holy trinity episcopal church grapevine...maggi mccreery wanted to present this idea at the annual...

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine February 2019 5101 TANNER DR 307 682-4296 GILLETTE, WY 82718 VESTRY MEMBERS Lin Davenport: Priest-In-Charge Maggi McCreery-McCoy: Sr. Warden Marty Phillips: Jr. Warden Sheryl Matthews: Treasurer Sonja Brue: Member Becky Morrison: Member Dena Knox: Member Taylor Moser: Member Bobbi Rognmoe: Member Vivian Watson: Member Please contact any vestry member regarding your questions, concerns, or thanks NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

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Page 1: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Grapevine February 2019

5101 TANNER DR 307 682-4296 GILLETTE, WY 82718



Lin Davenport: Priest-In-Charge

Maggi McCreery-McCoy: Sr. Warden Marty Phillips: Jr. Warden Sheryl Matthews: Treasurer

Sonja Brue: Member Becky Morrison: Member

Dena Knox: Member Taylor Moser: Member

Bobbi Rognmoe: Member Vivian Watson: Member

Please contact any vestry member regarding your questions, concerns, or thanks

NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]



Page 2: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 

Annual Meeting 

Sunday, January 20, 2019   The meeting was called to order by Sr. Warden, Maggi McCreery at 11:35am. Maggi noted we have a quorum and advised the scribe for the meeting would be Dena Knox.  Priest, Reverend Lin Davenport offered a prayer.  2018 Annual Meeting Minutes The Agenda and last years minutes as well as a copy of all reports was handed out to all in attendance. It was moved by David Hill and seconded by Karin Ebertz to accept the 2018 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  Maggi McCreery asked if anyone had questions or concerns about any of the reports, listing them in order giving time for questions after each report, which included:  Priest’s report, Senior Warden’s report, Junior Warden’s report, Daughters of the King report, Altar Guild report, Worship, Music and Liturgy report, Christian Education report - which included Sunday School, Summer Music Camp and Adult Book Study and Church Directory.  The only questions came about with the last two as there were not written reports submitted.    Dena Knox advised the Adult Book study has gone well and we will be starting a new one by the end of the month.   Taylor Moser advised the directory is completed and a copy has been made. Taylor advised we could have the directory made in color by Sir Speedy (she is unsure of the cost) or in black and white on the church printer. Taylor suggested they could also put the directory on FaceBook or the church website, there was dissention at the idea of putting that information on those websites. It was decided that the vestry will get costs from Sir Speedy for printing the directory in color and will make a brief presentation to the congregation to decide what is the better way to print the directory. All the reports will be filed.   





Page 3: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


  2018 Treasurer’s Report  Sheryl Matthews went over the report in detail. Sheryl explained the work done on the rectory totaled in at about $25,000. She advised all bills have been paid and are up to date. We now only have one system for finances and it is working very well. Sheryl thanked the finance committee - David Hill and Becky Morrison for their work and help this year. Sheryl projects from the pledge cards the church should get about $125,000 in tithes this year. Sheryl pointed out a new line item in the budget - Rainy Day Savings and would like to be able to put $500 in each month for the upcoming year, totaling $6,000 for the year. Sheryl also advised they would like to hire an administrative assistant to work in the church. A list of job duties was passed out to the congregation. Sheryl advised it is not up to the Priest to do office work and this past year she and Maggi McCreery have been at the church almost daily to make sure all was done. The idea is to hire someone to work 2 hours a day for 5 days and then once a month for 3 hours during vestry meetings to scribe. This person would be paid $5,560 a year and after paying taxes it would cost the church $6,000 a year. Sheryl pointed out another new line item; property maintenance which is different from building fund. This money would be used for maintenance on the church as well as the rectory. Sheryl stated if parishioners want their money to go to that account it needs to be notated on their checks. David Hill explained that the maintenance and building funds would not be assessed by the diocese. Sheryl then discussed Christian education which has $500 in that line item. Sheryl would like to add under adult education another $500 which would be used for parishioners to go to preaching clinic, also to cover for book study. Mary Appel wondered if that money was already under the Mustard Seed line item. Sheryl explained there is not enough money to cover those expenses in the Mustard Seed. Rev. Lin Davenport explained that some of the money for adult education would be for continuing education through the diocese.   Sheryl then discussed amounts needed for building maintenance and discussed where that money would go; fire alarm inspection and sewer maintenance (which needs to be done yearly) as well as Trugreen Lawn Care for care of grounds.   Sam Bennett moved for the treasurer's report to be approved as presented, Karolyn Jones seconded this motion which carried unanimously.  Parish Administrative Assistant  Becky Morrison moved to hire an administrative assistant (AA) and was seconded by Nicole Davenport.  Discussion:  Mary Appel had voiced desire for the members of congregation to volunteer for the work for which the AA would be responsible. Rev. Lin Davenport understands the desire to have a volunteer but advised it would be easier to hold a paid person accountable to the tasks which need completed. Mary Appel doesn’t believe it would work to hire a college student as they would need to be followed closely. Rev. Lin





Page 4: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


Davenport advised she is in hopes of hiring a senior citizen, she believes that would be easier and successful.   Nancy Parkinson suggested a trial and error with volunteer as we already have the funds for the AA set aside and if it doesn’t work an AA could be hired. Rev. Lin Davenport stated she had thought of that but worried about hurt feelings. Becky Morrison agreed stating a consistent schedule for a paid person will have better follow through. Sheryl Matthews was appreciative of those wanting to volunteer but stated after doing so much of the work herself for the past year she learned there was much more to do than she believes anyone realizes.   Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for the position at the senior center as well as the newspaper. Maggi advised she, Sheryl and Rev. Lin would be interviewing and hiring the individual.   Sonja Brue advised she would like to see the church also pay for the treasurer position. Sheryl is unsure if the diocese pays for treasurer, she knows some congregations allow the AA to enter cash that comes into the church, but we would still use volunteer counters on Sunday. Currently the treasurer is also doing the bookkeeping, moving forward this may change but agreed to look at it for the future.   Christiana Johnson suggested adding the qualifications of the AA to also be a notary. This was discussed and could be something we could help them acquire after hire. Sonja was concerned the duties may not be enough for 10 hours a week. Dena suggested adding that the person also have other duties as assigned.   Call for the question - motion carried unanimously.   Parish Automated External Defibrillator (AED)  Maggi presented information on the cost at $1,050.00 and replacement pads for $105. There is a 15 year warranty on the unit with the requirement that batteries be changed every 5 years.   Pamela Lynch moved this item be purchased for the church and seconded by Taylor Moser. Discussion:  Christiana suggested the church should be able to find a unit much cheaper and stated the church could look into getting a grant to pay for item. Alice Bratton voiced concern for members who have a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) on file. Dena Knox advised legally there would not be an issue with this as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) don’t know who has DNR when responding. It was agreed to table this item for now, which passed unanimously. Maggi will get more information and then will present to the congregation at a later date.  Mutual Ministry  Maggi advised Father Joel Dingman has been present for the last two meetings and essential in assisting the vestry with this work. Maggi stated the minutes for these meetings will be on the bulletin board. Sheryl handed out a questionnaire, which Maggi asked for the congregation to take home and bring back after giving the questions some





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thought. Maggi stated the questions are to help us move forward in our work with Rev. Lin whose contract with be up in September, 2019. Maggi advised Father Joel would like HTEC to have a discernment team to work to see if we decide to move forward hiring Lin as our priest. Maggi stated the team needs to be comprised of six members; two from the vestry and four from the congregation. Maggi would like volunteers but advised if not, parishioners will be tapped on the shoulder to serve.   Maggi will let Father Joel know when the team has been formed as he will come to train and outline their duties. The team will have until September, 2019 to bring a plan to the vestry and congregation.  The next mutual ministry meeting will be in April, 2019.  Maggi advised she would like to propose we have another congregational meeting to talk about the questionnaire, discernment and mutual ministry.  Mary Appel moved for another meeting to discuss fresh expressions, discernment and mutual ministry, this was seconded by Pamela Lynch - motion carried unanimously.   Undoing Racism   Maggi advised we are approved for the $4,500 grant to help put on the Undoing Racism workshop. She advised the total amount of the grant is $5,000, but $500 is contributed by HTEC. Maggi advised this workshop is not yet scheduled but most likely will occur in March at the college.    Memorial Stones  Maggi advised that the vestry is looking at what types of stones to purchase to mark the memorial trees. She wanted to let the congregation know that the work is ongoing. We hope to hold a placement ceremony sometime in the spring. Sheryl reported we have had donations for seven trees.   Review of Phase 3 of Building  Maggi gave a little history of how the current building came to be; advising the last church was sold in 2012. She stated Phase 1 was completed in 2012 costing $455,224.00 which included the purchase of the land, utilities, paving and the sheds. Phase 2 was completed in 2014 at a cost of $877,000.00 which included construction, completion of the nave and restrooms.   Phase 3 (final phase) is set to be done in 2 parts. Part 1 included the kitchen, classrooms and exterior windows and part 2 will include entry signage (to be completed sometime this year), creating windows between the nave and the parish hall, putting in a fire suppression system and placing stone around the exterior lower part of the church. Also, there are items never brought up in the initial design: playground, memorial garden and labyrinth.  





Page 6: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


It was suggested maybe we need another building committee to discuss these ideas. Rev. Lin moved to have a committee put together a plan compiled of past ideas and those ideas not initially brought forward. Karin Ebertz seconded this The motion carried unanimously.   The committee is comprised of the following volunteers: Kasi Skinner 

Grace Keeney 

Norma Appel Dara Corkery 

Sheryl Matthews  Maggi advised that the vestry will task the committee with where to begin in the process.    Elections Ballots were passed out.     Becky Morrison moved to nominate Maggi McCreery for one more year as Senior Warden. Karin moved to cease nominations which was seconded by Rollie Parkinson. Both motions carried unanimously.  Mary Appel moved to nominate Marty Phillips for one more year as Junior Warden. Becky Morrison moved to cease nominations which was seconded by Mary Appel. Both motions carried unanimously.   It was explained by Maggi what positions were needed on the vestry; there is a single seat for a one year term to expire in 2020.   Sheryl Matthews nominated Vivian Watson.  Karin Ebertz nominated Becky Morrison 

Single seat for a two year term to expire in 2021.  Rollie Parkinson nominated Dena Knox 

Two seats for a three year term to expire in 2022.  Rollie Parkinson nominated David Hill.  Dena Knox nominated Bobbi Rognmoe    David Hill advised he would be happy to serve on the vestry but only for a year as he cannot commit at this time to a three year term. Vivian Watson asked for her name to be placed on the three year term and David Hill’s to move to the one year term.   We then discussed the delegates for convention in 2019 to be held in October in Rock Springs, Wyoming. Maggi advised the alternates this past year were Dena Knox and Vivian Watson and explained they would typically serve as delegates for the upcoming convention. She further explained two others could go as alternates with the plan for them to be delegates the following year (2020) in Casper, Wyoming.   Mary Appel nominated Dena Knox and Vivian Watson to be delegates at the convention in Rock Springs.  





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Grace Keeney nominated Lane Keeney as an alternate to the 2019 convention.   Sheryl Matthews nominated Donna Bennett as an alternate to the 2019 convention.  Mary Appel nominated herself as an alternate to the 2019 convention.  Pam Lynch moved the nominations be closed; this was seconded by Lane Keeney. The motion carried unanimously.  The votes were then counted with the following results:  Vestry 2019 - Becky Morrison 

2020 - Dena Knox 

2022 - Vivian Watson and Bobbi Rognmoe  Delegates for 2019 Convention - Vivian Watson and Dena Knox 

Alternates for 2019 Convention – Lane Keeney and Donna Bennett   Volunteer Positions Maggi advised there are a few volunteer positions needed for the following:  A vestry scribe is needed until the administrative assistant is hired.  A new leader for Sunday School is needed as Karin Ebertz is stepping down.   A parish representative is needed for the Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). Karolyn Jones explained what is expected of this volunteer.  Maggi stated if anyone is interested they need to speak with her.    Vivian Watson moved to adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Taylor Moser. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:08pm  Rev. Lin Davenport offered a closing prayer.   Respectfully submitted, Dena Knox

Financial Report

See attached at end of newsletter.





Page 8: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED At our annual meeting I outlined some volunteer positions that are needed at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. They are as follows:

Scribe for the vestry until the Parish administrator is hired and trained. I would

like to thank Mary Appel for volunteering to do this. Sunday School coordinator; Karin Ebertz is stepping down after four years. See

Rev. Lin or Maggi if you are interested. Parish contact for the Episcopal Relief and Development organization. Karolyn

Jones has been doing it for years and would like to step down. See Rev. Lin or Maggi if you are interested.

Discernment Committee: this committee is being formed to help with the discernment of Rev. Lin to be our priest. Training will be by Fr. Joel Dingman. We would like six members; four from the congregation and two from the vestry. See Maggi if you are interested. If there are not enough volunteers Maggi will ask select people to serve.

Thanks to all who step forward. Maggi McCreery, Senior Warden

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Questionnaire This is a questionnaire that the vestry would like you to read, ponder and supply answers if you wish. It would be helpful to the vestry, the discernment committee and the congregation. If you do fill one out, please return it by February 3rd to either the church or Maggi McCreery-McCoy. There will be another congregational meeting after a service in late February or March to discuss the findings as well as a few other items of business. Thank you for helping give direction to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Your servant in Christ, Maggi McCreery-McCoy, Senior Warden

**Please respond and return to the church/Maggi by February 3rd Questions:

1. What did you have from Fr. Tom that you do not have now?

2. Since Rev. Lin is not Fr. Tom, what can she do for you that would help you with your spiritual needs?

3. What are your expectations of a priest?





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4. Are there any other needs that you would like to address? HTEC MONTHLY PRAYER CYCLE

1. Bette Lou Anderson; Mary Appel; Norma Appel 2. Sam & Donna Bennett, Peggy Biggerstaff; Alice Bratton 3. Sonja Brue, Marilyn Christensen; Brad Collins 4. Dara Corkery; Bob Cowan; Aaron & Erin Cundy 5. Barbara Damori; Bernie & Bonnie Damori; Rev. Lin Davenport 6. Lynn & Linda Duvall; David & Karin Ebertz; Bill & Lee Edwards 7. Karen Edwards; Carol & Stanley Foster; Troy Garcia 8. Nila Garry; Steven & Rachelle Giles; Carol Sue Hansen 9. Gloriana Hansen; Robert & Margaret Heald; Dan & Mickey Heuton; 10.David Hill & Bonnie Royal; Ann Huskey; Kimberly Hutchinson 11.Julie & James Innes and family; Connie Jackson; Josh & Christiana Johnson 12.Ray & Karolyn Jones; Liz Keeney 13.Lane & Grace Keeney; Brian & Dena Knox 14.Janet Laubach; Kate Lubnau 15.Tom & Rita Lubnau; Pamela Lynch 16.Jay & Lisa Mahylis; Nathan, Kate, Heather, Shylo, Karie & Gavin Matthews 17.Sheryl Matthews; Elmer McCoy & Maggi McCreery-McCoy 18.Margie McWilliams & Charlie Tucker; Rebecca Morrison 19.David & Michelle Moser; Taylor Moser 20.Rhyllis Rae Oedekoven; Tommy Orr 21.Jim & Jesalyn Osborne; Rollie & Nancy Parkison 22.Todd & Cooper Parkison; Marty Phillips 23.Raymond & Carol Pierce; Bobbie Rognmoe 24.Pat Rudolph; Rod & Beverly Schaefer 25.Judith Semple; Kyle, Kasi & River Skinner 26.Ruby & Paul Stuart; Mary Carol Thallas; 27.Kenny & Bridget Vance; Vivian & Wade Watson 28.Joe & Germaine Whisler; Jim & Darcy Wright 29.Military personnel; policemen; firemen; teachers, all those who live and work at The

Legacy, Primrose Retirement Community and The Willow Creek Homes of WY 30.All children and teenagers especially those cared for by the WBA, the Shriners and

the Y.E.S. House 31.Thanksgiving for the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church community and our ministries to

the Gillette and northeast Wyoming communities





Page 10: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


FEBRUARY STEWARD SCHEDULE (HE) Holy Eucharist (MP) Morning Prayer (TBD) To Be Determined







Feb. 3 HE

Vivian Watson

David Hill (Maybe)

Pamela Lynch


Maggi Mcreery and

Pamela Lynch

Linda Duvall and

Mary Appel

Marilyn Christens


Nancy Parkison

Feb. 10 MP

Sam Bennett

N/A TBD TBD Dara Corkery and Bobbi Rognmoe


Feb. 17


Norma Appel

TBD TBD TBD Marty Phillips and

Judith Semple

TBD TBD Sheryl Matthews

Feb. 24 HE

Vivian Watson

Taylor Moser TBD TBD Taylor Mose and Becky Morrisonr

TBD TBD Nancy Parkison





Page 11: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


“ See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.” 1 John 3:1

FEBRUARY CALENDAR *Vestry is first Sat.

*Soup Kitchen is Second Sat. *DOK is Third Sat.

*Legacy is first and third Fri. *Bible Study on Tues.

*Narcotics Anonymous on Sun.



1 10:00 am Legacy Service

2 Vestry meeting 1:00 pm at HTEC

3 3:00PM NA (Men’s Open Meeting) 5:00 PM NA (Women’s Open Meeting)


5 Bible Study 1:15PM Holy Trinity 5:30PM Prince of Peace

6 7 8 Preaching Clinic in Casper

9 10:00 am Soup Kitchen *Preaching Clinic Continues

10 3:00PM NA (Men’s Open Meeting) 5:00 PM NA (Women’s Open Meeting) * Preaching Clinic Ends


12 Bible Study 1:15PM Holy Trinity 5:30PM Prince of Peace



15 10:00 am Legacy Service

16 DOK 9:00AM HTEC

17 3:00PM NA (Men’s Open Meeting) 5:00 PM NA (Women’s Open Meeting)

18 Grapevine articles due

19 Bible Study 1:15PM Holy Trinity 5:30PM Prince of Peace

20 21 4:30 PM Planning mtg. for Family Worship



24 3:00PM NA (Men’s Open Meeting) 5:00 PM NA (Women’s Open Meeting) *End of Life training

25 26 Bible Study 1:15PM Holy Trinity 5:30PM Prince of Peace

27 28





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Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 5101 Tanner Dr. Gillette, WY 82718





Page 13: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Grapevine...Maggi McCreery wanted to present this idea at the annual meeting to get ideas and suggestions. She advised they would be putting the ad for


“Following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Serves, Leads and Follows where God calls.”