homebuilding estimating & takeoff software - the takeoff doctor instant estimator

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  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    The Takeoff Doc tor Instant Estimator 2010.07


    Overview Welco me to The Takeoff Doc tor (TTD) Instant Estima tor prog ram. I designed this prog ram to help my

    clients quickly obtain a "better-than-ballpark" material price for certain phases of common residential

    projec ts. While I wa nt all of the takeoff wo rk my c lients c an g ive me, I'll be the first to a dmit that there a re

    times tha t a full-blow n takeoff is ove rkill, and an unnec essa ry expe nse fo r my clients. I'd rathe r provide m yc lients with a n ea sy to use, affo rdable to ol to simplify their work life, and save the ir mo ney fo r when the y

    really nee d m y top -leve l services. In the long run, this will ma ke my b est c lients mo re profitab le, bene fiting

    us bo th.

    What it does

    The p rogram is me ant to g ive realistic b ud ge t numb ers for the structural and ma in finish ma terials of one to

    three story single fam ily residenc es. The g oa l is to g ive my c lients a mo re ac c urate first estima te tha n c an

    be ob tained from simp le squa re foo t p ricing, without a muc h larger time investment.

    This ab ility to q uickly bud ge t job s c an helps my c lients sep a rate their serious pot entia l clients from the "tire-

    kic kers". It ca n also be used to b ring tho se c lients with cha mp ag ne ta stes, bu t beer bud ge ts, bac k to

    ea rth. By we ed ing out the po tential time-wa sters, my c lients ca n foc us their atte ntion m ore effec tively on

    the jobs most likely to increase their profits.

    Included phases are footings, foundation, framing, roofing, windows & doors, boxing & siding, decking,

    insulat ion, drywa ll, ba sic inte rior trim, and floo ring . These a re the m ain pha ses sold b y my LBM sa les c lien ts,

    and taken o ff, instea d of ha ndled with allow anc es, by my b uilder clients.

    What it doesn't


    The p rogram doe s not c alc ulate a ny labor co sts. My LBM c lients have no nee d fo r this informa tion. Since

    my b uilder clients range from p roduc tion bu ilders to ultra-high e nd c ustom bu ilde rs, labo r rates va ry by

    mo re tha n 100% on som e item s.

    Unlike m any p rogram s out there, TTD Instant Estimat or d oe s NOT have a sep a rate c ostboo k or item

    da tab ase. After dea ling with these typ es of p rog ram s all of my c areer, I've finally c ome to rea lize tha t they

    ge nerally co nsume muc h mo re time tha n they save . If you up da te the m regularly, you're spe nding a t least

    several hours a mo nth on some thing that do esn't make you m oney. If you use o ne a nd DON'T upd ate itmo nthly, it's wo rthless, bec ause yo u STILL ha ve to g et c urren t p ric ing & en ter that into every estima te . In TTD

    Instant Estimat or, you c an set up a tem p late fo r the items you use m ost, or multiple t em pla tes (one for stick-

    fram ed , one for engineered fram ing, etc.), and enter unit pricing there, for ONLY the items you a ctua lly

    need . If you hit a stretc h of time where you're stick fram ing everything, you d on't wa ste time upd ating

    pric ing for 400 d ifferent sizes & leng ths of I-joists!

    TTD Insta nt Estima to r doe s no t a llow for any site-related expenses, suc h as c lea ring , grad ing, d rivewa ys and

    wa lkwa ys, etc., due to the unlimited variation to be found from lot to lot. You c an, how ever, customize the

    workbook to inc lude these items, if you ne ed .

    The p rogram also d oe s not inc lude a ny provision for the trades, as plumb ing, HVAC, and e lect ric a re

    ge nerally supplied by spec ialty sub c ontrac tors, selec tions are no t usua lly ma de until muc h later in the

    building proc ess, and spe cific ations tend to va ry wildly from job to job. Ag ain, you ca n c ustomize your

    workbook to include these.

    For the same reasons trad es are no t include d , pha ses tha t c ustom bu ilders ge nerally hand le with

    allowa nc es are no t inc luded in this simple p rogram . These pha ses include c abinet s, coun tertop s, spe c ialty

    trim (wa insco ting, c offers, etc .), ap plianc es, hardw are & shelving, a nd landsca ping.

    There is no sep a rate line item fo r profit or overhea d. Builders will ge nerally ad d these figures to their total

    c ost. Since th is prog ram o nly p ric es part of the job , marking it up he re co uld ea sily result in a d oub le

    ma rkup b eing a pp lied later. Lumb eryards and other vend ors alrea dy ha ve their profit built into their item

    pricing tha t they w ill enter into the p rogram . The G rand Tota l they will see is the c ost to their c lient,

    including profit.

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    If you a lrea dy have an estima ting or ac c ount ing p rogram , TTD Instant Estimat or is an idea l way to do a

    quick and ac curate takeoff of the m ost time-c onsuming items to c alculate. If you are looking for an

    afforda ble e stima ting/ ac co unting program , I highly rec omm end Bid4Build. It ca n b e used along with TTD

    Instant Estimat or to grea tly simplify the b idd ing/ ac c ount ing p roce ss. The Bid4Build we bsite is:


    How it works

    You enter som e b asic squa re fo ot, linea r foot, co unt, and spe cifica tion information, along w ith the related

    item pricing. All qua ntity ca lc ulations are ha ndled in the b ac kground , using tried and proven formulas

    c reate d b y myself and othe r ind ustry professiona ls. The result is an item ta keoff a nd tota l mate ria l cost forthe c ove red p hases of the job. Ind ividua l qua ntities/ lengt hs of structural me mb ers (joists, ra fters, etc .) are

    not p art of the ou tput of this prog ram. To a llow fo r speed a nd simplicity of takeo ff, these item s are g iven

    as a LF tota l. Onc e yo u a re fa r enough along in the sales proc ess to ne ed exac t individua l

    quantities/lengths, please contact me to discuss your takeoff needs.

    The Tabs The follow ing sec tions give a b rief overview o f what c an b e found o n eac h tab of the program . More

    de tailed instructions ca n be found o n ea ch ta b, as need ed . If you have a que stion tha t is not a nswe red

    here, don't hesitate to c all or em ail me for help.

    Spec s Tab Here you e nter ba sic c oun ts from your plans, suc h as numb er of wind ow s, outside c orners, and linea r fee t

    of interior walls. Also, the basic structure of the p roject c an b e set he re, including fo und a tion type , roofing

    ma terial, and pe rce ntag es of the different type s of siding a nd flooring.


    Tab This is whe re the p rogram c ollects your ba sic squa re foot a nd linea r foo t me asurem ents for different pa rts

    of the house, like hea ted and ga rage spa ce . There are a lot of bo xes here, but m ost are auto ma tic to tals.

    Your input is only required in the light b lue c ells, and the rest w ill insta ntly ad just a s nee de d.

    Pric ing Tab Enter your item p ric ing for the basic items listed . There is also a note s c olumn t o b ette r explain wha t is

    priced. Ad d ing a no te to the "Lap Siding", for examp le, will c larify whether you priced 4" or 7" expo sure

    fiber cement siding, for future reference.

    Pric ing ca n be c ha nge d a t any time. This a llow s you to "ba llpark" op tions, just by c hang ing a few numb ers.

    If an item is not included , or not supp lied by you, simply cha nge that item price to $0. I have include d

    sam ple c osts, bu t these should b e used as a g uide line for inputting your own p ric es. The a c c urac y of theGrand Tota l is direc tly tied to the ac curac y of the ma terial pricing yo u ente r here.

    Assum ptions Tab There is a list on this tab of the ma jor assump tions of the p rogram . To keep this p rogram sma ll, simple, a nd

    user-friendly, certain aspects of the building must be assumed to meet a certain standard, and building

    op tions must be limited .

    Tec hnica l Info Unlike m ost Excel-ba sed prog rams (UDA, Estima torPro, etc .) you a re allowe d to ma ke ANY cha nges Excel

    will let yo u ma ke. As an ad vanc ed Excel user, I know the frustration o f not be ing a ble to ma ke the

    cha nge s you need to a n off-the-shelf prog ram , bec ause it has be en "dum be d-d own" to "protec t" you.

    There is none o f that w ith my prog ram. It's your respo nsibility to not m ake a ny change s tha t you d on't fully

    unde rstand , and to ALWAYS keep a c lean b ac kup of your work.

    If you find you really need a func tion tha t the prog ram do esn't provide, and you do n't know ho w to a dd it,

    co ntac t me. It ma y be som ething I c an a dd to a future version of the p rog ram , or crea te for your

    co mp any by ma king c hang es for a flat hourly rate .

    Also, unlike most other estima ting p rogram s, there is NO LIMIT to the number of insta lla tions ava ilab le to

    buyers. As long a s you p a id for the p rogram , use it on 1 c om pu ter or 100. It doe sn't ma tter to m e. In fac t,

    the mo re p eop le you make a wa re of my service s, the better!

    You c an save this file with your own p ric ing and item de sc rip tions, to avo id re-entering the same info fo r

    eve ry job. To d o this, sav e with a d ifferent file na me , then m ake your c hanges. I highly reco mm end saving

    a ll files with a da te a t the end of t he file name , in this format: YY.MM.DD (This will ensure the NEWEST file is

    the LAST in the list, whe n sorted a lpha bet ica lly.)

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    TTD Insta nt Estima to r, like a ll Exce l files, ca n b e set up to ac c ep t input from d igitizers, measuring dev ice s like

    Sc a leMa ster, or ta keo ff soft wa re, suc h as On-Sc reen Takeo ff. In fac t, I use O ST myself, and ha ve a

    da taba se alread y set up to expo rt to TTD Instant Estimat or. If you 're interested in ad ding this op tion, just let

    me know, a nd I c an save you a n hour of OST setup time, for only $10.

    Upd at es to the p rogram will be ma de as nee ded , and a re alwa ys FREE to p aying clients. I will ma intain a

    list of all buyers, and notify you b y em ail when up da tes are a vailab le.

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    The Takeoff Doc tor Instant Estimator 2010.07


    Overview To e nsure best results, follow the steps below to c reate a new estimat e.

    1 Save this workbook w ith a different na me . I use the Job Name , follow ed by the da te in this format:

    YYYY.MM.DD. This insures my ne we st ve rsion of an e stima te is a lwa ys the last file listed , when sortedalpha be tica lly. IF you a lrea dy ha ve p ric ing you know you c an trust, I'd rec om me nd ente ring t ha t FIRST,

    then saving the w orkbo ok to a different na me to use a s your template .

    2 Go to the Mea sureme nts tab . Unprotec t the sheet (Too ls->Protec tion->Unprotec t Shee t ). Just c lick Ente r,

    there is no Passwo rd. This p roce ss app lies to a ll shee ts. Enter the Job Nam e w here ind ica ted a t the top of

    the sheet. This will updat e the Job Nam e o n a ll othe r shee ts. (Note: You c an unp rotec t a ll shee ts, then save

    the o rigina l workboo k to use for your tem p late. I only rec om me nd this for very advanc ed Excel users, to

    avoid accidently erasing formulas.)


    Enter the SF and LF me asurem ents need ed in eac h of t he light b lue c ells on t he M ea surements shee t. All of

    the w hite c ells co ntain formulas, and will ca lculate a utoma tically whe n you e nter info in the b lue ce lls.

    4Go to the Spe cs tab , and e nter the info requested there. You m ay o r may not ha ve to unp rotec t this sheet,

    de pe nding o n which info you d ec ide to c hang e. For examp le, a de fault estima te o f the LF of 1st Floor

    Interior Walls is c a lculate d ba sed on t he SF of the 1st Floor. If you d on't w ant to take the time to me asure

    the w a lls, or are w orking o ff of a sketc h without d imensions, you m ay wa nt to stick with the d efa ult value.

    For a mo re a cc urate estimate, you wo uld wa nt to c hange the value in c olumn B to a n ac tual

    mea sureme nt. Whenever you c hang e o ne o f these fo rmulas, the numb er in the Value c olumn w ill turn red .

    This lets you know you ha ve o verridd en the formula fo r that c ell.

    5 Any c ell on the Spe c s sheet tha t d oesn't req uire a numb er entry will have a drop do wn b ox with all of the

    valid selections you c an ma ke for that item.

    6 Go to the Takeoff tab . You c an change any values in the Notes or Cost co lumns (ligh t blue c ells) without

    unp rotec ting the shee ts. If you w an t to c hange a ny othe r info, or insert lines for ad ditiona l item s, you willneed to unprotect.


    To a dd a line to the Takeo ff shee t, do n't use Exce l's Insert Line fea ture. Cop y an existing line, preferab ly one

    with the sam e formula/ quantity as your new item , and insert it within the existing tab le.

    8 (Important) This is very imp ortan t, and one of the mo st c om mo n m istakes I see . You have to insert the c op ied row

    som ew here BELOW the first item row, a nd ABOVE the last item row. In othe r wo rds, within the existing ta b le.

    If you insert a nything b efo re the first line, o r after the last line, it will ap pe ar to wo rk, but will NOT be

    ca lculated in the Tota l Cost.

    9 Onc e you have ma de all the cha nge s to your Takeo ff sheet, you c an send it out to your supp liers to p rice.

    I wo uld filter or hide row s so tha t ea c h supplier only ge ts a list of item s you expec t them to p ric e. You c an

    either set the Print Area not to include the Cost a nd Tota l columns, or cha nge the fonts to ma tch theba ckground (white-on-white or blue-on-blue) so they c an't b e seen.

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    The Takeoff Doc tor Instant Estimator 2010.07


    Ente r Job Na me Here

    Spec ification ValueFloors 1

    Foundation Type Crawlspace

    Footing Width IN 24 24 Default Value

    Footing Depth IN 8 8 Default Value

    Footing Rebar Size # 5

    Footing Rebar Rows 2 2 Default Value

    Foundation Material Block

    Foundation Height IN 40 40 Default Value

    Found at ion Height FT 3.33

    Found ation Venee r Ma terial Brick

    Foundation Veneer Height FT 3.33

    Found at ion - Outside Corners #

    Found at ion - Inside Co rners #

    Conc . Wall Thickness IN 8 8 Default ValueConc . Wall Vertica l Rebar Size # 5

    Conc . Wall Vertica l Rebar Spac ing IN 48 48 Default Value

    Exterior Wall Framing 2 x 4

    Ceiling Height LF - Ground Floor 10

    Interior Wall LF - Ground Floor 0 0 Default Value

    Floor Joist Spac ing IN - 1st Floor 16 0.85 1st Floo r Joist Fac tor

    Ceiling Height LF - 1st Floor 10

    Interior Wall LF - 1st Floor 0 0 Default Value

    Floor Joist Spac ing IN - 2nd Floor 16 0.85 2nd Floor Joist Factor

    Ceiling Height LF - 2nd Floor 9

    Interior Wall LF - 2nd Floor 0 0 Default Value

    Floor Joist Spac ing IN - 3rd Floor 16 0.85 3rd Floo r Joist Fac tor

    Ceiling Height LF - 3rd Floor 8

    Interior Wall LF - 3rd Floor 0 0 Default ValueCeiling Joist Spac ing IN 16 0.85 Ceiling Joist Fac tor

    Rafter Spac ing IN 16 0.85 Rafter Factor

    Roof Type Gable

    Average Building Height 17

    Tota l Exterior Wall SF 0 0 Default Value

    Main Roof Pitch - / 12 12 1.4142 Pitch Fac tor

    Main Roof Materia l Shing les

    Porch Roof Pitch - / 12 4 1.0541 Pitch Fac tor

    Porch Roof Materia l Shing les

    Windows # 0

    Exterior Doors # 0

    Garage Doors - Sing le # 0

    Garage Doors - Doub le # 0

    Boxing Overhang IN 12Boxing Materia l Hard ie

    Sid ing Materia l Hard ie

    Brick Veneer - %

    Stone Venee r - %

    Stuc co Vene er - %

    Shake Sid ing - % 10%

    Boa rd & Ba tte n Siding - %

    Lap Siding - % 90%

    Shutters PR 0

    7/31/ 2010 10:43 AM

    The Takeo ff Doc tor

    Cop yright 2010. 5 of 14

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    Spec ification Value

    Vaulted Ceilings - %

    Interior Sta irs - Sets 0 0 Default Value

    Interior Doors # 0

    Cased Openings # 0

    Crown Mould ing - % 35%

    Hardwood Floors - % 30%

    Tile Floors - % 10%Vinyl Floors - % 0%

    Carpet Floors - % 60%

    7/31/ 2010 10:43 AM

    The Takeo ff Doc tor

    Cop yright 2010. 6 of 14

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    The Takeoff Doc tor Instant Estimator 2010.07


    Enter Job Nam e Here

    Ground Floor 1st Floor








    (LF) Area(SF)





    Heated 0 0 0 0

    Unhea ted 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Tota l Interior House 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Garage 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Tota l Interior 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Covered Conc rete Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Covered Wood Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Tota l Cove red Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Tota l Cove red 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Unc overed Conc rete Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0Unc overed Wood Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Tota l Unc overed Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Tota l Conc rete Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Tota l Wood Porc h 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Total House 0 0 0 0 0 0

    7/31/2010 10:43 AMThe Take off Doc tor

    Copyright 2010.

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator




    Tota l Interior House


    Tota l Interior

    Covered Conc rete Porc h

    Covered Wood Porc h

    Tota l Cove red Porc h

    Tota l Cove red

    Unc overed Co ncrete PorchUnc overed Wood Porch

    Tota l Unc overed Porc h

    Tota l Conc rete Porc h

    Tota l Wood Porc h

    Total House

    2nd Floor 3rd Floor








    (LF) Area(SF)





    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0

    7/31/2010 10:43 AMThe Take off Doc tor

    Copyright 2010.

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator




    Tota l Interior House


    Tota l Interior

    Covered Conc rete Porc h

    Covered Wood Porc h

    Tota l Cove red Porc h

    Tota l Cove red

    Unc overed Co ncrete PorchUnc overed Wood Porch

    Tota l Unc overed Porc h

    Tota l Conc rete Porc h

    Tota l Wood Porc h

    Total House


    Area (SF)








    0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 00 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    7/31/2010 10:43 AMThe Take off Doc tor

    Copyright 2010.

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    The Take off Doc tor Instant Estimator 2010.07Price/ Covered SF -$

    Takeoff Grand Total -$

    Tax -$

    Enter Job Nam e Here Tax Perc ent 7.7

    Subtotal -$

    Phase Item Qty UOM Notes Cost TotalPilings Piling 0 EA 8 x 8 x 20 Trea te d 120.00$ $

    2-Ply Trea te d Girder 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Piling Girde r Bolt 0 EA 5/ 8 x 10 HDG Carriage Bolt 6.50$ $

    Piling Girder Nut 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    Piling Grider Washer 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Washer 0.40$ $Piling Crossbrac e 0 EA 2 x 10 x 16 Treated 16.00$ $

    Piling Crossbrac e Bolt 0 EA 3/ 4 x 10 HDG Carriage Bolt 8.00$ $

    Piling Crossbrace Nut 0 EA 3/ 4 HDG Nut 0.60$ $

    Piling Crossbrace Washer 0 EA 3/ 4 HDG Washer 0.60$ $

    Footings Bat ter Board 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Found at ion Drain Pipe 0 LF 4" Corruga ted Dra in Pipe 0.55$ $

    Footing Rebar 0 LF #5 Reba r 0.45$ $

    Footing Rebar Corner 0 EA #5 Reba r Corner 1.80$ $

    J-Bar 0 EA 5/ 8" x 5' Threaded J-Bar 4.00$ $

    Concrete 0 CY 3000 PSI Conc rete 110.00$ $

    Foundation CM U 0 Block 8 x 16 Lightweight CMU 1.30$ $

    Header CMU 0 Block 8 x 16 Lightweight CMU 1.30$ $

    CMU Reinforcing 0 LF 8 in. DuraWall 0.20$ $

    Brick 0 Bric k Engineer Brick, 5.75/ SF 0.35$ $

    Brick Tie 0 EA Galv. Brick Tie (2 SF o.c .) 0.05$ $

    CMU & Brick Mo rtar 0 Bag Type-S Mortar 7.35$ $CMU & Brick Mortar Sand 0 Ton Morta r Sand 30.00$ $

    Stone 0 SF Turnkey Cultured Stone 14.00$ $

    Stuc co 0 SF Turnkey Stuc co on Bloc k 5.00$ $

    Conc rete Wall Vertica l Reba r 0 LF #5 Reba r 0.45$ $

    Founda tion Wall Conc rete 0 CY 3000 PSI Conc rete 110.00$ $

    Foundation Anchor Bolt 0 EA 1/ 2 x 12 Anc hor Bolt 1.00$ $

    Flatwork Vap or Barrier 0 SF 6-mil. Poly 0.05$ $

    Reinforcement 0 SF 6 x 6 WWF 0.12$ $

    Concrete 0 CY 3000 PSI Conc rete 110.00$ $

    Ground Floor Wall Framing Sill Sea ler 0 Roll 4 x 50' Sill Sea ler 5.00$ $

    Treate d Bott om Plate - Ground Floor Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 Trea ted 0.35$ $

    Top Plate - G round Floor Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - Grou nd Floor Ext. 0 EA 2 x 4 x 10 Stud 2.50$ $

    Treate d Bott om Plate - Ground Floor Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 Trea ted 0.35$ $

    Top Plate - Ground Floor Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - Ground Floo r Int. 0 EA 2 x 4 x 10 Stud 2.50$ $st Floor Framing Mud sill Sea ler 0 Roll 6 x 50' Sill Sea ler 5.00$ $

    Mud sill - Trea ted 0 LF 2 x 8 Trea ted 0.75$ $

    Mudsill 0 LF 2 x 8 0.45$ $

    Mud sill Washer 0 EA Simpson BP5/ 8-2 0.50$ $

    Mud sill Nut 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    3-Ply Floor Girder - 1st Floor 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Rim Board - 1st Floor 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Floo r Joist - 1st Floo 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Floo r Shea thing - 1st Floor 0 EA 3/ 4 Advantec h 22.00$ $

    Sub floo r Glue - 1st Floo r 0 EA 29 oz. Subfloor Glue 3.00$ $

    st Floor Wall Framing Sill Sea ler 0 Roll 6 x 50' Sill Sea ler 5.00$ $

    Trea ted Bot tom Plate - 1st Floo r Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 Trea ted 0.35$ $

    Bot tom Plate - 1st Floor Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Top Pla te - 1st Floor Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - 1st Floo r Ext. 0 EA 2 x 4 x 10 Stud 2.50$ $

    Treated Bottom Plate - G arag e 0 LF 2 x 4 Trea ted 0.35$ $Top Plate - Ga rage 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - Garag e 0 EA 2 x 4 x 12 Stud 3.00$ $

    Trea ted Bott om Plate - 1st Floor Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 Trea ted 0.35$ $

    Bot tom Plate - 1st Floo r Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Top Pla te - 1st Floo r Int . 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - 1st Floor Int . 0 EA 2 x 4 x 10 Stud 2.50$ $

    Purlin 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Deadwood 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Wall Brac ing (Reuse fo r Roo f/ Trusses) 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Header - Ext. 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Head er - Int. 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    2nd Floor Framing 2-Ply Floor Girder - 2nd Floo 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    7/31/ 2010 10:43 AM The Take off Doc tor.Cop yright 2010. 10 of 14

  • 8/9/2019 Homebuilding Estimating & Takeoff Software - The Takeoff Doctor Instant Estimator


    Phase Item Qty UOM Notes Cost TotalRim Board - 2nd Floor 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Floo r Joist - 2nd Floo r 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Floo r Shea thing - 2nd Floo r 0 EA 3/ 4 Advantec h 22.00$ $

    Sub floo r Glue - 2nd Floo 0 EA 29 oz. Subfloor Glue 3.00$ $

    Stair Stringer 0 EA 2 x 12 x 24 27.00$ $

    2nd Floor Wall Framing Bottom Plate - 2nd Floor Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Top Plate - 2nd Floo r Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - 2nd Floor Ext. 0 EA 2 x 4 x 9 Stud 2.50$ $

    Bottom Plate - 2nd Floo r Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Top Plate - 2nd Floo r Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - 2nd Floo r Int. 0 EA 2 x 4 x 9 Stud 2.50$ $

    3rd Floo r Fram ing 2-Ply Floo r Girde r - 3rd Floo r 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $Rim Boa rd - 3rd Floo 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Floor Joist - 3rd Floo 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Floo r Shea thing - 3rd Floo r 0 EA 3/ 4 Advantec h 22.00$ $

    Sub floo r Glue - 3rd Floo r 0 EA 29 oz. Subfloor Glue 3.00$ $

    3rd Floo r Wall Fram ing Bot tom Plate - 3rd Floo r Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Top Pla te - 3rd Floor Ext. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - 3rd Floor Ext. 0 EA 2 x 4 x 8 Stud 2.50$ $

    Bottom Plate - 3rd Floor Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Top Plate - 3rd Floor Int. 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Stud - 3rd Floo r Int. 0 EA 2 x 4 x 8 Stud 2.50$ $

    Ceiling Framing 2-Ply Ceiling Girder 0 LF 2 x 10 0.65$ $

    Ceiling Girder Ledger 0 LF 2 x 2 0.20$ $

    Ceiling Rim Board 0 LF 2 x 8 0.45$ $

    Ce iling Joist 0 LF 2 x 8 0.45$ $

    Roof Fram ing Rafters 0 LF 2 x 8 0.45$ $

    Ridge 0 LF 2 x 12 0.90$ $

    Hip/Valley 0 LF 11-7/ 8 LVL 5.00$ $

    Subfascia 0 LF 2 x 6 0.40$ $

    Soff it Bloc king 0 LF 2 x 4 0.25$ $

    Opt. Truss Roof Framing Roof Trusses 0 SF 12/12 Pitc h Roof Trusses 6.00$ $

    Sheathing & Hardware Wall Shea thing 0 EA 7/ 16 OSB 7.50$ $

    Housewrap 0 Roll 9' x 150' Tyvek 165.00$ $

    Housew rap Tap e 0 Roll 2 x 165' Tyvek Tape 15.00$ $

    Roof Sheathing 0 EA 7/ 16 Tec hShield 14.00$ $

    Roof Felt 0 Roll 15# Felt (Double Qty. for 30# ) 12.00$ $

    Va lley Felt 0 Roll Winterguard Felt 80.00$ $

    Nail Allowanc e 0 $ Na il Allowance 1.00$ $

    Framing Hardwa re Allowa nce 0 $ Framing Hardware Allowanc e 1.00$ $

    Poc ket Doo r Kit - 6/8 0 EA Poc ket Door Kit - 6/ 8 100.00$ $

    Poc ket Doo r Kit - 8/0 0 EA Poc ket Door Kit - 8/ 0 150.00$ $

    Roofing Va lley Flashing 0 LF 14 in. Ga lv. Flashing 0.40$ $

    Ridge Vent 0 EA 4' Ridge Vent 8.00$ $

    Shingles 0 SQ 30-yr. Arc hitec tura l Shing les 75.00$ $

    Metal Roofing 0 SQ Meta l Roof Per Specs 240.00$ $

    Windows Window 0 EA Window - Supplier to Takeoff 250.00$ $

    Ext. Doors Ext. Doo r 0 EA Ext. Door - Supp lier to Takeoff 500.00$ $

    Garage Doors Ga rage Door - Single 0 EA Garage Door - Sing le 1,250.00$ $

    Garag e Door - Double 0 EA Garage Door - Double 2,400.00$ $

    Hardie Boxing Fasc ia 0 LF 1 x 8 MiraTEC 0.90$ $

    Shingle Mould ing 0 LF PVC Shingle Mould 0.50$ $

    Solid Sof fit 0 LF 12 in. Solid Hardie Soff it 1.10$ $

    Vente d Soffit 0 LF 12 in. Vented HardieSoffit 1.40$ $

    Frieze 0 LF 5/ 4 x 6 MiraTEC 0.85$ $

    Frieze Mould ing 0 LF PVC Crown Mould 1.00$ $

    T&G Porc h Ce iling 0 LF 1 x 6 T&G Cypress 1.30$ $

    Pane l Porch Ceiling 0 Board 3/ 8 x 4' x 8' PlyBead 22.00$ $

    Porch Ceiling Battens 0 LF 2 in. Treated La ttic e Strip 0.15$ $

    Porch Ceiling Moulding 0 LF PVC Bed Mould 0.30$ $

    Porch Bea m Wrap - Sides 0 LF 1 x 12 MiraTEC 1.40$ $

    Porch Beam Wrap - Bottom 0 LF 1 x 8 MiraTEC 0.90$ $

    Vinyl Boxing Fasc ia 0 LF Aluminum Trim Coil 2.00$ $

    Shingle Mould ing 0 LF PVC Shingle Mould 0.50$ $

    Solid Sof fit 0 LF 12 in. Solid Vinyl Soffit 1.00$ $

    Vente d Soffit 0 LF 12 in. Vented Vinyl Soffit 1.20$ $

    Frieze Mould ing 0 LF Vinyl F-Channel 0.45$ $

    Frieze 0 LF None -$ $

    Vinyl Porch Ceiling 0 LF 12 in. Solid Vinyl Soffit 1.00$ $

    Porch Ceiling Moulding 0 LF Vinyl J-Channel 0.45$ $

    Porch Bea m Wrap - Sides 0 LF None -$ $

    Porch Beam Wrap - Bottom 0 LF Aluminum Trim Coil 2.00$ $

    Porch Ce iling

    Pick ONE Option

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    Phase Item Qty UOM Notes Cost TotalHardie Ext. Trim Bottom Band 0 LF 5/ 4 x 10 MiraTEC 1.50$ $

    Bottom Band Flashing 0 LF Galva lume Z-Flashing 2.00$ $

    Outside Co rner Boa rd 0 LF 5/ 4 x 6 MiraTEC 0.85$ $

    Inside Corner Board 0 LF 5/ 4 x 4 MiraTEC 0.60$ $

    Windo w/ Door Head Trim 0 LF 5/ 4 x 6 MiraTEC 0.85$ $

    Windo w/ Door Leg Trim 0 LF 5/ 4 x 4 MiraTEC 0.60$ $

    Windo w/ Door Ap ron Trim 0 LF 5/ 4 x 4 MiraTEC 0.60$ $

    Windo w/ Door Sill 0 LF 2 x 4 # 1 Trea ted 0.80$ $

    Windo w/ Door Flashing 0 LF Galva lume Z-Flashing 2.00$ $

    Viny l Ext. Trim Sta rte r Strip 0 LF Vinyl Sta rter Strip 0.45$ $

    Outside Corner 0 LF Vinyl Outside Corner 1.50$ $

    Inside Corner Board 0 LF Vinyl Inside Corner 1.50$ $Windo w/ Door Head Trim 0 LF Vinyl J-Channel 0.45$ $

    Windo w/ Door Leg Trim 0 LF Vinyl J-Channel 0.45$ $

    Windo w/ Door Ap ron Trim 0 LF Vinyl J-Channel 0.45$ $

    Door Brick Moulding 0 LF PVC Brick Mould 0.70$ $

    Hardie Siding HardiePlan k Siding 0 Board 8-1/ 4 x 12' Hard iePlank 6.50$ $

    HardieSha ke Siding 0 SQ 4' Stra ight Hard ieShake 475.00$ $

    HardiePane l Boa rd & Batten Pane l 0 Board 5/ 16 x 4' x 8' Smooth Hard iePanel 25.00$ $

    HardiePane l Bat tens (16" o.c .) 0 LF 1 x 4 MiraTEC 0.40$ $

    Vinyl Siding Vinyl Lap Siding 0 SQ Vinyl Lap Sid ing 80.00$ $

    Vinyl Shake Siding 0 SQ Vinyl Shake Sid ing 300.00$ $

    Vinyl Vertical Siding 0 SQ Vinyl Vertica l Sid ing 100.00$ $

    Misc. Siding Louver EA Louver Per Spec s 80.00$ $

    Shutt er 0 PR Shutters - Supp lier to Takeoff 50.00$ $

    Op t. Shutte r Dog s 0 PR Per Specs 25.00$ $

    Op t. Shutte r Hinges 0 PR Per Specs 25.00$ $

    Op t. Shutte r Lat ch 0 EA Per Specs 10.00$ $

    Brick 0 Bric k Engineer Brick, 5.75/ SF 0.35$ $

    Brick Tie 0 EA Galv. Brick Tie (2 SF o.c .) 0.05$ $

    Brick Morta r 0 Bag Type-S Mortar 7.35$ $

    Brick Mortar Sand 0 Ton Morta r Sand 30.00$ $

    Stone 0 SF Turnkey Cultured Stone 14.00$ $

    Stuc co 0 SF Turnkey Stuc co on Frame 5.00$ $

    Decks Dec k Post 0 EA 6 x 6 x 10 Treated 20.00$ $

    Dec k Post Base 0 EA Simpson ABU66 5.00$ $

    Dec k Post Bolt 0 EA 5/ 8 x 8 HDG Carriage Bolt 4.50$ $

    Dec k Post Nut 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    Dec k Post Washer 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Washer 0.40$ $

    Dec k Rim Boa rd - Ground Floor 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Dec k Led ge r - Ground Floor 0 LF 2 x 2 Treated 0.25$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Bolt - Ground Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 x 8 HDG Carriage Bolt 4.50$ $

    Deck Ledger Nut- Ground Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Washer - Ground Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Washer 0.40$ $

    Dec k Joist, 16" o.c. - G round Floor 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Dec k Rim Board - 1st Floo r 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Deck Ledger - 1st Floor 0 LF 2 x 2 Treated 0.25$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Bolt - 1st Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 x 8 HDG Carriage Bolt 4.50$ $

    Deck Ledger Nut- 1st Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Washer - 1st Floor 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Washer 0.40$ $

    Dec k Joist, 16" o.c . - 1st Floo r 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Dec k Sta ir Stringe r 0 EA 2 x 12 x 12 Treated 16.80$ $

    Dec k Rim Board - 2nd Floo r 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Dec k Led ge r - 2nd Floor 0 LF 2 x 2 Treated 0.25$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Bolt - 2nd Floo r 0 EA 5/ 8 x 8 HDG Carriage Bolt 4.50$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Nut- 2nd Floor 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Washer - 2nd Floor 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Washer 0.40$ $

    Dec k Joist, 16" o.c . - 2nd Floo r 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Deck Rim Board - 3rd Floor 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Dec k Led ge r - 3rd Floor 0 LF 2 x 2 Treated 0.25$ $

    Deck Ledger Bolt - 3rd Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 x 8 HDG Carriage Bolt 4.50$ $

    Dec k Led ge r Nut- 3rd Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    Deck Ledger Washer - 3rd Floo 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Washer 0.40$ $

    Dec k Joist, 16" o.c. - 3rd Floo r 0 LF 2 x 10 Trea ted 1.00$ $

    Dec k Flashing 0 LF 14 in. Ga lv. Flashing 0.40$ $

    Decking 0 LF 5/ 4 x 6 Treated 1.80$ $

    WP Dec k Sleep ers - 2nd & 3rd Floo r 0 LF 2 x 4 Trea ted 0.35$ $

    WP Dec k Shea thing - 2nd & 3rd Floo rs 0 EA 3/ 4 Trea ted CDX 36.00$ $

    WP Dec k Membra ne - 2nd & 3rd Floors 0 SF WP Deck Membrane 8.00$ $

    Porc h Rails Porch Post (Use # 1 Treate d if not wrap pe d) 0 EA 6 x 6 x 10 Treated 20.00$ $

    Porch Post Base 0 EA Simpson ABU66 5.00$ $

    Porch Post Bolt 0 EA 5/ 8 x 8 HDG Carriage Bolt 4.50$ $

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    Phase Item Qty UOM Notes Cost TotalPorc h Post Nut 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Nut 0.45$ $

    Porc h Post Washe 0 EA 5/ 8 HDG Washer 0.40$ $

    Porch Column Wrap 0 EA 6 x 6 x 10 PVC Wrap 300.00$ $

    Porch Column Ca p 0 EA 6 x 6 PVC Cap 25.00$ $

    Porch Column Base 0 EA 6 x 6 PVC Base 25.00$ $

    Porch Sta ir Post (Cut to 5') EA 6 x 6 x 10 # 1 Treated 30.00$ $

    Porc h Sta ir Post Conc rete 0 EA 80# Sakrete 4.00$ $

    Porch Rail - Bottom 0 LF 2 x 4 # 1 Trea ted 0.80$ $

    Porch Rail - Top 0 LF 2 x 4 # 1 Trea ted 0.80$ $

    Porch Rail - Cap 0 LF 2 x 6 # 1 Trea ted 1.10$ $

    Porc h Rail - Picke t 0 EA 2 x 2 x 36 # 1 Trea ted 1.50$ $

    Sc reen SF Sc reen 0.05$ $Sc reen Doo EA Sc reen Door 80.00$ $

    Sc reen Door Hardware EA Sc reen Door Hardware 20.00$ $

    nsulation Floo r Insulat ion 0 SF R-19 Batt 0.45$ $

    Wall Insulat ion 0 SF R-13 Bat t 0.38$ $

    Ceiling Insulation 0 SF R-30 Batt 0.69$ $

    Drywall Wall Drywa ll - all wall heights excep t 9' 0 Board 1/ 2 x 48 x 12 Drywall 10.50$ $

    Wall Drywa ll - 9' wa ll height 0 Board 1/ 2 x 54 x 12 Drywall 14.60$ $

    Ceiling Drywall 0 Board 1/ 2 x 48 x 12 Drywall 10.50$ $

    Garag e Ce iling Drywall 0 Board 5/ 8 x 48 x 8 Type-X Drywa ll 8.35$ $

    Turnkey Stairs Turnke y Pre-Fab Sta irs 0 Rise 4' Wide Open End Oak Sta ir 110.00$ $

    Turnke y Sta ir Ra il 0 LF Oak Rail/ Poplar Pickets 100.00$ $

    nt. Trim Int. Doo r 0 EA Int. Door - Supp lier to Takeoff 150.00$ $

    Cased Opening 0 EA Ca sed Op ening - Supp lier to Takeo ff 40.00$ $

    Basebo ard - Ground Floo 0 LF Per Specs 0.50$ $

    Baseb oa rd - 1st Floo 0 LF Per Specs 0.50$ $

    Basebo ard - 2nd Floor 0 LF Per Specs 0.50$ $

    Baseboard - 3rd Floo 0 LF Per Specs 0.50$ $

    Shoe Mo ulding 0 LF Per Specs 0.25$ $

    Windo w/ Ext. Doo r Hea d C asing 0 LF Per Specs 0.40$ $

    Windo w/ Ext. Door Leg Ca sing 0 LF Per Specs 0.40$ $

    Windo w/ Ext. Door Apron C asing 0 LF Per Specs 0.40$ $

    Windo w Sill 0 LF Per Specs 0.65$ $

    Int. Doo r Hea d C asing 0 LF Per Specs (Delete if Pre-Cased) 0.40$ $

    Int. Door Leg Casing 0 LF Per Specs (Delete if Pre-Cased) 0.40$ $

    Crown Moulding 0 LF Per Specs 0.85$ $

    Flooring Tile Floors 0 SF Per Specs 3.00$ $

    Durock 0 SF Per Specs 1.00$ $

    Hardwood Floors 0 SF Per Specs 5.00$ $

    Vinyl Floors 0 SF Per Specs 2.50$ $

    Carpet 0 SF Per Specs 3.00$ $

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    The Takeoff Doc tor Instant Estimator 2010.07


    Phase ItemFoundat ion Pie rs = (1) 16" x 16" b loc k p ie r pe r 150 sf


    Mud sill = (1) trea ted bo ttom & (1) stand ard to p. Ca n cha nge to (1) treated only by zeroing q ty for

    stand ard plate on the Takeoff Sheet.

    Rim Boa rd = (1) for ea ch e nd p erpend icular to joists. Ca n cha nge to (2) eac h end b y doub ling the q ty on

    the Takeoff shee t.

    Dec k Joist Spac ing = 16" o.c.

    Deck Rim Boa rd = (1) around p erimete r. Ca n cha nge to (2) by do ubling the qty o n the Takeoff sheet.

    Dec k Shea thing = All 2nd & 3rd Floor woo d p orches/ dec ks are a ssume d to be w at erproo fed . 1st Floor

    woo d p orches/ de cks are a ssumed to b e w ate rproo fed o n piling founda tions. Can zero or ad just the

    releva nt item q tys on the Takeo ff shee t, as nee ded .

    Wall Plate s = (1) Bot tom & (2) Top

    Hea ders - 2-ply @ 2x4 wa lls, 3-p ly @ 2x6 wa lls.

    Exterior Trim Window/ Door Trim = 20'/Window or Door, 30'/Single Garage Door, 40'/Double Garage Door

    Window / Door Flashing = 4'/Windo w or Door, 10'/ Single Ga rage Doo r, 20'/Do ub le Garag e Doo r

    Porch Rails/Columns

    Columns assumed to b e 8' o.c. Ca n ma nually cha nge highlighte d qty o n Takeo ff sheet. Cha nging the po st

    qt y auto ma tica lly cha nges a ll assoc iated items, suc h as po st ba ses, co lumn wrap s, etc.Insula tion Bonus Room Floor = Insula ted

    Garage Walls = Uninsulated

    Drywall Ga rage Wa lls = Drywa ll

    Ga rage Ce iling = Drywa ll. This qt y is broken out sep erate ly, in c ase fire-c od e, o r a d ifferent thickness is


    Interior Trim Garage Trim = Baseboard & Window Casing inc luded, Crown Moulding not inc luded.

    Shoe Mou lding = A ll Tile, Hardw oo d & Vinyl Flooring a reas.