
Hong Kong Sectorial Conference News Ananda Suruci MU, Taiwan September 2022 2013 As every year, the Hong Kong Sectorial Conference has created a powerful wave of spiritual vibrations in the South of Taiwan, since its theme was “Sing for the Divine” referring to the treasures of Kiirtan and Prabhat Samgiita. Despite the high probability of a very strong typhoon landing during the days of the conference, close to two hundred margiis came to attend it. This time was the turn of Kaohsiung Unit to organize and even though the number of margiis there is far less than in Taipei, they took care of every aspect of the program, with a smile and good organization. After the official opening of the program margiis enjoyed the first Akhanda Kiirtan program in the Baba’s Quarters building.

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Hong  Kong  Sectorial  Conference  News  Ananda  Suruci  MU,  Taiwan  September  20-­‐22  2013  

 As  every  year,  the  Hong  Kong  Sectorial  Conference  has  created  a  powerful  wave  of  spiritual  vibrations  in  the  South  of  Taiwan,  since  its  theme  was  “Sing  for  the  Divine”  referring  to  the  treasures  of  Kiirtan  and  Prabhat  Samgiita.    Despite  the  high  probability  of  a  very  strong  typhoon  landing  during  the  days  of  the  conference,  close  to  two  hundred  margiis  came  to  attend  it.      

     This  time  was  the  turn  of  Kaohsiung  Unit  to  organize  and  even  though  the  number  of  margiis  there  is  far  less  than  in  Taipei,  they  took  care  of  every  aspect  of  the  program,  with  a  smile  and  good  organization.    After  the  official  opening  of  the  program  margiis  enjoyed  the  first  Akhanda  Kiirtan  program  in  the  Baba’s  Quarters  building.      


With  many  good  kiirtan  players  taking  turns  to  keep  up  the  devotional  flow  with  ever-­‐sweeter  tunes,  between  sadhana  sessions  next  to  Baba’s  room.    

     While  LFT  Prema  provided  the  children  care  program  in  the  main  building  area.      

       And  new  people  were  given  a  crash  course  on  Ananda  Marga  culture  and  practices  by  Ac.  Liila  and  Didi  Ananda  Amala.      

   Alongside  the  organizational  meeting  by  the  sectorial  ACB,  the  afternoon  program  included  two  workshops.  One  about  the  structure  of  WWD  conducted  by  SWWS  Didi  Ananda  Kalyanshrii  and  Didi  Ananda  Rashmika…    

       …and  the  other  about  the  Ecology  of  Joy  by  Dada  Caetanyananda.      

                                                                       The  first  day  was  concluded  by  a  devotional  night  program.    


   The  second  day  started  with  a  class  on  Kiirtan,  in  which  Dada  Cittarainjanananda  ji  covered  Baba’s  many  explanations  about  Kiirtan,  and  then  eliciting  the  audience’s  personal  experiences  on  the  subject.      

       The  class  was  followed  by  a  baby  naming  function.        

   The  afternoon  session  included  two  more  workshops,  one  by  SS  Dadaji  on  the  devotional  aspects  of  Prabhata  Samgiita…    

       …and  another  by  Brother  Iishvara  on  pracar.      

       After  so  much  intellectual  attention,  everyone  was  happy  to  participate  or  follow  the  always  highly  contended  kaoshikii  and  tandava  competitions,  while  all  the  region’s  BP  were  meeting.      


But  as  usual  in  every  Taiwan  conference,  it  was  the  well-­‐prepared  RAWA  night  that  stole  the  day’s  attention  with  many  inspired  performances,  stated  by  the  Kaohsiung  team’s  (Candrika,  Tusita,  Sumitra)  traditional  dance  program.    

 Dada  Shubhadhyanananda,  Dada  Devajinana  and  Viniit’s  Prabhat  Samgiita’s  rendition.    


Followed  by  the  Taipei  dance  team  composed  of  Lavanya,  Uttama,  Divya  and  Tara  and  their  Prabhat  Samgiita’s  inspired  dance.    

   And  more  dance  with  sisters  Candrika  and  Sumitra    

         Then  it  was  the  turn  of  the  Taipei  Rawa  club  performance...    

       …followed  by  a  mini  drama  on  the  challenges  to  meditation  directed  by  Dada  Devajinana  and  with  the  partecipation  of  margiis  from  various  units.        

         Brother  Pranakrsna  sang  two  of  his  songs  ending  with  a  subtle  kiirtan  tune…  


       …and  then  more  traditional  dance  by  sisters  Candrika  and  Tusita.    

       Dada  Devajinana  offered  the  humorous  highlight  of  the  evening  with  his  story  of  a  family  in  trouble  putting  off  a  candle,  very  well  ‘translated’  by  brother  Sukhamaya.    


 Finally  Didi  Ananda  Gunamrta,  brother  Pranakrsna  and  choir  concluded  the  program  with  two  devotional  bhajans.      

         Right  after  so  much  fun  and  inspiration,  the  overnight  Akhanda  Kiirtan  started…    

     ending  the  next  morning,  concluding  the  main  activities  of  the  conference.      

         What  a  glorious  morning  it  was,  with  a  wonderful  double  rainbow  decorating  the  sky  above  the  Master  Unit,  which  many  felt  was  a  sign  of  the  feared  typhoon  having  been  turned  away  by  their  devotional  chants.    

       There  is  no  better  way  to  end  the  conference  by  honoring  some  of  those  who  have  excelled  in  service  and  sacrifice,  or  any  of  the  Ananda  Marga  activities  around  the  sector;  a  task  SS  Dadaji  completed  before  officially  closing  the  conference,  offering  prizes  to  deserving  adults…        

       and  children.    

 And  with  the  open  invitation  to  everyone  for  the  next  Hong  Kong  Sector  Conference  scheduled  for  April  2014,  we  can  enjoy  the  still  very  vivid  devotional  feelings  of  this  year’s  conference,  ending  with  the  group  photo  of  our  Ananda  Marga  spiritual  family  in  Taiwan.            

     Param  Pita  Baba  Ki?  Jay!