honor’s research project overview

Project Guide

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Page 1: Honor’s research project overview

Project Guide

Page 2: Honor’s research project overview

The Theme:

You will be developing a project based on an American history theme that crosses time periods from 1880 through 2000. The choice of theme is up to you, but the events that define and develop the theme must occur throughout the entire time period of 1880 through 2000.

For example, if you chose immigration, you would cover in your paper or power point how immigration changed over this 120 year time period, highlighting important events, identifying documents and objects that illustrate these changes and explain the impact immigration had on US History.

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Theme List to get you started:

Immigration Communication Transportation Political Elections- (Examples: political strategies, use of

communication to get the vote, etc.) Improvements or the fight for equal rights: (pick a demographic group,

such as women, African American) Labor movement (push to get better working conditions- unions, etc.) Foreign Policy: (compare foreign policies over time, such as

isolationism, imperialism, containment theory, etc. over the 1800-200 time frame)

Art/Music/Literature movements Economics as a driving force in American history Innovation and invention The changing role of women Migration in American history The ongoing tension between rural/small town America and

urban America The United States at war- attitudes and actions The role of government in American life

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Feeling ambitious?

You can choose one of the themes outlined by the course, but this is not required. These are just some more suggestions: Lesson 8.01 slides 7-10

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The Formats:

What you are presenting: Museum Exhibit Your project will result in a museum exhibit

will include a variety of entries like real-life objects and documents (artifacts), with text explanations of each artifact to explain how your theme impacted US History between 1880 and 2000.

You will use photos, audio files, video, or URL links to provide “exhibit artifacts.”

Paper Power Point Web site

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The Assignments: In Doc Sharing

8.01 (Part 1)- Choosing your theme (25pts.)Due Date: 3/24

8.02 (Part 2)- Annotated Bibliography (25pts.)Due Date: 4/7

8.03 (Part 3)- Exhibit artifact approval (25pts.)Due Date: 4/11

8.04- DO NOT DO8.05- DO NOT DO8.06 (Part 6)- Final Project

Due Date: 5/23

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Project Requirements

Paper: 4-6 pages of text 3 resource minimum (not including

artifacts as resources) 1 Primary resource must be used. May

also count as an artifact. 5 artifact minimum 10-12pt. Font, Times New Roman,

double spaced, one inch margins MLA in-text citations MLA Works cited (no annotation needed)

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Project Requirements:

Power Point 14 slide minimum (should be equivalent to

content in 4 pages of text-double spaced) 3 resource minimum (not including

artifacts as resources) 1 Primary resource must be used. May also

count as an artifact. 5 artifact minimum 10-12pt. Font, Times New Roman, double

spaced, one inch margins MLA in-text citations MLA Works cited (no annotation needed)

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All work taken from another source must be cited properly using MLA formatting as stated in the requirements. ALL work must be your own. Review the Academic Integrity policy in the Course Syllabus, and ask me if you have questions regarding plagiarism, or how to cite your sources.

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Assignment 8.01- Choosing a ThemeWorth 25 pts.

1.What is your theme? (15pts.)2.List and briefly explain (6-8 sentences)

two major ways this theme impacted US History during this time period? (10pts.)

(Give examples of key events, ideas or concepts that resulted from this theme ).

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8.02 Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography contains all the

sources that provide information for your research project.

It differs from a regular bibliography in that each entry includes a brief explanation about how the source was used, how it helped you understand your topic, and whether it is a primary or secondary resource.

This explanation is normally about 1-3 sentences long.

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8.02 Annotated Bibliography

Here is an Example:

Weinberg, Steve. Taking on the Trust: The Epic Battle of Ida Tarbell and John D. Rockefeller . 1st ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 2008.

Ida Tarbell confronted practices of the Standard Oil Company run by John D. Rockefeller. Her exposé resulted in the Supreme Court breaking up the monopoly. This secondary account was important to my paper because it showed how unfair monopolies hindered the growth of smaller businesses.

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8.02 Annotated Bibliography

Primary versus Secondary Sources

Primary Source is defined as a “first hand account” such as diaries, journals, or anything written that would tell a story as it happens.

For example: Ms. Schweighardt writes a book about her life!

Secondary Source is defined as a “second hand account” such as a biography, news story, magazine article, anything that tells the story from someone who did not experience the event or story first hand.

For example: Ms. Sandford writes a book about Ms. Schweighardt’s life.

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8.02 Annotated Bibliography: Resources Remember, although you will probably look at many

more sources than you actually use, you should only list those sources that you used to develop your project.

Use www.easybib.com to help you format your citation into MLA format. All you need is the source information, plug it into the information fields, and easybib will create a citation format you can copy and paste.

For further help with MLA formatting go to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/This will help you with formatting citations.

Use this website to get your started with your research:


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8.02 Annotated Bibliography

Criteria for this Assignment3 Resources in all.

At least one must be a Primary Source.

NO WIKIPEDIA will be accepted. DO NOT Use your textbook as a

listed resource on this assignment or your final bibliography

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8.03 Exhibit Artifact Submission

Submit 3 exhibit artifacts for approvalCaption: 150-200 words each inform the museum visitor of the

significance and importance of the piece, and how it relates to the exhibit theme. Captions should explain pertinent information about the entry and some interesting facts, if possible.

Justification: explain why each piece belongs in the exhibit and how it reflects the theme.

same writing guidelines for proper grammar and sentence structure that you would use if you were writing a research paper.

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What does an exhibit look like? How is it set up?

Go to this website for the National Archives to see online exhibits to get inspiration for your project, and even resources!


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Artifact and Text Example:

"We, the People of the Confederate States..."Adopted on March 11, 1861, the Constitution of the Confederate States closely resembled the Constitution of the United States. It differed chiefly in its emphasis on each state's "sovereign and independent character," its reference to "Almighty God," and its six-year term for President. Citizens could take slaves into the Confederacy's territories as well as from state to state. Like the United States, however, the Confederacy banned the importation of slaves from other nations.National Archives, War Department Collection of Confederate Records Read the transcript

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8.06 Final Project Submission

100 pts. Submit into the Honors Project Part 6

Drop Box; attach paper or power point.

Website: Provide URL in comment area of drop box