hong kong islamic youth · 2008-05-10 · they feel their parents are clueless about how they feel...

A Reality Check: Our Youth, How Safe Are They on the Internet? By Fatin Khairallah (From the States) So many of you must be thinking, "Drugs, guns, pregnancies, and our kids could never do these things. " In fact, these activities don't even cross our minds when thinking about our MUSLIM youth. We automatically assume that, "these things don't happen to Muslims." Unfortunately, we need to undergo a reality check and accept that this is not the case anymore. Muslim youth are hooked into the same dangers as non-Muslim youth of today's society. The reality is clear and a huge percent of Muslim children and youth, are using chat rooms and Internet sites to contact strangers. At the same time, they are providing these strangers with most of their personal details. As a counselor for Muslim Youth Social Services (MYSS), I handle numerous cases whereby Muslim youth have been harmed by socializing via the Internet on various sites. Why? When asking youth why they are so fond of such websites, girls in particular respond emotionally when explaining that they feel this is the "safest" way to vent out their feelings. They feel their parents are clueless about how they feel and they want to reach out, even if it means talking to strangers through the Internet. From personal observations and conversations with these youth, it appears they are using these sites as a form of attention seeking. There is a strong communication barrier between parents and children that is causing these young teenagers to search for alternatives to fill this void in their lives. They are desperately calling out to their parents for love and care. These Internet chat websites provide them with that window to the outside world without them having to leave their room or face disapproval from their parents. Another striking factor for losing our children to the Internet is that a majority of parents assume they "know it all." They feel they are educated, active members of local organizations and Masjids, so they instill in their hearts that nothing bad could happen to their kids. Yet from the cases I handled, I discovered the total opposite, and, in reality, no one is exempt from this problem. In fact, those who have busy lives have to be more cautious than others because they may be too busy, and as a result, their children might slip between their fingers when they expect it least. They may overlook clear signs of behavioral changes resulting from an unhealthy Internet addiction (try this test). Once our children turn to this destructive resource for "enjoyment," it is not just fun, but it is in actuality making our kids lose the most valuable blessing Allah gave them — Haya' (shyness). Their innocence is being sacrificed at the cost of a product of modern technology, the Internet. Not only are children stripped of their shyness, but they become easily accessible to child predators. In just the past two weeks, 9 girls, aged 12 to 14, were raped by child predators whom they had met on Internet websites. Finding a Solution The problem is clear, but what can we do to protect and save our youth from dangers such as these? One Publication Committee: Br Zaiq Ali Sr Hanifah Yu Sr Ayishah MA Haji Salahuddin Lam Sr Sharifa Leung Office Manager Br Rumjun Yeung Correspondence Address P.O Box 47110, Morrison Hill Post Office, G/F, 28 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, H.K 通訊地址: 香港愛群道 28 號地下摩 利臣山郵政局郵政信 47100 8/FL, 40 Oi Kwan Rd, Masjid Ammar & Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong April 2008 Bulletin Hong Kong Islamic Youth

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Page 1: Hong Kong Islamic Youth · 2008-05-10 · They feel their parents are clueless about how they feel and they want to ... parents for love and care. These Internet chat websites provide

A Reality Check: Our Youth, How Safe Are They on the Internet?

By Fatin Khairallah (From the States)

So many of you must be thinking, "Drugs, guns, pregnancies, and our kids could never do these things."

In fact, these activities don't even cross our minds when thinking about our MUSLIM youth. We

automatically assume that, "these things don't happen to Muslims." Unfortunately, we need to undergo a

reality check and accept that this is not the case anymore.

Muslim youth are hooked into the same dangers as non-Muslim youth of today's society. The reality is

clear and a huge percent of Muslim children and youth, are using chat rooms and Internet sites to

contact strangers. At the same time, they are providing these strangers with most of their personal


As a counselor for Muslim Youth Social Services (MYSS), I handle numerous cases whereby Muslim

youth have been harmed by socializing via the Internet on various sites.


When asking youth why they are so fond of such websites, girls in particular respond emotionally when

explaining that they feel this is the "safest" way to vent out their feelings. They feel their parents are

clueless about how they feel and they want to reach out, even if it means talking to strangers through the

Internet. From personal observations and conversations with these youth, it appears they are using these

sites as a form of attention seeking.

There is a strong communication barrier between parents and children that is causing these young

teenagers to search for alternatives to fill this void in their lives. They are desperately calling out to their

parents for love and care. These Internet chat websites provide them with that window to the outside

world without them having to leave their room or face disapproval from their parents.

Another striking factor for losing our children to the Internet is that a majority of parents assume

they "know it all." They feel they are educated, active members of local organizations and Masjids, so

they instill in their hearts that nothing bad could happen to their kids. Yet from the cases I handled, I

discovered the total opposite, and, in reality, no one is exempt from this problem. In fact, those

who have busy lives have to be more cautious than others because they may be too busy, and as a result,

their children might slip between their fingers when they expect it least. They may overlook clear signs

of behavioral changes resulting from an unhealthy Internet addiction (try this test).

Once our children turn to this destructive resource for "enjoyment," it is not just fun, but it is in actuality

making our kids lose the most valuable blessing Allah gave them — Haya' (shyness). Their innocence is

being sacrificed at the cost of a product of modern technology, the Internet. Not only are children

stripped of their shyness, but they become easily accessible to child predators. In just the past two

weeks, 9 girls, aged 12 to 14, were raped by child predators whom they had met on Internet websites.

Finding a Solution

The problem is clear, but what can we do to protect and save our youth from dangers such as these? One



Br Zaiq Ali

Sr Hanifah Yu

Sr Ayishah MA

Haji Salahuddin


Sr Sharifa Leung

Office Manager

Br Rumjun




P.O Box 47110,

Morrison Hill

Post Office, G/F,

28 Oi Kwan


Wan Chai, H.K

通訊地址: 香港灣仔

愛群道 28 號地下摩


箱 4 7 1 0 0 號

8/FL, 40 Oi Kwan

Rd, Masjid

Ammar & Osman

Ramju Sadick

Islamic Centre,

Wan Chai, Hong


April 2008


Hong Kong Islamic Youth

香香香香 港港港港 伊伊伊伊 斯斯斯斯 蘭蘭蘭蘭 青青青青 年年年年 協協協協 會會會會 通通通通 訊訊訊訊

Page 2: Hong Kong Islamic Youth · 2008-05-10 · They feel their parents are clueless about how they feel and they want to ... parents for love and care. These Internet chat websites provide

possible solution which parents can start with is to make sure their computer is set up in an open area of

the home. Children should access it in their parents' presence and for limited time periods. Parents must

establish open communication with their children and educate them, as well as themselves, about the

dangers of the Internet. One can take it even further and contact the local Police community service

or juvenile division, the prosecutor's office, and the local board of education to present awareness

workshops at their child's school. People from these organizations would be more than willing to come

in and assist you.

Role Models

Most importantly, we need increase the desire of Muslim youth to learn about Islam and love their Deen.

Once our youth have a firm awareness of Allah and knowledge of our beloved Prophet Muhammad

(peace and blessings be upon him), their Taqwä will increase, Insha’Allah. Their faith will be

exemplified through their actions and they will readily protect themselves from sin and the evils of this


One of the best ways to make sure that young people grow up as strong Muslims is to set the example

as good Muslim parents and adult who also have the desire to learn about their Deen and to be firm on

the straight path. Youth look up to their parents who guide them through life. Children should love and

respect their parents, thereby following them in their proper conduct. This is the best way that we can

protect our youth from the dangerous habits and actions that arise from non-Muslim activities, which

are so widespread, yet hidden in this society. May Allah raise our youth to be free from

impurities, strong in their faith, and guardians of their chastity. Ameen.

May God give us the wisdom, courage, and strength to strive for change in ourselves, to guide us and to

guide others through us, and make us realize and fulfill the responsibilities we owe to our spouses,

children, families, communities, and the living and future generations.

The Council of Hong Kong Islamic Youth Association - 香港伊斯蘭青年協會香港伊斯蘭青年協會香港伊斯蘭青年協會香港伊斯蘭青年協會幹事會幹事會幹事會幹事會

HKIYA held its 35th Annual General Meeting on 6th January 2008. The following

brothers and sisters were elected to serve the Association in 2008:

Chairperson Sr. Hanifah YU 主席 羽光昕姊妹

Vice-Chairman Br. Mohd. Zaiq ALI 副主席 Zaiq ALI

Internal Secretary Sr. Aliiyah Metrevelli 內務秘書 Aliiyah Metrevelli 姊妹

External Secretary Sr. Nafees Begum 外務秘書 碧勒菲姊妹

Treasurer Hajii Saadullah SAT 司庫 薩成顯兄弟

Public Relation Officer Hajii Salahuddin LAM 公關主任 林久懿兄弟

Welfare Officer Sr. Sharifa TUET 福利主任 脫建屏姊妹

Publication Officer Sr. Ayishah Ma 出版主任 馬淑儀姊妹

Cultural & Educational Officer Br. Khalid Mahmood 文教主任 哈力兄弟

Recreation Officer Sr. Sarah MOOSA TONG 康樂主任 錫唐翠燕姊妹

Quarter Master Br. Yusuf MA Burno 總務主任 馬賢德兄弟


Page 3: Hong Kong Islamic Youth · 2008-05-10 · They feel their parents are clueless about how they feel and they want to ... parents for love and care. These Internet chat websites provide

今期今期今期今期 IYAIYAIYAIYA 通訊通訊通訊通訊 ---- Khalid LKhalid LKhalid LKhalid Leungeungeungeung ---- 卡烈卡烈卡烈卡烈 梁裕聰梁裕聰梁裕聰梁裕聰 ---- 的入教經歷的入教經歷的入教經歷的入教經歷

是誰帶你認識是誰帶你認識是誰帶你認識是誰帶你認識 Islam?Islam?Islam?Islam?

本身自己有興趣, 最初透過書本, Internet, 後來在一間清真餐廳認識一位很熱心傳教的兄弟, 在自


認識, 並帶我到博愛社, 讓我了解香港穆斯林情況, 此舉令我更有信心回歸伊斯蘭的懷抱。


本人大概於 2 至 3 年前回歸真主。最初入教時因家住北角, 經常要到尖沙咀和灣仔禮拜, 不覺地花

了很多車費, 但換來的卻是心靈上的平安。開始有了二世的觀念, 做事不再魯莽衝動三思而後行,

會顧及其穆斯林的身份。做事更有信心, 個性開朗活潑了。由黃毛小子透過伊斯蘭及古蘭經的教誨

漸變得更成熟和富責任感。在了解到伊斯蘭是唯一的真理後, 希望能更深入了解更多並用於弘揚主

道上, 並在此呼籲教胞們要在主道奮鬥, 宣揚真理。

入教後身邊的人對你的態度入教後身邊的人對你的態度入教後身邊的人對你的態度入教後身邊的人對你的態度, , , , 看法看法看法看法, , , , 和你怎樣去面對和你怎樣去面對和你怎樣去面對和你怎樣去面對????

其他人都覺得很奇怪為何我會選擇這樣的宗教。因此他們對我亦多了留意, 包括我的一言一行。而

這使我更加警惕自己穆斯林的身份, 推動我更要去嚴守教規。

Youth BBQ Day

HKIYA organized an outing to Tai Mei Tuk Plover Cove Country Park on Sunday, 30 March. Everyone

enjoyed the delicious barbecue food that was cooked beside the nice scenery in the country park. After

Zuhur prayer, some went for cycling near the park and another group went to row on the boat. The

gathering attracted around 30 brothers and sisters with a majority of Youths. The weather was

just fine that day and all participants enjoyed a pleasant day.






HKIYA’s Project Development Fund

The Hong Kong Islamic Youth Association had already established a “Project Development Fund” for the

Association. The purpose of the fund is to set-aside some financial resource for significant projects in

future including the purchase of a permanent office premises for the Association.

At present, the amount in the fund is very small. The General Council of the Hong Kong Islamic Youth

Association would like to make an appeal to the members and the community to donate to this fund

generously and help the association in this Fund.

Page 4: Hong Kong Islamic Youth · 2008-05-10 · They feel their parents are clueless about how they feel and they want to ... parents for love and care. These Internet chat websites provide

The association has formed a committee for the “Project Development Fund” and all investments should

be in according to Islamic Laws and for the benefit of the Association and its aims.

To make a donation, please send a cheque to our correspondence address or deposit into our project

development fund account in Hang Seng Bank Account Number: 378-163323-883. Please send us your

original account deposit slip and we will issue an official receipt to you accordingly.









捐 款 支 票 可 寄 往 本 會 通 訊 地 址 或 直 接 存 入 計 劃 發 展 基 金 帳 戶 ( 恆 生 銀 行恆 生 銀 行恆 生 銀 行恆 生 銀 行 帳 戶帳 戶帳 戶帳 戶

378378378378 ----161616163323332333233323 ----883)883)883)883) 後 寄 回 銀 行 存 款 單 到 本 會 , 本 會 會 發 回 正 式 收 據 , 以 作 確 認

HKIYA Upcoming activities……don’t miss out!! 伊伊伊伊青青青青即將舉行的活動即將舉行的活動即將舉行的活動即將舉行的活動!!

1. May 18: Tai Tong Lai Chee Valley Tour 1. 5 月 18 日: 大棠荔枝莊一日遊

2. June: Islamic Study Group* 2. 6 月: 輕鬆學習伊斯蘭*

3. August 30-31: Youth Summer Camp* 3. 8 月 30 日至 31 日: 青年夏令營*

* Details will be availability shortly. * 詳情將稍後公佈

Photo’s mini-corner

Got any articles, writings or opinions etc.? If yes do write and share with us. You might send it to us on

our email.
