home | university of delhi · 2015. 12. 22. · created date: 12/22/2015 2:01:14 am

..+ UNIVERSITY OF DETHI DELHI . I lOOO7 Ref. No. Exom. Br. - lvlPh. D./R esull /2O1 5 I 28 Consequent upon ihe ,evoluotion of the thesis submitted by the undersigned condiQote for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of the University of Delhi on the topic os mentioned ogoinst his/her nqme ond ofter vivo- voce exominotion hove been found quolified for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of this University. tl. No. Enrol. No. Nqme Tille of lhe Thesis Foculty of Arts (Deporiment of Hindi) 230 "9664) _B-73012002 Roi l(umori (W) '{ga{r rrdt 3ik ataa sisft * TTflr€t fr q6 s{smfrfr q?net rits Wq-rar fiI +ir+;n' 231 '95691 v.Phn-79107 Ajit Kumor Tiwori ''"Tffi61 fi rffrrun 3i1-{ Gfr 3Trf#Tr (Deoorlmenl of Sonskril) 232 "9704) ,h.D.-,19312010 Arpit Kumor Dubey Kfi., qd E?{ffig1}. fi aqreilat * inffi r,ti r+or sfrrrna (qrtrdfq +ffi fr)" ( Deporlment of Philosophy) 233 (e5 r5) P-332l0r Anumito Shuklo (W) "Ethics of Cqre for Environment : An Enquiry nto the Possibiliiy of An Environmentol Ethict of Core" (Deoorlmenl of Enqlish) 234 t9635) tL-399/200r Akhilesh Kumqr 'Tronslotion of Dusri Poromporo Ki Khoj b1 ',lomvor Sinqh" (Depor lmenl of Modern lndiqn Lonquqqe's & literqry Studies) 235 95881 v.Phn-42to7 Kristino Z. Zomo (W) 'Mizo ldentity crnd Culture :The Constructior )f 'Mizoness' " )_36 '9504) vtL-2t07 Himodri Shekhor Howloder 'A Socio - Culturql Study of Bengoli "Ponjiko" (Deportmenl of Urdu) 237 "9223) )RD-12104 Asror Ahmod 'Hindi Cinemo Mein Urdu Tehzeeb-O- Mooshrqt Ki Akkosi (Depiction of Socio- luliurol Life of Urdu Linguistic Community ir lindiCinemo)" 238 "9682) ,h.D.-t 44/12 Mithun Kumor 'Urdu Aur Hindi Afsonon Mein Dqlit Mosoil I -k Toqobuli Mutolo (Mukhtosor Afsonon ke -'lowole Se)" 239 "9544) \A. Phil-4712008 Khqlidq Tobossum (W) "Urdu Novel Ko Tonqeedi Mutoloo l9B0 Ke 3ood"

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    Ref. No. Exom. Br. - lvlPh. D./R esull /2O1 5 I 28

    Consequent upon ihe ,evoluotion of the thesis submitted by the undersigned condiQote forthe Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of the University of Delhi on the topic os mentioned ogoinst his/hernqme ond ofter vivo- voce exominotion hove been found quolified for the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy (Ph.D.) of this University.

    tl. No. Enrol. No. Nqme Tille of lhe ThesisFoculty of Arts

    (Deporiment of Hindi)230


    _B-73012002 Roi l(umori (W) '{ga{r rrdt 3ik ataa sisft * TTflr€t fr q6s{smfrfr q?net rits Wq-rar fiI +ir+;n'


    v.Phn-79107 Ajit Kumor Tiwori ''"Tffi61 fi rffrrun 3i1-{ Gfr 3Trf#Tr(Deoorlmenl of Sonskril)



    ,h.D.-,19312010 Arpit Kumor Dubey Kfi., qd E?{ffig1}. fi aqreilat *inffi r,ti r+or sfrrrna (qrtrdfq+ffi fr)"

    ( Deporlment of Philosophy)233(e5 r5)

    P-332l0r Anumito Shuklo (W) "Ethics of Cqre for Environment : An Enquirynto the Possibiliiy of An Environmentol Ethictof Core"

    (Deoorlmenl of Enqlish)234t9635)

    tL-399/200r Akhilesh Kumqr 'Tronslotion of Dusri Poromporo Ki Khoj b1',lomvor Sinqh"

    (Depor lmenl of Modern lndiqn Lonquqqe's & literqry Studies)235


    v.Phn-42to7 Kristino Z. Zomo (W) 'Mizo ldentity crnd Culture :The Constructior)f 'Mizoness' "


    '9504)vtL-2t07 Himodri Shekhor Howloder 'A Socio - Culturql Study of Bengoli "Ponjiko"

    (Deportmenl of Urdu)237


    )RD-12104 Asror Ahmod 'Hindi Cinemo Mein Urdu Tehzeeb-O-Mooshrqt Ki Akkosi (Depiction of Socio-luliurol Life of Urdu Linguistic Community irlindiCinemo)"



    ,h.D.-t 44/12 Mithun Kumor 'Urdu Aur Hindi Afsonon Mein Dqlit Mosoil I-k Toqobuli Mutolo (Mukhtosor Afsonon ke-'lowole Se)"



    \A. Phil-4712008 Khqlidq Tobossum (W) "Urdu Novel Ko Tonqeedi Mutoloo l9B0 Ke3ood"

  • fla1lri!rf >ir.: re-'r':4r 1i _i

    foculiY of Sociol Sciencesoortmenl of Po.!!!!99!-!gene e lndio :A Rodic

    olitorion Critique"Sitky lYqgi (w)R-305/97

    ;ffiiocy UnderSiege:.foni"f Exponsion ond the Muslim 'Elite' i

    i, c.1800-1850"

    Nido Arshi (W)

    f,i'-n fingdom : A StudY of ihe Begums

    rwodh uP to the 1860s" , :

    in l Regioiobinq Kozmi (W)(e551)

    ffid circus Performon Twentieth Century Kerolo"

    Nishq P R (W)

    rocultyE MAhemoticol Sciences(DePortment ol Mothemoiics

    ffisynchronizotion l,rti"[nt Nonlineor Chootic on

    rchootic SYstq!1!:

    Rqm Provesh Prosod

    s Fluid Flow witl

    i"oirt"nsfer Using Morker-And Cell (MACnd Finite Volu ne-l4el!qg{

    fvfotrit Kumor Srivostovo


    (DR. sATrsH *r*o*fl )qfb.s.o. (Exominotion)oirriii, th" trh December, 2015,.-l\ Wg4r,qddd

    (PROF. RUPDion (Exomi
