ho w ire sej^y/(^£s fw m l sh icttu e s wm/anza...

T ia :i^V S 0 i F A LLS. MJOL. i n . MO. U . WM/ NEW SUGAR J FiOfiliqED ON E ENiMY TO V Agreeiment Reached Witl at:Middle-mah Specula for High Prices o a; ■WASIlfNGtON. Ai>ril 2T.-Kiiiiu Miitl Ul bi' iiMHuri'tl Ui-rc imliiy by un iiicht o f jiiMtiVi' jiiid (•xcc'dfiv'.'K of III tlic CUBt. . Tho u({ri;i:menl in-tihihils ‘llic rcMi xpuiMiIiitivo |i\ir|>oscH um l n proKrniii salo* will l>L‘ iiiniU: (liri-i-t to jobliprii n iUtonin.v (k-iuT/iI I'nlm cr Mii({ ft. nu’ iiishiiil i'hcf!< nn i,rofili'iTin|{. Hcprm-nlnlivi* Ilowiinl, Okliihim tlimnriiTniioii nflt^r Iiu liitil ritnfirri'il v tic lind lit'ci) i'(KiW(i<v(| tftiit iy tlut prii'i' of siiKur I'nlty Hi fciiU ii \ KiKlituin cttHlt-rii nifiiaTios, whii;! <llNtn)>ii()o» f)f .sHpir ill tlic L iiik'il S —' iii'i'i oiml In iiintcH linlf a dozen itnu-jjiiw at iiri’fi priee wlifi'h tlu- i-ohkuiium’ luw tn (iny. lur a lwo *!iiy i:oiiri'roiu t* w ill A"nistai K. F'iKt:. >'* Hiioeiul vliiirKc of the fijjlit PigR. In n nalinn-wldfl protie round ~ IJic cau»« for aticpnillns pricoa wa* Hi# I iimnlpulatlon of tho ninrkct by tipccu- 1ator«. Tbo rctincni pIcilRcil thomxtlvon lo not up B nyMom uiuIor which' niiloi will b« conJIned tc a narrow tlelO of tiurcbji»»r«. Tko depBrtmeol of JUHtlcO will b« - «bl« to tell from redticri roporl*. «ub> m ited every 30 days, Ibo actual price ' or raw dusara. the exact .location of ' all tuppllea dlitrlhutcft anrt an oftec. Uve trace will be jlven upon Iho mar- Rln at profit by Jobber* .aotl retailora. | Baldt hol5li”tb'ai*nol n^ioro"thari tour or : tive centi reprooent* n IcKltlmaln ' cbarse for retlnlnic ond com of iiand- li»r, lA adilJiJoD to tbo rosl of raw »uiir. lUflnerH report iialox Indlcaleil to. day tliat more tban K> per cent of ' lupply han been brouRhi up by the candr manutacturer* anti- soft ilrink lnt«reiU nov tBylns'aioclu Juld by )n *anh’6uiQii. it tias stated. | H i METER IJ DITCH WATER g Tbose W&o Oet Stipp!;’ Tbroti(;h Sltcbn Mnat’ Have It Kcm . 0 ured Alio 0 A peUtlon raquoAlliif; tho delivery It ot Irrigation m e r In tlio >cHy wat U l prMonted at the city toutiell meet. Ins laat ovealag. Busincer R. V. Derg Atated thal datlrory-could^e etrecied y fo • nbort t{m«. Ie.i Councllmao J. S. nuHAoll uikoO.ibat thoie RtUlnK Irrlsatlon wator throu«h dlt^es nhould have it measured by a ^d ineter ]usl the'aame ns thosa who cci ^ 11 IhrouBb iilpoa for lawn and nartlen (j«f watorlnj; Tlira wu* Bjtrecd upon. Accordtps lo tho pregenl Mtatula ^li tbe city &nnoi prevent peoplo from {L olMlnlnff their Irrleatlon water from a dllch' tiul Oouocllman Orerkenrldga aatd: ' ••Wo can pul tho ruto au hlRh lliat ^ they cannot atfonl lo gtit wuter from (tltcheK and then all wtll tnke It from pipe# Ilkn moat of ui do now.*' THHILUTIU UAIT. :»tliK PAJU8. April rr.-T w o Mnorlwii Kod Croaa workorK In Polund. MIm Mary Suchewtko of liulfulo. N. Y.. and lieutenant J. W. 1). Kvuna ut Ueau- ■{„. ■moat. T«x., are eafo after a bawrdoai t,. .. flJibt down ilte Dwluui- rinr with a / ) rail laden with orpbnn relURova, ac- _,i x^tdmlMra o( the pany narrowly es- capod drownlOK. Tbo partr Dynahurg tor Kal> < kuay by r«U bacaune no other meahi u,. ot iraaaporutlon waa avoIUble.\r Tha mo crall waa laden with 27 orphan 'Chlt. drmaod a. larn auppir ot tood and ^ olothlDi. .,t)U>..tO'ihe eDormou ice Jl .notl, th*.n4 ,t>ac«iie tinaaaaacNhio •t'l - add was swepl alons almoat helplGkB ... f o r flVA b o u n . UnilinK Roaliy waa etfflcted ahoitt mliimKht. . t,, 'WOMEN V ^ K llS OKRATI.Y [ OlTXinftlBR MEK I?f Sl WND0K,:A|>T<1*»-'S7.—n v e njllllon i to tbe BrltliLh polling books. Tbal tni .will mean'.uie women . volera wtll KfMUlr outBumtMbr the nen.* per- ta; liapa.br a nIillOD. ui Under a otfw measure, vhlch has < th)B Oovernaeat'a sanction and make* to lt| certain cf-enactment, women over bo tw^my-one .yaahi of uko. Inalead ot ca iMhr-one aa at pnaent. will set'(bo baiI,ot Tbt t&oanure was (arced npon tUe aoverament by the ijibor Party. .|, Thia means tbat^at tho nixt general tit eleotlon thi: women vi>t<..Sflt|Uil will Ci have Ihe power *of practleallr.ilonil- qt caiioc (It* pMtilcf et tbe bMIdd. ■ ou BittBfBOOHS MLB S J. F. .^inlBctoa . unoaoced thia o< M m Uiitckt haa. aold tb*>Batier Ui t3 o a to m aK .IU ed whn:wlH .tnka so * yt ,S D A IL X TIM E S Ii fw M ANZA ^ SALES PLAN f REFINERS IS !- HIGH PRICES ith Government Aimed lator Who Blamed of Commodity imiiintioii of niit;ar n|U‘ ,i‘iilnti>i'J< « ’n>> ■II nui'Oi'iiiriit ln-lwi-cii the depjirl- (lie fjriiii-ijM) .Hiiptr rcfijn'firx of 'esiik' iiT. hii^ai' l<i miildie tiu'ti for Olll wnM ii(lii|)te<{ u n d e r w iiirli nil ■Kniul wlloll'Hlll'T.S, • i ho M ifvcd lltc }-c.si}il n'uiilil br iiiiuii, wiii iiili'iiilure iu tlu' iuiU«‘ ipcnihttimHrrfliiKiHvliiuimmm'vd , d wilhllowiirci E. Kit>tr, imTTsllHeir ' ~ 'ilorx ill sntfw. Jiinl jutniu-tl ll pouud-.- Illeil dxitrul iinii-tieidiy llie entire 1 S tates eoiiiiiiilti'd 'ilieiiisclveH to I.... ...........‘■■■ '■fi'-ii i'’"n I'liui. •I'dl MOW liii'lifd I’ll tuTTte I'l'lni)' - - i-. The iiKreeiueii'i wim rem-iu-d iiT- itaut lo Atlui'iiey lleiurnil Howard bt to loWQr tlie hiKh eont of living. IIO THEY KAT ’K.M AI.lYKt ' (JI-:nkuai. m ilitaky hkad- QlIAllTKUS. STATE OI-' 80- NOILV. HlillMOSILLO. Mcx.. s= April 27.—Tho eoiiinilKnury of _ Oenernt CallrH. comnmndvr In i cblef nl AURB I’rIuiB. won cn- 1 rlc!;ml ludny by tho ndillllm of ' ..one tliouaond burron purcbanod lo provide ment for u larite torce ■/’ o( Mnyo ludliinH romprlijtnf; a | •' pnrt of Callau’ forcc*. ^ hero explained that the Mftj'o inilUnn who nro Htalloncd al Auru PrlOla. to deiund the A northeBiicrn pari of Sonora ^ mtalnnl an Invasion ot Carranta Iroops trom Chihuahua, are par- llcularly fond of burro meat. • AcllUR on.tbe InnirucUon* from Oenerat Callca. lho ronulrcU number of ihcao ralUitui ^ au i ot burden were rounded up and tin alilppfrd to Augn' Prleta to np- peaie the epicurean tajiloA at <i„ the Indians. ' . . — ~ lf« BOiSMPROPOSii' sm kiothe : BIG BUSK BOYSI WASHINOTO.V. April 27,-Uonus cglalsilon w rnita. brougtit In lo ilie hoiuo Monday nuxl for conalderatlon of paasuRe. tender Mondcll unnonnc- Tc ed todny. (;,.j Next Mnnday Ik nuapcnolon duy un- der h6uko rulCH und a bill bruustil j up on lhai duy comen under tho forty mlnuio (leValo rule no uuioiidmantii, o two third, voto ul tbu memhoni pren- rui cni 10 Kunpcnd the rulen und o ma- Jorliy vojo to jmmih tho bill. ^ WAmiiXUTON, April ar-SoUHor Ml Itoauv loRlntollon . held llio utlcniliiii ot CnnRrtias loduy bul th« develop- inenlM tndlcalo lliat tho Icadora nrc nu nearer a natlKtuctory Holnllnn ol tbu ' proWent than ut atiy liJtro 'illtrin/f ilio imnl week, "r‘ Tho Idcntleni hill jiroacnled hy Hepreaehtallvo Rulney, Dcmocral ot llimols, and tlepnweniatlve Johmon, KepQbllcan of Sooth Dakokia, levyinf a (ax oatwar profits for 2930. wiileh will result In tho taking by ihe gofr- ^ ernment of SO por cetii of pnntB -tnnir-tndnBtrr~«igairtii—In-war-wotlfr — routed the buslneaa roan In congress to a protest ot alarm. ],y (I Is claltoed.hy the autlioni of tiils />» Itlll,that. It will jrleld tally IS.OOO.OOO:- tr, 000 and that this sum v^U ample to ed pay any bonus lhat may be voied to ra the tom er Mrrlce men. Dustoess m mea conimd that, the'takihr ot ihli amount of,money Irom' indDatry will' td. crlpplo It. render It unlble'to eaity on the bunlness lhat tnust be handled if tnulo and oommerco' are lo conilniio AI prmpenmli and inlKhi preclpllato' a ro panic tbal would throw Ihe entire .couniry: isj.disorder and dlssiter. lo In onler to prevent iu pwage cll therg~wlll be qulek~llua_up o( thone he mtpibers ol congress who.btllavi-niU' la bu^lnaas and Industry are carrying taxes now. about aa boavr as It Is aato to load upon them. TIio rtsuli of Buch movement will h« tend to ereai« another taction oq ihe tli bontu leglalatlon and further compli* ht cate the situation. n Tha pofltical *ld« of lb« qeaadoa Sl was emohaalM.lri-Uie house by ptr- 'l»an Kptechea made by neprmirnta- Uves bt)n;;worUi. Republlcon of Ohio. Creca..’ltepaMlain of Iowa, ahd Oar* ner. Democrat ot -Texaa. The- Ita* ^ ouMlcacu aeoided tite S4mocn(c‘ A)^ « irrlng to make political capllal- out » of tha propoaed leglslaUon. and the Oemocrau retored thal the Repub- S' Ucatti Wfre teeklns to capture, the P soldier vote b r the paltrr bribe of |1 » iS THE .ONLY NBV^ TWIN FAIiS, n FACIN I . Fll 1 _1 I Mexican Crisij Growth of I Americans Leaving Mazai Port Is Looming— WASIIINfiTON'. Ai>ril 27.-A eri ft'ai.'li/iij{ JtiTtf l«(l«.)', iiffd tiwri! i-v i» d the Htroii((tli of the revolii'iiuiiury iiiov Vilpiie'diii|jntela's of fiicbliiiK in I lie i« iinin'iulinir for poi^nii*ii of llie ion here liial witliiti n few^ny'H tiicro lf'«fl.l» fnrUwr siuh'vs-- h- h iiioyn ('iijtliire of .Mier mid (liw irro, rr Ultra ri'v'ohiliiiuists iiere, aud roiinmia' revolutii)n were the xtroiiKi'Ht i-viiluiiee ill i:uri'lrui of the Hlate of .MorejoH. lHror»«ili«n fIjHf Oi'iivrii) ViMxniiH Ilf Hiieem by tlie Cnrruiizii ^overunicul Mexieii (^ity iirwHpajiers of .\|iril (.'iniula luiH Koue over to Ibe Ubri'Kon of lli« Kurrisoii al Onenievaeu, near M r t’boJIivJ wilh u o f eHVJiJry a liitiild of oiieratioiiH iiKiiiiiHt tlie rebels i Lcoii, ut Nujtinii, in UiiriitiKO und nt Ku Tho foderol KiirriHoii nl iliuiterey, uf the rebels ik aetivc in tiie Htule oC T belirijcn Moitteity and 1 Alberto OiiiinbarRo, fudcrnl collec Te.x., wilh n lar^e mim of money whicl eeivi-d toduy by (leiieruf Alvumilo, rop Tli<! eiiHtnm liouiteH of Nuevo Lnrv iiJtii wdl-. lti«'iii)vjc(W «l«» altileiJ. A’l .Monlcrey im cnlin- n;({iiiieiil in ruilo'tt adviwH. W.\SHIKQT0K. April :I7.—\tiierl- cuna. tearing a nt&l battlu hetwceii ;f 1 revolullonlsts oHd; Mexican toilurul ‘v l troupn. havo d(|RvHed M a n tla n ,‘a<^- ^ cordlnic iji^advlceii, tcachijtit lho (Oala departniDm today. U "j‘ > k .\ All Ot tbe Americana nt Muullan ' U , wlio (iMlrod lo- leave woro afforded i aemnniodallons on tho Pacific mail ntninior Senator ond 86 are reporied lo havn’sailed from the threatened port lale yoslerday. Arranntiienui tor ilhn evacuation or Atqnrlcun clllxans trom Maaatlan £ ]| were mado 1>y rvproaantatlves of lho American govenimoni. ( eral iroop tralni havo been captured by revolullonlslK between Iguala and Cueniaviscs. wiihln CO miles of Max- S ico Cllr. according to advices recelv- wnt ed,today t>y General Salvador Alva* woi rado, representative of the Bonora at- » twvoiuUon here; Tho troopa wero of Tv^ > x,v^«ommand ot Oeneral Pablo Oon* Bill l'tal«r -'S lo ^n'■ ... . ^ *iinJ I AlIOA PnilETA. MW.. April ST.— Ing > Airilnoa'-ot ths’Bouthom'Pacific rail- ao- I road ot Uexico Opflmtlng'through tho ’ c 0 alales of Sonora and Sinaloa recenUy «j>i lolxed tir.the SonDra.ml>ltar7..to.ra- iui t cllltate the morement ot troopn. will arc 9 he oftlclally returaed to,tbelr..JUDar« {m t' lesn'O'meri'atiroDit today. 1 BUYS 8TATI0X ~ •Senaior J. H. Bearer of Castleford I haa purchased the electric .service sla* - . 0 tion frtom-Mrs.'Oeorge U. Oow. wbose lU . husbafld-dled a-few weeks ago.' This > sutloh is locate<) at tbe comer ot Jea a Second avenuo ■and Second aireet cai . north. CeXEltAL SKWABD DEAD in •i KKV Y0RK»:..April, l«.-Oeneral t« i. WlUlant Henry Sewmrd, civlLwar ret* ibi ^ Mb'Md-fcaaker.'dlad-bm this aom* 'tt e He waa k eon ot William Haory t. Seward; fomer eaeratorr ot elaUtttd ^ , promiBintjr .ldeauned with flnaneia] aad;9!aitl^ coDtteeUotdi io NewYoi« M WSPAPER m IDAH' L S H , IDAHp, TtJESDAY, APRH. 27. 102 ro CRL Incentive now HU(H ) ; ^ HOW SK Thty MUIH ' C h W j^yv\v— ^ is at H and ^ Revolt---Test jatlan Where Bloody Bat —Seized Railways Will E ei'ixls ill (bl! Mexieiiii silualioii i-< at i;jdit.vitj<//i tlm t tJie /’itm l NlritjfKle »-■* »' iioveiiieiit nKiiiiiKl i’rcHidi'Ut (.':irritu>’ .:i. n llli- vieiuily of .\lexieo City aud of lie port of .Muxiitlaii ou 'die wrsl i-nuh 3ru will ite n tiiniiiijr poiiil in tii- i-evii VI! firiiiJy CTlrtblj.'i)! iJjc rule of l)ie , reiKirted to (/eui-rai Saivudor Alvar niatiou of n'jiitrU llial llu- I'oi-'-i-i of (« lUM'H uf new tilreui;lb by tin- rebel'i. iJi'N.Jihn rt'fiiJied Jh jititt thv rt')>«'lj. »v;j.r cut. ril 2l), report tbnl Ceiu'nil .Salvadm' ;on enii.se. Ueiicral Toniit Kebi-llii iuiH r Mcxii'o (/ily, un tlte Kruinul of ue|;le V at I'riiiiimui, iu .Mintwint/t. (Ji'jirni Is in Unerrcro. i'i^ditiiiK is rejiorled a'l Kunelio N'n(?vo nenr Tnnipieo. rey, eupitnl of N'eiivu l..euu lia« iieeu C TiiiiiutdipaH, und iH.>ueiiiieiuK ileyiioii 1 Torreoii is ijitt'rntij’icd «l JIjiiiuw. Icctor of cuHtonifi ut .MiiIutnoniK, .Mex liich Iio Iihk depoKili-U in Aniurieiin In roprp.Hcntulivc of tint Hoiiora revoliitii inri'do m id I’ie<irji« .\e(iniH liave also.ii LiiuH jiiHt Kone over to <iciieial dalles SEiLED»£Eri OOT OF COURT E fte MUUneiy ftnd BlihDO Studio Oit OI&liQ T hat W ater Doniggbd ____Thrnn.in T.furgn Wpy— ^ ----------- Several aulls against ihu elly for ^ water damage caused by broken pipea «jn wore-talked-over by Ibe-dtr-«ouncai ara at- Ita regular laeattnK- last evealng. (jd, TWq-ot lho main plalatlffa.ar* tho ell BllulMllllneircompanrandihoOebce Qri Siudlo. Some months ago wator inalns near eaoh pbce'blirstad, flood- ti Ing’Uio baaemenia and'oiualiig dam- cur go: lo soodtt. Wh Otkar Twin F^IU luwyera will an* nie *lfUV»y Allorney John li. Davlea In | Ujtfmng Iha aiilia,. Uom. af.Uio.abovo tw are,«cbednled’.tor some, time la ‘May. >tv K8|R«BIlonr*looWn|MOKaHl.jt6_nnf!i t* .cable flnancUI eetllomenl are'under ih| way anil It la ihousht the'caaea may wa n m r reach court.. On ; , ----------------. . . ih'c IIUSUANU.XILLS IVIKE WIK) VLKH cm : BAKER.. Ore.. Apra 24,-Imwne Jettouy Is believed lo hsve bean the caUM ot tbe death ol Mr. snd Mra. ■ Till Siratron. rccent arrivals here gii tMbi Caldwoll, Idaho. Slnuion shot d» and killed his wife and then commit- th ted-'aiilclde.. Doth were shot through da Ibo. bead. : Tbey leave tive -«o»U 'ebJldnn. Tb9 > tragedy occurred In u, Um ,Cotunercial hoUl lale ysMertV c* Hn. BtiMM tied oi: ‘f i HO th at RECBIVBi ICTT 1020 UCIAL ^ rr— ----- ^ ^ — ‘Ll |A I ^ ^ ^ ^" RK ije ) ! JMM ________ _ ^ ['•lal I ' 110)1 1 t Impending i: attle for Possession of \* Be Returned « A tl at baud, ui-n.fciiiii: lu reporlB « i itit|»'jidiij(^ vvjtii-b ti'iJJ'deliTJujjie *• iz:i. iifl'ii-iai reporlK llial ii t?i'eal but. IIIII'I ul' .Mi'.\ii'u, bruuijbl llie opin- fvuliiiiuiuii-y iiioveuu-iil wlii.-ii will p ia (■;irn/jtzjt jcijvitujjii- iiI. U lll vaniiiu. re|.r'-seiitHiive i.f liie S-i- J MJeUi-nil .Miiyi-ott liavr jiiiiieil Ibe <. Ci’iii'i'ul Mill i.s I'l'purleil tu Le f ^ r ■;j.rjii ei'|)lril J)ri-e jis n)t itjilii-jiliuu Vll» lor (Jiiiiie)-. w iib '[be j-uiTi.son ut P V niH been relieved of llie.coininiiiitl I I I !|.'leel uf iinly. Cubuicl Toper, bun uTtil AK«ibtr ltns Ihth jiut in eom- a'l Sun .llian, in tiie slate uf .S'lievu ey reinfureeil. General Aliiinzun iho j iioiui in tbut Hlale. Itnilroud eom- tinai aailc lex., bfis arrived in Sau Anlonio. liiinlix, ueeorditii,' to adviccH re- iitiuii. -dcch ■o.iuoveii tlieir fuiiilH tu l|i.- Aiiiei'- vuiu "V lle({us, ueeordiiiK to Gencnil Alva- __________......._________ blllli * rnlli PllTJW Sl,. s K lM . m R s ■fffTirntTYs for 'man Oity Dads Docr«D Tbat It it Un- ing lawful to Stetter Ashei la. ____ _AUu» ______________ ^ _____ iiru Alt pcrsions mnafpulashtra In-tnelal containortt nnd not scatter them n tf ortiund over the nller. Thta waa. de> clded at tho jne«l«g of U» city eoUn* ^ ^ cU laal ovonlQB. - CouncllmaD L. U Dreckenrldge.advocated thal every- jj-i ono be^roitnlred to'hartfan aafi.9Ii.bul Q>,;f II waa decided, tp sqhudtute-Uib oah iKr, cun. Wooasu lk>xe|i,win not'do. Jt wan decreed i ovory .tnan mual buve a melal can. . In llic near Julurt u jxisl'tart'will bo sent lo.aU. rpald^nta. of,the..vUy. giving tho rul(i« applying to-the asbe*. _ < C^iaW^tJiiiijlaeert rrnisplatlhaMWi* M Ihb alleya so. lhat Ihe. city,haulfbg wagona will have BOL dItOoully in (Mtag (hotn. People who ecaller ih'elr-aahiM In the alley win be'prose* cuiod, ll was decided; fl PRDEOTIIIAX OX JOOHXM KANSAS CITY.,AprtI Sl/-41enry n% SS the W ar o & k la'ln .Konsoa CltTvU^ W day tbt' -K-brttf^ “A ^lM^tpelL^^v h He «gpecs to reach Ntw Ydnt..b^ tbe Btddle.9(,Jnae. Hhi.aetednla tai c*lI«’’tQ r < ^ p e U ^%>?d&^t^^*sho«-8le««'K'iw 7£m^^%u^"-Blloa to bla:on4tt ^ 'BS TWO LEASED U es ^Wfu2 WOOD AND JO AT GRIPS TOD ELECTIONS Bl Lodge Leading in-Massacl egates—Harding and Wo in Ohio—Watch Johr iHl.-;'niX, Apvil 21. Kirsi 1-i'iiu.M fi-uiii rnrvei- 1 ,11.1 slinu..,! I ml.-.l Sin 111.- K,-j.iilili.-aii .'iiiiiliiltilrK i’mi- .l<’b'i.Mi vriiti.ui: bi-llMloi- 1,u.(ur n-n-ive.l 17 V ;.| I llllll willi Hi vulrs; e\.S,-iinl.o- I 'l-ii IJ. Ill .Mll-'lli-l'i'i-. till' 'I'c-nliil l'l li'lml l.oilffe lias .................... I III- will |ii'.".-iil av. :i jin-.tiileiiiial >-aiiiliil:i'{'' al lli*- I li \V .\S l!lS li'i'(lN : Aiii ii L'T. --Ma-,.fi slale, Wiisbiiiv'tuii. :il 11 c-uiivi-imnu, \vi lioiiji) i-;iii.-ii> lit ( ‘bii-auii. A 'luiul ul' Wn.VT AII.S I'S. ATi.WTir -V. .f.. .inrlJ i,-:„ 'I'liVViikMlw ul in.- I.......ll'' ^ 111 llw i>ri-.'.>'iii Ilnu- uri- ibi' loo iiiiii-b iT'-illl mul a >.>-nli'in i;li! .It war lime iitxiulon. ll w.in I .!i-<liir.-.l luiluy by W. 1. Suui- S.-i .l.-ni, lireHlili'iil ut llu- Mn«-rli-aii Jur .M/itiiJfarliirer;. y1..«in-|i.Hu)i ud- nrl' .1rri.>liii: Hu> .-oaveiilloii ul llie fun I'liiiiiilK'r uf (•iiaiiiii're'’ ut ,\iiu'r- uf Ic;. . •'Wlml w<. lire n-iilly i.»tlcrlii(; J'*' . fnim". lie ili'i-liireO, "hi Ihut I.ii»lfir«« l««mlne lii-yaiii} aur ubilliy lu lukn i-nro uf 11. Kbuiild iirovide nafrKunrdK UKUIiini Ibp cxionnloiiK of cr«d- II, OI»i-uuiit riit»K i-liouUl bu biKb cmaiRli lo rcniniln npei-u- J.. luHoii. itroflfi-critiK una iiiincc- . ennnry iHtrrowliig, iniikcH Incronurd cunts ur.d Ulsli prlcrn." hIuuiUI Ihi piil on . n j|,p I*«cc llmu busln. "Tlio oaly cx- f euno fur. tbo exi-oiiii prodln -tax tteli WUH (loMiiomtlnn u( Wunblnaion. 'con ,V ' (ux uu prufltfl iiieuan i» hold gn, them iluwn. Jam now mc wnni all Ihc profiia ihal ean br msde. I.CI liicomcs which eomo from profliB l>e inxed", iiA ilili SERlNtPREOICTEOS 8Y TREASURY CHIEF! —— A By FIU.sk ti. AUaO.S |®f' HERLIN. April 27.—Warning lhai jVi' lho govommeni Is ihrealened -nllh a rinanclal breakdown wns given the g nailoual assembly today by llerr q., ft’lrtb. the minister of finance. *uh "Govornmcni approprlnliunn lo iimlntaln preneai prlcen ot food/* lie doelurcd. "aro K'^cuter than the tolnl g vuluu of our harvont In peaco time, l,., "We fuco a deflcll of ono billion murks (nom ally J2C0.000.00U) lo our tXKiUil nervlce nd a deficit of twelve ,ii bllllunii Oionnally tS.OOO.OOO) on our am rullruadH." tioi Horr Wlrlh compluliicd Ihal thc del eimi ilf nllleij mllltury itccupuilou Is 'art vory high nnd dBmunde<l nn early Ilx- Hoi ailln ot ibe.roparailons which Oor. Jui many will Uu exiled oh 11/ pay tbo 1 iillicB. lon ___ __ Ihl "•’ u EUMNT'April n .—The national Qjswspapor Ueuteclie l^lirig revoulod pj ... today -wbal ll ullogod.iu Iw u now plot tbr u comuunlaiic uprliing In Uer- , 'many which had tor IU’object the sclc ' Ing ot m'oro than a doton Oerman cities nnd tlie tnimodlate declaration ^ ot u soviet republic. Ainohg Ihb cities to bo solxod wore E . y rtgma ur y r T innigrmunj B.- lU w veif ^ ilrunawtidc. Uundeo.. a«Uttgen,-Caa. aol. Uoiha. eJna. Uiptlg. Halle, III- '“J Ihorfold and llslborsiadt. Berlin «-as nijf itfciudta; •“ .uDWAtn the all^od plot Incln^T ^ 'the btowlsg-up or railroad bridgea; ^ t'uitlng of telegraph and telephone °\ JlsM'-aHiT'desiroyiog every mMnk-or . OOTf.monlcatlon la order lo piimlyje _ lho mi^2 '"«D>« or the nelcbaweber. ^ Accnr^ng lo the liows^per'a hoc- ^ rol rrgular army of 40,000 mon ui- ro;i'ty hua been formnlaieit to carry tiui. tho plot.- G rknted S Ib ^ . •. U Rl Six building permlls woM Issued •* yestetilsy by tbe city clerk. Otto Wohrmberg wlH c'onslnict a‘ WW '■ residence on lou 33 and H, block 1. n ■let ?««0t P. ilf-, ThompsoB .ifaa D iriBteil. Ihe rttW ia.iuktar|i00-.aittr. *> garace, alie UxSO, on lot l7. Uock S?L« I WIRE SEJ^y/(^£S I 3 8 7 5 , lr . OLD v o l. i m M0: »* \TION OHNSON ARE DAY-THREE 3EING HELD xchusetts Choicc of Del- Vood Having Hol Time ihnson and Hoover mai-.v i-.'luniH Iixlay weri-'reei'ived Siiii<-< S.'iiiiiiir l.udk'e .b'ndiii);’ all ■i.Mii; Il'l bii-ui- to ihe t'liieuno enu- 7 ....... . 1-: n ;-uv:riu(i- McCall wn« r,-ai..- Ii^ui l l and S|i,.akoi- (Jiiletl. ■IKil'l, led llll- lisl. S.'nillUl* - ill lb.- IIIIIIK' uf iluvi'riiur (\i(ilidi{u I liii-iiiiii iHiivi'rilioii. us.Ha. bus('lis. N.-u- .li'i'Xi.y und Obio pi-i-l'cn-...... iirimai teH uiid u foiirllt . - wili - '-l.'.-t'd; i|.'ii-;:nli-~ l^ tle illP ----------- ul' IJ.'i ib'b-Kiili-s will lie luimcd. Tlh' N.-»- Ji-r^i'v liml (Ihln iirlmarloii li.ro I,elm: «-,iK-h.:d from political' lUi'ixl'iiiiirU'rn la ibu .-nultal wllh pur- il. iili.r I111.T.--I. CoiiHlilornble nlgnlf- 'ii-iiiii-iv (!i tir thc Hgpuhlleuna_______ Ibl' i.ri-ii.' uf blltiT facllubal strug - gle. lu itblo lll.l iiinin niulenl In iMttweeo S.-aat.>r W.irrcii U: llnrdlng and Ma- jor tli'iirriil l,cuiinril Wood—"a fav- urlle fdll" Ullll na ••uuUildor" who ro- fiiH'-'l lu r<H-oi;nlt(i lhc uid tradition Ilf leuvInK -'Cnvurlle nnna" and Ihelr Hl'ikli-n nevcruly iiloiil- hut who pitch* e.l lu I.nd luiidL- a bsmiuer and longs fUht uf ll, Connldurnble rcienlmenl Is oxpreia- ed In eerinln elrclei agalnat the ao* tion uf Oencrul %Yood In Invading Ohio, but K In udinltted that whllo Senuior lianllag probably will gat-a good innjorlty. the genrrsl will prol>- ubly carry off nocond honors, which In ull hlH Itaekcrx wanied for blm. In tho event Ibu viiien of the.Ohio dele* Hurdlng, the Wood crowd want to be tho second choice. Annihcr pbase of the Ohio primaries being watched from the capital Is the comparative standing of Senator Hir- am Johnioo and Herbert Hoover. ThE.VTOS. N. April *7.-Th* Wood and Jobaioo forces conle to gflps In New Jersey tociy in tbe Ro* publican prererentlal Jrtmary with ' both sides clslmlng victory. . Only tho niimeB ot Oeqeral Wood and Senstnr Johnaon appeared on the' bullolB.. Voters. lton'o;er,--ha*o Iha* prlvllogn of wriling In lho names of olher eunilldutoR It Iln'y desire. Na Dcmoemtlc nuuics api.esrod on Ihe. ballots. Thu prlndiuii figbt centered abouts tho solcclloo ot New Jersey'a . “biff • four” for which ihero are eight cui*. dlilntCB. l-'our ot these candidates o n pledged lo Oeneral Wood, two to-B«n* utor. Johnson and two are pledged to vuto tor whoever wins tbe primary. - < A total of it deJtfatM asd ’3lyil«- ternaus will be cbosett I t Will'- Iste tonight or early t^ m w .b e to re . dellnlte figures cooJw'tfMjaned a> th» polla do not close until t.p. n . - Benaior Johnson’s c a m ^ ^ m u * ' ager today claimed the..(U te'hy-a nubstantlal -majority. Tb'd' Wotid forces were equally coatldeat; !, ah:ATTLB. Wash.. .A pril, S7-rAU«> >J- . kuna here are IntereitedM o'llie'fii*' mary elecUon being heM ilJvoaftont' the northern territory tefliu', nl committeemen:',',atloflficyi'. geserat aud delentes to thb Oairttal eo&irw* . tions-win be nolected. CoBdldalM to r delugau to the Cble«i^«otf««Atlimr are George Hatelit jti ' Iteud. fS'onie, and .E Q S r^ ValeMln*. Junaati.' v'-' <-. •. ■ Tho Uemocrats have i|rtl)y odo 'eoaK* lent, thst tor torrlluaUI^Atot>.-.'la* thlfl 1-1 A. Heath. Ketehll^giM-Ua«0< .Sowerby. JunegO; . TllOOPM i WNDON; April »-^^•klg•l|1i^ dfli" • currod belween CblB«tfe’''MV«rtMi'l|iit'f tro»pa aad In prtKtat ogoldst f —^miufiii eitsi iiT |^n^> |tM pan: .jnra -W^r- ^ T ifflm inifl^^ " of the goverpmeat anwklii'JM W tSw ff?' strike. , <nJSa by tbe tfedtog.itod‘laiJ® «e^ete® L r It i i n f i n l^jiriil^^^^ I Crom^ hli Ihe ntunber ot OwnwnMnEfSaB/ n-k. -— w- v_ 1 aa pMtfiued;'V- tb i(i,* 6 5 rh S E 3 fc » ra e n t r •••TbP‘Owtwa^gCTMMiiTO , reqnesu th«t'tba> L"

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Page 1: HO W IRE SEJ^y/(^£S fw M L SH ICTTU e s WM/ANZA …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · T i a : i ^ V S 0 i F A L L S . WM/MJOL. in. MO. U. NEW

T i a : i ^ V S 0 i F A L L S .

MJOL. i n . MO. U .

W M /NEW SUGAR J FiOfiliqED ON E ENiM Y TO VAgreeiment Reached Witl

at:M iddle-m ah Specula for H igh Prices o

a ; ■ W A SIlfN G tO N . Ai>ril 2 T .-K iiiiu Miitl Ul bi' iiMHuri'tl Ui-rc im liiy by un iiich t o f jiiMtiVi' jiiid (•xcc'dfiv'.'K o f III tlic CUBt. .

T ho u({ri;i:menl in-tihihils ‘llic rcMi xpuiMiIiitivo |i\ir|>oscH u m l n proKrniii salo* w ill l>L‘ iiiniU: (liri-i-t to jobliprii n

iU ton in .v (k-iuT/iI I 'n lm c r Mii({ ft. n u ’ iiish iiil i'hcf!< nn i,ro fili'iT in |{.

H cp rm -n ln liv i* I lo w iin l, Okliihim

• tlim nriiT n iio ii n flt^ r Iiu liitil r itn f ir r i 'i l v • tic lind lit'ci) i'(KiW(i<v(| tftiit

iy tlu t prii'i' of siiK ur I'n lty Hi fc iiU ii \ K iK lituin cttHlt-rii n if iiaT io s, whii;!

<llNtn)>ii()o» f)f .sH pir ill tlic L iiik 'il S — ' ■ iii'i'i o iml In

iiintcH lin lf a d o z en itnu-jjiiw a t iiri’fi p r iee wlifi'h tlu- i-ohkuiium’ luw tn (iny. lu r a lw o *!iiy i:o iiri'ro iu t* w i l l A"nistai K. F'iKt:. >'* Hiioeiul vliiirKc of th e fijjlit

PigR. In n nalinn-wldfl protie round ~ IJic cau»« for aticpnillns pricoa wa* Hi# I iimnlpulatlon of tho n inrkct by tipccu- 1ator«.

Tbo rctincni pIcilRcil thomxtlvon lo not up B nyMom uiuIor which' niiloi w ill b« conJIned tc a narrow tlelO of tiurcbji»»r«.

Tko depBrtmeol of JUHtlcO will b« - «bl« to tell from red ticri roporl*. «ub> m ited every 30 days, Ibo actual price ' or raw dusara. the exact .location of ' a ll tuppllea dlitrlhutcft anrt an oftec.Uve trace will be jlv e n upon Iho mar- Rln a t profit by Jobber* .aotl retailora. |

Baldt hol5li”tb'ai*nol n^ioro"thari tour or : tive centi reprooent* n IcKltlmaln ' cbarse for retlnlnic ond com of iiand- li» r, lA adilJiJoD to tbo ro s l of raw » u iir .

lUflnerH report iialox Indlcaleil to. day tliat more tban K> pe r cent of ' lupply han been brouRhi up by the candr m anutacturer* anti- soft ilrink ln t«reiU n o v tB y ln s 'a io c lu Juld by )n * a n h ’6uiQii. i t t ia s stated. |


T bose W&o O e t S t ip p ! ;’ Tbroti(;h

S l t c b n M n a t’ H a v e I t K c m . 0

u r e d A lio 0

A peUtlon raquoAlliif; tho delivery I t o t Irrigation m e r In tlio >cHy wat U l prMonted a t the c ity toutiell meet.In s laat ovealag. B usincer R. V. Derg Atated tha l da tlro ry -co u ld ^e etrecied y fo • nbort t{m«. Ie.i

Councllmao J . S. nuHAoll uikoO.ibat tho ie RtUlnK Irrlsa tlon w ator throu«h d l t^ e s nhould have it measured by a ^d ine ter ]usl the 'aam e ns thosa who cci 11 IhrouBb iilpoa fo r law n and nartlen (j«f w ato rln j; Tlira wu* Bjtrecd upon.

A ccordtps lo tho pregenl Mtatula ^ l i tbe city & nnoi p revent peoplo from { L olMlnlnff the ir Irr leatlon water from a dllch' tiul Oouocllman Orerkenrldga aatd: '

••Wo can pul tho ruto au hlRh lliat they cannot a tfon l lo gtit wuter from (tltcheK and then a ll wtll tnke It from pipe# Ilkn moat o f u i do now.*'

THHILUTIU U AIT. :»tliK PAJU8. April r r . - T w o Mnorlwii

Kod Croaa workorK In Polund. MIm Mary Suchewtko o f liulfulo. N. Y.. and lieutenant J. W. 1). Kvuna ut Ueau- ■{„. ■moat. T«x., are eafo a fte r a baw rdoai t , .

.. flJ ib t down ilte Dwluui- r in r with a / ) ra il laden with orpbnn relURova, ac- _,i

x^tdm lM ra o( the pan y narrow ly es- capod drownlOK.

Tbo p a r tr D ynahurg to r Kal> < kuay by r«U bacaune no other meahi u,. o t iraaapo ru tlon waa avoIUble.\r Tha mo c ra ll waa laden w ith 27 orphan 'Chlt. d r m a o d a. l a r n a u p p ir ot tood and

^ olothlDi. .,t)U >..tO 'ihe eD orm ou iceJl .notl, th* .n4 ,t>ac«iie tinaaaaacN h io

• t ' l - add was swepl a lo n s alm oat helplGkB . . . for flVA boun . UnilinK Roaliy waa etfflcted ahoitt mliimKht. . t , ,

'WOMEN V ^ K llS OKRATI.Y [ O lT X in ftlB R MEK I?f S l

WND0K,:A|>T<1*»-'S7.—n v e njllllon i

to tbe BrltliLh polling books. T bal tni .w ill m ean '.uie women . volera wtllKfMUlr outBumtMbr th e nen.* per- ta;liapa.br a nIillOD. u i

Under a otfw m easure, vhlch has <th)B O overnaeat'a sanction and make* tol t | certain c f-enactm ent, women over botw^my-one .yaahi of uko. Inalead o t ca iM hr-one aa a t p n a e n t. will se t'(bo baiI,ot T b t t&oanure w as (arced npontUe aoveram ent by th e ijibo r Party. . | ,

Thia means tbat^at th o nixt general titeleotlon th i: women vi>t<..Sflt|Uil will Cihave Ihe power *of prac tleallr.ilon il- qtcaiioc (It* pM tilcf e t tb e bM Idd. ■ ou

B i t tB f B O O H S M L B S J . F. .^ in lB c toa . u n o a o c e d thia o<

M m U iitc k t haa. aold tb*>Batier Ui t 3 o a to m a K .I U e d whn:wlH .tnka so

* yt

, S D A I L X T I M E S I i


HIGH PRICESith Governm ent Aimed lator W ho Blam ed o f Commodity

im iiintioii o f n iit;ar n|U‘,i‘iilnti>i'J< «’n>>■II nui'Oi'iiiriit ln-lwi-cii th e dep jirl-

(lie fjriiii-ijM) .Hiiptr rc f ijn 'f i rx o f

'esiik ' iiT. hii^a i' l<i m iild ie tiu'ti fo r Olll wnM ii(lii|)te<{ u n d e r w iiirli nil ■K n iul wlloll'Hlll'T.S, • i ho M if v c d lltc }-c.si}il n'u iilil b r

iiiiuii, w iii iii li'iiilu re iu tlu ' iuiU«‘ ip c n ih ttim H rrf liiK iH v liiu im m m 'v d , d w ilh llo w iirc i E . Kit>tr, imTTsllHeir ' ~ 'ilorx ill sntfw. Jiinl jutniu-tl ll pouud-.-Illeil d x itru l iin ii-tie id iy llie en tire 1 S t a t e s e o iiiiiiilt i'd 'ilieiiisclveH toI...............‘■■■'■fi'-ii i '’"n I'liui.

•I'd l MOW lii i 'l ifd I’ll tuT T te I'l'lni)' - - i-. The iiKreeiueii'i wim rem-iu-d iiT- ita u t lo A tlu i'iiey lle iu rn il H ow ard b t to loWQr tlie hiKh eont o f living.


' (JI-:nkuai. m i l i t a k y h k a d - QlIAllTKUS. STATE OI-' 80- NOILV. HlillMOSILLO. Mcx.. s= April 27.—Tho eoiiinilKnury of _ Oenernt CallrH. comnmndvr In i cblef n l AURB I’rIuiB. won cn- 1 rlc!;ml ludny by tho ndillllm of '

..one tliouaond burron purcbanod lo provide ment for u larite torce ■ /’ o( Mnyo ludliinH romprlijtnf; a |

•' pnrt of Callau’ forcc*. ^

hero explained th a t the Mftj'o inilUnn who nro Htalloncd al Auru PrlOla. to deiund the A northeBiicrn pari o f Sonora ^ mtalnnl an Invasion o t C arranta Iroops trom Chihuahua, a re par- llcularly fond of burro meat. • AcllUR on .tbe InnirucUon* from Oenerat Callca. lho ronulrcU number of ihcao ralUitui ^ a u i ot burden were rounded up and tin alilppfrd to Augn' P rle ta to np- peaie the epicurean tajiloA a t <i„ the Indians.

' . . — ~ lf«

BOiSMPROPOSii's m k i o t h e :BIG BUSK BOYS I

WASHINOTO.V. April 27,-U onus cglalsilon w rn i ta . brougtit In lo ilie

hoiuo Monday nuxl for conalderatlon of paasuRe. te n d e r Mondcll unnonnc- Tc ed todny. (;,.j

Next Mnnday Ik nuapcnolon duy un­der h6uko rulCH und a bill bruustil j up on lh a i duy comen under tho forty mlnuio (leValo ru le no uuioiidmantii, o two th ird , voto ul tbu memhoni pren- rui cni 10 Kunpcnd the rulen und o ma- Jorliy vojo to jmmih tho bill. ^

WAmiiXUTON, A pril a r-SoU H or Ml Itoauv loRlntollon . held llio utlcniliiii o t CnnRrtias loduy bu l th« develop- inenlM tndlcalo lliat tho Icadora nrc nu nearer a natlKtuctory Holnllnn ol tbu ' proWent than u t atiy liJtro 'illtrin/f ilio imnl week, " r ‘

Tho Idcntleni hill jiroacnled hy Hepreaehtallvo Rulney, Dcmocral ot llim ols, and tlepnw eniatlve Johmon, KepQbllcan of Sooth D akokia, levyinf a (ax o a tw a r profits fo r 2930. wiileh will resu lt In tho taking by ihe gofr- ^ ernm ent of SO por cetii of pnntB

-tnnir-tndnBtrr~«igairtii—In-w ar-w otlfr — routed the buslneaa roan In congress to a protest o t alarm . ],y

(I Is claltoed.hy the autlioni of tiils />» Itlll,that. It will jrleld ta lly IS.OOO.OOO:- tr, 000 and th a t th is sum v^U ample to ed pay any bonus lha t may be voied to ra the to m e r M rrlce men. Dustoess m mea conim d that, th e 't a k ih r o t ih li amount o f,m oney Irom ' indDatry will' td. crlpplo It. rende r It u n lb le 'to e a ity on the bunlness lh a t tnust be handled if tnulo and oommerco' a re lo conilniio AI prmpenm li and inlKhi p rec lp lla to ' a ro panic tb a l would throw Ihe entire .couniry: is j .d iso rd e r and d lssiter. lo

In o n le r to prevent i u p w a g e cll therg~wlll be q ulek~llua_up o( thone he mtpibers o l congress w ho.btllavi-niU ' la bu^lnaas and Industry a re carrying taxes now. about aa boavr as It Is aato to load upon them.

TIio r ts u l i of Buch movement will h« tend to ereai« ano ther taction oq ihe tli bontu leglalatlon and further compli* ht cate the situation. n

Tha pofltical *ld« of lb« qeaadoa Sl was em ohaalM .lri-U ie house by p tr - 'l»an Kptechea made by neprmirnta- Uves bt)n;;worUi. Republlcon of Ohio. Creca..’ltepaM lain of Iowa, ahd Oar* ner. Democrat o t -Texaa. The- Ita* ^ ouMlcacu aeoided tite S 4m ocn(c‘ A) « irr lng to make political capllal- out » of tha propoaed leglslaUon. and the Oem ocrau reto red th a l the Repub- S' Ucatti Wfre te ek ln s to cap ture, the P soldier vote b r the p a l tr r bribe of |1 »

i S T H E . O N L Y N BV ^

TW IN F A I iS , n



_1 I

Mexican Crisij Growth of IAmericans Leaving Mazai

Port Is Looming—

W A S IIIN fiT O N '. Ai>ril 2 7 . - A eri ft'ai.'li/iij{ JtiTtf l«(l«.)', iiffd tiw ri! i-v i» d the Htroii((tli o f th e revolii'iiu iiu ry iiiov

V ilp iie 'd iii|jn te la 's o f fiicbliiiK in I lie i« iin in 'iu lin ir fo r p o i^ n i i* i i o f llie ion he re liia l w itliiti n few ^ny 'H tiicro lf '« fl.l» fn rU w r siuh'vs--h-h iiioyn

( 'ii jtliire o f .Mier m id ( l iw i r r o , rr Ultra r i'v 'oh iliiiu ists iie re , a u d ro iin m ia ' revolutii)n w ere th e xtroiiKi'Ht i-viiluiiee ill i:uri'lrui o f th e Hlate o f .MorejoH.

lH ro r»« ili«n fIjHf Oi'iivrii) ViMxniiH Ilf H iieem by tlie C nrru iiz ii ^overun icu l

M exieii (^ity iirw H pajiers o f . \ |i r i l (.'iniula luiH Koue o v e r to Ibe Ubri'Kon o f lli« K urrisoii a l O n en iev a eu , n e a r M r t’boJIivJ wilh u o f eHVJiJry aliitiild o f o iieratioiiH iiKiiiiiHt tlie rebels i Lcoii, u t N ujtinii, in UiiriitiKO und n t Ku

Tho fodero l KiirriHoii n l il iu ite re y , u f the rebe ls ik a e tiv c in tiie Htule oC T

b e lir ijc n M o it te i ty a n d 1 A lbe rto O iiiinbarR o , fudcrn l collec

Te.x., w ilh n la r^ e m im o f m oney whicl eeivi-d tod u y by ( le i ie r u f A lvum ilo , rop

Tli<! eiiHtnm liouiteH o f N uevo Lnrv iiJtii wdl-. lti«'iii)vjc(W «l«» altileiJ.

A’l .M onlcrey im c n lin - n;({iiiieiil in ruilo 'tt adviw H.

W.\SHIKQT0K. A pril :I7.—\tiierl- cuna. tearing a n t & l battlu hetwceii ; f 1 revolullonlsts oH d; Mexican toilurul ‘v l troupn. havo d(|RvHed M a n tla n ,‘a< - ^ cordlnic iji^advlceii, tcachijtit lho (Oala departniDm today. U " j ‘ ■ > k • . \

All Ot tbe A mericana n t M uullan ' U , wlio (iMlrod lo- leave woro afforded i aem nniodallons on tho Pacific mail ntninior Senator ond 86 are reporied lo havn’ sailed from the threatened port lale yoslerday.

A rranntiienu i to r ilhn evacuation or Atqnrlcun clllxans trom Maaatlan £ ] | were mado 1>y rvproaantatlves of lho American govenimoni. (

eral iroop tra ln i havo been captured by revolullonlslK between Iguala and Cueniaviscs. w iihln CO miles of Max- S ico Cllr. according to advices recelv- wnt ed ,today t>y G eneral Salvador Alva* woi rado, representative of the Bonora at-

» twvoiuUon here; Tho troopa wero of Tv^> x,v^«ommand o t O eneral Pablo Oon* Bill l ' t a l « r - ' S l o n'■ ... . * ■ iinJI AlIOA PnilETA. MW.. April ST.— Ing> A irilnoa'-ot th s ’B outhom 'Pacific rail- ao- I road o t Uexico O pflmtlng'through tho ’ c0 alales of Sonora and Sinaloa recenUy «j>i

lolxed t i r . th e SonD ra.m l>ltar7..to.ra- i u it cllltate the m orem ent o t troopn. will arc 9 he oftlclally returaed to,tbelr..JUDar« {m t' le sn 'O 'm eri'a tiroD it today.

1 BUYS 8TATI0X ~ •Senaior J . H . B earer o f Castleford

I haa purchased the elec tric .service sla* - . 0 tion frtom-Mrs.'Oeorge U. Oow. wbose lU . husbafld-dled a -few weeks ago.' This >

su tlo h is locate<) a t tbe com er o t Jea a Second avenuo ■ and Second aireet cai . north. T»

CeXEltAL SKWABD DEAD in •i K K V Y0 RK »:..A pril, l« .-O en e ra l t « i. WlUlant H enry Sewmrd, c ivlL w ar ret* ibi ^ M b 'M d -fca ak e r .'d la d -b m th is ao m * ' t t

e He waa k eon o t W illiam Haory t. Seward; fo m e r e ae ra to rr o t e laU tttd ^ , prom iBintjr .ld e au n e d w ith flnaneia]

a a d ;9 ! a i t l^ coDtteeUotdi io N ewYoi« M

W S P A P E R m ID A H '

L S H, ID A H p , T tJE S D A Y , A P R H . 27. 102

ro CRLIncentive

now HU(H ) ; H O W SK Thty MUIH

' C h

Wj^yv\v— ^

i s a t H a n d ^ R e v o l t - - - T e s t

jatlan Where Bloody Bat —Seized Railways Will E

ei'ixls ill (bl! M exieiiii s ilu a lio ii i-< a t i;jdit.vitj<//i t lm t tJie /’itm l NlritjfKle »-■* » ' iioveiiieiit nKiiiiiKl i ’rcHidi'Ut (.':irritu>’.:i. n llli- v ie iu ily o f .\lexieo C ity a u d of lie p o r t o f .Muxiitlaii ou 'die w rs l i-nuh 3ru w ill ite n tiin iiii jr poiiil in tii - i-evii VI! firiiiJy CTlrtblj.'i)! iJjc ru le o f l)ie , reiK irted to (/eu i-ra i S a iv u d o r A lvar n ia tiou o f n 'j i i trU llial llu- I'oi-'-i-i o f (« lUM'H u f new tilre u i;lb by tin- rebel'i .

iJi'N.Jihn rt'fiiJied Jh jit itt th v rt')>«'lj. »v;j.rcu t.r il 2l), r e p o r t tb n l C e iu 'n il .Salvadm ' ;on enii.se. U eiicral Toniit Kebi-llii iuiH r M cxii'o ( / i ly , un tlte K ruinul o f ue |;le V a t I'riiiiimui, iu .M intwint/t. (Ji'jirn i Is in U n e r rc ro . i'i^ditiiiK is re jio rled a'l K unelio N'n(?vo n e n r Tnnipieo. rey, e u p itn l o f N'eiivu l..euu lia« iieeu C TiiiiiutdipaH , und iH.>ueiiiieiuK ileyiioii 1 T o rre o ii is ij i t t 'rn ti j’icd « l JIjiiiuw. Icc to r o f cuHtonifi u t .MiiIutnoniK, .Mex liich Iio Iihk depoKili-U in A niurieiin In roprp.H cntulivc o f tin t Hoiiora revo liitii inri'do m id I ’ie<irji« .\e(iniH liave also .ii

L iiuH jiiHt Kone o v e r to <iciieial d a l le s

S E iL E D » £ E r i OOT OF COURT

E f t e M U U neiy ftn d BlihDO S tu d io Oit

OI&liQ T h a t W a te r D oniggbd

____T h rn n .in T.furgn W py— -----------

Several aulls against ihu elly for ^ w ater dam age caused by broken pipea «jn w ore-talked-over by Ibe-dtr-«ouncai ara a t- Ita reg u la r laeattnK- last evealng. (jd, T W q-ot lho main p la latlffa .ar* tho ell B llu lM llllne ircom pan rand ihoO ebce Qri Siudlo. Some months ago wator inalns near eaoh pbce'blirstad, flood- ti In g ’Uio baaemenia and 'oiualiig dam- cur go: lo soodtt. Wh

O tkar Tw in F^IU luwyera will an* nie *lfUV»y A llorney John li. Davlea In | Ujtfmng Iha aiilia,. Uom. af.Uio.abovo tw are ,«cbednled’.to r some, time l a ‘May. >tv K8|R«BIlonr*looWn|MOKaHl.jt6_nnf!i t * .cable flnancUI eetllomenl a re 'u n d e r ih | way anil It la ihousht the 'caaea may wa n m r reach cou rt.. On; , ----------------. . . ih'cIIUSUANU.XILLS IVIKE WIK) VLKH cm : BAKER.. Ore.. A p ra 24,-Im wne Je t to u y Is believed lo hsve bean the caUM o t tbe death ol Mr. snd Mra. ■ Till S ira tron . rccent arrivals here gii tM bi Caldwoll, Idaho. Slnuion shot d» and killed h is wife and then commit- th ted-'aiilclde.. Doth were shot through da Ibo . b ead . : Tbey leave tive -«o»U 'ebJldnn . Tb9> tragedy occurred In u, Um ,C otunercia l hoU l lale y sM ertV c*

H n . B tiM M tied oi:

‘f i

H O t h a t R E C B IV B i

I C T T1020

UCIAL r r — --- - -— ^ ^ — ‘Ll |A

I ^ ^ ^ ^ "

R K i j e ) ! JMM________ _

^ ['•lalI ' 110)1

1t Impending i:attle for Possession of \* Be Returned «


a t b a u d , ui-n.fciiiii: lu reporlB « i itit|» 'jid iij(^ vvjtii-b ti'iJJ'deliTJujjie *• iz:i.

iifl'ii-iai reporlK llial ii t?i'eal bu t.IIIII'I ul' .Mi'.\ii'u, b ruu ijb l llie opin- fvuliiiiu iu ii-y iiioveuu-iil wlii.-ii w ill p i a (■;irn/jtzjt jcijvitujjii-iiI. U ll lvan iiiu . re |.r '-se iitH iive i.f liie S-i- J MJeUi-nil .Miiyi-ott liavr jiiiiieil Ibe <. C i’iii'i'ul Mill i.s I'l 'purleil tu Le f ^ r

■;j.rjii e i'|) lr il J)ri-e jis n)t itjilii-jiliuu V ll»

lo r (Jiiiiie)-. w iib '[be j-uiTi.son u t P V niH been re lieved of llie .coininiiiitl I I I !|.'leel u f iin ly . Cubuicl Toper, bun uTtil A K «ib tr ltns Ihth j iu t in eom- a'l S u n .llian , in tiie s la te u f .S'lievu

ey re in fu ree il. G enera l A liiinzun iho j iioiui in tb u t Hlale. I tn ilroud eom - tinai

aailcle x ., bfis a r r iv e d in Sau A nlonio.

liiinlix, ueeorditii,' to adviccH re- iitiu ii. -dcch■o.iuoveii t l i e ir fuiiilH tu l|i.- Aiiiei'- vuiu

"Vlle({us, ueeord iiiK to G encnil A lva-

■ __________......._________ blllli* rnlli

P l l T J W S l , . s K lM . m R s

■ fffT irn tT Y sfo r'man

Oity D ads Docr«D T bat I t i t Un- ing law ful to S te tte r Ashei la.

— ____ _ A U u » ______________ ^_____ i i r u

Alt pcrsions m nafpulash tra In-tnelal containortt nnd not scatter them n t f ortiund over the nller. Thta waa. de> clded a t tho jne« l« g of U » city eoUn* ^ cU laal ovonlQB. - CouncllmaD L. U D reckenrldge.advocated tha l every- j j - i ono be^roitnlred to 'h artfan aafi.9 Ii.bul Q>,;fII waa decided, tp sqhudtute-Uib oah iKr, cun. W ooasu lk>xe|i,win n o t'd o . Jt wan decreed i ovory .tnan mual buve a m elal can . .

In llic near Julurt u jx is l 'ta r t 'w ill bo sen t lo .aU . rpald^nta. o f,the..vU y. giving tho rul(i« applying to-the asbe*. _ < C ^ iaW ^tJiiiijlaeert rrnisplatlhaMWi* M Ihb alleya so. lh a t Ihe. c ity ,haulfbg w agona w ill have BOL dItOoully in ( M t a g (hotn. People who ecaller ih'elr-aahiM In the alley win be'prose* cuiod, ll was decided; fl


SSthe W a r o & k la 'ln .Konsoa CltTvU^ W day tb t' -K-brttf^ “A ^ l M ^ tp e lL ^ ^ v h

He «gpecs to reach Ntw Y dnt..b^ tb e B td d le .9( ,Jn a e . H h i.a e te d n la ta i c*lI«’’tQ r< ^ p e U

^ % > ? d & ^ t^ ^ * s h o « - 8 l e « « 'K 'iw 7 £ m ^ ^ % u ^ " - B l l o a to b la :o n 4 t t ^


U e s

^Wfu2WOOD AND JO AT GRIPS TOD ELECTIONS BlLodge Leading in-Massacl egates— Harding and Wo

in Ohio—W atch Johr

iH l.-;'n iX , Apvil 21. K irsi 1-i'iiu.M fi-uiii rn rv e i- 1,11.1 slinu..,! I ml.-.l Sin 111.- K,-j.iilili.-aii .'iiiiiliiltilrK i’mi- .l<’b'i.Mi v riiti .u i: bi-llMloi- 1,u.(ur n-n-ive.l 17 V ;.| I llllll w illi Hi v u lr s ; e\.S,-iinl.o- I 'l-iiIJ . Ill .Mll-'lli-l'i'i-. till' 'I'c-nliil l 'l li'lm ll.oilffe lias .................... I III- will |ii'.".-iilav. :i jin-.tiile iiiia l >-aiiiliil:i'{'' al lli*- I li

\V . \S l! lS l i 'i '( lN : Aiii ii L'T. --Ma-,.fi

s la le , W iisbiiiv 'tuii. :il 11 c-uiivi-imnu, \vi lioiiji) i-;iii.-ii> lit ( ‘bii-auii. A 'lu iu l ul'


A T i.W T ir -V. .f.. .inrlJ i,-:„'I 'liVViikMlw ul in.- I.......l l ' ' ^

111 llw i>ri-.'.>'iii Ilnu- uri- ibi' loo iiiiii-b iT'-illl mul a >.>-nli'in i;li! .It w ar lime iitxiulon. ll w.in I.!i-<liir.-.l luiluy by W. 1. Suui- S.-i .l.-ni, lireHlili'iil ut llu- Mn«-rli-aii Jur .M/itiiJfarliirer;. y1..«in-|i.Hu)i ud- nrl' .1rri.>liii: Hu> .-oaveiilloii ul llie fun I'liiiiiilK'r uf (•iiaiiiii're'’ ut ,\iiu'r- uf Ic;. .

•'Wlml w<. lire n-iilly i.»tlcrlii(; J'*'. fnim ". lie ili'i-liireO, "hi Ihut

I.ii»lfir«« l««m lne lii-yaiii} aur ubilliy lu lukn i-nro uf 11. W«Kbuiild iirovide nafrKunrdK UKUIiini Ibp cxionnloiiK of cr«d-II, OI»i-uuiit riit»K i-liouUl bubiKb cmaiRli lo rcniniln npei-u- J . . luHoii. itroflfi-critiK una iiiincc- . ennnry iHtrrowliig,

iniikcH Incronurd cunts ur.d Ulsli prlcrn." hIuuiUI Ihi piil on . n j|,p I*«cc llmu busln. "Tlio oaly cx- f euno fur. tbo exi-oiiii prodln -tax tteli WUH (loMiiomtlnn u( Wunblnaion. 'con ,V' (ux uu prufltfl iiieuan i» hold gn, them iluwn. Jam now mc wnni a ll Ihc profiia iha l ean br msde.I.CI liicomcs which eomo from profliB l>e inxed",


—— ABy FIU.s k ti. AUaO.S |®f'

HERLIN. April 27.—W arning lha i jVi' lho govommeni Is ihrealened -nllh a rinanclal breakdown wns given the g nailoual assem bly today by l le r r q. , ft’lr tb . the m inister of finance. *uh

"Govornmcni approprlnliunn lo iimlntaln preneai prlcen ot food/* lie doelurcd. "aro K'^cuter than the tolnl g vuluu of o u r harvont In peaco time, l,.,

"W e fuco a deflcll of ono billion m urks (n o m ally J2C0.000.00U) lo our tXKiUil nervlce nd a deficit of twelve ,ii bllllunii O ionnally tS.OOO.OOO) on our am rullruadH." tioi

H orr W lrlh compluliicd Ihal thc del eimi ilf nllleij m llltury itccupuilou Is 'a rt vory high nnd dBmunde<l nn early Ilx- Hoi a illn o t ibe .ropa ra ilons which Oor. Jui m any will Uu exiled oh 11/ pay tbo 1 iillicB. lon

___ __ Ihl"•’u EUMNT'April n . —The national Qjswspapor Ueuteclie l^ lir ig revoulod pj... today -wbal ll ullogod.iu Iw u now plot tb r u com uunlaiic uprliing In Uer- , 'many which had to r IU’object th e sclc ' Ing o t m'oro than a doton Oerman cities nnd tlie tnimodlate declaration ^ o t u soviet republic.

Ainohg Ihb c ities to bo solxod wore E . y rtgma ur y r T innigrm unj B.- lU w ve if ^ ilrunawtidc. U undeo.. a«U ttgen ,-C aa. aol. Uoiha. eJna. U ip tlg . Halle, III- ' “J Ihorfold and lls lborsiad t. Berlin «-asn ijf itfciudta; • “.uDWAtn the a ll^ o d plot Incln^T ^

'the btow lsg-up or railroad bridgea; ^ t 'u itln g of telegraph and telephone ° \ JlsM '-aH iT 'desiroyiog every m M nk-or . OOTf.monlcatlon la order lo piim lyje _ lho mi^2 '"«D>« or the nelcbaweber. ^

A ccnr^ng lo th e lio w s^ p e r 'a hoc- ^ ro l r rg u la r arm y o f 40,000 mon ui- ro;i'ty hua been formnlaieit to carry tiui. tho plot.-

G r k n t e d SIb

^ . •. U Rl Six building perm lls woM Issued •*

yestetilsy by tbe c ity clerk. Otto W ohrmberg wlH c'onslnict a‘ W W '■ residence on lo u 33 and H , block 1. n ■let ? « « 0 t P. ilf-, ThompsoB .ifaa D ir iB te il . Ihe r ttW ia .iu k ta r |i00-.a ittr. *>

garace , a lie UxSO, on lo t l7 . U ock S?L«

I W IR E S E J ^ y /( ^ £ S

I 3 8 7 5 , l r

. OLD v o l . i m M 0: » *

\TIONOHNSON ARE D A Y -T H R E E 3EING H ELDxchusetts Choicc of Del- Vood Having Hol Time ihnson and Hoover

mai-.v i-.'luniH Iixlay w eri- 'ree i'iv ed Siiii<-< S .'iiiiiiir l.udk'e .b 'ndiii);’ a ll ■i.Mii; Il'l bii-ui- to ihe t'liieu n o enu-7 ....... . 1-:n ;-uv:riu(i- M cCall wn«r,-ai..- Ii^ui l l a n d S|i,.akoi- (Jiile tl.■IKil'l, led llll- lis l. S.'nillUl* -ill lb.- IIIIIIK' u f iluv i 'r iiu r (\i(ilidi{u I liii-iiiiii iH iivi'rilioii.

us.Ha. b u s( 'lis . N.-u- .li'i'Xi.y und O biopi-i-l'cn-...... iirim ai teH uiid u fo iir llt

.- w ili - '-l . '. - t 'd ; i|.'i i-;:nl i-~ l^ tle illP -----------ul' IJ.'i ib'b-Kiili-s will lie luim cd.

Tlh' N.-»- Ji-r^i'v liml (Ihln iirlmarloii li.ro I,elm: «-,iK-h.:d from po litica l' lUi'ixl'iiiiirU'rn la ibu .-nultal w llh pur- il. iili.r I111.T.--I. CoiiHlilornble nlgnlf-

'ii-iiiii-iv (!i tir thc Hgpuhlleuna_______

Ibl' i.ri-ii.' uf blltiT facllubal s tru g ­gle.

lu itblo lll.l iiinin niulenl In iMttweeo S.-aat.>r W.irrcii U: llnrdlng and Ma­jor tli'iirriil l,cuiinril Wood—" a fav- urlle fdll" Ullll na ••uuUildor" who ro- fiiH'-'l lu r<H-oi;nlt(i lhc uid tradition Ilf leuvInK -'Cnvurlle nnna" and Ihelr Hl'ikli-n nevcruly iiloiil- hut who pitch* e.l lu I.nd luiidL- a bsmiuer and longs fU ht uf ll,

Connldurnble rcienlmenl Is oxpreia- ed In eerinln elrclei agalnat th e ao* tion uf Oencrul %Yood In Invading Ohio, but K In udinltted th a t whllo Senuior lian llag probably will g a t-a good innjorlty. the genrrsl will prol>- ubly carry off nocond honors, which In u ll hlH Itaekcrx wanied for blm. In tho event Ibu viiien of the.O hio dele*

H urdlng, the Wood crowd w ant to be tho second choice.

A nnihcr pbase of the Ohio prim aries being watched from the capital Is the com parative standing of Senator H ir­am John ioo and H erbert Hoover.

■ ThE.VTOS. N. April * 7 .-T h *Wood and Jobaioo forces conle to g flps In New Jersey toc iy in tbe Ro* publican prererentlal Jrtm ary w ith ' both sides clslmlng victory. .

Only tho niimeB o t Oeqeral Wood and Senstn r Johnaon appeared on th e ' bullolB.. Voters. lton'o;er,--ha*o Iha* prlvllogn of wriling In lho names of o lhe r eunilldutoR It Iln'y desire. Na Dcm oemtlc nuuics api.esrod on Ihe . ballots.

Thu prlnd iu ii figbt centered abouts tho solcclloo ot New Jersey 'a . “biff • four” for which ihero are e igh t cu i* . dlilntCB. l-'our o t these candidates o n pledged lo Oeneral Wood, two to-B«n* utor. Johnson and two a re pledged to vuto to r whoever wins tbe prim ary. - <

A to ta l of i t deJtfatM a sd ’3 ly il« - te rn a u s will be cbosett I t Will'- Iste tonight or early t ^ m w . b e t o r e . de llnlte figures cooJw'tfMjaned a> th» polla do n o t close until t .p . n . -

Benaior Johnson’s c a m ^ ^ m u * ' ag e r today claimed th e . . ( U te 'h y - a nubstantlal -majority. Tb'd' Wotid forces were equally coatldeat; !,

ah:ATTLB. Wash.. .A p ril, S7-rAU«> > J- . kuna here are In te re i te d M o 'l l ie 'f i i* ' m ary elecUon being h e M ilJv o a fto n t ' the northern territo ry tefliu ', nl committeemen:',',atloflficyi'. gesera t aud d e le n te s to thb O airttal eo&irw* . tions-w in be nolected. CoBdldalM t o r de lugau to the C ble«i^«otf««A tlim r a re George Hatelit j t i 'Iteud. fS'onie, and .E Q S r ^ ValeMln*. Junaati.' v'-' < -. •. ■

Tho Uemocrats have i|rtl)y odo 'eoaK* lent, th s t to r to r r llu aU I^A to t> .-. 'la * thlfl 1-1 A. Heath. K eteh ll^ g iM -U a«0< .Sowerby. JunegO; .


W NDON; A pril » - ^ ^ • k lg • l |1 i^ dfli" • cu rrod belween CblB«tfe’''MV«rtMi'l|iit'f tro»pa a adIn prtK tat ogoldst ’

f —^m iufiii e i ts i i i T |^ n ^ > | t M pan: . j n r a -W ^r- T i f f l m i n i f l ^ ^ " of the goverpm eat a n w k l i i 'J M W tS w ff ? ' s trike . ,

<nJSaby tb e tfed tog .itod‘ l a i J ® « e ^ e t e ® L r

It i i n f i n l^jiriil^^^^I Crom^ h li

Ihe ntunber ot O w n w n M n E f S a B /n - k . - — w - v _1 aa p M tfiued ;'V - t b i ( i , * 6 5 r h S E 3 f c » rae n tr •••TbP‘Owtwa gCTMMiiTO, re q n e su th« t'tb a>


Page 2: HO W IRE SEJ^y/(^£S fw M L SH ICTTU e s WM/ANZA …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · T i a : i ^ V S 0 i F A L L S . WM/MJOL. in. MO. U. NEW

mmj : AMmUGUt !


A t C]«v«Uad:CbVc*«o ____........ .— ..........0 0 0 0aoTB U nd .... ....... .......... .......0 0 0 0

B«U«rtc«: l ib b e r and Schalk; C or*l4lkJa(^(]! 9 'NcrlU.

AU oUief jjifBies ,ixntpoocil

. .. K ftU A u T u ftim C h lcuo> P ltubu rth . p<Mti>oned. PUUdelptaU-Doaton. .pMipoaed.N tir YartC'Snok}yn. goatpoaoil.

To4jty*i Schednle and ForeoiKt W uhtQ ctan t l J(«w York, threaten* VI

tn t . 3:3(1 p. m. HfBoston a t Pblladelphla. U irraltalnx. *•'

3 : 30 p. m.CbletKo « l CleveUnd. clear, 3 p. n . D etroit a t St. LouU, rain, 3 p. m;

. TeiiUrdaj*! netnllii Score: • JUU. K. •

•B « to o — .............................. . o . 'u 1 «i;

^ l ia r ie t* r Pennocij and WttUen(; m ' X m («. P e r r r and Pftrklos, Siylw.

------------p a y l l r - .......... - ........................ r iBt. Loula --------- /.........J......... 4 9 0 l!"

B«tt«Me«: 01dl)iMD. Allen and yian> ^ B O i Van Qltdef itid SevoroM. .

^ .B core: n .II.K ,.W aaklairtoo .............................. 3 8 3

--------- ..... ...... , a - B- f tU atlertc i: Crickion and O harrlir: .n

Ih o rm ab len and Ruel.

“ ■ I be

' NAT(Of(AlW (pi:^ I m. , in

M d KorMMl ((,jNew Y ork a t Brookim, Ihrcatenlos. No

3i30 p, n .PblUOtlphla Bt Bontun. cloudy. U;1C do

n tla b a r th a ta k ]c a x n .c lo u i)y ,3 p. m fit. l.«ula a t Cincinnati, cloudy 3 ,

. _ doScore:' ' ’ IL H .H

------------- i l , IBaUerlM: m»ojr, l ie tu nnd Wheat:

O e « ± « f and O-.ScllI. ""

.....Z I ........YB rp o k l» ------------------ ........... 4 0 0 *’'

B a lU rlw : Nehf. Wlnlem. IxiukIab u d 9 n rd a r : U arq tu rd and KlIlotL-

C bleM tsP lilaburr poilponcd; rain. Sti^L oulfC lnclanatl game'tM<t'iMn>

•d j » ln .

- a«cU' coKMEAGyf

' ■ th.............. .. ........ ff'

•.YESTEROArH RKHVI.T8 all S c o r* !;- JU n . E. U) Ban PrancU co ................... 2 0 2 -

BbU<Mm: Saaion, SnillJi am] A k~ now ; Demaree ahd Adnnin.Score; , II. n . K. .

5 (B*tt«rle«: Xaaaloff. Denira. Duaio- ^

r ich *0,4 Papaa; Jonea and Koehler.O nly.tffo Coaat Leacue Ramoij o th - -

e r ( tu o a trarelJnR. ^


, O FF IL E R M A NW e id l t tg o f O U fford T hom a* a n d .

2 ^ D u d le y I t S o lem a lie d .A p ri l ,2 1 . !

T he co u n trr horae.oC Mr. and Mrn.O. U D ndler « a a th f aeeoe oT a very quiet bu t ImprentlTo weddlns core- m on j oD Aprtl 21 where In the prc*. «nca o t 30 Invltad p to iu . Uiclr daiiEh- U r, Ml*s Marpir«{, wa* iiDlled In inarrlaM to Cllttord Oeorta Thoman.

The beautiful double r ln t coromony , w aa Uted. Tho youn* couple were ' a tu o d ed by Mr. and Mra. Clyde Dud- l e r or Kller. Tba brida carried a <» lo ra lr abow«r bo<|uei of Urldul n>*. (b

'_________ e t. A tte r contratuU tlon* a dalnly cl

i:-------------- y o u x . people.J ia T a .th a .b m wiab«»-oc ma hoiU ot frlenda lor their auccM* ami happloaaa. Thoy will lie a t hnine In tb t l r many >rl«ndt on ' the sroom'a

•. raacb , I H mll«" cast of n i f r , a fte r ^M ar 1, » 20.

::> 'T h e (

"Whe.p a seven-p£

' ■ ' a ;; ; , : ; ';M A tlN E E « id E V I


• 3 0 0 '? . YOO 1 , h M .r V/ITTEO

• WHA.I.E • ^

r A P ^

m’grawsurehisp:WILL w u

.SKW YOIU{. Alirll :7.-N '(i uiail.-r »t Mlml the vxpcrtN iniiy xuy nr (hlnk pl Bhnnl lho J920 o'lantii. MannKcr John Ti McCrsw opines Dial hlu entry In Diu lit National IjcnRUn pennant ncraiiililc « wlll have nomolhInK in i>ay about lh r 1» 1[H5r-tllirpwitton-t)f-th«rT«ilalM t-thl» t year, enpeclully If bin “Ihreu neon''— 11 Dou*la»—come lirou^jJj.

Theno Uiree hurlern conaUtUte nne in ol tlie a tu rd lc it trlOH In either IcnRUfi- Hi In abort. Nehf. Tonoy ml DourIub u| uro itfiKton* fo r worV. They have c.< 11)0 |)wiw}»Bg mn< ai r aiifflb .a a fM ii'iry to Khuulder tlio pllciilnit burden ull lu Sum m er nnd. an ull three pot away to oi .1 Itood a ta r i down Soutli. -.Mcnriiw |.| hellevcA Ihey arn dim m liluzn n win* mwlHft IniU U>T Ifio IJlaniM, An.l jJjrur >f pitclieni will have lilruty nt 1ui1|i. for |h ttubn llfliiton unil Jchh lliiriu'n iini in llio box. cl<

Art Selif hsH M]»mt it t<ii nf llnir w thla Bprlnn pcrlcclliiK Ma low li^il) in ^ o h fn floater 1i>. In reality, a llnK< r- w iiAil bull. Ulld llfl lnnu im A rthur hi doetin’t die IiIh niillu Km (1c''i>ly Inici n Ibe liiirm-hliln i:uvc)-lnK of th r hall ir llfl M-lfl f«it ^rat'Miro tli«f iirw nitvliliiK ti TUlea. lli^iKirla frtnn thn Ohitii t'iiiii])|n down Boiiih neveml uc<!kH iicii tnhli how Nehr waa maldtiB hunsry linUi-]p men awlnR llkn i;»r(luii r.atvi> >it hlu n nlqw_<?fl& Tli« I M Hat cau altrnl loiU, the f iitl tlial hW IlcnUir 1« cln>ilv.-1 || ami Unit Iiii hnn ii Knod <'liiini;n nl If pacc. "I

KrM Tomiy. who houhln nn» of ihi- It brourfi'tit und pnIr of jrfhou ld n n th tho Nallonul l.<-nt;ni'. n: and wlii>K<? nnn In iiiimUlo i.t nn- I lim ited work, him niipiillcd tho (ilnni o

CAUYKU.XQ HK T B n ;p 5UY 17 J

A. W. Carver, nrrm ted a few wecln a so and confined In Ihn rounty Jail cliargetl wJUi lbo nmriJor nf a nanijui' h rrdpr ncnr IlHn*. will h» irli-d In d litric t cou rt cm Mny 17. OwIuk in th e -fa c t tb a t ho had no InriiK'ntlal £ friendn In tbin counlry In wnlRh bi* waa o newcomer, Mr. Carror w.ii> jn - ahin tn furn ish liotid and wan'fcinnd to rem ain In' lall. j



L o o k a t to n g u e ! Rcm ovo p o isons ir

f ro m atom acb , liv e r a n d “ bowoU n

Accept "California" Syrup o! F lia only—look for Ui« namo California on (b r packnRo. then you aro tu ro ro u r

' child la barlnK Ibe best and inoil

llltle atom ach. Ilrer and bowels. Cbll ' dren Invo lla dellcloun fruity U tte .' ^^lll d irections for cblld’a dose on caeh . bottfe. G/i'O fl wHIiout few.

M oiber! You muat la y ''California."

G e m T lT h e b ig pow erfu l th i

;n Bear Cp a r t p roduc tion a d a p te d f

‘Jim’s Bl1 J u d g e B row n story , u co VENING



__ ________ U'r Mtnff \r t1li a finlcwuy to Inkr the ‘ plncc 'Of Mnily'd ir.iniiii" ili'llvfry. - - ’ T onry hun nulto n a-inorlinfiit ot W u liofli.i ujiil l»»nhr»;. Iml w hrn ' lir 2 * «niitn lo rci’ij » liatH:iKi.:i n iiurKcii*

I" lurly iH'wlldtrlnR riin 'p iH- rntw lonnc » ■wJtti—th e —fnrinwn>7— WiMi— U__du*. — - llvored civorhatidol.

'‘SbiiJ/Hn’ I 'h l" UcHRlHri. who ),u,i e iirninlxrd ,Millniw lliiil he will r;IV'- !- lho Uluntn ilm Ih'ki ilmt.1:i In him ■ ull Hrii-ion. Ii; ttiirliiii-’ in ilcVi'lop e f.ood rur»-r.» Iipl/cr n«)!ri<l "I Jil.-' t .tni.1 li„ .'-ni ii..i b. lI hnndlrnpiicil ivlicn ilio kiiUI>:i1I koo» F i: t> ont of liunlncnfi nl the i:!ii'r (if tin'’• I'riiiiinit iirr.rgii. IJiniRlnn l> Mill• iiNinK lh r «iilit<T, tliDiiRh h r ii:ivn

wJiJi Jl fiiiillr rlial « hint/r Ih Junt iik TiniiI tin ii n':<I siiltliiill.

l 'h l1ll*'n Inilll. niiiy ;m.l '‘Wni’iilm: ilfllviTj- <niiil)1«-!i him In pni hK uhnh:

r wi'lKht liohlnil u iillili. nml hin rnni 'I !<«» caiiWH liiirllliiK loun rl Illr iiliilir'• Wllti (iir ‘cfMSvr BlK.'Oil tii'hiliil ll lh;i« '><>: r hli; ciiMy ilcllvory winilcl !inr«i'"1. Vo

II nrw'iiHniirliiil'nt Jf cnrvn nmlrr run- f'” K Irvl, h f Iwpn, hy I l f l'!iii‘'lin l /iviDi- * fi 1> IT arrlvrii III jiliiy, “ Id j "1 tmvn iilwny- i:iiin<-ii.livl thiit tlir I'X >'l pK rlilnc KUlf iiwikrn nn nlinut GO givr 1 1 r rn t of Ihl' nIrt'iiKlli n( ii triiin iind I <>l ly llcff’ tm r iilli.hrm :in> ri’.uly lo liolil ‘ J"'

i| I 'uuni'," M i'Orar n;ilil ri'itn ily . bH r l tn n lo n . Tdiic-y, l)oiii;lini, Ni-lif uinl I"’

'f Illli horx. I'wic H'l fi'fiil nr h o iiT to nio tlmn iiiiy »tii(f In l l i / ll'HKll unO

I- I 1001 riiiillili'iit thnl. wllh a (:ilr nhiiru ll i 't th '’ lin-iikH. thry will ilrllvfr." —


li Sinthu^rasllc Audience Given Rare Musical T reat in Famouo 1

'• Opera

UICOl.KrrO. tho oi'um Klvcn laiil cvcnInR In ijiu rfn K (fii'atiT hy flu* Konorn Oprra rnmiMny. uhlrli will

Eliri-nnnl 11 Triiviitoru lUlr. nverilnj:. wnn u lirllllaiil iM'rfnrninncu wUiinmiril ! by n lansD crnwd. iR’hlih rciiPa;.-illy fchoworud Itll approval, U’hIJn lhe nr-1 IlHtx In the coini'imy uro hllln knnwn i

IS in Ihc ,wrsi miitiy o f ihcni hnvo a mudo j u mimo f«ir ilip«i>iolvi'i. nwlnit to thi-lr nnpcrh nrtlnii'y anit a',i luunnd nii-rll,

HlKntelln (n ouo of ilio uninl i>npufiir of operas b n l ll wtll hr.vo a Krcat flvnl In 11 T n j» a tn n \ whlth » |l l ho m nU hl'n n(f««rliii:, Tho InttiT. ii croai rri-dll to Ihn inii«lrii1 Koiilim nf Vor<ll. lhe cunipnirr. won limiuiil pralae anil admiration from Us Ilmt pcrfortnunco and In noir a i popular an ever with ' th e a te r TOerv lhe world over,.

T ho n'dtrnt ot Rnind n|nrr.-\ In Twin Kulln wan WiOchmlvwIlh itri'al lliloreiil by miinlrlanii, whn nro nnxloun to linvn llio o p p o ^ i^ l^ . of hearing titlicr «%

D a n c el» Oivou“ C Q pK S AND

LOCAL ^ -1. _ rA V E R IN G ^

e. A d ra iu lo n ;1 .1 0 , Wl* W edne.day Evei

' H E A T R Ethrilling m elodram a

Caf W ^ ii fi-om the popular novel b j

iig Sister’com edy d ra m a of boyhood


_______________________ • TWIH

' I v /F L fT O O«C » » 0 ^OM E CAvM SEE. ' 'O C r i , ll-f f o f t - r o o t^

T heciE . N ^>El f h o I ---------- jl

nii'THH In ihu luinre. Miinagur K, (.'.'In Uivoflnt: :«ok.H chnnco nn brlnKlni; i wll !)«■ Utmor.i mjjjMiJiy li> Twin J-'iiIIb 1 hoj hnl luHl nliihfn llil.intlal nml arllntlc llei triumph provoii Ihut thn Twin l-'allii iipi livnpli' arc hungry for gooil iiiiinlc and rcn thm thvy will pny woll to hear It. Mr, UivorhJK i'lnn» lit lirinf olher upcRi W conipunlos haro In tho fuiiiro. -<1"


GOV. SMITHf i f t e e n B ounds P e rfn l ite d U n a ^

I fe a su rc PosBcd B y B o th ' L eg is la llv p A rm s .

Ii; j a c k ‘ v i :k)i -k .I. s. sporllin; fc^lllor.

NKW VUKK, April W.—Thn fnlu of hoxliiK In .Now York hi In thn handh .It IJnvrrnnr Smith to.iay.

TIk.- Wiilkor iKixlUR hill. pnivlillnR for iTi round Imuln to a dirclxlon and iri'u ilni: » »iuiu iHixhiR rnmmlKnlun ol th rn- nicniliorii. Imi» Iwen pannod liy holh houHcn of Ihc iiliile leclnla* lurt- und a ll Ihal I* iiocdod lo mnko ll u h 'v hi thu iilRiintiirv of tiie nnv>

hill Now. Vork Clly will ri-Humc tho pimltlnii It nnro lii'hl nn ihu world criiior ot ImxlnR. I

'}1h> Wiilkxr bill l'< ^Inillac to thi-l llo rtou Inw umler u'hli h iw riiiy round [ Uoiiiii tu doclnlomi wi-rr ni»»:'’d hero]

■— — ” 1


Vou n rio r ran tr ll n lia t

}oiril find an a paire of

nux -lfln l adit unlll )<>u j liiiiV II a»er. T lie j'fe

I ^:llull. hnt nlh in}!

I Vun Miinctlmrs (Ind w hat

)oii'»o nrnrcbrd lonR'rnp.

(ii'iid Ih lnri ' eome lu

snnill iinckaets und many

n uoud incS«Hfre U found

lu<lird nnay on a i>aR« j nf nah^lfled.

l.-'ol ffirm oi<T?

D a n c eb^W A IT E R S . NO. 330l^ A V JltlO N ------ -------W ar Tmc Includedvening, A pril 28


iT I W ^b y th a t nam e .

d days..ITY FO T O P L A Y S


L I o » : i JLOCK-r r c A - to o | K r-K iw S

■ T H/ST- I

In lhe limit hnt ll ban features which win teinl to ollmlnntn unKcrniiiiluun h hoxorii nm l. prvmoiern whoKp acilvl- put<lien ri'Hnltnd In thn kllllnR of tho iheiipori du rln ; Oovuriior Whltmon'ii tlnlrcRlnic. _ nttn

— — — ’ a 1101 W ant. a jn h t T r j a “SllttaUoa Want* E

Hi" ad Id our w ant eolumot. jordi

I n v tP aid -up s lia res of ciation p ay s a bet g age L oan , a n d i tire asseia .o f lU 2 No troub lo to eolh the m em bers hold tion, o f th e earn]) Ju ly , oach year.

.M oney invested i the y e a r “ ' no M em bers can w it ing a sh o rt noticc

T he fu n d s of th is ■ gages on improve

o f a conservative board com posed i Loans a re rep a id m en t p l a n » * “ T

• each m onth.

O urs i s n o t a spi high r a te b f ea fn i

' i i , investm ent, th a t

No m a tte r how sr vest, i t w ill p ay y

Jo in th e b ig fam i — Loan o u r fund,

p ^ e j l iL o a i


O FFICERS■ 0 . JoliiiHhn, pro

l~ \v7*.V kJ{olH TiH r K . S. I’c lom , gc u cr

F . 0 . L o uh lc ile r. si

I). A. Siiliiiun, HHxi D r. CJ. H . Culdwi-ll II. U. Hur.i’1, n t to r

We hold F irst M ued a t over $100

Ap-n. 9 ~ . 1** *____________ _ 1 _ „

_______ Geo

i t>-< *OCLY. ' I MM I Tr'0 'j<M T -T J

r o u r . i .o S - '■Ot COT TCM l> -

HIlAXOHAl .nABTIAL I.AW LONDON, April 27.—A Keuler dIs- [ putcU from ShanRbal today auld ibal .Mu

lhe clly has hccn plucoil under mur- wo tlnl law un u renitll <>f iiiudent demon* Ins nttntlonH urer tho Kovcrmneni'ii Jup> «.r a HOB# policy. ' optEighty pernnni; ucro Injured !n dia- cm ordvm In the dly. «l

m xe s t e d 1o f T h e M utual B u ild ing a r

b e tte r ra te p f in te re s t th a n d is a sa fe r investm ent, be

o llect th e in te re s t a s checks o ld ing paid-up ce rtific a te s, ■mngs, on th e f ir s t d a y of

d in th is A ssociation w orks no id le tim e be tw een loans .vithdraw th e ir fu n d s a t an ; ^ice.

lis associa tion a re invested Dved Real E s ta te , a t n o t oV' ive value. T h e p ro p e r ty is a ;d o f m en th a t know values, lid by the b o rro w ers on the ‘ T h is p lan im proves th e sec

specu la tive p roposition th; f n in g y b u tit is & sound , safe a t p ay s a good r a te o f inb

' sm all o r la rg e an am o u n t j y you to see us.

m ily o f 495 m em bers— W e n d s an d d iv ide th e ea m in jr

l u t n a l B i B l t

i n A s s o d a f303 Shoihone S tree t S & th


IS DIRECTp n s i i l i in t ' 0 , .r ; .TolmHifn

c ucra l muuuBCr K. j . li’inch r , Hi-crclnry I I . Cal

. . U . U . G ra u lHKMiHtunt sc c rc ln ry .u n ll, In -ua iircr C . i{ ,.iuiyt to rn e y '.lo lju W oltirnt

ASSETS $54,315.50

M ortgages on im proved R< 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ,

eorge M cM anus',*,.

5 ^ ‘ i m j

lUdT VICTIM IHES' nUTTK, Mont., April 20.—Thoman ,MunnliiR, 25. ono bf lbo fourteen men . wounded hi the atrlUe riot-Ins near llie Nccenweat tuUo laat «.fdii*Aduy, In dead here today. An; opnr-iifon failed to «a»a bin llfo. Tho. cnmllUon of lhe other men 1* report- «<l Imprnved.

- — —

an d Loan-Asso- ■ in a Fii-st M ort- because th e en- ,4 a ll depocitc.--------------- ----------ks a re m a iled to is, fo r th e ir por- of J a n u a ry and

■ks every d a y in ' 'ns • « * ■iny tim e,-by giv-

;d in F irs t M ort- over 50 p e r cen t s ap p ra ised by a es.he m on th ly pay- iecurity ori loans

th a t prom ises a , ife, conservative . n te res t.

it you have to in-

Ve save together ngs.

• t i o n ~Ah'

: t o r s i :Him;-— - to licrtii— . _________ '

IC aldw ell . •UII ly(irndt:ii

Real Estate v a l'

-.V T . V.-;'

Page 3: HO W IRE SEJ^y/(^£S fw M L SH ICTTU e s WM/ANZA …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · T i a : i ^ V S 0 i F A L L S . WM/MJOL. in. MO. U. NEW

' ' 'i ' ' ' " ' ■ M^'w ta T T v ” '. . “ f l h

V a r iO M -O U ^ M S h o w '.T h e ir >-m »c

H f t o d l ^ t l p - O p t o t t t n t o . r «

IXOb T h tti .a f r . A ^ l '^ j jy b V n to p u iJ !: w ,

ToaUtWJBl Mhlblt\iifrH t& o p ^ o ' i i ,h » „

(b inr. w n t £ i e tn >qirthomtUb Englltli. Of c taN *, tbe tnnnual.tn ln*

M s f e v i s a( . 5 b. mn, ^

** hiith w StK l orcaiutCT^fV^ ? i r !■IB doHfi* tb id a y . Tht> uffftlr will **®? bc c o n a n « M T ^ * in n n n o r totho. BUtomoWl#''ihow M copl fg r.t lio v i

t Thli.VbUllJpnal (xhll^lt ]> M annual l i ;V nfflUr, a iU 4 U rl* m iy ottcnaod hy the

ro rtdew . o f.lf ii W n n d country who aro Tery lDtoi^toil {n tho worX 'ot ths young m in naa wotaijn o f’ tho hlRb

' Hcbool. UauiUBllr apIiniUil «ihibl- tiona o f Ui« Olflaront cIbmm Imvo " boon th f .ru l« > » w fa '} u ilK in tr^ n ; ih e '” ° '' work y«Bf. i m ' t nhanlng w»J *®' ao t bfr’d lfto ro st - , ,

W EN D EtL-TW IN K__________ T r i M n t f f t o w - A ' T AUll~t^:nnx/njxxryv a i „f,i

^ i l O R T H S I D E X I T Y ;■

{' . . ■■■“ ' : ' furyLocal* w n c w m C ro ss B lv e r to

S hW W ffld e fl H o w to P to y mo"' t h a K a tio n a l O am a ^

- ’ l>«n

T om bm w aftoroooo Uio Tw in F a lls ^ ,nh lsh tchM l taiftbftll squad « i u moot , 4tao W »d«)l ball'tosslDC a n it ia 't l o na t th«'Bortbiildo city. U tU lP fear « l o,tho W bd«lU(e> la te il a lthcgiih tlioy v | .may a p rtn c 'a a u rp r iit a n d ^ d ' t b o ^ Dluo a B d ;m i te a drubblDK..

Twfn Pall^i wcoBt rlctorfM ovor J ? ' Buhl anili-Kimborly haa 'u ro v ^ d Uaclaia a n d .au iu ra fo r i t a 'atfbooaatul *'aoaaon,' ba rrln f u n f o rK ^ Jn iariea to „

- team .m em bem and o the r- -vataairo. ‘ phlea wblfch'ar» liable to occur a t anytimo. abould emonie from ih p ’f tw o n 'a f"®,combat* wlih a high w lnM nr twrcnnl* ,

- ■■ ■V --.' .

M i t t T a y l o n I s ^ , 1 ^

B ^ i d e ' o i S & , l t MotL a k e e i ^ ’M a n- ‘—i--- _T- Tn'o

Tbft-woddltiK bolla ninir on Mon- -day «<«nlnB. April 28. a l U»o homo (if J '" ' Mr. f a A Mra. Coleman. Adatna atrool In bim or o t U la itd .J . M cU llan of - S a ll.^ U Jio City J k h d - 'M l i CTam / “ Katharine Taylor o t Idaiio Fall*. Tho *•" l»rW« U tt «f*fcr or MM. Cofoiaan and Mr». - t A. f iieanaon/ bo th o t thJi clly.' . . . • «

TI}e: eoremoay w - p e r io tw e d • by Rer. Chatlo . W. RonV. paatop o t tho

. -Churcb of the .B nU iron o t lhi* city. Tboae preaani a t tho'cereroony w ara: ®‘ Mr. and Mr*. Coleman and,tem llr> Mr. < M n Ai L S tM c o a ir '& n i l/r iu iy ' and ' R er. and Mr*. Roak. 7 **(

Mr. tn d Mra. M dHnUn"wiU ipend [<>r a fow daya a t Id a io P^II# with Mr*. 5 ° '

baa a t bualneu ^ iU b n .


Attho^HoIIiilinrartliWiituClood '. 0 « lD iM to 'V lil lo t;T lil> ( (

■ ■ 5 ■ . m : -.WlUU k t a m e o tla s 'o t tbo.A tU nd-. ^

aae i^ ooauDlllaa-ot tbb M ta’a Bible W C lai^ .’o t tb^ 'C lulatU B cbnrch a t tbo '•n

ler n r B U u ^ ‘B im .-.v a a rallerod o t ed' an «j*aalrt;tf»*W D at- .Tho c o tt wa* — U knt^from f tu e a r a t t o a a tim e d a r- ’ IDC tM e ria tf tf ;; I t la -tb o ttfb t tb e tic tblerak m tr_<W A n b iw a o t lfce l a w .lei iaoK IbWcoaat u d « b o ' t r * ' j a i ^ t0 'bo work* a< fn f W T w la Fkffa. XutborfUea are rw d l l l n i l l r m r c b b K for

Shave a fine | . ance-grain, e ^ t ^ n g

i fi \ C r o l c j i a M g b ^ v ^ w ' p l r s ^ s i o i i , ' f i n e s ^ d l l a

f ' w a t e r J i g h t . - n O f

_________ & & » n .-,O w n 6 iracK ^ri ' the biggest snaps in a -?:hadlis£e(L'PriBe:$15i

' cash and'eaSy terms-' only. Phone 1249; K

t . Ave- W est '^ b lh e rb ig b a r^ i t^ i i i 'f

It’sinev?, hM hardvi

w e l l l o c a t e d . P h o n e

. £ r e 8 i d e n c e : 4 6 ^ n d . ^

Local News I r

n u m and C itr lo a u quick action: ih a r. Ii. Bwlm.

<;alholle WemfU To M f tt-M rx . M . Wolfo wtll ontortaln lliu iitbmlMni

the Catliollc Women’H Icuruo iblh eek i i her ‘homf.

Frum K alt-Ijik»~K rcd U. Iledman Ul reluriicd from a »horHrlt> to Suit :iko. Whllu .ftone ho vlHlicd trleiid*Id M iiiiacted liwdnimii.

Ke'tarnit—Mr. and Mriii D avid Brown KoIU »vo r«liim«d from u Iodk iHp to corni allfornla whefo ihcy havo liccii Piiei M iidlni.iho wtnter inuti.thfl> ; ,ln a

•'• ------ " ' ■ r ; I' • .1 ■ iyOit<(lpe»t* ll* ro -M r. ntid : MW. Dow, Tli ouns aad:baby o r S a l t^ U k o . UUh. ' 1. 0 r« vblUnc. a t Ihu home o f D r. nnd' Iiik ' IniT .Vdn-Cou in Twin i'alln . • • : ‘ Tl

• ■ ___ ____________ ' ' f.KolJ,t n n n s —Mn). M itrr Orlcvo. p rw l- dnm

ent of-the W. C.- T. U. lull Monday Klm »onlns for Santa Ann. Cal;. to nt‘ Will lind lliu funeral of hor ntnter. Tlini

------------------------ II.YMIInir ilrr*—Mr*. .J . KL Sltaw. the

'oll-known Uullciy womnu U upondlnK xpnt ome time fn Ttnln t'ttXn. rlnltlnir at of 1 tlu homo <4 frlondn und rela llros. I/»V

--------------- -------- eaIL ?(. A C lub-T ho 11. N, A. dnh fron

rlll hold III) resnlnr incetliiK u l ihi> I>IK> □mo uf Mrx. Annlo Pulerii, <nti Third I'Xo »enuo, WmI. on Wodnumlay April Wal !8. ibol

----------------------- of tKarrlAin Llcenne—Llconso' to wud >o

vnn iMUed yenterday to l/; laiid J. dcMlllan, 21, ut Soli Luke CUy. Utah. “In

,)• ' - -thei.1» b i» ^ U « ir-T u t;T » e « Jo U i-c e n - ' t

ury Qilb In m octlnvthln aftotaoori Jn > °I. 0 . (W P, hall. C a td jn lim * ' for tho Prc c o m ln jt^ ea r Kirill bo-uppaln iod byho n«w.Dre»ld«mt.,.i'• . ^

T. a ftS. Clnb M » tln (t-T h b mem- l>eni oM bo T. H. £ S. club wlll meet »n Wedaesday afternoon w ith Mm, niomaa Rowborry a t h e r hom e Tlio ;lme will be apont w ltli canta. .

Hp«lllD|r CoBtMt—Tom nrrow a t the P!,. M*h achool tho aludanls w lll nuko A tpelllDjt conteat. S t itt compeUilon U wL Bipoclod aa there aro aome very capa- ‘ Die apellera a l lhe InsUtutlon o t learn-

__________ ■ by

To HreffoB—Mr*. Carl H arder lia» ^ ■tone to JoMan Valloy. OreRon. whero lho will Jo ln -h a r’huaband who haa |^ - boon there lor aomo Uiiie. They will mako Utelr fufctro homo th a n . Mra. Mftrdor waa form erly Mina Vom na,

VlilUntr liei«-.^Mr. n a d ’Mrn. Ralpli M ono Qt W oihlntlon. D. C., a re visit- j Ins d t the hbme o t Mr. MorHe'n par- . j i ent*. Mr. and Mr*. D urion S . Mhrso. Tlt'oy o k p e d to ronialn (hrouslioul llio irji summer and next ta ll. M n . Durion jq , Momo will KO to 'W oihtaRton wllh j them for tho w inter.

• Sfmmretk Olnb. Moeta—Tlie mem- u‘i benj of t h t Shamrock club' were en- an te rn lned on .Tbnrvday afternoon by mi Mrt, TJ. Olmalead a t he r Rome. An ra ezcelloQt program, v a a tlv e n and re- ma freihmenta weHi. aerred a t the cloao qu o f the nieeUnf, T he noxt meeting n wlll take place on M ay 0 a t the homo we o t Mr*, w . J. Iron*. c r

F n a C M h ra h — ^ten. P. l l Smfth.-who b u 'b e en aolonralBK In California q . for aeveral. we^ki. b a t retu rned to b a r u* booM In T * ln Falln. R e r dau ib ter. r c Mr*. Joaeph I). Seavor, ta a tlll In 'tb e »o Oolden aUte owIqk to th e a even III- neaa of h e r'aon , W4lllain. Several' — week«‘afo's8*Bator-8«aTer o t C tstle- fo rd 'W u harrfedly auum otte tf 'to Loa AnxQlea by a te le im m th a t hla aon waa d y tu rb u t. w tile tar. from belns . ab la to travel yet., bo ia tlow ly r«- coverjnf.


Vlo. p roald to t'o t thri MOnon' iWlroad. located h ll loat-aiint; MrB.--W. B. lU s- . Stna< Of-Hntcblnaen. MlaOi. today 'i4 -' : te r > d la tfpea ranea of; aevoral day*. , W fr-irlrM froin 'C lnetaB ati) tha t ahe waa oa- he r way back to Chlcafo

-t: W abtitt' J o ^ r T j r a 'w S ^ f f a w a n t- •d " ad I n '- o a r i 'n a t ecdniBBa. ‘

Dr.'Bykni. tlw OpUctan-la a t bla of­fice o » r F i lb e r t D n t* Woro. bu t -will leav* n u r a d a y raoraloK, Aprll ti - to r

."B oiim tM ’R u i r r e T - a A y f r - v a a a k e - a earetid axamlnatlon ;tu glaaiea cor* roctly-'«nd'a((<ad oaetr caso one yoar.

iaA __ m

!ngsm alfoH ihar^ 'B ta . ■

la'etalM tJnear rtation,[Q A o ^ K e i 6 r ; c ^ i } g , , ^

L ' ^ 6 o d 8 0 ‘I e v 6 f h & V ,S -

1 5 0 . ^ " ^ a c i i e i o n l y $ S O O s . . C a l l m e a t m y h o m e ■

R e s i d e n c e ^ 456 2 n d .

! • V . ■ '

ii-6-roomMo4^1ioiiaiK, r Iwoo'd flbo r^ iu rn ace M m eni and;-' iUi' xnice. f l8 0 0 :^ U ''N e w H o ie > ’ le No. 1249 o r com e,to :

i M C I M R M 1 .0. Oi F. B F

BY PARISH 1Election of Officers Takei

Given by Well«known L .... gram in High School

Tlio .dlmrlct Ormiil LoOko <>f Oild lo ih h'ellowa of| tho 'B lh dlmrlct of Idnlio *<>ro :x>niilallaB-ur'Jb'lotlKUM of lluhl, lnwln filler. Klmhorly>iiil..TwlM I'allu ini-t V»c in annual ponrtntton III •Tvvlu ^'all* Prlw< reaturday. i Klmh

Tliu couClftVu’bclctia ut 10 o’clock ut drvNH 1. 0 . 0 . K. hall, the lleliokuhH mcuf- .Mra. li>K Ul thu iimiin llmo In Maxonlc hull. CruHi

Tho inoniliiK iiK-vlliiK uf llic Odd to r K KoIJowh wn» ciijli'il im order by I’rwil- Tin dftiii Wnlklnii, ,W. R KwcurlMRon or niicce Klinl)urly\ticllnK uh iimr»hull. llrollivr num Wllllama of lluhl bh vhiiiiluin uml wolt Tlinmuii Moyd of Twin l■ lllH uh Runrd. uiiiil'

11. T. Lc»t«r,of Twin I'VH* <lellviTv<l dope Iho nddrOKH of wuinmio und n rc- Hponnu wun f;lvun Iiy (loorgu MvQloili WIK of iJuhi; Oronil Ucrafd o t Orund l/idKO. The inornlnK ncxHlun wus luk- . 1)1 ea up wllh ropuriH of voininillpvii Vi;cli from difforont lodKi-n, ,Meiii*ra Swvur- conv liigun (If Ulnihcirly, I’vkho uf l-'linr^ Dol* ITvolMh uf liidil und I'unlnniy und nmn Walklnn of Twin I-'ulls, rtipruiionilnR iioK' Iholr TOfipfCtlvu lodROK. Tlm rcportn wlli' of tho varloun InUseii woro ri:«pouilcd ham lo hy Orund Maator Iluckncr of inc* Caldwell In u very InterpnllnR nnd In- npm Btructlvu ta lk on ihu nhiw th of ihu liu ordor. annwcrltiK (luuiitlonii and Klvlnjf tovn U6nuMj"i[iToi-uuiiiun W i'" incTrD on-or -ntor -tho'bAleft. ’U ^. CM*' T ho ufUtnoQ^HoiialonUook |)laco 01 hlii. S' o‘cloclt;*rlilC', V rinlJW t Wutkluri —^ proBldlnicfiUid:0; VT Douafccrty, h c tp - iafy. Tfiif neidiluri w uiniilven over, fo (ho «U«(ua|d6\) of (hn bdn( mc(tio<{n l j H - Hc t ;iImk •do^ 'ri ino-dcttiinaeTit ll.iin i and prom pt eorrectlnn ot"diica. Ito O J portH frum commlitocH uppolnicd to n il Ltuifor will) ih u lifbukflb lodfo wvre -TU

.hoard und accopied. D roiher F rank Martin. P aa t Orand Maatiir of Bolae.Ihon save a vory InloreatlnE accounl Of the..progrea. o t lho. Odd Follown homo n l Caldwell sta ting tha t funds tn the aum of ajiroxlmutoly ISO.OaO ■ had beon rolsed and thu i i-onlractJi had beeir lot. The hatUUag would hu t:ompIotcd und ready fo t ' occupancy by the nex t iiioctlnE of lho Orand | Lodge, ho atotod.

Tli«'olocllon of.otncorH for the wi- Rulns'yoar roiuiUod aa followH-. I'rea- Ident. J . 11. Blaan uf F ilar; vice prciil- dont. W. F. awcarlngen of Klmtwrly: ■ocond Vico pnwldent. Brother Wll- lU m s; actrolury, Vlcior Pnuxo of - T.TOrn'naHfniill, JUIIIW A. liyWKJ (II — Filer; chaplain, II. A. McKlnloy: cuard. Louln J.ucas.

A l * o'clock tho IiWko convrtnlloii adjourned to tuko Uio vli^illni: h roth- _ era and lluboccaa on u 'a lR ht aoelnK S ir lp lo Jlonsen hrid»o, which lho vlsl- torn huartlly onjoyod ,VI

A t.f l .p ,.m ..W 8urriH labe cruwninc fete o t lho cvonifnl day, tho buaquot ; C« a t Parish hall...O ver 600 pa rti^k of Ulla aplendid dinner perfectly nurvod and pronounced by a ll lho moat aue- Tl cosfful pTvr given In Twin ' ir.Fall*. Aa tb* eueaia tlnlahed, Toa*l- p , m u te r K. S. Peters atinounoid a . num ber o f three mlnule lalka by fueala present. Amon* Uio apeakoru ^ wero Mrs. Dolby of Jorom e; Mra. ““ Croaser o f BoUo; Mr. Duckner of M Caldwell: Mr. Eveleih of. Uuhl; Rev. IV W, A. Jfoore o f Twin Palta : Jam es Al M* Dybeo o t ' F lier; Rev.- A lexander O. . BenneU- o t Twitf Falla and O. B. Rowcllfte of Twill Fttlla.^ who read a \ poera. dedicated-to tho occasion.

TUa largo audtoBce tben adjourned '

“UflPIOplNE”Stops Hair.Coming Out;

DoubleSfltS'Beauty. /

:-A -tew-o*nta..btiy* “Dandertna." At* J tT '»Q.appMeaUon-oi rP*nd<riBa"-yoB coi

‘ tsnvB 'lja tru r aiiyntejal* jndm ft betidifl eberr ba lr,ahow a new iJ

, tlte.'TlgOT. brlihtneaa, tnora color aod tuitS E E S E --- -------------^

i T . - I s a y s - , t h e

TBjp / ^

/ P ta U p ,in ^ U S D l ^ C U T . I v a a h o r t i l

‘V .4 L




____ . . . . - ofM i

c e s P l a c e ^ A d d r e s s e s dimn

L o d g e m e n — P r o - I'!:;,'!

» o l : A u d i t o r i u mHirlii

tho hlBh uchool 'audllorlum und und*ru royally enlcrtuthoil -Iiy lho fol- cuu*'Kinir proKiam; , ;!.* nndVocal nnlu. Mm. b M]‘ 'RteadlnK. Mrs. pmid•lw<;-»i!utiatlon,,:'>llHi|i .Wood of moiK imlierly; Vucol aou.:MlsH IK'un: Ad-■uhH.'Orntid M aaW llUcknur; Tulk. -yy,ra. Dolby. prftilaeMt; Addrcas. Mr»- , roMluan. iiucroUiry; Tolk. Pmii Mun-r i-'rank MarUn. of Bolno. j—The luKl uildruHS undcd ihu intiHl I •.cceiuful iinnnnl ineulliui o( diHtrlci I *r umber a, l, O. 0 . F. uvor hold us •till un Ihu ceUhruUuii u t ilin lUtxt Iiiiilvorxury of Uin fonndlni: nf thi’ In- IgpeiiiU'lil Urdur u t Odd tVllowx. I

( IKK <'<)l'I,l> OM.Y .Sl'KAK I . i iinroucK I ,"DHNVKIL April *J7.—A nur- :>lx

celia of frulllcHn effort lo c a rry on n I unvervailun with hlu liHdo, NIchuInn I rpi lol«r.horf,.n l'ulu, wnntn IiIh iiiurrluRo I am niiullud. Dulnchoff declaros thn t hu I luKoUiiii'd wiih Uio puroiiis of hU I vlfr, who Ix ll Kulgarlaii, for her I - and. ficr p;>ron»<doi larpd, ricco^il-n c ‘ 10 lKjtHchotf.’’th a i thU Klrl cionld -----peak I’olliih, hut ufinr Ulo ceremony —

boon porfomied l>«inchotf .din- *; oviirad lliat nho could .unly. speak ^ hiHiuriaiTTTimi lm m iirliiirnf-nnB ur- — ciafiil ntlQmiilM to conunmilcato wlUi lii.btldo; In thu nIkd- lanmjnitc.

, , ---------------------- -lud

lli.1 Aiiril 29 ^ Bringing r

'Up ‘i* «r«i


• ' . n r Im t™

Society ^Fnn Khnw of the W orid * • ''

30 People; 25 Mualc Number*.DO'N OT MI88 TH IS ONK

S E E J 3 E O G S -,OlT0 'B M In *of^e^^^ T hfti try to ^ •top lauBiilnt, It / a a n be duuN L

;C ono and try. •' ' ti> P tm n ie r thanS ho* c i r t o A u '‘Tako tho kiddiea to Mo Jlinr<- H>

'irJflbrlii(rjD 7 lo lb i> J r im ie fa e a ^ . r r ic e t, I t and-llXO pla* n a r W

Oa tal.e a t ^ e i t t c D rug Store


o h r«U«f w ith o n t f« o r a t to ld - iti “ B a y e r p&ekftge,*’ ‘ <

. ^ 4 n y e r Tablela of XiIplrtA"' to bo iMnalne must bo m arked w ith the )^et!y “Bayer ‘ rOaa.” -'tfaeB >ti1» ni^T

o fe n lS yeara, ‘ V^A\wayii buy aa unbri^k%'«

“Bayer T abiaiaV t'A aplrliC rvM ^iban* ' ta lna proper dlroctlona to aafely r»; lievo Coldji Headache. Toothache. : Baracbe. NeoT«UlB,.L«(teb««o, Rhea- niallvm. NiurlUa, Jo in t Pains, and J>alB' gaaerally. •

Hkndy Ua boxaa o t twelve Ub)eta coet; but a few cent*. 'D niggU U also

Sti 'f a n er " ‘Payef vauiiage*;‘AaplrH> tiie trad* ' m ark-o( Bayar Maniitao*

tun> ot ^lottoaM tlcacldetiar o t 8tU> « ^ i e a d d ^ • - ;

ww-yoti'U«m ho 'looir i l m o f t h e R ' e a l T o b f c c o

s a t i s f a c t i o n .

^ixaoMy saved, b i s ^ m o o w h o w ,b ^ t o b a ^ G h e w w U l

iisincss Han’sStomach Smaller ob

".My m iirir'illK tvndnt nioiiuu'li <> lilc •<-;itly trcluf^d. • hiKlorn wiinlc il ^I «l>orat>.- um l'iu ii m y huhiiiii'Ii. Imi hnvpoiied lu u ii..wAim|n'r imIi _

r-Muyr'i. Woiidorful liuiiii-ay uml ni­ir tuklliB .1 donon 1 huvu hnd no iiuir.'l — i:itrc«N or lilouiliiK und um <';>iiiii:; _ iliiKs I liuv<i nol iluruit to raC fi>r <4.

J uni I'Oiilltli-iit ynur iin.'clUliii |III ciiri' IIIU.’' ll In 11 xliiiplc. lllllin- o . ■;iH iirrpiiruUon ihut riiniov<.ii Uu- <:it-l ‘ ' iTliul iniiciis trom ih« Iiiii-Hilniil inifil .nd iiJinyii iM) li>nuiiunli>ii wiiiilij uunEfl prucU cally . nil niomnc.h. l lv r — “ ■ nd liilu'iUuAr'a^lmuiiin. Incrluilliii; ni'-i .iiidlcll1«. :,Ot^dci.i.* wlil loiivlnc-c.r • '

W ant n Job? T ry a •■SUuuUon Wuiit. d” ad In our w nnt column*. {


8 lxly liKad rood work ninrk.I nii 'wiilffhtn, fill ui)d ruudy for lln'

collar, For nnlo n t ' r i i l i l prlcL'i'. iKvcryli;lnr liuurnnircd itu r.'iirc'- __

! roiU(i.l. At r«neh, fiv.' mlh-; _j. I ainiili of Kliiihcrly. I

! II. T . \YK»'l’

Uric Acid Treatment I I75c llottle (82 dosen) FRKK [

J w i liocnnse you iiturt i l io \h y wor- ==lud und Urml, wltli uching h?nd. hum- I rng unit boarinK down pains In Dm Uluclc—worn oul boforu tliu day UeilHH . y•rdo iioi lUinK you havu itr sUiy iii ^ h a t condition.'.Bo BlronB nnd wnll Qcl rid of llio V

Mina, stiff Joliitfl. aoro muncloa, rlieu-naUc rufforlnB. nchlng Imck or kW- _icy cruuUlo cauaod by Acid*. H

Qol.moro sleep. I t your rea t la bn- H(cn lialf a doion llnicH a n lsh l, jou H■rill opprcclato tho comfort sad . HitrenRlh Uils trenim oni Klvea. H

RlivumallHm, kidnoy una hladiltr Hroublen, and ull oUicr allmentJi dualo H^xcenslvc ucld. no m a tte r how chronic Hir BlublKirn. yiuid to Tho Wliliima ■rroaimcnl. J H, Srnd tht* noUcc und 10 cents tn jay _ _ _ iwrt i-nat of poaini'.o, packlnR. etc., loThu Dr. n . A. Wllllamn Co.. 8 lir,o ^ l». O. n td r.. F.aHt Humplon. Conn. Ytu A-lli rpci.ivo U-75C boiilo-ia:! Uuim) frco. Ijy pa rrel pofit. No furUicr «1>- llRnilnn nn your pnrt. Oniy one tna- bottle t(j nny fumlly o r addrcan.

t N O T IC E ' ■L p n ln lln g ' w a A ^ K tH m ffA a i dow -X X prompUy. Eatlm atea given. X < X ’ Pboae r . Vf. B e rn '. ♦

i A ny W heel Whi< the Ctl

?»r-, - 'i.

: • ,o w : tu m 7 * » ! t r t * R b o a K .o t '»rh a ro

'1 X .‘ ’-‘S ' tlu i-rcM ow lW tilro f

• ;M » * W iw l Ib o e

G O O D I N G C Ola fo rm a tio n Bl

Obnrlcs W cslo y T enney , PredclCDt, 0 1 n tll in tu n 'iilcd in tlio coiirxcH

liltp III rccf^ivi- in l'onnnlio ii rd iippnii I ki-Kiiliir (Nilli-t:.! Wi'Mi .1 (.'(itiiiinjri'iiil UniTii'.hi!H 11 1

- I M naic______________________I I ^ TIS u itiiii.T S iss i.m ■-■ l] I; U u r . ' i j ' j 'j v .s‘<Jir«.J " ' J

;Ul.lr«'I.K.................................... .'.i...,...........Naim; ......................... .......... ..... - .............. .


U gly, U nsightly P i A r e S i g n E

G ive H c o d lo t i i e W :irn in ;:. t«

I’iiiipli ; fin tlic f.T-i' imd ollii'i" All«'f Ihl' In 'ly :n '' w.irniiii:i les

irom N ntiin ' lliril ymir IiUmxI i.i uk siliiiri:i‘''> uiul iiHin'virinlK'il. Jloim;-tiniL-s ihi.y fui.U-ll ............. lioili.. anl.ll« crs , rr-ily mi!)tinlia ;iii.l oUh r ,U.».l:ln dilurilcr.t ihn’. Imru liiiu inIlamoi of flr<.. nn

Thev mi-un tliaL ycmr lilmxl iKudu wl,S. S. K. lo cl.-aiiuv it of llir,.- ur- icicupiu la 'Jo ia thut C4u:>m unllmUud tu

"H ere wc arc

m ^ k n

_ 'j c ri.ip , fri'U in ir.okinj

i \ |U jW rM iB i ! ^ y p iT o f m oi:

becoD ic too

f l

B '. f lH ; I

F o r d M a g n e t o C l i a r g e

E l e c t r i c a l I

2 6 3 i n d A v e . N .

hich Does Not I \ i l l I Dthers A cts as a Bra

f>J-Yfllt •«fo foof «*iJy M d 'fairtf; . ' t t a ir n ^ jS m i l o t:.,dU i^U ie.«b& .ef» li


:OLUEGJEC,.B if t i ik ' • ; ; V .s ' 1 •«

t, O oodlng , I d a h g ; 2 - - ^ .. ..KCH in a rl ted {X } a n ti Bhoalil ;'m in t; the . TMimp..' ,.i

I A ruiliiinii; S n i ije c ta ~ ~i lA i-t________• • ^

('lUHUCH__________ ^ ’ ■I i: |t \v o rili liCUKiie In a tittU o 'I IU hik- I 'liii iln iin . . . •


P i m p l e s

n a l s o f B a d B l o o d -Irouhlo. Thin rumody in tho 'CJl vuB.'tabh: blood vUrlH^r.Vinown*Alid conUiiiB no m iaurals o r chem­icals to Injuro tho a o s t jleiltato ukiu. '

Col a Voillo o f r>. S. B. todsyj • and K<-1 rid of OioRO xinalshtly and ili'.fi}:urini: iiiinplca, and oth«r skit* irrilailon'i, 1C you ,\vi.h apeclal medical udvicc, you c iih ’ o liien I t without chariTo l.y w vlilns to M ed. , icul n in 'd o r , lO S .S w ltt Labora? • lory„,.M lanlu. {ja._ .

a re , i n t i p - t o p s h a p e ”

— Chesterfield

I n tu l th .n t ’s t l : c w n y ;rsifrffclds slw uyb arnV/DtZT;*»h .nncl ill p r im e stra p e c ing . I t ’s tl t e e x tra it rap* i io i i tu r c p r o o f p a p e r ilxat

.Y oU E O ticaH jfieid i.nR V iT ■ _________to o m o is t o r l o o d r y .


ery Service” “ged m i l e You W ait ' ‘.1 R o p a iri- '^ - '■.....'K .

. Healy. B u iid i^ ^ ;

r ^ e ■'

' ''' ' . ] l ^ .


i i i r i i ” '

•; itV.BK-'V-’ ’■ - ■ • • ’ • •

Page 4: HO W IRE SEJ^y/(^£S fw M L SH ICTTU e s WM/ANZA …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · T i a : i ^ V S 0 i F A L L S . WM/MJOL. in. MO. U. NEW

T i P i i T F M i- .......- . , , ' _

. PnbU ahed E v er jr E v e n in g E x e e p t Sunda T h a T im w P r ip t ia g & P u b l lA lp g Cotr

O M L T Z D A ^ O F A P E & W IT H T W O 1 t w l i t a j u t i o u l K e m 8 e r r l« u 4 t l» I

u l lU Bm 4«

D. M. DPTTON ............ .............. ........ HL0 C19 O. Ha r . --------------- ■ -------- „ ■ZM.mHKT-----^ -------- --

QBOROB B. BABT.--------------------------------THOKAB W.; BTttAgrga. --------- -

l n t a i ^ « ( tha Tw io FalU pmtoUiei i tO j poMiaatioD; A pril U . 1619.

•U B B O R IP T IO inD a l ly and B o n d a r , j w __D ^ , ^ E xcapt Simday, y o » r ---------------

Ri a l u t k t :

I P ia d g e AUcRianco to My > fo r W M ch I t S ta a d a . One ’i d b ^ y , a n d J o a tic a fo r Al

n o t TDCBB PJ^ITFOBM FOB A 0— ---------;____ J.,— -------------:-------ClM-iTO-COCl

l ^ D a a m a e r a t bona.S -llB tsa) lic&t. J»Mt «ad jwwar In f« 7 1 «-B m e^b7 lo tM lo icbooU. - t f c a o a m a nunatactarlDK.

' Uoa casala vhenorer. potilbI« dnr T~-8 irt0uafB( pool la faam er cad iktUj S—Improted » t m t HkMIdk t-O ood toadt tbroasbout all Ulbnlarr <

10—n a e tr itr rallrotdi ot Idabo.


An Interniilioniil .Ininf ( ’(imtiiK'.iim ciiRinccrinR fcatnrcH involved in niiiliiii nloiiR tho Qrcnt L iiUch. KiKhtmi KtntcH ly iniiicatcil llicir iiitiTcnt in nml ii|)iirii\

•growinK, province* of Cnmulii and mir u Wvat nre dncidpdly in fnvnr of tin- uropn

■wntcrwjiy from tli(> Ori'iA I.uIjph t.> lln- S t. Ijnwroni’o river. In llic firKt il practiunlly unliniitrit triiffi<' ('X|innKiriii. Ic u oxpciiKivn tlian railwiiy, und tlicri- pay nn tliia nn\i>ml liigliwny o t I'omincn

Asid^.fniTn tlu'c'hi'uptio.Hrt of tnm>i(> o u t thnroph tht* Kt. liQwrrnw' n v i'r , there road conKCBtion.“ 'BpKihmnS w ith tlic and InstfiiB f lh 'ib t loonihH.'lhc'rp is n wv wtrioiiH and a a eqnnlly serious i oii«osliti ecHtiou whicli g reatly rctnrd« freiulil u wcKlern crops conld bo Imulril a t Diilnli which arc to tnkt> them ti) ciijin-rn iiori.i liopcleKH tniiclc would l><> KmootlK'd oul t

In thiiKiiHt tht^ in‘\v w itcrwiiy in dji C anadian rniiwnyH ami by many liticH thoy bfliovi? it will lose Hum busim^ss. tht? ollMT wa.v. Willi tin- ioiiKcslitm done nw ay with iiml trufl'ir ninviui; k Hhould .bc room f»r an in< n ‘iisi- of bu ra ilroads iih bnsy as tb ry <'an In- I'fliri.-'iint till! wiiiio tiiiK'.


Wood nl.'fiJi.d l/y »«'»*•' »-thc mint', nild ibi ju sl as niui-h dnitiau w oultl'hot bu nearly wi liiible to !»' n|)|i

. lenat is th e r.asoiiiriK of Dr. (’liiirli-» Uip t r j ' o f the ( ‘nHl'po of the City o f .\'civ V<

Thli ohief ri'iiHon wliy sr. niiiny |)i-i.| ly between wood alei'bi.l and t-Tnin iil.-«i HO m any poiKonintr r»s. n, Hayn Dr, Uaslu' BO vnHtly tliffercnl in tlieir iirdj.eHies. hi

--------Tho tw o ulcohul.s urc about as aiff.'iciH’orgoniHm.ns nn-. nay, toliiieoi ami cyii nio nnd carlmlie aeid. Yi-t tlii'V are Imll u iithm U ng iierwon alroiitil is ali-oliol.

The profcKKor rtiiKU'esls, 1lnTef(.re. i • new uanie. in fliemislry it is n'lVn-ed i

______ ernin ulcohol is *‘elliv l" ;>li-i>li<il. Thisdistinguiah Hufriii< ntiy. lie would m-.

, tlio poFaon, and offers “ nii’thiinnl" ffir t Tho KHKKenlion is itn I'Xrellcni mn-,

niwociiitionH niloi.teil si.nie sin-li word, it jn tho iit'n iueh diffieiilly.


T b o strike airiiinsi i!i.' lii«li I'os nf the rap^d. aprcud of the ov.-rall niovi-iin

- . o l w jlidi il.iH "Illy fa ir tlial tlie woiiiei

To get the iiiiile i)f the sjiivics ii homely n.H he in, he miKlit mak.' a fai BOeicty o t hix |>eerH ami peere.^si'i. has tu ricx or jiatient and jier.serveriii),' vvi. p u t ou u linen eollar or a d rew xiiii, t.r he could pOHsibly fjel Iiy, on mn' .'M'ii ahirt and foriliiniys.

To thiiijifjijiilH of m en llie e o u n try < a idea o f th e e a r th — tlu ’ iilvn n f the nver

. 4o y .a a .tb e ih a iie e fn r nm n to se t liinisel ' u n d eoHHidcretl v ir liin iis , j.‘veii by h ii

L i l i e s , hevvjire! If y m i j;ive him M o reo v e r, if Iif xnves » few ddlliim Uy i o n d tn d y • '- a l kuihc, ho w ill ex p ec t yn b y paasiuK up your HUnnner llnw ered opraii. UcH'arel TJie ovonilj movcni ^^eqea tb i t U c a u . m enace.

yag> yonr ~ ..........

DAILY TIMES SHid a y , a n d S o n d a j M omLng Uy I Jo tnpany , T w in F a lla , Id ah o .

I L X A B E D W Q tK IZ K T IO K B I llB ltad P r a t i S a n a Tba H m i i4era,

- - ___ — P rM tdw t T lia t------------------------------V ie. P r..ld » a t La;------------------------------------- 8 «cr«UT7

.B d lu r and Ovnsral M aoicsrA iil i t tn t Mankcar sim

b ■ ■ ■ inmr_____________ ■ . r-’UMlii

Uea M aaeond a la ta m a tta r aa a

K E A T X____________________________|7 .c n H iryJ______ i d r.n iiiuiim

.............. ...................- ....... — — ,,r,i ,1,

I rliOil: T H E n . A G : Ii„r).

lly F lnff, a n d to th o R epub lio 'i>n<5 N a tio o , /n d iv ia ib le , W ith


........ ................... .......... - - — - r.aiarj

. ,1 ■ — I. I I ■— (h i / :I, QBEATEB TITUI m U ,PPMT I ----- --------------------------

^ jy.-;int

J7 a n i COB»V. Tll.

I.II.I :Paeltlo to tba loallk. i>.,inii> wftfur tn e k tnta Irrttm, p,

n tto g r i s k la w'tstar. ,in

r r u r r t lo ry to city.Do

II..r!>c------------------------- — ■ - j>--fro IH E SEA '■“ »

VuiiniIII is now 111 w nrk slm lyiiiK tin ’ liiiiir (ii'ean j .o r ls o f lli.’ >'iiii'S .\o, leH in th is e o u n lry h av e form al- irnval n f th in pliiii. T b .' w heat- n,.,. r ow n _.Mi.l.lle Wi-nI nnd Nortli- ipnsal. • ' i wriii.i'tl liv m i.-iiim ; nn a tle .'i ier liaiiio III.' A tliiiiii.- <n-eaii tlirouw li lh .‘.• th r r o is room <in tin- lakes fo r nivorII. W a te r I ra n s im rta lio n i'i f a r -------Tl- is 11(1 iii le ro s t n r niild-i'p to icree.iH(>i.rtatio]i uloiiK th e lakes and le re i.s {bt> fa e lo r o f niiininl rail- ie liarveK tinff o f w este rn ennw se v ere e a r hbortfl'he In tlic 'K rn itr slion . .f r n m in th e l':aKt, ii fon-I m o vem en t. I f enoii^'b o f the Illll n r CbieaRo on to tb o vewicls irl.s-ain l to n tlic r e o in ilr i .s , tb isII to u .'on s iderabb i c.xtenl. npiinKed by sniiiu Ani.Tii;an and it'H ill .\eu - Y o rk s ta te , lu'i'an.s.- t. Tt is i |u ite liki-ly to w ork oulIII n d ii'v e il. iiiineeeKsary ib-lays ' Kinot.llily a n d ste iiilily . there bilsine.SH snffii-ieiit lo lo 'ep the 'i .-'nily, liml to use tl.. ' w a'ienvay


■ ivonld «nie)J ih e .Minn- am ! ta ste iane i f iaU.-n in te rm .lly — but il ll ilHilie.l tl. in 'ie rna l use. S iieh a t H U askcrv ille , p ro fe sso r o f elieniis. J V o rk . • ~ ~

leople fail lo d istliii;u isli pro|ier-_ * |.-.ibol, nnd w h y tlie r . ' liiivc been | , sk e rv ilb -. is th m tlie iw o liip iids, f \ . hafijien In hcur (h(f t . iw c im wi-. T . lit in th e ir o fl'ecU on tlte h i«naii Z • 'y a iiid i' of pnla)i.siiini, o r KitiKi-r X mill .-;illc-ii ‘•a li-olinl,” a n d 10 th e X

e. Ilia'i w ood ab-iilml lie «ivcu a t 'd to as “ n ie t l iy l '’ ab 'olit.l, w h ile I h is d ix iim 't io n do .'s n o t seem to t l O :T'eit<e' a i i ' enMi'el.v neu- l >'lii.~ W r ir tlllll p u rp o se .H-. I f innniifiii-lin 'ers a m i d.iiilers 80 , it eciiild p ro lia l.ly be cs'tiililislied 40

_______ 28


o f m ale iip p a ri'l. la k in j; 1'orni in •iii.'til, hits a .laiii;.'fc.n.s side , one g men <>f Hi.- lam l ln' w arn e .l , an .l •V sli.m l.l b e on e .m s ta n f k'unrd. n , r i n t o .-ovilizctl I 'lo llies so U ia t, f a i i ly .le.-i*lil api>earan<'e in th e g. Ills been tb e w ork o f nia ity n 'li- vvonieii, N o tna it e v e r w illin tjly 1C t.r <‘ven a troat, w ben b e tlioUKht ii 'iise o r a iio lh .T , w itti a lluniiel

0 .

•_v «,vet—jie rb a p s even on tin- f a r E v e ra ll .-Ulbs h a s b .'cn se ired w ilh se lf f r.'e f ro m nKe-oltl opj.resHion ,| h is lovitiK spoils.', w h ile cloing il. tim nn ini-b b e w ill ta k e an t'li!>y a|»|H’iiriiiK in pub lic in h is w ild y o n \o save' twieL* qk m any m ore

•ed vo ile iu fav o r o f a KH'uham •4>mrmt‘ij) i* no l w h a l it Kin'ins.

H A L L C O T S ” ” ^

BE KEPT INCinillTS Spccto


Iiat la Q uestion — Coiincilm on

L a y . O v e r - f o r a W eek— c i i u

Pro tc .'its H e a rd i,J111.' itti w hi'n I

Sli.ill u'.r hiiv..' tywi. In luwn In tl.'t ..K.ry" iiiiui.ir iiKindm? Tllll. wiin lli>- all mni.iml ijMjrlliJil riin-jiIJ'iJl tji.sl I'vrlilrij; ul l!ic Iio1ii>-m, in ilar ni.'.'nui-. of tln ' rity .'Oiiiiiil. imllM •V.TUI i.c.i.li. vi.rli;.lly .li-cliiri"1 MiiJu .'tiii..'lY.-« i»;»lnia tlii< i.n.ixMi''! r.r.tl- loli.-. in iiii'x nrolilliUIiiK h.'. iiUiK <'<.w» III a.'T " n

Stc.i;! nf l.rol.'sllni; . laKiiril I.•>• i - ) i i Ili.'lr l...vliifi. Ill 11 I.iiniii.ry ’ ii.lii.'iiuiim-r nn.l tl.nt ili.ilr milk wi. k i-l.'i.ii- l«>Ui'.-ti•lUaniMul miM by ih r .K.lrl.-H, (iili- '"■•ill 1•1 il.'c-1:.ri'il lhat wlilowi n -n - i.iaU- tl» a IM.iK liy K.'iliii,!,'li'iin r. milU <>' jn .-Ml . II'MII. 1.MI1 that U .R.aili! I.l.l 1- ' “ ion i.i.f.ii'i.iil II..-I.I I.. in'*-..nrt. U..1..T1'. v.i.« ...... uf ..... I,.a.Ulll-. "iil-iinliiiuai'K firai.T^. Tl..' inatl.-r ‘''Y ' ''

-v-.T for 11... .......111. . 'IVaiik Mlli.iii, 111.' iii'w iiinl..r.y.li' r,.v..„i...•'•rt .'I.li ........ » ' ii'uiiilily ,I,.Inry ot ua.. ...n.lun.i-.l••.'Mini;. .Mum m.iturUiK will 'Via.Il l / i.niioiiiu'.'iil'-i.l u llll .llniimy furI' Is ualll lo h.' II ni.i'a offi'ctlv.' rn rn r iiiin.'luT" ull.. ihoruiiitlily .ni.l.T- i„ ,,in<

i-ant Ml .■xiirrti'iii f. ~ ] M l 7|.nM «)»ir

Tli» innltrr i>t nulllliff 1» s tr r u t lW ^ K r.mi.ln,:» n( lh.- i nrn.ir of .Klm «lr.ret Il.t Nlmll Avi-nni' un-. Ijihl ovvr. A g „ g i_ i.tltloii i.nMonti'il hy r.'i.l.l.;nis nf ilils |

ri. 1.1'lni: em 'li'il. r.Mjui'M."! llul'lM -,'!----------

I»UI,V TIIA N Srilll'l' ! Tl..'I)., tr, N. Kui.hii...ii lo Siiiiii- tnm .

I.>r:>u ','(-.|»>I iiyil T<h>1>.. I iii 'lli.'JJw J A. T, )u t'. M \Vrl^:1il j luinia

;r,no i, i i ii ::i t , k ,Mur t.le (i. A. t)<>vl» i<> .Ma.I.'lln.' I.. |liie il>

Tli'mi I', J. Klas'i lu 1., L. T l.-u 1l i . j llav,ltii ;;r.f,n i:i '. l. l VVtiriHTt: Currli-.. Tnu 'i inimiVo, Ji.'n,.Mar l.le 1,. J. M.MIIIaa In Clara Tin I'uuitiiTlii.- T ..>l..r l.rnvlnlliM'il K.M,'l-\V11kiniinn-«ir<ml( M.r.

0 Jo f . M, Mi'tli.iiaUl n I. 11 •: riiilin a»t 1.UWI1 Kili'iislni. Ail.l. T. .McAtW 'il Mlllna Mi)t.>i In l-\ V. Vani.-y I'aixT-

aillO I. 1-J H_71/ r , "ll- 1

Uonli' I'hlinis VII Wtiniili- l’lil|i]m. | Mlrr.iv ilvnrce. !.\arcl»

Gypsy Serenadeplaned iy

Fritz Kreisler_ M.U.W Bt lovely •» h U m rd >nd t±f

CUHU. D tn n i b itio i orcholralion p i^ i•ume exquuilo eficcti.

Vht« IUI M lUtofiL MU7

N e w R f c o r d b y t h e F l o n z a l e y Q u a r t e t

, ■n.rouBhI>olU'.-Qu.TU«mFMaioi they rcvtal to the wofld tl.e lull beauty Am«nc«n D**ro muiic.

VKtOTR>dSMinNOtd. 74611 Slop in and let u t play tor you thi

r»cotilt or any Olhen ol ikc

■ N e w V ic to r R e c o t t l s fo r , A p i

L O G A N M U S I C C C 1 1 0 M a i n A v e . N .

1 S p e c i a l B a\ i n C i t y P r o p e r t y a

I z iO A C R E B , st.itflt .-asf o f Min-lev. t p n iv e n i.-n ls will se ll a ll o r pr priee.

ElCO A C R E S , lioiiM-, l.a rn , sp ritii : w ai.'L , ----_^.|„,i,.,^Hl....li-l'«M..l|-^onI.bu-.:i;l..[ w ith p la i’.', i-:!lHI(i; ^^irilHl casli.

80 A C R E S so iilb nf K im berly , bon.se 40 A C R E S Koiiili .'a s t o f -T w in l''iill.s

w ell, w oven w ire f.-ne.-. fam ily 28 A O R E S, liunse, bn rn . iw t. m iles I

bim i, in a lfa lla , p e r aur.-;

1 A C R E , Itonse, Im rn. ^ 'n ra^ <'lti<-ki ta l a b.irKniii.

11 A O R E S, Ik.um-. I.nrn. a ll .'lioi.-c- l»i2 A C R E S , r>lo«<- in. house, b a rn

in alfalfa, $:i(KI ensb w ill linmll O ood B arg n in s In N o rlb S ide hantls'5-R oom liiiiis.-, u a ra n e . vnearlt6-Rooro Innisi-.' n.-w, i;a ra t:e , iii' I 'jis l

..w ii.T h.is b 'f l . 'i ly .lO .R oom iionsi'. KarnBe fo r Iw o i-nn

ik.'.'.lNI; eilsb.6-Room lioii.M-, inm len i. ; i>.'il|

G-Room lioiisi'. l.iirn , np p b ' in-.-.s.F o r R en t, sninll s lm e u n .l nlTii-e il.'>

i-.'nf,( 'n il a t lli.-'t.ffie.- an .l i;e'[ tb e larK e li: i lo e s .ii .it ap |ii-nr in th is a d d . I l l ) .Ma

0. M. Dentoii Real Esl:H . C . G e t l e r t , r

1‘huar :!3.'S or r.-ill a l Itft Main At». >i

______________ TWIN FAI


c ta c u la r C a ree r o f C hicago

Je w e lry T h ie f I s E n d e d I n

S p c c U c u la r M a n n er * _____ Oolora

IIU'.UJU. April ST.—Oan of llm to rij t imiaziiiR and np.-cinnilar ear-

In ih<- lili-iury of InirKlnrfilaK In ItiiUH Hlnli.-* clnsu.1 t-iirly toiluy n lla rry J. JhniM. .1.; lu*.- "heronil y-' man chnrRi-.l wilh ihi-flu I1K.S'iimtlni; lo tlOU.tlOU trntii Clilcugo Piovviii..... uon klllial wlih a j.ullei'llinii'ii ..........I t In hln rlKht iimn.1.-. b .ro n ;iijur Jiiiiii'i.. u lm fci.il tn-pn fnunil ll hU i '.lai; hi'lilml n hiillillhi; on Ki-n- All.rl.. aM!!liif unn inkea V' l '" ' Town rivii- nI iiuHi''- Hiiitlon ail a miiti.Irlous liichwi r:„ l,T. WMli- hvii>i; I’i'iirrlwil h r lj,-v,'« l.'iily uiii‘iir.1 Urn nn.l uninuliMl tu'.< l.ri laM} I'.-mi'ii u'llh whom In' Imd a mo- ly nu­ll bcton- iK-tin rliultniK. Fl.-ntltn: iiiH-kli'iII thc-'liiill.llnc. nrUiK ;.t every at.'j. Allirl Ul- wav mill jiurniii'il l.y a ilnzi'o |||,„„ I'.'iiii'fi, JflixH-K rtmml IrmfKir.iry h-imiI.I ii;i- l..>lilhil a imtrnl wi.i:.m. ,,i

a ii.rllllin! rovuiviT .n.,:t mi- • , I ivhi.li ''nik-.! will'll 111,, llllllllll „ „ . u llll a liiilli'l th-rmii-li UU hriilil. Suii.hii

.■;.nli uf 11 i!anii:i- wUli'li lhi- nilitiiT .•«lal.lMiirr oti .VorHl t:iar(t htri'i't

I'lll.'.! I..UL loliillllii;. I.nni'i- cull- ..........Kl. iin.‘ Imnilrr.! Ihnmian.l .lollars, .|,,,„,i, i-..r.l II1II.-X «y»u.ni ki'i.i Iiy tiv- " ‘ . JHit ............... .. fr.nn ..e n r.. oti.'.i aiKl Ihii-il .-v.-rylUiiiK fr..ni ' I;.., :ir flr.111-. 10 fnm niiil-fr.ini J r w lry iiiltniiinhlli-H. •

O S r C t C U B T W E E T S - E D N E S D A Y N I G H T

sinw a M eeting H e ld a n d E n -

joyab lo P ro g ra m Js .m'biilG iv e n ' « ^ i i

I..' W.'ilii.'S.Iay Kvi'liiiii; Miii.lr " ‘'t,, , n. nilV l 'sM WV.Iii.'i.ciay .'V.-nlnK 111.' h<.iiii- nt .Mru, II. K. It.'Kull wllh .,,, lla Hiiyn an.l Mlliln-i) ICInxI an hori- H'., Aflor n nUorl hmilin'tin mi'i't- tl

llll- tolli.wlnK j.rui:ram ui.i. i:lv-

-,'itun \V.ilU l.y I.OI11-; Tnrl.u.m Itiln \rnilii.'iiii: Atulm (U- Uy Uaili. T u ra-j m,,,,. ,

I'liri-vi'r lllnwtni: Hiihhlo, hy Kcn-vin ‘.ml Ki-llclln ,.r,. iii<

Man.lnliii uml Or.Ui'ntrn |,..|.|.'«no i1iii'i-lliinicr.i«|U '-. Mnn;iir.'l ,.rn q..............nnl Chry-'Kil (JliiKrlih ,.x<t i 'I.><>r.iw.l,IIn ur V lnor llr'rbt'rl. Ilr-n- , , (.1

........V................ •rnwi'il \V(Ui-rs DiiKin•c1h-.uk. Ml1ilri-.l WUmiii. „.„y_ ,,

. . . I h n 'mW]


the« d f y . T li

ip r i l "1"

.'■ » ,11,

' j fi'.’

a r g a in s 11r a n d R a n c h e s i 1

y. MimtdiT ranffe , .snntr' im - 1 • pa ri a t a ve rv reasn iin lili' I

1 B l

a l.-r in Itoii.'.e. f..|t.'. 'd . n v e ry JltuK iu-iuu,_Jj;t;u__riiuiic_J -------

^ll. ' X

ill.s, -l.nioiii lim ise, lia rn tle.-p lily o r.'bni'.l, p .T a i're .■s f ti.ia T w in K ails, n il «oodT.-; - iia n ) ,.;i.sli.ki'ti liniisu, f n i i l iri-es olTered

Inn.l ia ii,s l^ i. so ld a l ini.-e. lii.'ken liniisi-. w .-ll; one a e r c ' m il.' Ibis, liiilaiK'e easy li.rn is,

s-n T y i i w i .'-i;!-,:— ----------- — ;lis t l-nwii, el'i'V I'hoii-,. liom e,

-nrs, f n tit irei-s, lot 1itilx12.'>,

KillO I'asli.ik27.'il); '7,-ni ensb. t

desk roo tn ; n h u 2-' aiT es fo r |

- li.st of p ro p et'lv fo r sn ie t h a t |.Main Avi-„ S-nrtli, I’lione 22:1. ?

slate & Trust Co, I, m a n a g e r ,. 1

. North. Ur«. I'ltnnr lU -W • Z



reel 10■ 11 hui

lonwlo M a n W o u ld H a v e M o. « « ‘« i i o risla G lvo D a y to R e p a i r in g ii-o rhe

S la tfl B o a d j

-------- nil llll)iK.SVKll. Aorll ;!7,—•■natitil iRi- The npVi'ni.-nt ot iViInriiilo’i. lilRliwayi. ul f,.w yairo«l .,10 llic-iaxii»y*rn." In whui ______

on S. AlUrlKbi. or tills eliy. elnlm* lU iini.iiK. supiimllon Ih udaplcit.II.rlr.lit nol.uilltr'.l u |i1ni. to bH-nl i : . i 3 |

hwiiy (•oiiinilini'iiiiT iliii't In- I.o- ' "} • /'« n lll Jn- " t i;r’-:il k 'n i-tll, r,,. iaily In inolnrl iti.. nml tn-ini'iiilniih- " ' Inrrvnx.. iniiri:.!. trav..I In lh<-

■kli't.. ■ ■ ■ llirlclil'i. lil.-a nmy Ih- frnwiii.il Ill hy tin- niirn mUi.-lli'. Imt it■ I.I I..' fin., f.ir iti-v.'(ni,iii,: tli.i mn-... of aninainliili' ..wm-rn,'ll-l r..'Ui'iiu> l:i tlll>i:III a i.ii.'.'ial .lal.) pn-ti'ralily a i.hiy 1.4 lall- Si.riiiK, iilii-r tl;.-* itlu-r Uai. a.'llUtl anil tin- ruailM un- worUnUii) i'Oii.lltlnn. .-atii iillluin..- ' .lrlv.T la k ....... .Is Iraki-, i.iik iiiiil .>vi'l) IIII.I im|.rovi. IIOIUI- M.i.i III Iilf.1 (jvi r whli'li he 1:1 iravrlliii; (or;lv.'ii Ilnn-—Miy an li.uir.i'JiiM, )/ « juiwU.t of anioiiioWl..^ >n.'il on 111., saini- rnuil lhu tlrmv..r »'iiiih| lak.- lh .' fir.'.l liii.l i.hui-| ,,.|L llw .Irlv -r miyiwlm: w m ib l______

.V/i((o (illll inlKlit in.-un n .nH 'ih t fllir ciini:..Ntlon In hiioUi, It wnulil O i ri-lli-vi-il .iniekly. lui iliu t i n t man

.ili.'l> wnnlii finluli firiit uml i.ri.eci-il T "

nlirVuilo;v7l!nTi-iii' "nil ri'a iinllinr----- -—If orlKlni.1 III.:,Iliom. In llu-lr Jnur- 1 ^ '

!w,.II raiK- I.f a ba-l i.U'i'i- of mailIT....... . man ('(Ullll not m rumi.lhb• ri,'|ialr.Wjl1iln nil bonr. l.-l 'Iwo <ir •rc nl'>i> Iintl jihhIxI )iJm, I'mloultl- {, 1 y Ihtt Sllll.I Suporvlnor a t UouiIh cvr Illll b.- Klml to illiilrlhnto lilii reR- r,r workm.ii. la miob m anner Ihnt ,i,J y I'oubI reii.liT 'm lnable nnultH- 'I- In <.viTi.c('laK Ihl’ ii]iiTa(liniH of . I'liihry.) riuiit bnllitem, ,ri.i. t.n.|.. n'1'.-i.'s^iiry for ihln w.lrU■ lii.;x|ii.nHlvi> nml nn- fonnO In the w .i.'« ..f Hourly a lt vninniiibll.* own- 6,(, .. Till! honr-R w ork wonld Uii khikI y j Ti'l>'..< (or nil Hllll Ihl- rc-nittii iinluld. not uciiil.t r.-nult 111 an oilm ailiin tn ■ryiim- nslni: n l a r ; I'linbli- him tn LonHI tln.l hriml urhil U n>iiMttmr^.Ui____Wiistrni'l ami iiialnlaln a .li't...... hiKh-y. anil would iirl loi a n-mlnil'ir tn D l■ fi.IJon- whn i»if» 11 »i«m‘ to hinrk

uhi-olH on a lilRliway ami Himv..i. oft ami li.nvi':i lho nlone In (he T r nl.i.iiiu' opiioiilllnn lias iluvetnppd lo .rlKlif" it<-linne on tbi- Knmnd Ihal r = : iitwork tiy Ml many (nexii.Tl.-nri'iI rkera wniilit rrm ili In RlvlnR Uio :liwny» ihi- ni>|n!nniiii-p nf a rr.i7yIII.

*D!*H.*PECrc6** ■ 1N oracrr Stoek of All Klnd;>

TWIN VALLS, IDAHO S07 L'fghtb A ie . £ .

Telepbono 1220-J.

T H R ID .M IO M K D IC A L (X)M l*ANY o f H oisu, Iilnho , K ].eeiali/e« in tlu ; tr c a h m m t of sk ill a n d v c u e rc a l d is. eaKi-s Ilf im-ii a n d w om -ii, iliseasi's o f Ilte hiilm-yH nnd b lm lile r, p ile s, fistiilai*, am i nil siirK ieal d is o rd e rs o f tli'i K i-iiitoiirinary orK aiis. A W assiT inaii lilm .d l e s t ' , is inndo ill a ll b lo n d n n d xkiii tlisordtJi-s,( ’ori-i'spinnlenec a tr i i- t ly eon. f id e i ilia l. W e d n n o f tr e a t o r p r i 's i 'irb e f n r anyone

.w ilh o u l a p e rso n a l ex am in a . lio n jj'l iiijr o flu -c. ,Coui>uIta-

. lio i i fri.-e.

Idaho Medical Co.0. 7, 8, 9 , O dd F e llo w s

B u i ld in g -B O IS E . ID A H O


M a s sLavering Theat:The Legislative Commit of Liibor ahd the Non-P: E ntertainm ent

M a y cForm er Labi

To deliver an address oi Falls on the Above Date. Everybody Invited, Brin

L 27. 1920

» n t l l MOTES f.lB T , c iiiim iE S KOKKSTH A M l'llU lillfK S

lENEVA. April a t , - A number ot j Itora ttmi "OHIO ucloncUts arv n-ll' k sin;; u «tniaRo Aljilno i-hunouii^non I '(irlndclw ald w Iktk too Imnonn ^ ndolwald Rlnclcr huu' licun niovhiR » lho rnBcy a t lho m io ot lour 1 10 Kijc fevt Ilully. /mL hus ulroady di-Hlroyod a plnu for- | ,*4^ tuid cranhed a i.Umu hrIdKu aeronii y lllacic I.uud ilite Inlo uiums. Tliu , % r lin r continues udvuneloK'ncron.i ] wiUOr lo lhu nppiir bunlt. , I K

'tie nipliI mnvtnaPiit (s <tnc to ((i<< i 9 | |] inninni umount ii( ten nud miow ^ llll) lilRhrr iMirtloas of llio j;1ader. I. ^ L- nnltimry pnen nf u Kh'cfiT Is u | r yarilh. la tltiy yearn,

' S t r a w b e r r y P l a n t s i>,atI'KVKUHKAIMNa VAUIKTl- jjj” ,'• Call u l 30» JurbNon If

Atler S I '. M. ,a^n!f• eniir Btah

------------ - tu r , :

J— ,ii . , . - ■ Mill]




A ihlQCHMniii

. Vi(5loui

C O N S T IP A T IO NCALDWi;i.i.^S s>ri.|i . - to m

s i s S S ' ' il uij tJie uwlA* iKfie


tt'.iiMnrtfln Sl . MonHallo. lUlnoJt. --------

D R . C A L D W E L L ' S


D r i n k • ~

—y o u r s e a r c h 'B W M is e n d e d 'For, first of oil, Blat2turn your tliirst into a joyo«m e m o ry .

And that exhilarating whol< somcness o f every drop wi brinj? q sense of satisfying'con plctcness that no other bevei

• age can produce.Su ch i s th o n u tr itiv e v a lu e o f Bl«t A n d ' BO y o u 'l l fin d B la tz unO suiI good—a n d good fo r Y O U .

For Salo Wltcrei'cr Refresitment Are Sold [

Made hr BLATZ-AUwauki O r d e r a C a s e f o r Y o i

H o m e T o d a y

~ W . W . 0 . W H O L E S A L E CO., DUI

ird Farmer-Labor


itre, Wed. £venii7T3T) P.'M .------~

n ittee of th e Gth District !-Partisan League have- 01

I /

r o r V a n L eabor M ayor of Minneapo i on the Farm er-Labor Me ite.I'ing Your F riends


gS;,; ■■

ib y Niirse o r D ^ o r Will TeU Y o u -

h a t i t !b Tnu(* wuiior to " Jtn y w ell" haa i t {i Ul " e c t 'weU”-~«nd It U ;nuch Icm cxpoosivo. |

I f - yoa aro oTcrtux^nsr -your , . itrcnffih, c x h au iilin s .you r o e n o iu .. inilrvy, ncitlectlni; vour health , and tan in ir yonr blootl—aoonor o r U- ,ur. you will be laid up i o r rcpixin.Milliuns o f men and > ’oni(n go lirough life, ha lf fdck—dllcou r« r:d ind unliupj.y. T hey novcr know vhiit it ineuna to th rill w ith tho joy ind magnetism o f iie rfect health . . .

Tlld tonic tinil rcc'onalrueUve ' lUftlllie. o f llEO LO . nro almply vuiiderful. U nupiilies ' t h b blood vith tha lilvlffortitini; onm nlc iron [which U eniily (uolm llated by the )!0(k1J tins ruv ita litlne oxyRco, and ‘cconxtructlvo ccll-aolttf—t ^ t na- .uro m ust have to m a in ta in health.

ItnOI.O cenvcrtu tho blood into a rifillant R uanlian nKoinit th e intldl- )ui nttackg o t . dlaeaie— and n»-

jotjy. I t m akes i l pou lb le -fo r the j)onJ to bnlld up— w bat th e streM )f daily oc tlf lty , overworik w orry ind ovcrtaxinpr o f th e body hove ;om down.: \Va»te uroducU are :a tt out—new cells in tw ~ th e hot*

:omca back to th e u top -rlhe whoft lody th rills w ith health .osd Titallty, • b e ncnrcB become steady and the >r:iln l l clearMi to raeet th e battle .vith llie problem s o f life.

iidnt—and ^ v e I t a fn ir tr ia l. The anco packoee o f IQD pleasant, astelets tab lets contains a supply or two weeVs* trea trae n t, and only i>{|» one riollar. . H E O I^ Js fully tuam nlcfd—and If I t does n e t Khro lomplctc «»tlsfnctlTO you r money vlll bo returned. - , '

FISHER D RUG CO.Twin Falls, Id fth o '

'ffifl TInies job priiUtiiB'dopnrtinflnc------------ r-lliornuBhly eijulpped ,10 do flrst-

iM work—a t roaaonable prices.

m iljr aad 'Sanday '.'T im es,'i7 .C (r.'

/<m ' ^ j

wUlx i m * . l l K i 9 | j | H n ~iver> '

3i«tx. 'uuny •

ukee^ n i i i I H ^

DUtribtitorB, Pocatello,'Idaho

> r

i t i n gling, 28:t S ta te J-ederation'.’ Obtained fo r .Ypur- ' . t '.A .4. 4 .

e e rpolis . ■ ‘Movement i t i . Twin,

« ,« - ' i H-_

CTY ;C(3liiM iTii!E]^

Page 5: HO W IRE SEJ^y/(^£S fw M L SH ICTTU e s WM/ANZA …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · T i a : i ^ V S 0 i F A L L S . WM/MJOL. in. MO. U. NEW

B i u i n e s s O p p o r h i n i t i e s F

OuudlftQ Pm UIc Jtonw ftr UrlsnUilLi>ada. S ib tU 'v u m a n U . urn ik l>aiSold ezcluttreUr . .b j Brow a *Dros. i’”'S h e n Co. ~ " • >i.,

C L«t rou r honto bulldlne aad ]o1i ~w ork out to McCleary &. Ijrons. rintik „rturnlBhed. Houie No. 5, Tw in W in . ic,

,u>»U.>« ->» •!_ i_ 1..^^ .« <>■> •. fn,.

S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d ; ; ;

WAMTSI>->^0 cloao your tu m sc tu d cblomeyi. D. S a llib a rr. p b o D c __

j e » - J . new location, i 'u ll oqulpmeut.iteo l bruibee. l i e Main Ato. Em L rex^fforU (u a n o te e d or no p«y. I ’a--------------;---------------:------ 1 Av

CLEANING ialCarpoln, ruRn.' Spots removed, co1> I'h

o r i 'm lo re d . Phono 681 or 387. Janies ~____________ ■ in,

WANTED—I’ermcinent poRlUon bycxperlencotl'BiUoftWoman. A. i l .. caro _ jTime*. 1

----------------W;A»CTBrwM»n..iim,l— «iri> TflUIL ^_ work on tn m i. t te t 78. carc Tlincg.

H e l p ' W a n t e d ' ~

WANTEI>-Bookkocpor a t Hanaen PU' Auto CompMy. Mbomu, Idn. ■ ___ _ ~

W a n t e d - M i s c e l l a n e o u s ™

WANTED—TboUBBndn nf men are “ 1 needed In the AUTOMOCILB AND nlc TACTOR buaines*. Thin 1« your op- ute

portunliy, Uie demund was nevor bo chi groo^ M It Is now for trained Mpertn. ^ Wo te«cli In n uliort time everythlnR penilnJnff to lliis buslnem. Including lONlTIOK. CAUUURET0R8, U O IIT - ' INO AND 8TARTJN-0 SYSTEMS, aluo tV 0XV-ACETYLENE3 WT2LDIN0 AND TIRB RBPAlRINa AND RETREAD- ^ INO.' Special n te « for a shore Omo ] only. W rito today 'Io r ou r eaUloRue. sci KEM PHtLb UROS. . AUTO & TIUC- inl TOR SCHOOL. SCO E ast Snd Soulh. S a lt LoVe City. Ulnlu J

"^V A N TEt>-llcM bnliy ImsBy. Mnnl *5 be In good condillun. ‘cheaii. Phone ~ 221-J, 1

WANTBD-}UI*». WJI! pay IMc. Call M8-W. ConUnontat JuDk IloiiHft. ^

. co ro tr Becond* s tre e t sou th and Sec- \ ond avenue soutb. A

WANTBIV—Two or th ree hnw e fw i , •niclne. W rite.'lU tln ic condKtons and ‘>l

. price. P. O. Dox C3. Hanson. . ■”

, W ANTED-Second hand turnlture. >» Phono OUn. SOS-W; com er o t Snd and st 2nd Ave. 8 . k .I I . - . — " u

WANTED—4 m ilk coWb to pasture cc for use ot inlllc U. 1*. Uiistor. C»ruy.Ida.________________ ' ________ -

W* »ay e a s& 'n r .f to o n « hand (or- h< a t to n and r u ^ ' ' Booalor r a n i - I'lt w Qo-_________ ____________ ' ■

WAATED—y«ur-IawM njowcru lc iii Krlnd. Wernor'H Repair Shop. in' " ■ ■ ■ ” E<

W A N T SD -T onr o rae r fo r PU N O l rtn n N Q . L o g u ' MosIo Oo. Phoo* •

,WANTEU—T o 'r ta rp e n law n mow- *

or*. W in caU. to r and dollver. Call *; M4. W. B. Mooro>:i38 2nd Avo. S. [|

T rA K X Z D -B I^ g iw f p a in r e for f «M backs, e r s ^ a ra B tilB p a i to n 'e r i tm m e r .- ’ A t t m i C m k S th M - „ u » , - r a t r . ~_________■ t

W a n t e d t o R e n t .j

W ANTED-^of ront four ;or five c rootn fumlsb'edk, any Ume after May ’ 1 Address p : f t, floz >25. Twin Falls. '

F o r , R e n t . .

* - PO R -R £N T -t:4^rulih*d^btd .room. */ruaaco h e a t -:'l4WJa« pKfcrreO. IHC 3rd north. •

r o n RENT—»20 acres. ibM p m * - in s U nd In bills snuUiwesi of Roser* •on. ' K. B. C arr. Pbono M2. Ad>

^ drots 863 SlUb avenuo, W. Twin Falls _

i f H O im a FO R .R B N T -O ne mllo north ^ o n g 5 iff irT C T r-Tw m i; i n iia lrw: OHim

S t ^ north of llansen.

' ' TOR R E N T -N lcely furnished room,404 7th Nortb._______________’

FOR It£N T*~Parnace heated bed< n x m W Cth Avo. E.

a l ' ^ S w n ^ S u w S o t w ’. tn n e ^Md«6 »ck ana>bote.^am p.*% m ik lo

i __________ urhonl. ti. q,|(U tn m ««(U m rOSd. IHf ^ r ^ o r rn oarliost dfteli Helil lo' S n a » river, very sm all w ater aaiess- metU. RonnliiC "w ater m o il o t (he

. .year, 7 rtx>m house. 40 acres alfaUfa. m e acre beaMns orchard, aod otli- « r fmprowm enta. V orr,h«*t o f <t«p toll. About 7 acres rough 'low Uml. mako cood paature. Price $17,000»:^ S6.0M casb :'b a lance oaay term s. Ad-

. dri^ji'.D. IL lilethan. Diackfoot. Ida.

' T M 'acro a o t laod to r aala. to c a M bo tta'i U th w a r north of Haosen el»< vator, Tw o room houso, bam , tamlly

«- o re h tr t . P tastad I n boeta u d w beatJ. g.yMBse. H ansan. -___________

' ' S A U B ^ ‘ room m odera bous^ ■oa


F o r S a l e — R e a l E s t a t e I

*K 0 1 i’' s A U i - s i x ' ^ n T ’i m i i D ^ ^ l>atli. twu ureonod -ln porchen, bane- ' m nu. I’rlco 827DO. part, canh; pou- U>i .ci-ilou n t onco. 025 3rd Aw. E., riiono In^8^J,__________ . ___________ 8c

'I-'OR S-CTl'J—lmprovcU mncli, nnc ’[!'! or tho buKt KO ocrcN bviweoii Grccii- ,*)■' leaf Ulld Wll.lpr, Idaho, 1 mllo lo mil- '' '

roiid ML-idan. HfiO por acro. Two jrooil cropn (if poifitoeii o r clovcr need will “ I'ay for Imnl.

E. n . Sonlon, '"I:.,onR llcuch. Cnllf. an

8l£KOH S A U P ^lly ownor. a Rtx.il four

room linntii*. p a rtly nitxlrrn. with Klm .» I ’ark wnlpr. In choicc loc.ulon.'S ixth Avenue CttBt, Prlc«Ml to ,«clL . Will lako cor an ivnrt puymcni,.T..M . Niivu'. “ I’hono 757.J.

TOR RAl.l-J-A ROCK) lunlno»a ro lJT- C. InR liounp. ranch und dtwllloK. t-^xy coi ifrmH. . E. R Crabtree. 303 SUofilioni' — SI, m t i o

r o i l SAI.E—llouncn. Sm C, J. Sic- 11 vnnii. 421 Sth Emit.

For Sale-M iscellaneous” ” “ ' - oil

TOR SALK—GO iiaokn ncml poluiocs, phone SQ9-J-C. _

carrluRe. IS.OO. 230 Vnn Ilureii l!i., ~

VX)R SALE OU E X cilA W IJ^K cy- I nlono UrtlllnK iiiachlna No. i » Hleain puwor w ith tractor, will noil cheap o r trado for anyihtnc nf value, c r Address S , ' D. Loo, Bo* 7CI, Twin Tl F a l l s . ___________________ —

y o uT lian T rac to r und plown, Atwrilnto- —

ly now; Mnlino trac tor ond plnwn, nnod Ihreo wookn. Uoih barRalnH, Call Box 12. carp Time*._______________ Ir;

roR 'SA 1..B—35 bu. puro Ulclilow — seed wheal. Souihern Idaho Whole­sale Grocery t o . Call 27G, T;

” FOR S A L E -10 acro trac t Improv- - od. etoM lo low a. }>. O. Aodertoo,4 tO 4th Avo. W est. ■—-• lo

FOR SALE—L ot In Ihckol AddlUoa l>'for )37S. H alt caab. Inquire 3G4 Cih 'V'Ara, North. ^

TOR SALB—A 3 llerrlnR Hall taf«.A bnrsnin. Phone 225-R.

FOR ’ S A L B - W!n<UlU«a»,' lead- ' lltbU aod w in d o w ,(lu s . B. A. Mood.

TOR S A L B -O ne Ivors & Pood pia­no: flRurcd Muliocnny cano. Kxlrn Rood tone. No. I condition; 1 Peuch- llto Torplex lionier; l 0-hole l.’nlver- u l runice. will) «-nter Jackal, Rood s condlllon.. Phono DU M ,,

451 Klm fitrcel. “

hXm S A L K -S e c i i oam; b ifte r . SO “ head plRs: 14 bows. Eldron Ranch. / I’hono 50S-J-I. . I

r o i l .SALE oiT tI ia d e r o u CAU fI m y vtjuliy In u new lunr room juinly /

modem houso with 4 ROOd lotn andsood location. Eany torots. Write 5

> Uox 024. ‘I - .. . — ....... . I

r o u SA L E i-W alnut Uedrwm set. J . wiekor living room set. tsiMslry dav*. eaport aod chair . Jacobean oakdlnlBR 1 room sot. Iron bed and spriORS, ofllco »

desk, ruea. a ll hlsh ttrado. used only . . nhort time. W ill break sol*. 3tO Ilth. r Avs. E. Phono 4Si;-R;

» r o i l QUICK SALIVAS owner must ' sell Itnmedlately on account ot sick-

ttess In the family, he will sacriClco * oao of th e bost businesses Is Tirln

.Fulls. A llltle capital wltl handio „ Uils and It la now a sood monoy mak- 0 or. Call o r w rile Oox. 47, caro o t y Times.

t FOn 8 A L B -1 2 In. | a n c . plow (Case) In good sbspo; will take bank­able note. J . P. H arris, lUnsoni Ida,

H; , E lectric m nge tor sale. 311- «tli. 'C Ava Ssat._____________ ____________

- r o R 8A L E -U ound Oak raago.»• Phono 1820-W.r- I. - - I .... ___

'• S a l e A u t o m o b i l e s

ih .FO R SALB-^Reo c u r to good coadl- « 4I0H.—C harU a-O haan , R ilU Aranua,.

Phone B14-R-4._____________________

^ FOR S a L B OR T R A D E -6 -pas ion - gor O verland 8S. fn Qrst c la u condl- Uoo—will trade for c ity property o r

<!’ householil fum itaro ,. loqBlra SM 6tti ^ A r«. N. . . . . • . ; • ,

* ' P O irS A L B -S ludebakar lour, l #18 model, r e n t e d , tn gooil rnonlng o r ­der. • I 'r ico roasonahte.' Call 472-W, -

~ KOR 8A L E S-Fort runabout. Im ck ' body, in -tin* condition. 413 Gih Ave.

H FOR SALE—Buick Four, In Rood Iff eandllloli. MUO a n n 11 HOIU U( onCflT s- In 'iu iro D rowning Auto Co.

it. FOR SALB—I 'trd car In good coh­Ii. dltlon. Inqu ire J . D. H arrison, R. No.rp X Phene tOT-R'^ '_________________

!!* FOR 8AUC—1>17 Foni With Smlllt 7 Fnrm -a-T ruck atUChed. New sprock-

eU .and chains. Motor overhauled. L, 1450. T erm s. J. H. Edwards, Rich-

field, Idaho. ________

^ FOR BALE OR T R A D B -T ractor, V good a s now. Wlll sell rigbt, o r i n d e

on c ity p roperty o r car. See F, L , K ramer, w L IX Store.

I f TOR SALB OR TRAOB-i-VelU c ar.

. .


9 ^ ■ iH^ m)ilr . ... J r l ~ • 'K ihrc

Z T ^ T i r 4 I T t » I1 I V ^ l n \ I I / l ^ 'I l l l a / I I I n . J V I t i

. Dt •L I c

• M / Em \ I Roll

V j f \ ^ y

' ^ j v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t r y

! FO R SA L E -Flvo bead youns mulos . Ibroo lo live years old, alao ono ex- I Irtv cbolco rcglstorod Durham bull,

ScottliU lypo. one pair RuliUnss, 3 .v , n -a r s old. Rood ones. Locatcd on Qiu■ KImberiy roud t*-o nillcs cast of cod . Tw in f'ull* a t W. H. Sioddard’e ranch, try I I’hoco tm - n -y j . «>'-

------------------------------------------------------ - R‘"'WK HUY, niUo. nnd nell lur-hcar- «H''

IriR rabhim. nnd o ther fur-lH-nrlnr anlinalti. I J s i whnt you hnvo wllh un.

■ Haling ynnr lov/cni prlcen oa- larco [ tol nhlpmcntn. The P n r & Specially

J’urm lng Co„ 515-517 N. P. Avo. Far- ( I ro .. N. Dak. [

• FOR- S^LE—Parohretl n u /l O rp-|,;'r, . liiBton cBRd. Jl.CO a sclUnc, Mr*. C. |,iti• C. Slver, 2 mllo* east, H soiiib ofl• toiioilry. {? — ■ , I A|'

l-'OU H.U.li—A So. I tlitiroiii^lihml — Jcm c)' bull. Wlll trade- fur u rooiI

• m ilk cow, AtltlrPiiti liotion .\ I'arr. I{.K I). Ilox 122. T u in Fulln. hlii, IV

, >'OIl SAlitl— h m t cliiKii JiTW-y cow ' w ith calf w(K-k old. Cow tour ycnrn In,Ji■ o ld . R. C. Hyilp, 2 nillcn caul, 2l~ j ,„ ' souTh of lionic of Klmbprly, ,,j.

KOH SAl.K—Jvrtiey cow rIvIiIr two gKllnfiM mlllc fi.clnr, r,:i3 iiU Ar«-. K,

: L O S T A N D F O U N D E ',1 I, . j,.;|1 1-'01.<.\1)~-Uidlcii brown ithoc. Own-' lun• c r (111 hiivo tinim; Iiy Idi-niitviiiB iii I'o’ I T ln if i otflci-, ^ ll

• ~ FOUND-mirn'li of owii,t nm ‘“j«nm(* [<}• atUliiii nt Tlni:- «{,!<•<; _j

•' -..iwci-ii -.win I Kalin ami Kinil».r1y. If flnil'T will

InivH u l Tlmi!H orfUo u rnwurtl will ”• litf (itforcil.I . I ------

1.0ST--.VI w S|iruitnii A'lHiiii'ililli; Ali T lru . a,1x5. l-*ln<li!r n u irii to ~

• t - W r - l ’o rkK )».->k '

. loRul imi>crii wliiili HW viiluiiliio lu • J owiiiT. Koi-p till? iiiunry Iml ri'turn , ■ptirnt. Ui-yti mill (laii'Tii lu Tlmcii of-

rico. *'■>

■ will party RfttlnR wrunR humlle Un ' riiRS from Amvricun Kxpemn Company_ April Oth. pleasu re iu rn Hume, olI. —— ------------------ ■...>.— pp

Serial A'o. 0174lf«-0}74» s)>KOUCE FOR Pi:i».W ;XTI05 U

1. D opartm cnt o t tho Interior. a U . B. Land Otflco a t llalley, Idaho. . I- March 27. 1020. , .•• Nollco 1s hereby Rlvon that Uay V, ^ <1 Shepherd o t Tw in J'nlln. Mahn, Wbo p,

on- Aprll 10. 191C, mndo llomontead ontry. No. 017418 for SW% Soc. C.

15 a n d who on-December 15, J91C, made 1. Add’l IL P.. No. 017410 lor 814 N'V«^, '

I.#ots 3 and 4. Socllon S, Townihlp 14— Sooth. Ranco 11 Hast, Uolse Meridian u tm* tiled notleo of Intention to makr ^ flnst threo year I'roof, (o estabUiti: claim to the ' land atwvo deacrlbed "

betoro H. E . Powera. U. S. Commls- ' . olaner a l T wIq Fa lls , Idabo. on Ihe :t. Is i day o t June , 1020.V* Claimant oomes a s witnesses:

3. F . Sbepberd, N. XX Bbepberd. Dan 'turnlpseed, B. C. Turnlpseed. a ll ol

,7 Twin Falla. Idaho.“*■ BEN R. ORAT.— Resistor, isl Match 30-Aprtl 38.k- - - ■ „ • eo SerUl No. OIMiS•in • JtOTJCB r o u PUBUCATJO.N Uo Departm ent o t tho Interior.^ U. 8 . Land Office a t Hallcy. Idaho, ' **' Idaho, A prll 6, 1020.

No'tlco la hereby given thut Jasper . iw U ttonnarkt o f ItORoreon. fdaho, who Ik- cn Jan ila ry «. lOlC. mudu Hom'onl'iail la. Enlry No. 018952 for S\4 SW \i See.

2S: SE^4 Sec. 29; N% NWVi BocUon ' as. Township IB South, Rango 15

— E u t . Bolsa Meridian, h u filed ho- : so- Ue« o t IntenUon to mnke tlnal three {

year proof, to osub tlsb claim to Uio Und above d«scrtbod. before II. E.

3 Powers, V. & CommUstoaer a t Twla ■*— P s lls Idaho, on the 7th day ot June , t Ul- IMO.

-O lalm anV -B am se-ea-w lteussau---------__ E rnest L. Oroon. Oan L, Thompaon. .gn - Owlgbt C .-P ruU ce...W aU acs .CroQar. - d | . all of Dahl, Idaho. -vo r DBN R. qu a y .

6tt i Register. IApril $, May 7. , i

■" . / ' J f t X a n d o m c « .« t^ a llW W * l 'o .

NoUce fs boreb r glvea titat H ugo . V au r, o t nuh l. Idaho, who, on Decern- ber 18, 1916. tnado Uempsloait JCentry

— SqrU l.N o. 018001 to r ^ 8UL-4 soc. > >od to. N E M NWl-4, E l-S NKl-4. NWl-4 c a r WWM. an rt Wi-g n K l-4rreee»tow-lg, ;

Township IS South. R ango .16 East, ~ Boise M eridian, has filed oetlco of In- a h - lenUoo to mako float three year proot ■ No. (0 establish claim to the land altovs

doiKribsd. before H . E . Powera It. S. 7~ Commlsaloner, a t Tw in W U . ld*bo. I *J>‘ oa tbo 7 th day o t June . 1920. • i

Claim ant nnmes aa wHaesses: od. G. u Thompson, E. L. Green, B. E. c h - Oreea, Viola O reen. a ll of llnbl. Idabr. <


I - S S t i T t e T e m s r ’' TVOTtCB FO B rV B lIC A T lO n

T ; . D epartm ent o t (b a .la u n o r . j ir. B. .L M d O ttioe a t U aU ty,' Id tho . '

r r : - -.rA'".• a t '>v-1(eU«•^'u;hflT«b:(''«l«w^ttat''7h•e^'

■ ____ rALl.Head entry. No. 0174B4 for N'A NE'a —M-ctlun 12. Townnhlii 11 Soulh, ItanRi >i-IK ^>lit. Ilolne- Meridian, bas fllec . |}i>ilro of inivnlloa lo mako Ptnal Ihrcu year proof, to oiitahllBh claln* ^ :>■ tho land ubnvo drsrrlbcd, leloriII, E. Powern. U. 8. (.'ommlniiloner. a )• Twin I'ulls, Idabo, ou Uia Inl da} ::;.i )f June, 1920. u“

CJaimant namua as w ltncoiei: IElm«r Mlnlun. u t Hanson, Idaho,

llobort a Uoherin of Twin Fnlln. Ida ' ' ‘I lii>; Calvin E. Llchly of MiirtauRh 'J;. liluho; Senrt M. Ilurkhatlor of ICIui- InTly, Idaho. ,,i.

UBN R. ORAY. (Register.

.Mnrch 30-AprJl 2S. I’f----------------------- — ---------------------- I

M)TM'K V(Ht PUUI,I(MTHIN »llrp iirtn in il of tlu- Inti-rlur .

tl. S. UilUl Uffit'O lli llllll<'^ liliiUi,April - I . .

.Votli'f III lioroliy Rlvrn that (!i-ruril ., Qiinnk. of ituUI. tdiilio, who. on Do- coniUor 14, 191C, in;ido lloinctiicail Kn­iry. .No. 018977, to r . SWU acr, M; " ' S lH i. Sci:llnn Ki. ToWnnhl|> K> Biiulli. , KaURO in hiuit. lloliin MiTlillaii, han . ' tiled milieu of Inienilon to makii tlnal . ilirce year I'ri'of. to i-:iialillnli clulm h. ... Il!« liinil alinvu i1o;ii-rllii'd. bofor.- II. .K I’ow-<TM. i:. S, Coimiili-.iloii.T, al ' Twin KalUi. I.lnho, on Uio L':<tli i(.i> 'Ilf Jiin r. Hilin, ,, ,,

Clulnianl nnnii'i. «« m lliu'iwi-n; ,,I.M- l-iiiiicr. o t llulil, lil;iUn, Wul- ' ,

Uii-o frun>-r. ftf llnlil. Muhn; Jam.-* Crern, ot Hnfi.T-on, f.Jnlui, CUne-h:i .K LinilRr.'ii. of ltoi;pri‘On. Iilalio,

' Hi‘11 11. n r iy .Uffili.tcr.

Al.ril :7- M,iy ^

MITICK KOU l’ritl,U M TI»N :ll^inirtiiiviit of th<- In trrtu r n

IV S. Ixnd OCtku III llnll-y. Idalio -■

.Votlrc 111 Ui-Ti'liy kWcu llinl I’crry- tllotivrl'i. or lloniTMUil, Malio, w|io, on IJnn .' y x 19i:., inuiU' lloincMcad Kn- , (iry . Nil. 01S2fi'.’. for W^4 N W 'i Sw. mi, ’and wlio on lire 13. r.'ir. niailn ii.ldl- ' iHoiial IIo,ii.v.|cn.l Kiiti-.v .Vo. 01S9I):. I

Si'.riicn 3.-:. Tiiwniilili) I ' Soulli, llaiiRi' tIK Kaia, nolil.' Morldlan, ban IIIimI iu.- IIII.' i>r IntenUon lo niixln' (Umt tbroc i y rar I'ro'of. to vnlabllnh, i-Ialm lo thn I land abovo ilcMcrllicil. lipfori. If, tC. i I'owcrii. V. H, CoinmlKHloiuT, a l Twin 1 K llll<. Mah.I, Ull Itiu r.nili liny uf Jnm-, « 1920, f

(Malinalil iiiitiirri uh wIi ih :i-i'm : I;!ryanl mil(i>, o f H'ir.'-r.'i,n. l.tuUo. '■

I 'u rt ll. Hk'w.luR, of ltnj:.T.Mi>i. Ililllin: IUoy I.o'vr, vf Twin l''n llr Idalm, Wal- i,n(IT low i', o( Twin Kal1i‘. l.lalm, n|i

llllil K. iJray, tin

Alirll 27- Mny IIC.________ ' ' _____ "IV

NOTICK K»irPUlll.K.ATION lirinirlinenl »r lhr. Inlrri.ir ' „,i

i;. H. |.Biid un ic r ul l ln l lr r. lilahii. ' , Anrll 17. I;i;i0,

Nnllcu 111 h.Tdby'ijlvcn mat umiii.iy . II, Itonmiin. of Hubl. Idaho, wbn. on J;»nunry 7, 19H:. mndo Unm.rrttciid ICn- ; try tkTlul S.I, 018992, for Hl-2 SI-:i-4 nee, 1.'!. NKl-4. nnd .S'WI-4 .-Vr-Unn 22. Towni.lil|. K. Koulh. tlinr.i- 1C ’ bZiint, lloUu Morl.lluij, biW tiled niitlue " ot liiKintlon lo muko flnni Ihccn yuur ' prooft to rMribllah clulm If)'ttin land sIkjvo <IoM<;r]b<*il. Iwlorc II. Iv. Pijwrrj*,U S. ComnilUBloiicr, a t T w in ' h'ulla. '• tfkihn, on Ibn 7 th day of Jnn .; 1920.

Clalniant names un. wlineii^P!-; i l •I.CO Crancr. of Uubl. Idnhn: Cl .irli:. (i-

LlijijRrrn, of Rngemon. Idah i; Jiiniru A' Cor. of Twin rail* . Idaho; Frank rnn ly . nf Twin b'nlln, Iduho.

April 20, Mny I!'.yi-:.s- K. uuAY.



• A T T O R N E Y S

ames R. Bot'iwell O rr Ohapmas BOTHWBLL ft CHAPUAN

' OfTIce: Baugh Bldg.

HOMER C. MILLS I / JJoyd Dldg.

' ABHBR B. WILeONOftlw F tra t H aM -Bufc BW<t.

A C C O U N T A N T '

' j T w o S s s i s r •lU U aln Avenae B s« t.

Pbooe 101 ^

'■ : O S T E O P A T H S

0 . OB. J , R. UeUtLLMH ,1 O steopath.

Uiaoe ptione 183. Re«:-pbene 6U -J-)

6 - A R T I S T

HOWARD n i l i n i E R BOBINSOJ41 STUDIO, e er. tfnlo and S4 St. E as t i. r in e o n I 'atntlogs on Sale.g tn itrae tloo g lten . I


--------- ------JOBBPH-OfaOH----------—

"• - - - T A X i r o E R M I S T - - -

1 am ready tn U ke c a n e t yonr Deeds lo a ll kinds o t taxidermy work. W rllo or aee B « a t f ile r. Idaho.—

- JAKB SCHLUND. .T aitdem U U


- ' U IM B w o t m n ^ f m Mala Ave. 80, , Pbooe 8(<-J

7 I f i s a CK LU A. OATS ”C; S41 4Ut Ava. a .-W ork gaarantM d and t Prom pt


’i ARCHtTBOrS3. PU ns. B p e c in ca tlo n s .u d BalldlD# a, Boperloteadaoce. L e t n e explain bow .- t 'd o archltectiuml work.

„ . CHA& D. LYONS^ . 719 Qeeood Ave. a


- n w D ^ V a d % o S S r C w' \ . B aadaiea O ar Specialty.

U M . J. V. MADDOX- aepreeenttag New T o r b f i ^ Oo..ot

0 , . .. S tU w lfc '^

LL8, IDAHO. TUiaDA?. APRIL 27,■ II , - . 1 1 1 1 I j

| T O D A Y ’b M A R K E T S j l ; ™

----- -- 1 ;i)iilCIIICAMI M V I.sm i h I 1„ II

CHICACO. Alifll iioi;s i".'-iii'-^ ' ;2,iM.in limrkH rlow ; uU-.W n, H .r . 'i ; ,,:„II«.T (fiari

liiilk »i:i.Kli'.iir, i:.; i..|.lll■a^ywl•l«Ul tti:..l.-..,i I i.m.I.hih | ; •AolRl.i JM ir.lj i r , I i - . i i i *'-'li;iit , I4,;r , ',i i5.;ir,; ii,-,iii iir,iii' n i '. 'i i im ’ ;l»nv>' | \ jcJ;1jw mn-.-i. • .... . jjim.-kiiu; "ow 'i iinii:ii f ii ,: : . '. I. .riiiR:i^ti:i2r.-^^^^ —

I’T m T r N«iTi( i: w s i in m i . im M i ; KI.KITION IN .. JMii:i.‘K > m ;M . St'IIOOI. IHSTIIMT Ml, 2, TWIN P.\LI,S COl'NTV. IIlAltO.

I’f f f ii . i r S in ii- i '. I.s iDvJiivUVi lilVKN. iiri;orilliu; In law and lli.'i [ii|ill-i|I.i III Him i>r tin- l>ii:ird wl, trUHlc.':> ut tnd.'Iii'llili'iil I'.i tiniil Di' ' Iirli:l .Vo- 2. Twill Kalli ......... Iil...)j(>, llj.il Jl M'i'i:ia) M linol Imiiil ..'l.-i'- tloil of nalil ill'ilrli'l will III' Ill-Ill .it I 111.' (irad.- liull.llnn, 111 Itll- vlllai;.' m ! Klmbnrly. in M.ld ill .rr lit , im ^^alur-i ,lay, tin- .sill .ll.v ol ,\. IK l''- i ' :.iHWi-.-li lln- lu-nr', ol !i o', It.i I. M. i mil i.VliK-l; I’, M. al wlllli. .•li'.-tioii Il.cl-I- w-lll l>n-I.lllllllll'i'il III 1Im'.i|1mII-:(ii'd I-Ir.'l.ivr, of llli- j^lal.' ofM ^.li'i.i ivjio uri‘ r.').l<l>-iil ri'"i'liolili'i>i. I.l I tiliU!in||olili'r;i .If III.' ill ’r lit Ull- 1>>l-' iowlni: n 'l " ‘til'll to r , llmlr vnn- .iiid; li-liTinlniilli.n ilmr.'iii: ,

(tiii'-.ltiiii Siiliintltrd: , 'Hliall llm licanl ol TnriU'«'n o f. ;

liiili'lii'iiilcnl Iliml DliKru t Nu, )2, Twill I'Vllii l oiinlV, Ilialm. Ii'' • ( ‘ .iillliorlii.'il lo itnuic- 111'- m-KoliKbU' | roii|iiiii biiuilH .if llu' illiitrli-l lu

t..i.miii!_.if ■nilflv-i-lL-lil Tlioil- I fian.l Dollar.! (tllS.UOO.liO). l..-ar-.„.Iiii; Inicr.-Kl ai llic rain ot i J \ '

, (fil iii'r .•.•mum t'l-r aiimmi; ..ahl linniln III bear dal.- lli<' u-ntli’ ilay

"iTf Jiny. A. I), l!‘2(i. Il) 111. du« and payatil*' iwi'niy yearn irom ■l()i.|r li.ll.., miih ri'di'niiintil. i [

i;t;;i. nail tl,i«)0,.ill mi ..May l.'iiUi of .'ai'li yirar llnrriMltiT ni> tu and lni-1n-lv.' ot III.- yi'ar Il.:i9 and, J:'.no(/.rto ri-ilr<-iii«M'' .'lny in ith .19411, for till’ iiurpow of ]irovlillni: nud ImprovInK ncliont Uuiiiii':i and r.r^undn. nn.l tiinilinri-. appiira- tui- llll.l lUiiir.'H, w-llliln and Kir wiJ,»l-:«.,l .iualltl.-il volnr idinll 'o t.- iii.-

un .(aid III.... . ly i .n r . t haltolnli,T('oii idiall 1,1. wrlll-'u o r |irliili-d till' iiniMllon ,a1ii>vi. Miliiiiilli'd. ainl Mtd I,H)lr;l'/ .onlaljj llm w nnli."Iliin.l.i. Yi'i.," and .till- u-nrd'i. "lUmd;..No." and I'lllill liidli-ati- lii'i nlH'roval or illaapiiriival of Uii' .|ilc:lli'n nuli- inltli'.l by. I'la. I|ii; a I'l.Ma .X t ui*Iin- Ulp till- Ki-oiii. u f M'lird.. .in lil.-i halli.l ■iJ.1,1-, lil.i i-lml..-,

TU.' imll-i for Illl- rri-.-pll..ii m Un- '.mltiil" ca-.l Ullllll i.alil uih' hIIhii will, nil ;.;xi.l Ilny iind dnin and al thi- pla.tr •ifiim ald. III' o|i.'licd nl lli.; Imur .if ') iiVlmU A- -\l. iin.l will ri'inalo oii.'li nillll llm li'iiir lit I! o'll.wU I’, M, of Illl' ..anm <l:iy. wlii'n tlii-y idiall l>u clOii.ri1. •

u.ili'd tliln 22iid dny of April, A,I, , 5 ;o,

It. (!, WII-SnN.( lialriiiaii. Uiiard ot Sidionl Trnnlvi.-.i.(sciU )(;i- D isriiU 'X s k a i. i ,ATI'KST:

IIKN K. I’Orn-IU. Clerk, _

------------------------ --------------------------1 ’'1

EXCESSIVE ACIDITY «is a t t h e b o t t o m o ( m o s t discslive ills.

Ki-HOIDSfo r incilgM tfon a fio rd p l e n a - in g Bfld p ro m p t r e l i e f iro_m th e d is t r e u o{ a d d -d y sp e p u a ;


S Q U E E Z E DT O D E A l ^W h e n th e bod y t e a t iS in• tu t m o v e m e n t becom es p a in fu l i t m o e a a lly « h tb ekldfieya ?irrf'.(jul*or K « P

^ tb e ao o rgana h e a lth y b y ' ta k in g

' C O I A M E M L

‘ ^tiSSSSfXtTbe world's siaodald remedy for Udn*y.

_ Ur«r, bfsdtisr aad aiie add troublM.0 Vamoos sines IMS. Taka r*cuU>lf sed

k**p In g o ^ hMlth. In tb»« s iin . sil dnigsins. O usiantml as repr*s*nlMl.

'i Grip, Influenza^ H m l ln 'a W lw d O l l a R e l l a U * *

~ D uring inlloenta epMeideil Ib n ly , th e nose and Utroat ssveral tim es a

■J day w ith one p a rt W Uard O il and - tw o part* w ater, u s la r an atom izer. -

I f you haven’t an atom iser, gargle id ..the .th roat and snulT the m ix ture up

th e no te . ThU trea tm ent seU up an wr -»itH—pt< e-t»all-« f-4 «/en«« ..a» sin i t

-F ln " germs.• Chest eoWs and sore th ro a t lead

'« G et It (rom druggists fo r 30c. I f a o t latU G id, return the bo ttle and g e t you r money back.

p jes«o^m fIe^pfnk pIBs, 30c a t t f n t f

S : I

a A l l e n T r a n r f e r &

; , T ^ r ; u . c k : , : . S e r t . i c e ^

27, 1020_______I_______ •liirlmi ; Ix rt -..... . uii'illiiin aii’l ^ 'jv

lirlnm M.l',. 11 J.'.; im ilmm ai,<| .......Itl l . jr ,- . l.;,:.-|, ll:;l.l v.1,-,1.1 t l . " . i l ' ,I^oi'd .....I ....... 5I.-MU; I.,umi'.,I ” >:.nil III........ M ii.il:. IlUl.!,.. . .1” | |" ;Mh i i f . ' f i : ; : , '. ! '. - : : . , ,u u . i__

J). ' ' ' ' :

i r ....... ..............................................- V ' ' : ; i 3 e


I, sI : i | | o n T t e ; : ; E c ; i - ;

i____ v c r . \ . i iE in . •.■,C:Lr

'■ ' ™ c i G C ! r ; c ! a c n ? - .

' T . ' i s f o u i i t a i r .

j— ' 0 ______ t r a c i L i ; r ^ r ; ; c li

I ® i n i ! 5 ': ! j v ' i ' . : : - ' . ; '

P s p £ i ( ’. r x ;r ; ( r . :T ,. o

a n t ) J D i C V R l

M S p a a r ! n 3 ! ) " i o

Tills siu:i is se en l i i ]m 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 P c o s la Jrotn

H S s a l e d

f e Tigiu- p g M



i A L G .B A R N E S-$SM «' OW U O N S IN OP


4 0 S I S S S ^

id 6 S n r I *<T>a«enj> y

1 n . y !y .S y S S?***.£Si!?

- r , ■ r a E r a a i i i A N w

l A T Oy .M«>em i-4i»K lumwmm

^1— -R E A t - e5 'W h y r e n t ? B u y 1

If LOANS:‘ F a r m a n d C i t y .

J: INSURANCE:P r o m p t s e r v i c e .

~ BONDS:, N a t i o n a l S u r e t y .

* i M l l i S ^

____________ ^ . p A Q g m r g

)'.iv,.ii. i-niiii:.; Jti;.:.ociiR,r;D:.tUTOiin:I nil', .ii'l I'oniiiioii $ll.7fi4rl<l; Yunr-lliu: V. jioTr.'u n; r,'. i-:wi:n »lo,r.o

i:-.---;; m)!-. .-.«d n.iinaoli tli ; /in , ti.- i( ir l.iiiiti' Jt^>;iir.

Meet Rasmussen And' W ear Diamonds

e l e c t r i c s i i i i i M ,

■0 a ' J v e r t i ; » s ^

, T ? r p j B W ' '

a ’

; - . = r e , V o i ' ! ; ^

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l i r . ; P i - j y . ! h e ^

re.'.cv- . C T -

u o r - - f : : ; r n , -

r t l ' j i T , 2 ’! ; j t . ' ; e

J o 3 t u r n . ” I ®

:ri i! l : l r iv l-j r . l n i t , .Oln a ll c u c r clic ’A'orM.

' w

i iS T i l....... ■ - -

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