holistic health minor at richard stockton college of new jersey

Holistic Health Minor at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

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Holistic Health Minor at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Holistic Health Minor                           at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Holistic Health Minor atRichard Stockton College of New Jersey

Page 2: Holistic Health Minor                           at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

by learning integrated medicine

concepts. Theories that came before the pharmaceutical companies and modern western medicine; and why some of those theories are still used

as main practices in parts of the world.

B r o a d e n Your Horizon

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The Holistic Health Minor at Stockton

is offered to students of all majors seeking to expand their knowledge of integrative medicine. Students will learn the folk

traditions and philosophical underpinnings that make up the foundations of holistic medicine, and gain research skills to

evaluate these aspects throughout their lives.

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Well Being that can help you, and help you help others.

Courses required for the minor include an introductory course to holistic health, research methods course, and three electives.

Introductory Holistic Health Courses include:

GNM 2201 Health and Healing

GNM 1026/2144 Alternative Health Care

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Taking care of our bodies is a part of everyday living. With the Holistic Health Minor you can learn how to do that in a natural, optimal way that suits your health, and learn why these practices are important to incorporate with modern day health care.

With a research class added, students will be able to evaluate clearly the effectiveness of integrative practices, and their safety within our modern health care system.

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Research Methodology Courses:

GEN 3411 Research MethodsPOLS 2150 Introduction to Political

MethodologyPSYC 2241 Statistical MethodsPSYC 3242 Experimental PsychologyPUBH 2330 Research Methods & StatisticsPUBH 4610 Public Health Research MethodsSOWK 3102 Research Methods and Statistics

(Social Work majors only)

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Elective Courses:

ANTH 2136 World Perspectives on Health

GAH 2162 Medicine, Ethics and the Arts

GEN 2158 The Body in Motion

GEN 1016/GEN 2516 Mind Body Conditioning

GEN 2319 Meditation: Theory & Practice

GNM 2325 Nutrition and Health

GEN 3617 Physical and Mental Wellness

GIS 3207 Contemporary Issues in Bioethics

GIS 4636 Yoga: East Meets West

GNM 2117 Microbes and Man

GNM 2206 Herbal Medicine

GNM 2267 Folk & Traditional Medicine

GSS 2159 Psychology of Well Being

GSS 2351 Herbal Psychopharmacology

GSS 3160 Stress and Anxiety

PHIL 2111 Daoism

PHIL 3112 Philosophy East and West

PSYC 2212 Health Psychology

PSYC 3635 Positive Psychology

PUBH 2432 Contemporary Health Issues

SOWK 3220 Aging and Spirituality

With three electives to choose from, students can direct their minor more specifically towards their interest of study.

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For more information, or to register talk with your preceptor, or the academic advising office located in upper D-Wing of the main campus.

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“All that we are is the result of what we have


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Faculty Development WorkshopMary Lou Galantino, PT, PhDJoan Perks, MSN, RN, APN-CJoyce Welliver, MSN, CRNP

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Goals for our Participation in Workshop

1. Review of 5 year assessment2. Develop specific rubrics to measure new student learning

outcomes3. Develop curriculum map to assess present course offerings4. Organize and establish timeline and priorities for future HHM


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Steps to Assessment

• Modified surveys for Program and Student HHM Courses• Added demographics as an important component to garner responses in

a more meaningful way• Align surveys with new program and student learning outcomes

• Developed Curricular Map• Analysis of course data related to program and course learning

outcomes• Acquired rubric for Information Literacy• Developed plan going forward

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Survey• Holistic Health Minor Program Assessmenthttp://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22CFB7J8MS4/Preview

• Student Self Assessment-Holistic Health Minorhttp://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22CFAVP8FRR/Preview

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HHM Learning ObjectivesThe student will be able to:

Successfully apply elements of holistic health theory & knowledge through recognition of interactions between theory & practice

Explore the concept of holism by examining the relationship between quality of life, health, illness and recovery.

Analyze the impact of health promotion campaigns and reflect upon the impact they have on their own health decisions.

Locate, retrieve, and critically evaluate a variety of information sources related to holistic health.

Required Courses

GNM 1026 Health and Healing


GNM 2144 Alternative Health Care


GEN 3411- Research Methods or PUBH 4610

Objectives for research noted – how does this get integrated into HHM?

How is QOL part of this course?

How are health decisions part of this course?

X – however need to understand specifically how info literacy is integrated into course?

POLS 2150: Introduction to Political Methodology

Objectives for research noted – how does this get integrated into HHM?

How is QOL part of this course?

How are health decisions part of this course?

X – however need to understand specifically how info literacy is integrated into course?

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GEN 2319: Meditation: Theory & Practice

X X XContent (i.e. Meditation Experience with F/U paper)

XPaper requires scholarly reference – thus IL exists?

PSYC 3635:Positive Psychology

X X XContent (i.e. Make yourself happier)


GSS 2351:Herbal Psychopharmacology


GIS 4636: Yoga: East Meets West


SOWK 3220: Aging and Spirituality

X X X Given paper requirements would expect students to be able to retrieve information

GIS 3207: Contemporary Issues in Bioethics

X X X X – specifically how is Information Literacy addressed in this course?

PUBH 2432 Contemporary Health Issue


GEN Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach

X X X Is there specific instruction in Info Literacy?

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Competency Assessment Criteria

Novice Developing Proficient Accomplished N/AExtent of Information

1. Ability to defineand articulate theneed for information

Cannot develop a thesis statement

Develops a clear thesis statement, formulates a question based on information needed

Defines or modifies information to achieve a manageable focus and can identify key concepts and terms

Combines existing information and original thought, experimentation and/or analysis to produce new information

2. Identifies a variety of typesand formats ofpotential sources

Does not recognize that knowledge is organized into disciplines and cannot locate information beyond local and print resources

Recognizes that knowledge is organized into disciplines and identifies the value differences of potential resources

Identifies the purpose and audience of potential resources, reevaluates the nature and extent of information needed and differentiates between primary and secondary sources

Recognizes the use and importance of primary and secondary sources and realizes that information may need to be constructed with raw data from primary sources Knows how information is formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated

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• Establish specific review cycles• Initiate a course syllabi

schedule for analysis• Ongoing monitoring • Develop ongoing grid with

specific timelineAY 2011-2012

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THANK YOU We are grateful for your feedback and guidance