hong kong - trinity lutheran church filehope you will take some time to drink deeply of god's...

1 Madison, Wisconsin www.tlcmsn.org Pentecost 2016 June, July, August Many people in this hemisphere tell time by the seasons of nature. Summer is a warm time of vacations, reunions, relaxing, and playing outside. The church year has a different way of telling time. In the liturgical calendar, time is measured by important events in the life of Jesus (like Christmas and Easter) or the church (like Pentecost). Coincidentally, the time after Pentecost up to Advent is known as "Ordinary Time." There is also a short period of Ordinary Time after the Baptism of Our Lord in January until Ash Wednesday. In this way, the rhythm of the liturgical seasons reflects the rhythm of life brief anniversary celebrations and periods of intensity intermingled with longer seasons of quiet growth and maturing. Ordinary Time is counted and ordered by the numbers of Sundays that follow Pentecost (for example, you'll notice Sunday bulletins this Sunday bear titles like "The 4th Sunday after Pentecost." In winter we count the number of Sundays after Epiphany. During Ordinary Time the church is usually decorated in green, the color of hope and growth. Think plants and trees, gardens and parks, all showing signs of maturity and fecundity at this time. The lessons we will hear read in worship will invite us to go deep, to reach our roots down into the groundwater of our baptisms. The focus is on the life and ministry of Jesus and the church. We take this time to descend from the great mountain peaks of Easter and Christmas in order to "pasture" in the verdant meadows of tempus per annum--Ordinary Time. How will you grow during this summer? I hope you will take some time to drink deeply of God's good creation, whether in far off places or in your own back yard. Additionally, although Sunday School and Confirmation Classes take a hiatus for the summer, you are invited to nurture your faith at Trinity a variety of ways. Two guest preachers will be coming to Trinity in June, each with a unique viewpoint about God's work in our world. On June 19, Rev. Dr. Carolyn Schneider, missionary in Hong Kong will preach, preside, and present what the Lutheran Church is doing in Hong Kong and China. Although it is the third Sunday of the month, we're moving Global Worship in June to coincide with Rev. Schneider's visit. The following week, Rev. Emily Tviete of Lutheran Campus Ministry at UW Madison will preach and preside, sharing how God's love is communicated to and through college students in this area. If you are older than confirmation age but younger than 30, I fear you've been neglected for too long in our community. For this reason, Trinity is partnering with Lake Edge Lutheran in establishing a Young Adult Group (let's hope a new name will emerge). We've met once, and discovered there is a real interest in having regular casual gatherings of young adults who want to explore life's big questions in the context of a spiritual environment (i.e. "What is the purpose of the Bible in our time?" "How do we make sense of other religions if we believe there's only one God?" and similar topics). The group is in its baby stage of formation, but will meet next on June 22 at 7 pm at The Glass Nickel on Atwood Ave. Talk to Pastor Sue if you have questions. People of any age who are interested in learning more about Trinity's stained glass windows are invited to a series of reflections on them right after worship on July 10 and 17. If there is enough interest, we could also arrange to tour nearby churches with outstanding stained glass as well. Trinity participates in a number of community events throughout the summer--we have a booth at Atwood Fest (talk to Kia Conrad or Eric Castleberg if you can help), MadCity Bazaar (1st and 3rd Saturdays till Sept.) uses our parking lot, and Bike and Build participants sleep and eat here in July. This year our building will also be the home of Kaleidescope, an art camp for children hosted by TapIt New Works for two weeks in July. We are grateful to be able to use our facility and our energy for people who are making the most of Ordinary Time. Bless you as you bloom and grow in God's grace this summer! Pastor Sue

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Madison, Wisconsin www.tlcmsn.org Pentecost 2016 – June, July, August

Many people in this hemisphere

tell time by the seasons of nature.

Summer is a warm time of vacations,

reunions, relaxing, and playing outside.

The church year has a different way of

telling time. In the liturgical calendar,

time is measured by important events in

the life of Jesus (like Christmas and

Easter) or the church (like Pentecost).

Coincidentally, the time after Pentecost

up to Advent is known as "Ordinary

Time." There is also a short period of Ordinary Time

after the Baptism of Our Lord in January until Ash

Wednesday. In this way, the rhythm of the liturgical

seasons reflects the rhythm of life —brief anniversary

celebrations and periods of intensity intermingled

with longer seasons of quiet growth and maturing.

Ordinary Time is counted and ordered by the

numbers of Sundays that follow Pentecost (for

example, you'll notice Sunday bulletins this Sunday

bear titles like "The 4th Sunday after Pentecost." In

winter we count the number of Sundays after

Epiphany. During Ordinary Time the church is

usually decorated in green, the color of hope and

growth. Think plants and trees, gardens and parks, all

showing signs of maturity and fecundity at this time.

The lessons we will hear read in worship will invite

us to go deep, to reach our roots down into the

groundwater of our baptisms. The focus is on the life

and ministry of Jesus and the church. We take this

time to descend from the great mountain peaks of

Easter and Christmas in order to "pasture" in the

verdant meadows of tempus per annum--Ordinary


How will you grow during this summer? I

hope you will take some time to drink deeply of God's

good creation, whether in far off places or in your

own back yard. Additionally, although Sunday

School and Confirmation Classes take a hiatus for the

summer, you are invited to nurture your faith at

Trinity a variety of ways. Two guest preachers will

be coming to Trinity in June, each with a unique

viewpoint about God's work in our world. On June

19, Rev. Dr. Carolyn Schneider, missionary in

Hong Kong will preach, preside, and present what

the Lutheran Church is doing in Hong Kong and

China. Although it is the third Sunday of the month,

we're moving Global Worship in June to coincide

with Rev. Schneider's visit. The following week,

Rev. Emily Tviete of Lutheran Campus Ministry

at UW Madison will preach and preside, sharing how

God's love is communicated to and through college

students in this area.

If you are older than confirmation age but

younger than 30, I fear you've been neglected for too

long in our community. For this reason, Trinity is

partnering with Lake Edge Lutheran in establishing a

Young Adult Group (let's hope a new name will

emerge). We've met once, and discovered there is a

real interest in having regular casual gatherings of

young adults who want to explore life's big questions

in the context of a spiritual environment (i.e. "What is

the purpose of the Bible in our time?" "How do we

make sense of other religions if we believe there's

only one God?" and similar topics). The group is in

its baby stage of formation, but will meet next on

June 22 at 7 pm at The Glass Nickel on Atwood

Ave. Talk to Pastor Sue if you have questions.

People of any age who are interested in

learning more about Trinity's stained glass windows

are invited to a series of reflections on them right

after worship on July 10 and 17. If there is enough

interest, we could also arrange to tour nearby

churches with outstanding stained glass as well.

Trinity participates in a number of community

events throughout the summer--we have a booth at

Atwood Fest (talk to Kia Conrad or Eric Castleberg if

you can help), MadCity Bazaar (1st and 3rd

Saturdays till Sept.) uses our parking lot, and Bike

and Build participants sleep and eat here in July.

This year our building will also be the home of

Kaleidescope, an art camp for children hosted by

TapIt New Works for two weeks in July. We are

grateful to be able to use our facility and our energy

for people who are making the most of Ordinary


Bless you as you bloom and grow in God's

grace this summer! Pastor Sue



"To every thing there is a

season, and a time to

every purpose under the


Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sometimes it feels like

we've just said "hello"

and it's already time to

say "goodbye." That has

been the case with our seminarian Joe Wilkinson,

who has been with us since September, fulfilling a

seminary requirement known as Ministry in

Context (serving 6 hours per week in a

congregation). Joe dipped his toe into many

different pastoral tasks while he was here: leading

worship, teaching Bible study, preaching, attending

meetings, and planning activities/worship. Most

notably, he was a regular fixture in our

confirmation class, where his previous experience

as a camp counselor really shone!

Joe's year was enhanced and complicated by his

becoming a dad shortly after he began his ministry

among us. Baby Lily came prematurely, resulting

in a number of health concerns. Joe and his wife

Katherine really struggled to maintain balance

during this year, and we continue to pray for them

and that Lily overcomes all her medical needs as

she grows. Shortly after Joe's spring semester

concluded, the family moved to Milwaukee, where

Katherine will begin her surgical residency as she

completes medical school.

Thank you to everyone who supported Joe,

Katherine, and Lily in their time with us. Special

thanks to Mary Ann Martin, Laura Kvalheim, and

Don Huseby, who served as Joe's support and

feedback committee.


Trinity also bid goodbye to a long-time faithful

friend and servant when Cathy Knudson retired

fully at the end of May. Cathy has been the office

administrator at Trinity for 19 years, though only

part-time for the last two. No one who has been

connected to Trinity in any way has failed to be

blessed by her steady, efficient, calm, and cheerful

presence in the office, whether by phone, mail, or

in person. Though she wants to dedicate her time to

being a full-time grandma, she has promised to

return often to substitute in the office and for fun

events in the life of the congregation. We wish

God's blessings on her whatever she does!


The only way Trinity's loss of Cathy's expertise

could be alleviated was for us to find someone who

shared her competence, excellence, cheerfulness,

and dedication to the work of the Gospel to fill her

role. Fortunately, Karen Moser has come with all

those qualifications! Karen comes to us St. John's

Lutheran Church in Oregon, where she worked in

their office for 10 years. She has done a fantastic

job of learning Trinity's quirky procedures and

nuances, and is already making a place for herself

in our hearts. Please continue to make her feel

welcome as she makes her home with us at Trinity!

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby

some have entertained angels unawares."

Hebrews 13:2

Pastor Sue



BAPTISMS 4/17 Kyla and Tessa Newton

5/1 Tanner Webber

5/22 Emmaline Shumway


5/28 Sarah Brink and Jacob Kieler


4/3 Dorothy Christianson

4/20 Betty Briebe

5/2 Mary Anderson

5/7 Richard Steinhauer

6/2 Laura Magee

6/4 Pearl Vogt


5/22 Andrew Newton

Melissa Hunt

John and Joan Ruppenthal

David and Julia Dahmer

Chad Nelson

Ericka Short

Mary Oberer

Erica Burke




, July 10th

& August 14th

IHN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! IHN will be at Trinity two times this summer! June 12-19 and August 28-

Spetember 4. Please look for the sign-up table in the Narthex if you are available to help. Contact Vicki

Olson or Lynne Martin-Erickson for further information.


Who: You! (if you have completed grades 9-12)

What: Service Project with St. Stephen’s and Lake Edge Youth

When: Sunday, June 19 at 11:30 am (p.s. you can still attend worship at 9:15!)

Where: Meet at St. Stephen’s (5700 Pheasant Hill Rd, Monona)

Because Pastor Sue will be on vacation at this time, please let Pastor Katya Ouchakof

at Lake Edge know if you are interested [email protected] or 608-616-5075).

BIKE & BUILD RETURNS IN JULY! Bike and Build is coming back to Trinity! Once again we will be hosting 32 sweaty kids in

red, white and blue spandex for FOUR days this year. They are coming on Friday, July 15th

and leaving Tuesday, July 19th. The traditional meal hosted by Trinity will be on Saturday,

July 16th, at 5:00, so go find your lasagna recipes, start thinking about bringing bread and

salad, and be prepared to stay for a great meal and presentation by the Bike and Builders. These kids are

outgoing, generous, friendly and fun, so mark your calendars now! You don't want to miss meeting them.

ALSO IN JULY..ATWOODFEST! It is going to be July 30th and 31st, and we have been asked to once again

provide the Trinity Fishing Hole. Oh, boy--if you want to see excited kids, just get on the other end of

a clothespin fishing pole and attached a goodie. Last year we raised about $350 for the Goodman

Community Center and we had fun doing it. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex in July, or see

Kia Conrad if you want to volunteer. And, BELIEVE ME, you do!

MAD CITY BAZAAR is coming to the Trinity parking lot every other Saturday this summer, and this has

provided us with an opportunity to meet the neighbors. We will be setting up a table on July 2nd, and 16th, and

perhaps August 7th and 21st, to hand out water and information about Trinity, and give out the Global Music CDs

(for donations). The bazaar runs from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Come and browse the stalls and help us share our


HOMEBOUND COMMUNION: Homebound Communion is looking for some communion

providers. We need about three people to serve current homebound members. No experience is

necessary to bring communion to our brothers and sisters in Christ. If you know of someone

who could use homebound communion, let Kia or Tom Conrad know, or call the church office.

Thank you for your support of this important ministry.



"He has told you, O mortal, what is good;

and what does the Lord require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with your God?"

---Micah 6:8

The Trinity Global Worship Ensemble has just

released their new CD, "Do Justice, Love Mercy,

Walk Humbly." The title reflects the themes of social

justice and peace which are common to many global


hymns. Trinity worshippers will likely recognize

several of the tunes from past services: "You Are

Holy," often sung as the Sanctus; "Oh, Sing to God

Above," sometimes used as the Hymn of Praise; the

meditative Taizé song "Nothing Can Trouble;"

"Christ Child's Lullaby," a favorite Christmas

anthem; and the congregational hymns "When the

Poor Ones," O Living Breath of God," and "Open

Table, a Open Door."

The CD comes with a sheet of all the songs' lyrics so

you can sing along or use the texts for meditation and


As a side note, the CD's artwork features items all

found at Trinity, including two of Pastor Sue's stoles,

a tapestry from her office, and a close up of a stained

glass window in the sanctuary.

The CD is available for a suggested donation of $10.

If you are unable to pick one up at church, you can

have one mailed to you by notifying the church


Thank you!

Wendy Ward


Midwest Clay Project: We had sixteen members

of all ages get their hands really dirty at Midwest

Clay Project, Sunday, April 10th. Most of us had not

done spinning at the potter's wheel before, and it was

fun and frustrating to try to make a cup or a bowl.

Our lovely hosts at Midwest Clay were great sports

and teachers, and helpful with our struggles. In

addition to spinning, we sculpted and used a number

of tools for special effects, such as garlic presses and

doilies. After two hours, we all gained an

appreciation for the ceramics work at the art

festivals! Keep your ears open for the next

opportunity. We are considering The Paint Bar,

where you can eat, drink, and paint whatever moves

you. (Not whatever moves--whatever moves YOU!)



Are you an eligible Thrivent member with Choice

Dollars available to


Each year, eligible Thrivent members are designated

Choice Dollars based on their qualifying insurance.

Each year, eligible Thrivent members are designated

Choice Dollars premiums, contact values and

volunteer leadership. If you’re an eligible Thrivent

member with choice Dollars available to designate,

you can help strengthen our community by directing

them to Trinity Lutheran Church

In fact, this past year eligible Thrivent

members directed $3,032.00 to Trinity. Thank you to

those members who participated in the Thrivent

Choice program and helped support our church’s

mission by directing Choice Dollars!

Choose to make a difference bit directing

Choice Dollars today. Simply visit

Thrivent.com/thriventchoice to learn more and find

program terms and conditions.


FINANCIAL Update on 2016 Income and Expenses:

Income for the month of April $ 21,809.12

Expenses for the month of April 25,077.00

Net Income (Loss) for April (3,267.88)

Income YTD through April 30 $ 96,015.56

Expenses YTD through April 30 88,204.62

Net Income (Loss) YTD 7,810.94

Present Loan Amount from the Foundation


Mark Schwarz

President - Trinity Lutheran Church




Rick & Vicki Olson - In Honor of Mom & Memory of

Dad in celebration of their wedding anniversary,

honor of Mom’s Birthday & in memory of Nancy

Bingham (sister)

Glen & Sharyn Kenyon

Gale Bender –In Memory of Barb & loved ones

Kevin & Cande Nielson - In honor of Gordon &

Darlene Radel

Wendy Ward & Anders Svanoe and Dee Schwoegler

for Jim & Linda Svanoe’s 50th

Wedding Anniversary.

Dave & Cathy Bloom – Wedding Anniversary

Eldon Hoel – 94th


Penny & Vern Jacobsen – Wedding Anniversary

Sharon & Glen Kenyon –36th

Wedding Anniversary

George Falor

Shirley Olson


Gale Bender

Shirley Olson

Rick & Vicki Olson



Shirley Olson

Ruth Kroneman

Deana Hipke

Charlotte Kalish

Ann Spilde


Deana & John Hipke-Krueger

Donna Fox

Marilyn Clark


Shirley Olson

Vern & Penny Jacobsen

Jo & Gordie Ericson



Canopy Center

Fox Hall


East High School

Dear People of Trinity, Thank you to everyone at

Trinity for a wonderful 19 years in the office. I have

so many great memories and lots of special friends I

will continue to have in my life. I'll see you in

worship on Sundays sometimes too! Also, thank you

for the beautiful prayer shawl....I will cherish it.

God's Blessings to you all! Cathy Knudson

Thank you for your gift of $75.00, to Triangle

Ministry. Your continued support helps us to

continue to serve the underserved people of the

Triangle Neighborhood, but it also affirms our work

here and gives us strength to continue. We wish you

God’s blessings, Meg Nielsen TCM Outreach


We wish to thank Don & Joyce Knutson for the

Christmas Poinsettia, Virginia Domenget and the

children with trinity for the lovely Valentine and

cookies. Also thanks to Tom & Kia Conrad for the

Easter lily and their visit with Communion.

Thanks Pastor Sue for your visits and communion and

all the prayers you offered on behalf of the

congregation through our illnesses and surgeries, as

well as your hospital visits. We have a great

Christian Family!

Your thoughts and prayers have helped us through

some rough times but things are getting better.

Thanks for everything, Bill & Judy Kanouse

Dear Trinity Family, Thank you very much for my

birthday card. Love, Betty Hinrichs

Dear Pastor Schneider & Members of Trinity

Lutheran Church, I very much appreciate that you

have been thinking of me and I certainly wish to

thank you for the prayer shawl given to me.

With love, Donald Denker

Thank you to all of the people in your congregation

for your recent donation to the MALC Jail Ministry.

The generous support of the congregations like yours

makes it possible for the men and women

incarcerated in the Dane County jail to receive

spiritual care and pastoral support.

Blessings to you, Executive Committee and Staff

of the MALC Jail Ministry

Dear Friends at Trinity Lutheran Church, Thank you

for helping me maintain the ability to drive safely,

especially in the snow. It is quite a relief to be able to

arrive safely at my destinations. God is good!

Sincerely, Ruth Hale


TRINITY SUNDAY – May 22, 2016




2016 FREE FARMERS' MARKET ORGAN CONCERTS Step into the cool expanse of Overture Hall on select summer Saturdays

during the Dane County Farmers' Market on the Capitol Square to enjoy

the gift of beautiful music with the Madison Symphony Orchestra's

Overture Concert Organ. Bring your family and friends for a relaxing 45-

minute free concert. No tickets or reservations are needed and all ages are welcome!

* Saturday, June 18, 11 a.m. | Overture Hall Young organist Adrian Binkley of Madison

* Saturday, July 9, 11 a.m. | Overture Hall Samuel Hutchison, organ & Stephen Nielson, piano * Saturday, August 13, 11 a.m. | Overture Hall Mark Brampton Smith

Thanking Sunday School

Teachers & Students!

Welcome New Members!

Thank you to Cathy Knudson

for 19 years of dedication in

the Church Office!