holy family matters june 2016

In This Issue: Testament of Truth Prayer Chain Warrior The Dynamic Duo Trip of a Lifetime RCIA’s Spiritual Journey Rolemodels for a Lifetime An Audience of One: God HOLY FAMILYS ROLE IN THIS YEAR OF MERCY

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Holy Family Matters is a publication designed to celebrate the vibrant, faith-filled community that we call Family.


Page 1: Holy Family Matters June 2016

In This Issue: Testament of TruthPrayer Chain WarriorThe Dynamic DuoTrip of a Lifetime

RCIA’s Spiritual JourneyRolemodels for a LifetimeAn Audience of One: God

Holy Family’s

Role in tHis yeaR oF meRcy

Page 2: Holy Family Matters June 2016

A publication of Holy Family Parish

919 N.E. 96th StreetKansas City, Mo. 64155



Parish staff

Father Philip Egan | Pastor

Dee Carver | Maintenance Supervisor

Megan Cleveland | Communications Coordinator, Editor, Writer, Photographer

for Holy Family Matters

Mike Jaromin | Administrative Assistant

Mindy Lehman | Director of Religious Education

Robert Lickteig | Youth/Young Adult


Peggy Petersen | Pastoral Associate

Marie Relic | Business Manager

Patty Rose | Director of Stewardship and Development

John Winkels | Director of Liturgy and Music

Our MissionHoly Family Catholic Church

is a vibrant, spirit-filledfaith community.

Following the example of the Holy Family, we seek God by

celebrating, growing and living our faith.

Adopted April 14, 2010

Holy Family Parish Copyright 2016

Final ThoughtsBy Suzanne Hill

holy family matters | June 2016 Page 2

From the Editor

God put me in the right place at the right time.

The thought of finding a new church, making new friends and learning a new community overwhelmed me when my husband transferred here in 2005.

But from the first time I visited Holy Family, I knew I had found my new home. I joined an adult education class and the communications committee, and continued as an extraordinary minister.

Joining that committee was a natural step. Previously, I worked as feature writer for a community newspaper, and later, as a journalism instructor. I could share my talents with the parish while networking for a new job. I never dreamed that new job would be at church.

The committee approach was unwieldy. After a few months, I saw that I could help the parish on a greater level with the newsletter and website as an indi-vidual. Then-pastor Fr. Matthew Brumleve

agreed. I joined the parish staff in early 2007.

Holy Family is vibrant, making my role as newsletter editor easy. It has a reputation as a friendly parish and is aptly named–parishioners consider one another family. I never ran short of newsletter material.

The parish offers many opportunities to “celebrate, grow and live our faith.” I will miss sharing these opportunities with you.

My time at Holy Family was more than a job. I celebrated. I grew. I learned to live my faith. I enjoyed these things with other Holy Family parishioners.

Now it’s time to be someplace else. My husband is retiring this year and we are returning to our beloved Washington, Mo., where we lived 22 years before moving here.

I will miss you. God be with you.

Statement of Parish Funds on DepositApril 30, 2016

Building Fund (Parish Accounts) $139,596.60 Building Fund (Diocesan Account) $1,384,768.03 Emergency Reserves (Diocesan Account) $125,110.49 Sound System (Diocesan Account) $36,708.68 Total Funds on Deposit $1,686,183.80

Spreading the wordA New Beginning

Spring has finally come, and with it a new beginning for Holy Family Matters. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be back at Holy Family and to be able to share stories from our church with you in our newsletter. But with a new beginning also comes an end to an era. Below, please find some final thoughts from Suzanne Hill, the former editor and communication coordinator, who worked so hard to make Holy Family Matters a meaningful publication to this parish. -Megan Cleveland

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A publication of Holy Family Parish

919 N.E. 96th StreetKansas City, Mo. 64155



Parish staff

Father Philip Egan | Pastor

Dee Carver | Maintenance Supervisor

Megan Cleveland | Communications Coordinator, Editor, Writer, Photographer

for Holy Family Matters

Mike Jaromin | Administrative Assistant

Mindy Lehman | Director of Religious Education

Robert Lickteig | Youth/Young Adult


Peggy Petersen | Pastoral Associate

Marie Relic | Business Manager

Patty Rose | Director of Stewardship and Development

John Winkels | Director of Liturgy and Music

Our MissionHoly Family Catholic Church

is a vibrant, spirit-filledfaith community.

Following the example of the Holy Family, we seek God by

celebrating, growing and living our faith.

Adopted April 14, 2010

Holy Family Parish Copyright 2016

Around the Church

Scenes from the lenten season 2016Photos from Masses during Lent and Holy Week in 2016

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Influence of Faith

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“Lord, thank you for this cancer.”

“What?” was the only numb response Sandra (Sandy) Corte could muster.

Pray with me, encouraged Fr. Phil, “Lord, thank you for this cancer.” Sandy felt lost with this new diagnosis, and not knowing where to turn, Fr. Phil shocked her with this prayer.

With bright eyes and a contagious smile, Sandy, a founding member of Holy Family, now beams, recalling her journey and fight with lung cancer that started in the fall of 2014. Trusting Fr. Phil, every day Sandy stayed vigilant with her daily medi-tations, prayers and ‘talks’ with God.

“Slowly, but surely, I was able to say ‘thank you’. No matter the outcome, it was all going to be okay,” Sandy said.

Attending Kansas University Medical Center for treatment

in 2014, Sandy received six rounds of chemotherapy and felt very blessed to not have many side effects. “I had no hair loss, nausea, weight loss and only the minor side effect of fatigue, but I was confident.”

This confidence shone in the form of prayer. Not knowing why she was on this journey, Sandy retained the outlook that ev-erything was going to be okay. And it was, even after her terminal diagnosis.

Upon completion of chemotherapy, Sandy did not see any shrinkage in her tumor. The doctors at KU explained her only option was to maintain her current lifestyle and charged Sandy with six months to a year left of life here on earth.

Unsatisfied with this answer,

Sandy traveled to Houston, Texas on January 4, 2015, for a second opinion at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Reza J. Mehran, CD, SBStJ, M.D.C.M., MSc, FRCSC, FACS, a professor and surgeon in the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovas-cular Surgery at MDA, asked Sandy one question that

would change her entire life. “Why didn’t they take this out a year ago?” He went on to explain that she was not using those

lobes in her lungs anyway.

God had a plan for Sandy. She didn’t know it at the time, but if she had pushed the option of surgery with her doctor at KU, the outcome might not have been as positive. While wonderful doctors, they did not feel confident in their own abilities with this par-ticular surgery, Sandy said.

Lying on the operating table, Sandy began to urge, “Let’s pray that God is working through all of them today.” Despite what each of the doctor’s or nurse’s religion happened to be, Sandy was comforted while going into her state of sleep through anesthesia with a chorus of “Amen” from everyone in the room.

After removing the two upper lobes of her right lung and lymph nodes of her upper chest, Sandy was cancer free. Everything was clean. Sandy was breathing better than she had before her surgery, at 98% lung capacity.

She felt such a sense of God’s grace through prayer. Throughout the entire journey, Sandy felt as if God was her pen-pal, someone she could always talk with who will continuously help her with life’s hurdles.

 “When things happen in your life, you can begrudge it or be humbled. It’s all about your outlook.”

Testament of Truth-God is in the Driver’s Seat

Throughout her life, the Lord has tested Sandy Corte, allowing her to let prayer and

faith lead the way.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

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This past year, Holy Family participated in the Discovering Christ series from ChristLife Catholic Ministry for Evangelization. The entire program allows participants an opportunity to come to know and grow in a relationship with Jesus, and helps participants to be open to sharing the good news.

Initially, Rebecca (Becky) and Frank Boos, parishioners at Holy Family for the past 13 years, were introduced to this program with the idea that evangelization is a large part of our role during the year of mercy. Re-discovering how to be a good Catholic, Becky realized that evangelization can be so much more than talking about Jesus to strangers. Being a good

friend, feeling comfortable praying with others and enjoying being Catholic is how parishioners can draw in those around them.

“A lot of Catholics have an arm’s length approach- we know what were taught. But developing a mature understanding of what it means to be Christian” is what this program has brought to the parish, Becky explained.

What to expect for 2016/2017

Discovering Christ, the first of the three sessions, provides worry free evenings where parishioners can expect a delicious meal at each meeting with the first order of business as

simply getting to know each other. Prayer, worship time, video teachings, small group discussions, and retreats are projected for all three of the seven-week sessions.

The topics of discussion include practical application of the teachings, letting go of any anger, and practicing sharing your personal story of knowing Christ.

All of the sessions are scheduled for Wednesday evenings at the following dates: Discovering Christ, September 28 - November 9; Following Christ, January 11 - February 22; Sharing Christ, April 26 - May 31.

Contact the parish office at 816-436-9200 if this series sounds like a good fit.

Discovering Christ Series-

Returning this fall

To be around Mary Hurd, Holy Family parishioner who heads up the Prayer Chain, is to be around endless joy, jubilation, cheerfulness and laughter. Every conversation is equipped with many wonderful stories that share so much life and celebrates everyone she knows.

In 2013, Holy Family Matters highlighted Mary and her efforts with the prayer chain. Since then, the prayer chain has grown from 70 to over 100 members and counting. Much of its success could be attributed to the personal touch Mary likes to put on each prayer, sharing the burden of those who feel they need help and attempting to follow up on each request.

Mary has seen so much mercy exhibited throughout the years of running the prayer chain, and she feels that is the pope’s intention when declaring this year the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Showing mercy is something everyone can do, she said. “You see someone in need, you help them out. It can be as simple as going to talk with an elderly neighbor,” or taking some time out of your day to say a little prayer for a situation that was emailed.

Photo taken by Suzanne Hill, Februaruy 2013

Prayer Chain warriorWhether it’s a traditional Catholic prayer or a more informal conversation with God,

the power of prayer evident.

“When someone is sick, what else can you do?” Mary said.

Recently, Mary has been on the receiving end of those prayers. In the past few years she has lost her oldest son to cancer, her husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and most recently Mary has had cancer detected as well. “He [God] gives you trials. It may not always be easy, but he is always there,” she said.

You wouldn’t know any of these tough trials put upon Mary if you were to meet her today. Her only comment regarding her current sickness and need for prayer is: “I can’t complain.”

And that is true for Mary; she doesn’t complain. Mary truly celebrates life in spite of the trials that she currently faces. “Why? Why get down and grumpy, ” Mary questioned. Her belief is if you have a smile on your face, it’s contagious.

Mary Hurd keeps record of all follow-up correspondence with most of the prayer requests. It’s important to her to make personal connections.

If you have a prayer request or would like to be added to the prayer chain, please email [email protected]

Influence of Faith

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Living our Faith

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The Dynamic Duo

Serving Holy Family and the Catholic Faith

with steadfastness and fun.

Tim and Lisa Swanson were shocked, to say the least, as they walked to the front of the group on February 6, 2016.

They thought nothing of it when a phone call came in from Fr. Phil confirming they’d be at the Appreciation Dinner, a night put on by the staff to thank all of those in the church community who make the parish a truly caring place filled with giving individuals. But then, as Patty Rose, director of stewardship and development at Holy Family, began to list off the many ways the 2015 ‘Parish MVP’s’ served Holy Family and the Catholic community, realization began to set in for the couple.

Tim and Lisa, parishioners since the summer of 2008, humbly accepted the award of the 2015 Most Valuable Parishioner’s for their stewardship over the years, going above and beyond sharing their time and talent. “They know the true meaning of sharing God’s gifts with one another,” Patty said.

Making stewardship a way of life, Tim and Lisa are both extraordinary ministers, sacristans and are the mom and dad to Holy Family’s youth at the SEARCH Retreat, explaining the importance of the sacrament of marriage. Lisa has served on the pastoral council for several years and is part of the Monday night Bible Study group. Not to mention the couple’s past,

which includes teaching Parish School of Religion (PSR) classes, leading the marriage preparation course and playing on the Holy Family softball team.

But where Tim and Lisa truly become animated and excited is when they are able to speak about what it means to them to be a Catholic and live in the Catholic faith. While ever-present in their lives, this enthusiasm was heightened and given a platform when the couple joined Dynamic Catholic.

An organization started by Matthew Kelly, an  international acclaimed speaker, author and business consultant, Dynamic Catholic’s mission is to “re-energize the Catholic Church in America” through providing free world-class resources designed to inspire people to rediscover Catholicism, as stated by the groups mission statement.

Tim and Lisa first were introduced to Dynamic Catholic when they went to hear Kelly speak. “It was neat to see someone so passionate about Catholicism. It wasn’t just about ‘send us money’ but more of the message behind it,” Tim said.

Having been part of Dynamic Catholic for three years, the couple decided to become Parish Champions, allowing them to receive and distribute free

books, CD’s, educational resources and daily reflections through the website and emails. Many parishioners may remember the Best Lent Ever program promoted on Holy Family’s website, allowing parishioners to receive reflections and videos, and participate in discussions throughout Lent.

Eventually the program hopes to have resources for each of the major Catholic moments. Often many Catholics lose commitment at Confirmation, and Dynamic Catholic is trying to instill how important it is to be active in the church, not to just go to church but to ‘be the church’, both Tim and Lisa explained.

“We want to support them because they are developing around the ‘Big Catholic Moments’, making education free, fun and to energize. It’s what makes people want to stay in the Catholic church,” Tim said.

To learn more

about Dynamic Cath-olic and Matthew Kelly, visit their website www.

dynamic catholic.com or ask Tim and/or Lisa next time

you see them at Holy Family.

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Photos courtesy of Tim and Lisa Swanson

The Trip of a LifetimeThe Dynamic Catholic program provided Tim and Lisa Swanson with the opportunity to take a trip they had been planning on for years, but were never able to commit in their busy lives.

Tim and Lisa Swanson always dreamt of going to Italy, even discussing the possibility of the trip with another couple. It never happened.

Then the two joined Dynamic Catholic. Being Ambassadors, a group of dedicated Catholics who make monthly monetary contributions to the program, something caught their eye on the Ambassador website and suddenly their dream didn’t seem so far out of reach. Dynamic Catholic was offering a Pilgrimage to Italy, visiting Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo, Lanciano and Assisi, a perfect chance to combine their personal desire to travel to Italy with their love for deepening their Catholic faith.

After patiently watching the waitlist dwindle down, Tim and Lisa were

able to join 268 other Catholics on the Dynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to Italy, which took place November 3-11, 2015.

Upon arrival, each person was given pocket-sized prayer shawl’s intended to provide comfort and peace to the travelers. “We were the youngest by far, but we felt right at home,” Tim said.

Each day, the individuals within the group would receive a question designed to prompt thoughts and inspire discussion within the groups. Each one was different and challenged the thoughts and ideas of the group. Everyone had a new take and people saw things so differently, the couple said. It re-energized them with their own faith.

Although both thoroughly enjoyed each aspect of the pilgrimage, Tim and Lisa had different parts of the journey they cherished the most. For Tim, seeing the relics of the cross at Santa Croce, Venice was the highlight of the trip. The group was able to witness the inscription that was nailed above the cross, one nail and two thorns from the actual moment when Jesus died for our sins.

“I’m actually seeing. I’ve believed for a long time, but this is affirmation,” Tim said.

Lisa’s favorite moment occurred when the group performed the Stations of the Cross outside San Giovanni Rotondo. The pilgrimage led the assembly up the mountain until everyone was at the very top, all the while singing and meditating at each station. Everyone took turns bearing the cross and reading. “That was community,” Lisa recalled.

As the pilgrimage ended, Tim and Lisa took advantage of their location and traveled to other cities in Italy, including being in Florence when the Royals won the World Series back at home in Kansas City. But it was after the trip that the couple felt more confident in engaging others with faith-related discussions.

“I’ve had way more faith-related conversations at work,” Tim said, upon returning to Kansas City. “There are more people like us out there that want to see the Catholic faith grow.”

Living our Faith

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Cover Story

The Holy Doors of Holy Family

Year of MercyWhat Holy Family is doing to fulfill

the Pope’s desire for this year

By Tom White

It is never the right time, is it?

We have our day planned only to have a family member get sick. We have our week planned and we find out a friend has died. We have our month planned, yet so does everyone else and they did not check with us. We have our life planned, but stuff just happens. We had carved out time to be “the right time,” but plans change.

When Pope Francis shared his hope of a holy year of mercy in March of 2015, even he had no idea what would happen. He hoped you and I would be willing to listen to the words of scripture, calling us to lives of service to one another regardless of social status. He dared to hope that you and I would be willing to leave our comfort zone to reach out to the margins, the edges of our society, to give a hand to literally anyone in need. Sometimes it is you and I who are on the margins, but reach out we must. It is time to reach out in kindness.

We are now six months into Francis’ year of hope. Where has the time gone? It is being lived one day at a time in our hearts, our homes, our churches, our community and

our world. Plans? Many made, many changed and it has never been the right time. But those who need us do not have the luxury of waiting for that right time. Francis is asking us to make the time to encounter kindness.

Our parish staff has taken the time to affirm what plans we have at Holy Family to realize what Pope Francis is asking of us. They have spoken to what we are doing and where there is still work to be done.

The front cover of our weekly bulletin has a feature entitled “Did You Know,” which has the express purpose of informing us about the many ministries and services offered by and for our parish and civic community. Since the series began, Mike Jaromin, Holy Family’s administrative assistant, has helped us to better understand how we, at Holy Family, are and have been taking the time to encounter kindness.

We have gathered in the parish hall on four different occasions so far this year to pray, share, hope and dream about what mercy looks and feels like. We took time to open our minds and hearts to explore what we are doing

Throughout the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which began on December 8, 2015 and will conclude on November 20, 2016, Holy Family will put out a message to the community reflecting thoughts of mercy. Here are the messages we have displayed through May 2016, with the most recent on

the cover of this newsletter. These can be viewed on 96th street, between Holy Family’s entrance and exit to the parking lot.

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From Our Youth

The Holy Doors of Holy Family

as a parish community through our various formal and informal ministries practiced each day, many unsung, unheralded, and often unnoticed. We also spoke clearly and candidly about how we may be leaving out some ministries by reason of prejudice, ignorance or fear. The conclusion is that we cannot afford to ignore the call to mercy, forgiveness, healing and hope. The time is now, even when not convenient.

A pilgrimage took place in April to visit the Holy Doors of Conception Abbey. The time taken was really not about the doors, but about the journey of fellow travelers on the road of service and the witness of the Sisters and Monks sharing the charisms of Sts. Benedict and Scholastica. We entered the basilica through the Holy Doors, to be sure, with the prayer that our hearts would be open to an encounter with kindness called for by Pope Francis.

There are many formal programs, speakers’ bureaus, printed materials and electronic media produced for

the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Many are excellent for anyone’s use, but certainly intended for those who need some help in understanding what mercy, forgiveness, healing and hope mean. Holy Family understands; we just need to tell our story better.

We need to take the time to share with each other what we are doing to reach out to those in need, whether through a formal program or ministry, or individual acts of kindness.

Hopefully, the remaining months of this Jubilee Year

of Mercy will see time given to extending a hand to those we may be excluding, sharing with our families the importance of encountering kindness, supporting each other in how we care for the poor, and re-discovering prayer and what it can do for all of us.

I urge you to continue to consult our parish communication tools for ideas, gatherings, prayer and service opportunities.

What does ‘Mercy’ mean to you?

Hanna Szarwinski, 3rd gradeSunday PM PSR, age 9

“It means that you be kind to them and do nice things to that person; doing something nice-it could be anyone.”

Luke Freyermuth, 4th gradeMonday PSR, age 10

“Sympathy from God and how much God loves you.”

Brooklyn Robertson, KindergartenSunday AM PSR, age 6

“When you’re nice to someone even when they’re

not nice to you.”

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“Holy Family understands; we just need to tell our story better.”

You’ve seen the Year of Mercy logo or badge, but do you know some of the possible symbolism behind it’s design?

*Christ bearing the lamb on his shoulder: He continually seeks to remove our sin. *Eyes merge into one: He is able to see and empathize with what we go through. *Blue light emerging behind moves from dark to light from the center: He is leading us out of darkness.

Cover Story

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Celebrating Faith

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A Spiritual Journey of Faith

First Row: Rebecca Tello, Sharon Gilmore, Alivia Austan O’DellSecond Row: Lisa Moore, Alicia Muller, Dominic Muller, Eric Mitchell McQueen, Kyle O’Dell, Kohen O’Dell, Sabrina Ann O’DellThird Row: Fr. Phil Egan, Brian Piel, Michelle Williams

Easter Vigil is a time to meditate on the wonders the Lord has done for his people from the beginning, trusting in his word and promises. Holy Family welcomes those who have reflected on their own faith journey and decided to enter the Catholic Church.

Through Holy Family’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults program, ten have entered the church, two adults have been confirmed, and two infants were baptized at Easter Vigil.

A Family Affair-Kyle (Initiation), Sabrina (Confirmed), Alivia (Initiation) and Kohen (Baptized) O’Dell

Kyle O’Dell was introduced to the Catholic faith in 2012 when his family moved to the area. Originally, the proximity to Holy Family was the reason he and his family began to attend the church, but they decided to become members and attend regularly because of the traditions, rituals and Fr. Phil’s humor and ability to relate the homily to their everyday lives.

“I found myself curious and wanting to learn more at each Mass we attended,” Kyle said.

Kyle finally decided to become Catholic when he began to understand the significance of God’s presence in his house. “I realized how important it is to be a role model and the spiritual leader in my household for my family.”

Kyle is a LeafGuard salesman and his sponsor was Charlie Ray. Kyle received the sacraments of initiation.

Sabrina Ann O’Dell, Kyle’s wife, is a cradle Catholic and had received every sacrament except to be confirmed into the Catholic faith.

Sabrina “truly believe[s] in the Catholic faith and value[s] all the rituals” that take place in the church. She values the beliefs it takes to become a Catholic.

Sabrina is a piano instructor. Her sponsor was Janel Lopez.

Alivia Austan O’Dell, Kyle and Sabrina’s daughter, was introduced to Holy Family and the Catholic faith when her family began to attend in 2012.

Alivia decided to become Catholic “to have a stronger relationship with God.”

Similarly to her parents, Alivia has a strong belief in the rituals that take place in the Catholic Church. She has found that dipping her finger in the holy water and completing the sign of the cross helps her feel closer to God.

Alivia will be a 6th grade student at New Mark Middle School. Her sponsor was Charlie Ray. Alivia received the sacraments of initiation.

Finally, the newest member of the O’Dell family, Kohen, was baptized at the Easter Vigil.

Profession of Faith

While Sharon Gilmore has attended Catholic Church since 1968, she was

raised in the Methodist faith and had never officially entered into the Catholic faith until now. Sharon married her husband, who was Catholic, in 1968 and loyally attended and raised their girls in the Catholic Church.

“I attended with my family at [my husband’s] request,” Sharon said.

In 2008, Sharon’s husband unexpectedly passed away and she was not able to return to Holy Family for several weeks. Through the encouragement of her friends, family and other parishioners at Holy Family, Sharon “discovered this is where I belong.”

Seven and a half years after her husband’s passing, she was finally able to fulfill her husband’s wish of becoming a member of the Catholic faith. Sharon is currently retired. Her sponsor was Deanna Beerup.

Lisa Moore became acquainted with the Catholic faith through her husband, James Moore. By his example and bringing her to Mass, Lisa wanted to understand more about the Catholic Church.

“I decided to become Catholic because I wanted to be accepted in a community of faithful believers.”

Lisa is a pharmacy technician at Centerpoint Medical Center and has a

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daughter, Julie, with her husband James. Her sponsor was Dolores “Dee” Wiese.

Alicia Muller was raised in a Baptist Church. It was her husband who introduced her to the Catholic faith, where she started her journey of learning about the traditions and beliefs. Alicia began to seek out answers to her questions and concerns, and as she began to “comprehend what Catholic traditions are based off of”, she became more confident in her decision to become Catholic.

Alicia is excited to be a part of Holy Family and confesses that if it wasn’t for Holy Family, she might not have been as open to learning more about the Catholic faith.

“I am so blessed that now my family will share in the Catholic traditions and faith all together,” Alicia said.

Alicia is a family nurse practitioner and is married with two boys. She was sponsored by Lisa Conaway. Alicia’s son, Dominic, was baptized at the Easter Vigil.

Brian Piel was first introduced to the Catholic faith through his wife and her family. After being married by Fr. Matthew and attending Mass with his wife for over five years, Brian began to develop many questions about the Catholic Church.

“I paid attention to the traditions observed and honored, [and] I also had my questions answered over time,” Brian said.

Eventually, Brian decided it was time to join the RCIA program. With the birth of his daughter in 2015, he found God telling him to “start this journey for [his] family.”

“I believe families need to show the unity of faith in today’s world.”

Brian is a real estate agent and investor. Brian’s sponsor was Marcy Johnson.

Michelle Williams attended Catholic Mass with her grandparents each holiday and whenever she went to visit. Her mother was raised Catholic, and everyone on that side of her family was brought up in the Catholic Church, so Michelle was familiar with the faith.

The decision to enter into the Catholic faith was entirely Michelle’s own. “I

wanted to, and I liked it better than other churches,” she explained.

To Michelle, the Catholic teachings just seemed to make more sense. She has been exposed to several different dominations of the Christian faith, but felt she understood what was taught at the Catholic Mass better than others.

“I like how they present information,” said Michelle of the Catholic Church.

Michelle will be a senior at Staley High School. Her sponsor was Emily Turecki.

Sacraments of Initiation

Eric Mitchell McQueen began attending Catholic Mass at his girlfriend, Ali May’s, request. “After coming to Mass for a number of years, I just had a feeling of comfort when I would go, ” Eric said.

Eventually Eric decided he could not wait any longer before officially deciding to join the Catholic Church.

Eric is a medical technologist. His sponsor was Craig Richter.


Rebecca Tello has been surrounded by the Catholic faith all of her life. Rebecca’s father was a “very spiritual and devout Catholic,” and he set a “major example” for her. Her father passed away when Rebecca was only 17 years old.

“I have always seen myself as Catholic. I wanted to be a better Catholic and Christian,” Rebecca said, on why she decided to become confirmed this past Easter.

She understands that in the past she has made mistakes and has learned from them. Through her Catholic faith, Rebecca hopes to be able to “help the poor and assist with protecting women and children from abusive situations.”

Rebecca has been a cosmetologist and beauty consultant for over 34 years. Her sponsor was Cari Turecki.

Congratulations to all who, through a year-long process, found a new home. We hope that Holy Family can continue to be your guide in the lifetime journey that is the Catholic faith.

Blanketed in Comfort

St. Brigid’s pray over shawls before giving them

to the RCIA candidates.

RCIA Candidates recieve their prayer shawls at their retreat before Easter Vigil. Photos courtesy of Suzanne Greenwood.

Celebrating Faith

St. Brigid’s knits Prayer Shawls for

RCIA CandidatesBeginning in 2008 at Holy Family, the St. Brigid’s Needlework Ministry aims to bring comfort, peace, and the embrace of our faith community to those in need through cozy havens of knitted or crocheted scarves, hats, mittens, and shawls. Of the many needlework projects the group fashions for our community, one stays within the family.

Each year, as the RCIA candidates begin to feel excitement, nervousness and perhaps a bit of trepidation regarding the conclusion to their journey into the Catholic faith, St. Brigid’s provides beautiful prayer shawls for each person completing the program. The shawls are made with thoughtful consideration of each candidate and prayed over by the entire group before being wrapped up for delivery.

The RCIA candidates participate in a retreat before the final steps of their journey at Easter Vigil. It is at this retreat that these comforting shawls are presented with love for each candidate.

If you are interested in joining this ministry, whether you are a skilled at knitting/crocheting or just learning, please contact Mary Linda Hughes at 816-591-9304.

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Sharing our Faith

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At Holy Family, each sponsor bears a special role in each candidate and catechumen’s journey, but often the journey of being a sponsor helps to solidify their own faith.

Lisa Conaway, a member of Holy Family since inception, joined the RCIA program as a sponsor in 2000. At the time, her husband was considering becoming Catholic and she thought it would bring them even closer together as spouses. She was Alicia Muller’s sponsor for the 2015/2016 process.

Craig Richter, a cradle Catholic, recently joined Holy Family in

May 2015 and was a sponsor for the first time this past year.

Craig “felt a strong desire

to be active in the parish community,” and when Fr. Phil asked if he would be interested in being a sponsor for RCIA, Craig immediately accepted. He was Eric McQueen’s sponsor for the 2015/2016 process.

What does it mean to you to be a sponsor for the RCIA program?

Lisa: When I first became a sponsor, I was somewhat worried that I wouldn’t be knowledgeable enough or “holy enough!” I

found out, of course, that it wasn’t about being holy or knowledgeable, but to be able to support my chosen one, or in one case, elect, with love, encouragement, and the experiences of our shared faith. Needless to say, each and every sponsorship has been enlightening, delightful and extremely fulfilling!

Craig: A chance to grow in my faith, and a challenge from God to do so! I am humbled and thankful for the chance to grow along with the catechumens, candidates,

sponsors and staff towards God.

Do you have any memorable moments you’d like to share during your time as sponsor, this year or in past years (for Lisa)?

Lisa: Wow…it’s hard to choose one memorable moment, but I know that each Holy Saturday I must make sure I have plenty of tissues, especially as a sponsor! It’s a very moving moment when our chosen and elect come fully into the Church. All Catholics need to attend at least one Holy Saturday Mass, especially with their families.

Craig: At the Rite of Sending and Rite of Acceptance – sharing with the parish why I believe Eric McQueen is ready to join the Catholic Church. Also, watching catechumens and candidates from other parishes meet the Bishop during the Right of Election downtown and driving back to Holy Family, laughing with the other riders about the appeal of the pizza that awaited us. I’m so blessed to have been

through this with them.

Anything else you’d like to add about being a sponsor?

Lisa: I would like to add that I strongly encourage anyone to become a sponsor at least once in their lives. Sponsors not only get to share their faith, but also significantly learn so much more about being Catholic.

Craig: Faith is fun. Faith is transformational. Faith is a journey. I thought I was being asked to be a sponsor. Now, at the other end of this journey, I realize that I was, and always will be in my faith, a student. What a gift to receive! Along with the people in this group who I so admire, the Holy Spirit has transformed us.

If you have any interest in or additional questions about becoming a sponsor for the RCIA program, please contact Peggy Petersen, Pastoral Associate, at 816-436-9200, ext. 24 or email at [email protected].

Role Models for a Lifetime of Learning

Through Christ

RCIA sponsors are role models in the most basic sense of the word. Each sponsor is to help the catechumen “learn to turn more readily to God in prayer, to bear witness to the faith, in all things to keep their hopes set on Christ, to follow supernatural inspiration in their deeds, and to practice love of neighbor, even at the cost of self-renunciation.” (RCIA 75.2)

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Page 13: Holy Family Matters June 2016

Teen Talks

holy family matters | June 2016 Page 13

Always smiling. Happy. Bubbly. Excited about life.

At school, Katie Kaminski, an incoming freshman at Smithville High School, is typically described as such, always a joy to be around. So when Katie showed up one day with dark hair, darker clothing and heavy boots, her friends were confused, if not worried.

Katie’s friends, however, were soon put at ease when her upbeat personality shined brightly as she began to explain, assuring them she looked this way to get ready for a performance.

At an early age, Katie showed an interest in the performing arts. Singing at family reunions, she displayed no fear as she held her imaginary microphone. Her mom, Kim, took these early clues and enrolled her in dance at age four. Katie soon began to perform in the summer musicals put on by Ibsen Dance Theater.

Katie was first introduced to Christian Youth Theater in

elementary school when one of her teachers took the students on several field trips to various plays throughout the year.

“Wow, this is cool. I want to be a part of this,” thought Katie during a backstage tour on one such field trip.

Her interest was piqued and the acting bug that had bitten her was growing. Finally, in 6th grade, after watching one of her friends perform with CYT, Katie and her family made the decision to join, and she has never looked back.

Founded in 1981 in San Diego, Calif., CYT’s goal was to bring wholesome family entertainment to the local community. However, this group is about so much more than the shows they perform for audiences month after month; the group’s focus is to reflect Judeo-Christian values in all they do. Before each class, rehearsal and show, everyone has worship time together, led by the students.

To Katie, faith and acting go hand-in-hand. At CYT, she is always able to find a group who is involved with their own church and pray with them. “CYT taught me you can still be true to Christ, a light to the dark characters.”

This outlook isn’t always the

popular sentiment for kids her age though. Often Katie witnesses her peers talk down

about religion or Catholics, but she feels refreshed to know that she is confident in her faith. CYT has been able to reinforce this confidence while allowing Katie to do something she loves: perform.

“Adults have so many clubs, kids don’t have this. To be able to do something you love and be able to worship with each other is amazing and rewarding,” said Katie.

When Katie is not performing with CYT, she has found other like-minded groups where she performs. “I feel, as a parent, comfortable with the groups she’s been a part of,” said Kim.

In addition to the mentors at CYT, Katie has been fortunate to have support from her mom and dad, Mark, who are the greatest influence on her faith. Kim taught PSR at Holy Family while Katie was young and now encourages Katie’s involvement

with Holy Family.

Using her gift of song in church is important to Katie as she is cantor once or twice

per month. John Winkels, liturgy and music director at Holy Family, describes Katie’s singing as an inspiration to other parishioners to “join in the song of the assembly. The power of song for Katie is strong, whether it is for church or for her theatre involvement. Working with her is a joy!”

Additionally, Katie helps with the music at vacation bible school, has been an alter server, and attends Holy Family’s PSR program. She is looking forward to the process of becoming confirmed at Holy Family.

“I love Holy Family-It’s awesome!”

Performing for an

Audience of One: God

“CYT taught me you can still be true to Christ, a light to the dark characters.”

To learn more about enroll-ing in classes or view one of Christian Youth Theater’s

productions, please visit the Kansas City affiliate’s website

at www.cytkc.org.

Photo courtesy of Immeasurable Productions by Patricia Berning Photography

Photo courtesy of Kim Kaminski.

Page 14: Holy Family Matters June 2016

Continuing to Grow

First Holy CommunionApril 23-24, 2016

First Row: Daniel Mackenzie, John Ward, Catie Flournoy, Caroline Rieger, Lorelai Buck, Adele Osborne, Mayne Ludwig, Brady PoolmaSecond Row: Colin McKenna, Sarah Johnson, Olivia Angulo, Keira Nguyen, Rory Freyermuth, Macy Gacke, Adrianna Brooks, Kailey Robertson, Benicio JonesThird Row - Jaelyn Kiliba, Alyssa Hiegert, Drew Nelson, Ethan Fleury, Dominic Brenneman, Jack Hokanson, Sophie Gilsinn, Kelly GabbertFourth Row - Colin Schowengerdt, Aidan Edmonds, Dalton Elliott, Keegan Elliott, Vinny Brenneman, Parker VanDruff, Gabe Elliott, Laken KelleyFifth Row - Mindy Lehman, Sophia Moore, Molly McCullough, Mia Mead-Weidmann, Jillian Taney, Lina Potter, Lily Carroll, Victoria Brady, Lauren Hanchette, Fr. Phil Egan

ConfirmationApril 28, 2016

First Row: Joseph Nguyen, Evan Corda, Bristol Riley, Haley Anne Mahusay, Natalia Mendoza, Victoria Gonzalez, Luke Collins, Gaby Abbott, Abbie Lehman, Daniela Arrubla, Christina Mackenzie, Alexa Schulte, Jacob SellhorstSecond Row: Quinten Arello, Emily Medina, Robert Osbahr, Josh Marquardt, Josh Svoboda, Nathan Graham, J.P. Young, Mary Connor, Emily Connor, Jake Wilson, Brant ColeThird Row: Lucas Bell, Max Hernandez-Nietling, Lex Hernandez-Nietling, St. Charles Deacon, Fr. Totton, Bishop Johnston, Fr. Phil Egan,

St. Charles Deacon, Khanh Nguyen, Robert Lickteig,Thomas Connor, Jackson Glenn

Photo courtesy of Tracy Spisak from Gallery Portraiture, INC

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Holy Family Calendar oF events

Summer Recipe from Cooking Like GrandmaMichelle’s Summer Coleslaw:I developed this recipe based on some favorite restaurants of mine. Cutting the cabbage into smaller pieces gives it more of a restaurant style!

Combine All Ingredients:• 1 Package of shredded coleslaw

(optional: Rough Chop cabbage with knife for finer pieces)

• 2 Tablespoons dehyrdated chopped onion

• 1/3 Cup white sugar • 2 Tablespoons milk

• 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar • 1 teaspoon celery seed• 1/2 teaspoon celery salt • 1/8 teaspoon ground black


Put coleslaw in refrigerator for 15-30 minutes to let ingredients chill and coleslaw wilt.

Add mayo to desired creaminess:1/4 to 1/2 Cup Mayonnaise

Enjoy on a hot summer day!

JUNEFUSE SaturdayJune 4, 6-7:30 p.m.

Men of Faith Book ClubJune 7 kick-off, 6:30-7:30 a.m.

Youth Movie NightJune 17, 8-11 p.m.

JULYSpaghetti Dinner July 9, 6-8 p.m.

FUSE SaturdayJuly 9, 6-7:30 p.m.

Welcome EventJuly 10, 12:15 p.m.

Vacation Bible SchoolJuly 18-22, 9 a.m.-Noon*Sign-up deadlines June 27

Youth Event-Outdoor GamesJuly 23, 7-9 p.m.

Altar Server CampJuly 25-27, 6-9 p.m.

AUGUSTFUSE SaturdayAugust 6, 6-7:30 p.m.

New Catechist TrainingAugust 9, 6:30-8 p.m.

Protecting God’s ChildrenAugust 20, 9 a.m.-noon

Parish PicnicAugust 20, 6-9 p.m.

Car ShowAugust 27, 8 a.m.-noon

SEPTEMBERFUSE SaturdaySeptember 10, 6-7:30 p.m.

PSR/Senior High Start DateSeptember 11

Discovering Christ SeriesSept. 28 kick-off, 6:30-9 p.m.

Fall Blood DriveSeptember 29, 4-7 p.m.

OCTOBERFUSE SaturdayOctober 1, 6-7:30 p.m.

Blessing of the AnimalsOctober 2, 2-3 p.m.

Spaghetti DinnerOctober 8, 6-8 p.m.

Fall Clean-up DayOctober, 15, 9 a.m.-noon

Youth Event-Corn MazeOctober 15, 1-4:30 p.m.

Trunk or TreatOctober 21, 7-9 p.m.

Check our website and social media for updates and a full list of events.

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