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Answer written • Psychology of Everyday Life • 6h

What scares Indian men?

There's a joke in hindi,I read somewhere,Jab bhi papa kehte hain ki beta idhar aao, baat krni hai, bhagwan kasam saarepaap ankhon ke saamne daud jaate hain.

Quora is collapsing the answer, so deliberately adding the English translation. There's a limerick in Hindi,When father's say we need to talk to you, swear to god, all the sins of past yearrun before eyes. :)

EDIT: It's ok when they call you "beta", but the moment they call you by yourname, shit gets real. Written 6h ago • View Upvotes

Ayush Bajpai, surfing, searching..8.4k Views


Answer written • Indian Institute of Te... • 12am

What are some of the most well maintained hostel rooms inIITs?

Place Hostel 13 ­ IIT Bombay. Room number i dont remeber. (Mind you this is not any posh Restaurant/Bar in Mumbai.)

Pic ­1: Neon lights.

Manish Hans, 2 Years of good sleep...27.2k Views • Upvoted by Prateek R. Srivastava, MSc in Physics

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Pic­6: The most amazing view ­ Lake side & Renaissance (Powai).

Well dont impress with me as this is not my room (i wish it could be mine), but

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my senior's Shashank Khanna ( IDC, IITB 2010 Batch). But atleast i have used it fully in his absence ;) ... Written 12am • View Upvotes


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What's the most mysterious photo ever taken?

Time Traveller ?

Scientist, Ettore Majorana was born in Italy in 1906. He famously went missing,presumed dead on 27 March 1938, aged 32. It was claimed he disappeared, orvanished, suddenly under very mysterious circumstances while going by shipfrom Palermo to Naples.

Almost 20 years later he was photographed in Argentina, still looking the sameage as he was in 1938.

*the time traveller and the witness

Sarat Chandra • Request Bio28.4k Views

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On March, 2011, The Rome Attorney’s office announced an inquiry into astrange statement made by a witness about a meeting with Majorana in BuenosAires in the years after World War II, in which he claims Majorana disclosed anumber of a major scientific discoveries. The witness also claimed that when hewent back to meet Majorana a second time, he had disappeared, and couldtherefore not provide more details on the scientific discoveries.

Reparti Investigazioni Scientifiche (RIS ) had analyzed a photograph of a mantaken in Argentina in 1955, finding ten points of similarity with Majorana’sface. They stated the picture was almost certainly Majorana, – whom hasvanished almost 20 years before the picture was taken.

Majorana was a brilliant scientist, engineer and mathematician, as well as atheoretical physicist (who worked on neutrino masses). The Majorana equationand Majorana fermions are named after him.In 1937, Majorana predicted that a stable particle could exist in nature thatwas both matter and antimatter. In our everyday experience, there is matter(which is abundant in our known universe) and antimatter (which is veryrare). Should matter and antimatter meet, they both annihilate, disappearingin a flash of energy.

Did he try some strange experiment that had him disappearing in a flash ofenergy, only to reappear, instantly in a flash, 20 years later?

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Poorvisha Ravi upvoted this • Culture (social science) • 5h

What is the biggest culture shock for Indians, when theyarrive in the Europe/North America and other first worldcountries?

Here are a list of things which I think can be classified as a "culture shock" thathappened to me.

Gym locker nudity ­ Ok, so I go to the gym, workout and then go to thelocker room to get my stuff and I see a few men talking there completelynaked. I was instantly embarrassed but they seemed to not care. I later gotused to this but still try to avoid looking at the dangling jewels.

PDA ­ Public Display of Affection has a whole new meaning here than inIndia. You can see people from holding hands to making out and more onthe streets without a care. This shock heightens when the couple inquestion are of the same sex.

Obesity is inversely proportional to money ­ In India, we have fatrich people and skinny poor people for the most part. In US, most poorpeople are fat and it takes money to stay lean. This is mostly due to thecheap fastfood and insane amount of pop(soda) that people consume. Inmost places the soda is unlimited.

No Horn Please ­ In my 2 years in US, number of times I have honkedmy car is zero. Honking is considered rude here and people are verycareful when to use it. In most cities in India, it feels like the horn isconstantly on, and you need to press the horn button to stop it.

Big Country Issues ­ US is so big that its very difficult to have cheappublic transportation across the country. People here can either drive for

Adwin Lorance, Software Engineer, Photography Enthusiast53k Views • Upvoted by Poorvisha Ravi

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days to reach a far off state, or take the expensive flights. This results inmany Americans never having left their state or even hometowns. Leavingthe country is something most people will never think about and its normalto not have a passport for this reason. This also makes them unaware ofmany things outside the US.

Healthy old people ­ I was hiking on a very difficult and steep trail onceand saw many old people (of age 70 and above) who could match up myspeed and I am only 29. People at my age would easily overtake me. Thisshows the general level of fitness is much higher than in India (and that Ineed to get my act together and be more fit).

Will add more if I remember. :) Written 26 May • View Upvotes


Answer written • Psychology of Everyday Life • 14 Sep

What does it feel like to be late to an appointment inGermany or Switzerland?

Incident 1: So I was going to a job interview in Germany, and I miscalculatedmy train timings. So I was supposed to be there at 10 AM, and at 9:55 I gotdown from my train, from there the company was 5 minutes walk, and Ithought okay so I would reach there at 10:01­10:02 at max. That was still okayin my books. (Yeah I know, I need to rewrite some chapters of my bookaccording to German standards). While I was thinking this, I got the call fromHR person of that company saying "Hello, you had an appointment with us at10:00 AM, is everything okay? Are you coming?" Getting confused I said ofcourse I am, I am just on my way. The guy on the other end said, "Oh okay,because you are not here yet, and you didn't say anything about getting late, sowe were not sure whether you are coming or not". Yes, all this conversation at9:55 AM. I quickly explained I am not getting late, and will be there in 2

Indraneel Pole, Detained in Deutschland for quite some time now506.7k Views • Upvoted by Mayank Jain, Mentor for IIT aspirants, Expert onlearning techniques, Ho…

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minutes, I ran like anything and reached at the company gate 9:59 AM. TheHR person was waiting at the reception for me with a smiling face. He or theinterviewer didn't say anything but I still felt terribly guilty, for arriving at 9:59for 10:00 AM interview!!!

Incident 2: (I wrote it as a reply to a comment first, and then decided to addhere) A student (non­german) once came to a class 10 minutes late. Myprofessor stopped talking and said to him, you are late for the lecture. Thestudent sheepishly murmured, yeah my train got late. The professor looked athim for two seconds before replying, "So you mean German trains don't run ontime these days?" The whole class burst out laughing. :D The student quicklycorrected himself saying He actually missed the first train. :D :D

While writing this answer, I tried really hard to think of a single occasion whena German got late for an appointment that I know of, but I can't come acrossany memory. They are quite on time not in most, but all the cases.

UPDATE: Many people are saying in the comments that German trains runlate all the time, and that I didn't get the Professor and what not. Guys, there isa famous stereotype about German trains being very punctual.(And whoknows, they might be at some point in their history :)) That comment by myProfessor was a joke on this stereotype.

Fun Fact: This stereotype is quite popular, so much so that it has alsoappeared on one of the episodes of The Big Bang Theory."Leonard (to Sheldon): You okay?Sheldon : Am I okay? Leonard, I'm on a lifelong trajectory that includes aNobel prize and cities named after me, all four wisdom teeth fit comfortably inmy mouth without need of extraction, and my bowel movements run like aGerman train schedule. Am I okay?" Updated 15 Sep • View Upvotes


Question re­asked • Movies • 43m

Is Bridge entertainment, which is auditioning for a movie

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named 'Maksad', an authentic entity? Is it one of the biggestscam in the making?

This company Bridge Entertainment is conducting an online audition for singing,dancing, and acting for aspiring candidates. Most of the ... (more)

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Poorvisha Ravi upvoted this • 5h

What is the strangest thing you've seen at airport security?

The strangest thing I've seen was to find nobody not even police or security atthe airport, so I took a plane and left the country without anyone noticing it. Itwas at the international airport in Malabo, island of Bioko in EquatorialGuinea.

It happened that I had missed my flight from Malabo to Madrid departing onSunday and I didn't want to wait a whole week for the next weekly flight, so Idecided to call a pilot in Cameroon and charter his plane to come and pick meup in Malabo and take me to the Douala airport in Cameroon where I couldmore easily catch a plane to Paris. We arranged date and hour of his arrival toMalabo.

On the date agreed I went to the international airport only to find out that itwas closed since that day no flights, neither international nor domestic, were

Aurelio Germes, Lived in ten countries.30.8k Views • Upvoted by Rupert Baines, Travelled lots (63 countries andcounting), both for work &…

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scheduled. There was nobody there not even a guard or a clerk, but it wasalready too late to cancel the trip. The only way out was to jump the wallsurrounding the airport and wait on the runway until an aircraft arrived, andthat's what I did.

I didn't have to wait long. A small plane with a French pilot arrived and soonwe were ready to fly to Douala with me in the copilot seat. We could not takeoff in our first attempt since a door of the aircraft opened unexpectedly when we were about to take off, but we succeeded in our second attempt.

Due to lack of security, nobody noticed that a plane had arrived at theinternational airport and left with a passanger. Written 17 Sep • View Upvotes


Answer written • Business • 1am

What are some smart things that lazy people do?

Lazy Man's Footwear

Too lazy to tie your shoes every day? Buy sneakers without laces. Savestime every day (especially in Japan).

Too lazy to pick out your socks? Buy light grey socks ­­ they go witheverything. I own about 35 pairs.

(Bonus: Too lazy to go the gym or eat healthy? Just walk everywhere. Youcan use your laceless sneakers and light grey socks to accomplish this.)

Patrick Mathieson, VC at Toba Capital49.6k Views • Upvoted by Marc Bodnick, Co­Founder, Elevation PartnersPatrick has 4 endorsements in Entrepreneurship.

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Top Content on Quora • India

Why don't we hear any news from Andaman and Nicobar inIndia?

I spent the first 18 years of my life there, so feel qualified to comment.

You do not hear any news from there because newsworthy things happen veryrarely in Andaman and Nicobar islands

It is far away (over 1000 km) from mainland India Google Maps It is an union territory (Union territory ) with a small population (about380,000) spread over many distant islands. So, no state government and nolocal political news to report. It has one MP out of 543 in parliament ­ hence

Kingshuk Bandyopadhyay, Lived in Andaman for many years51.8k Views

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no influence to peddle and consequently no news from there either.

Despite its size the population is very diverse ­ substantial number of Bengali,Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Nicoberese speakers live there. Over 20%are Christians. Dispute or any sort of conflict within this population is unheardof. I really mean this when I say that until I started living in mainland India(Trichy and later Bangalore) I had not realized how bitter and violent identitybased politics using language or religion can get. So no news of communalviolence from Andaman either.

Possibly due to the low population and distance from mainland there is hardlyany industry worth talking about. News like "Fiat investing so much money","Reliance opening new factory" etc are non existent. No notable movie star,singer, artist, author, poet, sportperson or anyone remotely famous live there.

The few times I remember seeing Andaman & Nicobar hitting Doordarshannews were when ­ 1) There was a volcanic eruption (Barren Island volcano news & eruptionupdates (Indian Ocean / India > Andaman Islands) / 30 May 2005 ­ 19 Aug2015 ) 2)The 2004 tsunami struck the islands (2004 Indian Ocean earthquake andtsunami ) 3)Rajiv Gandhi visited us sometime in the 80s. We, the school children stoodby the side of the road all day for his car to pass by and shouted "Rajiv GandhiZindabad!!" when finally the entourage came :­) 4) When the local tribal population were getting exploited by tourist companiesand (thankfully) it eventually came out in the news (Jarawa (AndamanIslands) )

That's it. There is nothing else to report.

In other words, this is a perfect place to grow up.

I am increasingly of the opinion that this is a perfect place to spend the rest ofmy life too :­) Updated 1h ago • View Upvotes • Asked to answer by Sarvesh Thakur

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Leonid S. Knyshov upvoted this • Psychology of Everyday Life • Thu

What is it like being exceptionally tall?

I'm 1,92m (that's 6ft 3in) tall. There are many good things about it, and a fewbothersome ones.

Good ones

1. You don't get lost in the crowd. People find you.

2. You don't get lost in the crowd. You find people.

3. You can stay in the cheaper backseats and enjoy the film none the less.

4. Women like tall men.

5. You get faster to places when you must walk to get there.

6. It's easier to run away from trouble.

7. Cycling is funnier.

8. You become good at some sports almost automatically.

9. It is easier to ford rivers (if you ever have to).

10. You don't really need to learn to swim. You can't drown in most places...

11. You probably have good humour, you stand above the meanness of theworld...

Jose Geraldo Gouvea, 1,92m or 6 ft 3 in4.1k Views • Upvoted by Leonid S. Knyshov

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12. You don't need a ladder to change a lightbulb.

13. You can walk from bed to bathroom in the dark of the night during ablackout spreading your arms and touching the walls of the corridor,which saves you much shame.

14. You don't become fat too easily when you put on weight, because peoplesay "but you are tall".

Bad ones.

1. You don't get lost in the crowd. People find you.

2. Most cars are a tight fit for you.

3. You don't choose shoes. Shoes choose you.

4. People often call you "the big one there".

5. "The bamboo that's too long bends in the middle" (Brazilian prover). Youget spine problems early if you don't exercise correctly and have a healthylifestyle.

6. It's difficult to do some things in sex that women really like you to do.Unless you find a woman at least as tall as you.

7. There's the myth of the "gentle giant" and the "vicious dwarf". Braziliansbelieve tall men are stupid and that short mean are cunning.

8. Your meals are more expensive.

9. You must order custom beds or feel like you are sleeping on Procust's bed.

10. People joke that you get the cold too often because of the temperaturedifference between your feet and your head, and you start a fight forsuggesting they said so because their mouths are closer to their intestines.

11. Your shirts don't fit well into most wardrobes and closets.

12. Sometimes your wife jokes that she needs a ladder to reach you.

13. But that can be a shame if you have to walk back to bed in the dark of thenight...

14. Then one day they start saying that you now wide too.

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15. You hate Robin Hood because the children nicknamed you "Little John"when you were a kid.

Updated 8am • View Upvotes


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Question asked • English Grammar • Wed

Which is the correct sentence? 'I am an Indian' or 'I amIndian'.2 Answers

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Poorvisha Ravi upvoted this • Philosophy of Everyday Life • 5h

What are some of the greatest examples of absence of mind?

Place: Nashik

Me, age 9­10 years old. Me badgering dad for a chocolate. I badgered him foran hour to get me a chocolate. Him and mom got in to a fight due to me. Momwas asking him not to buy me a chocolate and I wouldn't stop harassing him.So after an hour of relentless badgering, he took me to the shop downstairsand bought me a chocolate.

So I was strolling back to my house with dad and took the chocolate out of thewrapper, put the wrapper in my mouth and threw the chocolate away.

Dad :*Death stare*

Me: *Puppy face*

Also got a sound bashing from my mom after we reached home. And didn't get

Ankita Kulkarni, Engineer working in sales, Tomboy, Sarcastic, overthinker16.2k Views • Upvoted by Poorvisha Ravi

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another chocolate either. Written 25 Aug • View Upvotes


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Answer written • Movies • 44m

Which is your favorite still from Shahrukh Khan movies?

I love SRK and his movies definitely made me cry. I can't even imagine he didfilms like Chennai express and happy new year. But still I love him for thesemovies and especially these scenes.

Dil se !



Mathavi Shanmugam, Madly in love with Bollywood movies :)596 Views


Answer written • Self­Improvement • 3h

What did you learn from Quora?

1) Never Underestimate Indian public.

Nachiket Bhatt, Coping with ineffable Abyss of Life. Not a pessimist, Buta firm Realist.2k Views

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2) Almost everyone is writer. (Hope they have an actual job ;) )

3) World's Smartest/Dumbest people can be found here.

4) Each and Everyone has their own story that you don't know about. Stopjudging.

5) Flipkart Sucks, Amazon Rocks!

6) No matter how fucked up you think your life is, Remember you're not theonly one.

7) There's always Anonymous who has more than 1k Upvotes.

8) Indian Girls are awesome at giving dating tips. (At least that's what theythink)

9) So much better than Facebook.

10) People are generous. Believe me you'll get the best advice here on Quora. Written 4h ago • View Upvotes


Top Content on Quora • English (language)

What is the best reply when someone corrects your English?

Smile. Acknowledge it. And use the corrected sentence in that person’spresence at some other point in time. Both benefit this way – youlearn/improve your English and he/she gets the ego boost.

It's not necessary to have a snide comeback every time someone doessomething. Sometimes, a smile works just fine.

Greeshma Girish, I know the perks of being a wallflower38.1k Views

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Written Wed • View Upvotes


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Question followed • Psychology of Everyday Life • 17m

How can someone who is addicted to attention stop attentionseeking behavior from strangers?Is the solution to remove temptation or address the addiction itself, or both? Arethere any helpful books that are addiction unspecific?

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Poorvisha Ravi upvoted this • 49m

What should a person choose between love and career?

True story. A woman who was reporting to me came into my office to ask forhelp. "Dushka" she says. "There is an opening for someone with myqualifications in our office in China. Can you please... (more)

Dushka Zapata, I've loved and lost and loved and lost and am still here.27.9k Views • Upvoted by Poorvisha Ravi


Leonid S. Knyshov upvoted this answer from 2014 • Self­Improvement • Thu

How can I accelerate my personal growth?

Originally Answered: How do I create a successful personal growth strategy?

Most really smart people right out of college grow only 10%/year. That is WAYTOO SLOW for a 22­year­old. If you are old like me (and presumably have ahave base), 10%/year is great but at 22 one should be growing at at least25%/year.

Auren Hoffman, LiveRamp CEO. Started & sold 5 companies (and manymore that failed)189.7k Views • Upvoted by Keith Rabois • Leonid S. KnyshovAuren has 10 answers in Self­Improvement.

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Most people grow way too slowly because their rate of failure is too low.

If you were trying to improve your tennis game, you should not be playingagainst my 13­month­old son. You are going to cream him every time. Andwhile that might make you feel good temporarily, it will not improve yourgame.

You grow the most when you have a 33­66% chance of failure. To improve,you want to be in a position where success is not guaranteed. When success isdifficult to attain, people push themselves much harder. Too often, people(especially recent grads) are put into jobs that they will definitely succeed at. Ifyou are playing chess, you’ll learn the most playing people within 100 points ofyour score (in the chess Elo ranking, a 100 point difference means a 2­to­1advantage).

For your job, you should find an organization that will give you projects wherethere is a high chance of failure. Written 29 Dec, 2014 • View Upvotes


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Abhinav Sharma upvoted this • 25m

In China, why do so many restaurants make you pay for yourfood immediately after ordering?

Jimmy Liu • Request Bio60.8k Views • Upvoted by Michael Chan, worked in China from 2004 to 2013.

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Wow... places that make you pay before you eat?What kind of dirty chinaman trick is this?!No decent Christian Anglo­Saxon establishment would ever... oh wait...

Well, fine, but the "good" Asians, the Japanese would never stoop to that kindof...

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Oh yeah, the Japanese do it too, they even have a machine that does it in fact...

I've never been to a "slow food" Chinese restaurant in China wherethey make you pay first. You're talking about Chinese fast foodplaces, and like all fast food places, it's pay now, eat later. Written Wed • View Upvotes

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Answer written • Psychology of Everyday Life • Thu

What are the top 10 things Americans don't know about therest of the world?

I'm that American who spends several months each year outside of the USAand I've had to learn a thing or two:

Refills are not automatic. You pay for them. Everywhere.

Ketchup is not always free, even at McDonalds.

There is nothing special about a U.S. Dollar ­­ and nobody feels flattered toget it as a tip.

Nobody else likes the idea of tipping 20% or having sales tax added as anextra. Nobody.

Nobody else ever asks where you go to church or whether you go tochurch.

Football is the world's most popular sport and it is not played by steroid­bloated giants wearing huge helmets.

Nobody in the world wishes they too had a Second Amendment to alloweveryone to conceal and carry a weapon.

Not everybody in the world lives with the fear that a medical problem willsend them into poverty.

That people from other countries actually take long family vacationswithout the fear that they will lose their jobs for taking them.

That not everybody in the world speaks English.

Other than these minor issues, I really know what I need to know.

Thomas Johnson, We're the ones with Canadian flags on our backpacks.160.9k Views • Upvoted by Shane Ryoo, an American

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Written Thu • View Upvotes


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Question asked • IAS Officer • Wed

What Roman Saini think about An IAS Officer's Life Is(Apparently) Tougher Than You Imagine article?Write Answer

Top Content on Quora • India

What is the latest fad among the youth of India?


Yes Feminism !Instead of becoming a cause it has now become a fad among the youngsters.

It is because of this fad that people like Sarabjit Singh and the boys fromRohtak were labled molesters and the (social media)society branded them ascriminals without any verification.

Divyanshu Bajpai, Indian youth who wants to spread feminism but thesocial media wont let me.26.9k Views

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It wasn't the fault of the rohtak sisters or Jasleen Kaur that we instantaneouslymade them a hero and tagged those boys as a disgrace to our society, but it isthe mindset of the youth who without any knowledge wants to satify its innerego of being noble and support a "cause".They wanted to become a champion of FEMINISM but instead destroyed thecareers of those boys.

It is because of this fad that the PR of Deepika Padukone came up with thatidiotic 'MY CHOICE' video.

My rationale still cant relate the video to feminism. But without any thinking assoon as the video was launched it was flooding each and everyone of our FBtimelines and twitter feeds. She very well used our vulnerability to become a'role model' and a champion of the cause.

The worst thing about this fad is that the biggest sufferer is feminism itself.Who is going to believe next time actually some braveheart girls beat up a boywho was actually trying to molest them or harrass them.

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Feminism would just end up being the right of having SEX(a lot) and to wearshort clothes because that is what they show in every "feminism" promotingvideo. When feminism is much more than these pity things (i say pity becausein India we have way more serious issues concerning the rights of women).Because its true essencee has still not spread but these trivial and abusivethings have.

People have already started to abuse the cause because of this fad before itcould even spread in its true form. Written Thu • View Upvotes


Answer written • Psychology of Everyday Life • Wed

What are some of the best ways to become extremely smart?

Simple 10 points.

1. READ books from any genre (fiction or nonfiction), newspapers and printmedia daily for at least 20 minutes.

2. Sleep early, for an optimum duration and wake early.

3. Run, work out and Stay fit.

4. Take a long Break from social networking sites, instead, Socialize inperson.

5. Engage in a productive hobby like learning a new thing or a hack. It willalways prove helpful no matter how funny or lame or complex it would appear.( For eg. Cooking !)

6. Work on your weaknesses. Overcome your fears. There's always room forimprovement. For eg. Join a Public speaking course if you are stage shy.

Kunaal Sharma, Why do they do what they do ? Humans. Aarrrghhh!19.6k Views

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7. Interact more with people who inspire, whom you think you can learn agreat deal from, find out what makes them special.

8. Learn from your mistakes, in fact, be one step ahead and learn from otherpeople's mistakes.

9. Avoid judging a person or situation by face value. Stop pointing out flawsor criticising just because it is easy to do.

10. Think with your own mind. It's not always wise to follow the crowdmentality.

Good luck ! Written Wed • View Upvotes


Poorvisha Ravi upvoted this • Mind­Blowing Facts • 1h

What are some of the most mind­blowing facts about death?

1. Doctors' sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually.

2. Every 40 seconds, someone commits suicide

3. Within three days of death, the enzymes that once digested your dinnerbegin to eat you.

4. About 153,000 people will die on your birthday.

5. Mount Everest has about 200 dead bodies on it, which are now landmarkson the way to the top.

6. Every 90 seconds, one woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth.

7. 600 Americans die each year from falling out of bed.

Tania Amarlapudi, A person of facts.6.5k Views • Upvoted by Poorvisha RaviTania has 70+ answers in Mind­Blowing Facts.

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8. Obese drivers are 78% more likely to die in a car crash.

9. The lack of physical activity is one of the leading causes of preventabledeath worldwide.

10. We are born with over 270 bones, and die with 206.

Page on factslides.com Written Thu • View Upvotes


Answer written • Cricket (sport) • 3h

Who are the most unfortunate cricketers of current time?

What about this guy

Gulshan Kumar K, Cricket is a religion.586 Views

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Brendan Taylor

He is Zimbabwe's former player and captain of 2015 world cup team forZimbabwe.Do you know how much he was paid ­ just 250$ for the world cup campaign.He played his last game for Zimbabwe on 15 March 2015 against India andended with a magnificent century. He has signed a three­year Kolpak deal withNotthighamshire which prohibits him to join back his national team for theterm and there is a least possibility that he will ever make up to his national


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team.Though Zimbabwe were out of the Tournament in Group Stage, he was the 4thhighest scorer in the 2015 world cup hitting 2 back to back centuries againstIreland and India.I think this guy deserves respect.Brendan Taylor Written 3h ago • View Upvotes


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What is a hidden or overlooked feature about something thatI see everyday that you can tell me and it would make me say"Wow, I never noticed that before!"?1 Answer

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What are the best three life hacks?


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2) "CARDIO WORKOUTS"­ An alternative to GYMThese type of exercises gets your heart rate up and increases bloodcirculation.The best way to burn off excess calories....!!!... (more)


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Niraj Gupta upvoted this • 10h

Who owns the armrest between two people sitting in a planeor train?

Here is the rule of thumb. "Window Seat" gets the view "Aisle Seat" gets theaccess "Middle Seat" gets the armrest ... (more)

Wirawan Winarto, IoT Specialist at Intel95.4k Views • Upvoted by Niraj Gupta • Ishavasyam Dash • 1 other you follow


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Poorvisha Ravi upvoted this • Psychology of Everyday Life • Wed

What pattern are you repeating in your life that you'd like tobreak?

I'm stuck in a horrible vicious cycle which repeats every. Fucking. Week. It's anevery semester story of mine, which replays every Monday. Here it goes ­

Monday : Curse it for being inherently ...


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Gaurav Munjal wrote this • 16 Sep

How much did Gaurav Munjal make from Flatchat?

Flatchat is a standalone entity with CommonFloor having the majority stake ­so the question seems a little ambiguous since the only way one can makemoney through an entity or Pvt Ltd in India is ... (more)

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Vineeta Tyagi upvoted this • 4am

What are things that can only happen to Israelis?

Only in Israel:

Seeing Iron Dome in action

Asking a girl on a first date where she served in the army

Discovering she was more bad­ass than you were (credit: EphraimKishon ) ...


Guy Schuchman, Israeli. Shvu, atem mastirim!25.6k Views • Upvoted by Vineeta TyagiGuy has 50+ answers in Israel.


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North East India, called the land of the seven sisters, is a region which can bebest described as virgin, wild and untouched from the modernizations takingelsewhere in the world. It is a region g... (more)