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  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area


     February 23, 2016  Hometown Section 1

     H ♥m townmetown

     Meet the friendly faces

    behind your local businesses! 

    Kaslo Kayak-ing was oundedby our riends in2000 and we pur-chased the busi-ness in 2010.

    Initially a six boat rental business, we

    now have a eet o over 12 kayaks and nu-merous canoes, SUP boards, windsur rigsand have plans or a pretty nify “extreme”sailing offering in the upcoming years.

    Afer many years o tours, lessons andrentals, in May this year we will be ex-panding to a second location on FrontStreet! Te Adventure Centre will be aone stop adventure shop where you can

    book whitewater rafingadventures, shing char-ters, mountain bike tours,high alpine hiking tours, stand up paddleboards, and kayak and windsur adven-tures. Paddling and adventure gear willalso be sold.

    What we like best about our business iswatching our clients’ aces ll with won-der at the beauty and serenity o our littlehamlet – and that we can be outdoors inthis most magical o places.

    We love newbies! Sometimes, they arehesitant getting in a kayak or on a SUPor the rst time, but they always comeback with great big smiles and a promise

    to return again. A couple rom the UKcame here last summer and rented romus to go shing. Tey not only came backwith their maximum capacity o sh inunder two hours, but also got to see a

    moose swimming across the lake ANDa amily o mountain goats earlier inthe day while driving up the lake. Whatamazing stories to return home with on arst visit to Canada!

    Tere is simply no end o things to door see in Kaslo and the people are all soproud o their town – it truly is one o theriendliest places I’ve ever been.

    Kaslo Kayakingand Adventure CentreYour One Stop Adventure Shop! 

    Daphne Hunter and Dean Thornton

    #2 344 Front Street, Kaslo250-353-1925 www.kaslokayaking.com

  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area


    2 Hometown Section February 23, 2016  

    North Kootenay Lake communities havelong suffered from inadequate internet accessand speed. KiN was created in 1996 to addressthis problem. Te non-prot society has comea long way in the last twenty years.

    Te original mandate for KiN was to build

    a Community Access Network for Kaslo andits neighbouring communities. In 1997 KiNreceived a grant from Industry Canada to cre-ate Community Access Projects (CAP) sites atthe Kaslo Public Library and at JV HumphriesSchool. By 2005, KiN was the host for the on-line presence of over 30 community serviceorganizations.

    oday, wireless high-speed internet is pro- vided to Lardeau, Meadow Creek, CooperCreek, Howser, Argenta, Johnsons Landing,

    Shutty Bench, Shroeder Creek, Fletcher Falls/win Bays and Mirror Lake. Fibre optic cable

    is currently being installed in Kaslo’s down-town core, Kaslo Heights and Larch Drive —with plans to bring it to all of upper Kaslo thissummer. For the 2016 construction season,upper Kaslo residents may sign up early forbre and save connection fees!

    Funding for our wide-area Wireless Com-munity Access Network was provided by gen-erous grants from Network BC, CB and theRDCK. New government funding was justgranted through Columbia Basin BroadbandCorporation, promising continuing progressover the next three years!

    KiN is coupling local ingenuity with all avail-able resources to provide urban-level connec-tivity to communities north of Woodbury.North Kootenay Lake residents can now live

    in this spectacular area and work from homeif desired—a real boost to the local economy!

    Kaslo infoNet Society

    Connecting Kaslo and Area250-353-2305 www.kin.bc.ca

    It’s hard for me to believe it, but it’s true:at Kootenay Lake Computers we will cel-ebrate the tenth anniversary of our busi-ness this year in June!

    At our store, which is located onthe historic main street of Kaslo, weproudly offer many services and sup-plies, from computer custom builds and

    repairs, to art supplies for the buddingartist – all the way up to more advancedoffi ce equipment and console gamesfor all ages. We carry an excellent lineof cell phone supplies, solar panels andbattery packs. We are also the Purolator(and UPS) retail agent for the area.

    If that doesn’t keep us busy enough,we are now excited to offer high-quality

    photo printing, sized from4"x6" all the way up to 17"wide by many differentlengths!

    Owning a business inKaslo has been so specialto me because of the per-sonal interaction with cus-

    tomers. Over the years, the photographsthat people bring in to be printed leadinto such great stories, some full of richhistory. I love living in Kaslo and reallyappreciate the incredibly strong sense ofcommunity, the spectacular mountains,clean owing water and the creativity ofthe Kootenay way of life.

    For much of the last ten years a little

    helper has been coming to work with

    me. Elwyn and Xavier both alternatelyspent time at Periwinkle children’s cen-tre and the store until they were oldenough to attend school. Now it’s On-yx’s turn to be my little partner.

    What’s next for Kootenay Lake Com-puters? We are looking forward tolaunching our new venture www.shop-kaslo.com this summer … stay tuned!

    Kootenay Lake Computers  Office & Art SuppliesSmall Town Smiles with Big City Prices

    Nicole Rhynold

    404 Front Street, Kaslo250-353-2880 www.klcomputers.ca

    The board of directors is elected each

     year at our annual general meeting in

    May. This year’s board is composed of Don

    Scarlett, Tim Ryan, Michael Foster, Charles

    Cuell, Randy Morse, Cathy Madden, JoséeBayeur and Maggie Winters.

    Hamill Bluffs relay tower – providing high-speed Internet tocommunities north of Lardeau.

     Nicole Rhynold 

     H ♥m townmetown

     Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.

  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area


      February 23, 2016  Hometown Section 3

    It all started with a work relatedinjury in 2000. Since I was nolonger able to work in the eld Iwas accustomed to, I had to re-

    train. I went to Calgary and tookcourses in computers and lasers(atbed printers) and then pur-chased my own atbed laser.

    Te laser can etch on wood,stone, glass, plastics and compos-ites, it will also cut  wood, plasticsand composites. Custom graniteheadstones with personalizedphotos, signs, memorials, hono-rariums or clubs and organiza-

    tions on both wood and stone.Te amazing exibility o the

    laser makes it possible to cut andetch with great accuracy, projectsup to 4 eet by eight eet.

    At Laserdit, we custom manu-

    acture the nest quality artisticand decorative elements or com-mercial and public buildings.Projects are limited only by yourimagination.

    What I love about the laser isthat it can create unique items.Having the laser close to home,my time is exible allowing mespend time with my amily doingwhat we love, shing, camping,

    and AVing.


    Custom Laser Etching Don Edwards

    250-366-4296 www.laserdit.ca

    Kaslo Window andGutter Cleaning

    Happy to Wash Your Windows! 

    Neil Johnson250-353-3291 [email protected]

    I grew up inKaslo,  and overthe years sincegraduation I havelived here on and

    off, leaving some seasons to work but al-ways coming back to be part o commu-nity projects. Six years ago, while living inVictoria, I started my business. Victoria

    offered me the opportunityto join in many positive ini-tiatives; I learned a lot romthem all. During this time,however, I’d always visitKaslo and I ound it harderto leave each time.

    In August 2014, I made the decisionto return home to amily and so manyriends, and to start Kaslo Window andGutter Cleaning. With this business, Ihave discovered that my work is a won-derul contrast between being indepen-dent and meditative, and also social andinteractive. I love that in a small town,afer a job well done, I am invited into

    people’s homes or tea and wonderulone-on-one conversations.

    Launching a business here has beensuch a heartwarming experience. I’veexperienced amazing ongoing supportrom the people in my community whogenuinely want me to succeed. My vision

    or my business is to be able to help myneighbours with a great service, whilegiving mysel the opportunity to live inthis gorgeous area and pursue my inter-ests in community building. Tis is whereI eel I belong.

    Now is the time o year to spring clean.Give me a call and I will be happy to washyour windows!

    Don Edwards in his shop.

     Neil Johnson

    Celebrating West Kootenay Businesses & Services

     H ♥m townmetown

  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area

    4/84 Hometown Section February 23, 2016 

    It has been three years since I openedthe Purple Orchid Hair Studio inBalour. Tese past ew years have beena very humbling experience. I it wasn’tor my returning loyal customers, as well

    as new ones, I would not be here – I amso thankul to have that support.

    My passion or hair began at an earlyage. I was 15 years old when I got myirst job at a hair salon. he women Iworked with were so inspiring, I re-member thinking “I want to do that!”

    hat all, when I started my junioryear in high school, I signed up orcosmetology.

    At the Purple Orchid, both womenand men can enjoy up-to-the-minute

    ashion cuts, resh colours, acial wax-ing and good conversation. I offer mycustomers personalized service andgentle care in an easygoing environ-ment and it’s all very affordable. I stayon top o ashion trends, but am just asprocient with the classic barber styles

    or men. With the Redkeninspired cuts and colours Iuse, people can have all thecurrent trends without ever

    having to leave their owncommunity.

    Purple Orchid Hair Studio is openrom uesday to Friday, 9 am – 6 pm.Call or text me or an appointment. II don’t answer it’s because I am doing

    someone’s hair, but I’ll return your callas soon as possible!

    Purple Orchid Hair Studio

     A Passion for Hair Jolene Lucas8707 Meadow Street, Balfour250-551-3418 [email protected]

    Lynn moved to Meadow Creek in1995 with her husband Paul and theirtwo boys, om and Derek, to escape thebig city o Vancouver. Lynn’s naturalability to get things organized landedher on many boards and committeesor groups such as the Lardeau ValleyCommunity Club, Jewett School P.A.C.,Lardeau Valley Historical Society, NorthKootenay Lake Community Services

    and the Langham Cultural Society.In 2005 Lynn and her amily moved

    to Kaslo to continue their involvementwith theatre, music and community.Tis year, afer 17 years as the adminis-trator at Boards by George Lumber Inc.,Lynn has embarked on a new business venture that utilizes both her people andorganizational skills.

    Now, along with being one o the newaces at the health centre, Lynn is excit-ed and honoured to be ollowing in theootsteps o Janet Mayeld as Kaslo andarea’s next proessional organizer, and itis her pleasure to offer “just a little help”to anyone who needs it!

    I things on your ‘o Do’ list are notgetting done, i you are stressed bymess, or you simply eel overwhelmed

    by household, yard or offi ce chores,why not let Lynn give you a hand?Whether you need to de-clutter andre-organize, or you’re wanting todownsize and move, Lynn can help.Post-construction site clean up, prop-erty management, running errands,pet care, estate sales, senior enrichmentactivities – you name it – chances are

    Lynn can offer you “just a little help” ina variety o ways.

    Her ees are air and she looks or-ward to working with you to achieveyour desired results. I not or you, thenwhy not or a riend or amily member?Gif certicates are available too!

    “Just a Little Help”Condential ~ Creative ~ Caring 

    Lynn van Deursen250-353-2522 [email protected]

     H ♥m townmetown

     Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.

     Lynn van Deursen

     Jolene Lucas

  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area


      February 23, 2016  Hometown Section 5

    Randy and ammy have over40 years combined experience oMartial Arts study, including Muay

    Tai kickboxing, Karate, Northern-style Kung Fu, Boxing, Wing ChunKung Fu, Filipino Escrima Stickighting and Wrestling. In 1996,they started their business in Cal-gary as Wing zun Kung Fu.

    Te amily ell in love with Kaslo,and in 2014, Randy and ammy re-located. “We eel very comortablecoming here rom the big city lieand are grateul to the community

    or allowing our young amily to beaccepted. Our boys are better known

    than ammy and I; we walk downFront Street and everyone says helloto the boys rst. We love Kaslo, it’s agreat amily community!”

    Tey offer martial arts classes orboth adults and children, male and

    emale, private or semi-private, one-on-one or group classes. Tis year,Kaslo Kung Fu is thrilled to be pre-senting a seminar eaturing worldrenowned Master, Emin Boztepe!As the details become nalized,they will be posted on their Face-book page, KASLO KUNG FU.

    Classes or both children andadults are very affordable, and iyou own a -shirt and sweat pants

    you’re all geared up or your rstlesson!

    Wing Tzun Kung Fu/Escrima

    Kaslo Kung FuRandy and Tammy Klyne

      250-353-2131 [email protected]

    Thomas R. HumphriesLaw Office

    Community as Continuity 

    Thomas Humphries250-353-2292 [email protected]


    I was born and raised in Kaslo. Afer 15 years o univer-sity, travelling, and working in the Northwest erritories andYukon, I returned in 1989 to settle here with my wie Geor-gie. We had our children in the space o two and a hal years!

    My parents came to Kaslo in 1956. I have a letter mymother wrote where she gives her impressions o that time.Tere were “a lot o empty buildings in town, not to mentionhouses…I eel like a youngster. Tere are so many dodderersaround…” Kaslo was a bit worn and tattered then, but therewas promise in the air.

    Many o those “dodderers”, and many o the younger, am-ily crowd became good riends o our amily. My parents sawthe kids in the town grow up and have kids o their own. And

    now my wie Georgie and I, and our generation, have witnessed thesame evolution, with our own kids having grown up and “own thecoop” (no grandkids yet – no rush!)

    In my work as a lawyer, I enjoy seeing old riends come through thedoor, as well as people new to town. Some new people stay and somemove on. I like to think those who stay do so or some o the samereasons my mom and dad did – the astonishing beauty o the area,

    and the strong sense o community in Kaslo and north KootenayLake, and as always, that sense o promise o new things happening.

    So or me, that’s the big picture about living here. What makes myoffi ce tick? Tat’s easy. My assistant, Samantha Bekker, who is alwaysocused, effi cient and cordial no matter how busy we are. My offi ceteam is rounded out by my part time secretary, Marlene Tiessenand my bookkeeper Cathy Madden; their productivity is matchedonly by their readiness to take on a new challenge. My clients and Icouldn’t do it without them!

    Randy Klyne teaching a class in the gym at JV Humphries School in Kaslo


    ebmas.com • ebmas.net 

    Celebrating West Kootenay Businesses & Services

     H ♥m townmetown

    Tom, Cathy, Samantha and Marlene

  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area


    6  Hometown Section February 23, 2016 

    We started sales and installations as sub contractors withCanadian Aerothermal in 2006. It’s a family affair – Curt han-dles sales and installations with the help of his son Will, whileoni takes care of the administration side of things.

    Te Kootenays are one of the most beautiful areas of BC.

    Since we are located in Salmo (at the heart of it all!) we caneasily provide coverage for many towns.

    Our systems are a complete heating and cooling productin one unit. Te advantages are energy effi ciency, year-roundcomfort and the easier lifestyle it offers our customers whencompared to other systems like electric baseboard or woodheat. Te product that we deal with is a ductless mini splitsystem. Instead of ground heat, it is the air that is used. Tistechnology makes our systems energy effi cient, quick to in-stall, and less interrupting in our customer’s homes and lives.

    At Canadian Aerothermal, we have the solution for your air

    conditioning needs in the summertime, heat and cooling so-lutions for new additions on existing structures, commercial

    buildings needing zoned areas, combination heat sources thatlack air conditioning, new construction, uneven heating/cool-ing, and poor air quality.

    Several of our models are Energy Star certied, meaningthey save you money on your utility bill, and all of our Aero-thermal systems are known for their quiet operation.

    We love meeting new people and have met many new friendsover the past nine years in the Kootenays. We pride ourselves

    on being Canadian owned and operated, and we love to showour red and white colours during Salmo’s Canada Day parade.


    Canadian Aerothermal

    Cost-effective Heating/Cooling Technology Curt and oni Richens250-357-2770 [email protected] www.aerothermal.ca

    My name is Sean Graham. Over thelast eight years it has been my honourto work or many o the people in thecommunities I’ve known my whole lie.Virgo offers all kinds o plumbing ser-

     vices: maintenance, new construction,ltration, drain cleaning and everythingin between.

    Everyone in my hometown has encour-aged me in becoming the plumber andowner/operator that I am today. In ad-dition to the wonderul support, Kaslois such a great place to raise a amily. Ieel privileged to watch my son grow up ablock away rom where I lived at his age.

    My business has grown and evolvedsubstantially these past ew years. I have

    taken on an apprentice, Steve Willott,and purchased new equipment. A top-o-the-line drain clearing unit has prov-en to be a worthwhile investment. Itscamera snakes through and inspects thedrainage systems, even in concrete slabs,spotting issues and identiying their lo-cation within inches. I your septic tank

    is “lost”, this machine can locate it. It cantake the guesswork out o troubleshoot-ing, ofen eliminating the need or ex-pensive excavations.

    With the help o another recently pur-chased tool, a Jet Clean, we can clean agrease lled restaurant line and make itsparkling new again. I you have discov-ered unsae levels o radon in your base-

    ment, my new coring machine can getthe emissions ventilated to the outside tomitigate the problem.

    We aim to bring a high level o con-dence and knowledge to every job.I pride mysel on my problem solv-ing ability and on having the skills andequipment necessary to x even the ug-liest o issues. I’m not araid to get myhands dirty!

    Virgo EnterprisesKaslo and Area’s

     Local Plumber 

    Sean Graham

    250-353-3237 [email protected]

     H ♥m townmetown

     Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.

    Sean and Kavan

    Curt Richens

  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area



    February 23, 2016  Hometown Section 7

    Jason and I, with our son Koby, havebeen coming to visit the West Koote-nay area or years. Jason’s parents live just across the lake. We were gettingtired o living the city lie and werehoping to nd a way to live in a smalltown. When we realized Willow Home

    Gallery was or sale, both it and Kasloseemed like a perect t. We purchasedthe business in January 2016.

    Our plan is to continue to bring inthe tried and true home avouritesound in Willow, but to also incor-porate new exciting home and décorproducts that we can all use. We willbe bringing in some abulous newitems that we sourced recently at ahome and gif show.

    My joy is helping people with theirhome design and comort needs. It’s

    such a good eeling at the end o theday to be able to help nd that perectgif or exactly the right piece they’vebeen looking or to beautiy their homeor make their day easier or their sleepcosier. My personal avourites? Tebamboo sheets – especially in the new-

    or-this-year colour, a sof lilac.

    We ell in love with Kaslo not onlyor its stunning scenic beauty, butalso or its wonderul inhabitants –the people here are just lovely. Happyaces and ascinating people are com-ing in to Willow every day – rom justdown the street, just down the high-way or rom as ar away as Europe.

    We look orward to seeing old andnew customers alike in Willow, where

    the difference will always be worth thedrive to Kaslo!

    Willow Home Gallery

    It’s Worth the Drive! Elissa and Jason Ellis

    250-353-2257 www.willowhomegallery.com

    12 Mile StorageCelebrating 25 Years of Service! 

    Joan Posivy and Karl Masewich4691 Highway 3A, Nelson


    What’s the secret of success  and longevity or the area’slargest storage acility? “Without a doubt, it’s our entireteam who have created this winning customer experience,”explain Joan Posivy and Karl Masewich. “We are the onlyully-staffed, ull-service acility in the West Kootenays and

    every staff member contributes their own unique talents andabilities.”

    Linda Cole, their resident manager, can’t do enough todeliver top notch service and is always looking or ways toenhance the storage experience – including handing outhome-baked cookies to clients and visitors who stop in theoffi ce. “We have the opportunity to truly help people duringwhat is ofentimes a stressul situation,” she explains. “We arethe “calm” in the midst o their storm.”

    Like Linda, their other Storage Solutions Specialists aim to please.Ruth Prosser offers a wealth o experience; she’s been with 12 MileStorage now or ten years. Helen Price has been nicknamed “eagle-eye” or her amazing ability to notice everything. While their securitycameras are great, nothing gets past Helen!

    Tis total ocus on their clients pays off in the growing list o “ravereviews” ound on their website. David Coutts and his wie recently

    moved rom Ottawa to Kaslo, needing storage. “Te staff were abso-lutely phenomenal and accommodating. Te lockers were clean anddry… it’s hard to nd well-run businesses like 12 Mile Storage. It alwaysseems that companies today make great promises, but all short on de-livering on those promises. 12 Mile Storage stood behind their wordsand delivered exceptional service. [Tey] exceeded my expectations.”

    Stop by too or boxes, moving supplies, and document shredding,and be sure to mark May 28th on your calendar or their now amousNorth Shore Community Garage Sale!

    Celebrating West Kootenay Businesses & Services

     H ♥m townmetown

    We have lots of enticing new products thatwe’re sure you’ll love! 

    Elissa Ellis

  • 8/20/2019 Hometown - Kaslo & Area


    ♥metownmetown usin ssBusiness Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.

    In 2003, I moved to Nelson and starteddoing general labour in construction andrenovations. Te boss asked me to repoint

    a chimney because he knew I actuallyliked working at heights. I kept looking orchimney and roo jobs afer that and even-tually got WE certied to work withwood heat systems. For two years, I joinedthe amily at Gray Creek Store as their“stove guy.” I learned a lot about deliver-ing high quality service rom them. Westill work together to provide a completeservice to those looking to install a newhigh-effi ciency wood heat system.

    I install woodstoves and replaces, andcan service and sweep any wood heating

    system. Another aspect o my business isinsurance inspections and chimney reinspections.

    Sometimes I nd interesting things inchimneys. I once ound ve ull-sizedducks who thought it would be a goodidea to gather in a large replace. Teywere on the smoke shel and a little singed,but very well preserved.

     I appreciate that most o my clients re-ally care about their woodstoves. It’s a veryintimate action to make and maintain are in your home or warmth, comortand light during the dark winter months.

    Meeting the unique people who live hereis ofen the highpoint o my day and I eel

    honoured to be invited into their homes.Te community has been very supportive;I basically survive on reerrals.

    Te seasonal nature o the industry al-lows me to do lots o backcountry skiingduring the winter months. Also, I loverock climbing, which explains the origino my business name. Redpoint means a

    clean ascent with no alls, and the placingo protection while climbing.

     Redpoint Chimney

    Helping You Burn Smart to Keep Our Air CleanLouis Julig250-354-3489redpointchimney@gmail.comwww.redpointchimney.com

    Eye o the Mind Photography startedalmost six years ago and has since gonethrough several shifs and transorma-tions. During the last six years I havegone to two different photographyschools, the New York Institute o Pho-tography and the Western Academy oPhotography — and have rened mystyle into a photo-journalistic approachto portraiture and event coverage. I now

    preer to wait or a moment to happenand have aith that it will and that I’ll beready to capture it, rather than pose mysubject or orchestrate a scene.

    I rst got into photography in highschool when I took an elective because Ithought it would be easy. It wasn’t, but Iell in love with the magic that happensin a darkroom.

    My amily has always been very sup-portive o my work and my dreams.Tey have ofen lent a hand when thingswere nancially tight or the next pieceo equipment was just out o reach. Youcould say it was amily that started the journey that is Eye o the Mind. It was asmall inheritance rom my grandmotherthat allowed me to purchase my rstdigital camera.

    My newest endeavour is a portable,proessional portrait booth with instanton-site printing. I hope to bring this toestivals and as an additional service atweddings and other events.

    What do I like best about my work? Peo-ple. It’s all about the people. I am in awe othe human race and have an endless curi-osity about what makes or made a person

    who they are. I am in-spired to capture peoplein a way that does somekind o justice to the person they have be-come. I also love photography’s ability toopen doors to different worlds I otherwisewould never get to know.

    Eye of the Mind PhotographyPortraiture Born From a Love of People

    Louis Bockner250-366-4184 eyeofthemind.zenfolio.com

     Louis Julig 

     Louis Bockner