holly’s work progress in 08-177

Holly’s Work Progress in 08-177 Dec 2008 - July 2009

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Holly’s Work Progress in 08-177. Dec 2008 - July 2009. Outline. ELISA assays of 6 inbred strains of mice 08-177 B6C3H F2 work progress. ~35 inbred strains in plan, 17% completion. ELISA assays of 6 inbred strains of mice. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Holly’s Work Progress in 08-177

Dec 2008 - July 2009

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• ELISA assays of 6 inbred strains of mice• 08-177 B6C3H F2 work progress

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ELISA assays of 6 inbred strains of mice


A/J 19 V V

129/SvimJ 20 V V

C57BL/6J 20 V V

C3H/HeJ 20 V V

CAST/Ei 20 V

NOD/LtJ 20 V

~35 inbred strains in plan, 17% completion

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Plasma sRANKL ELISA Assays of Inbred Strains of mice

• At baseline sRANKL level varies among different strains: C3H and B6 are much higher than NOD/Ltj, A/J, 129/SvimJ, and CAST/Ei is the lowest

• Following 3wks 100ppm F treatment, only A/J see significant dose response decrease by 64% (p<0.01)

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Plasma Intact PTH ELISA assays of inbred strains of mice

• At baseline, A/J and 129/SvimJ PTH level is higher than that of C3H and B6

• Following 3wks 100ppm F treatment, A/J sees dose response decrease by 31% (p<0.1), but no significant changes in B6, C3H or 129/SvimJ.

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Serum Intact PTH ELISA Assays






* P<0.1


m in



H (





• Serum PTH of F treated (50ppm, 60days) A/J is higher than that of untreated

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Old F2 Genotyping Samples Preparation

• 187 genomic DNA samples prepared from previous F2 mice livers/spleens

• 140 of 187 samples sent to Jackson Lab in Jun2009

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08-177 B6C3HF2 work progressWork Number Completed

Breeding 309 (+ 2 pregnant F1 mice)

Genotyping samples preparation 212 (156 sent)

sRANKL ELISA assays 212

Intact PTH ELISA assays by Sep 09

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B6C3H F2 Treatment PlanDOB1 DOW1 DOT1 DOD Total mice Male Cage#F-


maleCage# C-male


Female Cage# F-female

F-female Cage# C-female


Male cage

Female cage

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 8 2610047 2    6610048 3610049 31 2

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 7 1610047 1    6610055 3610056 31 2

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 6 2    610065 2 4   0610066 41 1

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 4 3610059 3    1   0610066 11 1

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 7 0        7610057 3610058 40 2

Jan 16, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 8 5    610043 5 3610044 3  01 1

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 8 5610063 5    3610064 3  01 1

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 8 3  0610045 3 5   0610046 51 1

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 6 4    610061 4 2610062 2   1 1

Jan 10, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 6 6610052 3610053 3 0        2 0

Jan 13, 2009 Feb 2, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 Mar 16, 2009 9 4610050 4    5610051 5  01 1

Feb 2, 2009 Feb 26, 2009 Mar 23, 2009 Apr 14, 2009 3 0        3     614378 3  1

Feb 2, 2009 Feb 26, 2009 Mar 23, 2009 Apr 14, 2009 9 5    614380 5 4     614379 41 1

Feb 4, 2009 Feb 26, 2009 Mar 23, 2009 Apr 14, 2009 6 6614376 3614377 3 0        2 0

Feb 5, 2009 Feb 26, 2009 Mar 23, 2009 Apr 14, 2009 8 3614382 3    5614381 5   1 1

4/16-18/2009 May 11, 2009 Jun 1, 2009 Jun 23, 2009 14 7629077 3629081 4

7629082 3

629076 42 2

4/16-18/2009 May 11, 2009 Jun 1, 2009 Jun 23, 2009 6 3629078 3   

3    629079 3 1 1

4/16-18/2009 May 11, 2009 Jun 1, 2009 Jun 23, 2009 4 0      


629080 40 1

4/16-18/2009 May 11, 2009 Jun 1, 2009 Jun 24, 2009 5 2   629084 2

3629083 3    1 1

4/16-18/2009 May 11, 2009 Jun 1, 2009 Jun 24, 2009 11 7629087 3629085 4 4629086 4    2 1

4/16-18/2009 May 11, 2009 Jun 1, 2009 Jun 24, 2009 3 3    629088 3 0        1 0

4/23-27/2009 May 18, 2009 Jun 8, 2009 Jun 29, 2009 14 8629158 5629152 3 6629154 3629150 32 2

4/23-27/2009 May 18, 2009 Jun 8, 2009 Jun 29, 2009 12 4    629155 4 8629156 4629151 4 1 2

4/23-27/2009 May 18, 2009 Jun 8, 2009 Jun 29, 2009 7 4    629157 4 3     629153 31 1

4/29-30/2009 May 25, 2009 Jun 15, 2009 Jul 7, 2009 12 4630626 4   

8630627 3630625 51 2

4/29-30/2009 May 25, 2009 Jun 15, 2009 Jul 7, 2009 13 5630629 5    8630630 5630628 31 2

4/29-30/2009 May 25, 2009 Jun 15, 2009 Jul 7, 2009 7 3630632 3    4630631 4   1 1

Jul 5, 2009 Jul 27, 2009 Aug 17, 2009 Sep 7, 2009 16 62 33 3

101 56 52 2

Jul 5, 2009 Jul 27, 2009 Aug 17, 2009 Sep 7, 2009 12 85 57 3

4     4 42 1

Jul 5, 2009 Jul 27, 2009 Aug 17, 2009 Sep 7, 2009 3 3   8 3

0        1  

Jul 10, 2009 Jul 31, 2009 Aug 24, 2009 Sep 14, 2009 10 710 311 4

39 3   2 1

Jul 10, 2009 Jul 31, 2009 Aug 24, 2009 Sep 14, 2009 11 914 5 13 4

212 2    2 1

        0                                                              Total mice 263 132  66  66 131  66  65         Total cages   61   15  14    16  16 38 37% Female/total 50%  % F treatment 50%                       % F-female/ttl F 50% % F female/Total Female 50%        

% F male/ttl male 50%        

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08-177 B6C3HF2 – Genotyping

• 212 genomic DNA samples prepared from 08-177 B6C3HF2 mice livers/Spleens

• 156 of 212 samples sent to HPCPG in July 09; the rest of 56 ready to be sent in Aug 09

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08-177 B6C3HF2 – sRANKL ELISA Assays

See Hongyou’s presentation

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Results & Discussion• At baseline, sRANKL level or intact PTH level varies among different


• Following 3 wks of 100ppm F treatment, different strains response differently. Among 6 inbred strains only A/J see significant dose response decrease of sRANKL by 64% (p<0.01) and decrease of intact PTH by 31% (p<0.1), which did not show the similar trend of previous results (Dong Y 2007) – different anesthesia? Serum vs Plasma? F in diet? different length of treatment?...

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Future work

• Continue work on more inbred strains and B6C3HF2s• Mini study to check the impact of anaethesia

(Ketamine/Xylazine or Avertin) on serum or plasma PTH level using ALPCO PTH ELISA kit and verify the effect of fluoride treatment on PTH level.– 40 male C3H mice, 8 groups of 5.

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Questions …?
