home remedies - 1

Home Remedies - 1 Home Remedies For Cholera Cholera is a serious infection, involving the lower part of the small bowel.It i s one of the most severe diseases of the intestines. It is a waterborne disease and is common during monsoon. The disease is predominant in children in endemic areas like India and other countries of South East and Mid East Asia. Its incide nce is much higher in the age group between one and three years than in other ag e groups of children. Diagnosis of Cholera: The most effective of diagnosis is from stool or swab samples. Causes of Cholera: Cholera is caused by a short curved, rod-shaped germ known as vibrio chlorate. T his germ produces a powerful poison or endotoxin. It is spread by flies and wate r contaminated by the germs. The real cause of the disease,however, is the toxic and devita1ised condition of the system brought about by incorrect feeding habi ts and faulty style of living. This condition facilitates invasion of cholera ge rms. Symptoms of Cholera: Some of the basic symptoms which can be seen during the attack of cholera are di arrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and dehydration. It may not be that s erious disease but death can also occur due to the loss of fluid which causes de hydration and also loss of life. When such kinds of disease are left untreated t hen there is high rate of death. Sometimes the situation is so bad that death ca n occur within matter of hours. Your body plays host to this disease for nearly two to five days. Treatment of Cholera: 1] Oral rehydration is vital as soon as possible. This can be water and electrol ytes taken by mouth, or intravenously when necessary. 2] Tectracycline is the primary anti-biotic for treatment, although others have been used when the cholera bacterium proves resistant, sometimes multi-drug trea tment. 3] The bedding and clothing of patients must be sterilized and care givers must thoroughly wash their hands. 4] Sewage must be treated. 5] The foremost among the many home remedies for cholera is the use of lemon. Th e juice of this fruit can kill cholera bacilli within a very short time. 6] The root bark of guava is rich in tannins and it can be successfully employed as a concentrated decoction in cholera. It arrests vomiting and symptoms of dia rrhoea. 7] Onions are another valuable remedy for cholera. About thirty grams of this ve getable and seven black peppers should be pounded finely in a pestle and given t o the patient in two or three doses during the day. 8] The fresh juice of bitter gourd is an effective medicine in the early stages of cholera. Two teaspoons of this juice, mixed with an equal quantity of white o

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Home Remedies - 1

Home Remedies For CholeraCholera is a serious infection, involving the lower part of the small bowel.It is one of the most severe diseases of the intestines. It is a waterborne disease and is common during monsoon. The disease is predominant in children in endemic areas like India and other countries of South East and Mid East Asia. Its incidence is much higher in the age group between one and three years than in other age groups of children.

Diagnosis of Cholera:

The most effective of diagnosis is from stool or swab samples.

Causes of Cholera:

Cholera is caused by a short curved, rod-shaped germ known as vibrio chlorate. This germ produces a powerful poison or endotoxin. It is spread by flies and water contaminated by the germs. The real cause of the disease,however, is the toxic and devita1ised condition of the system brought about by incorrect feeding habits and faulty style of living. This condition facilitates invasion of cholera germs.

Symptoms of Cholera:

Some of the basic symptoms which can be seen during the attack of cholera are diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and dehydration. It may not be that serious disease but death can also occur due to the loss of fluid which causes dehydration and also loss of life. When such kinds of disease are left untreated then there is high rate of death. Sometimes the situation is so bad that death can occur within matter of hours. Your body plays host to this disease for nearly two to five days.

Treatment of Cholera:

1] Oral rehydration is vital as soon as possible. This can be water and electrolytes taken by mouth, or intravenously when necessary.

2] Tectracycline is the primary anti-biotic for treatment, although others have been used when the cholera bacterium proves resistant, sometimes multi-drug treatment.

3] The bedding and clothing of patients must be sterilized and care givers must thoroughly wash their hands.

4] Sewage must be treated.

5] The foremost among the many home remedies for cholera is the use of lemon. The juice of this fruit can kill cholera bacilli within a very short time.

6] The root bark of guava is rich in tannins and it can be successfully employed as a concentrated decoction in cholera. It arrests vomiting and symptoms of diarrhoea.

7] Onions are another valuable remedy for cholera. About thirty grams of this vegetable and seven black peppers should be pounded finely in a pestle and given to the patient in two or three doses during the day.

8] The fresh juice of bitter gourd is an effective medicine in the early stages of cholera. Two teaspoons of this juice, mixed with an equal quantity of white o

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nion juice and a teaspoon of lime juice, should be given twice daily in the treatment of this condition.

9] The leaves of the drumstick tree are also useful in this disease. A teaspoon of fresh leaf juice, mixed with one teaspoon of honey and a glass of tender coconut water, can be given two or three limes a day as a herbal medicine in the treatment of cholera.

10] A glass of fresh juice of cucumber leaves with an equal quantity of tender coconut water, given in doses of 30-60 ml, forms a valuable remedy for excessive thirst during cholera.

11] Avoid solid food and uncooked vegetables

12] Vegetables and fruits must be washed with solution of potassium permanganate.

Irregular MenstruationIrregular periods aren't unusual they affect about 30% of women in their reproductive years. An irregular period is any type of bleeding that is abnormal when compared to your usual menstrual cycle. This can include a late period, an early period or bleeding between periods.

It can also appear as chiefly heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) or scanty bleeding. Many women also experience irregular periods in the form of a missed era, incessant periods, or periods that occur twice in one cycle.

Causes of Irregular Periods

1. A woman can have irregular periods due to insignificant weight loss or weight gain.

2. Over exercise can also cause in irregular menstruation.

3. Poor nutrition and diet which is rich in carbohydrates is also connected to hormonal imbalance and menstrual disturbances.

4. Some drugs can also cause irregularities in menstruation.

5. Many women who are smokers knowledge irregular periods.

Symptoms of Irregular Menstruation

Symptoms begin with copious or very less bleeding. Bleeding occurs not together from the regular menstrual cycle. The time between two periods is shorter or longer. The menstrual fluid is sticky and stinky.

It could be related with white vaginal discharge. There will be pain in flanks, back and just above pelvis. Change in mood of a lady is not scarce in irregular menstruation.

Treatment of Irregular Menstruation

1.Reduce your stress levels. Take time to meditate, relax, or just hang out. This may help put your cycle back on track.

2.Get help for your eating chaos. If you are anorexic, bulimic, or if you suffer from other types of disordered eating, you must seek help.

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Not only will these eating disorders interrupt your menstrual cycle, but they can also severely influence your liver, bowel, throat, and heart functions.

3.Don't over exercise. While it is important to exercise regularly and keep fit, exercising too much can be problematic. If you are an endurance athlete, try to cut back on your training a little bit, until your irregular periods return to normal.

Home Remedies for Irregular Menstruation

1.Women who are anemic undergo a lot during menstruation. Sesame seeds offer respite from pain during menstruation.

Add one tablespoon of sesame seeds in one glass of water and boil it. Allow it to cool and strain the mixture. Drink this water twice a day during menstruation.

2.Avoid fried foods, caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, and colas and meat and alcohol during menstruation as it can disrupt the usual cycle of your body.

3.Drinking the juice of bitter gourd everyday can also help to regularize your periods.

4.Drinking fennel seeds mixed in a glass of water is also recommended for restoring regular periods.

5.Grind one teaspoon of radish seeds and mix with buttermilk. Drink this mixture every day.

6.Consuming grape juice daily is also recommended to restore regular periods.

7.Drink a glass of carrot juice everyday for three months. This herbal remedy helps in treating an irregular menstrual cycle.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

stretch mark removal creamStretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, but are most likely to appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Most common places are the abdomen (especially near the navel), breasts, upper arms, underarms, thighs, hips, and buttocks. Stretch marks can also result from nutritional deficiency. By knowing the cause, it is easier to find the right home remedies to get rid of stretch marks.

Skin affected by stretch marks is characterized by weakness, thinning, roughness, sagging, stiffness, and decrease in the size of tissues, diminished cellular proliferation, and decreased function, also called atrophia. Stretch marks which often start off as reddish or purplish in color can then become glossy skin that appears streaked in silver or white. Basically, the body has formed scars from the breakdown of both the epidermal and dermal layers of skin as skin gets stretched beyond recoverable elasticity.

If you have stretch marks, you are not alone. Stretch marks are very common during pregnancy and puberty. Stretch marks affect 70% of adolescent females and 90% of pregnant women. Person who are obese are also prone to get stretch marks. Sometimes, some people have these lines appear when they gain and then lose a significant amount of weight. Stretch marks can also be the result from body building and other physical activities. Weight lifting, for example, can strain collagen and elastin, the natural materials that enhance your youthful appearance. This

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can lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which can be quite discouraging as you try to improve your appearance.Some Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

What are some home remedies to get rid of stretch marks? Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the skin. Vitamin E is known for making the skin very supple and sun-damage-resistant. Retinol, or vitamin A, is also beneficial to the skin. Vitamin A and E are, after all, essential components in the epidermal (skin) maintenance system. Helping your body regulate and in some cases speed up the growth of new skin cells may help reduce the appearance and number of stretch marks when overall body volume is finally lost. However, vitamin E or cocoa butter alone will not work perfectly due to the size of their molecule; they are just too big to penetrate the skin. Some use lanolin or celtrixa, which has a very small molecule, to deliver the ingredients past the top layer of skin into the torn tissue. However, they do require frequent application.

vicks-for-stretchmarksIn an effort to get rid of stretch marks, some people have been applying Vic�s Vapor rub. Just apply it to washcloth and forcefully rub into the scarred skin every night for a few weeks. To stimulate circulation, exfoliate daily. Brush your skin with a skin brush when you shower or massage the area that has the stretch marks. Like in laser surgery or microdermabrasion, the self healing power of the body triggers the regeneration of the skin by promoting new skin growth to repair and replace the lost tissues. You have to find the precise balance of effective exfoliation and the skin stimulation massage to promote healing. http://www.stretchmarkcure.com/Think Of the Proper Nutrition As One Of The Important Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks!

Be sure to consume foods that promote skin health: foods rich in zinc, such as nuts or fish; foods high in vitamins A and C, such as carrots and citrus fruits and milk; protein-rich foods, such as eggs. Foods like whole grains, soybeans, bell peppers, and brown rice are very important because they also contain silica, which helps form collagen, the supporting fibers in the skin. Fish oils contain essential fatty acids, which help make cell walls.

Caffeinated coffee, tea, and soda tend to dehydrate the skin leaving you more vulnerable to stretch marks. However, caffeine alone is known to work wonders for stretch marks removal if you apply it locally. Different variations of above mentioned solution can be used or vitamin E capsule can be broken and the oil can be applied directly on skin for faster effects.

Starting a gentle and sensible exercise regime may help you tone up your underlying muscles and improve your overall appearance. Good eating habits throughout your pregnancy can also prevent you from putting on excessive weight which can exaggerate stretch marks. Like making a house resistant to the elements, you can also make your skin resistant to the wear and tear of weight gain and pregnancy through regular exercise and good nutrition.

If you are pregnant, discuss your concern with your doctor at the beginning of your pregnancy, before stretch marks develop, so that preventive treatment can be started. If you want to avoid getting stretch marks in the first place, you can use Celtrixa for moisturizing and boosting the skins elasticity.