horowhenua chronicle 13-11-13

Offers valid from 13th - 17th November 2013 in New World Levin only. Open 7am - 10pm, 7 days. While stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Terms and conditions apply. Levin Dairymaid Butter 500g & Our Bakery’s Sliced White Sandwich or Toast Bread From our bakery NZ Beef Mince 7 99 kg Da &O Sa 5 00 Both for 9202169AB 9163520AC 9426247AD LOVETHIS PAPER, LOVETHIS PLACE hronicle hronicle Horowhenua Horowhenua C C NEW WORLD LEVIN MOTOR CO. LTD MOTORCO L TD MOTOR CO L TD HOROWHENUA HOROWHENUA ANDERSONS OUTDOOR MACHINERY LTD Proud supporters of the Horowhenua Chronicle Established 1893 PHONE: (06) 368 5109 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2013 Runaway dog now home By FRANKIE WEBB LVN111113splzac2 HOME: Zac is a happy heeler now he’s home with his family after an adventure any dog would envy. COMMUNITY RALLIES TO RESCUE ZAC Horowhenua community launched a full- scale search and rescue operation when Zac the blue heeler went walkabout from Harkleah Meadows boarding kennel at Labour Weekend. Using all available resources, 11 days after his escape, Zac and his Raumati family were reunited. ‘‘We are just so blown away by the community effort to find him,’’ Zac’s ‘mum’ Rebecca Foley said. ‘‘Zac doesn’t even live in Levin, and here were all these people, the media, everyone doing everything they could to make sure we got him back.’’ Peter Collier, owner of Harkleah Meadows, said Zac’s escape was discovered quickly and he began searching immedi- ately. ‘‘I had sleepless nights,’’ he said. ‘‘Horowhenua District Council dog control were fantastic and helped.’’ There were numerous sightings of the elusive Zac, some of which were posted on social media. Rebecca and partner Ian’s cellphones ran hot, their children excited by the news. The breakthrough came on Friday. Levin woman Patty Hapeta had seen a flyer with Zac’s story which her husband brought home from a fishing trip. Taking her grandson out to Waitarere, Patty saw Zac standing outside the local store. ‘‘I called him but he took off towards the forest,’’ Patty said. Her son and grandson took off in hot pursuit, joined by Peter. ‘‘I rang my friend Maria and got Rebecca’s phone number.’’ During the chase, sighting details were being relayed to Rebecca and Patty’s family via cellphone. A two-hour chase through the forest eventually saw Zac run on to Waitarere beach. Having arrived at the scene, Rebecca urged Zac into her van. ‘‘It took a bit of persuading but he finally jumped in,’’ Rebecca said. Moments later the successful outcome was posted on social media. ‘‘We can’t thank everyone enough, the fantastic people we’ve met through this, the media, thank you so much,’’ Rebecca said. Boarding kennels heighten fence Harkleah Meadows was established by Peter Collier 13 years ago. Peter was shocked at Zac’s escape. ‘‘We have thousands of dogs from all over New Zealand stay here every year. I have to stress it is a boarding kennel, not a prison,’’ Mr Collier said. ‘‘Zac was here with a number of other dogs, being Labour weekend we were pretty full.’’ No other dogs left the 5ha property. ‘‘Zac had been at the kennel over a week, it took until his last day to escape so it obviously wasn’t easy for him,’’ Mr Collier said. The property is fully fenced, with deer fencing in some places. The section of fence Zac escaped over has been identified and increased in height. INSIDE Changing faces — page 2 Winning orchids — page 9

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Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13


Page 1: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Offers valid from 13th - 17th November 2013 in New World Levin only. Open 7am - 10pm, 7 days.While stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Terms and conditions apply.Levin

Dairymaid Butter 500g

& Our Bakery’s Sliced WhiteSandwich or Toast Bread



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LOVETHIS PAPER, LOVETHIS PLACEhroniclehronicleHorowhenuaHorowhenuaCC



Proud supporters of the Horowhenua Chronicle

Established 1893

PHONE: (06) 368 5109 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2013

Runaway dog now homeBy FRANKIEWEBB


HOME: Zac is a happy heeler now he’s home with his family after an adventure anydog would envy.

COMMUNITY RALLIES TORESCUE ZACHorowhenua community launched a full-scale search and rescue operation when Zacthe blue heeler went walkabout fromHarkleah Meadows boarding kennel atLabour Weekend. Using all availableresources, 11 days after his escape, Zac andhis Raumati family were reunited.

‘‘We are just so blown away by thecommunity effort to find him,’’ Zac’s ‘mum’Rebecca Foley said. ‘‘Zac doesn’t even livein Levin, and here were all these people, themedia, everyone doing everything theycould to make sure we got him back.’’

Peter Collier, owner of HarkleahMeadows, said Zac’s escape was discoveredquickly and he began searching immedi-ately. ‘‘I had sleepless nights,’’ he said.‘‘Horowhenua District Council dog controlwere fantastic and helped.’’

There were numerous sightings of theelusive Zac, some of which were posted onsocial media. Rebecca and partner Ian’scellphones ran hot, their children excitedby the news.

The breakthrough came on Friday.Levin woman Patty Hapeta had seen a flyerwith Zac’s story which her husbandbrought home from a fishing trip. Takingher grandson out to Waitarere, Patty sawZac standing outside the local store.

‘‘I called him but he took off towards theforest,’’ Patty said.

Her son and grandson took off in hotpursuit, joined by Peter. ‘‘I rang my friendMaria and got Rebecca’s phone number.’’

During the chase, sighting details werebeing relayed to Rebecca and Patty’s familyvia cellphone. A two-hour chase throughthe forest eventually saw Zac run on toWaitarere beach.

Having arrived at the scene, Rebeccaurged Zac into her van. ‘‘It took a bit ofpersuading but he finally jumped in,’’Rebecca said. Moments later the successfuloutcome was posted on social media.

‘‘We can’t thank everyone enough, thefantastic people we’ve met through this, themedia, thank you so much,’’ Rebecca said.

Boarding kennels heighten fenceHarkleah Meadows was established byPeter Collier 13 years ago. Peter wasshocked at Zac’s escape.

‘‘We have thousands of dogs from allover New Zealand stay here every year. Ihave to stress it is a boarding kennel, nota prison,’’ Mr Collier said. ‘‘Zac was herewith a number of other dogs, beingLabour weekend we were pretty full.’’

No other dogs left the 5ha property.‘‘Zac had been at the kennel over a week,it took until his last day to escape so itobviously wasn’t easy for him,’’ MrCollier said.

The property is fully fenced, with deerfencing in some places. The section offence Zac escaped over has beenidentified and increased in height.


Changing faces — page 2

Winning orchids — page 9

Page 2: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

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2 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

13 Bristol Street, LevinPO Box 547, LevinPhone: (06) 368 5109Fax: (06) 368 2366

Vivien Douglas (06) 366 0696021 896 858

Email: [email protected]

Debra Brown (06) 366 0251Email: [email protected] Pearson (06) 366 0694

021 307 482Email: [email protected] Shapiro (06) 366 0695

021 818 411Email: [email protected]

Phone: (06) 368 5109Email: [email protected]

Phone: (06) 368 5109

Facebook: Horowhenua ChronicleFax: (06) 368 2366Email: [email protected]

Peter Franklin (06) 366 0257

Frankie Webb (06) 366 0258Linda Fletcher (06) 366 0254










The Horowhenua Chronicle publishes on Wednesday andFriday and is delivered free to homes and businesses

throughout Horowhenua. Circulation: 15,500.

See us online at horowhenuachronicle.apn.co.nz

Changing of the guard


CHANGING FACES: Farewell to Linda Fletcher who has worked at the Horowhenua Chronicle formore than 30 years, and welcome new general reporter Tanya Wood.


Horowhenua Chroniclefarewelled Linda Fletcherafter more than 30 years withthe company, but the con-nection goes back further.

Linda’s father Alex wasresponsible for starting the(Horowhenua) Weekly News in1953. Linda has worn as manyhats as the paper has had namechanges. From reporting tosub-editing and everything inbetween, Linda has done it.With a passion for ‘‘All thingsANZAC’’, Linda has beenresponsible for putting outwonderful ANZAC Daysupplements in both the Horo-whenua Chronicle, the KapitiNews and The Guardian inPalmerston North. Lindaleaves the Chronicle to take upa position at Te Takere.

Tanya Wood joins theChronicle having returned toNew Zealand after 20 years inthe United Kingdom.

Despite picking up what shedescribes as a ‘‘sarf London’’,accent Tanya swears she’sKiwi through and through.

Leaving her adult son in theUK, Tanya came home to com-plete a journalism diploma atWhitireia Polytechnic in 2011.

She spent six months work-ing on a small regional paperand then almost two years agotook up a position with com-munications agency Drycrustas Horowhenua District Coun-cil account manager.

Tanya is welcomed to theChronicle in the position ofgeneral reporter.


Speaking rightsRe the letter ‘Agreement’ fromCharles Rudd senior (Horo-whenua Chronicle October 18), Iwas also one of the personsdenied speaking rights to theQueen Street Drain item in theHorowhenua District Councilagenda of October 2.

Instructions had been issuedto the secretary to deny thoserights. She had not been

instructed to inquire about thecontent of my speaking rights.

I was wanting to support theitem as I was focusing on thepositive aspect of no pollutionwhich was included in that40-year-old document.

It has therefore been madevery plain to me that when thepublic choose to support theHorowhenua District Councilthat you are not going to bewelcome because we have a

dictator at the helm and nooptions will be considered.


Thank youI would like to thank the won-derful people of Levin who havehelped to sponsor me to theSpecial Olympics Asia PacificGames in Australia. I reallyappreciate all the positiveencouragement I have receivedfrom you. I know I am so luckyto live in such a great town.Thank you.


Cancer SocietyOops a daisy. Sarah Penno andBarbara Hegan (ChronicleNovember 1, 2013), did I treadon the untreadable? Please re-read my letter chastising theManawatu Cancer Society’s(not Horowhenua Branch)unwillingness to help our Horo-whenua Community with freespot checks and prostate bloodtests. How come Otaki can holdfree spot clinics?


Electoral systemIt was good to see that theelectoral officer has made acomment concerning my previ-ous emails. Not that he hasanswered any of the questionsbut attempted to imply that I amunable to read documents.

I was fully aware that theprofile booklet stated severalcandidates were standing formore than one position. What Iwas not aware of was that thesecandidates could not be electedto both positions. I wasinformed that this is due to theElectoral Act 2001 Section 58A.Well sorry, that section of theact does not say a candidate

cannot hold two positions.Section 58A Prohibition on

candidacy for community board:(1) No member of a territorial

authority may be a candidate forelection as a member of acommunity board that isconstituted in respect of part ofthe district of the territorialauthority.

(2) Subsection (1) does notapply if a general election ofmembers of the territorial auth-ority is to be held at the sametime as a general election ofmembers of the communityboard.

The electoral officer states ‘‘Itis clear in the Act and widelyknown to the candidates and thegeneral voting public that theelection to the higher positiontakes precedence.’’

Sorry, as a member of thegeneral voting public I was notaware of this and, although Ihave been unable to ask all thegeneral public, the ones I havespoken to were not aware of iteither. What section of the Actstates this?

Further, section 54 of the Actstates, in part: ‘‘Additionalmaterial to be included in noticein respect of poll.

In the case of a poll, a noticeunder section 52 must also —

(b) in the case of a bindingpoll, state the consequences ofeach possible result of the poll;

Maybe I missed this notice,but I still can not find it, and Ibelieve that the poll was abinding one as defined. If thispart of the Act had been com-plied with then if a candidatewas elected to two positions thenthe result of the poll would meanthat the candidate could not‘‘take up’’ both positions.

Perhaps the electoral officercould actually quote the relevantsections of the act that in his‘‘experience is widely knownand understood’’.


Page 3: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 3

St Mary’s brimming with floral beautyLVN111113fwmary1LVN111113FWMARY2



St Mary’s Anglican Church was filledwith flowers and fragrance. Each year StMary’s holds a floral festival that precedesAll Souls’ Day, which is a time for theparish to remember those who have died.

Floral arrangements, the work ofparishioners and Horowhenua Floral ArtClub members, added to the alreadybeautiful setting. The public are alwaysinvited to share the display and manyseized the opportunity visiting during theweek it was on exhibition.

A life of serviceto the community


HONOURED: George Sue JP presents Dick Denton QSM with his ‘Retired JP’ badgeat a function held in his honour at the Masonic Village Levin attended by, from left,George Sue, Diane Denton, Heather Bolton JP, Dick Denton QSM JP, John Denton,Colleen Hayes JP, Bernie Wanden JP, Pam Denton and Ray Mathewson JP.


Dick Denton QSM JP has worn many hatsin his life, a number of them associatedwith his position as Justice of the Peace.

He was sworn in as a JP on January 251984 and served almost 30 years as aMinisterial JP. He was president of theJP’s Association from 1991 to 1993 and from2005 to 2006 and acting coroner in 1990. TheDenton family has been a part of Horo-whenua for more than 100 years, havingsettled in what is now Denton Road.

Dick Denton married Pam Hills onOctober 1, 1949, and they have threechildren, Richard, Vivienne and John.

In 1962 Mr Denton was elected to theHorowhenua County Council, becamechairman of the Rural District Council andwas a member of the Horowhenua LakeDomain Board from 1962 until 1978. In 2005Mr Denton received a Queen’s ServiceMedal recognising his contribution to thecommunity. In 2010 Horowhenua DistrictCouncil acknowledged his contributionpresenting a 50-year community servicesmedal. Last month a function was held inhis honour due to his retiring as a JP.

ALL SOULS’ DAYFeast of All Souls; Defuncts’ Day;Commemoration of the Faithful Departed,All Souls’ Day is a commemoration ofdeceased loved ones and ‘‘all faithfuldeparted’’, and no belief in a purgatorialstate is expected or required.

Beliefs and practices associated withAll Souls’ Day vary widely amongdenominations. The observance is thethird day of Hallowmas and annuallyoccurs on November 2.The observance of

All Souls’ Day ‘‘was spread throughoutEurope‘‘by Saint Odilo of Cluny in the late13th century. Like All Hallows’ Eve and AllSaints’ Day, family members often attendmass and visit the graves of their deceasedloved ones, placing flowers and lightedcandles there.

In many Anglican and Roman CatholicChristian services, a 7th-century AD prayerThe Office of the Dead is read out inchurches on All Souls’ Day.

In England, a popular traditionassociated with All Souls’ Day is souling,in which bands of children, or of poor men,went round to the houses of the well-to-doon Souling Day, as they called it, beggingmoney, apples, ale, or doles of cake. Insome parts specially baked cakes wereprepared in readiness to give away; theywere called soul-cakes. The individualswho go souling often chant rhymes as theygo door-to-door.

Page 4: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Show Dates:

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4 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Levin does Bonnie and Clyde justiceTHEATRE REVIEW

Bonnie and ClydePlaying at the Levin Performing ArtsSocietyReviewed by Pam Smith


The usual opening night buzz ofanticipation was very evident at lastFriday’s opening night of the LevinPerforming Arts Society’s Bonnie andClyde.

However, there was the added hypethis time because it also happened to bethe Australasian premier of this recentrelease of this exciting stage production.

Levin Performing Arts Society hasbeen extremely privileged to be hostingthis show as stringent criteria had beenset by the copyright owners in America.The criteria has to be met before thestage show could proceed.

Usually the premier of contemporaryBroadway shows held in New Zealandare reserved for the main theatres inAuckland, Wellington or Christchurch,so it is a real coup for the local theatresociety to bid for the performance rights.

The story of Bonnie and Clyde, the ill-fated lovers and outlaws, has beeninfamous since they achieved folkheroship status during the GreatDepression in the United States.

We enjoyed a delicious meal. Ourpumpkin soup was thick and creamywith just a hint of spice. The chickenbreast was tender and succulent and theorange cheesecake that followed wassimply to ‘‘die for’’ and the best I haveever tasted. Congratulations must go toGayle Staats and her catering team forsetting the right mood for the eveningsentertainment.

Heartiest congratulations to the freshand skilled production team of ReubenPrice, with his clever technical ability,Colin Taylor, who is a vastly

experienced and talented musicaldirector, stage manager Karlly Murchand production manager ChrisCraddock. It was a stirling effort.

These four produced an amazingresult and the slick synchronisation ofthe unending scene changes had to beseen to be believed.

The back wall was divided into twohalves which were raised and loweredcontinually to allow the propertiesnecessary to create the scene to bewheeled or carried in. Up above, the titleof each scene flashed on the wall and thatwas just an added challenge for theproduction team to deal with.

The rhythm and pace of the changesnever faltered, which was incredibleconsidering that it was opening nightand it certainly contributed greatly tothe building of a tense expectancy.

The entire cast were exceptional, withnot one weak link. Jennie Ferguson wasoutstanding as Bonnie, as was NickO’Brien as Clyde.

Their characterisations never slippedand their singing was a delight.

These two, as the stars, had to beconvincing at all times and they were.

Walter Godfrey as Clyde’s brotherBuck Borrow was equally comfortable inhis role.

Destiny-Rose Anderson, a youngBonnie and hans Devon-Lamb, a youngClyde, both performed creditably,obviously both extremely at home on thestage.

A special mention must be made ofpreacher Chris Craddock, for hispowerful portrayal and gospelrenditions. His performance waselectrifying and one of the highlights ofthe show.

The intriguing storyline, thepowerful pulsating music and the strongcast have all contributed to the LevinPerforming Arts Society having anotherwinner on their hands, Bonnie and Clydeis not a show to be missed.

Burglar steals cash boxfrom Salvation Army storeBy PETER FRANKLIN

Foxton police are on the hunt for aburglar who stole a cash box from theSalvation Army store in Foxton at theweekend.

The theft took place some time onSaturday night.

A volunteer said staff at the shopwere shocked and upset that someonewould target a place that raises money todo good work around the district.

The volunteer said the theft wasdiscovered when the shop was opened onMonday morning.

It appears the thief forced the rearrollerdoor up far enough to get into thebuilding. He or she has then entered theoffice area rummaged through it till theyfound the cash box.

They also stole tea and coffee.The shop was secured when staff left

at 4pm on Saturday.Anyone with information is asked to

contact their nearest police station.

Page 5: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

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Movie and a meal for only $35!!Applies to any movie after 5pm.

THOR: THE DARK WORLD(M) 112 mins Action/Adventure/Fantasy (Contains violence)

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Wed 13 Nov 1.20pm, 3.40pm, 6pm & 8.20pm, Thurs 14Nov 10.20am, 3.30pm & 5.50pm, Fri 15 Nov 3.30pm &

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The true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009

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hundred years. Starring Tom Hanks.

Wed 13 Nov 10.30am & 8pm, Thurs 14 Nov 8.10pm, Fri 15Nov 8.10pm, Sat 16 Nov 12.40pm & 8.10pm, Sun 17 Nov12.40pm & 8.10pm, Mon 18 Nov 12.40pm & 8.10pm, Tues

19 Nov 12.40pm & 8.10pm, Wed 20 Nov 12.40pm& 8.10pm

BEYOND THE EDGE(G) 92 mins Documentary/Adventure

A feature film about Sir Edmund Hillary’s monumental and

historical ascent of Mt. Everest in 1953 - an event that

stunned the world and defined a nation.

Final Week - Wed 13 Nov (Bring Baby 2 - 10.40am),3.50pm & 5.50pm, Thurs 14 Nov 3.50pm & 6pm, Fri 15Nov 3.50pm & 6pm, Sat 16 Nov 3.50pm & 6pm, Sun 17

Nov 3.50pm & 6pm, Mon 18 Nov 3.50pm & 6pm, Tues 19Nov 3.50pm & 6pm, Wed 20 Nov 3.50pm & 6pm

ABOUT TIME(M) 123 mins Comedy/Drama/Sci-fi (Contains offensive language & sexual references)

At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and

change what happens and has happened in his own life.

His decision to make his world a better place by getting a

girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think.

Starring Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams & Bill Nighy.

Final Week - Wed 13 Nov 10.20am & 5.40pm, Thurs 14Nov 3.40pm, Fri 15 Nov 3.40pm, Sat 16 Nov 3.40pm,

Sun 17 Nov 3.20pm, Mon 18 Nov 3.40pm, Tues 19 Nov3.40pm, Wed 20 Nov 3.40pm

PRISONERS(R16) 153 mins Crime/Drama/Thriller (Contains violence, offensive language

& content that may disturb)

When Keller Dover’s daughter and her friend go missing, he

takes matters into his own hands as the police pursue multiple

leads and the pressure mounts. But just how far will this

desperate father go to protect his family?

Final Session - Wed 13 Nov 12.40pm

RUNNER RUNNER(M) 91 mins Crime/Drama/Thriller (Contains violence, offensive language & sex scenes)

When a poor college student who cracks an online poker

game goes bust, he arranges a face-to-face with the man he

thinks cheated him, a sly offshore entrepreneur.

Final Session - Wed 13 Nov 3.40pm

TURBO(G) 96 mins Animation/Adventure/Comedy

A freak accident might just help an everyday garden snail

achieve his biggest dream: winning the Indy 500.

Sat 16 Nov 10.30am, Sun 17 Nov 10.30am

SENIORS MORNINGS & BRING BABY TOO *free morning tea with ticket purchase*

Mon 18 Nov 10.20am Thor: The Dark World (M),10.30am The Butler (M),10.40am One Chance (PG)

Tues 19 Nov 10.20am Thor: The Dark World (M),10.30am The Butler (M),10.40am One Chance (PG)

Bring Baby TooWed 20 Nov 10.40am One Chance (PG)

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Your Boutique Cinema and Cafe experience




(M) 146 mins Action/Adventure/Sci-fi (Contains violence)

Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark become targets of the

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THE BUTLER(M) 132 mins Biography/Drama (Contains violence & offensive language)

As Cecil Gaines serves eight presidents during his tenure as a

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ONE CHANCE(PG) 103 mins Biography/Comedy/Music (Contains violence, coarse language

& sexual references)

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Thurs 14 Nov 10.40am, 1pm, 6.10pm & 8.20pm, Fri 15 Nov 10.40am,1pm, 6.10pm & 8.20pm, Sat 16 Nov 10.40am, 1pm, 6.10pm &

8.20pm, Sun 17 Nov 10.40am, 1pm & 8.20pm, Mon 18 Nov 10.40am,1pm, 6.10pm & 8.20pm, Tues 19 Nov 10.40am, 1pm, 6.10pm &

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 5

Pre-entry class pavesway for school start


GETTING STARTED: Levin School deputy principal Jeanette Wilson works with pre-entry children, buddied up with students who have already started school.



‘The transition tofulltime school atfive is so mucheasier for thechildren who havebeen a part of theprogramme.’— JEANETTE WILSON, Levin School

deputy principal

Levin School recognises that childrenare often ready to start school well beforetheir fifth birthday.

‘‘Especially if they have siblingsalready at school,’’ deputy principalJeanette Wilson said.

‘‘We recognise the fact and welcomefour-year-olds into our pre-entry classheld every Wednesday throughout theschool year.’’

Joined by a parent or caregiverchildren can enrol at the school, and preentry classes, from the day they turnfour.

‘‘The transition to fulltime school atfive is so much easier for the childrenwho have been a part of the programme,’’Jeanette said.

The children are immersed in avariety of learning programmes whichrecognise their individual learningneeds.

‘‘Each week the children do simplemaths work, take part in music andlisten to a story,’’ Jeanette said.‘‘Children look forward to coming, welook forward to having them in theschool.’’

Closer to their fifth birthday there isan opportunity to make classroom visitsin the morning.

‘‘They will be familiar with theclassroom environment already,’’Jeanette said.

‘‘This helps them to become familiarwith the routine of a school day.’’

Early enrolment has advantages forthe school as well as the students.

‘‘While it is extremely beneficial forthe children to build social relationshipswithin the school, it also enables theschool to estimate the role for thefollowing year and plan accordingly,’’principal Colin Offord said.■ For information contact Levin School,phone 368-6562.

Page 6: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Time is running out to enrol. You must be enrolled by Thursday 21 November to receive your voting paper in the mail, otherwise you’ll miss out.Check your enrolment details online at elections.org.nz or at a local PostShop. If you’re not enrolled or have changed address you need to enrol now. It’s easy!

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Moving in theMiraculous

You are invited to a weekend of Healing,Teaching and Miracles with

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Sat 16th “Moving in the Miraculous”Seminar. 10am - 3.30pm$20 per personLight lunch included.Please register by contactingKellie on 367 9749Open Healing Meeting @ 7pm

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An offering will be collected at each service

6 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013


SUPPORTER: Horowhenua District Mayor BrendanDuffy is ‘‘proud’’ to take the pledge.

Mayors get behind pledgeMayor Brendan Duffy isurging Horowhenua’s mento take The Pledge.

This week marks thestart of the 2013 WhiteRibbon Campaign to endmen’s violence towardswomen. This will be kickedoff with mayorsthroughout the countrytaking The Pledge ‘‘tonever commit, condone orremain silent aboutviolence towards women’’’.

White Ribbon is aninternational movementthat began after the murderof 14 women in Canada. Itsfocus is to change attitudesand behaviours aroundmen’s violence towardswomen. This year, thecampaign will focus onasking men to take ThePledge and encouragingthem to build it into theirdaily lives.

Mr Duffy is pleased to be supportingthe White Ribbon Campaign once againthis year. ‘‘I’m proud to take this pledgeand demonstrate my commitment toending this violence. As a community, wemust stand together to stop violencehappening within our district.

‘‘It [violence] destroys lives andprevents the most vulnerable in oursociety from participating in ourcommunities.’’

When men take The Pledge, they areprovided with resources to help themtake action and change attitudes andbehaviours. The Pledge lets men knowthat thousands of New Zealanders havegot their back, and support their decisionto help make Aotearoa a violence-freecountry. The Pledge can be taken onlineat www.whiteribbon.org.nz

‘‘We can all influence those around us,and saving just one life, preventing justone woman from being hospitalised or

one child from experiencing violencewould make the campaign worthwhile.’’

Judge Boshier, White Ribbonchairman, agrees. ‘‘While most men arenot violent, most violence is perpetratedby men. We know that one of the bestways to change behaviour is to changesocial norms. Right now, far too manypeople still think that violence isacceptable. And in too many cases, theirfriends and colleagues don’t speak up.’’

It is that silence that leads men tobelieve violence is okay.

‘‘The time for looking away is over. I’mpromoting this pledge because if we alltake responsibility for this seriousproblem, we can change both attitudesand behaviour. For too long I’ve seen theresults of family violence in the courts,for our mothers, our daughters, ourcolleagues, our friends and our partnerswe need to take a stand and it starts withThe Pledge.’’

Page 7: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Lindblad Expeditions-NationalGeographic, are pioneers in expeditiontravel and offer voyages in the Galápagos,Antarctica, the Arctic, Baja California,Alaska, Costa Rica, Panama, the Amazon,Asia & Pacific,Africa, Europe and beyond.

They work in alliance to inspire travellersto explore and care about the planet.Their collaboration in exploration, research,technology and conservation providesextraordinary travel experiences anddisseminates geographic knowledge aroundthe globe and they have won numerous awardsand accolades,most recently in 2013 – but thelist is long!

That’s why we are excited to advise you thatLindblad Expeditions-National Geographicis launching their new 120-page cataloguehighlighting their expedition itinerariessailing in 2014.

With a fleet of 10 expedition-style ships,they will visit all 7 continents and offer over40 unique and diverse itineraries rangingfrom seven to twenty-four nights. Highlightsinclude Arctic Norway, Iceland, Greenland,Antarctica, Kimberley Coast, Panama & CostaRica, Galapagos, Northwest Passage, Borneo,Alaska, the upper reaches of the Amazon River,Tahiti, Easter Island and much more.

Whether exploring the Amazon River or holdinghands with an infant orang-utan in Borneo,photographing the weird and wonderful ofthe Galapogos or encountering the last greatWilderness of Antarctica, information about

these life-enhancing adventures arerevealed inside Explorations - thefirst step towards discovering themost authentic, immersive andengaging travel experiences on earth.

Together Lindblad Expeditions andNational Geographic offer travellers

unique opportunities: an experiencedexpedition team sharing their knowledgeand enhancing your understanding, plusNational Geographic explorers, writers andphotographers; a fleet of expedition shipsranging in size from 28 to 148 guests, allwell-equipped with a range of tools forexploration including Zodiacs, kayaks,hydrophones, video equipment including anROV (on NG Orion and NG Explorer), scubaequipment (on NG Orion) and snorkelling gear.

If you are a seasoned traveller looking for thepath less travelled or just someone who wantsto have a unique and unforgettable vacationexperience with an award winning, reputablehost company, you will want to peruse the new2014 brochure and talk to us about options.

What’s coming up in Levin?...OurNovember newsletter will be coming outshortly – if you are not on our mailing list andwant to receive a copy, please contact Sue.Our last information evening of the year ishappening on 4 December at 5.30pm. Comeand join us for light refreshments to hear fromthe experts at GO Holidays, aboutWendyWu,the Asian touring specialists. These eveningsare very popular so bookings are essential.

Pam Hardy

TRAVELMATTERS- what’s happening in the industry with Pam Hardy



BE INSPIRED—GET OUR 2014 BROCHURE120 pages, incredible photos,40+ destinations & more-yours with our compliments.

Galápagos Tortoise. King Penguins, South Georgia. King George Falls , The Kimberley. Polar Bear, Svalbard.


In 2004, Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic joined forces to inspire the worldthrough expedition travel. Now our fleet of 10 ships voyage to over 40 extraordinarydestinations on 7 continents providing vivid, once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

If you once promised yourself you’d embark on a great adventure, chancesare 2014 is your year. Your expedition of a lifetime is here. Inside our 2014EXPLORATIONS brochure you will find stunning photos shot by NationalGeographic and our expedition photographers world-wide. Plus, you’ll findcomplete itineraries, and learn more about the Lindblad Expeditions’heritage, our acclaimed staff, and the exclusive Lindblad Expedition-NationalGeographic alliance. Embark with us in 2014!

With most factories havingearly December dates forcut off orders, it’s time to getthose curtains and blindssorted. Don’t be disappointedby missing out on that newlook before Christmas. Witha wide range of samples instock at Colourplus you willbe able to choose a suitable

curtains for the living room or bedrooms or a blind foryour window. Interior Designer, Carol Butt, will help youwith your choice of fabric, help you with colour and talkabout lining options. Blinds are becoming very popular,especially sunscreens which, when down, allow you tosee through them but from the outside looking in, giveyou complete privacy.

So for a free measure call in and see Carol or Peteat Colourplus, phone 368 7133 (OPP KFC).


COLOURPLUS LEVIN310 Oxford Street (Opposite KFC) LevinPh: 06 368 7133

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 7

MasterChef winner to visit


DINNER INVITATION: Ladies from Altrusa International of Levin are inviting you to anevening with MasterChef Brett McGregor, from left Ona Hill, Robyn Sewell, SandraWebb and Maree Webb.


MasterChef winner Brett McGregor iscoming to Levin.

McGregor became a household nameafter winning the first series ofMasterChef New Zealand in 2010. AltrusaInternational of Levin have arranged anevening with Brett, with proceeds goingto the Horowhenua Health Shuttle.

Altrusa is an internationalassociation of professional women whovoluntarily support projects dedicated tocommunity betterment and literacy.Brett will showcase his culinary skills,preparing two different mains and thensharing them with eight lucky ticketholders selected on the night.

During an interval a light supper willbe served. The Salvation Army Worshipand Community Centre was chosen byAltrusa for the two-hour show.‘‘Everyone has a fabulous view of thedemonstration which will be played on

an overhead screen as well,’’ AltrusaPublicity Officer Dale Webb said. ‘‘Peoplewho have already seen the show havereally enjoyed the experience.’’

This is not the first time Levin Altrusahave supported the Horowhenua HealthShuttle, having held a fundraising drivein October.

‘‘The Shuttle has been operating forfive years, it has become the lifeline formany Levin residents getting them tomedical appointments in PalmerstonNorth,’’ Ms Webb said.

‘‘The service runs with volunteerdrivers five days a week, five return tripsa day, with special trips on Saturday fordialysis patients.’’

McGregor’s show is on November 25starting at 7pm. Tickets are on sale at ByDesign and Paper Plus for $25. Forinformation on Altrusa contact ClubPresident Lynette Haywood ph 368-2162or Publicity Officer Dale Webb ph368-6001.

Page 8: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Make Reevedon RetirementVillage your new home…

Are you looking for an independent

lifestyle, with access to support as you

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We now have one and two bedroom villas available

at Reevedon Villas, situated close to Levin’s

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Reevedon Villas: 37 Salisbury Street, Levin

Next open home: 10am-11.30am, Friday 15th November 2013.We look forward to seeing you there!If you need transport to the open home, call us on (06) 366 0444 to arrange you free door-to-doorpick up and drop off.

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8 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Levin swimmer in top form


MEDAL SUCCESS: Levin’s Rebecca Moynahan tooksilver and bronze at the inaugural Swimming NewZealand Zonal Championships last month.

Levin swimmer RebeccaMoynahan broughthome a swag of medalsat the inauguralSwimming New ZealandZonal Championshipslast month, clinching asilver and two bronzesin the under-15 juniorgirls grade.

She was also in thewinning 50m freestylerelay team for her grade.

The Year 10Waiopehu Collegestudent was the onlyjunior swimmer fromthe Manawatu region tobe selected for the AllStars Zonal team, whichincluded swimmersfrom Wairarapa,Wanganui andWellington.

Four Zonal teamscompeted in thecompetition held inWellington, bringingtogether a total of 160junior and seniorswimmers from aroundthe country.

Competing againstsome of the bestswimmers in her agegroup, Rebecca tooksilver in the 100mfreestyle and bronze inboth the 100m and 50mfreestyle.

Rebecca, who hasbeen swimmingcompetitively for fiveyears and trains fivedays a week before andafter school, said it was great to be goodenough to qualify and represent theregion.

‘‘I was really happy to get thoseplacings for the team which came secondoverall.’’

She said the All Stars Team wouldbecome a development squad that wouldhopefully give members a better chanceto be selected for national teams.

‘‘I’d love to represent New Zealand atthe Olympics one day.’’

Page 9: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 9

Levin grower stars


SUPER SALLY: Levin’s Kevin Sherlock tends his prize-winning orchid, DendrobiumKenny Green ’Sally’.

Levin’s Kevin Sherlock may have had thesmallest orchid display at the 2013 NewZealand National Orchid Expo, but 10 ofhis 13 orchids took either firsts or seconds,plus champion in the Dendrobium classwith his orchid Kenny Green ‘Sally’.

As the only representative fromHorowhenua, showing against thousandsof other plants at the expo in NewPlymouth earlier this month, Kevin said

he didn’t expect to do so well. ‘‘I didn’thave the range of genera as other growersand clubs from around the country, so Iwas very pleased with the results.’’

Growing and breeding orchids forabout 40 years now, the Levin OrchidSociety member is no stranger to winningsome of the country’s top orchid accoladesand says competing at shows is thehighlight of the year for him.

Page 10: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

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10 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shop has changed its focus over timeBy LINDA FLETCHER


MILESTONE: Celebrating 25 years in Levin Mall the friendly Camera Place team, from left, Susan Williams, Stephen Feldon andJared Smith.

Stephen Feldon of Camera Place is cele-brating 25 years in the Levin Mall.

Starting work on November 6, 1988 asa shop assistant at Berry’s Photo Centre,Stephen is now firmly established in thebusiness he has owned for over sevenyears.

He’s seen a lot of changes over the past25 years.

There have been six landlords in theMall and a lot of shops have come andgone.

‘‘A lot of people too, good people,there’s a lot of memories.’’

Stephen has a lot of time for his oldboss, John Berry.

‘‘He’s still a mentor for me — I can’tspeaking highly enough of him — andhe’s a good friend too.’’

The biggest changes have been intechnology.

Summer time used to mean busy daysprocessing film, especially after a sunnyholiday weekend.

‘‘We used to work late on a Mondaynight to clear the backlog,’’ Stephen said.

‘‘A peak day after a long weekend wewould process 200 rolls of films. On anaverage Monday it would be 120-130.’’

The old processing machines used totake up half the shop but now they are alot smaller.

Digital cameras have meant a changeof focus in the services they provide, withenlargements and photo canvases top ofthe list.

Camera Place also helps customersbridge the technology gap, transferringold slides, photographs and home moviesto digital media. Photo restoration, photobooks, digital passport photos are allregular services the shop provides.

Stephen’s photography skills havebeen honed over his whole life time.

He owned a 35mm camera and pro-cessed his first film with his father at theage of four.

The family lived in Bulls, so as well as

plants — and his little sister — Stephenphotographed lots of aircraft at OhakeaAir Base where his father worked.

He was just four years old when theBulls bridge collapsed in 1973 and itbecame the target of his new skills.

These days he works as a professionalevent photographer and has lost count ofthe number of weddings he has done over

the years. When he’s not working heenjoys the great outdoors, and his cameraaccompanies him in these excursions.

A couple of weeks ago he was kayakingdown the Whakatane River with a groupof business colleagues, which hedescribed as ‘‘simply wonderful’’.

Stephen is proud of his four KodakExpress Shop of the Year Awards — four

gold and one bronze — which are testa-ment to his commitment to providing aquality service to his customers.

He has a small, tight team.His wife Deb works in the shop’s

framing business and Jared Smith andSusan Williams are their able assistants,willing to share their photography know-ledge.

Page 11: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 11



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Page 12: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13




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A12 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

PET PROJECTwithShivaunStatham

Shivaun Statham fromPurina is atrained vet nurse and dogbehaviourist who answers questionson the free Purina pet-care line—0800PETVIP. If you have questionsor concerns about your pet’s health,behaviour or diet for Shivaun, [email protected]

Tips to nix needy cats

Our black cat, Roxy, is incrediblyneedy. Shewas an abandonedrescue kitten. She is now 15 yearsold and follows us everywherewego.Wheneverwe sit on the couchshe jumps on the chair arm andstares at us until we give her acuddle.When I’mworking on thecomputer she jumps on the tableand stares atme for a cuddle. She’salwaysmiaowing for cuddles, fromfirst thing in themorning until lastthing at night. Our other cat, atabby, has normal behaviour anddoes her own thing in betweencuddles. How dowe get Roxy to giveus a bit of space?We hate to pushher off, but it gets a bitmuch all daylong.

The first thing to do is get Roxychecked by a veterinarian— this mayinvolve running blood tests.Any change in behaviour,

particularly in an elderly cat, could becaused by an underlying healthcondition. If Roxy is in good physicalhealth, then there could be otherreasons for her behaviour.Kittens that have had a hard start

life in life and that have beenseparated from their mother at anearly age often display behaviouralproblems and can be particularlydemanding.Some cats are naturallymore

needy andwill demandmoreattention than others. Burmese andSiamese breeds are very demandingand the kind of behaviour youdescribe is normal for them!It is also possible that she is

becomingmore anxiety prone as shegets older.The ageing process in an animal’s

brain can cause their anxiety toworsen.Cats can also be affected by stress

or changes in their environment.Moving house, different people

coming or going in your home, newpetsmoving into the neighbourhoodor even neighbours undergoing noisyrenovations can affect a cat’sbehaviour.I would recommend keeping a note

of when Roxy’s behaviour is

particularly bad and note downwhatis happening in the environment atthe time, to see if there could be a link.Be gentle but firmwith Roxy,

ignore her attention-seeking attemptsand give her attention when she iscalm and quiet.Giving in to her demands will just

reward this behaviour and serve toincrease it. You can still enjoy cuddleswith Roxy but when you choose, notwhen she demands it.Keep all routines like feeding the

same and don’t move furniturearound constantly— this may help tokeep her stress levels down.Ensure Roxy has a secure place of

her own to retreat to, such as a specialbed or even a covered box, as catsoften feel more secure in a coveredarea.If you feel Roxy is stressed or she

is becoming increasingly confused,discuss this with your veterinarian,as there are some treatments theymay be able to recommend.

Focus on newborn careMidCentral District Health Board’s New-born Enrolment programme was launchedlast month and will be available to parentsof the 2500 children born within theMidCentral region each year.

MDHB have established a newbornenrolment programme which assists par-ents of newborns to link into a variety ofpublicly-funded health services.

Newborn Enrolment co-ordinatorMichelle Drew said with the arrival of anewborn comes the responsibility of manag-ing their health and wellbeing, and the newform will help facilitate this.

The form provides a single documentwhich manages enrolment with all theservices for their baby at once. It alsoenables the newborn enrolment co-ordinator to easily identify children whomay not have access to any of the servicesthey are entitled to. MidCentral can thenassist families with the enrolment process.

Services included on this form are:National Immunisation Register; Well

Child Tamariki Ora provider; GeneralPractice Team; Child and Adolescent OralHealth Service; Universal Newborn HearingScreening and Early Intervention Pro-gramme.

Forms are being distributed to mothersafter the birth of their babies and should becompleted prior to leaving hospital. Thisenables all services involved to be notifiedas soon as possible.

If the family is not enrolled with aGeneral Practice or have not decided onwhich Well Child provider to go with, theNewborn Enrolment Co-ordinator willmake contact with the family to assist withthis. Homebirths and babies born out of thedistrict but who live in the MDHB area willbe given their newborn enrolment form bytheir Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) who willthen forward it to the co-ordinator.

Page 13: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Whats on at Te Takere

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 13

CHALKLE CLASSESNovember 13Learn to be an artist Learntips and tricks to bring outyour inner artist. 9amSnappy CV’s - getting thatjob interview - Learn how tobuild a CV which will get youto that interview! 10am.November 15Vodafone Get the most out ofyour cellphone. Learn how tosend and receive texts,photos and even emails on

Vodafone applications. Thisis a free class. 2pm.November 18Learn the art of Tai Chi - Taichi helps with health benefits,enhance memory, balance,co-ordination , flexibility , andgives you a sense ofaccomplishment. 10am.November 20Learn to be an artist - How toget started in art andsuggestions for painting, to

learn to create that some-thing special. 10am.Water issues - Water cycle;What happens to wastewater, the impact of stormwater, ideas for Water Con-servation. This is a free class.1pm.Register throughwww.chalkle.com or enquireat Te Takere service deskwhere one of our the staff willbe happy to help you.

WHAT’S ON AT TE TAKERETED talks: Open MeetingRoom, 12.30-1pm weekdays.Paul Ewald: Can we domesti-cate germs? Evolutionarybiologist Paul Ewald drags usinto the sewer to discussgerms. Why are some moreharmful than others? Howcould we make the harmfulones benign? Searching foranswers, he examines a dis-gusting, fascinating case:diarrhea.Elizabeth Murchison: Fight-ing a contagious cancer.What is killing the Tasmaniandevil? A virulent cancer isinfecting them by the thou-sands -- and unlike mostcancers, it’s contagious.Researcher Elizabeth Murchi-son tells us how she’s fightingto save the Taz, and whatshe’s learning about all can-cers from this unusual strain.Caution: contains disturbingimages of facial cancer.Exhibition space: Drop in tosee the beautiful works fromthe Painting Quartet in Watercolour, Acrylic and Pastel.Jean Kay, Wyn rose, MeldaGibson and Tony Shepherdare the Painting Quartet. Wealso have some lovely potterypieces by Rosalie Blake on

display. All items in the Exhi-bition are for sale. Christmasis on the way — you mightfind something special here.Today:Te Wananga o Raukawa:This week staff from TeWananga o Raukawa are onsite to show you the educa-tion opportunities that theyare offering for 2014. If youare thinking of study in thecoming year now is yourchance to discuss your needsand aspirations with them.Bootcamp: Youth Space(every Monday, Wednesday& Friday), 7am-8amThursday:Baby play: Youth Space,9am-noon.Friday:Lunch time music with TipTekira. Noon-1pm Bring yourlunch or pick somethingdelicious up from Libretto andrelax at the end of the week.Technology clinic forseniors: Technology clinicfor seniors presented bySeniornet — just bring alongyour digital device and thepatient tutors from Seniornetwill help you figure out anyproblems. 2pm-4pmSaturday

Kapiti Concert Orchestra:Join us at 4.30 for a uniqueopportunity to hear the Kapi-ti Concert Orchestra inLevin. The Orchestra whichis very popular in Kapiti hasnever played in the Horo-whenua so let’s make theirdebut here a memorableone. Tickets ($25) are avail-able online, from Te Takereor from the Otaki VeterinaryClinic in Mill Road Otaki.Door sales may be available($30) If you have neverheard a full orchestral con-cert now is your chance thisone is too good to miss.


Music Monday: Jack John-son - Kokua Festival, Hawaii2008 (full concert). OpenMeeting Room, 10am and2pm (subject to room avail-ability).


Baby play: Youth Space,9am-noon.

Toddler time: Children’slibrary, 10am-10.30am

JP clinic: Kowhai Room,11.30am-1.30pm.

Library catering forstudy and relaxing

DVDS:Miss Fisher’s MurderMysteries: TheComplete Series 1WrestleMania 29Jack the Giant KillerPawnAgent Hamilton in theInterest of the NationThe PaperboyThe CallThe Last StandThe Almighty Johnsons:Series 3BBC Top Gear: TheComplete Series 20

Students it’s that time ofyear again with finalassignments to completeand exams looming. Sowhy don’t you come andcheck out our study spaces.

We have tables andcomfortable chairs dottedall around Te Takere, somein quiet areas and some inplaces where you can sitaround working as a groupwithout upsetting others.The wi-fi is free and greatfor using your owndevices. Most of the tableshave a hot-point handythat you can plug in to. Youcan print from them to ourprinters, you just need alibrary card and a staffmember can show youhow. And if you would liketo use our computers theyare free for two hours useeach day. If you havesomething large to work onand need longer than this,just ask.

We have a good range of

study guides you can useon-site. If you would like touse a meeting room for anextra tutorial and we haveone free, we would loveyou to make use of one. Gota DVD you need to watchagain to prepare for yourexams? If we can help you,we will — just ask.

And when you need tocome up for some air,come on through to theYouth Space. Sing us asong, dance, have a go onthe play station, have agame of giant chess, orhave a game of ping pong!It’s a relaxing space tohangout and no-one isgoing to ‘‘shush’’ you.We’ve got three ping pongtables and you arewelcome to use our bats(unless you have yourown you want to bringin). We have a supply ofballs at 50c each whichyou get to keep for nexttime. Talk to Asariaabout setting up achallenge so you can getserious about yourrecreation time!

It is a stressful time ofyear but summer is justaround the corner. Workhard, ask for help whenyou need it and keep somebalance.

Page 14: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Get cash for Christmas now when you bring in your scrap metal to General Metal Recyclers. We pay Top prices for yourscrap metal! Our friendly qualified staff will unload your vehicle and weigh up you scrap metal using certified digital scalesand pay you cash. Call us today to find out how easy and safe it is to sell your scrap metal to General Metal Recyclers.Call Now 0800-273-873 or go to our web site gmr.co.nz. If its made of metal bring it in!


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14 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rock your garden with natural fertiliser

BLOOMING GREAT: Roses appreciate a Rok Solid application.



Several years ago I wasintroduced to a product calledRok Solid which is a Rockdust-Full Spectrum-Bio CertifiedFertiliser.

Rok Solid is designed towork in the soil, increasing themineral content to the benefitof the health of the soil andplants growing there.

Used on food crops, it meansproduce will have greaternutritional value and taste.

Rok Solid contains over 60minerals and elements and isspecially selected for itsnatural energy(paramagnetism).

This energy is what givesthe soil its vitality assisting inthe nutrient uptake of plants.

The high silica content (43per cent) helps in plantformation.

Rok Solid is blended withOrganic 100 liquid fertiliserconcentrate made from fish andseaweed, which contributes afurther array of minerals,together with microbialstimulates.

These organisms arenecessary to hold soil balance,regulate nutrients to plants,build humus and help detoxifythe soil.

Rok Solid is used at 100grams per square metre for newplantings. The scoop providedin container is approx 50 grams

when filled level.Alternatively, put about a

level teaspoon into eachplanting hole for seedlings or asprinkling along a row of seeds,with the seeds at planting time.

Larger plants need about alevel tablespoon in the plantinghole.

For existing gardens use 100grams per square metre twice a

year (spring and autumn) forfruit trees, shrubs, vegetableand flower gardens and lawns.

Roses enjoy an applicationof one to two teaspoons per rosein spring and autumn givingyou healthier roses and betterflowers.

I have had excellent reportson the improvement Rok Solidhas made to gardeners’ roses.

For the home gardener RokSolid is available in 1kg and 3kgjars from many garden centres.

Analysis of Rok Solid(Averages). Nitrogen .15 percent, phosphorus .8 per cent,potassium 1.0 per cent, sulphur.14 per cent, calcium 4.4 percent, magnesium 5.6 per cent,sodium 2.95 per cent, silica 43.0per cent, iron [Fe] 39000ppm,

manganese 1100ppm, boron55ppm, copper 90ppm, zinc142ppm, cobalt 59ppm,molybdenum 2ppm, selenium3ppm, plus many other traceelements.

Since 2008 I have being usingthis natural product in all myraised gardens and containers,placing a little in the plantinghole for seedlings or asprinkling into a containerwhen potting up.

On existing containers withfruit trees and ornamentals atwice yearly sprinkling makesthe world of difference to thehealth of the plants.

The most remarkable use Ihave come across is a massivepassion fruit vine that isgrowing over a horizontaltrellis under a clear plasticroof.

At the time I spotted thisplant at an organic orchard, thevine covered about 8 squaremetres and there werehundreds of large passion fruithanging down waiting to ripen.

I ask the owner about thevine and what it was being fed(as it was only growing in a 100litre container). I was told RokSolid.

If you want better gardens,healthier plants plus moreflavour as well as nutritionalvalue from your vegetables andfruit then Rok Solid is theanswer.

Problems ring me at 0800466464 (Palmerston North3570606)[email protected] pages and news atwww.gardenews.co.nzShar Pei pages atwww.sharpei.co.nz

Page 15: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Saturday 16th November10am to 2pm


SS t d


What’s Happening...Lamb/Calf Judging

• Face Painting• Digger Rides• Sandpit Dig• Quick Fire Raffles• Candy Floss• Spot The Plop• Promise Auction• Food Court• Vege/Flower• Wine Tasting• Bouncy Castle• Jeep Rides• Craft Stalls

PLUS Fun Activitiesprovided by theSenior Students.Senior Students.



This advert is kindly sponsored by Debra Brown & Family.

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Muhunoa West RoadSaturday 16th November9am – 1pm



OFFICE 06 367 8007DANNY 027 484 [email protected]

Proud to support OHAU SCHOOL!

GREIGGREIGFENCES andFENCES and GATESGATESFor Reliability & Quality WorkmanshipFor Reliability & Quality Workmanship

Phone Rodger Greig on 021 108 6811;A/h 06 367 0352

‘Based in Ohau and servicing fromParaparaumu to Foxton’

• Rural & Residential• Rural & ResidentialFences & GatesFences & Gates

•• Retaining WallsRetaining Walls• Raised Gardens• Raised Gardens•• Decking • PergolasDecking • Pergolas• Outdoor Furniture• Outdoor Furniture

Email: [email protected] - www.macgates.co.nzTradeMe site under Trade Services

OHAU SCHOOL AGRICULTURAL DAYSaturday 16th November - 10am to 2pm

Muhunoa East Road, Ohau

Bring your family and enjoy a fun day out!


AT OHAU SCHOOL!This yearly event is always avery successful day and a realcommunity event. The Boys and GirlsAgriculture Club has been runningits competitions in New Zealandfor over 75 years and is still stronglysupported in the rural schools of theHorowhenua.

Many children at Ohau School havebeen busy rearing lambs and calvesover the past few months and willproudly bring their pets to be judgedthis Saturday. Home gardens have

also been created by some of thechildren and these will be judged inthe next few weeks.

Come and enjoy the fun of the fair.Wander through the classroomsand marvel at the childrens’creations and artwork. Get yourraffle tickets, quick fire raffles,vegetables, spot the plop tickets,candy floss, the seniors students areselling a range of food items andenjoy a tasty lunch as well. There’salso exciting items available in the“Promise Auction” to bid on.



✆ 06 362 6777





Prepaid HANGI ticketsare available from theSchool Office for $10.

Phone 368 7949 to placeyour order! Pick up at

12noon on Ag Day.

The Settlement of

Ohau is only a

5 minute drivefrom Levin and is a thriving

country village with a wonderfulcommunity spirit. The local school

has generations of families stillinvolved and this Saturday will bea great day for all the locals to gettogether and share in the annualAgricultural Day with the childrenat Ohau School. Over recent years

lifestyle blocks have been developed andnew families are arriving all the time.

Sam Kim, Wine Orbit 2013

CELLAR DOORTasting room & sales

6 Bishops Road, O- hauOpen 7 days 11.00am-4.30pm

OHAU WINES LIMITEDwww.ohauwines.co.nz

Best White Wine TrophyKorea International Wine Challenge 2012

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 15

Page 16: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

16 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

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Page 17: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13


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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 17

Go with the Flow plumbingHis distinctive white van sportingbig blue bubbles is usually noticedsomewhere in Manawatu or Horo-whenua.

For 21 years Matt has offered localplumbing and gas fitting renovation andmaintenance services.

He started Go with the Flow Levin Ltdfive years ago.

Matt prides himself on being straightto the point and believes his honesty andworkmanship is reflected in repeat busi-ness and referrals.

It seems nothing is too much troublefor Matt.

He has established a good reputationand his services are sought by landlords,

property managers and governmentagencies. ‘‘Focusing my whole work lifeon renovation and maintenance hastaught me a lot,’’ said Matt.

‘‘I don’t think there is any question Icouldn’t answer in that field.

‘‘When people ring me for a job Ianswer the phone and they can talk tome.

‘‘I believe in the personal touch and alot of my customers become friends.’’

When not working in the plumbingbusiness Matt is involved with the LocalBMX club.

‘‘It’s good, healthy, rewarding fun.’’Contact Matt, phone 021 675-337 or

(06) 367-8111.

Page 18: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Mini Loader,Digger,

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532 Queen St. LevinPh. 06 367 3212E: [email protected]

If you would like toadvertise in the


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If you would like toadvertise in the


Please telephone

(06) 368 5109

18 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Carol seals victory as weather plays ball


DRAWN Fours WINNERS: From Left: Barbara Grout, Faye Gapperand Ann Woodcock. Absent, skip Dorothy Brazendale.


HANDICAP SINGLESFINALISTS: On the left CarolSeal (winner) and Barbara Grout.

A improved weather situationsaw the completion of a numberof events at the Levin Women’sBowling Club recently.

The Fran Turner handicapsingles saw some very goodbowls being played with some ofthe matches going down to thewire.

The winner this season wasCarol Seal who beat BarbaraGrout in the final 21-9.

However, that score was notindicative of the game when onmany occasions Barbara washolding a number of shots onlyto have them taken away byCarol with her last bowl.

The teams in the drawn fourscompetition also foundcompetition to be very tight withthe semifinal between CarrellKnight’s team of MargaretJames, Pam James and

Margaret Dickens going into thelast end against DorothyBrazendale and her team, AnnWoodcock, Barbara Grout and

Faye Gapper at 17 all, the finalscore being 20-17. The final sawDorothy Brazendale’s teamdefeat Dianne Spicer, Carol Seal,

Mavis Buckingham and MataStaples 14-13 on an extra end.

The first mixed triples of theseason, sponsored by

Glassworks Ltd, was held onSunday in very comfortableconditions. Teams from FoxtonBeach, Waitarere Beach and thelocal Levin clubs enjoyed somevery nice conditions with theGreen running beautifully tosuccessfully complete the day.

Winners were: 1st Laurie andKathy Field, Errol Sherman(Central Levin) 3 wins and adraw, 2nd Stafford and MarionBall and Barbara Grout 3 wins 21ends. 3rd Monica Robertson,Shirley Meredith and Marj Muir(Levin Women’s) with BillSanders (Central Levin sharingthe day) 3 wins 17 ends.

The next event is the ExpressRubber women’s triples onFriday November 15.

Any entries should beadvised to Dianne Spicer, phone368-4046.

Page 19: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13


Early Childhood CentreHours 7am - 6pm

Licensed for children 6wks - 5yrsOffering the same standard ofexcellence in both the Raumatiand Levin centres.

Raumati - Jo-Ann(04) 902 5437 (KIDS)

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SALES OFFICE20-30 Coventry StreetPO Box 1087, LEVIN0800 QUINS LEVIN

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CHRIS KELLY, Auckland will be at the Levin Tennis Club toCHRIS KELLY, Auckland will be at the Levin Tennis Club todemonstrate and advise on raquets and other gear FOR ALLdemonstrate and advise on raquets and other gear FOR ALLLEVELS OF PLAYER. He is available to club members andLEVELS OF PLAYER. He is available to club members andprospective members---prospective members---“Head” is one of the leading tennis brands in the World.“Head” is one of the leading tennis brands in the World.Their sponsored players include Novak Djokovic andTheir sponsored players include Novak Djokovic andMaria Sharapova plus a host of other top-ranked players.Maria Sharapova plus a host of other top-ranked players.



“HEAD” tennis visit – a Special Opportunity

Juniors from 9.30am | Seniors 1.30pm

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 19

GOLF RESULTSLevin Golf Club:Monday November 4, 9 holegolf mixed foursomes, 1st BillBradley and Alison Greer 30nett, 2nd Michael Christensenand Jean Bainbridge 32.5nett, 3rd Paul Bargh andGraham Cottrell 36 nett.Tuesday November 5,Midweek men stableford,John Quayle and John Miller42, Tony Gibson and LewRohloff 41, John Mullane,Rodney Harr ison, RonGibbard, Jeff Kay 40.Twos Ken Sterne, KeithHickman, Michael Atkins,Peter Price, Peter Clarke,Norm Behrent.Wednesday 6, Ladies yellowtee stableford, CatherineSmith 44, Ralda Adams andReigh Mackenzie 40, BethMiles 38.Ladies white tee stableford,Margaret Hooper, RosiePriest & Carol Louisson 34,Diane Pauling and NanSterne 33, Chloe Eastman29.Thursday November 7,Midweek men stableford,Fred James 44, Robert Forthand Dale Futcher 42, EricSmith 40.Twos Eric Smith.Late Starters Stableford,Graham Irving 41, AlanKearns and David Louisson39, Philip Young 38.Twos Doug Mitchell.Friday November 8, FridayTwlight results: Frank Coffey22, Denzil Tatana 21, RobertCorkill 20.Saturday November 9, earlystarters stableford, Eric Smith45, Robert Corkill 42, TonyGibson 41.Twos John Quayle.Late Starters Par, Ron Moody9, Philip Young 5, Ray Grout,

Alistair Finn, Paul Provostand Phil Fryer 4.

Twos Kim Ballantyne, ErnieLeslie, Adam Wallace andPhilip Young.

Ladies Classic results, GroupMoutere, Best gross FionaMcBride 156, 1st place stbfdMary Isherwood 75, 2nd KayOkeroa 74cb, 3rd KimWebber-Swain 74.

Group Tararua, Best GrossVal Smith 184, 1st place stbfdDi Pauling 76cb, 2nd PamCharlesworth 76, 3rd BrittaFraser 72.

Group Waiopehu, Best GrossJo Jensen 194, 1st placestbfd Ralda Adams 82, 2ndNorma Mercer 77, 3rd KuiaByford 75.

Coming events: FridayTwlight 9 hole golf everyFriday unti l Christmas,Coaching Clinic SundayNovember 24 with AlanCurrie commencing at 10am,also on this day we have theRamsbottom 9 hole Ambrose,shotgun at 1pm. Plus 9 holeSummer Ambrose also with1pm shotgun.Congratulations to TylerHodge on Junior Sportsmanof the Year and BrydieHodge, winner of the Mana-watu Colleges Junior SportsGirls. Brydie Attends Horo-whenua College.

Foxton Golf Club:November 9. Elliott Olsen 41,Kevin Shields 39, David Lack39, Murray Wan 39, MauriceFiler 37, Anthony Ilton-Maher37, Rae Jack 37.

Ohau pupils excel in crosscountryLVN091113fwohau1

ON THE RUN: Ohau School Year 1 girls take to the hills practicing their crosscountry skills.


JOEL Bishop running for OhauSchool.


DYLAN Vine finished second in theYear 8 boys’ crosscountry challengeat Hunterville.


Ohau School students spent weeksgaining fitness and finesse seekingselection for a gruellingcrosscountry event being held inHunterville.

From local trials, seven Ohaurunners were selected to make thetrip north.

Preparation for the big eventconsisted of interval training over acourse encompassing Ohau Domainand a bushclad hill at the back of theschool.

The course has proven a success-ful training ground for Ohaustudents over a number of years.

The Year 8 class was dominatedby Ohau students with first place justeluding Ohau’s Dylan Vine, whofinished in second place ahead offellow Ohau student Scott Elliot, theother Ohau runner Bayly Vine fin-ished fifth.

Tough competition in Year 7 sawOhau runners Matthew Gray, DanielFlanagan and Darren Ryan finish

15th, 45th and 47th respectively. SoleYear 5 rep from Ohau, Riley Hudson,came home in a very creditableeighth.

It was a credit to the Ohau repsthat they all completed the ruggedcourse, displaying top stamina andendurance.

Page 20: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

20 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Employment Vacancies


Email or post a cover letter and CV to:

Mark Dawson - EditorWanganui Chronicle, PO Box 433, Wanganui

email: [email protected]

or phone the Editor on 06 349 0717 if you want to discuss this opportunity

Closing date: 15th November, 2013

The Wanganui Chronicle needs an enthusiastic and energetic reporterto join the team producing the city’s must read daily newspaper.

We are looking for a qualified journalist who is keen to make theirmark on both print and digital platforms and who will thrive on avariety of news assignments.

The Chronicle is New Zealand’s oldest daily newspaper, based inthe historic river city noted for its outdoor lifestyle, great climate,affordable housing, sporting activities, excellent educational facilitiesand lively arts community.

Trades & Services

Buy & Sell





localclassifieds>> >>say it. sell it. buy it.

ADVERTISING (06) 368 5109 [email protected]

Employment Vacancies

OPEN HOMESLEVIN (ph 06 366 0666)

Rent P/W1 Bedroom27A Duke St....................................................................................................... $1452 Bedroom1/6 Roosevelt St................................................................................................ $1404/22 MacArthur St............................................................................................. $16066 Mako Mako Rd ............................................................................................. $1757 Alice Place...................................................................................................... $18510 Skye St ......................................................................................................... $190211a Bath St...................................................................................................... $2103 Bedroom43 Hinemoa St................................................................................................... $1705 Perth St........................................................................................................... $17520 Heather St .................................................................................................... $18547 Keepa St....................................................................................................... $19036 Strathmore ................................................................................................... $20012 Guy Ave......................................................................................................... $21517A Vogel St ...................................................................................................... $22093 MacArthur St ................................................................................................ $2404 Bedroom31 York St .......................................................................................................... $23521 Rugby St....................................................................................................... $270

RAUMATI BEACH (ph 04 974 6592)4 Bedroom20a Wharemauku Rd......................................................................................... $370WAIKANAE (ph 04 974 6592)6 Bedroom1 Rawene St...................................................................................................... $595

FOXTON (ph 06 363 0030)2 Bedroom1/2 Main St........................................................................................................ $1308 Herrington St.................................................................................................. $15053 Cook St......................................................................................................... $1803 Bedroom15A Ladys Mile.................................................................................................. $1759 Brown St......................................................................................................... $200


2 Bedroom

181 Seabury Ave ............................................................................................... $1604 Bedroom19 Linklater Ave................................................................................................. $220

HIMATANGI BEACH1 Bedroom11 Raunui St...................................................................................................... $1602 Bedrooms36 Muapoko St .................................................................................................. $190

HIMATANGI3 Bedrooms82 Himatangi Beach Rd .................................................................................... $240

TANGIMOANA BEACH2 Bedrooms6 Punga St......................................................................................................... $175

WAITARERE BEACH3 Bedrooms159 Park Ave ..................................................................................................... $195

HAIRDRESSERTo join top Levin boutique salonReg hours/days by negotiation

Send CV with refs to:Hairdresser, c/- PO Box 547, Levin

or [email protected]


HEARTLAND HEAD COACHSuitably qualified coaches are invited to apply

For the Head Coach position of the Horowhenua KapitiHeartland team.

CVs and a letter of application can be posted to:

The CEO, HKRFUPO Box 503, Levin

Or emailed to:[email protected]

Applications close at 5pm onFriday 15th November 2013.

Situations WantedTRUCK driving, casual orpart-time, Class 1, 2, 4.Phone 027 247 3270.

Trade ServicesCARPET cleaning 3rms$89 police/securityvetted 3689176/02102552516

HealthACUPUNCTURE treatmentfor pain relief Tuesdays @Physio Clinic Oxford StLevin. Phone Kevin Huang06 358 1690.

BOWENTHERAPISTNatural effective

treatment ofproblem back,neck, arm, RSI,

shoulder, sciatica,sport and body

pain, etc.Phone 368 6525021 0234 8009

Alan Hay111 Ryder Cres

Levin12 noon - 8pm

dailyMonday - Sunday

TV Video


Ring Steve foryour aerial and

dish installations(06) 368 8429after 5pm or027 298 3413


LandscapeGarden & Turf

TREE work, removal,stump grinding, branchmulching, fences, decks,building maintenance.BJ’s Building & PropertyMaintenance 027 249 2575or 368 7895.





Catherine Inger School of Dance21 Power Street, Levin

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Pre School to AdultsEnquiries to Catherine on (06) 367 2288

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CHAINSAWS, mowers,ride-ons, weedeaters,waterblasters, concretesaws, posthole borers,trailers, pumps etc, wehire and repair all makesand models. Levin Hire &Repairs, 126 Hokio BeachRd. Phone 368 5058.

Community EventsDIABETES: Got Diabetes? Get Educated - FREE.Healthy Living Diabetes Management course inLevin on Monday 18th, 25th November & Monday2nd December, 5:30 - 7:30pm. To register contactJacqui or Renee, MHT Diabetes Trust (06) 357 5992 oremail [email protected]

GIANT garage sale at Levin East School TwilightGala, Friday 15th November, 4:30pm - 7:30pm,Bartholomew Rd, Levin. Food stalls, raffles andentertainment.



Ph: 06 368 5109Fax: 06 368 2366

FirewoodDRY DRY DRY firewood.PYO from $20 pick up.Mac, Gum, Pine, DouglasFir, 28 Tararua Road,Levin - in big glasshouse.0274 A Grade.

For SaleMOBILITY Scooters newand used to choose from.Canopy’s available forthe winter weather.Southend Cycles, 368 5459call Warwick.

STAMPS, postcards,postal history, coins, RedCross Hall, 524 Queen St,Levin, Saturday 16thNov, 10am to 3.00pm.

WII plus 8 games ex cond,$250. Phone 367 5419.

Wanted to Buyor Exchange

BUYING now. LegacyAntiques, Shannon.Phone 362 7117.

STAMPS, postcards, oldenvelopes, coins,banknotes, militarymedals and badges. Freevaluation, Red CrossHall, 524 Queen St, Levin,Saturday 16th Nov,10.00am to 3.00pm.


JEWELLERY✴ Diamond rings✴ Bangles✴ Bracelets✴ Chains✴ Watches✴ Broken Jewellery



169 Oxford St, Levin

Business for Saleand Wanted

CLEANING round - Levin$30k, incl gear, car, etc.$1300p/w guar 2 yrs. Phn(06) 2102278 Leanna.

Lawn Mowing FranchiseMr Green

Income guarrantee - 90 lawns$20,000

phone Ian

021 223 3072

To Let2 bdrm brand new int,pref l/term, $185p/w,lawns inc. Phone 3679934/027 440 0685.

2 bdrm flat, gge, & c/port,fncd bck/yrd, newlyrenovated, refs req’d,$180p/w + bond. Phn 3688900/027 274 4442.

2 bdrm unit Ely Pl, gge,fnced, $190p/w. Phone0800 600 625.

3 dble bdrms, 2 sunrms, 2toilets, older characterhme, v tidy, big section,gge & c/port, prop is onthe market, no dogs, n/s,bond/refs req’d, 36Weraroa Rd, $270p/w.Phone 0274 351 023, notxts.

LEVIN $210p/w, 3 bdrmhouse, f/fenced, c/port,wd burner, txt 021 2336299 or phone 04 293 6310,available November 24th.

localclassifieds>> >>say it. sell it. buy it.

Kevin hit the nail on the headwhen he advertised his building

services in Local Classifieds

★ ★ ★ ADD SOME


TO PLACE AN ADPh: 06 368 5109Fax: 06 368 2366


CABIN, sleepout,office, availablenow, 3.6m x 2.4mcabin. Deliveredfrom $55pw.

Call FREE0508 CABIN 4U(0508 22246 48)


LEVIN 3 bdrm, wd burner,fncd, deck, l/t, gge,$245p/w. Phn 0272493367.

Page 21: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 21

DeathsLINDSAY,Claudia Mary.Of Levin. Peacefully atthe Masonic RestHome on TuesdayNovember 5, 2013, aged98 years. Dearly lovedwife of the lateCampbell. Lovedmother and mother-in-law of Jenny and FredMcNickle (Auckland),Jan and RogerLindsay-Giddings (Mt.Maunganui), Trevorand Jenny (Brisbane),Maureen and BruceScott (Cambridge).Loved Me-mum of allher grand and greatgrandchildren. Specialthanks to the staff ofMasonic Village RestHome for their lovingcare given to Claudiaduring her stay.

In accordance withClaudia’s wishes aprivate service hasbeen held.

Harvey Bowler FuneralsLevin and Otaki FDANZ

Locally owned

LILLY,Annette P.M.On ThursdayNovember 7, 2013, atMasonic Hospital,Levin in her 67th year.Loving Mother of 3children,Grandmother andGreat Grandmother of19 wonderful children.Misunderstood bymany.... butunderstood by thosewho mattered.Special thanks to theteam at the MasonicHospital for their careand support. In lieu offlowers donations tothe NZ Child CancerFoundation would begreatly appreciatedand can be left in theChapel Foyer. Allmessages to 3 KoniniStreet, Levin.

Friends are invited toattend a celebration ofAnnette’s life in theForrest Lawn Chapel,208 Guyton Street,Wanganui, onWednesday November13, 2013, at 3:30pm to befollowed by privatecremation.

Dempsey & Forrest(Locally Owned)


Funeral Directors

WRIGHT,William Raymond (Bill).Of Levin. OnNovember 7, 2013,peacefully atPalmerston NorthHospital. In his 88thyear. Dearly lovedhusband of Heather.Loved father andfather-in-law of Greg;Fraser and Donna(Foxton). LovedGrandad of all hisgrandchildren andgreat grandchildren.

In accordance withBill’s wishes, a privatefuneral has been held.Messages to 547 QueenStreet East, Levin.

In MemoriamPERENARA,Cherie.

26~11~71 - 13~11~11Still seeking truthjustice accountability4 the pain andsuffering you endured.Arohanui, Mum, Dadand whanau.

SHEARMAN,Barbara Jean.

2~7~38 - 13~11~06Remembered always.Errol, Tony and Lisa.


For more information, call

Remember usin yourWilland leave a

legacy of hope


What’s On

Join now and become aClub Member

Thursday 14th Nov Housie – Hudson Room

Friday 15th Nov Quiz NightJoker DrawRaffles

Saturday 16th Nov Karaoke with Hendrix 8.30pmTed Clements DartTournament from 9am

Sunday 17th Nov Ted Clements DartTournament from 9am

Tuesday 19th Nov Linedancing - Hudson Roomfrom 3.00pm BeginnersMembers DrawRaffles

Wednesday 20th Nov Linedancing - Hudson Roomfrom 6.30pm Beginners,8.00pm Intermediate

Thursday 21st Nov NO HOUSIE this weekFarmlands Expo –Hudson Room 6pm to 9pm

Friday 22nd Nov Quiz NightJoker DrawRaffles

Sunday 24th Nov Stampede Country Club1pm – 5pm

Monday 25th Nov Club Members Birthday Meal

Tuesday 26th Nov Linedancing - Hudson Roomfrom 3.00pm BeginnersMembers DrawRaffles

Oxford Street, LevinPhone: 06 368-2571

Members, affiliated members andguests welcome

Proposal to grant Lease – Portion of Donnelly Park LevinPursuant to Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 noticeis given that Council intends to consider a resolution to grant alease for a portion of Donnelly Park Levin, to the Horowhenua – KapitiCricket Association, on which to establish a pavilion for thepurpose of playing indoor cricket.

Any person or organisation may object or make submission inrespect of the proposal. Every such objection or submissionshall be made in writing addressed to the Property Manager,Horowhenua District Council, Private Bag 4002, Levin 5540,received not later than 5.00pm Monday 9 December 2013.

For any further information please contactthe Property Manager at Council on 06 366 0999.

DJ T ateProperty ManagerHorowhenua District Council

Motor Parts & Accessories


FREE REMOVALS 24/7Same DayNext Day

* Conditions apply (Selected items only)

No Rego - No WOF - De RegisteredDamaged - Dead or Alive * Don’t worry

WE BUY IT! All Makes & Models

$300 - $5000TRUCKS - VANS -

UTES & 4X4’s

We pay minimum $500 - $5000for Toyota Hiace, Hilux,

Landcruiser, Surf, Townace,LiteAce. * Selected Items

$100 - $3000CARS

We buy any trucks Big or Small

0800 313 7170800 313 717

Public Notices

Notice of Te Waotu Lands TrustsTri-annual General Meeting

The Te Waotu Lands trustees invitebeneficial owners to attend the tri-AGM to be

held at Pikitu Marae, Wiltsdown Road,Waotu, South Waikato

on Saturday 23rd November 2013Powhiri at 9am, meeting starts at 10am

For further information contact -Phone: 07 8536220

Email: [email protected]

Public NoticeClub RenewalSections 64(4)Sale of Liquor

Act 1989Horowhenua HockeyAssociation Inc,Donnelly Park, AdkinAvenue, Levin, hasmade application tothe District LicensingAgency atHorowhenua for therenewal of a ClubLicence in respect ofthe premises situatedat Donnelly Park,Adkin Avenue, Levin,known as HorowhenuaHockey Assn. Thegeneral nature of thebusiness to beconducted under thelicence is Club.The applicant seeks torenew the licence onthe same terms andconditions underwhich the applicantpresently operateswithout any change.The application maybe inspected duringordinary office hoursat the office of theHorowhenua DistrictLicensing Agency at126 Oxford Street,Levin.Any person who isentitled to object andwho wishes to object tothe renewalapplication may, notlater than fifteen (15)working days after thedate of the firstpublication of thisnotice in a newspaperor newspapers inaccordance with theAct, file a notice inwriting of theobjection with theSecretary of theHorowhenua DistrictLicensing Agency atPrivate Bag 4002,Levin.This is the secondpublication of thisnotice. The firstpublication was madeon Wednesday 6thNovember 2013.

Notice is herebygiven that


will be closing as aBrethren AssemblyThe closing service

will be onSaturday

November 232013

at 11:00amEveryone is

welcome516 Main RdNorth, Levin

N J Drage

Levin ModelRailway Club

Inc.The AGM will be

held 7:30pmWednesday

27th Novemberat the ClubroomsOld Courthouse

LevinContact: 368 6550

Public Notices

We extend a very warm welcome to our members,your guests and visitors from affiliated clubs.




Poppies RestaurantLunch: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday

and Sunday from 11.30am

Friday and Saturday Buffet Dinner

from 5.30pm

Levin RSAOpen for all generations

DISCLAIMERMar’z Munchies Takeaways is not

associated in any way with the TasmanFish Supply in Foxton.

The building we operate our businessout of has an independent owner.

Signed: Mar’z Munchies


NOTICE is hereby given that theAnnual General Meeting

of Tahamata Incorporation will be held atTukorehe Pa, Ohau

Saturday16th November 2013 at 10.00am


Annual General meeting of the Lake HorowhenuaTrust for beneficial owners of Horowhenua 11Block (Lake Horowhenua), who are also of theMuaupoko tribe:Date: Saturday 7 December 2013, 11amPlace of Meeting: Kawiu MaraeAgenda:1. Report on the operations of the Trust during

the preceding Income Year.2. Names of newly appointed Trustees.3. Annual Financial Accounts.Information to be presented at the AGM, includingaudited accounts, will be available for inspectiononline from 29 November 2013 (Lake Horowhenuawebsite, facebook page, Muaupoko TribalAuthority website). Copies of AGM packs will alsobe available for beneficial owners to collect fromthe MTA office, 306 Oxford Street, Levin.

Matthew SwordChairpersonHorowhenua Lake Trustees

Annual General Meeting (2013)Horowhenua 11 Part Reservation Trust

(Lake Horowhenua Trust)

Request for Proposal – RFPFoxton Beach Surf Car Park ReserveOpportunity for Concessionaire trade

A unique and exciting opportunity for a concessionaire totrade from the Foxton Beach Surf Club Car Park for upto 30 calendar days per year is now available to suitablyqualified and experienced operators.

The Foreshore car park and reserve areas are populardestinations attracting thousands of visitors each year,with the foreshore area being the main access point tothe beach and northern dune areas. The foreshore areaalso features the main swimming beach, the FoxtonBeach Surf Lifesaving Club and the public toilets for themain beach.

To be considered for this opportunity, participants mustuplift and submit proposal documents to Council by4.30pm on Friday 22 November 2013. RFP documentscan found on our website on www.horowhenua.govt.nzAny queries or requests for further information should bedirected to the RFP Administrator – Doug Tate PropertyManager on 063660999.



A localclassifieds>> >>say it. sell it. buy it.

Clive hit the nail on the headwhen he recruited his hammer

hands from the Local Classifieds.

PersonalTHANKYOU to the kindperson who left us detailsof the lady driver whodamaged our car in TheMall carpark on Satur-day 2nd November.

RafflesLEVIN Garden Clubdrawn under Policesupervision. 1st J. Nel-son, 2nd David G, 3rd P.Pedley, 4th Jo, 5th A.Collings, 6th J. Cunning-ham, 7th Edwards, 8thViv.

Page 22: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

TOM LANCASTER CARSTOM LANCASTER CARS318 Oxford Street, Levin318 Oxford Street, Levin

Ph: (06) 367-9555 or 0274 427 601Ph: (06) 367-9555 or 0274 427 601

2004 TOYOTA COROLLA RUNX3 Door Hatch, 1.5 auto,

Airbags, ABS, alloys, ??,Very tidy, No Cam Belt,





2004 MAZDA MPV7 Seater Wagon, 2.3 Auto,Airbags, Abs, C.D, Alloys,

82,000 Kms

2004 TOYOTA VOXY 8 SEATER COACH2.0 Auto, Airbags,

Air Cond,C.D Player, Fantastic

People Mover.136,000 KmsSAVE $1000





2004 NISSAN PRESAGE HIGHWAY STAR8 Seater Wagon, 2.4, Auto,

Airbags, ABS, Alloys,Great Family Wagon,

101,000 Kms


2004 HONDA EDIX 2.0



2001 HOLDEN ASTRA5 Door Hatch, 1.8 auto,

Airbags, Cam beltreplaced, Very tidy,



1997 NISSAN MARCH5 Door Hatch, 1.0

auto, Cheap runabout,Tidy condition,


2 Door coupe, 1.6 auto,Cam belt replaced,

Tidy cheap runabout,125,000Kms

6 Seater Wagon,Auto, Spoilers,

Alloys, GreatFamily Wagon,

136,000 Kms

5 Door Hatch, 1.5Auto, Airbags ,

ABS, Alloys,Loads of Room,


Was $9,995Now $8,995

SAVE $1000

Was $8,995Now $7,995

8 Seater wagon, 2.4 auto,Airbags, ABS, alloys,Great family wagon,


22 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

SAFE OPTIONS: TheMazda6 and Kia Carenshave both received 5-starsafety ratings.

Car and people moverattain five star ratingsSafe family motoring is a focus with thelatest results from the Australasian NewCar Assessment Programme.

A people mover from Kia and one ofNew Zealand’s most popular cars haveeach been awarded a 5-star ANCAP safetyrating.

Recently launched on the New Zealandmarket, the Kia Carens (Kia Rondo inAustralia) and the Mazda6 performedstrongly in the crash tests.

Both vehicles have dual frontal, sidechest and curtain airbags as standard.However, curtain airbags are not fittedfor the third row of the Carens. Alsostandard for both vehicles are antilockbrakes (ABS), electronic brakedistribution (EBD) and electronicstability control (ESC).

AA Motoring Services generalmanager Stella Stocks says it is pleasingthe popular Mazda6 performed sostrongly.

‘‘Kiwis took to the Mazda6 from itsinitial introduction and its popularity hassignificantly increased in the years since.That Mazda continues to invest to ensuresubsequent models are safer is atestament of its commitment toconsumers and also other road users,’’she says.

Ms Stocks says it is also fantastic to seea people mover in the mix with the KiaCarens receiving a 5-star ANCAP safetyrating with ease.

‘‘People movers are a favourite forlarger families and community groups.The Carens has been absent from ourmarket for a couple of years but now it’sback and with a 5-star rating it offers Kiwibuyers a safe and affordable option.’’

Transport Agency Access and Usegeneral manager Celia Patrick says theNZTA is working to improve the safety ofNew Zealand’s vehicle fleet as part of theGovernment’s Safer Journeys strategy

and it was great news that the range of topsafety-rated cars was continuing to grow.

‘‘Crash statistics show that occupantsof 5-star-rated vehicles are much lesslikely to receive life-threatening injuriesin a crash than occupants of lower ratedvehicles.

‘‘With today’s safety technology, 5-starratings are increasingly becoming thenorm, and we urge people to buy thesafest vehicle they can afford.’’

ANCAP has also awarded a 5-starsafety rating to the Renault Clio3-cylinder engine variants. This model isexpected to be introduced to the NewZealand market in 2014.

ANCAP is supported by all Australianand New Zealand motoring clubs, theAustralian Government, the New ZealandGovernment, Australian state andterritory governments, the VictorianTransport Accident Commission, NRMAInsurance and the FIA Foundation.

Page 23: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Horowhenua Chronicle 23

Innovationthat excites with a best in class 2,700kg tow rating matched with an unbeatable

9.9L/100km fuel economy, you adventures are only limited by yourimagination. Available in 2WD or 4WD. Starting from $54,990RRP





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• 16” alloy wheels• Cruise control• 5 star safety• Bluetooth®



$10,000• 2,000kg towing (4WD)• Satellite navigation (Ti)• Reversing camera (Ti)• Panoramic sunroof (Ti)• Leather power &

heated seats (Ti)





$ 39,990


$ 27,990


$ 29,990

• 2.5L turbo-diesel engine• 450Nm of torque• 3 tonne braked

towing capacity• 17” alloy wheels• Bluetooth®

• Alloy sports bar(optional accessory)





WD)n (Ti)

a (Ti)of (Ti)


• 2.5L turbo-diesel e• 450Nm of torque• 3 tonne braked

towing capacity• 17” alloy wheels• Bluetooth®

• Alloy sports bar(optional accessory)


Innovationthat excites


Contact Anytime:Peter Nunn 027 388 3333Gareth Cox 021 268 0517329 Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North

0800-356 1814




Page 24: Horowhenua Chronicle 13-11-13

24 Horowhenua Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wal, Roy, Pete, Ross

Trust Ross McColl Cars

06 367 5414Calls Welcome After HoursNATHAN (Wal) - 027 270 9941ROSS - 0274 969 447ROY - 06 368 5793PETER - 06 368 8888

354 Oxford Street, Levin • Phone: 367 5414 • Email: [email protected] • Service Centre: Totara Street, Levin, phone: 06 367 5417*Applies to new RMC imported cars

*Odometers checked on new importswww.rmcars.co.nz


2004 MAZDA AXELA 15 F2004 MAZDA AXELA 15 FWe are really to offer this high spec Mazda AxelaWe are really to offer this high spec Mazda Axelafor sale, Tiptronic gear change, CD player,for sale, Tiptronic gear change, CD player,tinted windows, more info at www.rmcars.co.nztinted windows, more info at www.rmcars.co.nz

2004 NISSAN TIIDA LATIO2004 NISSAN TIIDA LATIOYes just 55,000kms, AA certified on this superbYes just 55,000kms, AA certified on this superbcar 4 new tyres, wood grain interior finish,car 4 new tyres, wood grain interior finish,See more photos at www.rmcars.co.nzSee more photos at www.rmcars.co.nz

2004 TOYOTA SPACIO X2004 TOYOTA SPACIO XYes just 24000 kms AA certifi ed this is anYes just 24000 kms AA certifi ed this is animmaculate car, lots of room with a uprightimmaculate car, lots of room with a uprightseating positionseating position

$ 13,995NOW


$ 9,995NOW


2004 HONDA CR-V2004 HONDA CR-VLuxury low km, SUV fitted with many extrasLuxury low km, SUV fitted with many extrasincluding, security tint, alloy wheels, fog lightsincluding, security tint, alloy wheels, fog lights

$ 17,995


$ 9,995



2006 NISSAN SYLPHY BLUEBIRD2006 NISSAN SYLPHY BLUEBIRD2000cc, Automatic, superb to drive and at just2000cc, Automatic, superb to drive and at just29,000 kms AA certified, wood grain finish see29,000 kms AA certified, wood grain finish seemore photos at rmcars.co.nzmore photos at rmcars.co.nz



2004 HONDA FIT2004 HONDA FITJust 45,000kms, AA certified, 1300 cc,automatic, serviced and fully checked.Trust Ross McColl CARS

2005 TOYOTA WILL CYPHA2005 TOYOTA WILL CYPHAStand out from the crowd today, This is astylish and economical car just 60,000 kmsAA Certified

2007 NISSAN NOTELate model low certified kms, Zippy 1500 cc,CD player, fully checked and serviced,just 58,000kms AA certified. www.rmcars.co.nz

2004 HONDA STREAM ABSOLUTE2004 HONDA STREAM ABSOLUTEThese are neat cars for people who requireThese are neat cars for people who requirea little bit more room,a little bit more room, low kmslow kms fully checkedfully checkedand servicedand serviced

$ 10,995


* Highly experienced A grade technician* Open for WOF’s no silly delays* We will not do work you do

not require* Competitive prices* Friendly and approachable

Call Hayden on 367 5417

Free bandFree bandexpanderexpander




Why WaitWhy WaitWhy pay moreWhy pay more

2006 TOYOTA VITZ U2006 TOYOTA VITZ UIs time for a late model fully checked serviced andIs time for a late model fully checked serviced andguaranteed car? Look at this 1300cc, Automatic justguaranteed car? Look at this 1300cc, Automatic just42,000 kms, AA certified, 5 door Hatch 4 new tyres42,000 kms, AA certified, 5 door Hatch 4 new tyres




$ 8,995NOW


2004 TOYOTA FUNCARGOAn ideal Vehicle for a keen gardener very lowloading rear hatch, Just 38,000 kms AA certifiedwhy buy a high KM car?

$ 14,995NOW

$ 9,995NOW

Free bandFree bandexpanderexpander

2005 MAZDA DEMIO2005 MAZDA DEMIOWe have Levin’s best selection of fully checkedWe have Levin’s best selection of fully checkedand serviced small cars can provide ongoingand serviced small cars can provide ongoingservicing. This low km and Mazda Demio isservicing. This low km and Mazda Demio isSuperb!

$ 8,995NOW


2000 MITSUBISHI DINGO2000 MITSUBISHI DINGO1500 cc automatic 5 door Hatch. Real Value here1500 cc automatic 5 door Hatch. Real Value hereat Ross McColl CARS see us this Summer for aat Ross McColl CARS see us this Summer for agreat Trade in Cargreat Trade in Car

MTA Horowhenua Kapiti Used Dealer Award Winner

2004 HONDA FIT2004 HONDA FITVery Capable on the open Road, Ideal aroundVery Capable on the open Road, Ideal aroundtown, Low certified KMS 4 new tyrestown, Low certified KMS 4 new tyres

$ 9,995


$ 8,995


$ 10,995


WAS $16,995WAS $16,995

Save thisSave thisSummerSummerFree bandFree bandexpanderexpander

Free bandFree bandexpanderexpander

$ 3,995NOW
