holy spirit catholic parish · 2020. 4. 26. · holy spirit mission statement we, the family of...

Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ s mission as Priest, Prophet and King. We recognize our responsibility to give worship to God, reverence to all people, respect to all creation and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Acknowledging our own brokenness and our need to hope, we seek to be a forgiving and welcoming community committed to service by the sharing of life and love with all, and working together to make peace and justice a reality in our world. Strengthened by the presence of God in our lives, we undertake all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Alleluia HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH

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Page 1: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as

Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as Priest, Prophet and King. We recognize our responsibility to give worship to God, reverence to all people, respect to all creation and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Acknowledging our own brokenness and our need to hope, we seek to be a forgiving and welcoming community committed to service by the sharing of life and love with all, and working together to make peace and justice a reality in our world. Strengthened by the presence of God in our lives, we undertake all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Alleluia


Page 2: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as

Holy Spirit Catholic Parish April 26, 2020

From The Pastor’s Desk Weekly Activities/Mass Intentions

Pastor, Rev. Joseph C. Lee

Parochial Vicar, Rev. Eugene Okoli

Deacon, Al Evans Deacon, Charles Ruelas

Deacon, Gene Freeman Deacon, Paul Wood

Adult & Family Director, vacant

Adult & Family Asst. Director, Marcela Solis

Baptism/First Communion, Lisa Estrada

Business Administrator, Leonardo Zapata

Business Associate, Yvette Gonzales

Childcare & Safe Environment, Sharon Bush

Children's Faith Formation, Deborah Pearson

Community Life, Melisa Limones

Music Director, Felipe Ramirez

Outreach, Tammie Marceleño

Parish Office, Gina Rendón

Pastor's Office, Delia Garcia

Parish Resource Associate, vacant

R.C.I.A., Lindee Greer

Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Devyn Buschow

Youth Ministry, Rachel Cromwell

















Please contact the following staff members for questions about: Becoming Catholic: Lindee Greer, x343

Baptism & First Communion: Lisa Estrada, x312

Confirmation: Devyn Buschow, x316

Funerals: Please contact Funeral Home or Parish Office, x311.

Per Judge Clay Jenkins ordered to shelter in place effective as of 11:59 p.m. on March 23 and continue to May 15, our offices and church building are closed.


The Priests will continue to say Mass daily and pray for all intentions for that day but for those wanting to

reschedule please call the parish office at 972-298-

4971, ext. 310 once offices are re-opened.


Let us Pray for Healing: Ed Brinkman, Mary Jones, Pete Mejia, George Lozano Jr., Keri Godwin, Bud Birtchet, Linda Punzalan, Joe

Limones, Jacqueline Hancock, Frank Marquez, Matthew Martinez, Barry Clauss, Connie Lopez, Jim Kurowski, Mark Bielamowicz, Carol Bielamowicz, Lucia DoHuynh, Samuel Evans, Michael Denoy, Cecilia Pecararo, Rebecca L. Garcia, Christy Alexander, Will Chalko, Gregory Torres.

Please pray for the Departed souls of our community. Especially for: Bozena Cloutier, Deacon Dennis Bryant and all the victims of the Coronavirus. May perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace, and may the angels lead them into heaven. Amen

Fr. Eugene

The Courage to Witness The resurrection is the central belief of the Christian faith. St. Paul underscores the futility of our belief, faith, and practice if there is no resurrection: “Without the resurrection, there is no hope, and preaching is worthless, and faith useless (1Cor 15:14). The first set of disciples who were privileged to encounter the risen Lord could not even convince some of their own group. Those companions did not trust their stories and experiences of the risen Savior. Even with the evidence of the mighty signs and miracles at work in Peter and John, convincing them was an uphill task. It might well be that they never really believed Jesus' teaching on the resurrection or it’s simply beyond them. Human experience might support their unbelief as it is unheard of that anyone died and ever rose from the dead. People might believe in the spirit world, but no one could ever claim to have seen a spirit and let alone be able to convince another about it. Perhaps, this might well be why they wanted to see Jesus before they could believe. Even with some refusing to believe, Peter and John went on with the kerygma or proclamation. One could also imagine that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary would support them with their presence and testimony. It is difficult for an idea or a project to fly especially when the proponents do not have the support of closest allies. A case of a house divided against itself. But Peter was undeterred. He was ready to go against both the members of his group and the Sanhedrin. They even laid hands on Peter and the apostles and put them in custody (Acts 4:3). Laying on of hands here meant beating them up, not praying over them. When they brought them out the next day and having warned them not speak in that name anymore, the apostles responded, "It is impossible for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). The audacity to preach the resurrection amidst strife came from the validity of individual and group encounters. The value of witnesses is indispensable in the search for truth. The apostle Thomas insisted that he must see, touch, and put his finger in the holes of the nail marks, and the side, for him to believe. The risen Lord called Thomas by name and he cried out my Lord, and my God (Jn 20:28). The feeble and inconsistent Peter became a stalwart of the faith after his post resurrection reconciliation with Christ. The new Peter became bold and daring. Even in the face of routine torture, he was not going to deny Christ anymore, “We rather obey God than men,” he says (Acts 5:29). The truth of our faith is apostolic in origin and from a great cloud of witnesses and passed unto us. Witnessing to the truth does not need a crowd, although a crowd might be a boost. I ardently pray that Christians may come to know the truth that is Jesus Christ crucified and risen from the dead. Under persecution and fear for their lives, the apostles and the early Christian community defended the truth of the resurrection with their blood. Pope Francis admonishes that "Christian joy flows from listening to, and accepting, the Good News of the death and resurrection of Jesus.” For if our hope in Christ has been for this life only, we are the most unfortunate of all people (1Cor 15:19). Are we true to our calling to discipleship in our daily lives and

challenges? The power to witness to the risen Christ sets one above fear, friendship, group and allies. Witnessing to the truth of the resurrection can isolate one from friends like Peter and John at

the formative stages of the early Christian community. Truth does not have many friends and relatives. Truth is a loner; it stands by itself, and only those with guts can stand with the truth. It is the

fruit of an encounter through Faith in Jesus Christ.

Page 3: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as

Holy Spirit Catholic Parish April 26, 2020

Youth Ministry


Altar Flowers & Mass Intentions:

If you would like to dedicate a Mass, lamp or

flowers in honor or memory of a loved one, please

contact Gina Rendón, ext. 310 in the Parish Office.

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in honor

of Jo Wayts by Juanita Wilkerson.


Sunday Collections needed for Avg. Weekly Operating Expenses: $ 34,000.00

Contributions - April 14-20 $ 26,895.80 Shortage $ 7,104.20

#of Weeks Sunday Collections met or exceed average weekly operating expenses this Fiscal Year: 7 out of 42

Special Collections:

April 25 - 26 Catholic Home Missions

Thank you to everyone for your continued generous support of the parish! Please go to our website for on-line giving at www.holyspiritcatholic.com for your weekly donations.

Beware of email & texting scams: Dear parishioners, there is a scam involving an email & text being sent by someone posing as Fr. Joe. Be aware that Fr. Joe rarely sends out

emails or texts except to the staff. Also, he would never ask for money or gift cards. If you are ever in doubt, please call the pastoral office before reading an email, opening links, or downloading attachments.

Weekly Readings /Lecturas de la semana

Sun., April 26 Mon., April 27 Tues., April 28 Wed., April 29 Thurs., April 30 Friday, May 1 Sat., May 2 Sun., May 3

Catholic Diocese of Dallas On March 13, 2020, in light of the growing concern over the Coronavirus, I issued a decree temporarily suspending masses and closing Diocesan schools, among other precautions. On March 24, 2020, following the Shelter-in-Place order issued in Dallas County, additional guidelines were released. On March 31, 2020 the Governor of Texas issued an Executive Order, viewing religious services as essential. Therefore, at this time, in consultation with local authorities, and out of a desire to help combat the virus and limit the flock from exposure or risk, aware that many events by their nature attract large numbers of people, I hereby decree the following:

• Public Masses remain temporarily suspended. As public Masses draw large crowds, Masses and other devotions will continue to be livestreamed where possible. In addition to parishes, the Diocese continues to broadcast live masses and recorded events on the Diocese of Dallas website and local television. During such Masses, there will be an act of spiritual communion.

• All Catholics of the Diocese of Dallas remain dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass “on Sundays and other holy days of Obligation” (canon 1247).

• There are to be no scheduled gatherings at the church or on church grounds during this time period, although the church building may remain physically open at times during the daytime hours if this is practicable.

• Scheduled Confessions at the church, which can cause groups to form large lines, remain temporarily suspended. An individual may request the Sacrament of Penance (confession) and /or Anointing of the Sick if they are truly in dire need. Call Delia Garcia at 972-298-4971 ext. 311 to make an appointment. During this time, the faithful should make Perfect Contrition. https://www.cathdal.org/Perfect Contrition.pdf

• Funeral services will be limited to a graveside service with immediate family only and are not to exceed 10 people in total, including the minister and the funeral director staff.

• Memorial Masses will be celebrated at a later date once the crisis passes.

• Wakes and Viewings will not be possible at this time.

This Decree remains in effect until May 1, 2020 unless it is modified or revoked.

Thinking and praying for all of our Teens! Love, Devyn & Rachel.

Acts 2:14, 22-33/1 Pt 1:17-21/Lk 24:13-35 Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Acts 7:51—8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 St. Joseph the Worker: Gn 1:26-2:3/Mt 13:54-58 Acts 9:31-42/Jn 6:60-69 Acts 2:14a, 36-41/1 Pt 2:20b-25/Jn 10:1-1

Domingo: Hch 2, 14. 22-33/1 Pe 1, 17-21/Lc 24, 13-35 Lunes: Hch 6, 8-15/Jn 6, 22-29 Martes: Hch 7, 51—8, 1/Jn 6, 30-35 Miércoles: Hch 8, 1-8/Jn 6, 35-40 Jueves: Hch 8, 26-40/Jn 6, 44-51 Viernes: Hch 9, 1-20/Jn 6, 52-59 San José, obrero: Gn 1, 26—2, 3 /Mt 13, 54-58 Sábado: Hch 9, 31-42/Jn 6, 60-69 Domingo siguiente: Hch 2, 14. 36-41/1 Pe 2, 20-25/Jn 10, 1-1

Page 4: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as

Holy Spirit Catholic Parish April 26, 2020

Page 5: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as
Page 6: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as
Page 7: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as

Holy Spirit Catholic Parish April 26, 2020

Outreach Ministry Adult & Family Ministry

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Food Pantry

During Shelter in Place orders, our Food Pantry is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m until 11:30 a.m. We will operate a drive-thru service to minimize exposure and keeping the 6 ft. distancing requirement. Follow directional signs and drive slowly in the parking lot. We are happy to serve you as long we are provided food supplies. We will send notifications via bulletin and Flocknote. Stay tuned for information as we move through these challenging times.

MOBILE FOOD TRUCK Mobile Food Truck will be back at

Holy Spirit on May 6, 2020, 9:30 am—11 a.m. in the West parking lot.

Camión de comida móvil

regresará a Holy Spirit el 6 de mayo de 2020, de 9:30 a.m. a 11 a.m. en el estacionamiento oeste.

THANK YOU TO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Outreach Office and the Outreach Commission would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to our Knights of Columbus who generously donated a commercial freezer to the Food Pantry. We are so grateful for the donation and will put the freezer to good use in serving our Food Pantry clients.

Page 8: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH · 2020. 4. 26. · Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, the Family of Faith at Holy Spirit, proclaim that by our Baptism we share in Christ’s mission as

Holy Spirit Catholic Parish April 26, 2020