressions

ABAP Objects provides two classes for using REsRegex CL_ABAP_REGEX– Stores compiled automaton for RE pattern– Should be reused to avoid costly recompilation– Offers simplified syntax and disabling of

submatches– Can be used in FIND and REPLACE statements

instead of textual pattern

Matcher CL_ABAP_MATCHER– Main class for interaction with REs– Stores copy of text to process (efficient for

strings, costly for fixed-length fields)– Links text to regex object and tracks matching

and replacing within text





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Matcher Class Reference Chart (1)

CL_ABAP_MATCHER Instance Methods

find_next( ) find next unprocessed match

replace_found( new ) replace match found by new *)

get_match( ) return match information (MATCH_RESULT) *)

get_offset( [n] ) return offset of current (sub)match *)

replace_all( new ) replace all remaining matches

get_submatch( n ) return n-th submatch *)

get_length( [n] ) return length of current (sub)match *)

find_all( ) return all remaining matches

replace_next ( new ) find and replace next unprocessed match

*) throws exception if no current match stored

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Matcher Class Reference Chart (2)


create( pattern text ) create and return matcher object

matches( pattern text ) returns abap_true if pattern matches text

contains( pattern text ) returns abap_true if text contains pattern match

get_object( ) returns matcher object containing match information about last matches( ) or contains( ) invocation

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Creating Regex Objects

There are two ways of setting up objects for RE processing


Using factory method

CREATE OBJECT regex EXPORTING pattern = '^a*'ignore_case = abap_true.

CREATE OBJECT matcher EXPORTING regex = regextext = text.

DATA: regex TYPE REF TO cl_abap_regex,matcher TYPE REF TO cl_abap_matcher.

matcher = cl_abap_matcher=>create( pattern = '^a*'text = text ).

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Example: Pattern Matching

Checking the format of an Email address:

PARAMETERS email TYPE c LENGTH 30 LOWER CASEdefault '[email protected]'.

DATA matcher TYPE REF TO cl_abap_matcher.

matcher = cl_abap_matcher=>create(pattern = `\w+(\.\w+)*@(\w+\.)+(\w{2,4})`ignore_case = 'X'text = email ).

IF matcher->match( )IS INITIAL.MESSAGE 'Wrong Format' TYPE 'I'.



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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Data Access without Buffering


User XSession

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Data Access with Buffering by Copy

Common dataretrieved from DB

User XSession



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Data Access without Buffering

Common dataretrieved from DB andaggregated

User XSession


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Data Access without Buffering

User YSession


User XSession



Common dataretrieved from DB andaggregated foreach user session

User ZSession




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Data Access with Buffering by Copy


User XSession

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Data Access with Buffering by Copy

Common dataretrieved from DB

User XSession



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Data Access with Buffering by Copy

Common dataretrieved from DB,aggregated

User XSession


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Data Access with Buffering by Copy

Common dataretrieved from DB,aggregated,copied (EXPORT) to SHM

User XSession



Shared Memory (SHM)Common


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Data Access with Buffering by Copy

User XSession



Common dataretrieved from DB,aggregated,copied (EXPORT) to SHM,and copied (IMPORT) toeach user session

Shared Memory (SHM)Common


User YSession


User ZSession


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Data Access with in Place Buffering

Common dataretrieved from DBdirectly into SHM

User XSession


Shared Memory (SHM)Common


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Data Access with in Place Buffering

Common dataretrieved from DBdirectly into SHM,aggregated in place


Shared Memory (SHM)Common


User XSession

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Data Access with in Place Buffering

User XSession


Common dataretrieved from DBdirectly into SHM,aggregated in placeaccessed copy-free byother user sessions

Shared Memory (SHM)Common


User YSession

User ZSession

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Areas and Area Instances

Shared Objects memoryPart of the shared memory

Shared Objects areasOrganizational unitsDefined at design time

Shared Objects area instancesContent stored at runtimeIdentified by unique name

Shared Memory

Area AreaInstance



Shared Objects Memory

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Working with Area Instances

InstanceAttach for write

RootFill the contents

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Working with Area Instances

Attach for write Instance

RootFill the contentsCommit changes

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Working with Area Instances

Attach for write Instance

RootFill the contentsCommit changes

Attach Reader1

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Working with Area Instances

Attach for write Instance

RootFill the contentsCommit changes

Attach Reader1

Attach Reader2

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Working with Area Instances

Attach for write Instance

RootFill the contentsCommit changes

Attach Reader1

Attach Reader2

Detach Reader1

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Working with Area Instances

Attach for write Instance

RootFill the contentsCommit changes

Attach Reader1

Attach Reader2

Detach Reader1

Detach Reader2

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Additional Features


Auto-Build (e.g. at 1st Read-Attach)



Client Dependency


Customizable Memory- and Lifetime Restrictions

Multi-Attach to different areas at once

Shared Objects Monitor

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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ABAP / XML Mapping: Simple Transformations


… .. ….…. … ..

.. …. …. ..… …. .. ..



… .. ….…. … ..

.. …. …. ..

HTML / Text







new in



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ABAP / XML Mapping Languages

XSLT (since 6.10)works on canonical XML representation of ABAP data (asXML)builds DOM for source sidearbitrarily complex transformations

Simple Transformations (since NetWeaver 04)only for ABAP ↔ XMLonly linear transformations (no DOM)speedup over XSLT: 10 – 30; “unlimited” size of datareversible (one program for both directions)

Bothsymmetric: no generation of ABAP code / XML schemasintegrated in workbench (maintenance / transport)integrated in ABAP: CALL TRANSFORMATION

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Simple Transformations: Expressive Power

Anything that can be done with ...accessing each node in the data treeany number of timesaccessing each node in the XML treeat most once,in document order (with "lookahead 1" on XML source)

... which includes (any combination of) ...renamings (e.g.: structure-component / element names)projections (omission of sub-trees)permutations (changes in sub-tree order)constants (e.g.: constant values, insertion of tree levels)defaults (for initial / special values)conditionals (e.g.: existence of sub-trees, value of nodes)value maps

covers most data mappings in practice

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Simple Transformations: Program Structure

Programs are XML templatesliteral XML withinterspersed instructionsdeclarative, straightforward semantics

Data tree access bynode references

instructions access data by simple “reference expressions”all named children of a data node are accessible by nametables are accessible as a whole (all lines or none)


<tt:loop ref="CUSTTAB">


<tt:value ref=





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Simple Transformations: Example

<?sap.transform simple?><tt:transform xmlns:tt="http://www.sap.com/transformation-templates"><tt:root name="table"/><tt:template>

<TABLE><tt:loop ref=".table"><ITEM>

<tt:value /></ITEM>



DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF i,xmlstr TYPE xstring.

DO 3 TIMES. APPEND sy-index TO itab. ENDDO.CALL TRANSFORMATION z_simple_table

SOURCE table = itabRESULT XML xmlstr.


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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Checkpoints in ABAPsy




program flow

consistent state


al te




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Checkpoints in ABAPsy




program flow

consistent state


al te




unexpected behavior

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Checkpoints in ABAP


em s


program flow

consistent state


al te




: assertion

runtime error


em s


program flow

consistent state


al te




unexpected behavior

find cause of error in shorter time

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Checkpoints in ABAP


em s


program flow

consistent state


al te




: assertion

runtime errorsy




program flow

consistent state


al te




undetected error

find more errors enhance program correctness

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Checkpoints in ABAP

ASSERT - Statement:

BREAK-POINT - Statement:

LOG-POINT - Statement:


SUBKEY subkeyFIELDS dobj1 dobj2 ...CONDITION log_exp.



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Checkpoints in ABAP

Activation methoddynamic, while system is running

Activation granularityLogical „checkpoint groups“Compose „variants“ from

Checkpoint groups, variants, All checkpoints in programs, function groups, classesExtract checkpoint groups from programs, function groups, classes, packages, development components

User, server

Assertion mechanismAbort, debug or protocol

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Checkpoints in ABAP

ABAP checkpoints support developers in writing correct code

Activated in SAP development systems ( abort, protocol )

Code instrumented with checkpoints is easier to support and maintain

Can be activated on the fly in productive systems ( activation for dedicated user, server )

No activation, no performance loss !!!

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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New ABAP Editor

Modern Editor control with syntax coloring and many additional features

Automatic syntax check!

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Editor Features - Outlining

See Start / End / Middle of language block

Collapse/Expand Block

Collapse same type blocks

Collapse Comments

User defined “Outlining Regions”

See current scope

See collapsed text

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Editor Features - Templates

User and language dependent

Expandable by Ctrl + Enter

Built in runtime tags (Date Time, Clipboard Content, Document Name)

Interactive tags

Suggested by Code Hints

Extract template from selected text

Surround by template

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Editor Features - Code Hints

Code HintsSuggest valid keywordsand recently used identifiers

Runs automatically as you type

For templates shortcuts

For misspelling from auto correction dictionary

Customizing of suggestions

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Editor Features - Clipboard

Clipboard Ring

Extended Paste Menu

Normal and block format

Multiple Clipboard Formats:

Paste in MS Outlook with syntax highlightingPaste in MS Word with syntax highlighting

Copy/Cut Append to clipboard

Insert Special

Unicode or ASCII format support

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Editor Features - Current Scope

Highlight of current scope tags in source

Highlight current scope on outline margin

See current code hierarchy in status panel

See current brackets highlighted in source

See mismatching brackets highlighted in error color

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Editor Features - Extended Find/Replace

Incremental search

History of search/replace items

Mark all occurrence with bookmark

Search in collapsed text

Saving of search parameters between sessions

Use of regular expression

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Editor Features - Edit Functions

Block Selection

Mistyping Correction

Auto Brackets

Keyword Case correction

Auto Indent

Caps Lock correction

Smart Tab

Surround Selection

Format After Paste

Line operations

Sort Lines

Change Case



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Editor Features - Quick Info in ABAP Debugger

Quick Info for variables on hovering

Quick Info for variables by Ctrl-Shift-Space

Customizing of quick info

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Classic Debugger – Current Status

Classic Debugger

TechnologyDebugger and debuggee run in the same (internal) session

Debugger dynpros placed “in-between”

ConsequencesNot all ABAP code can be debugged (no conversion / field exits)

Not free of side effects (F1, F4 help, list output)

Implementation of new features not always straight-forward

No chance to use modern UI techniques (no ABAP allowed in the debugger !)

A new ABAP debugger technology

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Goals – New ABAP Debugger

Higher productivity for development & support

using ABAP Debugger

More robust debugger architecture (no side effects)

Possibility to implement new features (e.g. a diff tool for internal tables) faster and with less risks

More flexible & extensible state-of-the-art debugger UI

Use two separated sessions for the debugger and the application

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New ABAP Debugger, Two Process Architecture

The New Debugger is attached to an “external session”

Session 1 - Debuggee


Session 2 - Debugger


/h Debugger Engine

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New ABAP Debugger – GUI

Process InformationsProcess Informations


Control AreaControl Area



Source Code Informations,System FieldsSource Code Informations,System Fields




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New ABAP Debugger – Customizing the GUI

1. Close Tool1. Close Tool

2. New Tool2. New Tool

3. Replace Tool3. Replace Tool

4. Full Screen4. Full Screen

5. Maximize Horizontally5. Maximize Horizontally

6. Exchange6. Exchange

7. Services of the Tool7. Services of the Tool

Enlarge SizeEnlarge Size

Reduce SizeReduce Size

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New ABAP Debugger – Tools, Breakpoints, Watchpoints

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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ABAP Unit – What Should I Know ?

What is ABAP Unit?

ABAP Unit is the ABAP framework for module/unit tests.

What is an Unit?

An unit can be considered as a non-trivial, accessible code portion (method, function or form) where a given input or action causes a verifiable effect. Ideally it is the smallest code part which can be tested in isolation.

How does an ABAP Unit test looks like?

The ABAP Unit tests are realized as methods of a local class (with the addition “FOR TESTING”).This local class is part of the class, function group or program you want to test.

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ABAP UNIT – What Should I Know ?

Why is the test class part of the productive code?ABAP Unit tests and the linked production code are in syncIn a productive system the ABAP Unit tests are not part of the productive program load. (-> No performance or security drawbacks)

Which services are provided by ABAP UNIT?

ABAP Unit provides a service class CL_AUNIT_ASSERT, which contains static methods (e.g. ASSERT_EQUALS) to compare e.g. strings or internal tables in order to verify test results.

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ABAP UNIT – Example for Test Class

CLASS test_sflight_selectionDEFINITION DEFERRED.

CLASS demo DEFINITIONFRIENDS test_sflight_selection.

PUBLIC SECTION.METHODS get_carrier_flights

IMPORTING carrier TYPE string.PRIVATE SECTION.DATA sflight_tab TYPE TABLE OF sflight.


CLASS demo IMPLEMENTATION.METHOD get_carrier_flights.SELECT * FROM sflight

INTO TABLE sflight_tabWHERE carrid = 'LH'.


CLASS test_sflight_selection IMPLEMENTATION.METHOD setup.CREATE OBJECT demo_ref.APPEND 'LH' TO test_carrids.APPEND 'UA' TO test_carrids.APPEND 'AA' TO test_carrids.

ENDMETHOD.METHOD test_get_carrier_flights.DATA: act_carrid TYPE string,

msg TYPE string,sflight_wa TYPE sflight.

LOOP AT test_carrids INTO test_carrid.CONCATENATE 'Selection of' test_carrid

'gives different airlines'INTO msg SEPARATED BY space.

demo_ref->get_carrier_flights( test_carrid ).LOOP AT demo_ref->sflight_tab INTO sflight_wa.act_carrid = sflight_wa-carrid.cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals(

act = act_carridexp = test_carridmsg = msgquit = cl_aunit_assert=>no ).

IF act_carrid <> test_carrid.EXIT.




CLASS test_sflight_selectionDEFINITION "#AU Risk_Level HarmlessFOR TESTING. "#AU Duration Short

PRIVATE SECTION.METHODS: test_get_carrier_flights


DATA: demo_ref TYPE REF TO demo,test_carrid TYPE string,test_carrids TYPE TABLE OF string.


PROGRAM z_abap_unit.

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ABAP UNIT – Example for Test Execution and Result

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Memory Inspector: Motivation

What is the Memory Inspector ?

Tool to analyze dynamic memory consumption

Why do we need the Memory Inspector ?

Increasing usage of dynamic memory objects, likeInternal Tables StringsClass Instances (Objects) Anonymous Data Objects

Increasing number of long-running transactions

T1 T2 T3 T4 T1

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Memory Inspector: Features Summary

In ABAP Debugger

TopN-Consumer-Lists– Aggregation of types (class/data)– Find References

Memory consumption overview

In Stand-Alone TA

Analyzing memory snapshots

Comparing memory snapshots– Growth of memory objects in different views

Available in Release 6.20 ( SP 29, Sept.2003 )

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Memory Inspector: GUI

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Adapting SAP Software

One of the advantages of SAP software is the possibility to adapt the software to own requirements and the possibility of keeping the adaptations during upgrade.

Ways of adaptation:Customizing

Enhancement new concept!


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Evolution of SAP Enhancement Technology

Kernel basedBusiness Add Ins

User Exits







Business Transaction


Business Add Ins


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Components of new Enhancement Framework

Enhancement options (in original system):Part of a development object that can be enhancedCan be explicitly defined or implicitly availableAre organized and documented in Enhancement SpotsExamples are– BAdIs– Parameter Interfaces of Functiongroups or Methods– Components of Classes/Interfaces – ABAP statements ENHANCEMENT-POINT, ENHANCEMENT-SECTION – …

Enhancements (in follow-up system):Switchable by Switch FrameworkSupport automatic UpgradeAre organized and documented in Enhancement ImplementationsOffer multilayer support

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Multilayer Support of Enhancements

Core DevelopmentOriginal Object

Enhancement 1 Enhancement 2

Enhancement 11 Enhancement 12

Application Development

Add On Development

Customer Development

Enhancement 121 Enhancement 201

Enhancement 01

Enhancement 001

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Enhancement Spot Editor (Original System)

Organization of Predefined Enhancement Options (Source Code Enhancements & BAdIs)Integrated in Object Navigator (SE80)Tab Properties & Objects common for all Enhancement SpotsTab 3 dependent on enhancement technology: BAdIs or Source Code Enhancements

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Enhancement Implementation Editor (Follow-up System)

Organization of EnhancementsIntegrated in Object Navigator (SE80)Tab Properties & Objects common for all enhancement typesTab 3 dependent on enhancement technology: e.g. BAdI-Implementation or Source Code Enhancements

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Enhancement Browser (Original and Follow-up System)

Tool to Search forEnhancement SpotsExisting Enhancement ImplementationsEnhancement Implementations to be adjusted after upgrade

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Implicit and Explicit Enhancement Options

Features of explicit enhancement optionsDefined by developerMore stableFew changes in definition to expectOnly at valid source code locationsTarget-orientedOrganized by Enhancement Spots

Features of implicit enhancement optionsDefined implicitlyEnhancement of „arbitrary“ objectsNo enhancement spots for management necessary

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Example 1 - Source Code Enhancements

Modification-free enhancement of source code either by

Explicit Enhancement Options– Explicit enhancement options can be defined in source code. – They are organized by Enhancement Spots.

Implicit Enhancement Options– Implicit Enhancement options are available at common enhancement

places. – Examples:

- Begin/End of Include- Begin/End of Method/Function Module/Form Routine- End of a structure- End of Private/Protected/Public Section of a local class- ...

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Explicit Enhancement Options in Source Code

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Enhancement by Source Code Plug-In Technology


WRITE ‘Hello World’.













Source Code Plug-Ins

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Example 2 - Class/Interface Enhancements

Implicit Enhancement Options allow adding of:optional parameters to existing methods methodsevents and event handlersreferences to interfacesExits to existing methods– Pre-Exit – Called at the beginning of a method– Post-Exit – Called at the End of a method

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Example 3 – New BAdIs

A new BAdI is an Explicit Enhancement Optionthat:

is a predefined anchor point for Object Plug-Inshas a well-defined interface in contrast to Source Code Plug-Ins and is therefore more stable to changes in the original codingis integrated into ABAP language and has much better performance than classic BAdIs

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Usage of New BAdIs

Classic BAdI New BAdIDATA: bd TYPE REF TO if_intf.DATA: flt TYPE flt.

CALL METHOD cl_exithandler=>get_instanceEXPORTING


instance = bd.

flt-lang = `D`.CALL METHOD bd->methodEXPORTING

x = 10flt_val = flt.

DATA bd TYPE REF TO badi_name.

GET BADI bd FILTERS lang = `D`.

CALL BADI bd->methodEXPORTING x = 10.

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Integration of new BAdIs into ABAP Runtime

BAdIs are represented by a reference to BAdI-Handles:

If there are two implementations of badi_name that are selected for the filter value f=5, this yields:

DATA bd type ref to badi_name.


Inst1 Inst2

Cl_imp1 Cl_imp2


Object Plug-Ins

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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This preview is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. This documentcontains only intended strategies, developments, and functionalities of the SAP® product and is not intended to be binding upon SAP to any particular course of business, product strategy, and/or development. Please note that this document is subject to changeand may be changed by SAP at any time without notice. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document.

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ABAP Language Preview – Enhanced Expression Enabling

As of next Release:You can use computational expressions, functional methods and built-in functions in expression positions:– Logical expressions: a + b < oref->meth( )

– Method call parameters: oref1->meth1( oref2->meth2( ... ) )

You can use numerical expressions in numerical positions:– Examples: DO abs( n ) + 1 TIMES.

READ TABLE itab INDEX lines( itab ) – 1 ...

You can use functional methods in functional positions:– Examples: FIND|REPLACE REGEX oref->get_regex( ... ) IN ...

READ TABLE itab FROM oref->get_wa( ... ) ...

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ABAP Language Preview – Decimal Floating Point Numbers

As of next Release:New data types for decimal floating point numbers (based on IEEE-754r):– decfloat16: 8 bytes, 16 digits, exponent -383 to +384 – decfloat34: 16 bytes, 34 digits, exponent -6143 to +6144

Exact representation of decimal numbers within range (no rounding necessary as for binary floating point numbers of type f).

Range larger than f!Calculation accuracy like p!

Supported by new generic type decfloat, new Dictionary types, new rounding functions round and rescale, new methods in CL_ABAP_MATH, and new format options in WRITE [TO].

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ABAP Language Preview – Internal Tables

As of next Release:Dynamic WHERE condition:– LOOP At itab ... WHERE (cond_syntax) ...

Secondary keys for internal tables:– Secondary key definition:TYPES itab TYPE ... TABLE OF ...


– Key specification for key access: ... WITH [TABLE] KEY keynamei COMPONENTS ...

– Key specification for index access: ... USING KEY keynamei ...

Boosting internal table performanceReal key access to standard tablesIndex access to hashed tables

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ABAP Language Preview – Class Based Exceptions

As of next Release:Resumable exceptions:– Raising a resumable exceptionRAISE RESUMABLE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_class.

– Resuming (continue processing behind RAISE):TRY.



Retry:– Retrying (continue processing behind TRY):TRY.

...CATCH cx_class....RETRY.


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ABAP Development Preview – Packages

As of next Release:Role of Packages:– Packages encapsulate repository objects– Reusable components must be published in package interfaces

Operational Package Concept:– A "server package" has to expose everything that is meant for public

usage in an interface.– A "client package" has to be allowed to use that interface.– A "client package" has to declare the usage of that interface.– Package checking is integrated into the ABAP compiler and ABAP

runtime and package violations are treated as ‘first order errors’.



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ABAP Development Preview – ABAP Editor

As of next Release:Code Completion:– Suggests valid

keywords andvalid identifiers

– Invoked explicitlyby pressing specialkey combination

– Autofilters resultby typed prefix

Entities completed include …– Variables, including structures and components – Types (including ABAP Dictionary), classes – Methods, attributes, constants, events– Functions– Subroutines– Formal parameters and exceptions of methods, functions, and subroutines – Database tables– Keywords

Completion suggestions may be inserted …– Verbatim as shown– As pattern with parameters prefilled


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ABAP Development Preview – Refactoring

As of next Release:Refactoring of ABAP programs:– Renaming of local & global elements– Code Extraction (convert marked code into procedure)– Deletion of superflous declarations– Create GET/SET-methods ...

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ABAP Development Preview – Class Builder

As of next Release:Source code based editing of global classes:

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ABAP Testing Preview – ABAP Debugger

As of next Release:New Dynpro analysis toolNew Web Dynpro analysis toolSimple Transformation DebuggingAutomated Debugging: Debugger ScriptingLayer Debugging– Define your active software

- Packages - Free-style expressions

– Dynamically assign your „system code“– Layer-step through code

Miscellaneous:– Upload of Internal Tables– Table View: view and configure sub-components of embedded structures– Changing long fields– Call Stack of the internal session of the caller

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ABAP Testing Preview – Coverage Analyzer

As of next Release:Code Coverage measured on statement levelCondition Coverage for logical expressionsCoverage of empty branchesStatement results visualized using new ABAP Edit ControlIntegrated to ABAP Unit

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ABAP Testing Preview – Runtime Analysis

As of next Release:Controls based UI (like ABAP Debugger)Multiple Tools on Customizable DesktopsMore flexible and powerful Analysis ToolsTrace Data stored on Database (Server and Platform independant)Cross System/Release Trace Comparison

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ABAP Connectivity Preview – bgRFC & LDQ

As of next Release:



Processed byScheduler




Type “T” or Type “Q”Serialization:

RFC Protocol


Type “Q”Serialization:

XML or binary

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ABAP Connectivity Preview – Alternatives to tRFC & qRFC

As of next Release:Optimized alternatives for tRFC, qRFC, and qRFC No-Send:

bgRFC (Background RFC)– CALL FUNCTION IN BACKGROUND UNIT oref (TYPE REF TO IF_BGRFC_UNIT)– Remote Function Calls are recorded, and execution takes place at a later point in

time, which is controlled automatically by a scheduler process.– The execution scales with O(n*log(n)), i.e. linear-logarithmic, which is determined

by the I/O system only.– The inbound procedure is executed at the caller system and serves for load-

balancing purposes.– The outbound procedure is executed at the receiver system and serves for de-

coupled, remote system environments with load-balancing at the receiver.

LDQ (Local Data Queue)– Persistency layer to provide first-in first-out (queue) access to data.– Receiver actively pulls data from such a queue, similar to a mailbox.– Access is locally within one SAP system.– The data model of LDQ is absolutely de-coupled from any RFC database tables.

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ABAP Connectivity Preview – Quality of Services

As of next Release:RFC Communication– Binary asXML serialization replaces the different RFC serialization concepts, e.g.

“xRFC”.- Available for ABAP Application Server, Java Application Server, and

SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK– SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK replaces the classic RFC SDKs for ASCII and Unicode.

- Homogeneous handling of all RFC parameter types.- Compatible with all backend system variants R/3, mySAP, …- Classic RFC SDKs are still maintained.

RFC-based SAP J2EE Connectivity– SAP Java Resource Adapter compliant with JCA 1.5 replaces the direct usage of

the SAP JCo API.- Supports stateful connections and callback connections.- Provides shareable client connections for increased robustness and scalability .- SAP JCo API within SAP J2EE is still maintained.

– IDoc class library for SAP J2EE simplifying the handling of SAP IDocs.

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ABAP DebuggerABAP UnitMemory Inspector

Regular ExpressionsShared Objects

CheckpointsABAP Editor

Enhancement Framework

Simple Transformations

Preview of Next Release

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Further Information

Public Webwww.sap.comSAP Developer Network: http://www.sdn.sap.com/sdn/developerareas/abap.sdnSAP Help Portal: http://www.help.sap.com

ABAP Keyword-DocumentationTransaction ABAPHELP, always the first source of information

Related Workshops/Lectures at SAP TechEd ’06 All lectures and workshops about ABAP

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