holy innocents’ catholic primary school newsletter › ...website is packed full of top the holy...

Dear Parents & Pupils I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we continue with the 'lockdown' I know that all of us will be finding life very strange at this time. This is the first week of the summer term and the school is very quiet apart from the handful of children that have been attending since the lockdown began 5 weeks ago. It has been really great to see what you have been doing at home with your online learning. Keep up this brilliant work, it really will make a massive difference when schools do re-open. Thank you to all those who have sent letters and pictures thanking the NHS and other KEY workers. I 'm going to laminate them and send them to the PRUH and some Doctors surgeries. It will really make those Key Workers smile and know that they have our deepest respect and thanks. Parents, I know you are all doing a brilliant job by supporting your children with their learning. I know it can be difficult at times but persevere and if you need help, just message your child's teacher or give me a call. I would like all parents to send your class teacher a message on DOJO by Monday. Send them something to cheer them up. They are all missing you as are the teaching assistants. One blessing that we have had this week has been the amazing weather - I hope you are all enjoying and making the most of the weather whilst respecting the social distancing regulations! As a community, we continue to pray for each other during this difficult time, particularly remembering all those who are isolating on their own and those far away from loved ones. I wish you all continued health and strength. God bless you, Mr Langford Head Teacher Keeping in touch Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter www.holyinnocents.bromley.sch.uk @HolyInnocentsCP Friday 24th April 2020 The Holy Innocent’s Twitter account is now reactivated, so keep up with the news as it happens at : https://twitter.com/HolyInnocentsCP The school has been open to children of Key Workers. To see what they have been up to click on the following link and scroll down to see lots of photos: https://www.holyinnocents.bromley.sch.uk/coronavir us-advice-and-information/ The National Education website is packed full of top tips, advice and resources for parents and carers during the Coronavirus crisis. Check it out at: https://coronavirusandschools.org.uk/

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Post on 06-Jul-2020




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Dear Parents & Pupils

I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we continue with the 'lockdown' I know that all of us will be finding life very

strange at this time. This is the first week of the summer term and the school is very quiet apart from the handful of children that have been attending since the lockdown began 5 weeks ago.

It has been really great to see what you have been doing at home with your online learning. Keep up this brilliant work, it really will make a massive difference when schools do re-open.

Thank you to all those who have sent letters and pictures thanking the NHS and other KEY workers. I 'm going to

laminate them and send them to the PRUH and some Doctors surgeries. It will really make those Key Workers smile

and know that they have our deepest respect and thanks.

Parents, I know you are all doing a brilliant job by supporting your children with their learning. I know it can be difficult at times but persevere and if you need help, just message your child's teacher or give me a call.

I would like all parents to send your class teacher a message on DOJO by Monday. Send them something to cheer

them up. They are all missing you as are the teaching assistants.

One blessing that we have had this week has been the amazing weather - I hope you are all enjoying and making

the most of the weather whilst respecting the social distancing regulations!

As a community, we continue to pray for each other during this difficult time, particularly remembering all those

who are isolating on their own and those far away from loved ones.

I wish you all continued health and strength.

God bless you,

Mr Langford

Head Teacher

Keeping in touch

Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary

School Newsletter

www.holyinnocents.bromley.sch.uk @HolyInnocentsCP

Friday 24th April 2020

The Holy Innocent’s Twitter account is now

reactivated, so keep up with the news as it happens

at : https://twitter.com/HolyInnocentsCP

The school has been open to children of Key

Workers. To see what they have been up to click on

the following link and scroll down to see lots of




The National Education

website is packed full of top

tips, advice and resources for

parents and carers during the

Coronavirus crisis.

Check it out at:


Thank you to our NHS heroes!

We have been asked by the Local Authority for pupils to draw pictures and write letters to express our

gratitude to the NHS & Care Workers. Last week Mr Langford asked you to send in yours to the School’s admin

email and they will then be printed out in school and collected by the local Police representatives and

delivered to hospitals, GP surgeries and care homes in the local area. It is a great way of showing our

appreciation for all those who continue to work on the front line in these most difficult of times.

As ever, pupils at Holy Innocents’ are rising to the challenge! Here are some examples of the wonderful

pictures and letter that have been sent in:

Rainbow pictures sent in by Analise (Year 1)

with the message: I hope it brightens the day

of our frontline NHS staff during these difficult


Diana (Year 3) drew a great picture with a lovely message

for the NHS.

Diana also got creative with pebble painting!

Andrea (Year 2) wanted to say thank you to

the NHS by playing a piece on her violin. To

listen to it go to our twitter account:


Don’t worry if you have sent in a picture in and it’s not been shown in this newsletter. Look out for it in next week’s

one! Also there’s still time to get involved! Please email your pictures and letters to

[email protected] and we will make sure they get to the right place.

Jack (Year 2) and Thomas (Reception) Birch have been

very busy drawing fantastic colourful posters to show

their appreciation of key workers.

Alexis (Year 3) drew

this wonderful

picture in support of

our NHS staff.

Children of key workers attending school have also

been supporting the NHS!

Sunday 26 April 2020

Copy and share this link:



Assembly w/c 27 April 2020

- Download Assembly

- Assembly Video for Home

- Guidance on creating your own video assembly

w/c 27 April 2020

Copy and share this link:


The world can feel like a strange place at the moment. Social distancing, coupled with uncertainty, has made our lives feel isolated. The news is constantly updating us on Covid-19.

Write To Unite has been created to help send messages of hope and positivity to the world, by asking children and adults of all ages to share stories and poems with the world.

Maybe someone in your family is a key worker and you want to send your thanks in verse. Or perhaps there's a budding author in the family that wants to write a wonderful story to distract us from the real world for a little while. Why not make writing a story or poem a part of home schooling or a family activity?

Creativity can help lower stress and anxiety, and imagination is an amazing thing that we can all use anytime and anywhere - let's put it to good use and help raise a smile, be positive and stop others from feeling lonely by creating an online community bursting with good vibes only!


For more information go to:





Children at Holy Innocents’ share their news.....

Diana (Year 3) sent us a message and photos of her Easter: “I hope you are doing well with your family. I am

good, we had a great Easter holiday with lots of fun I’ll send you some pictures. I’m ready with my NHS

poster/letter and I hope they will like it and it will make NHS staff happy. I’m working hard at home, doing all

of my tasks every day and enjoying the time with my family. I miss you so much, my friends, teachers and all

the stuff at school. I hope we’ll be together again soon ❤.

Mariana (Y3) has been

doing some fantastic

home learning

Arav and Anaya (Reception Class) sent us this message about their Easter holiday:

“We have been busy helping mum with planting in the garden. Here is our effort growing fenugreek and chilli.” You can see from the photos how the seeds have grown over time.

They have also been doing their school work describing superhero vegetables!

They have also been making chappatis and chocolate biscuits! YUM!


Children at Holy Innocents’ are keeping up with their home learning set by teachers on their

respective class pages on the website: https://www.holyinnocents.bromley.sch.uk/class-pages/

Mrs Connon gave a special mention to Olivia (Year 2)

for her outstanding work in R.E. Well done Olivia!

Katie (Year 4) had a go at story mapping ‘The King

of the Fishes’ from the Talk for Writing Unit.

www.talkforwriting.com Superb! Well done!

Diana (Year 3) and Monica (Reception) find that

learning can be particularly fun in a home made camp!

Clark (Reception) has

done a fantastic

description of

Superhero vegetables

using some great

sentences with a good

choice of adjectives to

describe the

superhero and villain.

Microsoft have an excellent array of activities and

resources available for free:



Skipping, trampolining and yoga have been helping to blow away

the cobwebs and keep the

heart rate up!

WOW! What a lovely act of kindness! Mike

Delaney, who runs the Skills Academy Football

club on Tuesday afternoons at school, is

offerning the following for any child that

usually attends:

“If any children that we coach do not have a

decent football, we will drop a ball off to

you. For anyone who would like a ball,

please just send us a DM at

https://twitter.com/SkillsAcademy1 . We are

happy to give footballs to any child who

doesn’t have one. Stay safe and well!”

Today is National

Skipping Day! Take up

the 2 minute challenge

with Skip2BFit.





#StayActive #jump



Make sure that your children

are getting both physically and

mentally active whilst at home.

Improve happiness, increase

focus, develop resilience and

get fitter with Fitter Future’s

online series of activities.

Take part in indoor physical

fitness challenges, unwind with

a mindful moment or go kids v

adults in the monthly Fitter

Family Challenges.

For free whilst schools are

closed during the Coronavirus

crisis click here:


Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in photos and messages of what they have been up to

whilst staying at home during this unique time. Please keep the content coming for next week’s

newsletter and don’t worry if you have sent something in and it hasn’t been shown yet – look out for it in

next week’s copy. Send content marked ‘Newsletter’ to [email protected]. by

Thursday midday.

Next week we would love to hear from you about:

Your experience of home learning / self-isolation as a parent and or child

A short book review – what have you been reading that you could recommend to others

Letters and pictures thanking the NHS and other key workers

Something you have done which makes you proud

and finally

Do you have a funny story to share about your experience of home learning and self isolation?

Mrs Low sent in this funny picture!

Stay in touch!

Stay safe and keep in touch!