hobbies by georgiana

Hobbies By: Georgiana

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Post on 12-Mar-2016




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It’s pretty hard to deny that we live on fast forward and that most of us are losing the track of time. So how do we squeeze a hobby into our busy schedule? Is this even possible? Definitely, only if we give ourselves a break and allow us to enjoy a good quality time.


Page 1: Hobbies by Georgiana

HobbiesBy: Georgiana

Page 2: Hobbies by Georgiana

It’s pretty hard to deny that we live on fast forward and that most of us are losing the track of time. So how do we squeeze a hobby into our busy schedule? Is this even possible? Definitely, only if we give ourselves a break and allow us to enjoy a good quality time.

Regardless of how long or stressful our day at work was, a hobby will make it all disappear. Among my friends there are some that are passionate about photography, cooking or sports. During my childhood I had a passion for history and it continues today but not with the same intensity.

A couple of years back I have discovered graphology and I have started to be interested in it. And so I have researched it on the internet, I have bought books and started to practice. They say that practice makes it perfect and I have spent some time trying to analyze different handwritings. I even intend to take a course of graphology with the first opportunity that I will have.

There is something else that overcomes my interest for graphology and I can say without a doubt on my mind that I am passionate about it. For me it is exciting and challenging so at the end of that day it is a life experience. I cannot imagine a better way to make the most of whatever free time I have.

In most cases we choose our hobbies but in my case it was the other way around. The hobby that I am referring to is the volunteering.

Page 3: Hobbies by Georgiana

What are your hobbies? It’s not one of those tricky questions that a recruiter brings into discussions during a job interview. It’s just that I enjoy this topic because it allows us to get to know each other better and this can be a great way to break the ice when meeting new persons. I would love to know which are the things that motivate each one of you outside the working hours, why did you choose them and how far you can trace them back in your past. If you don’t know by now what your hobby is perhaps you will find inspiring the below list of hobbies that are unusual:

• micro-sculpting• collecting hair• having rats or snakes as pets• ghost hunting• underwater photography• stunts

Take the challenge and find your hobby today.


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