homeless in detroit, mi presented by student’s of marygrove college ms. tonita baldridge ms....

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  • Homeless in Detroit, MI Presented By Students of Marygrove College Ms. Tonita Baldridge Ms. Kamala Bell Ms. Katrina Richardson Ms. Edith Smith
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  • The Homeless in Detroit MI Women, Men, Children, are the Homeless
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  • Fact Sheet on the Homeless Demographics: There are 86,189 homeless persons in Michigan 50 percent of those homeless are adults, and children in families. 69 percent of homeless are single mothers with children. The average age of a homeless adult is 32.7 years old. The average age for children is 7.6
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  • Fact Sheet continue 42 percent are African-American 39 percent are White 13 percent Hispanic 4 percent Native American 2 percent Asian
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  • Homeless in Detroit Living on the streets puts more than half of the homeless at risk for dying a greater percentage than in any other American city.
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  • Homeless by Region The Detroit Metro area Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Monroe counties. Has 34,642 homeless people, including 5,536 children and families, 192 unaccompanied minors.
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  • Economics The Homeless average income of a homeless family is $730 per month. 38 percent are living with an income of less then $500 per month. Disabilities are a driving factor in homelessness 19 percent of homeless adults report a disability.
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  • Children are Homeless all over the world holding signs asking for food. No one should ever go hungry in these United States of American
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  • Homelessness Michigan Vs. National The United States, approximately 3.5million people including.1.35 million children are likely to experience homelessness in a given year. This is 1% of the population Michigan is ranked 5 th in the United States and 1 st in the Midwest for number of homeless residents.
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  • Pros and Cons on Helping the Homeless 1. Pros: The government should do more for the homeless. > Cons: if you give less money for the homeless than it would be less homeless people. 2. Pros: We are all humans, we are suppose to help each other. > Cons: You need to help yourself. 3. Pros: Some homeless people are generally good people and not on drugs. > Cons: all homeless people are on drugs and drink alcohol.
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  • Homeless Issues 1.Some homeless people work but have little income to maintain a place to stay. 2.Homeless people are victims of abuse and robbery when staying in a shelter. Panhandling 3.We are all beggars, politicians who ask for donations, charities and organizations that ask for money.
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  • Michigan Squatters Rights Function 1.Squatters can claim another persons property 2.They dont need a consent Squatter have to go to court to receive the title
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  • Squatters Rights Previously 1.The Significance squatters have the right to posses land with a claim. 2.Squatter right are just as powerful as the original owner.
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  • New Squatters Laws on the Books New Bills passed > HB 5069/PA 223 this bill allows landlords to use force when recovering possession of premises > Previously an eviction action had to be filed
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  • New Squatters Laws on the Books HB 5070/PA 224 Misdemeanor 1 st Offense/5000.00 180 day Jail Time 2 nd Offense 10,000 2 year sentence Previously Squatting was not a crime
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  • New Squatter Laws on the Books >HB 5071/PA 225 Felony 2 nd and 3 rd Offense a Class G Felony 2 year maximum sentence >Designed for property owners to take back their property
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  • New Squatter Laws on the Books 1.Not applicable to residents who had a lease. 2.Can remove squatters by force but cannot use physical force. 3.Adverse possession only is legal it the tenant has lived in the house for at least 15 years.
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  • Helping with Homelessness 1.Working with Policy's and the legislation 2.Volunteer at shelters 3.Make sure families have hats gloves and other necessities 4.Pass out can goods and other items.
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  • Questions Thank you Information from www.dosomething.org/facts/11fact-about-homeless-teens www.ehow.com/facts_7255743_Michigan-squatters-rights.html www. Endhomelessness.org/pages/policy_priorities Ms.Tonita Baldridge Ms. Kamala Bell Ms. Katrina Richardson Ms. Edith Smith www.dosomething.org/facts/11fact-about-homeless-teens www.ehow.com/facts_7255743_Michigan-squatters-rights.html