horse sa: sa horse industry networking lunch presentation


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Page 1: Horse SA: SA Horse Industry Networking Lunch Presentation
Page 2: Horse SA: SA Horse Industry Networking Lunch Presentation

Horses and People

Biosecurity Health of the state/ national herd: (Dr Paskin)

Horse welfare

Horse keepingNon-complying development: More than 1 horse per 3 hectares

Workplace Safety

We love to ride/ driveFacilities, trails, tracks+ related event and club development.

Build resilienceNatural disasters, climate change, technology impacts

Industry promotionPathways to jobs/ sport achievements

Sustain & grow businesses Celebrate cultural heritage

Page 3: Horse SA: SA Horse Industry Networking Lunch Presentation

Workplace Safety

The Safework Australia ‘Guide to managing risks for when new and inexperienced persons interact

with horses’ is currently implemented by Safework NSW and Safework SA.

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) completed a national review of

training in equine programs - Registered Training Organisations. Amongst the recommendations

were that each state was to implement the above guide.

SafeWork NSW is seeking to add a Code of Practice relating to new and

inexperienced horses to the NSW state WHS laws. This will set precedence.

Skills Impact, the organisation which works with industry to manage training packages and

qualifications found in the Racing, Animal Care & Management and the Agriculture, Horticulture,

Conservation & Land Management Training Packages- is

consulting on ASQA’s report findings.

All packages now have their four year plans out for consultation. Info here (ACM, ACLM close 2 Sept, Racing closes 9 Sept 2016).

SafeWork NSW Code of Practice consultation closes 28 August, 2016

Page 4: Horse SA: SA Horse Industry Networking Lunch Presentation

Horse welfare Public expectations around the use of animals-in-sport is rapidly evolving, new groups are emerging and diverse in nature

All horse sports are open for scrutiny, and all traditional practices e.g. stabling, equipment and our responses to stress indicators.

Society is becoming more educated, and individuals can find information online which aligns with their personal values. Easier to raise public interest via social media or – a broadening of the voice from the traditional animal rights groups.

Animal law is a few decades behind environmental law, for example, but will bridge the gap more quickly.

Emergency Animal Disease Cost Sharing Agreement review of the Levy Bill consultation closes 29 August 2016. Info here

Page 5: Horse SA: SA Horse Industry Networking Lunch Presentation


More than ever, it is important for collaboration amongst horse organisations, businesses and individuals.

Horse SA provides advocacy services, information and education which supports sport and recreation horse organisations to deliver services to members.

Join Horse SA as a new member and membership goes through to Dec. 2017!