honduras rally flyer

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  • 8/9/2019 Honduras Rally Flyer


    National Day of Action

    Stop the Coup in

    Honduras27 June 2010, 11am

    Ibero-American PlazaChalmers Street outside Central Station

    June 28 is the first anniversary of the military coup in Honduras. The Honduran

    Resistance Front Against the Coup calls on your support now.

    Come and show Australian opposition to the military coup regime support thepeoples demand for a democratic constitution!

    Stop the killings and persecution, stop US military bases in Honduras!

    Speakers & artists include: Phil Bradley federal Greens candidate forParramatta, Nelson Davila Venezuelan Ambassador, Ifrahim Miranda - Cuban

    Consulate of Sydney, Santiago Reyes Honduran Resistance and ex union-leader, , Solidarity Choir, Rhythms of Resistance, Jorge Martinez (Caribbean

    Guatemalan musician) with Giovanni Ortiz, ..

    Photos, Info, .. bring your own placards

    (Democracy a system of government where the sovereignty belongs to its people.And in Honduras where is that?)

    Information: http://www.sydney-says-no2honduras-coup.net

    Organised by: Coalition for Honduras. Please join us after for lunch at Casa Latina, weather permitting,

    Addison Rd Community Centre, Marrickville (funds towards rebuilding it) - bus 428

    Contact: [email protected](and for info about rallies in other cities)

    Rosie (Friends of the Earth/Greens) 0410 584 890

    Peter Murphy (Search Foundation) 9211 4164

    http://www.sydney-says-no2honduras-coup.net/mailto:[email protected]://www.sydney-says-no2honduras-coup.net/mailto:[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 Honduras Rally Flyer


    Victor-Hugo (Latin American Social Forum) 0425 324 621

    Lynn Takayama (Teachers Federation) 9217 2100

    John Gauci (Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network) 0413 310 452

    Honduras Coup what happened, why, and what now?

    On 28 June 2009, 5.15am, the military violently invaded the home of elected

    President Manuel Zelaya. They kidnapped him and put him on a small plane fromthe US military base into exile.

    Honduras is the third poorest country in Latin America and its limited wealthconcentrated in several families.

    The military coup took place because Zelaya began to implement a number ofurgent social reforms in response to grassroots demsands - these included a 60%increase in minimum wage, blocking privatisation of the national telephone companyand further mining concessions, joining Petrocaribe for cheaper petrol and joiningALBA to fund education, health and development programs.

    Most importantly, President Zelaya supported a process to allow the people to forma Constituent Assembly to reform the regressive Constitution which maintains thelack of democracy and exploitation in the country. An official survey to assess thelevel of support for this project was planned for 28 June 2009. The coup stoppedthis survey.

    Persecution against activists (trade union, farmers, women, teachers, students,GLBTI, human rights, political organisers, etc) opposed to the coup and demandingthe formation of a National Constituent Assembly began on the day of the coup and

    continues today.Over 50 such activists have been killed, many receiving threats and attemptsagainst them, thousands have been illegally detained, hundreds exiled, hundredsbeaten up.

    Despite ongoing repression, on 28 June 2010, this brave broad-based and non-violent movement under the banner of National Front of Popular Resistance, whichhad never lost sight of the peoples goals, will re-initiate the survey process todemonstrate widespread support for a National Constituent Assembly through apeoples referendum.

    They are out to demonstrate that there are many more votes to have a ConstituentAssembly to reform the constitution than the meagre percentage of people whovoted in the illegitimate and violent election on 29 November 2009 for the presentillegitimate President Porfirio Lobo.

    They need our support!

    Further information: http://www.sydney-says-no2honduras-coup.net

    Monthly updates are prepared and emailed out, please support and sign up,[email protected]

    Invite friends to the rally on facebook:http://www.facebook.com/?sk=events#!/event.php?


    http://www.sydney-says-no2honduras-coup.net/mailto:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/?sk=events#!/event.php?eid=118096691555476http://www.facebook.com/?sk=events#!/event.php?eid=118096691555476http://www.facebook.com/?sk=events#!/event.php?eid=118096691555476http://www.sydney-says-no2honduras-coup.net/mailto:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/?sk=events#!/event.php?eid=118096691555476http://www.facebook.com/?sk=events#!/event.php?eid=118096691555476
  • 8/9/2019 Honduras Rally Flyer
