homework for the week of march 1

Homework for the week of March 1 - 4 Choose at least 3 ways to practice your spelling words. Spelling Words Challenge Words High Frequency Words 1.hurt 2. burst 3. churn 4. curl 5. turtle 6. nurse 7. purse 8. squirm 9. plural 10. fur 1. Thursday 2. burden 3. lurch 4. suburb 5. murky 6. blurry 7. figure 8. burglary 9. occur 10. further 1. across 2. nothing 3. behind 4. one 5. out 6. house 7. how 8. took 9. move 10. voice

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Homework for the week of March 1 - 4

Choose at least 3 ways to practice your spelling words.

Spelling Words Challenge Words High Frequency Words


2. burst

3. churn

4. curl

5. turtle

6. nurse

7. purse

8. squirm

9. plural

10. fur

1. Thursday

2. burden

3. lurch

4. suburb

5. murky

6. blurry

7. figure

8. burglary

9. occur

10. further

1. across

2. nothing

3. behind

4. one

5. out

6. house

7. how

8. took

9. move

10. voice


Read the passage below and find the main idea and 3 supporting details?


Dolphins are marine mammals that live in every ocean around the world. They are related to whales and porpoises. A marine mammal is one that lives in the water. Dolphins are found all over the world’s oceans as well as in rivers and marshes. Dolphins are carnivores (meat-eaters) and feed on fish, squid and other marine life. They often swim together in groups called “pods.” They are thought to have powerful eyesight and hearing, but do not have a sense of smell.

Dolphins come in different sizes. Some are smaller than the average person, but others, such as the Orca, can be 30 feet long, or more than five times as long as the average person. Dolphins are thought to be very intelligent and communicate with each other using clicks and whistles. All dolphins are powerful swimmers.

Have you ever seen a dolphin? Groups of dolphins can often be seen bobbing in and out of waves close to the shoreline.

What is the main idea of the passage? ________________________________


What are 3 details that support the main idea?

1 2 3


Read the passage below and find the main idea and 3 supporting details?

Emperor Penguins

Emperor penguins are the largest penguin species. They are nearly 4 feet tall and weigh up to 90 pounds. Those are BIG penguins!

Emperor penguins are easily identifiable by their size and the orange "glow" on their cheeks.

Emperor penguins live, year round, in the Antarctic. Temperatures can fall as low as -140 degrees Fahrenheit (-60 degrees Celsius). Most penguin species lay two eggs at a time, but due to the difficulty of raising chicks in such a harsh climate, the Emperor penguin only lays one egg.

Most penguin species take turns warming the egg, but it's up to the Emperor penguin dads to do all the work once the egg is laid. The male stands with the egg on his feet under a brood pouch (for warmth). He does this for up to 9 weeks, without food, waiting for the chick to hatch. During this time, the male may lose up to half its body weight.

Once the egg hatches, the female returns and the male heads out to the ocean to feed.

What is the main idea of the passage? ________________________________


What are 3 details that support the main idea?

1 2 3


Rewrite each sentence correctly.

1. i like to visit my aunt laurie in new york


2. my friend jessie don’t not like snakes


3. i am so excited to go to disneyland


4. when will you be able to meet


5. mr smith is my mostest favorite teacher



Answer the word problems below. Remember to show your work!

1. A dinosaur had 135 eggs in her nest. Another dinosaur had 46 eggs. How many

eggs did they have together?

2. There were some dinosaurs gathered around a watering hole. When twelve more

dinosaurs arrived, there were thirty-eight dinosaurs. How many were there in the


3. Brian found 26 dinosaur bones in his backyard. The next day, he found some

more, giving him 51. How many more did he find?

4. Regina found 112 dinosaur teeth in her backyard. She gave 18 to a museum and

five to a friend. How many does she have left?

5. A dinosaur had some eggs in a nest. After six eggs hatched, there were still

thirty-seven. How many were in the nest in the beginning?

6. Fifty-eight dinosaurs were traveling together across a valley. Some of the

dinosaurs split off and made their own group. There were nine-teen dinosaurs left.

How many dinosaurs were in the new group?

More dinosaur fossils have been found in the United States than in any other country. There could even be some in your backyard! Did you know that most dinosaurs were vegetarians? That means they only ate plants. Do you eat lots of healthy fruits and vegetables? Which ones are your favorite?