hope and dream (biographical recount)

Chapter 3 Almas Safira Annisa Alfath Dias Titah Intan Nur F. Yoshua Samuel

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Page 1: Hope and Dream (Biographical Recount)

Chapter 3

Almas Safira

Annisa Alfath

Dias Titah

Intan Nur F.

Yoshua Samuel

Page 2: Hope and Dream (Biographical Recount)


Page 3: Hope and Dream (Biographical Recount)

What’s On This Chapter?

Read Speech

Learn How To Express Hopes

Learn To Congratulate

Page 4: Hope and Dream (Biographical Recount)

All of us, I am certain, are united by more important things than those, which superficially divide us. We are united, for instance, by a common detestation of colonialism in whatever form it appears. We are united by a common detestation of racialism. And we are united by a common determination to preserve and stabilize peace in the world.

We are often told, "Colonialism is dead." Let us not be deceived or even soothed by that. I say to you, colonialism is not yet dead. How can we say it is dead, so long as vast areas of Asia and Africa are unfree.

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What’s Speech?

Speech is an activity speaking in public giving speeches to express their opinions, or to give an idea about something.

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Generic Structure of Speech

ThankingMain Body Closing

Opening / IntroductionGreatingAdresses

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Kind Of Speeches1) Impromptu- there is no preparation before- Speecher invited unexpected- Usually in business or organisation

2) Extemporaneous- Speech for a contest- Speecher prepare him or her self

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3) Manuscript- We can see a script while we speech 4) Memorized- There are preparation- Usually speech in a public- No script

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ....The Honorable Mrs.Iis, as our teacher,Dear my friends,Ladies and Gentleman,

Asslaamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...First of all I want to say ‘thank you so much’ to our teacher Mrs. Iis, who has given me an opportunity to stand in front of you all and to deliver a speech about “What Is Love?”



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Love is a basic need of everyone in this world. We need love in our daily activities. We cannot feel safe without love. Everyone has their own definition about love. It is not easy to define what love is because love concerns many aspects, which means we can never describe the meaning of love in the same way.

We can divide love into several categories: love for our parents, our siblings, our best friends, and surely for our God Allah. When a man and a woman decide to live together till the end of their live, it means they are in love. If our brother buys as something that we’d like, we can understand that our brother loves us. Sometimes our mother is angry with us, but we know that she does it because of love. Love is a mystery in this life. In love we not only find happiness, truth, belief, passion, but also hate and hurt.

Opening / Introduction

Main Body

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Though love is indescribable, it is something that we can touch with our feelings and our hearts. Sometimes that we say we love someone, but actually what we feel is only admiration. When we love someone, it is likely that we feel we want to be with him/her and get close to him/her all the time, and we sincerely will do anything for that person. Even sometimes we feel that love is more than that.

Finally, once again, I would like to emphasize that love is one of the greatest mystery in our life. The most important thing that we should know isn’t about the definition, but how we can thank the ones who love us. If you are afraid of feeling hurt because of love, you will never find the true love.


Main Body

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Those are what I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your attention and I ask forgiveness for my mistakes,

I submit that such speech may be useful for uswabillahi taufik, wal hidayah,Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh


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What’s On This Chapter?

Read Speech

Learn How To Express Hopes

Learn To Congratulate

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What’s Hopes & Dreams?

Hope is something realistic and short term and dream is a long-range- goal. Actually they are just the same. They talk about something that will or won’t happen. In order to the dreams and hopes can happen, we need to do something and pray.

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• I hope I could meet One Direction one day

• I hope you would marry me• I hope you love me back• I want my mom give me more money• I want to be an actrees• I hope my dreams could come true• I hope you like this present• I hope I get good score in English

Example To Express Hope

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What’s your dream Gumball?

I want to be boxer like Kris John

I hope your dream could come true

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What’s On This Chapter?

Read Speech

Learn How To Express Hopes

Learn To Congratulate

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How To Congratulate

Congratulating is the act of expressing joy and acknowledgment for achievement and success of other people

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Expression Congratulate

• Very well done. Congratulations!

• Good job! No one deserves it more than you do

• Fantastic! Congratultios on getting the first prize

• Marvelous! I’m so proud of you

• Great! You did it. Your hard work paid at last

• Thank you• Thank you, your

saying this means a lot to me

• Thanks! I still can’t believe it happened. I have been dreaming about it for a long time ago

• Thanks! I am happy to make you proud

• It was nothing special. Thank you

Congratulating Responding

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Thank You