horizontal curve signing handbook curve signing handbook by j. bonneson, p.e. senior research...

Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. FHWA/TX-07/0-5439-P1 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. 4. Title and Subtitle HORIZONTAL CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK 5. Report Date August 2007 Published: October 2007 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) J. Bonneson, M. Pratt, J. Miles, and P. Carlson 8. Performing Organization Report No. Product 0-5439-P1 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Texas Transportation Institute The Texas A&M University System College Station, Texas 77843-3135 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 11. Contract or Grant No. Project 0-5439 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Texas Department of Transportation Research and Technology Implementation Office P.O. Box 5080 Austin, Texas 78763-5080 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Product 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes Project performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. Project Title: Identifying and Testing Effective Advisory Speed Setting Procedures URL: http://tti.tamu.edu/documents/0-5439-P1.pdf 16. Abstract Horizontal curves are a necessary component of the highway alignment; however, they tend to be associated with a disproportionate number of severe crashes. Warning signs are intended to improve curve safety by alerting the driver of a change in geometry that may not be apparent or expected. However, several research projects conducted in the last 20 years have consistently shown that drivers are not responding to curve warning signs nor complying with the Advisory Speed plaque. The procedures described in this handbook are intended to improve consistency in curve signing and driver compliance with the advisory speed. The handbook describes guidelines for determining when an advisory speed is needed, criteria for identifying the appropriate advisory speed, an engineering study method for determining the advisory speed, and guidelines for selecting other curve-related traffic control devices. The handbook is intended for use by traffic engineers and technicians that have been given the responsible charge of evaluating and maintaining horizontal curve signing and delineation devices. The procedures described in this handbook are applicable to rural highways. However, they may be useful for establishing advisory speeds for urban streets. 17. Key Words Traffic Control Devices, Warning Signs, Speed Signs, Highway Curves, Speed Measurement, Trucks, Traffic Speed 18. Distribution Statement No restrictions. This document is available to the public through NTIS: National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22161 http://www.ntis.gov 19. Security Classif.(of this report) Unclassified 20. Security Classif.(of this page) Unclassified 21. No. of Pages 56 22. Price Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized

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Page 1: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas

Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No.FHWA/TX-07/0-5439-P1

2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.


5. Report DateAugust 2007Published: October 2007 6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s)J. Bonneson, M. Pratt, J. Miles, and P. Carlson

8. Performing Organization Report No.Product 0-5439-P1

9. Performing Organization Name and AddressTexas Transportation InstituteThe Texas A&M University SystemCollege Station, Texas 77843-3135

10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

11. Contract or Grant No.Project 0-5439

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and AddressTexas Department of TransportationResearch and Technology Implementation OfficeP.O. Box 5080Austin, Texas 78763-5080

13. Type of Report and Period CoveredProduct

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary NotesProject performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal HighwayAdministration.Project Title: Identifying and Testing Effective Advisory Speed Setting ProceduresURL: http://tti.tamu.edu/documents/0-5439-P1.pdf16. Abstract

Horizontal curves are a necessary component of the highway alignment; however, they tend to be associatedwith a disproportionate number of severe crashes. Warning signs are intended to improve curve safety byalerting the driver of a change in geometry that may not be apparent or expected. However, several researchprojects conducted in the last 20 years have consistently shown that drivers are not responding to curvewarning signs nor complying with the Advisory Speed plaque.

The procedures described in this handbook are intended to improve consistency in curve signing and drivercompliance with the advisory speed. The handbook describes guidelines for determining when an advisoryspeed is needed, criteria for identifying the appropriate advisory speed, an engineering study method fordetermining the advisory speed, and guidelines for selecting other curve-related traffic control devices.

The handbook is intended for use by traffic engineers and technicians that have been given the responsiblecharge of evaluating and maintaining horizontal curve signing and delineation devices. The proceduresdescribed in this handbook are applicable to rural highways. However, they may be useful for establishingadvisory speeds for urban streets.

17. Key WordsTraffic Control Devices, Warning Signs, SpeedSigns, Highway Curves, Speed Measurement,Trucks, Traffic Speed

18. Distribution StatementNo restrictions. This document is available to thepublic through NTIS:National Technical Information ServiceSpringfield, Virginia 22161http://www.ntis.gov

19. Security Classif.(of this report)Unclassified

20. Security Classif.(of this page)Unclassified

21. No. of Pages 56

22. Price

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized

Page 2: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas
Page 3: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas



J. Bonneson, P.E.Senior Research Engineer

Texas Transportation Institute

M. PrattAssociate Transportation Researcher

Texas A&M University

J. MilesAssociate Transportation Researcher

Texas Transportation Institute

andP. Carlson, P.E.

Associate Research EngineerTexas Transportation Institute

Product 0-5439-P1Project 0-5439

Project Title: Identifying and Testing Effective Advisory Speed Setting Procedures

Performed in cooperation with theTexas Department of Transportation

and theFederal Highway Administration

August 2007Published: October 2007

TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTEThe Texas A&M University SystemCollege Station, Texas 77843-3135

Page 4: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas
Page 5: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas



The contents of this handbook reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for thefacts and the accuracy of the data published herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect theofficial view or policies of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and/or the TexasDepartment of Transportation (TxDOT). This handbook does not constitute a standard,specification, or regulation. It is not intended for construction, bidding, or permit purposes. Theengineer in charge of the project was James Bonneson, P.E. #67178.


The United States Government and the State of Texas do not endorse products ormanufacturers. Trade or manufacturers’ names appear herein solely because they are consideredessential to the object of this handbook.

Page 6: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas



The research project that led to the development of this handbook was sponsored by theTexas Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. The research wasconducted by Dr. James Bonneson, Mr. Michael Pratt, Mr. Jeff Miles, and Dr. Paul Carlson. Theseresearchers are employees with the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI).

The researchers would like to acknowledge the support and guidance provided by the ProjectMonitoring Committee:

! Mr. Paul Frerich, Project Coordinator;! Ms. Marla Jasek, Project Director;! Mr. James Bailey;! Mr. Herbert Bickley;! Mr. Carlos Ibarra; and! Mr. Darren McDaniel.

All of the committee members are employees with TxDOT. In addition, the researchers would liketo acknowledge the valuable assistance provided by Mr. Todd Hausman (with TTI) during the datacollection and reduction phase of the project. The effort of these individuals is greatly appreciated.

Page 7: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas




LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1PURPOSE AND SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

CHAPTER 2. COMMUNICATING CHANGES IN HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT . . . . 3OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3HORIZONTAL CURVE SAFETY AND OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3WARNING SIGNS FOR CHANGES IN HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5TEXAS CURVE ADVISORY SPEED SOFTWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

CHAPTER 3. PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHING ADVISORY SPEED . . . . . . . . . . . 11OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11DIRECT METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12COMPASS METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

CHAPTER 4. CURVE SIGNING GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

APPENDIX A. ADVISORY SPEED CRITERIA AND ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27APPENDIX B. SELECTED TABLES FROM THE TMUTCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39APPENDIX C. DATA COLLECTION SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Page 8: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas



Figure Page

1 Effect of Radius, Tangent Speed, and Vehicle Type on Curve Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Curve Crash Rate as a Function of Radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Curve Warning Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 TCAS Welcome Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 TCAS Analysis Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Location of Critical Portion of Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Camcorder View of Measuring Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 TCAS Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 TCAS Advisory Speed Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1810 Effect of Lateral Shift on Travel Path Radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1911 Guidelines for the Selection of Curve-Related Traffic Control Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2212 TCAS Traffic Control Device Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A-1 Relationship between Curve Speed, Ball-Bank Reading, and Radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31A-2 Ball-Bank Readings from Two Test Runs with Different Technicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32A-3 Comparison of Posted and Estimated Advisory Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34A-4 Relationship between Radius, Speed, and Ball-Bank Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35A-5 Comparison of the 50th Percentile Curve Speed with the Advisory Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . 36A-6 Relationship between Speed Limit and 85th Percentile Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Page 9: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas



Table Page

1 Guidelines for the Selection of Curve-Related Traffic Control Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B-1 Guidelines for Advance Placement of Warning Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41B-2 Horizontal Alignment Sign Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42B-3 Delineator and Chevron Sign Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

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Horizontal curves are a necessary component of the highway alignment; however, they tendto be associated with a disproportionate number of severe crashes. Each year in the United States,about 38,000 fatal crashes occur on the highway system with 25 percent of the fatalities found tooccur on horizontal curves (1). Texas accounts for about 3200 of these fatal crashes, with about44 percent of Texas’ crashes occurring on horizontal curves. Hence, Texas is over-represented interms of its proportion of fatal curve-related crashes, relative to the national average.

Warning signs are intended to improve curve safety by alerting the driver to a change ingeometry that may not be apparent or expected. These signs notify drivers of the change through theuse of one or more of the curve warning signs identified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic ControlDevices (MUTCD) (2). These drivers may also be notified of the need to reduce their speed throughthe use of an Advisory Speed plaque.

Several research projects conducted in the last 20 years have consistently shown that driversare not responding to curve warning signs nor complying with the Advisory Speed plaque. Evidenceof this non-responsiveness is evidenced by the aforementioned curve crash statistics. Chowdhuryet al. (3) suggest that current practice in the U.S. for setting advisory speeds is contributing to thislack of compliance and the poor safety record. They advocate the need for a procedure that can beused to: (1) identify when a curve warning sign and advisory speed are needed, and (2) select anadvisory speed that is consistent with driver expectation. They also recommend the uniform use ofthis procedure on a nationwide basis, such that driver respect for curve warning signs is restored andcurve safety records are improved.


The procedures described in this handbook are intended to improve consistency in curvesigning and driver compliance with the advisory speed. The handbook describes guidelines fordetermining when an advisory speed is needed, criteria for identifying the appropriate advisoryspeed, an engineering study method for determining the advisory speed, and guidelines for selectingother curve-related traffic control devices.

The handbook is intended for use by traffic engineers and technicians who have been giventhe responsible charge of evaluating and maintaining horizontal curve signing and delineationdevices. The procedures described in this handbook are applicable to rural highways. However, theymay be useful for establishing advisory speeds for urban streets.

The curve advisory speed and other curve-related traffic control devices should be checkedperiodically to ensure that they are appropriate for the prevailing conditions. Changes in theregulatory speed limit, curve geometry, or crash history may justify the conduct of an engineeringstudy to re-evaluate the appropriateness of the existing signs and the need for additional signs.

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Page 13: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas




This chapter provides a brief overview of topics related to horizontal curve safety, operation,and curve warning signs. It consists of three parts. The first part examines the safety and operationof horizontal curves. The second part reviews the various warning signs that are used to signhorizontal curves. The last part provides an overview of the Texas Curve Advisory Speed (TCAS)software that was developed to automate the procedures and guidelines described in Chapters 3 and4, respectively.

Additional background information about curve advisory speed is provided in Appendix A.The information in this appendix examines more broadly the objectives of curve signing and thechallenges associated with establishing advisory speeds that are uniform among curves andconsistent with driver expectation. This appendix also reviews the various criteria that have beenused to set advisory speeds.


This part of the chapter examines the factors that influence the safety and operation ofhorizontal curves. The focus of the examination is on factors related to the curve’s geometric design.The relationship between curve design and driver speed choice is described in the first section.Then, the relationship between curve design and crash rate is explored in the second section.

Curve Speed

A review of the literature indicates that several variables can have an influence on curvespeed. These variables include:

! radius,! superelevation rate,! tangent speed,! vehicle type,! curve deflection angle,! tangent length,! curve length,! available stopping sight distance,! grade, and! vertical curvature.

Of those variables in the aforementioned list, research indicates that the first five variableshave the most significant effect on curve speed. Using data collected on rural highways in Texas,Bonneson et al. (4) developed a curve speed prediction model that includes a sensitivity to these

Page 14: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


variables. The speeds predicted by this model are shown in Figure 1. The trends shown indicate thatthe average truck speed equals about 97 percent of the average passenger car speed.

a. 85th Percentile Speed. b. Average Speed.

Figure 1. Effect of Radius, Tangent Speed, and Vehicle Type on Curve Speed.

The trend lines in Figure 1 indicate that drivers on sharper curves slow from the tangentspeed to an acceptable curve speed. The amount of speed reduction increases with decreasing radius.For curves with a 500 ft radius and a 60 mph tangent speed, the reduction is about 10 mph. Incontrast, for a 1000 ft radius and 60 mph tangent speed, the reduction is only about 5 mph.

The effect of superelevation rate is not shown in Figure 1. However, the model indicates thatcurve speed increases about 1.0 mph for every 2.0 percent increase in superelevation rate.

Curve Safety

Bonneson et al. (4) examined the relationship between curve radius and crash rate usingsafety relationships documented in the literature (5, 6). These relationships are shown in Figure 2.Crash rate is defined in this figure in terms of crashes per million vehicle miles (crashes/mvm). Onetrend line represents the combination of fatal and injury crashes. The other trend line represents thecombination of fatal, injury, and property-damage-only (PDO) crashes.

The two trend lines in Figure 2 are in fairly good agreement. They indicate that the crash rateincreases sharply for curves with a radius of less than 1000 ft. They also indicate that most crasheson sharper curves result in an injury or fatality.

Based on the discussion in this and the previous sections, it is likely that the trends inFigure 2 are reflecting driver error while entering or traversing a curve. It is possible that somedrivers are distracted or impaired and do not track the curve. It is also possible that some driversdetect the curve but do not correctly judge its sharpness. In both instances, traffic control deviceshave the potential to improve safety by making it easier for drivers to detect the curve and judge itssharpness.










0 500 1000 1500

Radius, ft


% C



ed, m


Trucks Passenger Cars

85th % Tangent Speed = 40 mph

50 mph

60 mph6% Superelevation










0 500 1000 1500

Radius, ft




ve S


, mph

Trucks Passenger Cars

85th % Tangent Speed = 40 mph

50 mph

60 mph

6% Superelevation

Page 15: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


Figure 2. Curve Crash Rate as a Function of Radius.


Most transportation agencies use a variety of traffic control devices to inform road users ofa change in horizontal alignment. These devices include curve warning signs, delineation devices,and pavement markings. The focus of this part of the chapter is on curve warning signs; however,conditions where other traffic control devices may be helpful are also identified.

Curve Warning Signs

The MUTCD (2) identifies a variety of warning signs that can be used where the horizontalalignment changes in an unexpected or restrictive manner. These signs are shown in Figure 3a.There are two sign categories shown: advance signs and supplemental signs. Advance signs arelocated in advance of the curve. Signs in this category include: Turn (W1-1), Curve (W1-2),Reverse Turn (W1-3), Reverse Curve (W1-4), Winding Road (W1-5), Hairpin (W1-11), TruckRollover Warning (W1-13), and 270-degree Loop (W1-15). These signs are recognized in the TexasManual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) (7). In contrast, the CombinationHorizontal Alignment/Intersection (W1-10) is not recognized in the TMUTCD.

One additional sign that falls in the advance sign category is the Advisory Speed plaque(W13-1). This sign is shown in Figure 3b. It is used to advise drivers of the speed found to beappropriate based on an engineering study. When used, it is combined with one of the advancehorizontal alignment signs and mounted on the same sign post.






0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Radius, ft


sh R





85th% tangent speed = 60 mph

Bonneson et al. (5 )Fitzpatrick et al. (6 )

Fatal + Injury + PDOFatal + Injury

Page 16: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


* *

* *

a. Horizontal Alignment Signs.

** Denotes “supplemental” sign. Signs without asterisk represent “advance” signs.

b. Advisory Speed Plaques.

Figure 3. Curve Warning Signs.

The second category of sign is the supplemental sign. They are shown in Figures 3a and 3b,and are denoted by an asterisk (“*”). Signs in this category are used with advance signs to amplify

Page 17: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


or reinforce their message. Supplemental signs are used at, or within, the curve. Supplemental signsinclude: One-Direction Large Arrow (W1-6), Chevron (W1-8), Turn/Advisory Speed (W1-1a),Curve/Advisory Speed (W1-2a), and Curve Speed (W13-5). The W1-1a and W1-2a signs are notrecognized in the TMUTCD.

The MUTCD guidance regarding the use of curve warning signs can be described as flexible.It encourages engineers to base their signing decisions on engineering studies and judgment.However, this flexibility has the disadvantage of occasionally promoting the inconsistent applicationof traffic control devices. Inconsistent device application makes it difficult for drivers to developexpectancies and, consequently, promotes disrespect for the device and mistrust of its message. TheAdvisory Speed plaque is one of most renowned examples of the consequences of inconsistent signusage. Research has found it to be one of the more disrespected traffic control devices (8).

Effectiveness of Curve Warning Signs

Research indicates that the inconsistent use of horizontal alignment signs, especially thosewith an Advisory Speed plaque, may have lessened the average motorist’s respect for the messagethe signs convey. On familiar highways, drivers come to learn that they can comfortably exceed theadvisory speed for most curves. The concern is that these drivers may occasionally travel onroadways that are less familiar to them and where the advisory speed is posted at the maximum safespeed. These drivers may find themselves traveling too fast for conditions and experience a crash.

Only one report was found in the literature that documented the effect of horizontal curvesigning on safety. This report documented a before-after study by Hammer (9) of the installation ofwarning signs in advance of several curves. He found that the implementation of advance horizontalalignment signs reduced crashes by 18 percent. He also offered that the combined use of advancesigning with an Advisory Speed plaque reduced crashes by 22 percent.

Research by Ritchie (10) examined driver response to the Curve sign and the Advisory Speedplaque. He found that average curve speeds exceeded the advisory speed when the advisory speedwas less than 45 mph. The amount by which the average speed exceeded the advisory speedincreased with decreasing advisory speeds. Thus, for an advisory speed of 40 mph, the averagespeed exceeded the advisory speed by only 2 mph (i.e., the average speed was 42 mph). However,for an advisory speed of 20 mph, the average speed exceeded the advisory speed by 10 mph.

The findings of this review are consistent with those noted in the previous part of thischapter. Specifically, drivers do not appear to be responding to the Advisory Speed plaque byreducing their speed to the advisory speed. Hence, speed reduction may be of limited value inassessing the effect this sign has on safety. Moreover, these findings suggest that advanceinformation about an upcoming curve, as provided by a curve warning sign, may heighten driverawareness of the curve, but it does not cause them to slow significantly. It is this heightenedawareness that likely produced the safety benefit found by Hammer (9).

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This part of the chapter provides an overview of the TCAS software. This software wasdeveloped to automate the procedures and guidelines described in this handbook. The software isimplemented as a spreadsheet. The background for the development of the equations in thisspreadsheet is documented in a research report by Bonneson et al. (4).

The “Welcome” worksheet for TCAS is shown in Figure 4. This screen provides backgroundinformation about the software, with reference to the aforementioned research report and thishandbook. The tabs at the bottom of the Welcome worksheet can be used to select the otherworksheets included in the software. The “Field Data Sheet” tab provides a template for the fielddata collection sheet. This sheet is also shown in Appendix C. The “Analysis” tab accesses theworksheet containing the curve advisory speed calculations. This worksheet is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4. TCAS Welcome Worksheet.

Page 19: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


Figure 5. TCAS Analysis Worksheet.

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The cells in the Analysis worksheet shown in Figure 5 are color-coded to help the analystidentify the parts of the worksheet where input data are needed. The cells shown with grey shadingin the figure are designated “input data” cells. These input data cells are entered in the top one-thirdof the spreadsheet.

The cells that do not have a background color have text information or contain equations.The basis for each equation is documented in the aforementioned research report. The calculationcells are typically found in the bottom two-thirds of the worksheet. Six columns are provided in theworksheet. One column is used for each curve being evaluated.

The middle one-third of the worksheet documents the analysis of advisory speed for each ofthe six curves. Shown in Figure 5 are the calculations associated with one curve. The speed limitof 60 mph correlates with an 85th percentile tangent speed of 63 mph. The field measurementsindicate that the partial curve has a deflection angle of 30 degrees and a length of 201 ft. These twomeasures are used to compute the curve radius of 384 ft. The ball-bank reading of 4.0 degreescorresponds to a superelevation rate of 6.2 percent. All of these data are used to estimate the curvespeed as 39 mph. This estimate is then rounded to 40 mph to obtain the recommended advisoryspeed.

The bottom third of the spreadsheet documents the traffic control device guidance. The thirdrow in this section indicates the curve severity category. The guidelines described in Chapter 4 andthose in the TMUTCD are consulted, and the information is summarized in the spreadsheet. For theexample curve shown in Figure 5, a curve severity category D is indicated. For this category, aCurve sign and an Advisory Speed plaque are recommended. The sign and plaque should be posted225 ft or more from the beginning of the curve.

The worksheet also provides information about other curve-related traffic control devices.For example, the worksheet indicates that the example curve is sufficiently severe that it may benefitfrom an additional Curve sign and Advisory Speed plaque located at the beginning of the curve.Chevrons are also recommended for this curve. If used, they should be spaced at 80 ft intervalsalong the curve. Delinators are optional for this curve. However, if they are used, they should bespaced at 55 ft intervals along the curve. Raised pavement markers are recommended if the curveis located in an area where snowfall is not frequent.

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The recommended procedure for establishing the curve advisory speed is described in thischapter. The procedure is applicable to curves that have a constant radius, those that have compoundcurvature, and those that have spiral transitions. This flexibility is achieved by focusing the fieldmeasurements on the “critical” portion of the curve. The critical portion of the curve is defined asthe section that has a radius and superelevation rate that combine to yield the largest side frictiondemand. When spiral transitions or compound curves are present, this critical portion of the curveis typically found in the middle third of the curve, as shown in Figure 6. If the curve is truly circularfor its entire length, then measurements made in the middle third will yield the same radius estimateas those made in other portions of the curve.

Figure 6. Location of Critical Portion of Curve.

The deflection angle associated with the critical portion is referred to as the “partialdeflection angle.” The curve length associated with the critical portion is referred to as the “partialcurve length.”

There are two methods by which the advisory speed can be estimated. The first method iscalled the “direct” method, and the second method is called the “compass” method. The procedurefor implementing the Direct Method is described in the next part of this chapter. The procedure forimplementing the Compass Method is described in the last part.

1/3 curve length

Partial deflection angle = Compass Heading 2 - Compass Heading 1 = 160 - 100 = 60 degrees

Partial Deflection Angle



270 90



270 90Compass Heading 1

Compass Heading 2


1/3 curve length

1/3 curve length

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The Direct Method is based on the field measurement of vehicle speeds on the subject curve.It is available as a method of establishing the advisory speed because this speed is defined in termsof the distribution of vehicle speeds. Specifically, it has been recommended that the advisory speedequal the average speed of trucks (4).

The procedure for implementing the Direct Method consists of three steps. During the firststep, measurements are taken in the field. During the second step, the measurements are used tocompute the advisory speed. During the last step, the recommended advisory speed is confirmedthrough field trial. Each of these steps is described in more detail in the next three sections.

Step 1: Field Measurements

Measure the speed of 125 or more free-flowing passenger cars as they travel through thecritical portion of the curve in one direction of travel. Repeat the measurements for the opposingdirection of travel. A radar speed meter can be used for this purpose. A free-flowing vehicle willbe at least 3 s ahead of the next following vehicle and at least 3 s behind the previous vehicle.

Compute the arithmetic average of the measured speeds for each direction. Two averagesare obtained at the conclusion of this step.

Step 2: Determine Advisory Speed

Multiply each of the averages from Step 1 by 0.97 to obtain an estimate of the average truckspeed for each direction of travel. The advisory speed for each direction of travel is then computedby first adding 1.0 mph to the corresponding average and then rounding the sum down to the nearest5 mph increment. This technique yields a conservative estimate of the advisory speed by effectivelyrounding curve speeds that end in 4 or 9 up to the next higher 5 mph increment, while rounding allother speeds down. For example, applying this rounding technique to a curve speed of 54, 55, 56,57, or 58 mph yields an advisory speed of 55 mph.

When two or more curves are separated by a tangent of 600 ft or less, the Advisory Speedplaque should show the value for the curve having the lowest advisory speed in the series.

Step 3: Confirm Speed for Conditions

During this step, the appropriateness of the advisory speed determined in Step 2 and the needfor other horizontal alignment signs is evaluated. The evaluation is based on consideration of arange of factors. These factors include:

! the regulatory speed limit and the 85th percentile speed of free-flowing traffic,! driver approach sight distance to the beginning of the curve,! visibility around the curve,! unexpected geometric features within the curve, and! position of the most critical curve in a sequence of closely-spaced curves.

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The unexpected geometric features that may be considered include:

! presence of an intersection,! presence of a sharp crest curve in the middle of the horizontal curve,! sharp curves with changing radius (including curves with spiral transitions),! sharp curves after a long tangent section, and! broken-back curves.

The study should include a test run through the curve while traveling at the advisory speeddetermined in Step 2. The engineer may choose to adjust the advisory speed or modify the horizontalalignment sign layout if the findings from the engineering study indicate the need for these changes.


The Compass Method is based on the field measurement of curve geometry. The geometricdata are then used with a speed-prediction model to compute the average speed of trucks. This speedis recommended for use as the advisory speed (4).

The procedure for implementing the Compass Method consists of three steps. During thefirst step, geometry measurements are taken in the field when traveling along the curve. During thesecond step, the measurements are used to compute the advisory speed. During the last step, therecommended advisory speed is confirmed through field trial. Each of these steps is described inmore detail in the next three sections.

To insure reasonable accuracy in the model estimates using this method, the total curvelength should be 200 ft or more and the partial curve length should be 70 ft or more. Also, the curvedeflection angle should be 15 degrees or more and the partial curve deflection angle should be5 degrees or more. A curve with a deflection angle less than 15 degrees will rarely justify curvewarning signs.

Step 1: Field Measurements

In the first step of the procedure, the technician travels through the subject curve and makesa series of measurements. These measurements include:

! curve deflection in direction of travel (i.e., left or right);! heading at the “1/3 point” (i.e., a point that is located along the curve at a distance equal to

1/3 of curve length and measured from the beginning of the curve);! ball-bank reading of curve superelevation rate at the “1/3 point”;! length of curve between the “1/3” and “2/3 points”;! heading at the “2/3 point”; and! 85th percentile speed (can be estimated using the regulatory speed limit).

These measurements may require two persons in the test vehicle–a driver and a recorder.However, with some practice or through the use of a voice recorder, it is possible that the driver can

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also serve as the recorder such that a second person is not needed. The next two subsections describethe procedure for making the aforementioned field measurements.

Equipment Setup

The test vehicle will need to be equipped with the following three devices:

! digital compass,! distance-measuring instrument (DMI), and! ball-bank indicator (BBI).

The digital compass’ heading calculation should be based on global positioning system (GPS)technology with a position accuracy of 10 ft or less 95 percent of the time and a position updateinterval of 1 s or less. It must also have a precision of 1 degree (i.e., provide readings to the nearestwhole degree).

The compass should be installed in the vehicle in a location that is easily accessed and in therecorder’s field of view. The type of mounting apparatus needed may vary; however, the compassshould be firmly mounted so that it cannot move while the test vehicle is in motion.

The DMI is used to measure the length of the curve. It should have a precision of 1 ft (i.e.,provide readings to the nearest whole foot). The DMI can also be used to: (1) locate a specific curve(in terms of travel distance from a known reference point), and (2) verify the accuracy of the testvehicle’s speedometer. The DMI can be mounted in the vehicle but should be removable such thatit can be hand-held during the test run.

The ball-bank indicator must have a precision of at least 1 degree (i.e., provide readings tothe nearest whole degree). Indicators with less precision (e.g., 5 degree increments) cannot be usedwith this method. The indicator should be installed along the center of the vehicle in a location thatis easily accessed and in the recorder’s field of view. The center of the dash is the recommendedposition because it allows the driver to observe both the road and the indicator while traversing thecurve. The type of mounting apparatus needed may vary; however, the ball-bank indicator shouldbe firmly mounted so that it cannot move while the test vehicle is in motion.

To insure proper operation of the devices, it is important that the following steps are takenbefore conducting the test runs:

! Inflate all tires to a pressure that is consistent with the vehicle manufacturer’s specification.! Calibrate the test vehicle’s DMI.! Calibrate the ball-bank indicator.

The instruction manual for the DMI and the ball-bank indicator should be consulted for specificdetails of the calibration process.

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Measurement Procedure

The following sequence of steps describes the field measurement procedure as it would beused to evaluate one direction of travel through the subject curve. Measurement error and possibledifferences in superelevation rate between the two directions of travel typically justify repeating thisprocedure for the opposing direction. Only one test run should be required in each direction.

a. Record the regulatory speed limit and the curve advisory speed.

b. Record the curve deflection (i.e., left or right) relative to the direction of travel. This designationindicates which direction the vehicle turns as it tracks the curve. A turn to the driver’s right isdesignated as a right-hand deflection.

c. Advance the vehicle to the “1/3 point,” as shown in Figure 6. This point is about one-third ofthe way along the curve when measured from the beginning of the curve in the direction oftravel. It does not need to be precisely located. The technician’s best estimate of this point’slocation is sufficient. This point is referred to hereafter as the point of partial curvature (PPC).

Stop the vehicle and complete the following four tasks while at the PPC:! Record the vehicle heading (in degrees).! Press the Reset button on the DMI to zero the reading. ! Record the ball-bank indicator reading (in degrees).! Record whether the ball has rotated to the left or right of the “0.0 degree” reading.

d. Advance the vehicle to the “2/3 point,” as shown in Figure 6. This point is about two-thirds ofthe way along the curve. This point is referred to hereafter as the point of partial tangency (PPT).

Stop the vehicle and complete the following two tasks while at the PPT:! Record the vehicle heading (in degrees). ! Press the Display Hold button on the DMI.

The value shown on the DMI is the partial curve length. With some practice, it may be possibleto complete the two tasks listed above while the vehicle is moving slowly (i.e., 15 mph or less).However, if the measurements are taken while the vehicle is moving, is imperative that theyrepresent the heading and length for the same exact point on the roadway. Error will beintroduced if the heading is noted at one location and then the length is measured at anotherlocation.

The procedure should be applied to each direction of travel through the curve. Measurementsfrom the two test runs will provide for some ability to check the partial deflection angle and curvelength measurements. If the deflection angle varies by more than two degrees or the curve lengthvaries by more than 50 ft (or 10 percent of the average length, whichever is less), then there may bean error and the procedure should be repeated. Superelevation rates may vary by direction.

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Alternative Step 1: Field Measurements

This section describes an alternative procedure for obtaining the necessary data. Thisprocedure can be used instead of that described in the previous section, if desired. This method doesnot require the vehicle to be stopped on the curve. With this procedure, a camcorder is positionedin the vehicle such that the compass, DMI, and ball-bank indicator are in the camera field of view.This type of view is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Camcorder View of Measuring Devices.

During the test run through a curve, the camcorder is used to record the instrument readingson videotape. When reaching the critical portion of the curve, the driver slows the vehicle to 15 mphor less for a distance of at least 70 ft. When this speed is reached, the driver so notes this event onthe videotape’s audio track by making a statement such as “start of critical portion.” A similarstatement is made when the end of the critical portion is reached.

The videotape is replayed at the office. When the start of the critical portion is reached, theplayback unit is paused and the instrument readings recorded. These readings include the vehiclespeed (as shown on the DMI), travel distance, compass heading, and ball-bank reading. The tapeis then advanced to the point where the end of the critical portion is reached. The unit is paused atthis point and the instrument readings recorded. These readings include the travel distance andcompass heading. The curve length is computed as the difference between the two travel distances.

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Other options may also be available for directly obtaining the desired measurements. Forexample, an aerial photograph of the curve can be used to locate the critical portion and scale the twoheadings and partial curve length. The superelevation of the curve will still need to be estimated inthe field by some method and should be accurate to within ±2 percent of the true value.

Step 2: Determine Advisory Speed

During this step, the field measurements are used to determine the appropriate advisory speedfor a specified travel direction through the subject curve. The calculations are repeated to obtain theadvisory speed for a different curve or for the opposing direction of travel through the same curve.

Initially, the data collected in Step 1 are entered in the Analysis worksheet of the TCASsoftware. The entry of data for example curve “47R” is shown in Figure 8. The measurements takenat this curve are shown in the column headed by the curve’s identification number. The curvedeflected to the right, relative to the direction of travel during curve measurement.

Figure 8. TCAS Input Data.

The compass heading at the first “1/3 point” was 251 degrees. A ball-bank indicator readingof 4 degrees was noted at this point. The ball deflected to the right of the “0.0 degrees” tick mark.This direction indicates that a positive (i.e., beneficial) superelevation is provided along the curve.

General InformationDistrict: County: Date:Highway: Analyst:Input Data

47RCurve deflection, left or right

Compass heading 1, degrees 251BBI reading of superelevation, degrees 4.0

0 0 0 0 0 0

Curve length, ft 201

Compass heading 2, degrees 281Regulatory speed limit, mph 60


Alternate Input Data (if data are entered here, they will be used instead of estimates from the data above)85th% tangent speed, mphCurve deflection angle, degreesSuperelevation rate, percentCurve radius, ft

Speed when recording the BBI reading of superelevation, mph

Estimate of 85th% tangent speed, mph

Deflection of ball for superelevation reading, left or right


Curve Identification NumberData Description

August 16, 2007

Right Left Left Left Left Left

Right Left Left Right Right Left

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The vehicle was stopped for these two measurements, so “0 mph” was input as the vehicle speedwhen the ball-bank indicator was read.

A curve length of 201 ft was measured at the “2/3 point.” The compass heading at this pointwas 281 degrees. Finally, the regulatory speed limit of 60 mph is entered into the spreadsheet.

The speed limit is used to estimate the 85th percentile speed on the highway tangents in thevicinity of the curve. If the 85th percentile tangent speed is known, then it can be directly entered inthe first row of the Alternate Input Data section of the worksheet (i.e., the fourth row from thebottom, in Figure 8). If a value is entered in the Alternate Input Data section, then it will be usedinstead of the value estimated using the field measurements entered in the Input Data section. Thispriority is extended to the direct entry of 85th percentile tangent speed, curve deflection angle,superelevation rate, curve radius, or any combination of these data.

The advisory speed is computed using the estimated (or directly input) curve radius,deflection angle, and superelevation rate. A curve-speed prediction model is used for this purpose.The estimate obtained from this model represents the “unrounded advisory speed” and is shown inthe second row from the bottom of Figure 9. The advisory speed is computed by first adding1.0 mph to the unrounded speed and then rounding the sum down to the nearest 5 mph increment.The rationale for this rounding technique is discussed in Step 2 of the Direct Method. The roundedadvisory speed is shown in the last row of Figure 9.

Figure 9. TCAS Advisory Speed Calculation.

It should be noted that the computed advisory speed is based on the estimated radius of thevehicle travel path, as opposed to that of the curve. When traveling through a curve, drivers shifttheir vehicle laterally in the traffic lane such that they flatten the curve slightly. This behavior allowsthem to limit the speed reduction required by the curve. The difference between the radius of thecurve and the travel path radius is shown in Figure 10. The estimated path radius for the subjectcurve is listed in the Advisory Speed section of the Analysis worksheet, as shown in Figure 9. It willalways equal or exceed that of the curve radius. The path radius will be notably larger than the curveradius on curves with a smaller deflection angle.

Advisory Speed Curve deflection angle, degrees 30 0 0 0 0 0

Curve radius, ft 384Degree of curvature, degrees 14.9Curve path radius, ft 394Superelevation rate, percent 6.2Average tangent speed, mph 55Unrounded advisory speed, mph 39

Rounded advisory speed, mph 40

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Figure 10. Effect of Lateral Shift on Travel Path Radius.

Step 3: Confirm Speed for Conditions

The activities to be conducted for this step are the same as identified previously for the DirectMethod.

Deflection Angle, Ic

Curve Radius, R

Path Radius, Rp

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This chapter describes guidelines for the signing of horizontal curves on rural highways.These guidelines were derived largely through a review and synthesis of guidelines offered in theliterature. They are intended to complement the procedure for establishing the advisory speed thatis described in Chapter 3. Together, the procedure and guidelines provide a rational basis forestablishing uniform signing for rural highway curves.


Guidelines for selecting curve-related traffic control devices are described in this section.The guidelines are based largely on the existing practices of many transportation agencies. Theyconsist of recommended combinations of traffic control devices associated with a specified curveseverity category. The guidelines were developed to reflect a balance of the following goals:

! Promote the uniform and consistent use of traffic control devices.! Base guidance for these devices on curve severity.! Avoid overuse of devices.! Limit the number of devices used at a given curve.

Application of the guidelines begins with a determination of the curve’s severity category.This assessment can be obtained using Figure 11. The curve’s severity category is based onconsideration of the 85th percentile tangent speed and the 85th percentile curve speed. Category Arepresents curves that are just sharp enough that drivers tend to reduce speed slightly. Theyaccomplish the necessary speed reduction by lifting their foot slightly off the accelerator at the startof the curve. At the other extreme, category E represents the sharpest curves. Drivers will have tobegin braking well before they reach the curve, and the degree of braking will be very notable to thevehicle’s occupants. These curves can require special treatments such as oversize curve warningsigns, flashers added to curve warning signs, wider edge lines approaching (and along) the curve,and profiled edge lines and center lines.

Application of Figure 11 requires knowledge of the 85th percentile tangent speed forpassenger cars. This speed can be obtained from a survey of speeds on a tangent section of highwayin the vicinity of the curve. The location at which tangent speed data are collected should besufficiently distant from the curve that it does not influence the observed speeds. The TxDOTdocument Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones describes the survey procedure (12). If the 85thpercentile tangent speed is not available, an equation is provided in the TCAS software forestimating this speed.

To illustrate the use of Figure 11, consider a curve with an 85th percentile tangent speed of55 mph and an 85th percentile curve speed of 45 mph. Proceeding upward from the 55-mph tick

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mark on the x-axis of Figure 11 and over from the 45-mph tick mark on the y-axis, find theirintersection point in severity category B.

Figure 11. Guidelines for the Selection of Curve-Related Traffic Control Devices.

Table 1 shows the recommended traffic control device treatment for each severity category.The treatments have been categorized into two groups: warning signs and delineation devices. Foreach category, a combination of devices from both groups is offered. The guidance differentiatesbetween recommended and optional treatments. This approach is intended to provide someflexibility in the selection of devices used at a given curve. An optional device is indicated by anoutlined check (°), and a recommended device is indicated by a solid check (U).

To illustrate the use of Table 1, consider a curve associated with severity category B and anadvisory speed of 40 mph. The solid check marks in Table 1 for this category indicate that a curvewarning sign (e.g., Curve sign), Advisory Speed plaque, and raised pavement markers arerecommended for this curve.













20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

85th % Tangent Speed, mph


% C



ed, m


No devices required




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The curve warning signs listed in Table 1 include: Turn (W1-1), Curve (W1-2), ReverseTurn (W1-3), Reverse Curve (W1-4), Winding Road (W1-5), and Hairpin Curve (W1-11). Guidanceon selecting the appropriate sign from this group is specified in Table 2C-5 of the TMUTCD (7).This guidance is repeated in Appendix B. It is based on the number of alignment changes and theadvisory speed. The placement of advance signs, relative to the point of curvature, is described inTable 2C-4 of the TMUTCD (and repeated in Appendix B). The delineator and Chevron spacingat a given curve is provided in Table 3D-2 of the TMUTCD. This table is reproduced in Appendix B.

Table 1. Guidelines for the Selection of Curve-Related Traffic Control Devices.Advisory

Speed, mphDevice Type Device Name Device

NumberCurve Severity Category 7

A B C D E35 mph ormore


Curve, Reverse Curve, WindingRoad, Hairpin Curve 1

W1-2, W1-4,W1-5, W1-11

° U U U U

Advisory Speed plaque W13-1 U U U U

Additional Curve, Hairpin Curve 1,2 W1-2, W1-11 ° ° °

Chevrons 3 W1-8 U U

30 mph orless


Turn, Reverse Turn, WindingRoad, Hairpin Curve 1

W1-1, W1-3,W1-5, W1-11

° U U U U

Advisory Speed plaque W13-1 U U U U

Additional Turn, Hairpin Curve 1,2 W1-1, W1-11 ° ° °

Large Arrow sign W1-6 U U

Any DelineationDevices

Raised pavement markers 4 U U U U U

Delineators 5 ° ° °

Special Treatments 6 U

Notes:1 - Use the Curve, Reverse Curve, Turn, Reverse Turn, or Winding Road sign if the deflection angle is less than

135 degrees. Use the Hairpin Curve sign if the deflection angle is 135 degrees or more.2 - Use with Advisory Speed plaque. The MUTCD indicates that the Combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory

Speed signs (W1-2a and W1-1a) can be also used to supplement other advance warning signs. However, these signsare not recognized in the TMUTCD.

3 - A Large Arrow sign may be used on curves where roadside obstacles prevent the installation of Chevrons. 4 - Raised pavement markers are optional in northern regions that experience frequent snowfall.5 - Delineators do not need to be used if Chevrons are used.6 - Special treatments could include oversize curve warning signs, flashers added to curve warning signs, wider edge

lines approaching (and along) the curve, and profiled edge lines and center lines.7 - °: optional; U: recommended.

Figure 12 illustrates the how the guidelines represented in Table 1 and the TMUTCD areshown in the TCAS software. The values shown in column two of this figure correspond to theexample curve discussed previously for Figures 8 and 9. The speed prediction model indicates thatthe 85th percentile driver will travel at 63 mph on the highway tangent but slow to 45 mph tonegotiate the curve. This 18 mph speed reduction is associated with curve severity category “D.”Figure 9 previously indicated that the recommended advisory speed for this curve is 40 mph (whichis representative of the average speed of trucks).

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As shown in Figure 12 (and confirmed with Table 1), a Curve sign, Advisory Speed plaque,and Chevrons are recommended for the example curve. An additional Curve sign and AdvisorySpeed plaque located at the beginning of the curve are optional. Engineering judgment should beused to determine whether the additional signs would be beneficial. The Curve sign and AdvisorySpeed plaque should be located at least 225 ft in advance of the beginning of the curve. TheChevrons should be spaced at 80 ft along the curve. Raised pavement markers are recommended,provided that the curve is not located in a northern region with frequent snowfall. Delineators arealso optional, and judgment should be used to determine whether they would be beneficial. Ifdelineators are used, they should be spaced at 55 ft along the curve.

Figure 12. TCAS Traffic Control Device Guidance.

Traffic Control Device Guidance85th% tangent speed, mph 6385th% curve speed, mph: 45Curve severity category DCurve Warning Signs Curve sign (W1-2, W1-4, W1-5) REC. Turn sign (W1-1, W1-3, W1-5) Hairpin Curve sign (W1-11) Min. advance placement distance, ft 225 Advisory Speed plaque (W13-1) REC. Additional Curve sign & Adv. Speed plaque opt. Additional Turn sign & Adv. Speed plaque Minimum Curve sign size, in 36x36 Min. Adv. Speed plaque sign size, in 24x24 Large Arrow sign (W1-6) Chevrons (W1-8) REC. Chevron spacing, ft 80Delineation Devices Raised pavement markers REC. Delineators opt. Delineator spacing, ft 55Special Treatments

opt. = optional REC. = recommended

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1. Torbic, D.J., D.W. Harwood, D.K. Gilmore, R. Pfefer, T.R. Neuman, K.L. Slack, and K.K.Hardy. NCHRP Report 500: Guidance for Implemention of the AASHTO Strategic HighwaySafety Plan - Volume 7: A Guide for Reducing Collisions on Horizontal Curves. TransportationResearch Board, Washington, D.C., 2004.

2. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Federal Highway Administration, U.S.Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 2003.

3. Chowdhury, M., D. Warren, H. Bissell, and S. Taori. “Are the Criteria for Setting AdvisorySpeeds on Curves Still Relevant?” ITE Journal. Institute of Transportation Engineers,Washington, D.C., February 1998, pp. 32-45.

4. Bonneson, J, M. Pratt, J. Miles, and P. Carlson. Development of Guidelines for EstablishingEffective Curve Advisory Speeds. FHWA/TX-07/0-5439-1. Texas Department ofTransportation, Austin, Texas, (in press).

5. Bonneson, J., D. Lord, K. Zimmerman, K. Fitzpatrick, and M. Pratt. Development of Tools forEvaluating the Safety Implications of Highway Design Decisions. FHWA/TX-07/0-4703-4.Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, Texas, September 2006.

6. Fitzpatrick, K., L. Elefteriadou, D.W. Harwood, J.M. Collins, J. McFadden, I.B. Anderson, R.A.Krammes, N. Irizarry, K.D. Parma, K.M. Bauer, and K. Passetti. Speed Prediction for Two-Lane Rural Highways. FHWA-RD-99-171. Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Departmentof Transportation, 2000.

7. Texas MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Texas Department ofTransportation, Austin, Texas, 2006.

8. Pietrucha, M.T., K.S. Opiela, R.L. Knoblauch, and K.L. Crigler. Motorist Compliance withStandard Traffic Control Devices. FHWA-RD-89-103. Federal Highway Administration, U.S.Department of Transportation, 1989.

9. Hammer, Jr., C.G. Evaluation of Minor Improvements: Part 6, Signs. California Division ofHighways, Traffic Department, May 1968.

10. Ritchie, M.L. “Choice of Speed in Driving through Curves as a Function of Advisory Speedand Curve Signs.” Human Factors. Vol. 14, No. 6. December 1972.

11. Lyles, R.W., and W.C. Taylor. NCHRP Report 559: Communicating Changes in HorizontalAlignment. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.,2006.

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12. Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones. Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, Texas,November 2003.

13. Carlson, P., E. Rose, S. Chrysler, and A. Bischoff. Simplifying Delineator and ChevronApplications for Horizontal Curves. Report No. FHWA/TX-04/0-4052-1. TexasTransportation Institute, College Station, Texas, 2004.

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This appendix summarizes a review of the literature related to advisory speed setting criteria.Initially, the objectives of horizontal curve signing are reviewed. Then, the guidance offered in twoauthoritative documents is summarized. Finally, several issues associated with current practice areidentified and described in terms of their implications on compliance and safety.


An important objective in horizontal curve signing is having a uniform and consistent displayof advisory speed on curves of similar geometry, character (e.g., sight distance, intersection presence,etc.), and road surface condition. As stated in the MUTCD, “uniformity of the meaning of trafficcontrol devices is vital to their effectiveness” (2, Section 1A.02). It further describes the benefitsof uniformity in the following statement.

“Uniformity of devices simplifies the task of the road user because it aids inrecognition and understanding, thereby reducing perception/reaction time. Uniformitymeans treating similar situations in a similar way.” (2, Section 1A.06).

The uniform application of a traffic control device allows drivers to develop appropriate expectationsthat lead to the correct interpretation of its message. In this manner, a uniformly applied advisoryspeed will be more likely to command the respect of drivers and achieve the desired safety benefits.

Lyles and Taylor (11) conducted a nationwide survey of 344 practitioners on the topic ofhorizontal curve signing practices. Questions were asked about the uniformity and consistency ofadvisory speeds in the practitioner’s state. The findings from this survey question are summarizedbelow, as they relate to the respondents’ perceptions of jurisdictions other than their own.

Uniformity in Advisory Speed among Curves! Forty-five percent believe that advisory speeds are not uniform throughout the state.! Only 58 percent believe that the advisory speed message is consistently estimated.

Consistency in Advisory Speed with Driver Expectation! Sixty-two percent believe that advisory speeds are too low.! Three percent believe that advisory speeds are too high.

With regard to uniformity among curves, almost half (45 percent) of the respondents believethat the posted advisory speeds in their state are not uniform among curves. From this response, itcould be inferred that 55 percent believe that these signs are uniform. In fact, when asked aboutadvisory speed uniformity, only 58 percent of respondents indicated that they believe that advisoryspeeds are consistently estimated.

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With regard to consistency with driver expectation, 62 percent of the respondents believe thatadvisory speeds are too low. In contrast, 3 percent of respondents believe that advisory speeds aretoo high. These findings imply that only 35 percent of respondents believe that advisory speeds areabout right.

Based on their survey findings, Lyles and Taylor (11) offered the following observation:

“Advisory speed signing appears to be largely ineffective if the goal is for drivers toactually travel at the posted advisory speed: drivers either fail to notice advisoryspeed plaques, or, more likely, they simply reject the literal advisory speedrecommendations, driving at a reduced speed that they feel is appropriate” (11, p. 2).


This section reviews the criteria recommended by two reference documents for establishingthe curve advisory speed. It focuses on the criteria offered in the MUTCD (2) and the TMUTCD (7).One subsection is devoted to the criteria described in each document.

MUTCD Criteria

The MUTCD (2) indicates that the advisory speed may be based on any of the followingcriteria:

! 85th percentile speed of free-flowing traffic, ! speed corresponding to a 16 degree ball-bank indicator reading, or ! speed determined appropriate following an engineering study.

The first bullet item in the preceding list implies that the advisory speed is directly tied to thedistribution of speeds measured on the curve. Specification of the 85th percentile speed as thethreshold value is likely intended to insure consistency between driver curve speed choice and theregulatory speed limit (the latter of which is based on the 85th percentile tangent speed).

TxDOT Criteria

The TMUTCD (7) recognizes the engineering study as the basis for determining the advisoryspeed. However, one element of this study is the use of the ball-bank indicator. The TxDOTdocument Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones (12) describes the correct use of the ball-bankindicator to establish an advisory speed. It recommends the use of a ball-bank reading of 14 degreesfor speeds of 20 mph or less, 12 degrees for speeds of 25 to 30 mph, and 10 degrees for speeds of35 mph or more.

The relationship between curve speed and radius is shown in Figure A-1 for ball-bankreadings of 10 and 14 degrees. The thin trend line represents the actual curve speed found on thesecurves and is based on the trends shown in Figure 1.

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Figure A-1. Relationship between Curve Speed, Ball-Bank Reading, and Radius.

The “10 degree” trend line in Figure A-1 intersects the thin trend line at about 950 ft. Anengineer who uses the 10-degree criterion to establish an advisory speed for a curve with an 950 ftradius would likely determine that the advisory speed should be 55 mph. For this one combinationof radius and tangent speed, the advisory speed would be consistent with the 85th percentile curvespeed. However, for sharper radii, the 85th percentile curve speed would exceed that establishedusing the 10-degree criterion. For example, if the 10-degree criterion is used on a 500 ft curve witha tangent speed of 60 mph, the advisory speed is likely to be 40 mph, but the 85th percentile curvespeed is likely to be 50 mph.

The trends in Figure A-1 indicate that drivers traveling on sharp curves do not necessarilyadopt a speed that is associated with a constant ball-bank reading. Rather, they reduce their speedas they enter the curve based on their consideration of both the added travel time associated with thespeed reduction and their level of comfort associated with side forces. They accept a level of sideforce that reflects a compromise between comfort and added travel time.


This section discusses several issues related to current curve signing practices. Thediscussion focuses on the following topics:

! uniformity in advisory speed among curves, ! consistency in advisory speed with driver expectation, and! regulatory speed limit versus measured tangent speed.

Each of the topics listed above is addressed in the following subsections.






0 500 1000 1500

Radius, ft


ve S


, mph

6.0% superelevation rate

85th% curve speed

10 degree ball-bank reading 14 degrees

Page 42: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


Uniformity in Advisory Speed among Curves

This subsection examines variability of the ball-bank indicator reading and its impact on theuniformity in advisory speed among the curves in various jurisdictions. This examination focuseson the range of ball-bank readings that are typically obtained for a given curve and discusses possiblesources of this variability. The consequences of a lack of uniformity are examined by comparingposted advisory speeds with those established by researchers using a ball-bank indicator.

Evidence: Variable Ball-Bank Readings

Experience using the ball-bank indicator reveals that it is a sensitive device that is influencedby variations in the vehicle’s travel path and variations in the road surface. The variation in ball-bank readings obtained at one curve is shown in Figure A-2. The first and last readings shown ineach figure are small because of the superelevation runoff that occurs at the start and end of thecurve. However, the intermediate readings can be seen to vary by several degrees with travel timealong the curve and also by curve direction and technician. Similar trends are found at most othercurves.

a. Technician A. b. Technician B.

Figure A-2. Ball-Bank Readings from Two Test Runs with Different Technicians.

In Figure A-2a, the ball-bank reading on the curve to the right varies from 4 to 9 degrees fortravel time between 2.5 and 8.5 s. The average reading in this range is 7.3 degrees. As shown inFigure A-2b, the second technician driving the same car and curve to the right observed readings thatvary from 6 to 11 degrees with an average of 8.2 degrees. The variability within any one technician’stest run is significant and, when considering the additional variability among technicians, it is notdifficult to understand why there is so little uniformity in advisory speeds among curves. Moreover,this finding suggests the ball-bank method has the undesirable trait of not being a “repeatable”process.

Standard practice in using the ball-bank indicator is to use the maximum ball-bank readingobserved during the test run to establish the advisory speed. Thus, for the curve shown in









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Travel Time along Curve, s



k R


ng, d



Curve to the Right

Curve to the LeftCurve 150 mph test speed









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Travel Time along Curve, s



k R


ng, d



Curve to the Right

Curve to the LeftCurve 150 mph test speed

Page 43: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


Figure A-2, a 12 or 13 degree maximum (depending on technician) is observed for the curve to theleft, and a 9 or 11 degree maximum is observed for the curve to the right. However, this maximumreading is often the result of a random event–an aberration due to steer correction. Thus, the practiceof selecting the maximum reading has the undesirable trait of allowing the advisory speed to bebased on a momentary random spike in the reading. This finding is also consistent with the trendnoted previously that advisory speeds are too low, relative to the observed speed distribution.

The variation in readings along a curve is likely due to a variety of sources, such as:

! rough pavement surface, ! occasional steering corrections made while traveling along the curve, and! variation in pavement friction supply.

Even when the same vehicle and driver are used during a series of test runs at the same curve, themaximum observed reading will likely vary on successive test runs due to one or more of thesesources.

With regard to pavement surface roughness, ball-bank readings are likely to be biased highby 1 or 2 degrees on curves with rough pavements. Pavement surface roughness can be aconsequence of any type of pavement deformation or settlement that causes the superelevation tovary along the length of the curve.

With regard to steering corrections, the steering system of most vehicles has a slightundersteer or oversteer that makes it difficult for their drivers to track the curve radius. Tire slipangles (as are influenced by tire pressure, loading, camber, caster, suspension, etc.) dictate whethera vehicle exhibits understeer or oversteer. When either state exists, the driver has to correct the pathof the vehicle to avoid spinning out or sliding off of the roadway. These steer corrections translateinto the vehicle tracking a sharper radius (than that of the roadway) for short sections of the curve.

With regard to variation in pavement friction supply, the condition of the pavement at thetime the advisory speed is established can have significant influence on the resulting advisory speed.Pavement surface friction supply changes each time the road is resurfaced. The friction supply hasa direct effect on tire slip and thus, it affects the frequency and extent of steer corrections. As notedin the previous paragraph, steer corrections tend to cause fluctuations in the steering that introduceshort-term spikes in friction demand, with a corresponding jump in the observed ball-bank reading.

Variability in the ball-bank reading, when extreme, can translate into variability in therecommended advisory speed on curves of similar geometry, character, or condition. Other factorsthat can lead to variation in the advisory speed among similar curves include:

! suspension differences in the vehicles used to establish advisory speeds,! quality of ball-bank indicator and speedometer calibration, and! diligence and training of persons using the device.

The extent to which theses sources contribute to advisory speed variability has not been researched.

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Consequences: Posted Advisory Speed vs. Ball-Bank-Based Advisory Speed

The previous section demonstrated the variability associated with the ball-bank indicatorwhen it is used to establish curve advisory speeds. Numerous sources of variability were identified.This section examines the consequences of this variability in terms of the uniformity of advisoryspeeds among curves.

For this discussion, a curve’s posted advisory speed is defined as uniform when it matchesthe speed determined by using the ball-bank indicator. Chowdhury et al. (3) examined advisoryspeed uniformity in three states. They recorded the posted advisory speed for each of 28 curves andthen used the ball-bank indicator to estimate the appropriate advisory speed. Their findings areshown in Figure A-3. Each data point in this figure represents one curve study site. The trend lineshown in this figure is a “y = x” line, such that a data point would fall on this line if thecorresponding site had a posted advisory speed equal to the ball-bank-based advisory speed.

Figure A-3. Comparison of Posted and Estimated Advisory Speeds.

Chowdhury et al. (3) found that only 36 percent of the curves had posted advisory speeds thatwere consistent with their estimate of the appropriate advisory speed. The variation ranged from-5 mph to +25 mph, with an average difference of +5 mph. This finding is consistent with that ofCarlson et al. (13), who used a ball-bank indicator to evaluate advisory speeds on curves in Texas.

Consistency in Advisory Speed with Driver Expectation

This subsection uses data reported in the literature to examine the consistency betweenadvisory speed and driver expectancy. This examination focuses on the driver’s choice of speed fora given curve. The consequences of a lack of consistency are examined by comparing curve advisoryspeed with the measured curve speed distribution.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Posted Advisory Speed, mph







y Sp



Page 45: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


Evidence: Curve Speed Choice and Corresponding Ball-Bank Angles

Research indicates that tangent speed has a significant influence on driver curve speedchoice. The speed prediction model developed by Bonneson et al. (4) was used to estimate the ball-bank readings that correspond to the curve speed and radius combinations shown in Figure 1b.These readings are shown in Figure A-4.

Figure A-4. Relationship between Radius, Speed, and Ball-Bank Reading.

Two important points can be made from the trends shown in Figure A-4. First, the ball-bankreading that corresponds to driver speed choice is not a constant. Rather, it decreases with increasingcurve speed and reflects the driver’s desire for less side force at higher curve speeds. No one ball-bank reading describes driver speed choice for the full range of radii and tangent speeds.

Second, the relationship between ball-bank reading and curve speed is dependent on thetangent speed. For example, consider a curve with an average curve speed of 40 mph. A 5 degreeball-bank reading is likely to accurately reflect driver speed choice when this curve has a tangentspeed of 40 mph. In contrast, a 16 degree reading is more likely to reflect driver speed choice whenthe tangent speed is 60 mph.

Consequences: Advisory Speed vs. Measured Curve Speed

This section examines the consequences of inconsistent advisory speeds by examining therelationship between the advisory speed and the measured speed distribution for several curves. Thedata cited by Chowdhury et al. (3) are used for this examination. They measured the speeddistribution on each of 28 curves in three states. They also recorded the posted advisory speed






25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Average Curve Speed, mph



k R


ng, d



Average Tangent Speed = 40 mph

50 mph60 mph

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associated with each curve. Figure A-5a compares the posted advisory speed with the observed50th percentile speed. Each data point in this figure corresponds to one curve study site. The datapoints shown indicate that the 50th percentile speed exceeds the posted advisory speed by as muchas 20 mph. Similar trends were noted in an examination of data collected on rural two-lanehighways in Texas (4).

a. Posted Advisory Speed. b. Estimated Advisory Speed.

Figure A-5. Comparison of the 50th Percentile Curve Speed with the Advisory Speed.

Chowdhury et al. (3) also used a ball-bank indicator to estimate the appropriate advisoryspeed for each curve. The estimated advisory speeds are shown in Figure A-5b. Compared toFigure A-5a, the variability in Figure A-5b is reduced because Chowdhury et al. used the same testvehicle and a consistent technique. It is noted that the 50th percentile speed exceeds the estimatedadvisory speed by no more than 10 or 11 mph. For higher curve speeds, the 50th percentile speed isabout equal to, or slightly lower than, the estimated advisory speed.

The common practice of signing both directions of the curve using the same advisory speedcan also contribute to the variability shown in Figures A-5a and A-5b. Specifically, this practiceadds variability when the superelevation along the curve is different for the two travel directions.Data collected by Carlson et al. (13) for 18 curves on rural two-lane highways in Texas indicate thatsuperelevation rate was different by direction for 16 of 18 curves. The range of differences was 0to 8 percent, with a typical variation along any one curve of 2 to 3 percent.

Regulatory Speed Limit vs. Measured Tangent Speed

Several recent studies of vehicle speed on rural highways have found that drivers consistentlyexceed the regulatory speed limit. The amount by which the speed limit is exceeded varies with thespeed limit and tends to be largest for lower speed limits. The findings reported by Bonneson et al.(4) for rural highways in Texas are shown in Figure A-6. Each data point represents the free-flowspeed measured on one highway tangent. The trend shown is consistent with that reported in theliterature.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Posted Advisory Speed, mph


% C



ed, m









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Ball-Bank-Based Advisory Speed, mph


% C



ed, m


Page 47: Horizontal Curve Signing Handbook CURVE SIGNING HANDBOOK by J. Bonneson, P.E. Senior Research Engineer Texas Transportation Institute M. Pratt Associate Transportation Researcher Texas


Figure A-6. Relationship between Speed Limit and 85th Percentile Speed.

The trend in Figure A-6 indicates that the 85th percentile speed always exceeds the regulatoryspeed limit; however, the amount of excess is not constant. Extrapolation of the trend line suggeststhat the 85th percentile speed is more likely to equal the speed limit on rural highways if the speedlimit is 70 to 75 mph. In contrast, a speed limit of 55 mph is likely to be exceeded by 7 to 10 mph.

The trend in Figure A-6 has implications on guidelines for horizontal curve signing. Manyof the existing guidelines are based on the regulatory speed limit of the highway. Some guidelinesexplicitly indicate that the 85th percentile speed can (or should) be used to make the determination.However, other guidelines suggest that the speed limit can be used as an estimate of the85th percentile speed. It is not clear to what extent any of these guidelines recognize the likelydifference between the speed limit and the 85th percentile speed, as suggested by Figure A-6.However, any guideline that is based on an assumed equality in the two speeds is not likely to yieldits desired result.

V 85 = 0.54 V sl + 33.6R2 = 0.49







50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

Regulatory Speed Limit (V sl ), mph


% T


nt S



), m


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Table B-1. Guidelines for Advance Placement of Warning Signs.(Table 2C-4 of the TMUTCD)

Posted or85th

PercentileSpeed, mph

Advance Placement Distance, ft 1

Condition A: Speedreduction and lane

changing in heavy traffic 2

Condition B:Stop

Condition 3

Condition C: Deceleration to the listed advisoryspeed (mph) for the condition 4

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 75

20 225 N/A5 N/A5 - - - - - - -25 325 N/A5 N/A5 N/A5 - - - - - -30 450 N/A5 N/A5 N/A5 - - - - - -35 550 N/A5 N/A5 N/A5 N/A5 - - - - -40 650 125 N/A5 N/A5 N/A5 - - - - -45 750 175 125 N/A5 N/A5 N/A5 - - - -50 850 250 200 150 100 N/A5 - - - -55 950 325 275 225 175 100 N/A5 - - -60 1100 400 350 300 250 175 N/A5 - - -65 1200 475 425 400 350 275 175 N/A5 - -70 1250 550 525 500 425 350 250 150 - -75 1350 650 625 600 525 450 350 250 100 -80 1475 725 725 700 625 550 475 350 200 125

Notes:1 - The distances are adjusted for a sign legibility distance of 175 ft for Condition A and B. The distances for

Condition C have been adjusted for a sign legibility distance of 250 ft, which is appropriate for an alignment warningsymbol sign.

2 - Typical conditions are locations where the road user must use extra time to adjust speed and change lanes in heavytraffic because of a complex driving situation. Typical signs are Merge and Right Lane Ends. The distances aredetermined by providing the driver a perception-reaction time (PRT) of 14.0 to 14.5 s for vehicle maneuvers (2004AASHTO Policy, Exhibit 3-3, Decision Sight Distance, Avoidance Maneuver E) minus the legibility distance of175 ft for the appropriate sign.

3 - Typical condition is the warning of a potential stop situation. Typical signs are Stop Ahead, Yield Ahead, SignalAhead, and Intersection Warning signs. The distances are based on the 2001 AASHTO Policy, Stopping SightDistance, Exhibit 3-1, providing a PRT of 2.5 s, a deceleration rate of 11.2 ft/s2 minus the sign legibility distanceof 175 ft.

4 - Typical conditions are locations where the road user must decrease speed to maneuver through the warned condition.Typical signs are Turn, Curve, Reverse Turn, or Reverse Curve. The distance is determined by providing a 2.5 sPRT, a vehicle deceleration rate of 10 ft/s2, minus the sign legibility distance of 250 ft.

5 - No suggested distances are provided for these speeds, as the placement location is dependent on site conditions andother signing to provide an adequate advance warning for the driver.

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Table B-2. Horizontal Alignment Sign Usage.(Table 2C-5 of the TMUTCD)

Number of Alignment Changes Advisory Speed

30 mph or Less 35 mph or more

1 Turn (W1-1) 1 Curve (W1-2) 1

2 2 Reverse Turn (W1-3) 3 Reverse Curve (W1-4) 3

3 or more 2 Winding road (W1-5) 3

Notes:1 - Engineering judgment should be used to determine whether the Turn or Curve sign should be used.2 - Alignment changes are in opposite directions and are separated by a tangent distance of 600 ft or less.3 - A Right Reverse Turn (W1-3R), Right Reverse Curve (W1-4R), or Right Winding Road (W1-5R) sign is used if

the first change in alignment is to the right; a Left Reverse Turn (W1-3L), Left Reverse Curve (W1-4L), or LeftWinding Road (W1-5L) sign is used if the first change in alignment is to the left.

Table B-3. Delineator and Chevron Sign Spacing.(Table 3D-2 of the TMUTCD).

Degree of Curve Radius, ft Delineator Spacing (Sd)in Curve, ft 1

Chevron Spacing (Sc) inCurve, ft 2

5 1146 100 1606 955 90 1607 819 85 1608 716 75 1609 637 75 120

10 573 70 12011 521 65 12012 478 60 12013 441 60 12014 409 55 8015 382 55 8016 358 55 8019 302 50 8023 249 40 8029 198 35 4038 151 30 4057 101 20 40

Notes:1 - Delineator spacing refers to the spacing for specific radii computed from the equation: Sd = 3 (R - 50)0.5

2 - Chevron spacing refers to the spacing for specific radii computed from the equation: Sd = 5.3 (R - 70)0.5

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Version 6 7/21/2007Horizontal Curve Advisory Speed Field Data Sheet Texas Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Division

Date: Analyst:

District: County: Roadway: Reference Roadway:






















ve ID




y H


ng (d




k R
















d D


g M



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, no)

RecommendationsField Measurements







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al D




ve W


ng S





, No)












t Dis


e O







d (m



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